Exeter Advocate, 1909-08-12, Page 8A GJOD APPEARANCE
dcc9't'f Conte by chance. neither does
It grow c„ trees. To be presentable
you must
Look over our fine line of millings, pick
out weat y like, and we'll do tee
rest. C.ohes made here dress you
well at Entail charges. Get measured.
Merchant Tailor,
Exeter, - Ontario
liminess Locals -- Read Them
Men, keep kool! Wear Stewart's 50c
Spring Needle Undertrcetr. They're
dandy .'
Any person wishing Buckwheat for
reed can get same at the grist mill.
Wheat, Oats and Barley wanted at the
Ladies -$1.95 buys a swell trimmed
Ilat at Stewart's. Regular value 3 to 5
dollars -more quick !
Five good second hand Bicycles for
sale ceeap. John Triebner, Exeter.
I0c the yard.for your choice of any
colored Dress Mullins at Stewart's -reg-
ular rallies 15c to 25c -move quick !
2 for 25e -Ladies' black azul tan hose
plain or ribbed -regular value 20e
and 25e. 2 pair for a quarter. Stew-
To learn tailoring. W. W. TAMAN.
30 Seamless Room Rugs, in IViltons,
Velrets, Balmoral, Brussels and IVrola,
all at bargain prices at Stewart's. Do
you want one?
SUBSCRIBE for the Advocate and
get all the news.
$11.00 bnys a swell Semi -Porcelain
China pinker So at Stewart's. Pure
white tc.dy with nt,tf pink floral decora-
tions and gold tracing.
Hens and Du he. 11:ghcet market
p: Sees. Stews ' .
1101. ND FOR SALE-Itabtit deg. Good
hunter. Apply at this office.
Let ere send you The Advocate forr
the buten a of 1909. It will give you
all the hews worth having in the dis-
trict. From now till the tat of January
I e10 for 40 cents.
Now in the time to buy Camerae and
Kodeks. Big stO:k to (hoots from. Ask
for ftec cata'eveuc - }lowcy's Drug
XCURSION-Tee annual popular 1. 0. 0. F. Ezcur-
lo,t to Sarnia and Detroit will be held
Saturday, August 14th. Train leaves
Kippers at 8.23 a.m. Return fare to Sar-
nia le a i.:5. Per steamer ' Taps,moo"
Sarnia to Detroit, return fate 75 cents.
• Returtdt g special train will leave Sar-
nia at lo p.m. on Monday, August le.
Tata In tnc trip of the season.
Tec Canadian Bank of Commerce has
tareted a melt of tie Canadian West, ac-
companied by a pamphlet descriptive of
the system of Dontictlon land purvey
and of the t ornestead regulations appiI-
able to test part of Canada. The map
and tr;fo:niation supplied are Invaluable
to farmers and tapers contemplating go -
1 td Weet. and copies can be obtained
FREE at all Offices of the Itank.
behind a suit is no; confin•
ed to other clothing estate.
lishmente. There's a love-
liness about our garments
that will simply delight all
who come to u• -that's so.
For a Nice
Tailor -Made
this shop has a
good reputation
Let us make
Marches, Tailor. Exeter
v^11"3I.'WvIV' Ili sA, NIP sIV'
allk#AI'.IAA' dAA' Alk Al/al Jika A
Ls share a matt with soul so diad.
Who never to himself has said;
I'll pay before I go to bed
Tne debt I owe the Printer 7
For there are some I know quite we
Who never such a tale can tell ;
But they I fear will go to -well -
The place where there's no printer.
Ezeter Fair is Monday aced Tuesday.
September 20th and 2lat.
At Monday night's meeting of th
town council the rate was struck- 2
mills ou the dollar. -Clinton New Er
Tanglefoot, Fly Poison and Inse
Powder are the order of Cie day. G
your supply at llowey's Drug St or
Clyde llearnan, son of Mr. W. J
,Neaman, is, we regret to say, euffc
:lig severely front blood poieouieg a
Grand Bend, the result of c omit g In co
'act with poison ivy.
01 the 500 acre.. of flat sown at Sea
forth. only 200 acres will be pulird b
::and, the balance being cut by a marl
lite made for the purpose.
The secret of marital happiness is t:o
always le letting a woman have he
own way, but in letting her have 1
without letting her know that you kno
that she's getting it.
Mr. Wesley Dayntan, who has beet
attending the Business College, Chat
ant, Ont., leas eccured a position a
:.ead book-keeper with J. A. McHugh
Co., plumbers, Detroit, Mich.
Bortz 100 years ago last Friday an
dead now 17 years, the popularity o
the late Lord Tennyson has not waned
He 1s still. as in the middle and nea
the close of the Victorian Era, the mos
popular of English poets.
In London last week it cost Jack Joh
eon. the world's champion prize fight
er, $54.80 for speeding his automobil
at Woodstock. Jack paid with the re-
mark. ' It Is as hard to get C.roug
\Voodatok as to nail Jeffrey's forfeit'
Mr. Robt. Sanders has disposed o
!•ifs hundred acre farm 1n the townshi
of Stephen, being Lot le, Concession 3
to Mr. Samuel I'reszcator of tite sant
town.hip. Tae price paid was a0,60rl
Possession will be given in the fall.
Miss Lou Brintacotnbe, sister of etre
J. N. Howard. was married at Vancou
er. I3. C., on July 27th to Mr. Knapp
o: Revelstoke. Mr. and Mrs. Knapp
wall reside in Revelstoke where the
former L9 engaged in the furniture and
u;:dertakiug buil tree. Tae many friends
here of the bride join in beet wishes.
The auction sale on Saturday of )ire
Cookson's farm property resulted in Mr,
\Vnt. Sanders buying the 50 acres ad
Joining his tarns, 1 1-4 miles west of
the Mansion riouee, while Mr. Wm
Dearing bought the 30 acres a half -
mile north, and Mr. Wm. Northcott the
25 acres in Hay Swamp. Good prices
were realized.
We haven't Just heard Just how the
of picnickers front Ellntvtl:e fared for.
dinner at Grand Bend on Saturday. but
,o doubt they missed sorely the five
fele chicken they forgot to change Bon
their buggies to the carry -ail at Exeter.
We tried hard to get hold of one, as 1t
/would have been a rare treat for an ed-
itor, but Jake Flnkbeincr, Into whose
hands they fell, le far too honest a
chap to even allow us a look at them.
nor would he tell us where he put them.
The High School Department of the
Exeter Public Scr.00l will re -open on
September let with the following staff
-Principal, W. 13. Weidenhammer; let
.\seletant, C. 13. McKinley. 13. A., Com-
mercial Specla'Ist, A. M. Johnson. The
rourse covered i■ complete for Second
Class Certificates and Junior Matricu-
lation The past record of this school
p:acea It first in Ontario's 11st for the
course covered. Desks alloted in order
0: application. June closed with over
1111 enrolled students. For sittings, ad-
dle -es J Grigg, Secretary.
Just before new potatoes are cooked
remove from the fire and let cool; take
one pint of butter beans cooked until
tender and cut into small pieces. \Viten
the potatoes arc cold chop rather coarse-
ly. Arrange potatoes at.d beans in al-
ternate layers in a dish wl'h plenty of
butter. pepper and trait ; pour over tt.ls
one cupful of cream and sprinkle with
rolled crackers o:: top. Cover and set
In the oven long cnoug i to get thor-
oughly trot, then rerttovr cover, brown
eilightly and nerve.
We have a few subscribers scattered
around the world who seem to forget.
that It costs money to rue a news-
paper. Look at tt:e label -it tells the
PECULIAR CLAiM-A most ir,tcrest-
Irtg writ against Senator Valentine Rats
has Leen forwarded to Ottawa for ser-
vice by Fisher & Bell. solicitors, Allis
Ont.. The plaintiff Is Abraham
Merner. and the novel claim is made for
compensation for services rendered in
getting a senator to make way for the
appointment of the defendant. Se.tator
Rate, who was appointed during the
List session of parliament. The full
particulars of the claim are not yet
rade public. but it 1. understood that
plaintiff Is a relative of the late
Senator Merner.
-Second hard in good condition of re -
%air. -Apply to Rev. J. 3. Kestle. Ex-
A Regular Storni Period Is central on
'',e 18th, extending from the 15th to
the 20th. We will begin to reach a cli-
max of summer heat about the new
moot o:1 the 15th. Marked storm condi-
eo:t, ntay aloo appear about the same
date: but the culmination of the period
will come on the leaf, 19th and 20th.
A very low barometer at this period
will Indirate danger. and any ominous
storm clouds that may arise, wit' high
temperature. S.umtd air and low baro-
meter will bt a warring that should rot
go unheeded. At the wind-up of this
r' cod. say *beet the 19th to 2ott•,
re Is hope of a lien barometer from
t'•1' northwest with tooling winds and
:eepRe from great summer warmth. The
Mercury period being central on the 21
r•e+c,tees • prolonged spell of cloudy
Itys, with probable tendency to driu-
g rairs.
M.. 1. it.C. .:,.g was ::, Lr.tdon .'.So -
Miss Ida Rowe is visiting friends le
Nelson Sheere visited in St. Thomas
this week.
fir. W. J. Statham and son visited
.\cto:t last week.
Mr. A. Q. Dobler was in London Mott -
day on business.
eters Marie Paltry of Toronto is vlslt-
ing Mn,,. Munroe.
Mr. Richard Itlssc•tt of London was 1n
town over Sunday.
Mrs. R. S. Crocker of Toronto le vis-
iting relatives !.Arc.
Mr. Leroy Counts visited friends at
Ravenswood last week.
Mr. Frank Walters of Detroit holiday-
ed with his parents Lars ties week.
Mr. John Case, London }toad north,
Is visiting with his brothers In To:0:tto
this week.
Mr. Fred Gould of Michigan is here,
visiting hilt father, Mr. James Gould,
1{uron Street.
Mise Irene Farmer of London is
spending a few days with her young
friends in town.
Miss Elliot who has been visiting rel-
atives here returned to her home in
Norwich Monday.
C. H. Sanders and Nephew, Clifford
H. McAvoy were visiting a few days
In London during the week.
Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Bissett and fans-
Ily of Strathroy are holidaying in town,
arriving Monday everting.
Mr. John Thompson formerly employ-
ed with Messrs Bowden & McDonell,
waa a guest a1 the Central this week.
Messrs Geo. and Orry Powell of De-
tro:t were guests of their parents M:•.
and Mr.. Geo. Powell, over Saturday
and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C Inwood and their
little daughter of London are spending
a week etre at the hence of Mr. Samuel
Sanders, Main street.
Mr. Cuts. Tebbutt of Galt, who has
boen holidaying at els home in Holmes -I
ville, visited here during the week, and
went to Goderich on Tuesday.
Mr. S. A. Poplestone was here from
Blyth last week. lie and Mesers. A. E.
F'uke and R. N. Taylor are now attend-
ing Grand Lodge and Grand Encamp-
ment of Oddfellows at Ottawa.
Rev. A. J. Kestle, B. A., D. D., who
with his family has been visiting his
parents and other relatives and friends
1n Exeter and St. Marys, has returned
to his work In Franklin, Ohio.
Mr. Fred Gidley still continues very
ill at the !come of his sister, Mrs. Jesse
Gerald, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Fit-
ton. ie suffering from the effects of
running a nail Into his foot Saturday.
Mr. Noble Bissett of Ottawa, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Ai. Bissett, Exeter, was
married on tine lrith of July to Mies
Clara Dacey of Ottawa.
Friends here of Mr. Ed. Foweil will
regret to learn that he is confined to
the Battle Creek Sanitarium through 11'-
nees. He is expected ! to visit.
Mr. Wm. Arnold !:as p r• -•':.sed a
new bus and it arrived on Saturday. It
Is considerably larger than the otheq
one and more of 'he union bus style.
Yesterday, Wednesday, the marriage
cook place at the bride's home in Cal-
gary o1 Mins Ethelda C. Ross, ticket
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. I'. Roser
formerly of Exeter, to Mr. William Ro-
bert Bellamy of Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs
Bellamy will reside in Vancouver.
The statement is made on apparently
good authority. that no newspaper pro-
prietor, editor, publisher or manager or
printer is now or ever hag been a resi-
dent In Kingston penitentiary, or in the
Central prison. Toronto. Not a bad re--
ord foe t!:e great Fourth Estate.
Meagre Melee and Russell Southcott
went to St. Thoma, Saturday night. acrd
o:t Monday Melee ran in the 100 yards
race. but was )eaten by S. S. Dent of
Woodsto'k. The lra•'k was slippery and
the Exeter boy was handicapped owing
to having no •pikes In his stens.
The Centra! Business College, Strat-
ford. Is aekc owledgcd to be one of the
beat school*, of Its kind In the Prov-
ince. It has i! Cee different departments,
Commercial. Shorthand and Telegraphy
Those wis!.I:;g to secure positions in
the commercial world should write the
college for es free catalogue. The fall
term Opens on Sept. 1st.
Mr. and Mrs. \VSlltant Uelbridge of
\Viricheltea spent Saturday and Sunday
rusticating at Hayfield. Mr. Delbridge
attended a meeting of the license corn-
ntiaste•ncrs regarding a transfer of the
,Icrnse of tee Commercial house. Ray-
field. It was not settled, and a fur-
t'ar rtr+•tic g will 'ake place a' i)rw -
field nett Saturday.
Civic Holiday o t T'.ureday last was
a quiet day In town, A large number
o: people wct,t to the Bend to set tee
Gala Day sports. The bowlers enJeeed
a few games by themselves. A good
many old time fishers and froggcrei
tried their luck along the creeks acrd
the river, but the catches were migh'y
+rim. One frog each was the result In
several rases. Probably tee most tick
led of tee fishermen was Charley Dyer
who got a trice three pound pike and a
fine bass. slid Immediately showed his
pleasure by a vigorous vocal and p!.ye-
ical diaplay. The juniors of Esetcr reed
a:td Hensel) played a game of baseball
the home boys winning. And other.
spent a quiet time in their own back
yard, or continued tl.cir usual daily
Principal Gardiner asks tee aesista.., .
of The Advocate in impresslag upon ti e
parents and friends of children with de-
fective sight the advisability of sending
such (`lichee to the Ontario institution
for the Blind to be educated. The in-
stitution. located at Brantford. and
maintained by the government of Ont-
ario tree Of charge for board and tui-
tion. Is a school !Or tee education o?
children and youths o: both sexes. un-
der the age of 21. It le not a t,osp!tal,
nor an asylum. r.0: a tome, but a sct.Ool
where children. who cannot see well
enough to &Rend the public schools. are
given an English education (including
music) end teug't to do sur t useful
work as the blind are (liable of doirg.
Such education ar.d training must Pro-
mote tee comfort. happiness reed lnde-
e tdence of those who are deprived of
th ettesslr.g of sight, therefore The Ad-
vocate recommends those interested to
rorre.portd with 11. F. Gardiner. Prir,-
c'pel .0 1. P. Branford. I, time to com-
plete arrang'ntents before tee opening
of tee test session o;t September 22.
1Vheat 95 :'�
Barley 55 55
Oats 45 50
Peas !.ii is)
Potatoes, per bag th)
Hay, per ton 7 50 8 50
Flour, per cwt., family 3'2'5
Flour, low grade per cw 1 50 1 55
Butter 18
Eggs 20
Live hogs, per cwt 7 85
Shorts per ton 25 00
Bran per ton 24 00
Wool 17 IS
m: -s. Hughes of New York is the guest
of her parents, Mr. and Are. T. Fitton
S'te returns to New York to -day, ac-
companied by Ler ne.ce, Miss Louise
Carling, who will spend some time there
The Hig:t School Department of the
Ezeter Public School will re-ope:, Sep.
let with the principal. Science, elathc-
:nattca and Moderne., W. B. %Verde::-
hantmer, B. A. ; Classics and English,
,lies E. M. Robb (Mies McKinley re-
geing through 111 health) ; Commercial
\York and Junior Mathematics, Miss A
M. Johnston. The Diplomas granted In
the Commercial Section are government
standard, Including type -writing and
stenography. The course covered is
complete for Second -claire Certificates
and Junior Matriculation. Over 100
dealt** were allotted for the past terns.
The Inspector's and Government's re -
porta give the school fleet place among
the scam!** of Ontario. For sittings
address J. GRiGG, Se:.
Having secured the agency
Beatty Bros.'
Round Track
Hay Forks
1 ant now ready to equip Farm-
ers' Barns and Hay -Mows with
sante. These forks, without
doubt, are the
Best on the Market
and to use them
is to be convinced. We guaran-
tee satisfaction and the price is
Wm. Gillespie, Exeter
PsoNE 51
Here'sOood News
The market prices for old junk
are alive and so is the old reliable
firm -M. JACKSON ASO` -one
door south of the Metropolitan.
Just look at the following prices
(no trade and no truck l all CASH:
Rags 75c per hundred
Iron from GOc to 75c 4
Old, Rubber Boots} 7c per lb
& Shoes i . .
Copper & Brass 9c '
Horse Hair 30c -
Lead and Zinc 2ic -
A great ariety of iron 1110
always on hand at a reason•
able price, aultabte for
M. Jackson & Sons
How Are You Fixed
for Post Cards?
1f you want an assortment of
Quality Cards
drop in at The Purity. See, also,
our line of
Local Views
would le a good nate for our brand.
it is a flour that is simply above all
others In
Once you try a sack of :t you will
use it regularly in your household. We
know there are many good flours to be
had. But there Is o ,;y o:re "best", and
we are ro:tfidcnt a trial will convince
that it is ours. Ord.• a sack to -day
and do your nest baking with It. The
result is bowel to make you a steady
The Exeter Grist Mili has been shut
down for a few days for repairs.
Farmers, Gardeners, and Others !
Come here fur your tools.
Buy your wife and girls a nice hammock.
Get the boys a lawn mower and keep the grass
on the lawn in trim,
Get the little tots some tools like father's and
they'll be happy.
Come here for your flower and grass seed.
We have some nice Paris Green for Mr. Potato
Bug -let the visitors get busy.
Binder Twine for garnering the grain.
If there's anything else you need that a good
hardware store keeps, we have it.
And then, if you wish a day's recreation, buy
some of our fishing tackle and everybody
take a day's outing.
Furniture and Undertaking
Parlor Suit
Easy Chair
Music Cabinets
Dining -room Tables
Parlor Tables
Odd Chairs
Hall Racks
Kitchen Cabinets
Dining Chairs
Dainty, well -made and at reasonable prices
Bed Room Suits lied Couches
MQttr'esses Springs
Brass and Iron Beds
Newest styles and all at popular prices
The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors,
A Good Representation of the Fashionable
Fabrics and Shades that will be
Correct for the Fall Season.
e have prepared for a bigfall's
dress goods' trade anhave
collected the best values and new-
est material to be found on the
market, from 50c to $1.25 a yd.
Prominent Among the Now Cloths
French Worsteds
Plain Stripe
Duchess and Satin Cloths
Fancy Stripe
Now Shades
Shadow Stripe
Green's Vistena Peyton Toupe Grays
Navy Brown Black
They Make Nifty Snits
Black Dress Goods are Good for Fall
Our stock is large and well assorted with all the newest black
goods. if you want a good black dress or snit, we can please you witb
our beautiful range.
Clearance Sale
of balance of
Summer Goods
White Waists
Only le left -all to clear
out regardless of cost- see
then} go!
Only a few pieces left -
you can have them at your
own price.
Ladies' Whitewear
Home very special bar-
gain. in whitewear-we want
to see them all go.
Ladies & Gents'
At less that j price -Just
to Fee them disappear -we
are nearly giving them away.
Summer Hose, Gloves, Laces and Embroider-
ies all at sale prices.
Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing