Exeter Advocate, 1908-10-29, Page 5DRs.KENNEDY&KENNEDY Successors to DRS. KENNEDY & KERWAN NERVOUS DEBILITY CURED Excesses arra indiscretions aro they cameo • of more sorrow ao l auticrtni than all other 1 diseaw•s combined tt'o Ren the victims of • ticwus habits on ^very hand• the sallow. pimpled face dark ctrelvd eyes, stooping iorrn. stunted •leirlopment. bashful, 'masa- ...lathe countenance and omit) bearing pia filial to all the world tits folly and tend to Night his existence. Our treatment positive- ly cures all weak Hien by niercoming and removing the effects of former Indiscretions rad excecv a it St. les all drains and quickly it Illi n healthy and bat�pv tlu� ere it physical men 11: by tai and tier%0 p.t, r complete +NA For over iOyears Ors. K. & K. here IN ▪ diseases of thee•ndtwomen cess alt If you have any secret discs.' that is a fl 5 worry ar,.l a mens, a to your hi alth c.•n.u11. HMI old established physicians who do not hate to "7 experiment on you. We guarantee to cure NERVOUS DEBILITY. 81.000 DISEASES STRICTURE. VARICOCELE, KIDNEY AND BUDDER DISEASES. Consults. Yon Fres. If unable to can, write for • question Blank for home Treatment. tc • DRS.KENIIEDY&kENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. , t This Week We Are Showing 2 six -octave and 1 five - octave second-hand or. Bans, cheap for CASH OR TIME. In New Pianos we have some very flue instruments. Sewing Machines in all the leading wakes and styles. Our Prices and Terms are of the most liberal kind. Stationery in all the newest styles at away down prices. We will be pleased to show you our goods. • Se MARTIN & SON Exeter's Leading Musical Ewporiuw. ,.,..?Yey are noted for the quality of their gonia. Oxetet a woiate HINTER — — ONTARIO $1 OO 0 paid to advance. $1.60 a year if not so paid. To Melted Slates Mabee rlber$$I.60 tor. s Year Strictly la a.dveace. BANDER9 a CREEClf, Publishers. C ok's Cotton Root Compound. Tho great Uterine Tonle, and only nate etfoctual Monthly Regtllaturon which women can depend. Sold in three decocts of strength—No. 1. al ; No. It 10 degrees stronger J; No. 3. for spials caes, per box. Sold by all d eta. or sent prepaid on reoe pt of price. )Rtes pamphlet. Address : _Tag COURYEMtlNL S.TORINTt4011T. UoosarrIY 11'in4...v St. Marys—An old resident passed away recently, Benjanin Balls, aged 86 years. He had hip broken a few months ago and had been helpless since. Parkhill—Miss Catherine Fraser died here on Oct. 15th, aged sixty years and eight months, after a short illness of an action of the brain. Mrs. Donald McPherson and Mrs. Geo. For- rest of Brucefleld were sisters. The new minister of agriculture in the Ontario Grovernment, Hon. James Duff of West Simcoe, was elected by acclamation on Friday last. Hibbert—Recently John Balfour, 2nd con., lost his fine barn and the season's crop by fire. Children strik- ing matches ceased the fire. The in- surance was only $600. Miss Anna Martin is relicvlug at the Winchelsea school. If an edito.• n,skcs a mistake he has to appoliglsc for it , it a do -tor makzs a mistake 112 buries It. If tie editor makes ane Otero is a lawsuit. swoar- Ing awl the sin 11 of sulphur ; but if tete doctor makes o in there is a funeral. cut flowers alt a smell of varnish. A do: to - c.a use a big word a yard long without knowing what It means, hut if the editor uses it tic teas to atoll lt. If the do:tor goes to se,-, ano'h.:r man's wife 112 charges for the visit, but If the editor goes to see another men's wife he gets a caarge of burkyliot. When the doctor gt te drunk it's a case of ' overcome by heat" and if he dies It Is heal t trouble. When an editor gets di u;ik it's a case of too rotten bootie, aryl If tot dies lt's a rase of d llriunt tremens. Any old college can make a dot tor. Youcan't make an editor, as he has to be born. Grand Bend \Its E. Gill, Jr.. Is 011 the sink list.— Mr. rage spent Thursday and Satur- day at Esc:cr.—Mr Win. Dewey is al! smiles—a boy 270h.—Mrs. Canning who has been for a wcck to Cltindeboye ar- rived here Saturday.—Mr. L. na•n'lle spent Friday its Exeter.—Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dix trdlne were 1:1 Parkhill on business Thursday.—Jae. Brophey of Grcenw s:. tailed Orr h;s friend E. call F'rtday.—Joe ilavelle, who has been at Mae 1'oir;t arrived torte Saturday.—\lis. M. Gill spent a few days with Mrs. Musser at Brewster.—It is tepon•d that tete Cees between Mr. Page a::d L. Ravcllc has been nettled.—Mrs. Page re- turned to her home here on Saturday. Clinton—Nicholas Robson, aged 73 died here on Saturday. He was a na- tive of England and taught school for years in Tuckersmith and Stanley townships afterward carrying on a grocery business here. Swollen Hands and Feet mean Kidney Trouble. Liniments and blood pnriflersaro useless. What you must do is to cure the kninct s. Ta.ke GIN PILLS hi * Ciiu i',lls act directly un thc,o vital j.tr,^,alas—correct all disease—neutralive ', �•>• "% f . uricncid—purify the blood —re.lavo tiro ••eno:. r, pain and Nadu: a swell:n;;in h;tr,-1, and '`aa1�,,, t: -' feet. 50e. a b.ix ; 6 for S2.".u. At ;ell � r dealers cr scut on receipt of price. ` DEPT. 4..--N TTNAL rias F: CHEM. CO. LIMITED TURBID • los F"?»,.ri y Bole Jr.;•Co., Win nn} .i. Money to Loan on ol-ti;ages cf Real Estate at Current Rates All Business Strictly Confidential Liberal Terms of Repayment Loans Completed Quickly Expenses Moderate Full information gladly given E1T 0 `,_! Loan and Savings Co., London, Ont. This woman says Lydia E. Pinkhum's Vegeta'nle Compound cured her. 1{e,tul he: letter. Mrs. J. A. Ialibertre, of ' Artillerie St., Quebec, writes to Mrs. l'lnkhanl : •• For sis years 1 have been doctoring for female weakness, heart and nerve's, liver and kidney trouble, but in Lydia E. l'inkham's Vegetable Compound 1 can safely say 1 have found a cure. "I was continually bothered with the most distressing backaches, headaches, and bearing -down pains, and I kept growing more and more nervous. LydiaE. Pinkharu's Vegetable Com• pound relieved me of all these distress- ing symptoms and made me a well woman. I would advise all suffering women, young or old, to use Lydia E. Pink ham 's Vegetable Compound." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink- hara's Vegetable Compound, made front roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills and has positively cured thousands of women who have lteen troubled with displacereIlts, inflamntat.ion,lllcera- tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bear - ng -down feeling, flatulency, indiges- t3oc,djT•L1T ea. t or nervous prostration. Why don't you try it Mrs. Pinkham invites all siek women to write ser for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. Clandeboye, The trustees of Union S. S. No. 12, Biddulph, and No. 4, McGillivray, have decined to build a new school next summer. At a meeting of the ratepayers a site was selected just east of Cunningham's old hotel on the south side of the road leading to Lu- ean. Contracts have not yet been let. —Anthony Roe has purchased the hundred acre farm formerly owned by Geo. Williams from E. Mara. The consideration is in the neighborhood of $8000.—Clover threshing bas begun in this section. Red clover is not turning out as well as was expected, and in many cases is very badly infect- ed with the weevil.—Fall ploughing is all but impossible on ntost.farrns. The long -continued drought has hardened the clay land almost to the consistency of brick. \Vhere the soil is loamy it burns over like ashes. Very little rain has fallen in this section since the middle of August. The Methodist church of this pla'c purposes holding their annual tea meet- ing on Monday evening, Nov. 2nd. A very good program will be rendered,— (1. ay. Amy has returned front Brantford Ile !cave*. shortly to take a position Lt Lansing. 4ich,—Mr. Dobler of Exeter has see ured rt positiOti with S. G. Lamport of this place.. --Tec hop at Mooresville was well attended last evening.—Elec- tion day passed off very qutctl>' ',erc,— \irs. filen Seale spent a few days here this week.—Miss Lily Cunningham spent .t few days In London nils week.—Mrs. lit'rbert has gone to London to remain for et while.—Mea. J. Cunningham of London was here Over Sunday.—It. N. .tell has return:d to his home its Galt. The Strenuous Life 1'1 I,LS SO 11.1RL) ON TiHI: STO'.L\CiI IT MUST DAVE iDELI'. --- The stress arid strata of tete stren- uous lite In both Illy rend country stakes stomach troubles. five people outlet to- day where one did ten years ago with kick headache, dizziness, flatulence, Matrons after eating, specks before the eyes, bloating, nervousness, sleepless- ness and the marry other symptoms of Indigestion. All wleo are suffering with etonia_h troubles, and that mean.; at least two out of every three In Exeter and other towns, should use 'll -on -a stomach tab- lets. Nothing else 1s as safe, yet ef- fceDye ; nothing else an be so thuro- uahl}- relied ul.ot, to tcileve ale troubles front indigestion as Ml-o-na. So reliable Is all-o-na that W. S. Cole with every 50 cent box he sells glvesa guarantee to refund the money unless the remedy cures. The Ontario Department of Edu:a- tion w111 shortly maks an announcement in conectlon with the introduction of a new history and granimar to be uec.l In the public schools. These new books when authorized will cost considerably less than the old history and grammar. ..rad be up-to-date in every parte.ula-. The ,naps a,;d meas for the new Geo- graphy art in the rouse of pr.'paret- . •,,t. but these pr.oreut a number of .lnificutters. and et will be conte time l.c•fo.t the new gtugtap:ty appears. ht no better way can a person help ,0 develop his or her education than by o.tespondittg for a r;ewepaper. At the same time the publishing the tic es of locality advertises it and helps to build It up. 8o that Lie newspaper tor- rcepor.dent Is doing both himself and u tommur.lty an whtrh he no.as a good service. We are pleased at all Dors .0 receive the weekly bulgets from the rural districts. The Advocate has rt very efficient staff of rorrespondeats. but there are a few points where we are e ,tepreset,ted . If your par: of thin i:rte:ct le not getting attr•itio:t. vale 14. If you can help ace personally we v.11 be glad. Perhaps you ran glee us ' tc hams• of a suitable, person. Ve e ask our friends to co-operage with us in steering at the he td of the pro:'sst•m. Cause for Alarm EPIDEMIC 1Nt•LUENL.\, UltIP1'E CA- TAI1ItIIAh TIHOCLILES, PNEU- MONIA INCREASING. A marked Met -case lie troubles of the breathing organs le noted in mane lo- calities. If you will only have Ityonicl at hand to use with t he first attack of cold In the head, !'i:ewnunia, tuids, lit oit chats, lioarecuese, Sole Throat, Croup, in fact any respiratory affection, 111c trouble will be quickly overcome. 11 the attack 1s neglet(Ed and b2cunto severe, speedy relit f will conte in most cases and a peratstent use of Ilyonwl will cure. The directions for using it vary but the principal Is always tt.t same, that of destroying all the genas in the air you breathe ar,d having it react: t:,e ail passages with dry medication trout the Pine and Eucalyptus forests. Ilemeimbcr that liquids or utuis1ure is barred from the Broad:tai Tubes and Lungs. It's the dry air of Iiyomai that reactive the spot. tr . S. Lute 1t. Complete outfit, $1. —►- --- Homan Miss Jenny Welsh is home front Wingham Hospital of which she is head.—Mr. Hemphill of Wroxeter has purchased G. House's residence for $2400. Mr. Hemphill and family are coming here to reside,—The anniver- sary services of Kippen Methodist church will be preached by Rev. Mr. Kennedy on Sunday, Nov. 8. On the following Tuesday evening a supper will he served followed by a good pro. gram.—Mrs. Hurley of Mexico is the guest of ber father, Bernard Thowp- son.—Mr. and Mrs. C. Chapman are visiting here from St. Thomas.—Miss Edith Scott, who has been visiting in St. Thomas for several months has re- turned home.—T. J. Berry, the well- known horse importer and dealer of Hensel!, has sold the well-known stal- lion, Lord Lowther, to D. McMichael, of near Walkerton, for $2,000. This makes six horses Mr. Berry has sold to Mr. McMichael in eight years. FOUNDHO of HKvsALr. DEAn-When the sad news of the death of Mr. Jas. Petty was passed around on Thursday last it seemed alwost incredible, but it was only too true. That once familiar form will no longer be seen amongst us, and those who loved hire best were amoug those who laid him to rest in the Exeter cemetery on Saturday last. The deceased was the founder of the Village of Hensel), be having owned the farm on which the greater part of it is built and at the time the London, Huron and Bruce railway was being built he gave the land on which to erect the station. Mr. Petty, in com- pany with Mr. Geo. Petty, conducted an extensive pork packing establish. ment, and later was an extensive buy- er and shipper of stock through which sources be became widely known throughout Western Ontario. He wits possessed of more than the aver- age intelligence and was most com- panionable and an interesting couwer sationalist. Mr. Petty was a native of England, having een horn in llensall, Yorkshire, in theb year 1833, conse- quently was in his 76th year. Ile with his older brother George, who is also at present very ill, ;end John Petty, who died some years ago, carte to Canada in 18.iI, first settling here and has continuously- resided here ever since. Being a desirable and worthy citizen and by his many good traits of both heart and head he numbered his friends as many, all of whom will deeply regret his demise. The deceas- ed had been sick only a short time from internal trouble and his death was very unexpected. The funeral took place Ise Aattirdity from St. Paul's church to Exeter cemetery. Chiselhuret: The anniversary ser- vices in connection with the Presby- terian church will be held on Sunday, Nov. 8th, when public service will be held afternoon and evening. On the following Monday evening a supper and entertainment will be held. THiS IS S.tii) TO iIELI' MANY, Get from any prescription ph.irma- .1st the following Fluid Extract Dandelion, One-half ounce Compound Kargon one ounce: Compound Syrup Saraaparllia. three Ione ce. Shake well in a bottle and take a te.ts- p'tanful dose after each meal and at htdtline. The above 1s considered as the most r crtatn prescrlptior, ever written to re- Ifeve Backache, Kidney Trouble, Weak Madder and all forms of Urinary dlf- ['tte ultics. This mixture acts prompt- ly on the cllmtnative tissues of the kid- neys. enabling them to filter and strain the uric acid and other waste matter from the blood which causes Rheumat- ism. Sonic persons who suffer with the af- flictions ntay not feel inclined to place murh confidence in tills simple mixture yet those who have tried li say the re- sults are simply surprising. the rebel being effected without the sligntost in- jury to the stomach or other organs. Mlx some and give It a trial. it cer- tainly comes highly recommended. It is :he tre$cttptlon of an eminent au:aor- a>•, whose entire reputation. 0 ,s ,a1.1 w.es established by it. .1 dragglat here at home, whc,t eek l stated that be could supply t"c ingred- ients or ntiz the prescriptio;t for 'jur readers. also recommenji 0 ad harm) ,se The Ideal Beverage ASK FOA (LONDON ) A PALM ALE, palatable, full of the virtues of malt and hops, and i t sparkling condi- tion, is the ideal beverage. Now when chemists announce its purity, and judges its merit, one need look no further. Zurich Mr. and Mrs. C. Schrag and family are spending the week with friends in Tavistock.—Dr. Wes. Schellig of De- troit was uotue fn: : °"w days the past week and called on bis old friends.— William Becker returned on Tuesday morning front his annual trip to the West,—Mrs. (Rev.) Whiteside of Kemptville, accompanied by her sen Max, is visiting ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Williams.—Jacob Koehler bought Mr. Schoellig's farm !apt week for $650.00. Mr. Koehler now has 200 acres. The same farrii was sold for $0000.00 about 20 years ago.—Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis of Brigden are visiting at J. Preeter's this week.—Mrs. David Finkbeiner of Sebewaing and Mrs. S. Schucbter of Pigeon, Mich., were vis- itors with Mrs. J. Preeter.—Ohas. Fritz and Hurley Weber attended the shooting tournament at Clinton last week.—Leonard Zent. son of W. A. Zent, a former resident of this place, was so seriously injured in a railway accident at Cleveland on the 16th inst., that he died the day following. St. Marys: W. 1{. Butcher, who purposed last week leaving St. Mar 's to snake his home at Vancouver where be was offered a Rot has changed his plans trnday purchased the grocery business of Jos. D. Smith. S100 Reward 8100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that s,•icnce has beenable to cure in all its stages, and that i• Catarrh. hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease requires a constitu- tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in• ternally, actin¢ dire•_Ily upon the Moo.' and mu- nus surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and gi.iug the patient strength by building up the constitution and assist- ing nature In doing its work. The proprietors hale so touch faith in its curative powers that they offer One hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CIIENEY & CO., Totete, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75 cents. Take hall's Family pills for constipation. The Shine that Won't Come Ott No Matter How Hot the Fire— "Black Knight Stove Polish won't burn off nor turn red. It stands the hottest fire and stays a l right, shiny t:lack. Easy to put on, and just a few rub brings a brilliant polish. Von should ace for yourself how good "Black Knight" really is If your dearer doe' not hand:e it, s -til us his tame rind l.c. kr full size,' tan. WI F. F. DAiLEY CO. LiMiTED, HAMILTON. Oat. 1.1111=111 -tf; -•, f ---•,-Y -{ .- A. . What a "Pandora" Ilot-Water Attachment Means to Me "BELOW—You see how 1 just turn on the tap and instantly get hot water for my dishes, wash. ing, scrubbing, preserving, etc. "ABOVE— you see how the pipes ate connected to the bath and bean—no waiting for a bath—no carrying hot water upstairs." "Pandora" Ranges can be supplied with a hot -crater attachment if you haven't already got one, and the attach- -- - ment does not either take extra fuel or in- — `_ \, s- tcrfere with baking. MCIary's London, Toronto. Montreal. Winnipeg. 1anoouter, St John. h . Hamilton, Calgary, T. Hawkins &, Son, Agents. pernJxs IgfC, 3iscuits Mad� \ the be for little ones, co�� gones ooThey annfailo please. Try them. t 12 Varieties. 34 Actual Size