Exeter Advocate, 1909-05-27, Page 3•
Ilan th3 Bleoi is Weak or Ott of
l;ridr Disuse istnedilt� Lo.
Many woznea go through life suf.
Tering is silence --weak, ailing and
unhappy. The laugour and blued•
le•`.aiie.>s of girls ano young women,
with headaches, dizziness and faint'
ing spells ; the urr%ous ailments,
back pains and fa.dure of strength
of wives and mot-•ers ; the triad
that come to all women at the turn
of life, are caused usually by itu'
Fever/shed, watcty blood. lir. Wit.
lianls' Pink Pills for I'alo People
have helped more wolueu to the joy
or good health and robust strength
than auy other medicine in tnd
world. These Pills actually make
stew', rich, red brood, which reacheii
every part of t'le body, feeds the
starved nerves, strengthens every
organ, and makes weak girls and
women bright east well. Mrs. A.
Eagles, Dundas, Ont., says:—"I
ant writing this letter out of grati-
tude to let you know the great be-
nefit Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have
been to me. From the time 1 was
a girl I suffered from weakness and
fainting spella—was always doctor-
ing, but it did not help mc. As I
grew older 1 seemed to grow worse.
My blood seemed literally turned
to water. Sometimes I would faiat
as often as twice a day. I suffered
from indigestion. I could not walls
upstairs without stopping to rests
on the way, and my heart would,
palpitate so violently as t., producer
a smothering sensation. I grew so
weak that people thought I was in
consumption. I was in this dread -
Sul condition when 1)r. Williams'
'Fink Pills were brought to my at-
tention and I began taking them.
The first sign of benefit I noticed
was an improvement in my appetite.
Then I began to grow stronger, the
color began to return to my face;
tho fainting spells disappeared and
gradually I was brought to a con-
dition of more perfect health tha71
I had ever enjoyed before. This is
what I)r. Williams' Pink Pills have
:done for me, and that they have
!been of lasting benefit is proved
iby the fact that it is several years'
'since they restored my health, ands
1 have remained strong and weIV
Lever since."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are al
(cure for all troubles due to impure)
it watery blood, such as anaemia,,
rrheuniatism, neuralgia, headaches*
land backaches, indigestion, St.
;Vitus' dance, paralysis, etc. Sold
Ity medicine dealers or by mail at
e0 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50
from The 1)r. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
The pretense of piety makes a
reality of impiety.
Faith is following truth even
though no one sees you.
The absences of the divine aro al-
ways due to our blindness.
All our aspiration has to bo mea-
sured by our perspiration.
Reform is a matter of reinvigora-
tion rather than of uprooting.
Some are so anXiolls to be good
that. they are good for nothing.
Measure the appreciation you be-
stow by that which you desire.
Tho religion that cannot live in
business has no business to live.
Lives are to be measured by their
outgoings, not by their income.
Tho first private goodness grows
out of devotion to public welfare.
One of the most popular ways of
dodging a duty is to write a book
describing it.
You may know how heaven re-
gards money wh'n you see tho peo-
ple who bac it.
They who have done least to pre -
vont sin always want to do most
in punishing it.
Some Olen are sure they are hum-
ble because they cnn think only in
Many a church that rails at bibu-
lous indulgences is eager for inen-
t.al anesthesia.
\Then the church acts as an um-
pire it usually waits until the cup
has been stolen.
The people who seem to have re-
ligion on the brain usually have no ,
brains in their rclij,,ion.
\Vhen your neighbors wish you 1
were in heaven you may be sure
son are not headed that way.
The only hope some have of stay-
ing in their heaven is that no wind ;
a ill arise sufficient to blow any i
(haft over the walls.
Most of the '.soothing 1rut),
•and ponders advertised to cure a,"
ills of babies and young childre-i
.Contain poisonous opiates, and ail
aoerdnse may kill the child. Baby's
Own Tablets are mild under the
,guarantr'o of a gvvernn►eLt analyst
;Shat They contain no opiate or
'harmful drug. They can he giten
,with absulute natntt to n neu born
thlld They cure all those minor
•ilments originating in disordered
tornach or howi,ts 'sirs F Yetieg.
liver Hebert, \ :4 . rays - 1 hate
'tied Baby's Own Tablet. for con.
pupation and .tomach trouhle al'd
twhen me baby WA, teething. and
lhaao found them the hest medicine
11 know of for tltr•e trealile. Sett
It., medicine dealers or by mail at
y:, rent• a biose fre+rn Tioc 1)r W.1 -
limns. Medicine Ct.., 13rockt i :e, 1
Traveller Speaks a Good Nord for
1•.ccry On:
is naturally anxi-
''Chinese life, or the phases of it
that you sec along the highroads of
the northwest, would appear to be
a very simple, honest life, industri-
ous, methodical, patient in pover-
ty,' writes Samuel Jlerwin in his
book "Drugging a Nation." "Tho
men, even of the lowest classes, are
courteous to a degree that would
shame a Frenchman.
"I have seen two soldiers," writes
Mr. Morwin, "who earned ten or
twenty cents a day, greet my coot:
with such grace and charm of man-
ner that I felt like a crude barbar-
ian as I watched them.
"You soon learn, in China, that
you can trust a Chinaman to carry
through anything he agrees to do
for you. When I reached Tat
Yuan -fu, I handed my interpreter a
Chinese draft for two hundred dol -1
lars, Mexican, payable to bearer.'
and told him to go to the bank and
bring hack the money. I had known
John a little over a week, yet 1 was
running no appreciable risk, and
the outcome justified my faith.
"Tho individual Chinaman is
simply a part of a family, the family
is part ola neighborhood, the neigh-
borhood is part of a village or dis-
trict, and so on.
"In all its relations with the cen-
tral government, the province is
responsible for the affairs of its
larger districts, these for the small-
er districts, the smaller districts
for the villages, the villages for the
neighborhoods, the neighborhoods
for the family-, the family for the in-
"If John had disappeared with my
money after cashing the draft. pun-
ishment would have been swift and
severe. Very likely he would have
lost his head. If the authorities had
been unable to find John, they would
have punished his family. Punish-
ment would surely have fallen upon
'The real effect of this system,
continued as it has been through
unnumbered centuries, has naturally
been to develop a clear, keen sense
of personal responsibility. For,
whatever may occur, somebody is
responsible. The family, in order to
protect itself, trains its individuals
to live up to their promises, or else
not to make promises. The neigh-
borhood, well knowing that it will
be held accountable for its units,
watches them with a close eye.
'•\\'hen a new family comes into a
neighborhood, the neighbors crowd
about and ask questions which, in
view of the facts, are not so im-
pertinent as they tnight sound. In-
deed, this sense of family and neigh
borhood accountability is so deeply
rooted that it is not uncommon, on
the failure of a merchant to meet
his obligations, for his family and
friends step forward and help him
to settle his accounts. It is the
only way in which they can clear
Zam.Buk Cured a Face Sore which
Defied all other Remedies
for Two Years
Rev. Chaales E. Stafford of Bridgebarg,•
Ont.. says
"'shad been much troubled :or over two
years with s sore on my left check. 1 tried
all kinds of salves and lotions, but nothing I
procured se reed to have the least bit of
effect towards healing the sore. ffearing of
Zam-Buk, 1 decided to give it a trial, and see
Hit would bring about acure. asso many other
things had faked I purchased a suppiya
and commenced with the treatment. After'
several applications, to my great joy.
Zam-Buk has effected what for two years 1
tried in vain to bring about—a complete,
Case after case could be quoted in which,
as in the above instance, Zanr-ituk has
worked cures when everything else tried had
failed. There Is a reason for this. Zam-Ituk
is the ideal remedy because of its unique
Ingredients for all skin injuries and diseases.
Away back in the days of the Roman
gladiators, secret balms were used for the
healing of cuts and injuries sustained in the
arena and in battle. Then came a period
during which external balms were neglected,
followed by a period in which all the salves
and embrocations irad as their base animal
fats and ods. Zam•Buk marks a new epoch.
It is absolutely devoid of all animal fats. all
mineral colouring matters, and is composed
entirely of rich medicinal herbal estracts.
Zam-Bnk is a combination of Nature's rich
healing herbal ju,ces by the most modern
scientific methods, and the result is a balm
which cures when eih.rs fail.
Skin diseases. such u eczema. ringworm,
salt rheum. and prairie itch, are speedily
overcome by it. For piles it is fine!—easing
the pain and inflammation. and hastening a
cure. It also cures burns, scalds, cuts,
ulcers, children's sores and eruptions,
blood -poisoning, scratches, old wounds,
varicose ulcers, Sc All Druggists and
Stores sell at Slk'. a box. or post-free for
price from Zam-Buk Co , Toronto. Refuse
harmful and cheap imitations, sometenes
tepresei ted as" lust as good."
'1'In10l'S CASE OF LO\(;EVITY.
1)ne of the most curious instnnc. ,
.•f longevity is found in Miss L'... u
1 uurtenay's "Notes of an Octvgen•
urian." A witness in L will case in
which Bellender-Ker. the great
English conveyancer. ant engaged,
vas asked if he Lad any brothers or
sisters. He replied that he had had
'Inc brother who died 150 years ago.
The court expressed incredulity
and documentary evidence was pro-
duced in support of the statement.
This showed that the wither,'
father, who married first at the age
of 19. had a sen u!'n tl:end in in-
fancy. The father married again
at the age of 75, and had a son who
lived to appear in the witness box
at the age of 94. and ninth- the abo%e
startling 'tatement.
Thr time to give tnteSt ,, w L. n It
Cant. F. t • most to give.
It Started with Backache and grew
Norse till the Doctor said She
Must Die.
Holt, Ont., May 17. (Special). --
All the countryside hero is ring-
ing with the wonderful cure of Mrs.
Samuel Thompson, who lay at the
point of death for weeks, swollen
with Dropsy so that the doctor five
different tithes decided to tap her,
but desisted because, as her hus-
band said, "It might be better to
let her die in peace." After the
doctor had given her up Dodd's
Kidney Pills cured her.
Mfrs. Thompson's terrible trouble
started with a pain in the back.
Sho grew worse, and the doctor
treated her for jaundice for eight
weeks. Then her feet and legs be-
gan to swell, and it was realized
that, Dropsy was the trouble. For
seven months she suffered. The
doctor said there was no hope; she
must die.
As a last resort Dodd's Kidney
Pills were tried. The improvement
was slow but gradually her strength
same back. To -day Mrs. Thomp-
son is a well woman. She says,
and the countryside knows, she
owes her life to Dodd's Kidney
If the disease is of the Kidneys,
or frotn the Kidneys, Dodd's Kid-
ney Pills will euro it.
"Are we free men or are we
slaves1" thundered the orator. "I
pause for a reply'."
"Well, most of us are married,"
cause the answer from the very last
row of scats.
A Woman's Sympathy
Are you discouraged? Is your doctor's
bill a heavy financial load? Is your pals
e heavy physical burden? I know what
these mean to dellcate women—I have
been discouraged, too; but learned how to
rro ntys.•If. I want to relieve your bur -
ens. Why not end Ute puln and atop the
doctor's bill? I can do this for you and
lAl1) 1f you will saslst rhe.
Allyou need do fa to write fora free
hoz of 50,' remedy which has been placed
hnrds to be Riven ata Perhaps
this one ho: will cure von—It :is done so
for others. If so, I ,}:all be happy and
ion will he cured for 2c (the cost of &
ostago at:.mp). Your letters held tona-
enUallyy. MRS.\�':rite to-dav for my tree trest-
atene RS. F. E CUIULt. i. Wladaor. Ont.
1'ou ]nay think you sow your add
oats where none are looking. but
you never reap them under those
cutidit ions.
Pills of Attested Valeo.--Parrne-'
lee's Vegetable Pills are the result
of careful study of the properties
of certain roots and herbs, and the
action of such us sedatives and
laxative% on the digestive appara-
tus. Tho success the compounders
have met with attests the value of
their work. These pills have been
recognized for many years as the
best cleaners of the system that
can be got. Their excellence was
recognized from the first and they
grow more popular daily.
Perhaps one reason why we ima-
gine that only pretty girls eat.
onions is because we never get close
enough to the homely girls to find
out whether they cat 'cm or not.
MlsNenartss la All Lades are friends of Pals.
killer. Hundred. of lettere testify to the fact.
For accidents and sudden emergencies, sneh as
sprains. ruts and bruises, they and it Invaluable.
Avoid substitutes, then is but one "Painkiller ;
--Perry Davis' :Sc and 600.
In East India the natives find
amusement in pitting fighting -fish
against each other in the water, as
Cubans turd others fight gamecocks.
The healthy glow disappearing
from the cheek and moaning and
restlessness at night are sure symp-
toms of wortns in children. Do not
fail to get a bottle of Mother
Craves' Worm Exterminator; it is
an effectual medicine.
: "That's rather a unique ash-
tray of yours, old man. I don't
know that I ever saw one like it.
Where did you get it 1- R.: "Well.
there's a little history attached to
that. Yon remember an apple tart
I told you my wife tried her hand
on soon after we acre married i"
A.: "Yes." B.: ''\\'ell, that's the
crust. My wife has often tried to
' mash it. but she can't.'.
1'N 1'
: \O, 21—i$.
Prince George, Nicknamed Had
Bey—Pranks, Mad and Cruel. cue for iuformation that will en-
able her to keep little ones in l:t.r.d
health. The Dr. Williams' Medi-
cine Cu., have issued a little h•ok
which contains a great deal of in.
formatit.11 011 t he caro c.. losses
and young children, that every mo-
ther ought to know. The book will
be sent free to any mother who will
rend her name and address to the
Dr. \\ dilates' Mcdiciuo Co., Brock-
ville, Ont.
"The bad Loy of Europe" --that
is the popular nickname which
Prince George of Servia has earned
for himself by his extraordinary
exploits. His "pranks" have been
a.s mad and cruel as they have been
many, and if his recent renuncia-
tion of his rights to the throne of
Servia was received in tho country
with great astonishment, it was re-
ccited with even greater joy.
Hurling apples and pears and a
syphon at the head of his tutor,
boxing the ears of the court phy-
sician, belaboring palace footmen
with a hammer—such, for hila,
were mild exploits, comparatively
speaking. On one occasion he had
a passage at arms with his own fa-
ther. On another he. presented a
sentinel with a live mouse, and or-
dered him to bite off its head. When
the soldier refused, the Prince beat
,hila, and threatened him with a
revolver, for disobeying his mili-
tary superior. More horrible than
all, however, was the shooting out
of a peasant's eye during a hunt,
merely that he might prove the ac-
curacy of his aim.
Terrible Punishment Affected by
Chinese—Torture Proven.
One of the Chinese modes of pun-
ishment is to place the culprit
where a drop of water will fall on
his head for hours, or even for days
if he can stand it so long. The tor-
ture this inflicts is proved by an ex-
perience that Colonel Fred Burn-
aby had in Vienna several years
ago. A school teacher bet him that
ho would not bo able to let a pint
of water, drop by drop, fall on his
hand. Burnaby laughed at the
very very idea of his not being able
to stand it, and the test began.
Although the strong man talked
and jested gaily at first, it was not
long before he began to show signs
of distress. At about the hun-
dredth drop—for the school teacher
kept tally—an expression of pain
crossed his face.
When the third hundred had
been entered his hand began to
swell and grow red. Then the skin
burst and the pain grew more and
more excruciating. Finally, at the
four hundred and twentieth drop,
Burnaby gave -it up and acknowl-
edged himself beaten.
They Cleanse While They Cure.—
The vegetable compounds of which
Parmelee's Vegetable Pills aro
composed, mainly dandelion and
mandrake, clear the stomach and
intestines of deleterious matter and
rostore the deranged organs to
healthful action. Hence they are
the best remedy for indigestion
available to -day. :\ trial' of them
will establish the truth of this asser-
tion and do more to convince the
ailing than anything that can be
written of these pills.
No matter how much trust a man
puts in his wife, he soon learns
that it isn't safe to trust her to
clean out his desk.
There M Ile Such Thing as a harmless cough.
'lbe tr•,ul.le g us 0 ii' bad to w..r•e unleu ehe.-k•
.I. Allen', Lung Ral.am cures the wor-t • f
golds. It allays ii,Iammattun and elesn the sir
The shipbuilding--ex(ludiug Naar
ships output of the United King;
dttnl last year was only il2li,G6li t.,ns.
against 1,1307,890 tons in Ul();.
will inaugurate. NI .y Y.ird, taro through tains.
Chicago to iseattle. Wash., ria Rt. I'su1, 41 1.11.
Low rates to all North and Mouth I'acitic 1' .a -t
p•.ints A forty p vto folder descriptive of the
Al.asIa Yukon Exposition free for the asking.
F''•r Inform ttion in regard to rates and train or-
rice write or call on
J. A. 5 0Itt(•K, 54 King Ht. Cast, Toronto, Oat.
Plants with white blossoms have
a larger proportion of fragrant
species than any other; next some
red, yellow, and blue.
Are your cores harder to remove
than those that others have had l
Have they not had the same kind
Have they not been cured by using
Holloway's Corn lure I Try a bot-
Inc all sorts of cuts, burns and hru1ses,
es well as all bowel complaints. U held
bar " Painkiller " over 60 yearn Avoid
raw Jtutr's Stere is hat rine "Painkiller --
Worry Danis'. 25c. and SOc.
What is man's best year' .\ pr.t
feasor has just gone deeply into the
records of achievements of the
world's chief ''workers" and ' thitlk-
ers," and has arrived at the co11-
clusion that the average age for the
performance of our hest work is
fifty Chemists and physicists
aterage the youngest. at forty-one;
budding iirnwnings and 1•:dinons at-
tain Maturity at rorty --four; while
the Hall ('nines are best at forty-
six. 1)o you aspire to be n Nansen
or a Kitchener 1 Look nut for forty-
seven. then. which is the age for ex-
plorers and uarriurc. Beethut.'ns
and Irving' are likeliest to achieve
great things at forty eight: . 1lrna-
Tademaa and 1)r. Ingram, nt fifty-
one ; Sir Frederick Tres -vert and
Chamberlains at fifty-two: Nietch
es at fifty four ; and George Robeys
at fifty-six. Historian• at fifty-seten :
and naturalists and jurists round off
the li•t at filly -eight.
"The longest way round may be
the surest way home, but there's
anus thet eternal femernine ques-
tion :—Where hev you been
It Keeps the Muscles Pliant. —
Men given to muscular sports and
exercises and those who stiffer mus-
cular pains from bicycle riding will
find 1)r. Thomas' Eclectric Oil
something worth trying. As a lu-
bricant it will keep the muscles
pliable and free from pains which
often follow constant use of them,
without softening thein or impair-
ing their strength. For bruises,
sprains and contusions it is with-
out apeer.
"Who gave t!t" bride away 1"
"Her little brother. He stood up
right in the middle of the ceremony
and yelled, 'Hurrah, Fanny, you've
got him at last!"
Eyes Are Relieved By Murine
when Irritated by Chalk Dust and Eye
Strain. incident to the average School
Room. A recent Census of New York
City reveals the tact that In that City
Flone 17,923 School Children needed Eye
Care. Why not try Murine 1':yo Remedy
for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes.
Granulation, Pink Eye and Ey'e Strain?
Murine Doesn't Smart: Soothes Eye Pain,
Is Compounded by F•xperlenced Physi-
cians; Contains no Injurious or Prohibit-
ed Drugs. Try Murine for Your Eye
Troubles; You Will bike Murine. Try It
In Baby's Eyes for Realy Eyelids. Drug-
gists Pell Murine at 600. The Murine Eve
Remedy Co.. Chicago, R'lll Send You In-
teresting Eye Books Free.
Roumania is the most illiterate
country in Europe. Out of a popu-
lation of 0,000,000, nearly 4,000,000
neither write nor read.
TRADING on a gond name and deceiving
the public 1s what the imitators of the
well-known "The D. A. b ' Menthol Plaster
are daing. Don't to. fooled. insist on the
genuine, "Tho D. & L. a
A woman dislikes a
either because there
gossip or because
is too much
there isn't
Tho transition from winter's cold
to summer's heat frequently- puts
a strain upon the system that pro-
duces internal complications, al-
ways painful and often serious. A
common form of disorder is dysen-
tery, to which many- are prone in
the spring and summer. The very
best medicine to use in subduing
this painful ailment is Dr. J. D.
Kellogg's Dysentery (.'ordial. It is
a standard remedy, sold every.
Statistics of life insurance com-
panies show that in the last twenty
five years the average length of a
man's life has increased two whole
years—from 41.9 to 43.9 years.
CALVES RaiseThew R'ltheua a1/1a.
Ir. , rr<e
nt... Briggs 501.1 Ca, 1 -rd .Ti3Os1
,f -A°1 iAUL.D'S
E.HBauld 3le 11dLor 0a}:
National Pro,tnt'Ial Plate Alaas Insurance Cords
ppsny, Limited. Head unite. London Conlan
Established las. Capital, Fifty 'lbowand Founds
pteraug rut Agencies at unrepresented poista,
Fr,riuce set Ontario, address
J. 11. 'MART, l'htef Agent.
N••. lE Wellingtuu Street Haat, Toronto,
Baud for booklet "Class Insurance."
Member.'i'oruuto Stock Cacbanye.
Traders Bauk Building, 25 nr.ra,t Strut.
w-oaro nowC 5!',' I as
specialising la Y1L: 1. , :u: • .:,I.-
(1.at• trea.vrar Presy terian
Church in t'ana)
('..Trait .t• , k s hour ht and sold 00 commis/tos.
Lune Distance Phones -Main 2370. Slain 2375
Here It Is—Grab It
We want to giro away (absolutely free)
to every woman in ('aeaua, one pairof s lash
Silver Plated Tension Shears
Lt order to do so We require your help, for
which wo Mill pay you. write us for full
ATLANTIC• SO 51' CO., Toone, Ont.
Letsbu.vsl )) Years. Limited
78 King St, West, Torontl.
MIJa11N MACi1ItlEUY HANDSOME suitoni0a'
Express paid Ole way on Goode From a Instance
WE GIVE FREE SAMPLE Mak.• three dollar'
CAgt a day nue establish
permanent business/
Oil our capital. Our
high class broods
�t a on sight in
every home. are
Quickly used up and
WRITE® repeat orders corns
fay CATALOGUE fast. F.zelnsive ter.
ritory given.
Dept. 51.. TORONTO. ONT.
in all sizes, complete or in
knock down form.
Snook Down Framoi and Semi -
Finished Hulls. OIngys and
Yacht Tenders.
(feet Of say Str•st, • Hamilton Canada.
Send for Catalogue.
Spiders, in proportion to their
size, are seven times as strong as
510,000 worth of Sheet Music,
Vocal and lestrumet:tai. Popular
Comic. Standrrd, Classic an 1
Sncred Song., Marcher. Wnitzes,
Two -Steps. lent on had all kinds
of Dance. Comic Opera and Educational Instrumental Iefusic,
The sto.k of thole!. Canalfan-American Kcal:: Co. porch .rd tr rn the Lliuldatnr at
n sr:). Inv, rate „n it tie...,•. w• are prepared t0 sacrtaca the entire stock iOr Ontek
Sale at Dtic:e never beture offered. This la tot old Owl/ w'oin stock Bur ALL NEW.
too 11•r11 alt I. to iltolael) i':ustraled title pages. and works that bell lit the regular way
from Is:. to 76:. per copy.
Our pr,ce, postps:d while the stock tests, Slagle Copies Sc., 6 ler 25c.
IS for SOc.; t, for $t.00
ipecinl prices in L.rger Quintino,. Stile'''. u: <••eptcd n. cash. \t'e have no catalogue of
thins ts.c. \yhcn „hien.•.1( .6.te .las., of -i(' re.lulred al•tth our many year- espert
encs and business ri.pon•lhllitlor,you cnn, a..fely entrust toe ,glen ion of your orders to
.1-. Try one lot and you wilt order more.
WHALKY ROYCE & CO.. LIMITED, Toros to and IN'lnripcg
So many Institutions devotrd to the Itirller Edo -
cation select Bell pianos? •i -he fact that they else
Lid prefer the i3ell is evidence of distim t went!
Oat follows professional ?Amc in .cqurnp xis e.:utatwsy
why ncA follow peo(eseional custom is buyiss hell piano
-iia. only pianos with the liltrlsitstie (Z,rck
Repeating Adios.
Scud fur ifr-c) Catalogue
The BELL PIANO V Orapn Co.. Ltwil.a GU t LPH.ONTAR PO.r
IN a long series of digestive experiments carried on by i'rolesaor Alar•
court, of the (iuelph Agricultural College, with the human Subject,
taking a:I the necessary precautions to Um], e accuracy, he deter-
mined the digestibility of various cerc•als and furnished the follows.
Int oesults 1
Percentage of the con..queers d,gr'+rA :
Organic Ntaeter. 1.:"rtr5 per grana.
Qrange Meat 91.4 3.;3:4
1Vhite Bread 98.1 5,468
Entre White Bread 94.0 s,2.8
Graham Bread 9s.5 s,zgs
Aecording to his determination ORAN(.P MEAT is So per cents
more vaieebieas a food then bread.
To perr.stent users of ORANOit MRAT a larg`e reward is offered. A
private postcard in every package of ORANGE MEAT gives details of
how to get a cask prise of Seven Hundred Dollars, or a life aneu.ty et
Fifty-two Dollars.
if too eater th's coolest, Ned post card to Oronge Meat, Kieg sees,
givIeg full awe and 8d IN., M/ gystlhi {be paytty la which you sew
this adrettkooascat.