Exeter Advocate, 1909-02-11, Page 5ASK Lion (LONOON) India Pale Ale Prejudiced and unscrupulous vesdori may suggest others, but compare It sof way you will -purity. freedom' from acidity, palatableness-Labatt's Ale is surpass- ed by nose. equalled by few -at about half the price of best imported brands. WHY not trade that organ of yours ron•a piano =Ss At the present we can handle a number of second hand organs and are therefore prepared to allow you agood price for it. We don't ask you one dollar more for the piano than your neighhhr pays for it. GIVE US A CALL AND SEE IF THIS IS NOT RIGHT i11 Sewing Machines, Sleighs, Hymn Books, Bibles, Stationery, &c 8.MARTIN&SON Exeter's Leading Musical Emporium. They are noted for the quality of their goods. eze#e albaoi ate RUTTIER - - ONTARIO 81.00 if paid in advance, 91.50 a year it not so paid. T. U.It.a states g,tbacribsnS1110 1Olie. s Yesr strictly t. tdvs.cs. RANDERS It CRBLCII, Publlsbers. Cook's Cotton Root Compounds The great Uterine Tonle. and only safe effectual Monthly toren which women can depend. Sold in three degrees of strength -No. 1. .Iva 1. 10 degrees stronger V. r No. Bold by all he special �o r seat �preppaid pre of •Woo. Is eg This s,'hool stands In the forefront as the largest and best practical trainingschool in Western Ontario. We have three epartments; Commercial, Shorthand, Telegraphy, All departments are In charge of experienced Instructors and the courses are thorough and practical. Our graduates secure good positions. Students are entering every week. Wnte for our tree catalogueat once. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN Principals. Ross' Furs Manufactnrer and Retailer - OF - Reliable Furs Our business principles DEMAND ONE PRICE; no misrepresentatioe to sell goats, and no recom. mendation of unreliable garments ".'s meet all competition by our practical knowledge and perfect equipment. We pro- tect our patrons before and after the holi- days to giving reliable garments and hon- est value. We Have No Annual Fur Sale Blue Lynx Black Lynx Isabella Fox Natural Canadian Mink a Alaska Sable Persian Lamb Astrachan Jackets Ladies Fur -Lined Coats sets $30 00 and $50.00 55.00 18.00 to 50.00 50.00 to 200.00 " 23.00 to 38.00 20.00 to 50.00 18.00 to 35.00 25.00 to 85,00 Highest Price Paid for Raw Furs Ross, 196 Dundas St., London, Ont. ERRY'S SEEDS Terris are beet t.eeause every Tear the retal ler gets a new suppl y. freshly tested and put op. Yon run no risk of poorly kept orremnantstocks. Ws take the pains; yea vet the results. Pay of the beet equipped and meet eeit•rtseed grow. reels America. It is to our advantage to satisfy yea. we will. for salt every. wttwe. Oar Its. 14.4 Anneal 11... Write to 0. II. FERRY & 00.. Wl dsse. OM. SAiNT311JRT Miss Lillian Wilson has returned to her t.onte in Mr0111;vray.-Thos Butson of McGillivray called on Mends near here on Wednesday evening last. as 41.1 also William Lewis of McGitiivray.-. Alex. Kerrigan spent Sunday with Tr Wilson of McGiiilvray.-On Sunday last a ycu•tg :Ran front McUlllivray got lout and strayed away down near stints/ bury before he dlscovcrel its mistake. This How to Clan Stomach sod Liver TrrotrWe., A distinguished London physician during the course of a recent lecture es stomach and liver Roubles, gives all following advice :- "Be moderate in the use of heavy, rich foods. Do not eat hurriedly, and thoroughly masticate the fwd. If your habits are sedentary, take a moderate amount of exercise before retiring and immediately upon aris- ing. Do not use strong cathartic pills, many of which are advertised as sure cures, but in reality do injury by weakening the system. If you find it necessary to use any laxative, stick to the old•fashioned vegetable mixture, viz. :- fluid Extract Cascara y4 os. Syrup Rhubarb t of Uarnana Compound 1 os. Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla S os. Take one teaspoonful after meals and at bedtime. This acts in a gentle, natural way, and is free from the weakening effects of strong purgatives. The ingredirntc can be taught separately, and anyone can mit them at home. This information will he of benefit to our readers and is wor•1 keeping. Parlor So.aal, St Patrick's Church, - The W. A. of St. I',etrhrk'e Church Ori the eighteenth of F, bru.nry \1'111 hold at }ire. Thin. hunter's home .\ Sot Pal bright and airy. knit on that itig'tt we'll have a pie. Jack Ifoinrr's 1t will e,.ual; 8' If you wish a "plum" to buy ile war'hrd-acrd bring the "needful" Now every friend who reads this rhyme Just cone in kindly spent, To share with us this Jolly tirne, 1 o II sutcly not regret 1t. (icod thing.' to hear -good things to eat in plenty arc provided. Come early. you may nuns a neat For everyene'm ;anted. Thuraday evening. February 18, 1001). Admission 15 cls. BAiRRY REiD KNOWS. W. N. Cole, the druggist, does not guirentee Parisian S.tge to grow hair on every bald head, but If tie re 1n any life left In ills roots of your hair, Paris- ian Sage will 'annulate the hair bulbs and rause your hair to grow again. Here is one rase. "I ata now using the ercond bottle of yohr Parisian Sage, can notice a new crop of hair appear- ing. f ant glad to say 1t is a dark.4 l olor than my hair was before 1 be-ame bald." Harry held. 10 Manhattan St., Rochester. N. T. Don't w,Nt till you are bald before us - Ing Parisian Sage, use It now,Kill the elandro't germ and prevent baldness. W. 5. ('ole. the druggist sells Part!llan Sage at roe. a bottle, and he gutran'- ees It to cure dandruff. stop falling hair, and cure all disease". of the scalp or money back. Parisian Nage Is a de- lightfully invigorating hair dressing : It makes the hair soft fluffy and beau'I'ul. __ - -__ CENT't,l1.IA Mr. Manning of r'ryatal City. lean.. In visiting his uncle, Chas. Fairl:ali.-Mlsm Evelyn Simpson. formerly ot this piaae. to now of Lucan, has spent a few days. hr re renewing acqu eint,v.ecs.--Since m.tr:nage ut blot d,we.ter 1,10. M'. Taos. Esmery. ot,e of our nighty respert- el citizens, hale takes up iris abode w.tl, a19 other daughter. Mts. }'astinga of Exner. -lir. Gum. Coughlin. one of o'er cattle tu:rrm, having twined a partn- ship wit'i a large fir:n in Toronto. ;m thou to remove from our midst ana take u aim ace1.' i:: Fiat city. We Misr nim . u .ess in its new venturr.-T r ladle m Sot of the Mkt ',dist cru -"t mat on u sday at t • hoar of airs. McCoy. i•td elected officers for the rnaut•tg )•.ir ss folio No. -!'res.. \Ire. 1'. Neil: Ifit Vice., Mrs. Eutt : :red V 1. r., airs. W. Elliott, gr.teta[y, Mrs. James 'ike; NATURE AND A WOMAN'S WORK YDIA E. - NKH Nature and a woman's work com- bined have produced the grandest remedy for woman's ills that the world has ever known. In the good old-fashioned days of our grandmothers they relied upon the roots and herbs of the field to cure disease and mitigate suffering. Tho Indians on our Western Plains to -day can produce roots and herbs for every ailment, and cure diseases that baffle the most skilled physicians who have spent years in the study of drugs. From the roots and herbs of the Held Lydia E. Pinkham more than thirty years ago gave to the women of the world a remedy for their pe- culiar ills, more potent and effica- cious than any combination of drugs. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is now recognized as the standard remedy for woman's ills. Mrs. J. M. Tweedale 12 Napanee Street, Toronto, Canada, writes to Mrs. "Inkhorn: " I was a great sufferer from female troubles, had those dreadful bearing down paints, and during my month! periods I suffered so I had to go to bed. [ doctored for a long time but the doc- tor's treatment failed to help me. My husband saw Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound advertised and got a bottle for me. I commenced its use and soon felt better. I kept on taking it until I was well and an entirely differ- ent woman. I also found that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound made childbirth much easier for me. I would recommend your Vegetable Compound to every woman who is afflicted with female troubles." What Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- ble Compound did for Mrs.Tweedale, it will do for other suffering women. Trcanurcr ales. Rrooks. Sir. Tltoa. Elston, having rented Thos. Eseciy'e farm, has hired Mr. J. head= ley. father of our barber, who will live on the place. There was a large num- lx r of cootmunlcants on Sunday morning at the quarterly service. in the Methodlet (Lurch. In the evening an cxceptioraliy large congregation greeted the Rev. Mr. Butt, who is preaching a aeries of ser - mono on Mission Lands, the evening sub Jed being India. School Reports IHENSALL Miss Reynolds of Toronto is visiting at her home, -lira. Barnum of London Is here the guest ot her parents. -A. Rle- chart and wife went to Port Huron last week -Mies McPherson of Stratford 1s visiting at J. ltuc Arthur's -Mrs. A. 11. Clinger of Loddon Is tae guest of her cousin, Mrr. J. 13. MacArthur.-Sirs,Rev. Doherty to In London vlsltlag Ur. Duher- ty'r mother who 1s 111. -ansa Morton, the evangelist 1s holding services nightly, and the attendances are large, She 1s anxious to help all denornhtations.-The I. O. O. F. officers were installed last week by the D. D. G. M. Jacob Taylor of Clinton. after which refreshment's Were served. The following are the new o41 cera. -IJ. Dalrymple, L. O., W Busch, V. O.; W. C. Cook, Rec.-See.; W. Mc- Kay, Fht,•Sec. ; O. C. Petty, Treas. Miss Cora Wilson of llensall is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. C. J. Luker. Large congregations greeted Evange- Ilat Mlas Jlorton on Sunday last In the Methodiat church and listened with ab- sorbing interest to her addresses. She is to continua these evangelistic ser- vices each evening throughout the week, conttnend:14 with a song service at 7.30 p. ,.t Un Sunday next she will speak on "A weak but mighty man" at the morning service. At a :nand meeting at 2 p. ret. she will deliver her popular address on "Character lsuilding", and her subject in the evening will be "Johns Vision on the Isle of I'atmos " Great interest to being manifested in these meetings. All aro welcomed. W OODIIAM 1'hr followlthg is t:,c correct report of �. 5. No. 1, Uslornc, for January. -Sr. 1V.-11. May, I1. Davis, 'r. Kerslake, T. Coates. C. May, A. Skinner, Vs'Walker, C3. Davie. Sr. IiI.-\l'. Ilunter, Lena Coates. 1.. Harding, V. Coates. Jr. III. --M. May. T. Skinner, F. Webber. Sr.I1 -V. 1'iuromlx, G. 1lutncr, If. 1Iunter. 11 Thomson, C. Thomson, It. Webber, V. flicks. Jr. 11.--11. Coates, W. Thomson l't. I. -Alma Yarding Spelling honor reit.-il. May, 11. Davis, A. MIunter. II. Swann, teacher IIONOT Ror.L.-Report of Sbipka Public School for January. Marks give comparative standing Nutober on roll 57. Average 40. V -L Marl- ton 783. Sr. IV-V 0aiser074. Jr. IV -ret Finkbeiner 1113. H Finkbeiner 1084, A Finkbeiner 1044. D O'Rourke 941. A Smith 926, L Patton 917. H Lochner 773. Sr. IPI -T 8 lekett 462. T Keogh 277. Jr. i11-11 Lynch 830. V Sharp 808.8 Keogh 701, B Robinson 735, P Wing 710, A &deer 000. M Clarke 015, J O'Rourke 608. M Picker- ing 522. A Bropbey 491, B Baynham 200, A Gower 170. E Ba nbam 126. Sr. 11-R Bayobs= 018, W Bropbey 010, M Pfaff 524, T Mason 474. Jr, 11- A Keogh 702. E Finkbeiner 057, V Finkbeloer 663. M Gower 998, B Hut- chinson 350. E Webb 60. Part 1II-1 Schroeder 443. W Ba nbam 990. 0 Clarke 396, H Lochner i 8barp 303, N Armstrong 100. Part li-M Bayn- ham 381, L Schroeder 360. L Wing 348. H Lynch 290, D Besterd 219. Part I- O Pfaff 274. 3 Lynch 186. L Finkbeiner 124. 13 Baynham 47, S Webb 20. Pt. 1 -L Geiser 202, E Lochner 201, N Han- nan 10?., P Schroeder 156, 0 Pfaff 134. L Bropbey 28, H Bropbey 96,-3. M. Robertson. Teacher. Ilarpley We are pleased to report the im- provement in health of Mark Kenny's ttle babe. Thos. Bayubam's little fire -year-old .on is also recovering from an attack of liver trouble. -Thos. Lynch shipped a carload of cattle to Toronto last week. -John Medley, who has been engaged with James Hicks for the past year, bas accepted a si. tion with Mr. Elston. proprietor of the Raw mill at Centralia. He will work one of the latter's farms and moved his effects there last week. -John Tay- lor, who recently purchased the fart' of John Love, is bust hauling mdteriel on the ground for the erection of a d welling. i Miss If. Wynn Is visiting la St. Marys. -James Mills had a valuable mare die last week. -Mas. Yntlilps is improving nicely, as 1s also Mrs. Edgar Hooper. - John Skinner and John Sawyer intend going west in the spring. -Sidney Mills Inas bought the barber business here. - Pert Ilundie a:.d family have removed to their new noble in Usborne.-R'. J. !toy will move into the Temperance I'oUse in the spring, -•Mrs. John Rinn of the %Veet is visiting around here.-Ed.Jones intends going to Brownsville shortlya where he has engaged on a dairy farm. l'lanshard.-Marler Albert Betty. son of Mr. Robert ;terry, Blanshard, wit a r l -' offered by the big publishing tout. u• \%t.rwlch Bros. end nutter. for a wat- er color drawit.g ot th.z r over of o to of the firm's ecribbling books. 1 ne price vas a handsome book-tt,e Boys' Own rnIa,I. waster Ditty also won • prix. rc ditty 1s' a drawing ren:prlltlon tor the Farmers Advocate, London, GIIANTON Richard Daly of Trowbridge visited at Mrs. R. Westilau's for a few dyes. - The sacrament of the Lord's Supper was administered at the Slcthodist church on Sunday morning. -Nassau Gower has rented him fart' to Mr. Evans of Nleeourl and has rurchased Mr , Cheney's cement business Mr. Cheney intends starting In Appin.-Jas. Stanley of Lucan WAS tete au tloneer at a sale of 80 cattle here last week, the property of Mr. McFarlan of Thort:dale. --a MOUNT CARMEL. John iBarry on I,'cbruity last deliver- ed at Exeter .t fine driving Horse to Montreal buyers and no doubt gat a tine price for trim. It wa3 bred front Parole of Da.-hwood atilt WAS two and a half year's old. -Mr. David Reid of \\'lunl- peg Is visiting his parents, Mr. and Sire. John ltetd,-Geo. ltowacr, who has been visiting hie sister. Mrs. \Vrig:.t, arta friends on the 16th, has returned to FSni'rson, Stan. -A family gathering was ht)d at Mr. John Reed's Tuesday even- ing for the return of Mr. David It^Id, of Winnipeg, after an absence of three years. -Michael Shoe has returned home after spending a few days with Lucan friends. -Mat Regan sold .t valuable teatli last week to Thos. Ii.ndford of Eu ter. -Patric lc Hall Is laid up with an attack of blood poisoning. but we hope for his speedy recovery. 7,CRiCIf LUMLET. Mr. and aft r. Thos. Dickson of Sea - forth visited reiaties here over Sun.Lty. -Niles Jes.Ie McEwen of Ilensall and Mr. Todd of Seatsntith were the gu=st■ of Stewart and Miss Margaret McQueen on Su.iday.-Mr. Swill Horton of Brook - dale. Mat:.. 1s visiting his father. .10-m. and brothers here. -!Liss Ella Chesney of Egtuo.,dvllle was the guest of her uncle, Franklin Horton, for a few day.. -Quite a number from :.ere attended the ball in Kirpen onFriday evening last and report a ,food tinc.-Miss Hytidnutn of Exeter was the guest of Mire LCatte Etherington for a few day.. -Mur Mary Ellelington of Toronto 1s holidaying at her honk here. -it's. Grace 3lc.lrtt.u; of Hensel' was visiting Mrs. J. A. Bolton for a few days first of the week. -Mr. and Mrs. Jos. McLtncttey and little daughter, May. and Mise carrel of Seco. forth, accompanied by Mr and Mrs. W. Curio' of Saskatteewan and Mr. Frank Carrot of Detroit, apeut Sunday with their aunt, Sire. John Glen'. -We are sorry to chronicle time death of Mrs. Martin McTaggart this week. Mr. and Mrs. Weary McTaggatt of 1 ort iiuron were here atte.tdmg Ute funeral of the former's mother. Airs. Wilson o: Lon- don. Mr. and Sire. Morgan McTaggart of London, Air. and Mrs. E. Shote and fancily were also in attendance on Tills - day. -A great many front here were in attendance at the Thames Road tea nteetlttg, which was a very successful affair,, -air. and Mrs. Charlesworth of Egmondville visited relatives here for a few days this week. 1'cter Bedour of the Saublc Line, has rure'.ancd the James t'olia_k nomeatead near Dtyedalc for $38_5. The farm is -a 1-2 acres. -Sita. I'e.nry Wenn wane walking on the sidewalk fell and fract ured her -Ight arm. -Mrs. F.ph. Iioltz- nlart of Merlin was In town last weak, and took with tier Mr. i..t;tzmarn's two little children vino had leen making their :.once with their grand par':uta.-hiss T. Ham,•ow who -tam been 'slatting on tno Bronson L.ne wit'. her patents for a month has returned to Detroit -The case of Mrs. N. M. Conlin of St. Joseph and John La$orte for assault was tried b3 - fore Magistrate Greb last week when La- porte was fined 11 and costs or 20 days In ;all at !hard labor. Mr.Laporte immediately entered an appeal. The ac- tion arose from a gate which lir. La poste was Moving of some disputed land In St. Joseph falling on the plaintlft's toe Injuring R. The whole cue will be reviewed before the Judge In May, and evidence will likely tial be ready to show that the spot where Inc trouble oat tared I. really a public higowa7 - At the meeting of the Zurich Fair board last week Messrs W. B. Battler and Loui. Sebilbe were the new m^:niers e1- ettcd for 11,e year. W. T. Caldwell was re-elected President and D. A. Faust ap- pointed secretary. -At Inc tttid annual meeting of the'luron Weather Insurance Mutual Company held to the Town hall last wrek tat report sihowei that the Mowery* carried was eve; Si.e:10,0110 New directors elected were A. G. Smillie, Henry 'tau and Samuel Routley. the other directors being 8. Brokenslhire, R. Northcott. W. T. Caidwt.11, Cl'as. Mon- teith. J. Kellertnann and W B, Battler. Submcqurr. ty the followhot off:^ers were elected. -Pru., Chas. Monteith ; aloe- Il, itau: Sec. •Treas.. A. U. Smillie, Mr. Zeller hating to 'red. DOES NO IIARM BUT MUCH GOOD St. Marys.- Jas. D. Stanley, while to tate post office recently bUrst a vein fir his ankle artd had to be taken ionic in a cab. This varlcose vein trouble 1s not one of much suffering, but It is serious, as it affects the heart action. Parkhill. -A bright young lite came to a close o❑ r'cb. 2nd, when Irene Mc- Laugnlin, only child of Patrick Mc- Laughlin, died at her home. tier illness was brief and the circumstances are the more pathetic front the fact that her mot- her, who has Leen at St. Joseph Iiosptt- al at London, le confined ta het room. Misery is Stomach Why not start now -t. -day, and for- ever rid yourself of Stomata* ttuaule and Indigestion. A dieted slou•aeh gets the blues and grumble.. Give It a good eat thea take Pape's Pi tp -P- ain to eta!t the digestive juices wor.c- trtg. There will be no dispepsla or belching ot gas of cru:tatluar of undi- gested food ; no feeling like a lump of lead in the stomach or heartburn. st^k-' headache and Dtzzlness, and your foil will not ferment and poison your btestt, with nauseous' odors. Tape's Dlapt•psln costs only 5) .^'its for a large ease at any dtuS store here and will relieve the most obstinate case of It:digestion and Up -set S1amm:11 in five minute.. There Is nothing else latter to t.tko Cas from Stomach a!td cleanse sto:n oat and intestines, and besides, one trtan- gule will dlge,tt and prepare for aa lat- Ilation into the blood alt your rood the same as a sound healthy stomach would do it. When Dlapepsln works your Sioniactt rests -gets itself in crd r, cleats %M -- and then you feel ltke catin3 w.1en you comp to the table, attd w:tat you eat will do you good. Absolute relief front all Stem:wit it Misery 1s waiting fur you as sous as you decide to begin taking Dlap. psis. Tell your druggist that you watt Pope's Diapepeln, because you wain to u • thor- oughly cured of Ind!gcut o:h. Ch13EL11LRST Rev. Martin preached his fu,•eell ser- mon to a largo congregation on 'U I - day afternoon, largo numbers octal; pre- sent from beth cltutcthes.--aL•sa V.Cluft visited friends at Far'tu for for a week. -The Methodists purpose :1)W1n3 a supper on Thursday evening. 't•.. for furIlter particulars nee II- s, W. and Mleei Maud Drover entertained a number of their friends to a dam- on on Thursday ,Jght.-Telerelones 'live been installed fu D, 11I t:ash's a: id E. Dinning. Mix the to:lowi:,g Ly shaking well In a bottle, and take t t teaspoonful doses atter meals awl bedtime . Fluid Extract Dandelion, one half ounce: Compoucd K.•iton, one ounce Compound Syrup sarsaparilla. three ounces. A local drugdt.t 1s the auth- ority that theme simple. hermit's' ingred- tents can be obtained at nominal cost from our home druggist. The n.iature is said to cleanse and attengthtettd tar cloggrd and inactive Kidneys. overcoming backache, Blad- der weak.,esm and Utt,tary trouble a: all kinds, 1t taken befote the stage Of 11 lght's Macaw. Those who have tried trail say it pos- ilively overcomes p•1,11., the bark. clears the urine of seJtinrnt an4 regulates ur- hlatto t, especially at nlgnt, curing even the worst forms of LI rider weakness. t:cety ratan or arena:, here wt.o frets that the kidneys are not strong or act- ing in a healthy manner should mis tile pr,.erlpt.on st hems and give it a trial Al it 1s said to do wonders for man/ ;><: sots. You can see Gin Pills curing your Kidneys Gin Pills turn the urine BLUE. A few hours after starting to take (}in Pills for Kidney or Bladder Trouble, you will notice that tho urine has changed color. You see for yourself that Gin Pills have reached the spot and have started tocuro. It won't bo many hours more until you FEEL that they are doing you good. 600. a box; 8 for $2.50. At all dea- lers. If you can't get them in you n of ghborhood, order direct. Sample free if yon mention this paper DEPT. A. NATIONAL OIWC & CHEMICAL CO. UNITED, TORONTO Perw.,rly, ed. by Ths BA Drug Co.. Wwsete rg Best thing you ever tried Coughs, Neuralgia Cures colds in 24 hours. at an dealers or from COLEMAN ! c <n ICJ for Colds, La Gill xo, and Headache. No after -effects -25e. MEDICINE CO.. TORONTO. OM- �r ,,oz. I tf fL, ft//// • II II II ■ ■ R ■ If you want your stoves to look as if they bad been cleaned every hour, rub them occasionally with "Black Knight" Stove Polish. Mt:Abe that lasts, no matter how hot the Are. It shines it a few rube. You `et each a big aka for the money iFaigbt" is easily the cheapest you cess boy. iir yews sealers same and Itis Om feu seal em tt too mat get "Nadi Ealgbn taearby, :fats K R 1111111 la ___ • • • • • • 11111111111111. fat BLOOD DISEASES CURED Drs. K. & K. Established 20 Years. glir'NO NAMES USED WiTH. OUT WRITTEN CONSENT Ha was .urprts.•t at hew this Sores healed- - 1 t00% yo .r New Pirtle it, Tma.e.e.r for a 'Winos )livid disease* with winch 1 had Leen Initicm.d for twelve y. as' l had cnnen ted a aeons of physician. taken MI kinds of II..d me.h'c tne, visited Hot spring% and other mineral water re rota but only int tear .,mart'y relief 1 hey wool] help me for a tem•, lit after discontinuing the melt cites the symptoms would areal( out again -running sorra, t.lotchea, rheum att'• pains. kw -owners of the hair swelling* of the glands, pe'ms of the hands wtwetting seroRt vltpllwtmT ttchtneof the ak n. dy•p•ptie atnmsarrt, etc.. 1 hal given up In 'despair rurt.t hien ret wa elmhen a t Mr eR TRtaTU/ fe friend advis.4 me to obn. tlt yyn k mss u. as hodI!er dla'a.e a year• awn 1 had Ito stove, but look hat *thise in three week.' time the sores con,, en.vd to heal up ' and 1 be ars-en•o,I,aral 1 continue.! the Sew Mars..1,T . for fm rmonthsarid a1 ih•'end • f that tune nrery eymptorn h •d 'isep,.- Reef I wag eorpri : year. apt met no signior any doorstop mince My ioy. three years ol.l. is Muud and heoltt.y. I certainly can recommend your treatment with all my heart. You can refer any venom to me privately, 1.u1 )ou an i.or this t•.rtm•.'+Itl ms stet w lei " W. 11 B. W. treat NERVOUS DEBILITY. VARICOCELE STRICTURE,ITAtWTINAKNVS� BLOOD. SK;N and PRIVATE Uise.ses. UitiNARY, RLAL.DLR aad KIDws c of Mas sadtA.wee it!taEAO[R Are you a vI-tlm• rn coo ha heves? Are you intending to marry'. Inas [ y. nr 1.l„a1 i.vea•n dsrer.d• liar.. "at any we•akmn, ' t'ur Saw Mrrtrhu LATur.r w ill mire you N hat 1 lin. di uc for other. it all do for . 0 . Co..wk...ea Fee*. No matt• r win beta to. e.l nn. write IC r an. to rest 'pinion Fr.. of Charge. t.'hargv* rtws"na* It do,a1. Fr.. 1-I ,ecinlden Xonitor.' • ;host rated , oh ; irhwwof Men. NO NAMES USE") V'fTIfOt•T WRITTrN COaSta•tT. Ever/alas e.sh4talial, Questi.s list .td c.at sI Home I reatmsat FREE. 1) NNEDY Dps.KENNE� t� Cor. Michigan Ave., and Grisx'JkJ St., Detroit, MM.