Exeter Advocate, 1909-06-10, Page 5IS YOUR STOMACH WRONG? LITTLE DIGESTERS will put it right quickly and surely. Mosey back if they do not cure. At all DrsMisb. L or direct from THE COLEMAN MEDICINE CO., TOROi2TO w_A India Pale Ale Brewed from so- Iected hop+, choice barley malt and pure spring water, with the utmost care. Bottled at the brewery depots to ensure proper handling. That is why Labat is eyu.tl t., the fin- est, aurp.asseJ by none, though it costs consumer, Duly .,bout hail as much a. imported goods r V zetex gttworate EXETER - - ONTARIO 11.00 if paid in advance, 11.60 a year if not so paid. Te Ualted States Sabscribers11.10 ISO. a Year Strictly la Advance. SANDERR k CREECH. Publishers. With twenty-two years' experience to its credit this college is recol;nlzed as the greatest practical training e„hool in Western Ontario. Three departments -- Commercial, Shorthand A Telegraphy Our classes are the largest, our courses most practical and our instructors experienced. Our graduates are assisted to positions and succeed as none others. Enter uca. (:et our free cata- Iogse. ELLIOTT at McLACHLAN Principals. High -Grade PIANOS are always a pleasure to their owners We have sold and are selling a great many high-class pianos -and always at reasonable prices. Our Numerous Satisfied Customers is the strongest guarantee of the truth of the above assertion. Our pianos to -day are the best that the piano -in akers produce and our prices and terms are what you will appreciate. Do not be too quick to believe per- sons who tell you different from the above for the purpose of selling you cheap and, in eolue cases, trashy goods at big prices. Call and see us and he convinced that what we say we live up to. 8. MARTIN &SON Exeter's Leading Musical Emporium. Ther are noted rix the duality of their goods. CANADIAN - PAC I FI C HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS TO Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta Special Trains leagle TeeoNe 2 00 p m. on APRIL 2, 11 NAY 1, 11 JUNE 1, ti, 21 JULY 12, 27 AUO. 10, 21 SEPT. 7, 21 Sscoed dor tickets hoes Osano Actors to primitive; Northwest posts at LOW ROUND-TRIP RATES �lsnnr, end rerun 232 U); Edennntne ecd er:.•n 242 50. sad to otter t, mts in pro,.an. n 1 .11 ,.,o.l to return sad,ia 60 ds)s ircm tune da . TOURIST SLEEPING CARS oa all etcvTom Comfortsh4 bnh• hotly eom seed with bails., csa he secured at moderato rates Elwes sh focal sprat Early application must be made AS ION HOMtattataa' PAMPHLET coatsiaiae rtes sod fall i.Ie aabes. Apply t..eate,t C P. R. Aeeat of t. R. L. Tbrapsoe, Diet. Per. Ast . Taro so. ONLY DiRECT LINE NO CHANGE OF CARS \V. J. CARL1NO, Age .t, EXETER. Leading Entire Horses For the Improvement of Stock THOMAS CARLYLE 13879, pure bred Imported Clydesdale stallion. bay color, owned by Messrs. C. H. Baskerville & James Itandford of Centralia. a good son of the noted King Thomas. will stand for marcs this season at ills own stable. Centralia. all week. ci- rri)! Wednesday. when he goes to Josh Iiarding's. Con. 2. Ceborne, for noon. returning home the same evening. C. If. BA$KERVILLE. Manager. WESTERN FAiR, LONLON, Sep',10-19 Th • M g r: n' o' •t: 5te'rr., Fa.: London, have just Issued tt'elr 1909 list of prize,. Th • P.ixn List Is a eery r;, a'. anal attractive took and contains a nu' bet' of important c!.a•iges. A large nu - ber of new f ccc:ons have been add : and increasers made in several depar•- ment F.pectaliy Is via t',e ca." t the Cottle and live Sto.k C.assee. a:id there will no doubt be the largest E hldltlo t this year ever nerd In Lo: 1 ., Storknu n who rave trot previously ex- hibited ..t Loi aa.• enould send for a !let end prepare their e'o-k for this •pl, ndid $z"IMtlon. Trite Lists. Entry Forms. and all neeessttry Information will be promptly given on hppllcatlon to the pie( etary, A. M. titan', London. Ont South Huron FarerExcursion Experimental farm, Guelph The Farmers' Institute of South Huron will run an Excursion along the line of the Grand Trunk Railway to Guelph On Friday, Jane 11th, 1909 TIME TABLE & RATES : Centralia 6. 50 Exeter 7.03 Hensall 7.17 Kippen 7.25 Brumfield .7:35 Clinton 7.50 Seaforth 8.07 Dublin 820 $1.35 1.35 1.25 1.25 1.20 1.20 1.15 1.10 Children over 5 and under 12, Half Fare. Train will arrive at GUELPH at. 11 o'clock; returning leaves GUELPH at 6:10. Tickets good going only on one train; valid to return following day. A few words about the farm The advantages of a visit by Farm- ers and others to the MODEL FARM are too well known to need comment; suffice it to say, that no farmer should miss this, the only opportunity they will have this season, of visiting THE MODEL FARM, at such cheap rates. From an educational standpoint to the Farmer there is nothing better Interesting Lectures on the different subject, entrusted to each department of THE MODEL FARM will be deliv- ered by eminently qualified persona, which cannot help but prove highly interesting and instructive, and on the whole the visit will be nne of great profit and pleasure to all. A FREE LUNCH will be served in the Lecture Room. W. D. Sanders B. S. Phillips pitEsim:NT dECltta'TAItY FARQUf1AR ball t•'ant played two games dur- • : • past week. one with Winchelsea •i •re on Thursday bight. ending In our favor, 8-5, and the other Tuesday night it, Exeter ; score 1:2-7 In favor of Ex- eter. The boys are showing up in good torn and with a little more practice .hould be able to give any of the team, in the vicinity a good rare. Keep at tt.c p. actice boys. MAPLE GROVE. St-. Darius Edwards and family slant Sunday with ft k nds In laborite.- The f arnr'rs In this vicinity are through and are now looking for a pros- , c year. -Mr. %VIII Shouldhe has •nett into tt,c house on the and, vac- , el by Mr. John Simpson of Clandeboye -Ed. Lewis Is sporting a new tubber- 1 tired huggy.-Mr. Calhoun of Dire was the guest of Mr. Moses Simpsotr on Sun- day. -Joh:; St ewartSt . of Luean spent last Sunday with Win. Murdy.-The crops in !this vi- ` 1'y are looking ftne.-Darius Edward+ is enjoying a new buggy.-- �t,++ , *oda Watson has accepted a : . 'ait'r Mr. Pied Simpson for the .0 -t:,: -r. -Mrs. John Lewis was the get -at of \ire. Will Shouldice Sunday. 0741 FES TOMt. =A. Bean the _,TM Kind YOl Hate Alsa Wilt &getter* of �� f! �>� r��ri>d silk Grand Bend Park 1 New Management Having leased and taken I session of this a Famous Summer Resort frorn Mr. Lovett, the premises thrnughnut will be Iut in flrst•clase shape. so that the very best of accommodation in ty be afforded th,,:e who Come to Grand Bend for an Outing Ever)- attention given to 4 a 4 4 4 Roomers, Boarders, 4 Picnic Parties, 0 Etc. 1 1 t 4 ( or prices will be very reason- thle. For partirnlars call or 4 write r tpa1111TOA=.`e TM Kitt/ Yell iim AMN INCH BE .c Cil.\ItMINU \VOJt.\N ZURICH You never saw a beautiful woman who Tee latent report regardi:eg the pro - didn't have beautiful t,air. The charms posed electric railway from St. Joecp'. of a beautiful woman lie to her) hair. Stratford is tt. t Inc original survey Many sono:: Ju trot realize the attract• Exner will be used. -W. along ate -Lurie, Road to Henault and Rowan -Legg of the Jiolsons Mafia. Hensail. has tak- en the place of SIr. I1. .arttold, at the local terancl,.-1•'atr,c•r Loiscile. the get.- for et-for their beauty. :wt be:auise their fat- 1.e1 p.eator of St. Peter's Church, Drys - 141 features are superior to those of dale, took a sudden and severe sick oilier women, but because they know ,pill o:, Monday. -Mrs. Henry Otto has Low to keep young by aupplyl:,g vigor, lustre. and strength to the hair. t'p to a few years ago Parisian Sage ould hardly be obtained itt America. But now this delightful hair restorer can be had in every town . , America. W. S. Cole sells it an Exeter for :,t) cent,' a bottle. and he guarantee it to grow bm•aut;ful, luxuriant hair, to turn dull, Iitelc•es hair Into luetvue halt: to stop Mr.e. Oaeper Weber. -Slide Doti,' Elms- L,Iifng hair, to scup hchtng of the acaip. Ile of the Ilrutlson Line left on Satur- Cttderstand, W. S. Cole will give you for London, where she intends rentaitt- your motley back if it fails. .ug for a time with Rev. It. Itedntond.- A large number attended St Boniface church on Tuesday week to witness taw marriage doers a•ry of Mr. Eugene ICut.z of Formosa to alias :Mary- Atte Foster. daughter of MI. and all Alonzo Fos- ter of the Babylon Low. Tits ceremot:y w.as p_•rfotnted by Father Stroeder.-Our Baseball team has boe,i having pretty good success this /season. On May 24th ions they pose(ea because they do not give proper attc:etlo!t to the care of the The wu:n(11 of t:.e 4,):" are famed b •,•:. suet, iii tl.,• past week or so. -Six pupils from the Zurich 1'. S. will try the et,tra:ice exams. this year. -Iii -v. and Mrs. Maass at.d Miss Maass are attending the Lutiielat, Synod at Preston. Mr. P. Hess, Sr.. is ,tido itt attendance as delegate. -Mrs. Henry Demuth left for her hurtle at Port Arthur, after an extei,ded visit with i c -r p.tret,ts. Mr. and f -- IC I RKTON. Rev. John Vele will preach 'ries fare- well scrmoti in tete Methodist church on Sunday next. Throughout Mr. Vcale's nlinlstty in this place r.e has made inat:y friends and is very popular with his congregation, as well as all with whom he has conic in contact, irrespective of inns,' woes and lost with Creditor ; 4311 has Itas gone down to defeat twice at denominational linea. lie has been par- ticularly successful 1•i lairktoti-Tire Eng lisle church will hold their anniversary services 011 Su,iday next, -Tisa Gertrude Shute is recose:Eng from a severe at- tack of la grippe. Death of Mra. Richard Itoae.-It be- comes our sad duty to record the death of another of lllanahard's moat respee'- ed and highly esteemed residents. itt the the person of Mrs. Richard Ross. who passed to her eternal rest on \Vednes- tet•sday of last week. at the age of :,a years. To her, death must have come 'as a happy release to her sufferings. She had been 111 of cancer of the throat Tor :many months and during that time suf- fered much pain and agony. Through it all, however. she bore her affliction with Christian fortitude and womanly endurance. For many days previous to her death her co,ditiort was sucl, that she could take au 1 outishntent whatever) thug the struggle became greater and the suffering more lntensitied. The de- ceased was bora in Illanehard, being a daughter of the late Mr. McCallum, and by her kindly dlepoettiou, cheery Fintlle a.:d lovable natureshc numbered her ftlettds as natty and her death will be deeply mourned iby a large circle of friends. Besides a Borrowing husband, She. leaves to mourn her demise two sons and two daughters, all of whom have the sympathy 'of a large circle of fritIrda. The funeral an Friday was one of the largest ever taking' place in Illan&hard and was conducted by ilev. Fletcher. The floral tributes were many and of beautiful design. Sirs. Itev. Riles of Rayfield visited at the paraorage during the week. -Miss Nettle Moore has returned after spend- ing a holiday In Brantford. -Mrs. C. Switzer of Teeswater is visiting her son Clarkson, -Mrs. J. Somerville is around ,g.tln after a severe ilhieee.-Rev. J. Vrale attended the Conference at Loudon Last week. Owing to ill health he has ti cn euperannuated for a year.- A Mad- ly act was performed last weak. h': :.• the neighbors assisted Mr. It. Rose With his seeding, he I:aving' been delayed by t „ itit ese act Mra. Ito,,, who Is very low. -J. F. Stinson had 'a tumble Ciotti a ladder last week whist fixing his hay nvaw, but Iucklly no bo:tes were broken. -The South Perth Woman's Institute. hold a meeting In Aberdeen 11311 o:. the loth, when Mrs. M. L. Ashley of Lon- desboro• will address the meeting. She is a convinciog Bp •aker and all the la- dles should tt(;tr i.er• - - Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, ad mercury a ill eur.•ly destroy the sense of -n.e:1 ved completely derange the •.shale system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should neter be used (•c•'ept on prearriptions from re;ctts- ble ph) sioians, as the dam ere they s ill ,to is tenfold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall'. Catarrh Cure, .manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, a tin. dire fly on the blood and mu -ons surfaces of the system. In buying Irall, Catarrh Care be sure you get the genuine. It is taken inter- nally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cl1ENEY A Co. Testiutnnials tree. Sold by all l'rnegists, Price 75e. per bottle - Take hall's Family Pills for constipation. t't •Ir hands ; and (Ai Friday last at Exc t •r they defeated Ithe home teat: on wet grounds by a scare of 1:3 -to -e. - Local horsemen are making good use of the track these days training thele fast ones J. J. Mentor. J. P. Rau, C. Fritz, C. Ell- ber and J. Hey, Jr.. alt have fine florae, Oafs TOA=b. Eon tie »Tlte Kind You Hale Always Boogkt K Sil1PKA Miss Tena )lcEachett has gone to visit in London for two weeks -Mrs. Win. liawkings who has been visiting with Mrs Adams is quite ill. -Misses Nellie and Sarah Keough of Detroit returned to their home Mere last week to spend the summer -Albert Keys met with what ntigttt have been a very serious accident recently lie and his brother were working in the field and by some ml,take the harrow swung around and a toot: went in his back, Inflicting a nasty wound. which however wit' soon be well again CLANDEDOTE Mr. and Mrs. Gould of Exeter visit- ed at Mr. Lamport's Mon -ay. -Joe Hodgins of London was in town this week. -Miss Nilson of Centralia is visitingMrs. Abbott of this place.- Miss Myrtle Simpson ie visiting friends in Biddulph.-Mr.IGeorge Dancy and Garnet Case were out of town Sunday. -Miss Lou. Hennessey was in Lucan for a few days last week. -We are glad to see Bertha Cunningham ottt again after her illness. -Austin Bice and Wesley Hennessey were in Exeter on Sunday. -Percy Daacy sports a new rubber -tire and a fancy little dri- ver. -Mrs. Carly of Cleveland is visit- ing her parents here. -Mrs. Rich. Car- ter spent a few days at Parkhill laet week. -There was no service in the Methodist Church Sunday, owing to the Pastor being at Conference. -Mr. Chown's family are about to move to Lucan.-We are pleased to see James McIlbargy home again, after being in the hospital at London.-- Miss Reeve of Hyde Park was the guest of Mrs. Paton Sunday. -Mrs. S. Hodgins is home again after spending this winter with her daughter, Mrs, Conner, in Cleveland. -- LCCAN. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton of Porto itico are visiting the formet's parents here. -word has been received here that Alex. McKinnon. a former Lucan boy, is seriously i11 in South America. -Mrs. Gerald Fitzgerald of Colborne St., London, spent a few days with friends in town. -Mr. Morris of Huron College spent a few days at the Rect- ors, the guest of Nev. Arthur('aalisle. --flet'. Mr. Kerr of the M. E. Church conducted service itt the Presbyterian Church here. in the absence of Rev. Mr. Stevenson. -Gordon Murray of Toronto is visiting at his home here. Dit.\rii.-The shadow t,f death has again been cast over the home of one IIENSALL of Lncan's most beloved and respected citizens, thereby removing from our Fred White of Toronto is home.-Ilugh midst Mr. Wm. Duuris, our popular Buchanan Is Longe front Toronto. -Rev. artist and phot'rgrapher. Outing the David wren preached In the Methodist past few years deceased has been an caurch last Sunday. -W. Ilowen-legg has almost constant sufferer and, though taken temporary charge of th'' Zu:-• ill so long, his death seems to have ich Branca of the Molsons Bank. -Mrs. come as a great shock to his many Macarthur and Arnold 'arrived home friends. On Monday mornitng, accout• from Toronto last week. Arnold is Inn- partied by his wife, he left horse for p-oving rapidly. -Mrs. Fred Berry left the hospital for the purpose of under - for North Bay'last week to .join her bus- going a second operation and on Mon- ba,,d, who has a position there on the day afternoon word was received of railway. -Mrs. T. Kelly has been ap- his death. Ile was a citizen loved pointed oganlet of the Methodist churcle alike by young and old, rich and poor, owing to the resignation of Miss Vera his geniality and patience in his suf- Murdock.-itev. Mr. DoLerty was called ferings seemed to impress all who to London last week owing to the death knew him, which, together with the of hie brother. from heart failure.. afterfact that he was a man of exceptional a few hours illt.ee..-Jas. Bonthron. Jr.. intellect and genius, won for hint many Is painting. improving Lind beautifying warm friends. His remains will be in• his property.. -Henry Reynolds left last tarred in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery. To week for the Wr s'. alth has been his wife. who was his constant coni - poor during the past few months, and panion and ever untiring in her efforts it is to be hoped that the change will to alleviate his pain, is extended the do hint good. warm sympathy of her many friends. DE.tTha.-Death visited our townand cast a shadow of gloom in our midst, when on Sunday, May aitltb, Miss Mag- gie Brown slept peacefully away. The C. 0. C. F. held a bee on Tuesday SC hile the circumstances surrounding remodelling the grounds around their her death were strangely sad, the de- ntwr ball, Mr. Samuel Brock le hauling {{rarities from her long illness and euf- gravel for a new 6113. tering was quiet and beautiful, well Revs. fair and Burgess attended the befitting the Sabbath, which to her conference held in London the past week was to know no end. The deceased s', -Mr. Fred Johns etccup:ed the pulpit left her home in August last to visit on Sunday and preached a very beaut- her brothers in Alberta and on arriv- ltut and Impressive sermon.-Mr.�1 ns ing there was stricken with fever and Slemmon has taken unto himself elf a wife. ,afterwards contracted a severe cold, The boys gave Salm a serenade on Sat- which wasted her strength so rapidly urday evening and c: -.tended to William that she was unable to leave the hos• and bride the usual congratulations, pitta) for months. Wasted and ill as salutes of gut,eand cow te'ia. t orr.e and she was she longed for home. and her mould boards. Congratulations.- Quite brother undertook the painful journey a few front the vlcinity are talking of and arrived here on May 22nd. but home for her meant something more than an earthly nne. The funeral, which was very largely attended, took place on Tuesday. June let. tier aged father and his wife have the sincere sympathy of all in their bereavement. St'BSC l!BE for the Advoea'e ar•11 get all the mews. ELiMVILLE A woman who is sick and suffering, and won't at least try a medicine which has the record of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, is to blame for her own wretched condition. There are literally hundreds of thousands of women in Canada and the United States who have been benefited by this famous old remedy, which was produced from roots and herbs over thirty years ago by a woman to relieve woman's suffering. Read what these women say : Belleriver, Que.-"Without Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I would not be alive. For give months I had painful irregular periods and inflammation of the uterus . I suffered like a martyr and thought often of death. I consulted two doc- tors who could do nothing for me. I went to a hospital, and the best doctors said I must submit to an operation, because I had a:tumor. I went back home much discouraged. One of lacy cousins advised me to take your Compound,as it had cured her. I did so and soon commenced to feel better, and my appetite came back with the first bottle. Now I feel no pain and ant cured. Your remedy is deservingof praise." -Mrs. Emma Cltatel, Valleyfield, Belleriver, Quebec. Erie, Pa.- "I suffered for five years from female troubles, and at last was almost helpless. I tried three doctors but they did me no good. My sister advised me to try Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound, and it has trade me well and strong. I hope all suffering women will just give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial, for It is worth its weight in gold." -Mrs. J. P. Endlieh, K. F. D. 7, Erle Pa. Since we guarantee that all testimonials which we pub- lish are genuine, is it not fair to suppose that if Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound had the virtue to help these women it will help any other woman who is suffer- ing from the same trouble. ale For 30 years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has been the standard remedy for female ills. No sick woman does justice to herself who will not try this fatuous medicine. Made exclusively front roots and herbs, and has thousands of cures to itis credit. Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health free of charge. Address Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn. Mass. SUBSCRIBE for the Advocate and get all tt:e news. COOPERAGE WORK. -I desire to In- form the people of Exeter and vicinity that 1 do all kinds of cooperage repair- ing. Ali repairs gathered and returned P: lees moderate. ED. IIEIDEMAN. San dere stret. EI.rg'VrlIF"IF 'IF 'or 11Fg111Flirs IP IP AROUND ABOUT US �� /i>Sa�a�allikrt���a�a St. Marys ;-Dr. Dick Grant, a form- er St. Marys boy. was married on Mon - 1 ty t3 Miss Edith I lute:tings o f Toronto Sita, hill-Althougi: not unexpected the death of Wm. John, eldest sera of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. I.arkworthy, which sad event or( urred May '30, cast a dark shadow over the lower, where he was so well and favorably known. Ile had tent 111 for 'teary a year and a half. De- ceased was bora and raised in Mitchell, and was one of the brightest and prone. ising of our young men. lti iraley.-The corner stone of the new S,. Jf.trys t hutch will h,' laid on Jutte 29. Right Rev. D. Williams. D. D., Bishop of Huron. will co,tdu, t the se: •e e. 1.. t't'. everting a good lawn party wilt h.• held at is Heti (tarry Bennett, coin -dean, and other talent will take pat'. The roily Vtta Orchestra will also b. pr,•a•nt and a good tinge is expiated. Bayfield. -Da Saturday- of Jest week between ti and 9 o'clock fire te o.ct' out in the mill yard of Robt. Ell'o t and de- stroyed about two thousand dollars worth of lumber. By etrenuoos efforts tin mill was saved. Had the ':. • gained a little more headway it would have cot been poasibla to save the tn111 and sever- al hu tdr'd feet of luntbrr. 11) see 1 c t rt - 'ti le a mystery. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of at - taking in the excursloe to the Model Farm o:1 Friday. N R. W. DINNEYi Prop. t ,w 01"."."11"111•1 v 111"."1.1.1 Vie •f An old-fashioned, ill -working furnace is a non- producer. It <onsutnes the coal. L'it thr'nlgh leaks and cracks wastes the heat. It is not economy to have such a furnace in your own home, or in your tenant's home. If you are thinking of building you should be inter- ested in Sunshine Furnace. It adds 100 per cent. to home comforts. As soon as you let the contract for your house decide on your furnace. The " Sunshine " man will be pleased to tell you just how the rooms ought to be laid out with an eye to securing greatest heat from the smallest consumption of coal If you want to experiment with the question don't specify " Sunshine." If you want to settle the question specify " Sunshine." McCIary's 2 For Sale by T. Hawkins (ft Son, Exeter 2Sa • Boz 1