Exeter Advocate, 1909-02-18, Page 8EktlismitISgt
if f111
$18.00 and $20.00
Suite for
.00 ..
$6 Pants for $4
$4 to $2.75
This offer is for 2 weeks
only. Every suit is a
Merchant Tailor,
Business Locals -- Read Them
• Ladies' tailor-made suits. Perfect in
style (outfit. Fut( line. Stewart's.
The Advocate will be mailed to any
address in Canada until January lst,
1910, for one dollar. Tell your neigh-
bors about it.
1)u you want to sate about fifty per
cent on 0 (man's fur coat or ladies' .fur -
lined. Go to Stewart's.
The Advocate will be sent to any
address in Canada to Jan. 1st, 1910,
for $1.00.
I:u'dpath's e.rtro standard granulated
sugar is un the jump up -watch it go -
perhaps youbetter order now. Stewatt
sells no other.
We take subscriptions for all foreign
or Canadian magazines at reduced
rates. Don't forget the Advocate
when your subscriptions run out.
Neu- `mirror' finished ladies' suiting -
blue, brown, green and black -special
price 60c. Stewart's.
Marriage Licenses issued at the Ad-
vocate office.
Ladies' New Spring Jackets. Extra
ealue 6.50-7.50. Stewart's.
A house centrally located; aptIY at
this office.
Pr. Overs coolies.
Dr. Ovens, London, Eye and Ear
Surgeon, will be at the Commercial
Hotel, Exeter, on Saturday, Feb. 2'7th
glasses properly fitted and diseases of
Eye, Ear and Nose treated. Hours
9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Mr. Ellrr: Wllltams Is still very 111.
The house owned by Mr. Henry Hoop-
er on Main street, north of Weekes' mar-
ble ahop, has been purchased by sir.
James Beverley, who will take possess-
ion shortly.
Mr. 11. S. Phillips has gone to Ilell-
vilie owing to the serious illness of his
son. Herbert, who underwent all opera-
tion at the Denville hospital for append-
icitis on Friday last.
Mr. \t' (Ilium \mold of Kincardine hart
leased a pint of Mr. Chas. hackney's
sale stable a and will start a' bun ser-
vice In town. Mr. Arnold arrived Wad.
need ay a•;d will at onuc commence the
John it. hind Is In eVuodetoc k to-
day to roenertlon with a contrail which
they have re« ived to supply all trio fram-
es. sash tied doors requited fur the build
Ing of a knitting factory for The Oxford
Knitting Co. of Woodstock. The site of
the bunting le 55 by 2e,0 feet, three
store's big h. holier and dry room esh'a.
!Deka' F'oreeasts for February. -A re-
actional y "dorm period Is r antral 011 the
20th .!let and 22nd. Tele period Is
at the incur ging of the Mercury period
and dlstu bance, with New Moon Inlmed-
Iatcly preceding. Marked barometric de-
plese:o h will .appear at the beg:lining or
as cirri- as t:1c lath. attend( d by grow
frig wasnnth. and dutteg the :Orth to :.lard
general end th. ieted storms of rain, wind
and t) u Act will el aft regions to the
sou'hwud. t truing to heavy and des-
tru Bye 01,1 1 storms uv(t central to the
no: there s- c 1 one. ieilzzards are entire-
ly po,i.ih't West India l,urrlctnes ani
get.enle slides In dlttcrcat parts of tee
g.o )e.
4a`1'.. Come in and R
tine of oitt
an You keep
warm these
cold days ?
Spring has gone -
Winter is coats -
Hicks wbs right -
Winter Suits
or an
anti yon will not
only feel warm and
('''10fr,rtiable, int also
right up-t(t cl
Al.n a very Partings
rn -e fine of
Merchant Tailor • t'aeter
Tec (WI( re3 ! ad a•1 ar,-day toutr.ament'
it bangles to -day.
Dr. Matdanai(i of ! erepeg will uccUPY
the l'resbytcrtan pulpit next Sunday
'Tis said that the new way is to
leave the valentines 10 Ltlndtes at the
ladles' doors.
Rev. G. 11. C ebuiedick of Woodsto•:k,a
former Exeter boy, has accepted a call
to Quebec city.
A pleaiain St. t'alentlne party was
Given at the home of Mr. P. Frayne
Mtor.day evening.
herb Southcott ire ort duty owing to
air injured ankle, suatatned while play-
ing t.ockey.
The town boys and the Y. M. C. A.
boys played a good hcckey match Mon-
day evening, the former winning by 5
to 4 goals.
Mrs D. Johns and the Waseca Johns
gave a pleasant St. Valentines dinner
on friday cvC'1LIlg last to a number Of
their ladv friends.
Mr. AI. Iflsuett t.as Roved with his
family into the !louse owned by Mr.
ilroJerirk on Andrew street and recent-
ly vacated by Mr. W. S. Ilowey.
We acknowledge with thanks a cram-
pltliientary ticket to attend the Ninth An -
nu ti At-Ilonte of the Hurons Old Boys
of Toronto at the Temple Building on
Friday. March 5(11.
A vaccine has been discovered welch
w111 destroy tate seems of pneumonia,
blood poisoning and typhoid fever. In
no line Is the advance of scic;tce greater
than in that of medicine.
A good many years ago when a boy
was whipped at school, he received
another wthipfing when he went Ronne,
tut in these days the father and mother
wipe Lis tears away and go and whip
the teacher.
Mr. \V. J. Statham teas torn down the
verandah at t'ee front of his store and
will shortly Improve the front consider-
ably. Among talc Improvements will be
plate glass windows. Progreselveness Is
it strong point with Will.
There are advertisers and occasional
advertisers, but the advertisers who ;td-
vc i (!acs as an advertiser should adver-
tise, Is the advtrt'scr wt o persistently
advertises In Pie best advertiseig med-
ium. That nedtutn fa tt.e Advozate
Tnc 1i:ends of this paper will please
!rand Uo Ir( stews dints when they are
fresh. We prefer riot to publish a birth
.after the child Is weaned, a marriage
after the honeymoon is over, or the death
of a man after nus widow 1s married
Friends of Mrs. Irwin, nee Florence
:desalt, of Norwich, will regret to hear
of her Illness of pneumonia at her home.
She was suffering from a severe cold
at the time of tier marriage, and waft
taken 111 at Toronto. afterward being
taken to her home. She is doing nicely
now. however.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Jolla
Welsh took place on Thursday and was
largely attended although the weather
was very stormy. Mrs. Welsh being a
very large and heavy woman ;t spe'c'ial
casket had to be secured and extra han-
dles at the foot and head placed there-
on. ilowever It was handled nicely and
without mishap.
"That the said \Williamse\rgent caste
to lila dc_tt'1 from natural causes. but
further we recommend that ,•aution be
taken In the adrntnlstr.atton of drugs by
persons unfamiliar with their properties
and effects," as .the verdict brought lin
by a coroner's jury at Clinton resulting
from "rumors" that deceased had been
treated by "lay brethren" Dr. Shaw per-
formed the post mortem.
The Soclr.l evenlrg giver) by the chair
of the Trivia Mnnot cal :hutch in the
School Hall. on Friday evening last was
well attended and most pleasant in Its
nature. The ' Fish Pond" and 'Shadow
i'ie" were interesting and atnusing fea-
tutee of the everting. Tee members of
the Choir proved themselves equal to the
ort aaf011 anti left nothing undone to
make it pleasant for all. The proeeids
amounted to about $12.
Mrs George Barnwell, who ha■ been
president of tate Ladles' A:d Soclety of
('oven Presbyterian ehureli toe over 20
years. was last week pleasantly surprls
ed by a visit to her home of a number
of the members of the society, when she
was presented with au address and made
tion -President, she having resigned the
prcetdetiry owing to tier advanced yours
\ very enjoyable c vi Wing was spent by
The whiners at the carnival on Friday
were, -Ladies' costume. attires Florence
Anderson ; Girls' costume. Miss Lula
Martha; Gents' costume, Gorden Taylor;
Comic costume. hernia., iia):Wan ; Open
race, Ed. Anderson. Ewing to the publlc
meeting and the short notice the attend-
ance. was not as Targe as on former oa-
r:1910es. the tank manager belog torted
to postpone tine affair twice during the
Wild weather.
The public siLoolrt deserve mote fit-
tcnt1o11 than Is u'ually given them. Par-
ents. as a rule, regard their entice duty
In this connection dlschargtd :it payinir
their tax and prcper:y elot erg and
sending their c;it,dren to school. There
is reason to fear that many look upon
the school as a nursery to i"forrn
them of their trout,1 .oi ;e childr..11 The
Public sc!,00le cannot accomplish the
full nuasure of F,e:r poasabiictlrs un -
lees the parents Join with 1:ac hers and
truvtcrs in attention to their pupils.
GIRLS M.ANTED-To learn dressmak-
ing. Apply to V. TREBLE.
The Wren who Coe more harm to a town
than good may be classed us renews--
F'lrst. those wt.o oppose Improvement;
Second. Beebe w110 IU -1 it QOwn to the
strangers, T:ccrd, those who never ad-
vcttibc their business; L'ou:tt., those
wet) chair ust public swatted Incl : Fifth
those w•ho snow nu Hospitality to any
one; Sixth. those who hate to F,'e ntt.nrg
make nione.y ; Seventh, those who oppose
every forward movement that docs not
originate with themselves ; Eighth, those
who put ou 'smug faces when a stranger
speaks of localing 1n the town ; Ninth,
those wtio oppose every public enterprise
which does not appear of personal ben-
efit l0 themselves.
Mr. J. .1. Stewart wab more than sur-
prised on Monday evening to find 00 his
arrival home from the congregational
Met ling of the Presbyterian church that
his t cuse had bum taken possession of
by a crowd of St. Valentin: merry-nuak-
ars. who, dressed is all sorts of mote or
!(-as ancient arid pit tures rue clothing
and wearing masks, gave hire a few ex-
citing moments when he turned on the
gas and they danced him around tate
room to tine tune of ' We'll hang Jake
Stewart to a sour apple tree." J. A. was
equtl to the occasion, nowover, and after
Wheat 1 00
Barley 48 63
Oats 40 41
Peas 75 82
Potatoes, per bag 00 00
Hay, par ton 760 850
Flour, per cwt., family 2 76
Flour, low grade per cw 1 40 1 46
Butter 28
Livehoge, per cwt 0 30
Shorts per ton 23 00
Bran per ton 20 00
Arthur Brisbane, the editor OI
Ile•arst's New York American, who Is
rcdrted with ming the highcut salaried
editor In the world, his salary being
placed at 11100,000 a year, speaking at
St. Louts recently hadt his to say of the
local newspaper; ' 1 should like to say
and In this you all know, I am certainly
not lnflucnccd by personal interests,
that the iutellieeet advetttser should un-
der no circumstances neglect the Im-
portance of the local paper. Every matt
who sells goods, every mean who tries
to convince. his fellow man, knows how
inl,•ortant the personal equation: la. If
you wanted to sell a man a coat, and
the fiutter in the region of where Ids you could get that man's Intimate friend
to go to Wan and talk to :din about the
coat, your sail' wound ea assured. The
local newspaper Is the local Intimate
friend of the people you are trying t0
reach In each locailty. You may adver-
Mae in the bag monthltea spread all over
the country, you may have your picture
done In beautiful colors and !tan toned,
you may advertise in the few metropoll-
tat: newspapers aed break ground in a
big way, but cannot get the best results
u:.leea you bring to your aid the datiy
association of the local editor with his
Meat readers."
heart Is supposed to be clad reared, he
proe.' dcd to identify the intruders,
which task was not an easy enc, many
of the costumes being remarkably good
and kept him busy for ten or fifteen min-
utes. Having located everybody he
threw the house ode., to the visitors
and an enjoyable evening was spent, dur-
ing which Jake was beard to frequently
remark that lie was glad there was no
weak spot In hie :,cart or lee would have
been' it goner."
Niles Clara Davis lraa,gone to Ingersoll
to reside.
Mr. T. 11. McCallum was in Toronto
this week.
Miss \Vilverna Quaere has returned to
Alis( Craig.
Miss Jessie C.ucron is 111 at her I:onre
in Eaetcr North.
Miss Scldon of Ingerso;l is the guest
of relatives here.
Mrs. C. 11. Ilorney has recove:cd from
her recent illness.
Ncleon Staniake spent a fcw days in
London last week.
Mr. Win. Elliott Inas rcturncd to
aro:t after a vis't here.
J. C. Collins, who has been In Forest
returned here this week.
alias Blanche Smith left yesterday for
Toronto to visit friends.
Mre. Tilos. Elliott left Wednesday for
Marlette. Nth h., to visit.
MIPs Nina Cal ling •returned last week
from a vlsit In Brantford
Maurice Quante is learning harness
staking with Mr. \V. J. Beer.
Mr. ]Robert Richardson of St. Marys
has returned to his home here.
Miss Clara 3lnith lett Saturday for
Ingersoll where site intends remaining.
Itcv. D. W. Collins returned Friday at -
ter a pleasant visit In Cincinnati, Ohio.
Mr. Win. Url:ikevatcr of London was
the gutet of \Ir. Shirley nobler over
atlas Minnie Sanders returned to Lon-
don Monday to resume her position as
Miss ilia Sinipson of Moores/lire is
chilling here war her grandmother, Ntre,
Ea( tett.
Mise Mar;ory ]lose of Guelph Is the
guest of her coubins, Dr. and airs.
Mr. \V. S Llndentelt of Vancouver, I1.
C.. Is here, the guest of his brother, Mr.
Charles Lindentelt.
Meagre). W. 11. Levctt and W. 1'. Ache-
son lett \\ edtiesday morning on a few
day. tilp to New York.
aline 011ie Quince Is attending the mil-
linery oputiugs at Toronto. and Miss
Lyda QU ince at London.
\Ir. John ieowerman of Wlllow Site*,
North Dakota. Is Here on a visit to Ills
ulster. Mrs. Itichaard 1Iu:.ter.
Mrs. \V. 11. Colby, who has been the
gwtst ot airs. Wm. \%lleon, returned to
her home in Toronto Friday.
Rev, Spargo and wife of Prince Edward
Inland are visiting at Mr. D. McInnis'
Mr. Spar go wf11 preach in the James st.
on SU :(lay next.
Mr. and Mrs. \t'nl. dale and little
daughter Madellr r of Eddy's Mills. af-
ter spending a fcw days here visiting
friends, returned Tuesday.
Mr. L. L. Taylor of Kenora, New Ont-
ario, and Mtge Amy Taylor of St.alarys
spent Sunday last at the home of D.
('obtlr ttck, Flamer North.
Mt. itrhard Wt,s'i of Kalamazoo,
Nth 0.. tib visiting 111 Ontario, the guest
of his mother, \Wi!!lanl street. Ile vis-
ited in Goderieli this week.
Messrs. William Week. a and Thos.
l'rlor wu1• 111 Lindon Tuesday attend-
ing Inc funeral of a relative, John M.
Weekes. ag.d :,3 years. who died the
p1evtoas Sunday.
The following left here Monday to at -
It tnf the Inlrlhicty optnit'gs In Toronto
Miss Carrie Dyer. Miss Carrie Knletit.
\tisa A. Molork. Mire; M. Gould and alias
fay \rnstrong.
The curlu•a tlulwhcd the first round
In the singles Inst week. when W. \V,
Taman beat Alf. Taylor and IL E. Hus-
ton trintnn'd Donald Mcinnis. who nays
It was owing to his choline a poor skip.
in the second round N. 1, lfurdon suf-
fered defeat at the flat ds of F. ltawden.
Rev. ('opine w,as neaten by W. V.. Ta-
man Nelson Taylor went u,ndcr through
the good playing of F.d. Jones. 11. E.
Iluston trimmed Frank Sweet, :and that
tint dad tee second round. leaving Fred
it twdcn. W. W. Tartrate FA. Joan s and
If. E. Ruston to play off. Tuesday af-
ternoon Fred i!awden d( fisted 11. E.
liuston, a1.d now Fred Rawden will have
'o play the winner of the Tanith-Jones
game The rink contest will .onimence
dila week
Ilot onions, accord) ig to a F'ren: h
steynlr tan. .are said to be sure :cur.,
for pneumonia. The remedy to as tot -
ha as Take nix oe ten 00101x, according
o wee, and clop fine, put In a large
1.in over a tor, (11011 ,td.i 1'1•• name
uu,tIty of rye Waal and vinegar enough
to make a 11,1( K Palate. 1:: tr,e rllran!t,ne
stir It tt,oroug ay. letting It simmer for
for five er ten minutes. Then put in a
1 orlon tag large anoneh to rover the
u Igs and .apply to chest as hot as pal -
nett can bear. in about ten minutes ap-
ply another, and tt u.c tonttnue by re -
':eating the p00tres, a red 'n a 1.•w hours
the patient will he outof d.ti g.,r. This
st'» i le remedy has never tatted to cu'+e
Oita too often fatal malady. t?eu a'Iy
cat or fou• applirat:ons will be saf-
44 11( lent.
De -
.t concert will be (held In the op. ra
!louse on FiIda y cvcn,ng. Feb. 19. :at N
o't fork sharp. under the a teplces of the
Literary Society of the Exeter lfigh
5e -heel. consisting of a 1e.•ture and a
series of limelight views on the putt -
feet of • Th( Flower of Empire,- given
by the Rev. 'f. J. Spencer. Admission.
::.r., children lea.. A real cdueanon
treat Colne and enjoy 1t.
The county council conn:thee :tat at
the house of Refuge recently and after
dining with tee Manager and Matron
•Wade their first tour of inspection. Nrnd
less 10 say they towed tui:ything in
rhe test of condition. Tee 'otnn,Ittee
oneistn of Walden gamont, tied ltrnvrs
eraser of Grey, atom of Colborne, Strot-
hers of Ambit( id and Watson of asmfrlrin
William Fosttr of Clinton: presented to
tar (onuntttee a claim for 514) against
rieorge Itodglns. a pay inmate from
Freter. Tt:e debt le said to have leen
a loan made fifty year. ago when both
Tien W1.1 1- 11 gaged 1i1 (0,,etru:1ton work
oa the 1!uTLaio and Ouderiec, itaitwaye
If the 1,u.nluron Government ronr:drs
the re+;uest ot a rc•tltron and deputa-
tion and ,nikcs a It ,d grant to the Fen -
tan ieaid veterans. two of the inmates
leen l.awrason of Porter's 11111 and J.
1111(1 ell of (1oderlen will be ertltl_d 1 )
grants. The 1 tuvlecial lnspettor in tis
ration spoke e'f t',e I:u on Hotta-: of Re -
:u;1, a9 being one of tate best mana4td
1 tithe province.
when you eat a peach you throw
away the atone I e -auae it is not
an article of diet. When we make
we retain all that is goal out of
Cod Liter Orland throw away the
grease. Stye and $l bottle. Sold
only at
Drug Store
sap See Our St. Patrick Post Cards
The Old Reliable
It has the natural color and
flavor. Has an army of
satisfied customers.
t The Quality of
has given us our
success . • •
rl_atlka't �ulkLAILAIL���
Scrap Iron, }aute
Bass, CapperRn64er, Etc., �
We are prepared to pay
40c a hundred and upwards
according to quality, for Scrap Iron.
Old Rubber Boots and Shoes, 5c per ib
Horse Hair, 20c. Copper and Braes 8c
Rags50c per hundred.
We Have for Sale
a large quantity of
suitable for
Fence Posts
M. Jackson & Son
Loose leaf ledger,
,Adding ant .yavm, ►re1 ll and shame
all modern de -
Machine tire* known
t n Mtsinea.
.rtenre are at
di.tvwl n I
�r atudent .. e'nn.e,l•Irnth- t.a.ine.a
bowel of leading Canadian and Ameriran cities
Vee calling ln(adly for nut graduates.
indi(idaal In.triotlnn. Enter any day.
Mail Course&
Send p.stalfor parte ilar..
Jobbers and Dealers in
Shelf and General Hardware,
Paints, Oils, Glass, Nails, Seeds,Etc.
We make a Specialty of Eave-
troughing, Roofing and
Plumbing in all
its branches.
Call and
be con-
that it is the cheapest spot in town.
Hardware sloe is Complete
reat Discount Sale of Furniture at
Rowe & Atkinson's III
We have started a great
slaughter sale comprising
every article of furniture in
our large stock at a
Big special discount
off regular prices
for CASII. Note sotne of the
Great Bargains we are offering
and what it means to furniture
buyers. A calf will convince
intending purchasers that this
SALE ever held in Exeter.
finish, with largo Bevel Mirror,
regular price $10.50,
Discount Bale Price. ....$13.00
regular price $13.00
Discount Sale Price $10.00
regular price $8.50
Discount Sale Price $8.00
regular price $3.50
Discount Sale Price $2.50
Everything else in proportion.
The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Direotore.
Eztra 11 Oc
Panama Cloth,
M in. wide, good heavy
weight, colors of Cream
Green, Black, Blue and
Jones & Clark's have been
noted for many seasons for their
splendid selection of dress ma-
terials. This year our magnifi-
cent display surpasses anything
we have ever shown. The not.
ed low prices with which they
are marked is sure to sell them
very fast.
Exclusive New Season's
Novelty Suitings
in the newest shades of Green, Grey, Navy, Brown and Black, Plain or
Fancy Stripes. Some in regular Suit Lengths,
Prices - 50c 75c $1,00 $1.25 - per yard
New Black Voiles
Plain and Silk Striped
Silk and Wool Voiles Plain French Voiles
New Silk -Striped Voiles,really
lovely fabrics and remarkable
low prices. They are very new
for this season's wear.
Our Values in Plain Voiles
have never been approached be-
fore. Nice, fine, crisp weaves for
rile per yard. Better qualities
for 75e, $1.(N) and $1.40.
Silk and Heatherbloom
We have the Best $5.00 Underskirt on the market!
They are furnished with Fancy Frills and Tucks and some
with Embroidered Frille. Every skirt warranted to wear.
11EATHERi1LOOM UNDEi1SK1RTS--That very popular
material that is taking the place of silk. it washes better and looks
and rustles just like silk. Very nice under voile dres es.
All Prices from $2 up to $3.50
New Spring Suitings
Are the Best we have ever shown. The New Shades of Green, Brown
and Grey will be found here in the BEST OF CLOTH'{. Do not buy
your Spring Molt without first seeing what we have,
New Shirts New Ties
New Collars
You know we have all the new ideas in Gents' Furnishings.
We are the ONLY store in Exeter handling them.
NEW TiES just received in all the new colors and shapes.
Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing