Exeter Advocate, 1908-10-29, Page 115c to JAN. '09 NOW IS THE TIME to subscribe for the ADVO- CATE and get a bargain as above stated; or else take advantage of our Low CIubiRates TWENTY41iiST YEAR. ft Wedding Invitations In Newest, Typos On Best Papers The Finent `York Anil Hieht Prices • The Advocate Office,:Exeter EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29. 1908. The Old Reliable To Our Patrons and the Public : We take pleasure in inviting you to our inspection of Fine Merchandise for Fall and Winter Season. An Unusual Showing of—'air A careful examination is re- quested, as we feel convinced Hag jou will he thoroughly igagffed as to the high class of these exhibits. Prices, too, are very low, when you take intoconsideratlon the good value. 1 MILLINERY, DRESS GOODS, FOOT -WEAR alld CLOTHING . Caring Bros., The People's Store, where you get your money's worth and the right change hack. Conte in and see us whether you bay or not. No trouble to show goods Highest Price Paid for POULTRY, dead or alive. Highest price paid for produce—Butter 20c. Eggs 19c. Highest Prices Paid for Dried Apples, present quotation 5c lb. CARLING BROS. Heatherbloom Skirts for wear and comfort beat all others!!! We sell them. t_, Also a swell line of Satin Skirts in the latest style from $1.00 up. SNELL & ROWE Phone No. 22 Professional Care*. Eta 0. T. ROL'LSTON, L. D. 8., D. D. 8. DENTIST Member of the R. C. D. 8. of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto Unix mita. Off10E: Oxer Dickson & ('sling's Las Of11c e, In D. Anderson's former Dental Parlors. DR. A. R. KINSMAN, i.. D. 8., D. D. 8.. Honor graduate of Toronto Umherlsty. DENTIST, tooth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects Office over Uhlman & St anbury'e office, Main street Raster. Modica! DR, T. P. McLAUGIII.1N Lias resumed practice chers ending a year (Col- lege) at British and Continent Hospitals. General practi•e with special attention to Eye, (with refrae tion) Far, Noee and Throat. Otte: Dashwood, Ont. Legal. D1(oSON R CARLING, BARRISTERS, SOLiCI• n, Notaries, conveyancers, Commissioners golkltors for Molsons Bank, etc. Mosey to Loan at lowest rates of Interest. ORkes, Main street, Exeter, 1, B. Oaar.t.o, B.A., L, II. Dimon O:tET TO iOAN. !t'fi W. have a large amount of private funds to loan a farm and o illage properties at low rates of inter set. O1.ADMAN A STANRI'RT, Barristers,8oIkNtors,Main.t . Exeter On H.8. PHiLLTPS, ExETf:lt. LIcenwatel Auctioneer. Sates attended Balk parts. Satisfaction guaran- teed of no paw. Terms reasonable. All orders left at Advocate entice will be promptly attended to. William Brown Trot, Diploma of Royal incorporated Society of Musician., England; Organist of Trivia Memorial Oburch,Exeter. Piano, Organ, harmony and Theory of Music. Terms on application. Exeter, Ont, J. SENIOR Agent ('on(eder►t ion Life Assurance ComVany. also Fire insurance in lead- ing ( anaulian and itritish Companies. Main -St., Exeter. FA1.i: AGENTS WANTED. -t31 per week or 400 per rent. profit. All enm- pies. etatiohery. and art rataloguea fro We want ot.e ,xrmaneat agent in this locality for the largest picture an.l frame bows, in AMerit Ft. F.1perlenc' unntr. resat y. \\'e itietruct you how to sell our goods and furnish the capital. it you want a permanent, honorable, and pt ()tillable poeltion. write us today for particulars. catalogue and 'maniples. Frank W. Williams Company. 1214 W. Taylor St., Chicago. 111. FCAIRNS, VETER1NALY SURGEON. • Successor to Dat Rassar, Special Attention to Dentistry. Night calls left at the home of Mr. Peter 1lawden Main street, (opp. Triritt Memorial Church), will be promptly attended to. EXETER, • ONTARIO. Office --Dr. Ramsay''s old stand, corner of Main and North streets, (opp. m's Blacksmith Shop). _Your patronage solicited. Farm for Sale or Rent. The undersigned is offering for sale or rent the es• tate of the late James Cron) n, consisting of 171 acres, and situated on the 20th and 21st concessions Of the Township of Stephen, two miles from Grand Rend. The land is In first-class condition, well drained and been well eulthated. (food brick house, large hank barn with powermill. (food water good orchard on each place. seven acres hardwood Lush. Convenient to school and church. For terms and particulars app's to MILS. ELLEN CRONYN, Centralia P. 0. Valuable Farm Property for Sale There is i.eing offered for sale that valuable farm property, consisting of east half of lot 7. lots S and 9 andsouthi half of 1ot 10, con. 4, L•sborne, containing 200 acres, on which there is erected a gond brick house, large bank barn frame stable and shad, and other conveniences. This property is well suited for general farming and grazing, and will ie sold In pan or enblock, to stilt purchaser. Easy terms of payment. For particulars apply to 11i08. CAMORON, Auctioneer, Farquhar, Ont. MARTIN BRO&, Prop. AUCTION SALE Household Effects, Etc. The undersigned .tub timuer has been instructed t0 sent.) public auction on Saturday, October 31st, 1008 at 2 o'clock p. m., on the premises. Corner James it Albert Streets, Exeter Certain of the household Effects of the late Jos. Snell. Also cutter, wood and other ankles, Terms -Cash MRS. JOS. SNBLL, JOiN GILL, Proprietress Auctioneer. THE GREAT SCHOOL! Our Piet record end our present grade of work stamps us as the gnat practical training sehonl of western Ontario. Wo 11%.e three departments Commercial, Shorthand, Telegraphic, t• it grads xr, in demand a. Ibi.inea. Cot• leze tea, her. well al OM-, aesustants Indi• eidual inarr •n. Enter NOW ! lat,teeata- 1 gne Inc w r.te fir it ELLIOTT & Nri.ACHi.AN, Pt incivility. SANDERS tKr. ('REECH Laurier Wins, 42 MajorityWellington South-GuthrieWellington North-Slartin 108 Went worth-Seulty 230 York North- Ayleawarth 292 Cee,scrvativcs Elected Algoma \\ vest -Moyes 270 Itruce South -Donnelly Cat Teton-13ordcn 1000 Dufferin-13arr 1076 Dundas-liroder 500 Dui Lana -Thornton 600 I:Igh, East -Marshall 241 Elgin West-Ctothers 553 1'roaLneec-L•'dv:.ards ::'ict Gren+u►e-Reid 400 Grey East -Sproule 800 Grey North-Mlddlebro 100 Italton-Ilcndersou 821 Hamilton East -Bat ker 109:: Hamilton west -Stewart 392. Ilastings East -Northrup 1154 Hastings \Pest -Porter 70 Huron East-Cita:0101 c 123 Hut on West -Lewis 28 Ilaidimand-Lalor 225 Lanibton E:.st-A 110811 Ong 300 Lanark South-Ilaggart 700 Leeds -Taylor Elected Lennox -Addington -Wilson 115 Lincoln -Lancaster 310 London-Beattle 1152 Middlesex East-lason 267 Muskoka -Wright Elected Nipissing-Gordolt 147 Norfolk -McCall 20u Northumberland East -Owen 200 Ontario North -Sharpe 283 Parry Sound-Arihurs 520 Peel -Blain 273 Peterborough East-Scxsmitlu 390 Renfrew North-\Vleite 550 Shmcoe North -Currie 32 Toronto Centre-L't ibtol 139 Toronto East -Russell '318 3 Toronto North -Foster 019 3 Toronto South-dlacdunell 101 -- -- Toronto West -Osier 24841 81 0 Yietotla and Halibur.on-Hughes Etc t d Waterloo South -Clare 225 York Centre -Wallace 5.1 York South -dl' Lean ;\r•c, QUEHC; LiberaEls Bagot-Marcil 700 Bcauce-Beland 3,500 13eauharnols-Paplueau 26 13cllechasse-Talbot 1000 Berthier-Ecrement 200 Bonaventure-M is re:11 900 Bromc-fisher 320 C;tantbly '. crcheres-Geoffrion 1 .. Chateaug Ua.. -Brun:: . Compton -Hunt 400 Dorcheeter-Itoy 130 Drummond -Lavergne 130 Gaspe -No election Hochelaga-Rivet 212 Iluntingdon-Robb 75 Joliette -Dub au Ksmouraska-Lapointe 300 Labelle -Major 414 Lapralrle-Napiervale-Lanctot 72 L'Assonlptlon--Seguin 490 Laval -Wilson 140 Levis -Carrier 12:10 Maisoiincuvc-Vervllle, labor, 4273 Masitlnongc-Mayrand 300 Mega rtle-Savoie 500 Mlssisquol-Meige 87 Montcalrn-Dugan Montntagny-Roy 175 Montmorency -Parent 400 Montreal, St. James -Servals 1527. Montreal, St. Lawrence-Blckerd!ke 873 Montreal, St. Marys -Martin 868 Nleolet-Turcotte 500 Pontiac -Bodging 104 Portneut-Delisle- d70 Quebec Centtc-Lachance 977 Quebec Eaet-Laurier 2200 Quebec County-Turcotte 162 iilthdfcu-Lanctot 800 Rll•hmond and Wolfe -Tobin 500 Rlntounkl-Itoss 000 ltouvillc-13rodeur ace. St, Hyacinthe-Ileaupariaut 557, St. Jo'ns and lbcrvillc-Demers 2200 :Thetford- Allen 300 Stanstead -Lovell 153 Tcntlet•ouata-Gau vrcau Three givers -Bureau 1220 Two Mcuntalna-Ethicr 200 Yaudreull-Boyer 823 \\'right-Delviii 686 Yantaska -Uiadu 30 The result of the Dominion election ou Muudety gives the Liberal Govern- ment another term, with a majority of 40 in the .fou -e, with six constituen- cies yet to vote. There may be some changes in the close constituencies but the result will not be materially chang- ed and when the .louse meets Laurier will have about 50 majority, as against 04) in the last house. Ontario remains about as before. There were Conser- vative gains in Quebec, Nova Scotia, Manituba, Alberta and British Colum- bia, and Liberal gains in Prince Ed- ward Island, Saskatchewan and New Brunswick. Standing of the parties at dissolu- tion of Parliament: Lib. Ontario 39 Quebec 31 New Brunswick .... ,.. 8 Nova Scotia 17 Prince Edward Island. 1 'Manitoba 7 Alberta 2 Saskatchewan .. 5 British Columbia 7 Yukon 0 Total 110 Probable standing 1908 Lib. Cons. Ontario 37 40 Quebec 52 11 Nova Scotia 12 6 New llrunswick11 2 P. E. I 3 1 'Manitoba . 2 8 Saskatchewan 8 1 Alberta 4 British Columbia1 Totals 130 ONTARIO. Liberals Elected. Algoma East-Dyt.tart 129 Hiatt -Paterson 111 Esrantford-11a:ris .iii GI•otk%illc Graham 203 Bruce Not tic - I olntie 50 Eseea North-Suthet land ,571 Essex South -Clark 750 ' G,eogarry-McMillan Grey- South -Miller 100 iluron South -McLean 103 !lent East -Gordon 7,50 tient West-McColg Kingston -natty 345 Larnbton West -Pardee 200 Lanark North -Caldwell 75 Middlesex North -Smith 267 Middlesex \Vest --Calvert 17 Northumberland West -McColl 200 Ontario South-Fowke 360 Ottawa- \lc Giverin 299 Ottawa -Laurier 013 Oxfctd North -Nesbitt 115 Oxford Scutt. -Schell 13 Pertt. Not 30 Perth South -McIntyre 18 Petertoro West -Stratton 300 Prescott -Premix 837 Prince Edward --Currie, Ind., 179 Renfrew South -Low 000 ltusaell-Murphy 375 Sluice* East -Chew 200 Stormont -Smith 490 Thunder Bay-Conmee 24 Waterloo North -King 201 Welland -German Con. 17 11 1 3 3 2 1 0 1 71 Ind. DRIVER FOR SALE. Good driver, 4 years old, broken. for sale. Apply to PATRICK GLAVIN, Khlva P. 0. STRAYED HEIFER. There strayed from the premises of the undersign- ed, Lot 2, Con. 2, Stephen, a two-year-old heifer, color red, weight about Mt , small horns. Any per. son gh ing information lean,,: to her recovery will be liberally rewarded.--IBY1tON E. HICKS, Centra- lia 1'. o. EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE Of Vatluahle Household Effects, Carriage Team and gigs. The undersigned Auctioneer has been Instructed to sell by Public Auction on the premises, Anil tow Street, EXF'i' :u, On SATURDAY, NOV. 7th, 1008, at 1.90o'clock sharp., the following valuable property, vis. !carriage team, 4 and 5 years, sister., sire.. by Clear Orit; 1 double cutter, (iladatone; 1 single cut- ter; 1 double carriage, rubber tire, nearly new; 1 buggy,1 set of double and !set of single harness, 1 Englsh saddle and 1 side saddle, 2 good robe, neariT new; 2lap robes, 2 new flannel horse blanket., other blankets, large oat 1.in and several small ones, wheel- barrow, lawn mower, roller, grind atone and fixtures, walnut bed stead, mattress and mite; 4 bead steads, with spring., mattress and bedroom suttee, Iiome Comfort range, almost new; vasolene stove, eaten- sion table, glass cupboard, small cupboard, washing machine, night commode, mart a top table bath tub. counter scales, quantity of pictures and frames, dishes, linoleums, and floor matting, and other arti- cles too numerous to mention. TERMS -Ostia under. cash; over that amount. 6 months' credit given on furnithing approval joint notes. Sper cent. per annuun, off for cash on credit amounts.: All must be sold ae the proprietor is leaving town JOHN FARMER, Prop. JOHN GiLL, Auct. Auction Sale FARMPROPERTY There will be (ft, red for sale by Public Auction on Tuesday, November 10, at 1:30 p. m. at the Town Hall, Clinton, the following undermentioned property, enbJect to a reserve bid, by Thomas Brown, Auctioneer, W. Halt of lett 11; Lots 12, 13, 11, 15, 16; E.Half of i.ot 17: on the Fifth Con- cession of 11 lLLETr, containing 010 acres more or less; Also farts of Lots 12, 13, 14, 15, 10, in Fourth Concession of Mullett, con- taining 218 acres. more or less. This is a well known tra• t of gni., la.. pasture land. The drainage tax on this property is now complete.., voneequentlf the taxes hereafter will be ordinary. It will be offered is one pave., Mut if not so sold, then in lots. Also at the same time and place. Lot :is, First Concession Huron Road, 1 Tuckersmith, containing Ion acres, more or leas. Terms of Sale- Ten par cent. of the Burchase money at the time of Palle. alance in :3l) days, For further particulars apply to the owner, JOHN RANMFOR Clinton 1' 0 Conservative Argcnteull-terley 1 J;) Chaniplalr,-lilondin GI Charlevoix -Forget 200 Chicoutimi and Saguenay -Girard 5o Jacques Cartler-Monk 730 L'Islct-Paquet 11.; Lothinlere-Fortier 700 Montt cal, St. .Urn's -Doherty 70 Montreal. St. Antoine -Antes 793 Qui bee Wert -('rice 2.45 Shettrooke-Worthlndton 03 Soulanges-Lortle 54 Terrebunlic-Nanttl lu- NEW 13ItUNS\VICK Liberal Cui lion -Carswell 157 Chatlottc-Todd 12.0 Gloucester-Turgcun 385 Kent -Leblanc Kings-Albert-10eAllister Northumberland -Logic 600 ftestlgouclic-held 213 St. Johns City and County -Tuggle; 7 Sunbury -Queens -McLean 77 Vkw! la-Milhand 310 Westmoreland-Emtnerson Conservative St. Johns City, -Daniel 617 York-Crocrtctt NOVA SCOTIA Liberal Annapolis -Pickup 250 Antlgonlsh-Cluletolni 87 Cape !Ireton North-McKentle 182 Guy sboto-Sinrlair 110 Hants -Black 249 Inverness -Chisholm 1214 Kings -Borden 480 Lunenburg-McLean 842 Pictou-McDonald 350 Richmond -Kyle 1O(, Slelburnc-Queen's-Flcldieg Yarmouth -Law 150 Conservative Cape Breton South-Maddfn 17:. Colchester-Stantfcld 80 Cumber land-1t'todes Digby -Jamieson 110 Halifax 1-11orde:; 300 Halifax 2 -Crosby. I'RiNCg EDW ARE) it -I, Ntr Literal Prfncrr---ltichards queens- War button Quo( its-Prouee Conservative KA -gm -Fraser MANITOIBA Liberal Brandon -Sit toil 214 Provencher-Milloy 198 Selkirk -Jackson 183 Conservative Daurhin-Campbell 235 LIsgar-Sharpe Macdonald -Staples 400 .X10 Portage la 1'ralrle-Meiglten 234 SOUrla-Schuffner 52:1 Winnipeg-Haegart 1800 SASKATCHEWAN Liberal salmlbol...-Turrit: 300 liuntboldt-Neely Mackenzie -Cash 127 1loosejaw-Knowles 290 Prince Albert -No election Reglma-Martie 32 Saltcoats-McNurt 12 Saskatoon-McCrautey 301 Conservative Battlefotd-Morrison 22 Qu'Appclle-Lake 177 ALBERTA Liberal Edmonton -Oliver 1321. Strathcona-Meltit vrc 62 Victoria -White 115 Conservative Calgary-dtcCartlry 12P MacLeod -Herron 180 diedlclne flat-Magratn 204 iced Decr-hoot 8 BRITISH COLUMBIA Kootenay -No election Comex-athit-Nu election Yale -Cariboo -No election Conservative Vancouver -Cowan 1365 \'lctotla-Barnard 5 New Westminster -Naylor 51) 4 Nanaimo-Hawthon.t .GO South Huron Returns. The contest in South Huron was car- ried on in a very fair planner and was practically frae from personalities. A strong personal canvass was made by both candidates, supplemented by pub- lic meetings during the last ten days of the campaign. Mr. SherritI's re- cognized ability as a canvasser and the idea that the government adminis- tration cr,t,, somewhat discredited, led Conservatives to believe that he would be elected, or at least run a very close contest. On the other hand, Liberals believed "that one vote" of Mr. Sher- ritt'a would defeat him. Whether such was a case or not is not known. Whispers ate heard of some money being spent illegally, but we have heard of nothing definite, and ars far as we know the election was a clean] one. If not, it will doubtless be known shortly. McLean Maj. Seaforth - 70 Hensall - Hayflcld - Tuckersmith - Stanley - McKillop - 150 Ilay \o.1 - 2 48 :3 115 4 60 21,) 0 49 7 - 8 02 Stephen 1 20 2 10 3 50 4 07 5 59 0 40 7 55 10 50 Usborne Exeter 15 20 2:3 45 17 1 13 Sherritt Maj. — 19 - 57 - 50 U2 15 52 3 111 01 82- 46 80 55 1 (10 20 71 28 30 I1 14 8 05 40 965 15 ' 18 1« Is a Cood Remedy 25 41 2 32 — 71 3 :32 — 03 4 18 -- 23 53:3 102 69 105 6') (]0 59 (r2 71 BIRTHS Ilartlelb,-In Exeter en Ost. 25th, tO Mr. 'and Mrs. Daniel Hartlieb, a son. Whiteford. -On 1 Q'^ Od tobcr, tL t! : wife Wellington \Yhileford, Mooresville, a daughter. MARRIAGES. Elliott-ltelth.--.'.a Lucan on Oct. _'1st, Mies Reith to \Ir. A. Elliott, ",loore(- vllle. ,.Wataom-Bargees -:a 7.I.01112,....•, o* Oetoter 21 et, Silas Mary liuibenn, to Mr. Watson, both of McGillivray. Burgess-Tweddlc.-At Ail ea Craig, en Oct, 21st, Miss IIannah Alberta Twed- dle. to Mr. Geo. Burgess ot dlcllilllvray \Vutson-Tweddle.--\t West McGillivray on Oct. 21st, dies Mary Tweddle, to Mr. Thos. Watson, both ot McGillivray , Lytic-Atkinso;t---At the residence of the bride's brother, W. A. Atkinso,,, Blan- chard. Oct. 17th, Miss 11. Emily At- kinson, to Rev. Alfred A. Lytle, of Lethbridge, Alta. JOIINSTON-S1'ACKMAN-Irl Tot'onto on Oct. 27th, Elgin Graham Johnston to Miss Stella Kathleen. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 1d,'. J. Spacktnan. I' ERuLSON-\VESTCO'r"1'-- I11 Douglas, Man,, on O^t. 14th. Wm. Ferguson to Miss Blanche, daughter of James Westcott, formerly of Exeter. 0EA'415 1t.ils.—In St. :.lalys, on Oct. 141h, Fben- j.ut:ht Balls. aged 86 years. itobscu,-In Minton, on Oct 16, Nich- olas Robson, aged 73 years Steeper. -!n McGivllivray, Oct. 23th, Henry Steeper, aged 55 years. Gleesoi.-In St. Marys, on 0.1. 15th, Henrietta Campbell, relict of the late Richard Oleesoui, aged 95 years. PE'rrY—in )Iensall, on Oct. 14th. James Petty-, aged 75 year's, and 0 months. CALnlvi.i 1,- -In Exeter, on Oct. 20th, Elmer Joho, infant son of Mr, and Mrs. John Caldwell of Hensall, aged six weeks. Clearing Auction Sale Of noises, Steers and H. -oils. The undersigned Au, tionecr has been instructed to sell by Public Auction, at The Metropolitan Hotel, EXETER, --e`— FitID.1Y, NOV. OTB, 1908, at one o'cto.. , - . sharp, The following valuable •rot 1(0lt,):--1 driver, a years old, guaranteed qui.. and reliable; one pair matched roadsters, 3 year, old. broken to harness; driving horse, 5 years old. CATTLE -Fifty head of steers and /miters, two and three Tears old, weighing from b00 to 1,10(1 IW'; also a few cow. due to calve early. These cattle aro a choice lot of stockers In flrst•class condition and O ill be positively sold without reserve. IMPLEMENTS --There will also be sold a new wa:on and box, complete, two cutters, faro( wagon and riding plow. TERAS -110 and under, cash; oyer that amount 12 months' credit given on furnishing approved. Joint notes. 5 per cent. o8 for cash on ' redit amounts. ANDREW CAMPBELL, Prop. THOS. CAMERON, Auct. COUGHS EARLY CROP Fall coughing 11;t4 begun. SHITE PINE SYRUP is beginning to Nell. People think as Winch of it as ever. 1t certainly 2 51) 3 37 4 00 1) FOR- - Couhas, Colds, Hoarseness and Ordinary Throat Troubles 691 25 ---- Cents -- a - Bottle Woodstock- -James Barber, aged about fifty, a well-known farmer of Blenheim, committed suicide yester- day morning by tacking poison, Ile had just returned from a trip to the Northwest, and appeared to be suffer- ing from melancholy, though the eause is unknown, as he was in good (loan- Chemist and cial circumstances. iliing it h,u k if y•nl w'on't like it. W. S. OET, pnm.s. Optician Phone 544 I:X 1:7'1:H Use Samson Brand Portland Cement for Walks, Walls. Floors, etc. I3ig stock on hand. Call at once for your supply. Builders' Hardware Paroid Roofing. 1 and 2 ply. Lox Sets. ant. copper finish, 50c and (1}e Butts. Window Glass; Parlor Door Filtnger9, etc. qi'e• :a1 Prices nn These (roods "' Stoves, Ranges and Furnaces HEAMAN'S HARDWARE & STOVE STORE RI- SCRANTON COAL --the nice, c':en n kind. a