Exeter Advocate, 1908-09-24, Page 8A PHYSICAL WRECK Jit Zebra' are likely to approach ! w bile grazing, and frum clue cover - - — - he suddenly rushes on horseback. The Deutsch Ostafrikanisehe Zei- tung, telling tete story, says that the mothers will not abandon their foals, but collecting around them; urge them on as rapidly as possible and retreat with theta in the centre. BITE Biu I[ORSE. Now Besser's troubles begin. It is not easy to lasso one of the young because they are much smaller than any of the surrounding animals, and to aggravate the situation the lords of the herd, enraged by his attack on its weaker members and perhaps emboldened by the sight of the big horse, to whom they may impute the trouble, without observ- ing tbo strange abimal astride hire, come back to bite and kick the horse. He naturally responds in kind, at some peril to his rider, who, intent upon his gauze, was once unhorsed by this proceeding. Bosser since that accident has been ready to Meet the emergency with a shot or two from his revol- ver, which scatters the hales in wild flight. Sometimes he fails to cap- ture a colt, but he is usually suc- cessful, and has now a ane herd of young zebras, whose training be- gins from the day of their capture. They learn to feed from his hand oe basket, and as their training ad- vances he leads them by a halter, bits them, walks them around with harness on their backs and filially gives them little loads to pull. None of his herd is yet large enough for actual service. tcsi[er.t cf Ottawa finds Rclief in Pe-ru-na, M R. RENE ST. JEAN, 210 St. Patrick street, Ottawa, Ont., Can., writes: "I believed a year ago that I -could stand anything. I worked hard, kept irregular hours, and did trot mind the loss of a few meals, but in six weeks I had changed to a physical wreck. -Eight bottles of Peruna brought Lack my strength." Mr. A. O. Harding, 503 W. 140 St., New York City, formerly one of the leading druggists of Prescott, Ont., has been presented with a tit enty-five year Medal of Honor in •Odd Fellowship. He writes as fol. tows : "Ever since I have been handling Peruna, I have had a fine trade. Once a family buys a bottle, I am sure of selling thein more, and it juevcr fails to bring additional cus- tomers. "I have nothing better for ca- tarrh in all of its various forms. As a household remedy it is without compare, splendid for mothers and -excellent fur children." TAMES ZEBRAS TO WORK .ANIMALS L.ISSOED IN WEST- ERN COWBOY STILE. Ir- ]h ' are \Very'arefully Trained, and Soon Learn to Carry Loads. Vie Government of East Africa le ranch pleased with the first re- £tllts of its efforts to train zebras to to mestic service. Great pains have l son taken for two years with the -education of five spans of these ani- mals and they have finally been 'brought to a state of perfect docil- nnd are now making a good re - Peed in the draught service. t is believed in East Africa that th. practicability of making the ze- bra do the work of the horse and the ox has been demonstrated. If i3 were possible the Government would rapidly push the work of tabling zebras and breaking thein t • harness. hut unfortunately men who have the peculiar talent and likeng for this work aro few, and s- zebra taming goes on slowly. RUSIIES ON HORSEBACK. A pian named Besser catches the r( -bra with lasso in western cow- boy fashion, and he is the only man .n the big colony who seems able SG (10 it. It is not easy to do. Beamer has n tough fleet horse that served in thcavalry during the Boer war ai has been trained to gallop nt [u i speed over the plains with the bridle on his neck, his direction gui- ded by the swerving of his master's Lody to the right or left. This he rse is the zebra chaser. It is Besser's practice to get into the'edge of some grove which herds 8 OUT OF 10 persons suffer at some- time or other from Piles: $., says a Brea: r^r ;,o;a: authority. 7bere is no discse causes mote in and wretchedness than piles 1 and rising almost imn:e.liate tate lam-Buk as won the praise et rh, i:sandsof sufferers. If you are snt:erirt; Irt Za-n-Ruk rue you- Aft. Neil Dev.xi. Wr:,Swci d. Ont. auf cr-1 with piles eight yr'rs A few bosses of 'lam• Du' cured him. Ifs sir.ce cyst—"f bare had no return cf the trouble so that I Lava the c.re is perm -vent." Mr. C. It. Frost, l.ennnscille, writes% " I have proved -Lam-Ituk a great cure for piles from which I suffered ac.i:e:7 tot a long time. Zam-Buk also cures ruts, ulcers, Amus, abscesses, ttisisonevt wour.ds, boils, eczema. and all skin trouble. c'c. a tKn, all drug- gists and starer car from Zam-Buk Co., 7,1*+sr;fcr Et -.. LOOK BEHIND. Two wise men going on their way Were halted by a youth, Desiring of thein that they stay Awhile, and utter truth And wisdom that would serve to throw Light on the way that he should go. "Your eyes must fix upon a star," The first adviser said, "And hold it, though it be afar, And always overhead; And if your gaze shall never quit That goal, my friend, you'll come to it." "A fool advises you. niy friend," The second wise man said ; "Nor fame nor fortune will attend Who only look ahead ; But look back now and then, and see How great a fool you used to be." SAVE THE CHILDREN; Mothers who keep a box of FALLING SICKNESS Fits, Epilepsy, St. Vitus' Dance, N,•rcour '1 tot:blee, Etc., p,,s t vols dui -0,11.y LI[e!G'S FIT cum. Fre: trial bottle s ,nt free on applicat'on. Write tL,o 1.1L13I(i t'11., I'h s•L« St , Toronto. LAND Ss) and 6441 acres for sale to ukalehawan; gnat bargaiva; aeud f•,r full descrildhn. F. JON I:8, C.,rubar, Ont WILSON'S FLY Ons packet has actually PADS killed A bursitis! el — SOLD BY — DRUCCISTS, GROCERS AND CENERAL STORES lOo. por packet, or 9 packeto for leo. will last a whole *won. - EATING 326 EMIGRANTS. Hevoared by the Natives of the Is- land of Ito osel. Although cannibalism is supposed to be extinct, or nearly so, over the greater portion of the earth's sur- face, there occurs every now and then a nasty reminder of its con- tinued persistence in odd, dark corners. Thus, in the Congo Free State the other day, some European officers of the wrecked steamer Ville do Bruges furnished a feast for the na- tives. And about the same time a similar revolting episode happened in Gorman New Guinea. It says volumes, however, for the spread of civilization, that such tragedies are now as rare as they were common fifty years ago. Then cannibalism was rife throughout Polynesia, so that to be killed, cooked, and eaten was the almost invariable fate of sailors who chanc- ed to be so unfortunate as to be cast away on any of the outlying little -visited islands. Perhaps the most awful tragedy of the kind on record was that which happened in connection with the loss of the St. Paul. Captain Pennard, while on a voyage from Hong Kong to Sydney. This fine steamship carried, besides a full crew, no fewer than 327 passengers, mostly emigrants. On September 30th, 1858, she was wrecked on the island of Rossel, but all got safely Baby's Own Tablets in the house' on shore. A little later the captain may feel that the lives of their Et- I and eight of the crew left the is- ile ones are reasonably safe during, land in search of assistance, and the hot weather months. Stomach! were picked up by the Prince of troubles, cholera intention and diar- Denmark schooner. Eventually, rhoca carry off thousands of little the French steamer Styx was dis- c -nes every summer, in most cases. patched to the island, and brought because the mother does not have away one emigrant. The remain - a safe medicine at hand to give iisg 326 had been massacred and de - promptly. Baby's Own Tablets cure ‘.aired by the natives. these troubles, or if given occasion- ally to the well child will prevent the trouble corning on. And the mother has the guarantee of a gov- ernment analyst that the Tablets contain no opiate or harmful drug. Mrs. Geo. Mineault. Jr., Mont Louis. Que., says: -"Before giving Baby's Own Tablets to my little ono she suffered greatly from colic and stomach troubles, and cried a great deal. Tho Tablets soon cured her and she is now a plump, healthy child who does not look as though she ever had an hour's illness." lou can get the Tablets from any c'caler in medicine or by mail at 25 cents a box from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. +- --- Magistrate (sternly) -"Didn't I tell yo:t the last time you were hero I never wanted you to conte before me again 1" Prisoner -"Yes, sir; but I couldn't make the policeman believe it." The finest tea grown iti the world is the standard of quality used in pr eparillg "'3alada" Tea. Sold only in sealed lead packets. 1:,1 1'1 ' 11: 11 NK NOTE. Pout It t the foor Fel lots Ilis In proportion, more female pris- cners have previous convictions against them than have male pris- oners. Nothing looks more ugly than to see a person whose hands are cover- ed over with warts. \Vhy have these disfigurements on your per- son when a sure remover of all warts, corns, etc., can be found in Holloway's Corn Cure. In Iceland horses are shod with sheep's horns, while in the Soudan, socks made of camel's skin are used. Some men treat their wives well, and some wives help themselves. Good Digestion Should Wait nn Appetite. -To have the stomach well is to have the nervous system well. Very delicate are the diges- tive organs. I11 some so sensitive are they that atmospheric changes affect them. When they become dis- arranged no better regulator is procurable than Parnlelee's Vege- table Pills. They will assist the di- gestion so that the hearty cater will Buffer no inconvenience and will derive all the benefits of his feat]. A woman is always explaining that her p'lotogrpah doesn't do her justice. Life. It is easier to lead n man to drink :1n old goathcrd in Germany re- than it is t" dritc him away from Gently fell asleep, and one of his it. animals pulled out the contents of Most girle a -e aware that big his knapsack, and among other thi gs devoured a I:50 unto. con- hosw•on their shoes make their fret stituting the goatherd's sayings look smaller during many Years. The geathcrd travelled to Mer- lin. and went to the office of thfr German Imperial nrei!.. w':ere he put before the officials a strange, fso leilpy mss,, weepy(' . up in ic:ether, and asked them to examine it for '."• the purpose of estahtishing the fact sc,,. that it contained the remnants of it £50 note. It was the interior of the unhappy goat, which bait had t'1 pay for its f•,r.dticss for dainties cath its life The eilicials sent the depceit to an expert for examine- tinn. and after he lied ei, en hi; :•er- 'l e.o. dict that the goatherl'' rtt:ry was titere . ` pt A f.tI, true the old man ass paid Ottlierr.'.�I Aeo,tt r,�S.I mo i.'s. ,p,;;eie'r.311' A quarrel n;erely prove. that •••,e1 •.1 the parties to :t hasn't any- m,,: e l sense than the other. t i N L• !eel 1. NO. 3e-- OJ KILLED—Bl' ORDER. II Must Not Try to Sate the life of Some Monarchs. "111suucrs uuekylh loan," said an (Id philosopher ; but sometimes manners, in the form of etiquette, has done the opposite, and killed !Jean. A former Queen of Siam was a 1 victim to the strict rule that her f.c rsou was sacred. While embark- ing on her State -barge, stip had the misfortune to fall into the water. Her Royal husband was not there no one could save her. For a urt official, however high his sta- tion, to lay hands on her would have been sacrilege. So the poor woman was left to drown. The on- lookers felt they were doing every- thing for the best. Court etiquette etas being strictly observed. And, in due course, the queen's demise was deeply mourned. Tho present King of Spain figur- ed in a similar affair. When a small boy, }ie was playing in the palace at Madrid, when he slipped and fell headlong down a marble staircase. But fur the intervention o[ a footman, he must inevitably have been killed. Instead of that, the footman suf- fered. He had laid hands on his monarch, so tie was dismissed in disgrace! Tho queen dowager provided for him by finding him other employ- ment, but she could not avert the eunishment inflicted on luta for sav- ing her son's life. -- Ladies in Poor Health Everywhere, especially those dis- couraged by failure of previous treatment are invited to write for a free trial of my hone treatment, with interesting booklet, all post- paid in plain wrappers, with the most reliable references and proofs which will encourage the most dis- heartened. You can thus quickly satisfy yourself. without cost that this treatment is what you long have sought. I will reply promptly to all who write. Address, MRS. M. SEMMERS, R'indsor, Ont. --4 Some men marry poor girls and settle down, and some marry rich widows and settle up. A man would have but little time r anything else if he loved his neighbors as they love themselves. Its Power Grows With Age. - How many medicines loudly blazon- ed as panaceas for all human ills have come and gone since Dr. Tho- mas' Eclectric Oil was first put up- on the market 1 Yet it remains, doing more good to humanity than many a preparation more highly vaunted and extending its virtues wider and wider and in a larger circle every year. It is the medi- cine of the masses. 3. The Extravagance of Cheapness in a Seviilig Machine 9 Every woman knows the foolish extrava- gance of buying anything for her house just because it is "cheap." q Every woman also knows that what seem "dear" at first is often "cheapest in the end." 9 Yet the woman who will urge her husband to buy a thoroughly good overcoat because he gets several_ season's wear out of it, often buys some unknown sewing machine for herself because of its "bargain" price. 1j Now the Singer Sewing Machine costs very little more than thrown -together, catch• penny machines. Yet one Singer will out• last several of the ordinary kind. II The Singer has earned the reputation of running as smoothly at the end of its twentieth or thirtieth year as the day it was bought. Considering this, the Singer is in the end the cheapest machine to own. Sold oafs by Singer Sewing Machine Company TORONTO MONTREAL N"IVNIPca 312 Manning Chambers 633 Board or Trade C'dg 354 Main street A. J. PATI I SON & CO., 33, 35, 37 SCOTT ST., TORONTO. The Cobalt Silver Dividend paying mines at present prices pay from 7 per cent. to 35 per cent. per annum and are in our opinion a good speculative investment: Crown Reserve, City of Cobalt, Coniagas, La Rose, Nipissing, Temiscaming and Trctheway are popular stocks and should increase in price. CORRESPONDENCE 501-I.ITIW. P A N G O For Neuralgia, Headache, Rheumatism, Pain, Etc. so CF.N rs, ALL DRUUUISTS, 0:2 THE PANGO COMPANY, - TORONTO. tshe'eea,s-Lyman area 6 Co., Toronto and Mo %trent ; Lyman, Knox At C:arl,aon, Toronto ; Motional Drug Co , London. -Hyker-"Trouhled with indigos- 7h� Mild Climate of Virginiation, eh 1 You should drink a cup ni hot water every morning." Py- overs splendid opportunities for stork raI,Ing, (roll gtowint. dalry.n and general leaning. ker-"I do; but they call it coffee winters are short. Climate i.altlipil. I.ui I sir," at bearding -house." I add selling bestow its value but increasing "Mysface is my fortune, my g in talus each tear. Many ('ana,tlans are living rho said. "That being the case," to Virginia. w rile for Inforruattun to rejoined the cynical bachelor, "you If your children moan and are o• 11'• 1:(►Irkat, r ` votutulesivuot of Agriculture,ic, O► are in no danger being married restless during beep, coapted, when It for your money. ' awake, with a loss of appetite, pale cctrntenaltce, picking of the nose, Cobalt Has Made Codd Chemists neve Trouble in stetting Iron Ince etc., you may depend upon it that Nee a .reel that the system will absorb. and tit primary cause of the trouble is Send far our markler. It benefit by it. In • Ierroviru,- rho bra lonfb perfection has been schis•.d. 11 builds add worms. Mother Graves'\Vorm Ex- w•rll be wailc(I you regularettly wit t ,trengthena. terminator effectually removes cut cost. ... k u3 aboutet these pests, at once relieving the " R' " Stout Caller -"Doctor, what. will little sufferers.CA remove this double chin of mine?" Old-fashioned Doctor (after a brief inspection) --"Nothing but a guillo- tine will ever do that, madam." It will bo noticed in the Singer Sewing Machine Company's adver- tisement that there are three ad- dresses at the bottom of the an- nouncement. Any ono writing will please address them nt the nearest me of the three places to his post office. When a man rin:nts Le be sancti- fied it means that lie is sorry his friends are not as good as he is. The wise man profits by the ex- cerience of others --and at the same time mixes in a little originality A Pill For Generous Eaters. - Thcre are many persons of healthy appetite and poor digestion who, after a hearty meal, are subject to The pian who is always talking A nets t -, limit property ill spires - about himself never says anything di(: location, with lino prospects, that is calculated to benefit his fel- the stock of which $1.00 par, no per - low man. Eonal liability, may bo bought for _0 cents a share, in instalments of Spots and blotches on the race sad n•,ek ars 2 cents a month. often merely signs of furl blood. Apply Weaver, Cerate to obtain immeat diate relief and te We handle all Collett Stocks. t7eater. Syrup to Md the blood of pollution. Write us. Rooney --"Where did ye git th' black eye, Mike 1" Clancey--"Why Tint Dolan's just back from his hon- eymoon- an' 'twas (lie advised Tim t' git married." STEWART & LOCKWOOD llltoh l:lt s. 19 Adelaide St. E., 'Toronto. Members of the Standard :"reek raid Mining Exchange. Dr. .1. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial is compounded specially to[, combat dysentery, cholera mnrhus and all inflammatory disorders that change of food or water may set up in the stomach and intestines. These complaints are more common in summer than in winter, but they are not confined to the warm months, as undue laxness of the much suffering. The food of which bowels may seize a man at any trine. they have partaken lies like lead 'n Such a sufferer will find speedy re - their stomachs. Headache, depres- lief in this Cordial. sic n, a smothering feeling follow. One so afflicted is unfit for Detainees CONTRARY COMIY)RT. er work of any kind. In this con-' As the spirited horse dashed on, (iition i nr relief. They wilt fills, the fair maiden clung in n parox- ysmwill brine relief. They 'will assirt `. of terror to the swaying seat. the assimilation of the ailment. and "Oh, John," she cried, "can you used according to direction will re- stop him 1" store healthy digestion."I'm trying." responded f 1 e winded driver between Fut-r, ° 1 ?! NATURAL ('l)I'RTESY. hold hitt in if 1 can onlr l • “Why do you talk of the rudeness -- ---- nf nah►re 1' "1 don't knnw•. To my idea, na- ture is veru polite. Look at the dip of the waves. the bend of the river, the boughs of the trees." There is no cure prescribed in the doctor hooks for a rrean dis- position. Turkey can produce more ewes „1 longevity than any other noun. tree. A wise ratan dneen't lie --neither does he tell all the truth he knows. ;cmc of Black Watch On a 'Fag on a Plug of 13!ack Chewing Tobacco Stands for Quality. - SII Piano is Is CANADA'S BEST AND 18 USED THE WORLD OVER iBell Organs tiro also world famed rtea.t r•r i re.. ---- -- - the Beli F;unoana or�oa co., iia., cufi�n, o�u If Every Farmer Knew h .r m,i •A m•et] rte meld sate by ,sl.,r tatrtanka Morse Jerk of til-Irads (Jasnllne Hee sine t-• saw wand.omp irate/. grind f.. aft.we ..aid not be able t:, supply the demand trot this ad. out and •en4 to or 1-,•4sy. and .e .111 seed yon our Tree catal,,gea Steres 444 -.so VM Rasaalan Palrbaalre Cs . Litltlte%, tereata, set MJat•-.• wi,, , ;,A vaneoerer.