Exeter Advocate, 1909-06-17, Page 7OVERTAXED NERVES
re he Trouble Can Only be Cured by
Enriching the Brood Supply.
When your nervous system is ex-
hausted the trouble makes itself evi-
dent in many ways. You feel always
fatigued and unfit for work. Severe
headaches distract you ; your back
is weak; you sleep badly; your ap•
petite is uncertain ; you aro aero•
ous and irritable and after any ex-
ercise you tremble and perspire
excessively. If the trouble is not
checked your case goes from bad t1
worse until you Teal that your con-
dition is hopeless and that insani•
ty is threatened.
Your nerves are calling for help.
They are starved because they de.
Shand from the blood more nour-
ishment than it can supply. New
rich blood is the secret of nerve
strength and Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills for Pale People cure nervous,
disorders because they feed the
weak, exhausted nerves with rich,
red blood. The cabs of Mrs. Emma
Ball, of Hamilton, Ont., furnishes
proof that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
will cure even the most stubborn
cases of nervo exhaustion. Mrs,
Hall was left a widow and wet
Eduard and Queen Alexan-
dra Show a Dislike of
Royal etiquette is continually
changing, and those who aro privi-
leged to come into social contact
with Royalty must keep well in-
formed on such clatters.
Of recent years it has become eti-
quette .for people who meet the
King and Queen socially to address
them as "Sir" and "Madame," :'-
stead of the more formal "Your
Majesty."Some years back the:r
Majesties were only addressed in
the former manner by members of
their household and intimate
Ladles of the Court aro now per
mitted to sit down when her Ma
jesty sits without being asked to do
so by the Queen—a ceremonial rig-
orously insisted on by the late
When anyone entertains the King
forced to work in a mill to main- or Queen it is strict etiquette that
lain herself and her two titltlf no one who has not been presetic-
children. She bravely faced the ed at Court should be asked to
battle of life, though she had nevef meet their Majesties. As a mat -
had to conform to such conditiona tor of fact, a list of the guests is
before. Notwihstanding the spiels. nearly always submitted by the
did spirit she displayed the work 'wet to their Majesties fur appty-
played havoc with a delicate con-
stitution, and some years ago Mre.
Ball noticed signs in herself of A
nervous collapse. She consulted la
doctor who gave her some medicine
and told her she "would be all right
in a kw days." But relief did not
some and it was anally a daily oc-
currence for her to faint at het
work. These fainting spells quickly
developed into pronounced hysteria
A Royal invitation is, of course,
always isseed in the form of a com-
mand, and it used to be strict eti
quet•to that it should be accepted
unless the i ecipient was ill, or had
some other very urgent excuse for
declining it. Now -a -days, however,
there are certain Royal invitations
—principally those for large State
balls and other entertainments --
and chronic irritability, and Mrs. which aro not required to bo an -
Hall says that death would have swored at all; but a command in-
vitation to dinner or lunch with
their Majesties must be promptly
answered, and anyone honored with
such a command must Basten to
been a relief. Sho consulted Bev
eral doctors but got no help, and
she felt that she was almost bor.
dering on insanity. In this condi-
tion she was advised to try Dr. obey, unless prevented by circum-
stances Pink Pills. Grasping at stances beyond his control.
even the possibility of help she de- MAJESTY ENCORES.
sided to do so. After taking three
Ilexes she actually found some im- At any private entertainment it
provoreut, and from that time on is against etiquette when their Ma -
!this improvement was steady and jesties are present to give an artiste
'increasiug daily until after a few
months she felt the cure was com-
plete. She says :—"Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills have done what doctors
failed to do and what I myself
thought was impossible. They have repeated.
freed the from the terrible trouble It should bo very much against
1 suffered and my old joy in life has etiquette when the Court is in
been renewed." When Mrs. Hall mourning for anyone entertained
began takirg Dr. Williams' I'ink by the King or Queen not to wear
an encore until the King or Queen
has done so. When the King de-
sires to give an artiste an encore,
his Majesty sends a message re-
questing that the item should be
Pills she weighed only one hundred
pounds while under her renewed
health her weight has increased to
one hundred and thirty pounds.
1)r. Williams' fink Pills can be
had from any dealer in medicines
or wilt be sent by mail at 50 cents
e box or aix boxes for $2.50 by The
!Jr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont.
$2,000,090 COSTS!
mourning also.
How They May Gel Along Pleas-
antly With Their Wives.
"'Ten rules for husbands" aro
published as follows in The Berlin
V oss ischo Zeitung
(1) Avoid verbal controversies at
all costs, because you will come elf
second best no matter if you're the
Immense Stints (foolishly Spent in most brilliant lawyer in the world.
Lair. If controversies aro unavoidable,
Level-headed men often lose their give way after a sham fight. You
wits when it comes to lawsuits. will increase in your a'ife.'s respect
Thus a claimant in Germany recent-
ly paid $NW to recover the value
of a five ceut postage -stamp!
Then there was the Missouri
water -melon case. The seed was
planted on one farm, but the vino
crept through a fence, and the me-
lon grew on the other side. I3oth
farmers claimed it, and bankrupted
themselves without settling the dis-
pute; and, meanwhile, the melon—
worth twelve cents --disappeared;
13y marriage settlement•, an Eng-
lishman agreed to pay his mother -
in -last• 9100 a year. Ile settled in
Canada, and, when forwarding tho
money, deducted sixteen cents for
the looney order. The mother-in-
law brought action, won, and her
son-in-law had to pay something
like 0:x10 in costs.
The world's most expensive law-
suit was over the will of Antonio
Traverse, an Italian, who left a ter -
tune of $3.000,000 and a number of
beira. Tho case lasted for years,
employs 103 lawyers, and cost
The stomach, ttlo bowels, or eat -
ting teeth is resp'•nsible for most
of the ills and suffering that af-
flicts bahshood. lliahy tt Own 1ablots
will keep your child well because it
Ii the best medicine in the world
far these troubles, anti at the !stile
'time It is the safest. 'the mc'ther
ttas the guarantee of a Uuvernment
analyst that this medicine contains
leo opiate or poisonous "soothing'
Muff Mrs. Jos. Bernard, mt.
Mille, Que., sal s • ' Baby' s Own
Tablet* are really a mar elleus me -
trine. My bah)' was thin. peevish
Itand Sickly until 1 began giving him
his medicine. Since then he has
thrived and grown splendidly. '
Sold by ntedicit.e dealers or by
mail at 23 cents a box from the
1)r It 1': •' ms' Medicine Co., llrock-
avilb, Vet.
because you'\o been so wise as to
recognize her sae the wiser.
(l) Never forget that you're mar-
ried to Li woman and not an an-
(3) Don't refuse your wife rnvney
too often; rather steal er starve.
(1) 1f you observe that. your wife
doesn't love you enough. remem-
ber that she loves jewels and fine
(5) See to it that your better half
always has the last word. That
makes her happy, while it would
leave you, with your love of justico
and truth, only uncomfortable.
(6) Read only books that tiers. -
hotly is talking about, set that your
wife can discuss them with you.
Sho would be miserable if she lack-
ed a gossip -partner )wit because
you, in your crazy disregard for
what "everybody likes, ' read books
of yt'ur own selection.
(7) Even in controversy, don't
wound your wife by being too Logi
(8) Restow upon your wife from
tihe to time the compliment that
she is the most beautiful of crea-
ture', and that you aro pimply des-
perate because you aro so hopoltsea-
ly unworthy of her.
(1!) If your wife is shrewd. be-
ware of seeming shrewder. If she's
stupid. be rnoro stupid --in order
(in either event) that she may not
be angry.
(10) .Above all else respect your
mother-in-law. Remember that she
is primarily to blame for your mari-
tal happiness.
THE DOSE IN TIME !Ladles, DO You Know
He ('sed the 0111 Reliable Kidney
Remedy and Found a Speedy and
Complete Cure for His 'Trouble.
James Mier, .lntigonish Co.,
N. S., June (Special).—!t has
the else of
again been proven in m •,.o w• ...a
Mx. Dan. McGee, a well-known Kaiser is permitted t.o smoke. ea. w,•'Vl utdal••lla•e o,4 epee.. M,w
farmer living near hero, that back- Not half the horrors that womenp ' teem l 8a0S. 474 'si it. •s Nt., TORONTO. MIL
ache is only a symptom of Kidney suppose are going to happen to You cannot he ha while you
In England scarlet liveries aro
Bu110 the King's exclusive privilege.
In :lbyssiuia Rc.yaltiev.9 alone
may near an earring in tho left
BRAND ear.
In Russia no one but the Czar
may drive at full gallop on the pub-
lic roads.
In Persia none but the Shah is
privileged to drive+ white horses
with scarlet-dyexf tail tips.
In Madagascar, where kite-flyiug
is a national sport, it, is unlawful
for anyone to sly a kite as high v..'
those of the Royal Family ascend.
In Germany there is a certain
very tine Havana cigar, with a
WOMEN'S FEARS NEBULOUS. green -and -gold band, which the
"Cleans UD
avearythinlg •
explaining the sarin) ••t coupons to .e.-ure a
Sl COLO PISS era 8RAL M ETAl11111 mess NAT PIN
ldawafactund by J. a l'At\B CCO, Ltd. Toronto.
Mabee, et.. • sae yew • cos ea. • .. t •:o,....,. • .,.,r
yew. Ouebo.at.1.anr.t s.esaea►t. ta,...o s..a•.«.
.mrtira r.U.
er.� Po ...y.
1,.o. t...s. 0,.�
re.,e.a aril 4".‘
•.. a. ,•wime-
•:0 •1e
25c. r.,
.t l•. .n 1 •1, a.•
SI 00) i,.lewe-
Masses iA000Y 0102., 274 Duudu Bt., ioronto. Oat
Sew toe cotton CANT A/ULOVE/. eanesl/d dmaed strwg
ewe tuxes. boom as tea 0(005. 011 los r.tuo• i• • ...tae
..Ata.. w• tsa
supply aa.oul dw•%
paint pet 1rc.tl. o
rusk toss.. (tyre.
furs ..s •ute1f
you eorld 0,, the
sluts No
Do •'.5 11.5. *5
trouble, and that Dodd's Kidney tt m ever (lo happen et It is in have corns. Thea do not delay in
fills cure it quickly and complete- the nature of the gentle sex to ex t tilt a bottle of Holloway's Corn
f th • to an- h ' g
"I suffered from Backache for
two mouths," Mr. McGee states.
"It started from a strain and grew
steadily worse. I also had occas-
ional attacks of Lumbago. I was fined, as to be absolutely pusses -
always tired and at times my eyes SiVO.
were puffed and swollen. In the
uloll►lugs I had a bitter taste in my
A Woman's Sympathy
mouth. 1 Aro you discouraged? Is your doctor's
"T}1011 1 decided to try 1)Odd'S bill a hr.vy flnuncial leant Ie your pain hntue w buy "Thu 0. a L. ilnnthu'71
a heavy yay$Ical burdens I know what plaster. Guaranteed to cure the worst
Kidney Pills and the result. 13 that these rnean to delicate women—I have ,,see of backache. h., curuo, stitches.
to-dayI am a well man. I advise been dlacnuraged, to°; but 1.arncd how to
cure npq •est. 1 want to rt. lievo )•our bur- Arvid the `1u.t oe Euud" Eooda, hrt the
all persons suffering from Back- i dens. 'i hp not end the pair( and stop the ; genuine.
ache or Lumbo. o to uses Ducid's do. tor'. bl11? I ran do tills for you and
g I boli} If you will assist Ine.
Kidney Pills." , All you need do 1n to writs for a fres Occasionally a man gets angry
Mr. McGee caught his Kidney ' i o myf Hund: io Le Riven as;pbee1' rhap I and tries to raise the roof, and is
Disease in its early stages, and: this one box will curd )nn—'1 Nae done so only prevented by the mortgage
Dodd'a Ki(ine • Pills cured it al- ' for °there. If so, lora
b• happy and 1
j you .,til bo cured for 2c (ths coat of L •that Nelda it down.
most at once. Neglected Kidney; rtalte stamp). Yo ,r letters held rota•
Disease develops into Rheumatism, ! isaui3lf �' �ltr� CUa ter nwludwt rOnt.
Dropsy, Bright's Disease or Heart ! ____
Disease. Dodd's Kidney Pills will PEACE AT LAST.
cure any and all of these. Wife ---"The doctor says that 1
- ----T must breathe through my nose.''
HOW SHE MANAGED I'i'. Husband—"That is very good,
"How did you manage to get a for then you mist keep your mouth
new hired girl so quickly'!"
"In niy advertisement I simply '-�--
used these words: `Housecleaning --
Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery
all done.' " Cordial is compounded specially to ticise.
— __ combat dysentery, cholera morbus "I hone you'll pardon Ine," he
Help your children to grow strong and all inflammatory disorders that• said, "if I suggest that your ser -
and robust by counteracting any- change of food or water may set uP mune are—ah--"
thing that causes ill -health. Ono in the stomach and intestines. These "Too proay, I suppose,"' suggest -
"Father,'' said the minister's lit-
tle daughter. "the (taper says ynu
'offt(iate.l at the wedding clad in
the tradlti,.nal garb of the clergy '
What doe*( 'traditional' mean 1'•
" 'Traditional.' toy dear." An-
swered the good man as he l.olind
at his cheap suit of black with a
sigh. "refers to something that has
been handed down."
1. and look out or em, Cure. It removes all kinds of corns
ticipate what fate may never send.
without pain. Failure with it is
In the form that women nurture it,
too, it is so nebulous, so vague, so unknown,
terrifying because so scantily de-
Mother—"Alice, it is bedtime.
All the little chickens have gone to
bed." Alice—"les, nlauuua, and
so has the hon_"
MAKE A NOTE when yon are loavin
A stitch in time saves trine, and
every house fly killed early eaves
a thousand at least later ou.
sou's Fly Pads will kill many times
more flies than any other article.
Ho was very deferential, but he
was a deacon in the church, and
he felt that he had a right to cri-
great cause of disease in children is complaints aro more common in ed the minister.
Remove thorn with Mother summer than in winter, but they are "Oh, no ; not that. But too long."
Graves' Worm Exterminator. at I
not confined to the warm months,
never fails. as undue laxness of the bowels may
seize a Ulan at any time. Such a
sufferer will find speedy relief in
this Cordial.
It sometimes happens that a
music composer's wife thinks it is
uF to her to put on a lot of airs.
Don't ignore the few house
flies you see in June. Unless you
commence using Wilson's Fly Pads
early your house will be overrun by
thein in midsummer.
Anyway, there's no danger of an
old toper's dying of water un the
A Medicine for the Miner's Pack.
—Prospectors and others going into
the alining regions where doctors
aro few and drug stores not at all,
should provide themselves with a
supply of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric
Oil. It will offset the effects of ex-
posure, reduce sprains, and when
taken internally will prevent and
euro colds and sore throat, and as
a lubricant will keep the muscles in
good condition.
Every boy should learn to write,
and as a man he should learn when
not to write.
Try Murine Eye Remedy.
For Red, Weak, w•esry.Watery Eyes, flranolall_'n,
Pink Eye an l Lye Striin. Morino dawn'( swam
ft...,thes Eye 111.1n; It 1'••mpouude,l by Expel --
tented 1'hydcimns; t'ontaln% no Injurious or
Prohibited Drugs. Try Moine tot your Lye
Troubles. You will like Marine. Try it 1
Itchi!'s Eyes for scaly K)'0111.5. Druggists sell
Murine At Pe. Morin* 1:10 Remedy Co., ('51caao,
will send you Interesting Kye nooks Pr...
Never judge an argument by its
sound ; it may bo all sound or not
sound at all.
Clean Stomach, Clear Mind.—The
stomach is the workshop of tho vi-
tal functions and when it goes out
of order the whole system clogs in
sympathy. The spirits flag, the mind
droops and work becomes impos-
sible. The first caro should be to
restore healthful action of the sto-
mach and the best preparation for
that purpose is Parmelee's Vege-
table fills. General use for years
has won them a leading place in
medicine. A trial will attest their
He's a mean father who has his
whiskers amputnted just because
the baby likes to pull them.
A man never realizes what a
small potato he really i' until he
hears in a roundabout way what
the girl whom she could have mar -
r:. •1 I'':t .1:.1 l' thinks •'f 1'rn.
l. -.'L 1. NO. '. 1 6111•
"Been to call on your now neigh-
bor yet 1"
"No; I'm waiting until all their
goods are unpacked. I want to see
if they own anything I may want
to borrow."
If you aro fond of fishing, canoe-
ing, camping or the study of wild
animals look up the Algonquin
National Park of Ontario for your
summer outing. A fish and game
preserve of 2,000,000 acres inter-
spersed with 1,200 lakes and rivers
is awaiting you, offering all the at-
ttactions that, Nature can bestow.
Magnificent canoe trips. Altitude
000 feet above sea level. Pure
and exhilirating atmosphere. Just
the place for a young man to put in
his summer holidays. Hotel ac-
commodation. An interesting ar.d
profusely illustrated descriptive
publication telling you all about it
tient free on application to J. D.
McDonald, Union Station, Torouto,
The case before the court was ono
involving the ownership of a tract
of land, and the attorney for one
cf the parties to tho suit was cross
examining a witness. "Now, Mr.
Gritll'haw," he said, "the property
on which you live was originally a
(part of the twenty acres in dis-
pute, was it not I"
''Yes, sir."
"And your title is based on the
criginal title to that land. 1 pre-
sume 1"
"Yes, sir."
"How long have you resided
there 1"
"Over twenty-one years."
"Have you had,—now mark me,—
have you had twenty-one years' un-
disputed possession of that pro-
perty 1"
The witness hesitated a moment.
"lteinember, Mr. Grinishaw, '
said the lawyer, raising his voice,
"that you are under oath. Have
you had twenty-one years' undis-
puted possession of that property 1 '
"It has been disputed once, and
only once," answered the witness.
"I found a nest of bumble -bees in
my back yard one day last sum
In the general laugh that fol
lowed this answer the lawyer sub-
An English paper says that the
champion absent-minded man lives
at Balham. On one occasion he
called upon his old friend, the fam-
ily physician. After a chat of a
couple of hours the doctor saw hint
to the door and bade him good
fright. lasing: "Come again. Fam-
ily all well. I suppose' ' "bey
heavens exclaimed the absent-
minded beggar. "that reminds me
r1 my errand. Mev t'ife is in A fit "'
Oc a•ionalh• an a,tute person will
make n•, attempt t» see him'elf Aa
others .ne km, ht'cause he prefers
tai 1st wilt enough alono.
"But you mustn't blame me for
that," returned the minister, plea-
santly. "If you know a little more,
I wouldn't have to tell you so
A child thinks the humble toy
peddler is a man of rare gifts.
Only those who vitffer from Piles
tan know the agony, Lb, l urning.
throbb.ng, shoting, stabbing pal .8
which t:a) ailment carnes, ap.r1 the
way it wre..I tho suflerer's life.
/,.;;1.;;,,a i, b:.»•i i.y thous•r.rta
whip usr 1 1 , sulks from piles, but
whom it has cured. Ons such crateful
p-roo is Mrs. Elisabeth 'laylor, tut
Green:voa 1 Avenue, Toronto She
says t—" For four l,o g year t suffered
acutely from bleeding piles. During
that time !spent an immense amount of
money on 'remedies ' and docu,t's pre-
scrtinioo. but got ho ro.te. Zam-Bok
sas (WV :rent to everything else 1 had
tried, and it cured me i stn gra••ful
for the cure, ■nd as 1 have he.er bad
p:ks once sin. e, 1 know the cure is
Another thankful woman is kfra. E.
\, (iard,ner, of Catalina, "I unity Bay.
She says t--" In my case 7..m•Nuk
etkcted a wonderful rine. hot twelve
years 1 had been troubled wish blind,
bisedint, and protruding pie.. 1 had
been tieing various kir ds of oro meats,
eve , but n - ver came across anything to
dome ,ro\:dwadi dire •Zan -Bok; ehach
cared so s. That this may he the lases
of helping rune miffs -mil fr'.m pies to
try "Lam Nuk, is the wish of one bob.,
vas f.'unl great rei,ef."
T..m-Nuk is a purely herbal balm awl
.l.ould be In every lemts. Cole+ cats,
nuns, bruises. eczema. ulcer, blood -
'i s sung, prairie itch, %unbars. I litters,
-ors feet, ,,rotor sores, sod all diseases
sad injurei of the skin, etc. All
druR.;irts and stores at Sec boa, or
fr,,-o 7s.-,.1 .'c r „ , T, r.•n,n, for P►,re.
One thing in the world that is
Wed by us all for a spell—the al-
The Pill That Leads Thein All.—
Pills aro the most portable and
compact of all medicines, and when
easy to take are the most accept-
ably of preparations. But they
must attest their power to bo po-
pular. As Parmelee's Vegetable
Pills are the most popular cf all
pills they must fully meet all re-
quirements. Accurately Compound-
ed and composed of ingredients
proven to be effective in regulating
the digestive organs, there is no
surer medicine to be had anywhere.
Mrs. Do Favid—"Tho latest fash-
ion is to have the piano built in the
wall." Mr. 1)o Fadd (wearily) --
"Wcll, that's sensible. Let's wall
up ours."
RICH AND POOR ALIKE us colics Painkiller.
Taken internally for a
diarrhoea. Applied externally cures sprain
and swore,' muscles. rte. Avoid substi-
tutes, tbere 1s but one "Painkiller "—
Torry Davis -280 and oMo.
A fool woman is one who can
make her own living, but marries a
man who can't make it for her.
Housekeepers are strongly ad-
vised to continence the use of Wil-
sc n'r Fly Pada early, because ii
few ilius killed in June would
otherwise become a host by Aug-
A little learning is doubly dan-
gerous if it swells a man's head.
\`iTRY WOMAN. liberal w`eee.,anti eel
ter dining.room work, 6 : F
month. Apply' rhe Wellan,L" 81. Cathafixes.
AGENTS WANTED! You can make more
money selling our Perfume+•, Toilet lies
putiatios, Teas, Coffees, lfpicta, Stc., tha
in any other legitimate way. Escellen
opportunity for energetic men and women.
% 1 ROC1 ft154, ltarne•s. Ruggles, Proprietor,
J Medlciae•, (Inetudtag The Dr. Manz Prerorip.
Ito,,. ) and \•Iscellau• •us wpplies, at pri. el to
save you large nrt•gin 01 profit. Absolute tatss-
fat•ll•,n guaranteed mato gioods you wast p..130
111 mlcd it rite trio!. 1 price*
.nl,,.. tel•- 1,1111 n..
het:e• L•, ,►u,) only.
12t1CaorgoSt.. Teronta.
Saskatchewan Farm
St ti./0..ren irr.,tri• lamt.v•,itOgle
L•rgrain growing; nen. better 11
America. Also tracts in b!ut,
count, f .r graying or mita 1 (arming. '1 he rich.
0.1 soil on etrth. The. 11.1111 are en a new
branch line An 1 very low In price. Write tot
JAMS. ROIINSON, watwta• Saskateherran, Oa••.
rife Insurance kents
Riehmen 1 At Drummon•l The insurance (''.m -
piny, Head Otrce Richmond' QuK
e. .tabli.hrl
seinedtp Capital
roiir'e ,f Ontario, *Adroit
J. 11. EIVAJLT, Chief Agent,
Nr.:/ weutngton Mt., Last, Toronto.
'Rt C" Tttlt 3AHvu
• cast
N.•• *) +P".•,•1 wast..
Ind' p. rma,.eot i. u'a•, • "n
nnr car tel. (tor NOB
,1.•s pa, .0 .ell w • Chi
1u ne,7 tqr.•. •re
u •1 up and '•pe et n •ler•
r'rn• f, t Kac .ud.• UM,
1110f/ slyer,.
Thy Ii .ws Serer., Ce.
Uept to. ton ate. oat.
(1,at• tr•awror Pr•.br:srfsa
t'hurch to (s^.,tat
r'obnit .• -r►t bought ant • •!.t onr.mdtylee
– 1 oct inatsne• 1 hoas.--btato 807, 'Mala sem
Mem,.••• 1 „routs York t:change.
trader. Bank K.Gd1ng. 13 0 •sd guest.
Toy,nvTu :taw Tung
rpo.taildrie to COEAtT furls/infest-4i.
Leading Cony rratnri Colleges, Schools,
'Ile—saes, and in thousands of homes where a piano
of dtainctive merit 15 appreilated. The ►:e(i is the
only piano with the Iliunttal,te Repeating Action.
ART • �N
Send for (free) Catalig
oue Nu. 7S.
ens. MAW) Iweiwt