Exeter Advocate, 1909-07-22, Page 8.t GOOD APPEARANCE
doesn't come by chance, neither dote
It grow oil trees. To be presentable
you must
Look over our fine line e f suitinge, oleic
out wt,at you like, a: d we'll do r.t
rest. Clothes made tore dress you
well at entail chargee. Get meaeurec!.
Merchant Tailor,
Irsiaoss locals •- Read Them
Men, keel, kohl ' Wear Stewart's b0c
Spring Needle 1.nder,cear. They're
Any person wlshil;g Buckwheat for
reed can get same at the grist mill.
Wheat, Oats and Barley wanted at the
nc:11.-t1ARVEY BROS.
Ladies -$1.95 buys a swell trimmed
1/at at Stewart's. Regular ralue 3 to 5
dollars -more quick.'
Five good second hand Bicycles for
Bale cheap. John Trlebncr, Exeter.
10c the yard .1(4- your choice of any
colored Ureas Mullins at Stewart's-r:,;-
ular rullus 15c to 25c -more quick.'
2 for 25e -Ladies' black and tan Hose
-plain or ribbed -regular ralue 20c
and 25:. 2 pair for a quarter. Stew-
To learn tailoring. W. W. TAMAN.
30 Seamless Room Rugs, in lt'i't"ns,
Velvets, Balmoral, Brussels and 1i'(015,
all at bargain prices at Stewart's. Do
you want oriel
SUBSCRIBE for the Advocate and
get all the news.
$11.00 bnyt a sic(11 Semi -Porcelain
China Dinner Srt at St. wart's. Pure
white body with strut 111)4 thin( drrtra-
tions and gold tracing.
Ile:,! and Ducks. !I g!.eet market
prices. Yte.•'arts.
e1elereeProlleler7YlliFIIIIVIIPNTI'tPr• Mr. D o,. Russell left o.) Wednesday
I t !\tea a T i,d ' \`! • ``• 4 for Winnipeg.
`s tiro. Goodlson or Hensall is visiting
at Mr. MarkLani'a.
Mr. T. E. Handford has returned. from
a trip to the West.
elcrdon Tinney of Windsor !e vielting
e (ucln. Willie Barney.
Vasa Annie Sanders left Tuesday morn
tug to visit in Elora and Clifford.
M -s. John Dilling of Cranhrook is vis-
iting trends :.ud relatives i,t :own. 1
Mr. and),lrs. Theo. Sweet and child of
%Vtnntpeg arc visiting rtlavvcs here.
M:. TLos. tt•iilis t.as returned from a
vlalt among old friends in Kincardine.
Mr. Ct.as. Kcddy of Hurondale has re-
turned fru::; a vials wilt, friends in For-
Dr. and 91ra. Ramsay of Hamilton are
vielting relatives in town for a few
Meusrs. Bruce Andersen and herb.
Southcott have returned from a holiday
spent in Goderich.
Mr. Cnae. Dyer of toe Molsons Dank
staff !eft Monday for Detroit, where he
will spend els tiolidays.
Mr. and Mt s. P. P. Dtenan and child
of Toronto toe guests at the home of
Mr. and ;frs. James Dignan.
Mins Norma Bobler of Battle Creek,
;filch., visited her brother, Mr. Shirley
i!obier t.erc during the' week.
Mre. Thos. Snell of London is vtelting
friends and relatives in town.
%tr. and Mrs. C..lvlt, of Toronto, who
have been visiting Dr. and Mrs. Malloy,
returned to 11.elr home Tuesday.
Mr. Harry Smith left on Thursday last
for Brandon, where he will act as judge
of shorthorn cattle at the fair.
Mr. Thornton of Liarowcl arrived stere
Saturday night and agent Su:;day tile
guest of efts. Powell at Gran dBend.
Mr. D. S. Tait of St. Paul, Oflnn.l is
shaking hands with old friends to town
again, the guest of his uncle, Mr. Ed.
Mr. and Mrs. Fountain of Toronto, Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. Southaott of California,
:sited at the home of Mr. T. B. Carling
during the week.
Mr. and Niro. Nelson Vale of London
woo were recently married at St.Marye
are vlaiting the former's home In Exe-
ter North for a few days.
'lr. and Mrs. Frank Paisley and child
woo have been visiting at .3. .e. Stew-
c.rt'a, left Tuesday for Brechln to vis-
a: Mra. Paisley's old home.
Mt. AcquIlla Sheere of Lansing, Mich..
was here this week attending tine funer-
al of his father. Mrs. Sheere and fano
lly are also here. They will spend two
or three weeks In town.
Mt. Downey and son of the Northwest
ate vielting relatives here.
Let or send you The Advo at for
the bu1anee of 19419. It will give you
all the news worth having In the dle-
trtct. F'Ic:n now till t'1e 1st of January
11110 for 40 cents.
In the list of surceseful Entrance can-
didates published last week we inadver-
fantl/ omitted the name from the Ste-
phen list of Wilfred Shapton. who peep-
ed with 429 marks.
Mr. Frank Wright has recovered from
a fracture of one ankle, sustained by
atepp:ng o.1 an uneven part of the side-
walk, and las retuned to his work In
the blackeenIth shop.
Rev. Samuel F. Sharp, B. D.. will be
Indu-ted as pastor of the Covert Pres-
bytertan i utth on Thursday. July 29.
Service.) w'!'-1 be held at 2.30 In the
afternoon. Rev. Mr. Larkin of Sea-
fort'e w -!t preach. Rev. Mr. Small of
Myth w'll address the congregation.
Rev. Mr. Mann of Auburn will address
Be new pastor. The public are invited
to tk'r afternoon service. Durirg the
evening tete ladles of the congregation
will tender to Rev. and Mrs. Sharp a
retept'o:n. Rev. Mr. Sharp will com-
mence Ila pasturatc duties on Sunday,
.Auttust 1st.
behind a suit is not confin-
ed to other clothing es:ah.
Iishtnente. There's a love-
liness about our garments
that will simply delight all
who come to us -that's so,
For a Nice
Tailor -Made
this shop has a
good reputation
Let us make
Merckssut Tailors, Exeter
h_ JILAILAILJOI afkAla Ala ALels Alb I
Tn-.t beautiful af.owtr of rata Frld.iy
1 o ,, : e'pcd some ale light.
T. •e Estter Grist \114J has beea et.ut
e i ter a few d.tys for repairs.
e rainy day skirt was never in -
1c:1 for the tall woman with tee
stately stride..
Many a man squanders a dollar's
_ ' • of energy in an attempt to save
T .e nick man who is able to swear at
••is doctor isn't likely to give the under-
dertaker a job right away.
The b1al:.ces man wt,-.) studies loom tO
make the Wart Ads. increasingly use-
ful !s a good business man.
The banks Sate been Instructed by the
Government to take In all the American
teleer they can, but to pay none out
11 notne of the fellows who are grox-
ing burdock hcdgea would only keep
rot trimn:ed up, it wouldn't be so bad.
Appltcattona for old age atinuhies, to
tee total of a quarter of a million have
already been received by the Dominion
Sone of the successful Normal stud
eats In the jslrkton district were: }tan-
dolp`t Davla, Annie Doupe, Albert W.
Grant, Egleton L. W catman.
Postmasters have received 'from the P.
0. Department a warning to the public
t l.at any enclosure of writing in any
package of third or fourth class plat-
ters renders the sender liable to a fine
of front test to forty dollars.
A. W. Robb, editor of The Telescope,
era:krrton, has be_n appointed pOetmas-
ter of that place. A salary o1 #2100
goes with the office, out o1 which he
pays his clerks. Needless to say he has
gone. out of the newspaper business.
A couple of loads of Ezeter baseball
Laos diove over to Crediton to see the
7.urici.-Crediton game of baseball Fri-
day night, when the visitors won, 4-3.
"Adonis" Palmer of Exeter won and
everybody said he was right on the
game all the time.
W. Sutherland, the proviitclal direc-
tor of colonization, says the decrease
of the rural population of Old Ontario
from 1885 to 19115 was 114,971. New
marh:nery, scarcity of farm labor, the
form:: becoming larger, and the drain-
' :> of Ontario 1y people going to the
c :t would explain this condition.
T e fir.:t edition of rte fourth book
series of Ontario readers was de-
• ed by the T. Eaten Co. to the Board
F:lu-ation. The book to priced at 16c.
. 1 ,q well bound and handsomely it-
• .• ..t•d with halftone cuts. It has 410
pares and 1s much larger than the form-
e- tender, which sold at 40c. The selec-
t:oils ate well chosen and distinctly
',rioted •
Me :are. Fred Kerr, Toni Carling, S.
Fitton and John Trlebncr took part
In r.1 Gun Club Tournament at Lo elon
las' week. Kerr did particularly well
bre-kink, 141 out of 150; Carling was
ajeu well up. ge.ting 125. But Fitton
a id Trtebner had a day off, the form-
er getting 67 out of 100 and the latt.r
WO out of 150.
.jr.'P. R. Hoy of Stratford passed
• r ough town on Sunday with his fine
.: to eleasure auto, going to and from
for Bend. He had with hint a dozen or
fifteen St. \faros citizens, all Of whom
were seated comfortably. On their way
!ionic they ran out of gasoline hence
were delayed here a considerable time.
Tney made the trip from Stratford to
th9 Bend in two hours and twenty min -
ereign Bank Pau entered suit at Os -
Goode hall against It. Torrance of Clin-
ton, to recover $10.125, which It claims
he owes on a guarantee executed by
him on June 11, 1906. and amended by
a letter signed by him on June 30th, of
the name year.
LEG BROKEN. -Miss Lilly Ballan-
tyne• daughter of the late James Dallan-
tyne, met with a painful and unfortun-
ate accident on Thursday last. while
visiting at Mr. T. M. Kay's. She ats-
cended a step ladder to pick some 4 her-
rlea and while thus engaged lost her
balance and fell to the grour;d. with
the result that her lett leg was broken
bit two places near the ankle. The in-
jury is a painful one and It will be
some time txfore sec win hare the use
of the Injured member.
-%%r. and Mrs. Frank Paisley of New
York cntettalntd a party 01 friends on
T:iuroday afternoon last by giving
t':cm a couple of hours tun at the bowl-
itg alley... Mee. Stewart and Afro. 'Ra-
man ehege @Ides and Vie following Is
t' -.e result.'•
f.lr!. J. A. Stewart 82 9,t 76- '_4!
F. Paisley 156 191 2,15- 7,54
Mrs. It. N. Creech 79 76 741- 225
Doug. Stewart 115 119 93- 310
43:. 4:0) 444-1337
Mr.. W. J. Neaman 71 64 70- 21i5
J. J. White 133 17,2 143- 125
Mrs. F. Paisley 136 1211 1.,1- :t95
R. N. Creech 165 12:1 136- 426
505 47tt 461+-1444
Monday morning. July 19th. the death
c ' urred of Mr. Alfred Sheere of Exe-
o at tee home of til. 50n. Garfield,
Brantford. ile was aged 55 years.
. month,*. and 26 days. Early last
..:ter Mr. Sheere suffered a stroke of
paralysis. but during the winter he re-
covered to a great extent, although he
was left In a condition that he could
••ot follow his usual occupation as ma-
-o•i. and last spring he went to Brant-
ford where he was employed with the
e r,ty Plow Co. About three weeks
• ce he suffered another stroke which
.d him off work and confined him to
nerve of his som rrh ere he slowly
it until death came as a release to
suffering. The late Mr. Sheere was
torn In England, tante to Canada with
ol• parents and resided in f serer ptact-
:rally MI his ISfe time. Ile married Miss
Maria Oke wl.o with four sons a;.d two
daug!iters survives-Neison of Fort
Wi111sm. Garfield of Branford. Aqultla
of Lansi'!g. Mich., and Frank. Gerrie and
I►laonce at home. Mrs. Wm. Treble
a id M. Mary Oke of Ezeter arc sisters
of •!e deceased. Toe remains were
drug',• :ere Tuesday evening and the •'Mrs. L:tfert of Detroit. and Miss Lot-
(woretook placefro:n his late real - tie. who lives at the oid home In Perlin.
dente 10 the Ezeter cemetery on Wed: (O. T far e• decd .;z years ago. The fur.
Jay afterr,00•l. If'Aiw:.. be "cid Friday.
Mr.;. James Willis of Exeter North
;s cottlned to her room through illness.
it took many bootees and other riga
cavy the James street Sunday sc:iool
p''•n'._kcra tc the Bend on Tuesday. A
very large crowd went along and a
most enjoyable day was spent.
A valuable 'illicit cow belonging to
Mr. Albert Willett, milk vendor of Hay.
was ecru -k by the train o 1 Merida e.ei;-
log and was badly injured. It to
tug' 1. however, that her life ran tx
,•a'•ed and she is now tieing treated.
doe,u't like some of the things he reads
In thin newspaper ? Neither do we. But
he Is lit liberty to pick, out what he does
1'k^_ held leave the rest for some one
less fantldlous. Does he know what
they call the man who sat down at a
(trot -class hotel dinner, and beginning
at the first Item on the bill of tare
tried to eat every dish mentioned there-
upon ? Vile newspaper presents a vat".
ed bill of fare every week, but there
is no law compelling sol to devour every
portion of it. Just put aside what you
do,'t :clrsh, and ray r:utlt'ng about It.
And don't swear at the editor. It's
both wicked and foolish.
Laughlin wan Inc victim of a painful
•; . lding accident on Monday mor r.L.g
.;t. She was engaged m doing • •
f..m ly washing and after dipping s
Serge pan of boiling water from the
boiler on the stove proceeded to throw
!t In the tub wnen she tripped. and In
stumbling the greater part of the con-
tents of the pan was spilled, on her per-
son. first coming In contact with the
right aide of her face and down her
breaatand right side, with the result
that she wap badly scalded. Medical as -
:'stance was sought and the Injured
p.rts dressei and wt•ile suffering much
she is doing nicely. This is the second
n• that has befallen Mrs.
Mc1.n.ughlin, she having some time ago
fes front a cherry tree. breaking her
arm and austalning a bad shaking up.
Her mons friends velli wlsn for her a
•pe•edy re<cvery.
FORMER EOUTER ITE el' le';i,F:s..-
A do par from Godcrleh «, •....s the
follow:lag particulars of the suicide' of
a former resident of Exeter :-
Con -static Gundry was in Baytteld on Sat-
urday lneestlgtt:ng the vire unistan'et.
Lori -cording the death of Mrs. Jae e
Runts. who was found dead in ocr
hawse a few days previous. with a
«locking tied around her neck. her death
erldcnely having been clue to choking as
a ?fault. A coronet's jury brought Li
a terclut of suicide. thoug • the method
adopted stems an unusual one for a
p;rro:n wishing to make away with her-
mit Mrs Burns' daugeter, wt:o by tee
way, 1., of unsound mind. was living
with ter. it is about thltty years ago
Oat Mr. and Mrs. Burris resided titre
Mr. ltur•., taving been engaged as tterk
for Mr. Jaynes Pickard. and from '-ere
trey moved to Bayfield. where Mr.
Burns was !Rove of !lie vlilage for lice -
end years.
LEVI \\ALPER DEAD. -it will be
:fad news tO many to learn of the deat!,
at Berlin on Tuesday of Mr. Levi Wal -
per. a former hotel keeper and well
.[mown resident of Exeter. but of late
proprietor of the Bernard House. Lon-
don. The Free Press. In an account of
his death. stye .-Levi L. Welper died
in Berlin Tuesday from a• use inflam:na-
tio:t of the bralr. The toly was brought
to London last night. Mr. Wolper left
here Saturday to spend a few days in
Berlin -where his mother resides. He
wag taken sick on Sunday morning and
grew worse rapidly till death tame yes-
terd.y. Toe late Mr. Walpfr was horn
Ir, Berlin and was 45 yeets of age. He
Is survived by cis wife and two chil-
dren. Otto and MIA. Iva. also by his
moteer Lt Berth.. two brothers. Currie
o1 Detroit. ansi Louis In Calgary. and
t'.rer sisters. Ctrs. Diinian of New York.
Potatoes. per bag
Hay, per ton
Flour, per cwt., family
Flour, low grade per cw
Live hogs, per cwt
Shorts per ton
Bran per ton
7 50
1 50
1 20
3 '25
1 7
7 75
24 00
Dr Sam. T1.umas of London was t.ere
over Sunday
smile received r c tad lir we on Tucs-
i.:, of the lest!, of her son-in-law, }1r.
Jo :n \tort:more of London. who died in
;hot city at the age of 59 years. after
an 111neas tztrr,ding over several 3non-
ths. Mr. Motimore formerly resided in
Exeter but went to London between 25
• ,d :lit scars ago, where he has altos
r.e n tng•aged as carpenter on the Grand
Trunk. Re.eldes his wife he is survived
by one so,. Rev. Wm. J. Mortimoreo a
m!safoilary in West China, w!io recently
arrived J:eme on furlough, and three
daughters, Mrs. H. .tlifords and Misses
Mf:nnle and Edna at home. Deceased
was a member of Wellington street
churc't, the Canadian Order of Chosen
Friends, the ,Royal Tenlpla re, the Can-
adian Order of Foresters. Tne funeral
took place on Wednesday. Mrs. Sntale
attended the funeral.
alk Aka& �� >� st.�� cli.s t
4 Aa {fSV rt�A.sAlgal
Having secured
the agency for
Beatty Bros.'
Round Track
Hay Forks
1 ant now ready to equip Farm-
ers' Barns and Hay -Mows with Ni
sante. These forks, without fir
doubt, are the
Best on the Market
and to use theta
4is to he convinced. We guaran-
itee satisfaction and the price is
41 right.
Wm. Gillespie, Exeter
4 PHONE :t1 1�
' ri r , . ��� ssrj,
Here'sGood News
The market prices for old junk
are alive and so is the old reliable
firm -M. JACKSON & SON -one
door south of the Metropolitan.
Just look at the following prices
(no trade and no truck l all ('ASE:
Rags 75c per hundred
Iron from G0c to 75c
Olds Rubber Boots' .7e. per lb
& Shoes
Copper & Brass 9c
Horse Hair 30c -
Lead and Zinc 2ic
A -treat variety ct iron pipe
always on band at • re..en•
able price, suitable for
M. Jackson & Sons
OI'1'Ot+1TB ELECTltl(' Pott'EH Hot'BE
Buys the New -Style
Edison Phonograph
"The Fireside"
it plate the he. tear minute records
as roil se the stied.M,. llae • colored
horn; ire a testacy. See it, hear it. then
let us sell you sae. Full eto't of !stest
re"ords. Imtremesta repaired. Cali r r
B!.}; .
toe r:l
would be a good nante tor our brand.
It Is a flour that is simply above all
others in
Once you try a rack of It yoo •.,.,
use it regularly In your t ousehold. K e
know there are many good flours to be
lad. But there Is only one "best". and
we are confident a trial will COnvince
that it is ours. Grd.r a sack to -day
and do your nett baking with it. The
result Is bound to make you a steady
The Ezeter Grist 14111 !an been el ut
down for • few days for repair@.
u1.if M 1NIT 4( 7t'REks
Farmers, Gardeners, and Others !
Come here for yawl tools.
Buy your wife and girls a nice hammock.
Get the boys a lawn mower and keep the grass
on the lawn in trim.
Get the little tots some tools like father's and
they'll be happy.
Come here for your flower and grass seed.
We have some nice Paris Green for Mr. Potato
Bug -let the visitors get busy.
Binder Twine for garnering the grain.
If there's anything else you need that a good
hardware store keeps, we have it.
And then, if you wish a day's recreation, buy
some of our fishing tackle and everybody
take a day's outing.
furniture and Undertaking
Parlor Suit
Easy Chair
Music Cabinets
Dining -room 'fables
Parlor Tables
Odd Chairs
Hall Racks
K itchen Cabinets
Dining Chairs
Dainty. well -made and at reasonable prices
Bed Room Suits
Mattresses Springs
Brass and Iron Beds
Newest styles and all at popular prices
I3ed Couches
The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors.
Mid -Summer Sale
of All
Summer Goods
We are bound to clear them all out. Nothing
to remain. And in older to do so we are slashing the
prices away down. This is a good opportunity to get
some rare bargains.
Ladies' White Wear
and White Waists
at quick -selling prices
We are giving "SPECIAL PRICES" on all White Wear
and White Waists this week. We are anxious to clear them all and
have cut the prices right down. (tome early as they will go fast.
Fancy Parasols
Every one to go and here are
the prices that will sell there:
$1.50 and $1.75 for $1.0(1
2.(0 " 2.50 " 1.511
1 50c Dress Tweeds
for 35- per yd.
Only 3 pieces of these nice all
11 wool Tweedy' Inc this price -35c
A Millinery Special
Bilis your pick of our $2, $3. or $4
Trimmed Hats. Don't tniss thin
snap. Only a few lett.
Men's Straw Hats Boys' Straw Hats
at price.
In order to get rid of these we
are jilt cutting the price in two.
Have one.
Good ones for 20c each and
some of our very hest for 25c
Carpets, Rugs and Lace Curtains
Do You Want a Bargain in them ?
This i@ just between seaeons. That ie why we are offering such
good value@. They will all save you money at our reduced prick.
Headquarters for the celebrated W.F. Sanford Clothing