Exeter Advocate, 1909-02-25, Page 1• 85c to JANI '(0 NOW IS THE TIME to subscribe for the ADVO- CATE and get a bargain as above stated; or else take advantage of our Low Club Rates il Pot Wedding Invitations lu .N tt,•-t Typos On 1k:.1 rapers The hine•t•t Work Arid It1V11t Priced The Advocate Office, Exeter TWENTY-FIRST Y. EXETER. ONTARIO. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25. 1909. SANDERS cit CREECH The Old Reliable .. GLIMPSE into the var- ious sections of this store will convince you that we have the goods and the prices, too. Our Dry Goods Section is filled with the most approv- ed styles of Dress Goods- hoods that are the most popular styles for Spring. A splendid variety to oose from. We are now showing our NEW PRINTS and GINGHAMS- the newest and best -come and get your choice before they are all picked over [Our Notion Section A section filled with all kinds of FANCY COLLARS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, H'D'K'FS, &c Our Men's Clothing Section t on lncleds very 1 tUe eulogy. The fact that this department will tend to show that we sell only the best and newest to be had in clothing. Our Boot & Shoe Section Your faithful servants -"THE FEET "-really need great care. Good fitting footwear is an essential. In our shoe section only the smartest and best fitting footwear to he had. Styles that suit the eye and fit the feet. ft DO DROP IN " CARLINGir BROS. `�'�PHONE 22+-� New Spring Goods are now ready for your inspection Is! Dress ogoi: in all the , FANK colors. • li in PLAIN CLOTHS, I'ANCY STRIPES, PLAIDS All at reasonable prices. We sell raf ton's rints � P ALL GUARANTEED •FAST COLORS Ms' rnihin PAlso a full stock of BOOTS & SHOES -in all sizes The Newest Colors in SHIRTS and TIES, FANCY BRACES, ETC Clean, Fresh Groceries always in stock SNELL & ROWE rr.N.tast.fal Carle. De. O. I'. ROULBTON, L. D. 8., D. D. 8. DM/STINT Malabar of tae IL O. D. 8. of Ontario and Honor Ileaduat. of Toronto Univers' ty. OVTICI: Over Dickson L Carling's Law Office, is Ds. Lod.esoa's former Dental Parlors. DL A. R. KINSMAN, 1. D. 8., D. D. 8.• `H.nor graduate of Toronto Unlveriety. DENTIST, ENO eat,raet.d without any pain, or any bad effects Otsee over Oiedman a Stu,bury's office, Main street Wise. Medical DR. T. P. Mc1.At'GIiI.1N Has r..umed practl e after spendinf a year (Col. Wit) at Brltleb and Continental Hospitals. General prectle. with ,pe fat attention to Eye, (with refrsc• Lion) Lar, Now and Throat. Office: Dashwood, Ont. HR BRIGHT, M. D., M. C. P. a 8. iiONOR . Graduate of Toronto University, fwo years resident physician Royal Alexandra nospital, et•'. (Mee and Residence, Dr. Amos' (Nd !stand, Andrew Street, EXETER. Legal. DiOISON a CARLiNG, BARRISTERS, SOLiCI• son, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners Sslddton for Molsons Bank, etc. M.1.y to LOOS at lowest rates of Interest. Offices, Main street, Exeter, 1. R. Oast,cee, B a., L. H. rcuos MONET TO LOAN. We have a large amount of private funds to loan • farm and village properties at low rates of Inter sea. (BADMAN at 8TANBt'RY, Berdsters, Solkiton. Main .1 . Exeter On B. S. PHiLLiPS. I':xit-ran. Lices-sed Auctioneer. fares attended In all parts. Satisfart►on guaran• toed or no pay Term. ream -matte. All orders left at Advoeste Office will be promptly attended to. William Brown Prof. Diploma M Royal Incorrrrated Society of Moelcian., England; Organist of Trivttt Memorial Ohurrh.Rseter. Plano, Organ. Harmony and Theory Of Music, Terms on appll. atton. Exeter, Ont, J. SENIOR Agent Confederation Life Assurance Company. Mao Fire Insurance in lead- ing Canadian and British Companies. Main -St., Exeter. MONEY TO LOAN .\ large amount ot money to 1 flan on farm and village properties at lowest rates. ERNEST ELLiOT, Conveyancer, etc. Office opposite Central hotel, Exeter. F• CAIRNS, VETERINARY BURGEON. Successor to Da. RAIIIAT, Special Attention to Dentistry. NM..1n street,s(op airivit Memoome ofrial Church),r. Peter Bwwdbe promptly attended to. EXETER, • ONTARIO. Ocoee -Dr. Rtamsay's old stand,corner of Main and North streets, (opp. Pym's Blacksmith Shop). Your patronage solicited FAi4M FOR SALE 75 acres of tate tat con. ot Rlddulpit`, Lot 2, 1-4 mile from Cer,tr,.11a : 65 ac. under cultivation, 10 ac. rush pasture. There is a good two-story brick cottage barn 84 by CO. other buildings also, 3 good wells, 2 orchards; pesseealon at once. Apply oft the pre:lilacs. TILOS. W. NEIL. RATIN FOR SALE A Ilan: 5: feet by 32 feet, rock cl.n frame. is tor a.ti .tt a r; • 'tenable price. For particui.tra appiy to CHRiS. DIETitICH, Shiva P. 0. LICENSED AUCTIONEER WM. ANDERSON, Licensed Auctioneer for 1turot: County. n+s reaeot,abic. Dates can bc made at tt.e Advo:ate. Exeter. or iic:nry Elitr'r's Office, Cred- iton. AUCTION SALE of Threshing Outfit and Farm Stock Mr. Thos- Cameron has been Instructed tosell by Public Ai'tion at TOWN HALL, EXETER ON SATO Ri)AY, MARCH Ott), 1909 at 2:30 o'clock sharp, the following valuable property, Thrr.her. "Decker," been used Ave years, In good condition, with feeder and plower; also cutter; 1 Saw• yet Marey Engine used Ave years, In good shape; 1 itelt 1'+t feet, 7 Inches wide, i ply. used 4 weeks; task. wagon, pump and hose, new. The abovemachinery la in first-class condition. There will also t. sold at the same time 1 Mood mare rising 1+0 years old, in foal to Bowden .1 If'• Donnell's grey hone; 1 Ally rising 2 year. old, sired by Ulwntck; 1 t year•old Ally by Lord Sharp; 1 row cant rears old supposed to be in calf -The property of Alam Whiteford. TERMS --(N outfit made known on day of sale. of Farm Stock -S months' credit will to given on furnishing approvedoint notes, ora discount of S per rent per annum for cash In lien of notes. Decker Threshing Company C. Ila-, cy, Pres. ; W, 11 Dearing, Secy; FAL Jones Thos. Cameron, Auctioneer. WANTED-11011SE TO RENT A house centrally ionated, ot moderate slat. Apply at this office. A STRONG POPUL.tlt SCHOOL In union there 1a strength" "In multitude of counsellors there is wis- dom." These ate two of the many rea- sons why young people consider it best to attend Canada's Greatest Chain of High -Grade, Modern. Actual Business Schools. Clinton Business College, whose new advertisement appears this issue Is a worthy link. SERVANT GIRL \V": NTEt1.' • - General servant, must be gopd cook. Apply to Mrs. G. W. Harrison, Lllzabeth street, Exeter. PItIVATE SALE OF FURNITURE The undersigned is offering by priv- ate sale certain of the new articles ot furniture al their home, corner Andrew and Laughall streets, Exeter. Also a number of rugs. MRS. 'RICHARD SNELL. STRAY HEIFER Tinere came onto the premises of the undersigned, Lot 11, Con. 13, McGl11- tvray, a red and white heifer. Owner can have same by proving property and paying expenses. THOS. LEWIS SEED OATS c'OR SALE The undcralgrtcd nas .about 400 bush cls of Beed oats for sale -200 banner and 200 t,nadian King -all clean and in first -clans condition. Apply on Lot 6, South Thames Road, Osborne. IIALLIE BROWN. CI E' 11E{{Y MEETING Th,; Annual 3lccting of the patrons of the Winchelsea Creamery will be held in the Township Hall, Elinlvlltc, on Wed- nesday, March ard, at 1.30 p tn. when the annual report will be received, ad dresses delivered and a general discus- sion on matters pertaining to the cream- ery will take p:ace. W. G. 31EDD. M1T FOUND A dog -skin mit. Owner can have It by by calling at this office and paying for this notice. BUS AND DRAY BUSINESS Having decided to go into the Bus and Dray Business In E-eter I have placed a new and up-to-date rig on the road for the conveyance of passengers to and from the station. and respectfully so- ilclt a lair white of buaTh6Ss ot the travelling public. Calls at the office, phone 41A, cheertully attended to WM. ARNOLD, Prop. BASEBALL OUTFIT FREE Boys, here to your chance ; earn this aplet,d1d baseball outfit in a Ilttie of your spare time. Consists o1 first --•lass hall and bat, given absolutely free tor selling fifteen pieces of our Jewellry at 10 cents each. GIRLS, we give you a lovely gold laid bracelet for selling 15 pieces. We trust you with tnc jewelry. lie sure and write to -day to Consolidated Specialty Cu. Station D. Toronto. I'IIOPEIRTY FOR SALE. New brick cottage, two story, contain- ing eight rooms, with furnace, electric light and all modern conveniences. Hard and soft water. Two lots, situated on Santdera street, Exeter. Apply at Advo- cate Office. SEED BARLEY' FOIL SALE About 800 bushels of No. 21 barley grown and kept for seed purposes. This is a new variety that has proven to possess a remarkable clean stiff straw excelling all other varieties, also gave the highcPt yield of grain per acre of all the barley tested in 1907 at the 0. A. C., manchuria Included. it has been without an exception the most popular variety with the tzptrimenlal u:tla: In the province ever since the first distrib- ution In 1906 In two pound lots from the 0. A. C. Price of small .quantities •Lots per bus. JOIN ELDER. iteneall P. C. Lot 16, Can. 2, Itay. Five bushels; and more at reducA rate NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the -natter of the estate of William Hutton, late of the Village of Exeter in the County of Huron, Gentle- man, deceased. Pur -aunt to Chapter I•29, of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1tee. Notice is herct y given porsusnt 10 Mr. St.at•tte in that behalf, that all persons having claims against the estate of the Pahl W ilham Hotton, who died on or about the nineteenth day of November, A. D. IltA. are requested, on or before the FiRST i)AY OF MARCH. A. D. 1005) to send by pn.t or to deliver to the undersigned 8o11. citon for the Admtnletrstta of Paid deceased, their Christian and Surnames, addresses and descriptions and the full particulars of their rlalms respectively, properly %trifled, and the securities, (if any), held by them, and that after the day last aforesaid the said administratix willpr•veed todistrihute the tto sets of the said de eace.1 among the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to tho.e claim• of which notke shell have bren Given as above required, eon that the.ai.1 Admini.trath' will not be liable for the said amts or any part thereof, to any person or per- sons of whose claim or claims notice shall not have been received by her at the time of m• 11 di.trlhu• tion. And notice is also given that any person or persons indebted to the saki estate or any account whatso- ever are required forthwith to pay such Indebted- ness to the undersigned solicitors. MR8. ELiZA JANE COLE, Administrant' Dated at Faster, this 15th day of February, Ma. MCMSON A CARLiNG, Soli, item for the shote mentioned Administraht' Exeter, Ont. Sale Registers. Wedseeday, March 3rd--ti,aring .ale of reg • Istrred and h,g', grade firm stnek of win Dalrymple Lot a,Con . 12, Ili b,ert.xt 1 o'clock. No reserve as proprletee 1s giving up (ermine. T. Camerae, Asct•, tiles Elim Snuth ot Clinton spent a few days at her i.onte here. TIIE EXETER COUNCIL The council -net In the Town Hall otic Feb. 19. All present, Previous minutes read and approved A circular letter re- garding the National Sanitarium was Iald over. The reeve advised the coun- cil that he had an Interview with Mr. Chipman. civil engineer el' Toronto, who would be pleased to pay a visit to Exe- ter and consult with the council re- gards water works. ifeantan-Johna- That the clerk write Mr. Chipman asking hire to cony to Exeter as soon as poas- ible.-O%rriejl. A deputation of tt e re eident mini$tere and laymen waited up; on tht)'1couricll in resettle .action being taken llo reduce the iiuit r of hotel Liquor Licenaea. AdJirpws a were given by Revs. Going, Marchi, Fear, Collins, Messrs. Martin Gladntan, Huston and others. Questions were asked and ane - were were made by the deputation after which a vote ot thanks was tendered to the councillors, per motion of Rev. Martin and Fear. Neaman -Johne - a by-law be p,tased limiting the number of hotel licenses to three. Carling and Luker -That no action be taken at the present time. The motion limiting the number was declared carried by the reeve, who advised the clerk to get the advice of Messrs. Madman and Stanbury in preparing the by-law. Tine municipal auditors, Joe. Davis and J. G. Stan - bury, submitted their report advising a•, duplicate of the sante be forwarded to the provincial authorities. The report was accepted and the clerk ordered to have the abstract advertised. -Carried. Collector Bissett expressed himself as pleased with the suggestions made by the auditors. Johns -Luker -That the town treasurer open an account In Char- tered Bank in the name of the Munk.' panty of Exeter as per statute. -Carried. Ileaman-Carling-That the auditors be paid it 1'2, supplementei by $3 each for the extra mho!' taken In preparing the report. -Carried. Luke r-AdJournment. ,los. Senior, Clerk. Mr. Donald McInnis lett Tuesday for Toronto to attend the annual meeting of The National Portland Cement Co. Ile carries with hint a large number o1 the proxies and Jt is expected that he will be elected on the Board of Dir.'ctors. • fiAl TOWNSHIP tin Feb. 113th another of the old set- tlers of Hay passed away when Mrs. C.trietop:ter Eacrett of the 2nd ron. de- parted this Ills. The deceased had been .tffticted for years and during last sum- mer seemed to gain a little strength, but the improvement apparently was only temporatLA, Sho was in her 76th year. About a ago ate at.d her bereaved husband celebrated their Golden wed- ding. Her daughter Mrs. Harry Tay- lor has lived with and eared for her for some Unit. Her family are all grown and settled in different parts of Ar nert•-a Robert residing In Hensall. Mrs Eacrett was an ezcelleat lady In every respect and the sy'ttpatl,y of the community is extended to the bereaved. THE KEG EXPLODES. The following despatch from Edmon- ton, dated Feb. 11. and appearing in a Winnipeg paper, gives the particulars Of an exploelon, In which two young men well known In this section were victims, Mr. Lunn being a former resident of Exeter and Mr. Kreln formerly of Cred- iton;- The explosion of a keg of gun- powder to a tent at the new parliament building site, which will probably result fatally to one man and seriously injur- ing two others, brought to light the very narrow escape front death which 150 employees at the legislative halls as well as the local legislators them- selves had several days ago. Some time ago. when the old Hudson's Bay build- ing was being cleaned, ten kegs of black gunpowder, probably for use in bygone years for defence against the Indians, was dierovered In secret receaazs of the building. One was lett there by mistake, ing discovered by •he fireman. . 11111y Lunn. wIto thought it useless, and it was about to be used int the furnace as Cue iwhcn an assistant warned him. Last night Lunn tried the gunpowder In a pan on the stove of his shack,t hlnking It use less. The whole keg exploded, blowing the shack to pieces and badly ir.Juring hire and his two companions, Loula MR - den and Ezra h,rlen. The men were ter- ribly injured and 11 is feared that Lunn will die. CCRLiNG CuN'IESC The members of the Exeter Curling Club held a contest Thursday last In singles for n medal and vest. and the championshiI, the championship a•.d medal being _won by 11. E. Ruston and the vest by C. b. Snell. Tt a former had to play five galllce to win while the !at - tet aas lucky enough to aecute a de- f telt and two tree. Eight e tide were played in each contest and rata con- testant used tl.rec pales 01 stones. Par. haps the e,osest ani hardest fought of the games was In the accond draw. when F. Sweet Ix:,: \Y. W. Tartan. 5 to 4. The final game was completed by the aid of a 1at,1crn a tc.w ntomet,ts after midnigi,t. The following is We score. - let draw.-itev. Collins and J. Grieve, def.; L. W. Fainter and D. McInnis, def.; W. W. Tartan 10. 11. Gourd 6; 11. W. i►inney ; W. Gillceplc 8; E. Jones 9. Sea. Taylor 4; T. Hoyte 11, r7. And- erson 6 ; F. Bawdcn 8, A. I'ynt 7 . t . sweet 7. It. G. Seldon 4 ; C. B. Snell and it. N. Taylor, def.: 11. E Ruston 13, N. D. Hurdott 4 ; A. Taylor 11. ',Mtn. Wilson 3. 2nd draw. -Cortina 7 Bawdett 5 -Hoyle 6. Palmer 4 : Jonta 8, Dit rtey 4 ; [fur ton 7. Taylor 6 ; Swett 5, Tama,t 4 ' Snell. bye. 3rd draw. -'smell 7. Collins 5: Jones 10. Sweet ',. Huston 14. Boyle 8. 4111 draw.-llueton 1.1. Jones R; and Snell bye. t Inst. -Huston h, Snell 4. WI IA LEN A number from around here attend- ed the social at Saintsbury on Thursday evening. -II. Wilson and Lloyd Hodg- son and trlends attended divine service at St. Patrick's church, Lucan.-Mrs.D. Itowc (rte f G 1 O tat c her 'sister stun visit d 1 r stn r Mrs. Daniel Hodgson on Sunday. -Mr, and Mra. \1 -in. Morley visited at Ler home near Bryanet0n on Sunday. -Mrs. John Wright gave a party to a num- ber of tier friends oft Tuesday evening of lust week. -The wedditng of Archie Mcllhargey to Mies Laura Mitchell took place on Tuesday. We wish for them a happy wedded life. -A great deal of teaming was done on the wee bit of sleighing we had. Mr. J. V. Stinson got hie Ice home and Samuel Gunning got the sand home for a new barn this summer. EDEN. Mrs. Adair is visiting her brother, W. J. Caves. -A large number front here attended the social at Mr. P. Hunter's last Thursday evening and all report a good hate, -Mr. R. Coates, after a visit with friends in Toronto, has returned home accompanied by his son, Frank, who has been in the hospital there for the past three months. -Silas Ida Caves spent Sunday in Exeter. --Frank Rook and sister Nellie of Exeter spent Sun- day at S. Skinner's. -Mies J. Bottler of Cromarty is visiting her friend Miss Clara Luxton. --Mr. Harris and daughter of Fullerton spent Sunday at the home Mr. J. Essery. BIRTHS Lamport. -In Crediton, on Feb. 18, to Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Lamport, a son. Hector. -In Exeter, on Feb. 21st, to Serg't and Mrs. Hector, a daughter. Stewart. --At Farquhar, Feb. 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stewart. a eon. Stanloy.-In Winnipeg, on Feb. 17th, to Mr. and Mra. James Stanley, nee Miss 011ie McLaugir;in, a son. Bender. -111 Hay, , Con. 14, Feb 12th,to Mr. and Mra. Ezra Bender, a eon. matters. -l11 llay, on Bronston Line, on Feb. 1 Gih, to Mr. and Mrs. Herman Walters. a daughter. Woodburn. -At Greenway. Feb. 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Clnidley Woodburn,a son. MARRIAGES rt Ameaa-Davidson-At the 4fattee, Hen sail, on Feb. 10t4, Ei Ga Jane Dav- idson, to Walter Jo Fiera Fort-Grcctr-Al the hoots of the bride's parents, \Vcdnceday, Feb. 17th, by tin, !tee hicks of Crediton, Hilton to atlas Jessie, daughter ot Mr. Frei Green of Sodom. Sandford. -Baker -Ln I'ort Huron, on Wednesday, Feb. 17, Mr. Bert Carpen- ter Sanford of Buffalo, N. Y., to \Slee Sarah Jane. eldest daughter of Thos. Baker, fort Huron, tormeily of Cen- tralia. Armstrong. -Petit kc. At Parkhill, f'eb. 13th, R. 11. Armstrong ot West Will- iams, to Mre. John Politico of Parkhill Biggins -Beacom -At Clinton on Feb ,17 Stella E. Beacom to Thomas W. Big- gins, all of Sutlimcrhill. Howard. -Pollock. -At the residence 01 the bride's patents, Mr. and Mrs. John Howard, Town Line, IIay, on Feb. 17 James A. Pollock of Ripley to Mies Sarah ltoward. Detrlch.-licgier.-At the R. C. church, Mount Carmel, Feb. 22nd, by ltev. Fr. Forreater, Mr. Leo Detrich to Miss Josephine, daughter of John Rcgier, both of Stephen. DEATFIS Wilson. -In Centralia o:t Sunday, F.b. 21st, James Witaou, aged 63 years. Eacrett.-on Feb. 113th. Mrs. Christopher Eactett, aged 76 years. Burley. -in Parkhill, Feb- 17th, Reuben hurley. aged 16 years, 9 months. Craig. -In Clutton, on Fob. 15th Ann Hall, relict of tr,c late Robt. Craig: of Brampton, aged 90 years. Don't Be Put Off by any salesman telling you that he leas a preparation better than Enjoyme Medicinal Jelly... for chapped or rough skin, tan or sunburn. Look out for your- self -if you want • THE B E STS then use "Enjoy -me." There's none just as good. Only one store in Exeter sells it -and it's here. 25c a jar. at1laa& Akar COME IN Can. THE PURITY ',wen 'w.MIFIRFAFWFAVIIFIRV'ErAP ODDS & ENDS SALE A Few Bargains after Stock -Taking. 2 pkgs Tacks, 8 and 10 oz, for 5c 2 Mouse Traps for 5c 12 gross Hat and Coat Hooks, 3 doz for....25c Cold Blast Lanterns, (1 week only) with wick and oil reg. 75c for 50c Caementeum (mends everything) per tin..20c Spring Skates, per pair 35c Hockey less than cost Kitchen Emery Steels 10c 1 string of Bells, reg. $2.00, for $1,45 Shaft Gongs less than cost Razors, 6 only, reg. $1.00, for 50c Sulphur and Salts, 8 and 10 lbs. for 25c Sweepers for Children, 45c and 50c, for 25c and 30c 1 Ironing Board, reg. $2.00, for $1,50 1 Vallmer Washer, reg. $7.00, for $5.50 Buck -Saws at Cost. Rex Sugar Food Dr. Scott's Stock Food Handford's Balsam of Myrrh and International Stock Food HERMAN'S HARDWARE & STOVE STORE The watch that gives sat iyfae• tion under all ('OnditiOltS of service is the watch that you want , THE REGINA WATCH... iS THE PEER OF ALL WATCHES CO,, :. i itENGTH, BEAUTY OF DESIGN. SERVi('AIIiLiTY AND SATISFACTORY TIM K•KEEPiNO. These watches are made by the most skilful mechanics in the world. Assisted by the most up-to-date machinery known to science. Thep mat, -he• sr* made for men, women and boys ani will trice the i11:ST or ssIntFACfiON to anybody who rry•,irr. a ....... good serviceable time -keeper. . . . A. Marchand - Watchmaker RXETF.R• • ONTARIO.