Exeter Advocate, 1908-07-02, Page 5log
(zeter btiotatel
$ 100 .1 1 .,,t a. al, awe,
Sl a0 a3,ardu ; *0 paid.
To United State, Subscrlbersf1.5O
a Year Stri.tl) tit Advance.
sA': DE's, s e i E : 11, Publisher.
Baby Carriages
or Go -Carts
and let the Baby grow.
Large and Beautiful.
The price is not Targe and
the terms are ettsy.
2 G octave Organs cheap.
2 Pianos, slightly used, at a
Great Reduction.
Sewing Machines, Bicycles,
Children's Wagons, at prices
that will make you smile.
Fine Stationery.
Cook's Cotton Root Compound.
The great Uterine Tonle, and
only sato etrectual Monthly
Regulator on s hich women can
depend. Sold in three degrees
4. of strength—No. 1. St ; No. 2.
10 degrees stronger, 5;1; No. 3,
for special cases. s5 per box.
Bold by all druggists, or sent
prepaid on roteippt of price.
Frye pamphlet. Address :jag
COOK I�IOicn*I efisTo,awTo. Oar. t fornwrly it'indaw�
Toe 8611 TeleJJQoQe
C011paHij 01 Iiialla
is about to publish a new issue
of the Official Telephone Di-
rectory for the District of Wes-
tern Ontario. including the
Town of Exeter. Changes of
first names. changes of street
addresses, or orders for dupli-
cate entries should be handed
in at once to
leave on Tuesdays
June 9, 23 And. 4, 18
July 7, 21 Sept. 1, 15, 29
Return 2nd Class Tickets
From alt Ontar.o Stat.onstoWinnipeg,
Calga.p, Edmonton and principal
points .n Man,toba, Saskatchewan
and Alberta at
Berths ,n Tournt Sleeping Can at •malt
e.tr.t rose .e secured .n advance.
Apply to any C P.H. Ticket Agent for full
Information and free copy of Homeseekers'
Pamphlet, or waste
C. B. POSTER, Dist. Pass. Unit, forests
Ernest Oke, of Brantford is spend-
ing a few days with hie parents herr.
-Mrs. Ilaggith of Traverse City,
Mich.. is the guest of Mrs. Geo. Moir.
--George Moir has the foundation un•
der his barn nearly completed, and
ready for the baying. -Mr. and Mrs.
John Swan attended the wedding of
Samuel Day at Thorndale last week.--
Mesers. Dew Bros. had a dirt flee
Thursday afternoon.
Shoe Polish
Don't be deceived by imita-
tions. It means long life
to your shoes to be sure
of 2 in I
Black and all colors,
sr .11 dealer.,
IOc. sad 25c.
i i ;t lea ,
Viol of won't tell your family doctor
the whole story about your private
illness — you are too modest. You
need not be afraid to tell Mrs. Pink -
ham, at Lynn, Mass., the things you
could not explain to the doctor. Your
letter will be hell itt the strictest con-
fidence. From her vast correspond-
ence with sick women during the
past thirty years she may have
gained the very knowledge that will
help your case. Such letters as the fol-
lowing, from grateful women, es-
tablish beyond a doubt the power of
to conquer all female diseases.
3frs. Frank Enusley, I-irnlsay,
Ontario, writes to .11:'s. 1'inkhaln :
" When I wrote to you some time
ago. I was a very sick woman suffering
from female trouble` I had inflamma-
tion of the feminine organs and coaly
not stand or walk any distance. A;
last I was confined to my Leta and th.•
doctor said I would have to go throngh
an operation, but this I refused to do.
"A friend advised Lydia E. I'inkhant's
Vegetable Compound. After using three
bottles of it, I feel like a new woman.
" I most heartily recommend Lydia E.
l'inkham's Vegetable Componn i to all
womenwhosufferwithfemale troubles."
For thirty years Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound, mule
from roots and herbs, has been the
standard remedy for female ills,
and has positively cured thousands of
women who have been troubled with
displacements, inflammation, ulcera-
tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
periodic pains, backache, that bear-
ing -clown feeling, flatulency, itidiges-
tion,dirziness,or nervous prostrat ion.
Red Rose
"is pod Tea"
Has • Rich, Fruity Flavor
Caltahau-Coreett Netptials.
A pretty wedding was solemnized at
the home of Mr. and Mrs.JohnCorbett,
of the Blind Line, Hay, on Wednesday,
June 24th, when his youngest daugh-
ter, Sarah, was united in the holy
bonds of matrimony to Mr. William
Callahan, of London, the ceremony
being performed by Rev. Mr. Doherty.
rector of the Episcopal Church, Hen -
sell, The father gave the bride away,
and her sister, Miss Nellie, acted as
bridesmaid, while Mr. Wm. G. Tite,
of London, was groomsman. Con-
gratulations to the happy couple.
- -- Brinwey,-- --
In honor of Dr. R. J. Hamilton, bet-
ter known around here as Bob, who
won such honors in his graduating
class as not only to pass with honors,
but was one of the five honor gradu-
ates from Toronto University, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Hamilton invited about
eighty-five of the youths from McGilti•
v ray, Biddulph and t'sboroe to their
hone. Though the crowd were stran-
gere they were not long so, and all
joined In the "gliding" in three spa-
cious roosts to music furnished by the
Flynn String Band. Supper was serv-
ed in the basement, which was decor-
ated for the occasion. and even though
some were dancing above, the others,
with the aid of ice cream and other
gexod things, forgot it was summer.
Being satisfied with the evening. and
after thanking the host and hostess
and wishing Ur. R..1. all success in
his practice in Collingwood, all enjoy-
ed the drive home in the early tnom-
Elimv idle
Mr. Thomas Vale, it pay inmate of
the House of Refuge, Clinton, is spend•
ing the week visiting here. Ile speaks
well of the institution and is in the
best of health.
Haying is now in fall swing in tale
viciu►ty and a big crop is being gar-
Fksltv.u.--The strawberry festival
under the att*pices of the Methodist
church on July let was As usual a
great success. A large number were
present and enjoyed the strawberries
and also the program of speeches and
the b+sehall game. Hev. Cooper, a
forme r p%stor who left eight years
Ago, Q*VP An excellent address as did
els', Hev. Welder; who wag the pnesch•
er for the Sunday previous. Joshua
Johne: made a first class chairnlatl.
The St. M-tt ya orchestra was present
a d their many fine sele'tions did
.-h to enliven the proceedings. A
,r one 4)1 h.e,et All between Winchelsea
and FA,.1•yhar waw ,n Interesting fea-
ture- and was well fight (ut. It re -
salted in favor of Fs,ynhar by a sc,,ss
e•f 11 8.
Notches--J.tris At Ar1,,,r [sass
Fullerton, on the 'Anted ult., by Hev.
R. J. Garbutt. Mr. Albert W. Nor-
ris. Hibbert. to , f is . Sadie Kliutbet h,
danKhter of Mr. And SUN. ltoh.•rt
Itev. E. Shaw of Lyons visited at J. 1
Ii, Mr.lrthurb,- Miss Hurt took part gill nesse by Medicine saeltoceed,
in an entertainment at Centralia on Snuffs, Sprays or Douches.
NVeduesday night.--liensull C'itizen's
Band is the name by whish that or-
Hall willand little lison
hereafter ofeP
Penn„ are guests of her parents, Mr.
and Mts. Vungblutt.-Lorn Scott is
moving into the new residence erected
last summer by J. B. McArthur on
Richmond St. south. -The Foundry
has trade a big contract which covers
a period of three years and may re-
quire an increase of sluts.-Hev. Ur-
quhart lost a valuable horse last week
owing to the animal stumbling and
striking its head on the bald ground,
rupturing a blood vessel, --John Mar-
shall, little son of 1-t-ank Marshall, is
home from the leaf :old Dumb 1usti-
tute at Belleville fur holidays. -The
following went to Detroit on the Grey-
hound excursion last week: Miss Ha-
gan, 11illsgreen; Miss Whiteman, Kip -
pen; Mrs. 1. Neelands and daughter
Edna, Messrs. Todd and A. 1I. King.
--The Council says that propel ty own-
ers and tenants are required to cut all
weeds in front of their premises.
Catarrh Now Curable.
CORNER STONE Lam -The corner-
stone of the new handsome red brick
church, which is to be built to replace
the old Holy Trinity church, was laid
on the afternoon of June 2 -4th, by
Very Rev. Dean Davis. acting as com-
missioner for Bishop Williams, who is
at present in England. The service,
which began at 2 o'clock, was taken
part in by several of the prominent
clergy of the diocese of Huron, and
was conducted in the presence of an
immense crowd. That night a straw-
berry festival was held under the aus-
pices of the ladies of the church.
For some time the congregation
have been preparing for the erection
of the new church, and a large gather-
ing was present when the first service
in connection with the new church
was held. After the opening prayers
by the Rev. Bloodsworth of Ailsa
Craig and Hev. Racey of Ki`rkton, the
rector. Rev. Carlisle, and the building
committee of the church, composed of
the Messrs. B. Hodgins, Jas. Stanley,
Wm. Read, Thos. Coursey, Geo, Hod-
gins, John Fawkes, W. E. Stanley, B.
C. Hodgins, Thos. Webb, John Abbott,
Wm. 1-iankett and F. Ryan, presented
a silver trowel to the Hev. Dean Davis,
with which he officially laid the cor-
ner -stone of the church. Hev. Canon
Hague of London, Rev. Jas. E. Hol-
mes, Methodist minister of Lucan.
Dean Davis and Rev. Carlisle gave ad-
The parish register gives numerous
facts of the history of the parish.
which consists of Holy Trinity church
of Lucan and St. James church of
Clandeboye. The latter is the mother
church and was at one titne the only
one between London and Goderich.
The settled pastors have been Rev.
Stearne Tighe 1351)-1863, Rev. T. Er -
mouth Sanders, 1863-1871, Rev. arms
Logan, Rev. T. W. Magahy, Rey.
John Downie, Rev. R. 11. Shaw, Rev.
H. A. Thomas, Rev. Arthur Carlisle,
the present rector.
1Ve regret to report that Mrs. Jos.
H. Amos is seriously ill of what ap-
pears to be a general breaking up of
her system. -Allan McLachlan, who
was restudy seriously injured by his
horse taking fright and upseting the
buggy throwing himself and Mrs. Mc-
Lachlan out, is able to sit up in *chair.
Mr. McLachlan's injuries were more
serious than at first supposed, but we
are pleased to report be is recovering
WEDDINO,—A pretty wedding was
celebrated at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Roht, Reid, near Moray, on Wed-
nesday, June 24, when their daughter,
Miss Priscilla, was united in marriage
with Joseph Eagleson, a prosperous
farther. The ceremony was perforat-
ed on tete lawn in the presence of more
than 100 guests. At 7:30 p. in the
bridal party took their places beneath
a pretty evergreen arch with a beauti-
ful white bell suspended from the cen-
tre and the mystic words which make
two souls one, were pronounced by
Rev. Carriere of Grand Bend. The
bride was charmingly gowned in a
cream silk frock with lace trimmings
and golden brow velvet with pearls.
She wore the regulation veil and car-
ried a sheaf of bridal roses. Sbe was
attended by Miss Margaret J. Kenzie -
son. sister of the groom, who wore it
becoming costume of brown silk with
lace and ribbon trimmings. The two
dainty little flower girls were dressed
in white organdie with blue ribbons
and carried baskets of daisies. The
oom was supported by Garfield
tee r. cousin of the bride. At the
conclusion of the ceremony congratu-
lations were offered, after which a
splendid wedding repast was served
and the remainder of the evening was
spent in music and social intercourse.
Mr. and Mrs. Eagleson will reside on
the 21st con. of McGillivray.
Bowes ThisP
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any rase
of Catarrh that cannot i,, cured by Hall's Catarrh
C n re,
Catarrh is not a blood disease and
that is why it cannot be cured by any
medicine taken into the stomach.
('vested' is a germ trouble contracted
from t he germ -laden air you 1!1eathe
inward. 'these germs fasten themsel-
ves in the tissue and air cells of the
breathing otgaus, multiply by mill-
ions, cause sneezing, coughing, raising
of mucous, discharge from the nose.
tickling in the throat and other symp-
toms that can only be reached by the
dry air itnincipal "f 11youit•i.
It medicates the air you breathe
with the curative properties of the
Aastralian 1•:uc:tlyptns Forests where
catarrh is unknown.
The reason you get relief in a min-
ute or two from llyoutei is because it
destroys every catarrhal germ in the
air you breathe, and its dr y penetrat-
ing aroma will reach the innermost
recesses of the air passages, killing
Millions of germs a minute. Their de-
struction means freedom for oppressed
respiratory organs. W. S. Cole setts
yontei under a guarantee of satisfac-
tion or money back. Price, $1J1.
J. J. 51erner was in Montreal last
week. -Miss Susie Johnston is visiting
friends in Stratford and Berlin. -Dr.
Buchanan of Toronto is looking after
Dr. Wilson's practice. -Mr. and Mrs.
F. Witwer and son visited relatives
and friends at Goderich the latter part
of last week. -Misses Diana and Phoe-
be Hickheil, and Miss Carrie Gellman
visited friends and relatives in Detroit
last week. -Miss Lydia Faust has been
re-elected to Superintend the Junior
Alliance of the Evangelical church,
and Miss Dora Either assistant. -A.
Schlender has opened a photo studio
here. -In honor of Mrs. Theo. Hauch
and daughter Rosa, who left on Wed-
nesday morning for an extensive visit
with friends in New York State, and
who will locate in Naperville, Ill., was
gi}-en a pleasant afternoon at the par-
sonage last Tuesday by the Ladies'
Aid. -The Zurich Herald is holidaying
this week, -Preaching services were
dispensed with in the Evangelical
church last Sunday owing to the pas-
tor attending Sunday School Conven-
tion at Mildmay. -Mrs. Moyer and
daughter, Miss Addie, of Berlin are
visiting relatives in this vicinity. -Mr.
and Mrs. John Roth of New Hamburg
are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Rudy
Schwartzentruber, Bronson Line, -
Mise Lydia Decher has returned from
Detroit and will remain at herahonte
at the Babylon Line, for the summer.
-Mrs. Siebert of Bridgeport and Mrs.
Hays of Kansas, daughters of the late
Jacob Bliehm, are visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Gottleib Merger and other rela-
tives in town. --Miss Schultz of Pres-
ton is spending a few weeks with Miss
Maass, at the Lutheran Parsonage. -
Candidates who wrote on the Entrance
at Zurich were Thos. J. Sherritt, Al-
bert Keys, Gordon Manson, Mary
Douglas, Florence Capling and Isabel-
la Mason from U. S. S. No, Hay and
Stanley; Alfred Bender, Gideon Koeh•
ler. Norman Truemner, Morris Rau,
Luella Wurm, Ada Wurm, Ethel
%Veido, Zurich or 9. S. No. 7 Hay; El-
iza Mireau, Sep. S. S. No. 1 Stanley;
Alberta Geigor, S. S. No. 4 Hay; Clara
Eisenbach, S. S. No. 0 Hay: Mena
Shilhle, S. S. No. 12 Hay; Gerald Snid-
er, V. S. S. No. 1 Hay and Stanley.
!Mr grlIFISFAIFIlirlorlIFil'ilrArwl
Lidissisas>lisada slis>♦talbof
Seaforth: Mrs. II. B. Gunn was in
Wallacetown this week attending the
funeral of Mrs. Gunn, Sr., mother of
the late B. 13. Ounn, M. 1'.
Bruceteld: One of the prettiest
weddings of the season took place re-
cently in London, at the residence of
Mr, and Mrs. Jos. Robinson, 41 Victor
street, formerly of Brucefleld, when
their eldest daughter, Maude, was un-
ited with Ernest Moore, at very popu-
lar traveler of the city.
Seaforth: About two o'clock Tues-
day of last week fire broke out at
"Hillside," at present occupied by
Mrs. McGammond. The firemen were
prompt in getting out, but the flre bad
gained such headway that the back
part of the building and the roof of
the train part were burned.
Clinton: Death invaded the home
of Dr. and Mrs. Shaw Wednesday and
carried away their infant daughter,
Grace Eleanor. The little one had
only been with them a year and eight
months but it had entwined itself
about the hearts of the parents and its
passing has left sadness in the home.
Seaforth: One of the moot fashion-
able and popular weddings of the sea-
son took place in St. James' church on
June24, when Margaret, only daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. McQuaid, of the
Huron road, became the wife of Dr.
Mulligan. of Grand Forks, Dakota.
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
Father Corcoran in the presence of as
host of friends and relatives of the
bride and groom.
Ailsa Craig: For the theft of two
bags of wool from the storehnuee of
Dugald C. McIntyre. an East Williams
F J. C HENEY a Co , Toledo, n. farmer, Sam. Mc Williams, a peddler in
We the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney far the employ of Left's, the well-known
the last iS fears, and believe him peers tty honorable Hamilton Road junk dealer, was sent-
enced to three years in the Kingston
penitentiary by Magistrate Smith on
June Lith. Six hours after the offence
sentence was passed.
Hall's Catarrh Cure ie taken internally, acting di- Fitllarton: The electric storm which
velem. Testimonials tent free. Price ;Sc. per tot- came near humin the barn of Nr.
dr sold by all [hu¢¢istr, John Davidson. Lightning struck the
in all business transaction• and Inanrially 'Meta
carry out u;y obligations made by his firm.
erat.oefo, KINNas a Haan$,
N•Mleaate Droteists. Toledo, O,
rreels on she blood and moron, surfaces of the passed over FullArtnn on Tuesday
Take Haile Family Pills for constipation.
A number from here attended the
strawberry festival at Centralia July
1st. -Mr. and Mrs. Frank ('nates spent
sande}, with relatives in Itiddulph.-
Mr. George H,.nthorpe of NVinchelsea
spent Sunday here with friends. - Mr.
and Mrs. Samuel Skinner spent San -
day with relatives at Mount Pleasant.
--Miss Retta E-sery is spending is few
weeks in Toronto at the home of her
uncle. Mr. Andy i)empsey, -Mr. and
Mr.. Chas. Coupe, after a ca.., weeks'
visit here with relatives. left Friday
for Detroit. --Mr. Sam. Hicks has the
foundation tinder his barn, and he also
had et successful dirt tee on Wedges•
day of last week.
building, setting fire to it, but Mr.
Davidson was near at hand and soon
extinguished the flamer. He narrowly
escaped himself. He was standing
near the wall where the lightning
@truck and the holt passed into the
ground a few feet from him. Ile was
badly shucked and his face was some-
what burn:•t1.
F•ill,irton: "Arbor Dell," the beau -
Will home of Mr. and Mrs. ilobert
Jackson. Fullerton, was the scene of a
very happy gathering on June Lith,
when ehniit aeventy•fite invited gtleeta
witnessed the marriage of Mi's Sadie
Eliztheth. their eldest daughter, to
Mr. Albert W. Mortis, of Hibbert.
Guests were present from Goderi.:h,
Exeter, Clinton and Kincardine. They
will reside on the groom's flne farm in
Hihbert township.
Clinton: Clinton lust another of its
earliest residents on Wednesday of
last week by the death of Mrs. Marten,
widow of the late %Villiant Marten.
who was in her S1st year, Deceased
was born in Clifton, England, and came
to Canada in 1s:el, making her home
for some time in Norwich, where she
was married in 1858. With her late
husband she moved to Clinton in lstki,
and has resided het e ever since.
Pat khiiL• S. 11. Allen, manager et
the Standard Bank and Jas.1 hty
von, John Foust. John Tele wills, Dan
Steele, Ben. Milligan, Wm. M'1).,ua1d
and Clare Laughton returned on Ft 1 -
day from Lit der Lake, where they
have Leen at work on several gold
claims in that location. The develop.
went wink has In oduced several tine
specimens of gold mai there is every
indication that there property is .s
good one.
The Farmers Bank of Canada
Iucorpotated 1.y Special Act of l'.trliseile 1:t.
Member of the
'l'ORON'1'(► Ii.1Nl:t:1{N' ASSOCI:t'fltt\ sra the
'I'(1ltt►NTti ('LIiARING Ht►1 -1-:.
W. R. TRAVERS, Genera Manager.
A branch of this Bank has been opened in Dashwood and a
general banking business will be transacted at this branch.
interest allowed in the Savings Bank on ONE DOLLAR
and upwards at the highest current rates and paid 4 times year.
Special privileges extended to accounts of Townships, F'artn-
ers and others.
Farmers' Sale Notes discounted,
Do your banking business at home and
keep your account In'the Farmers Bank of
R. T. DUNLOP, Manager,
Dashwood, Ont
More people would put their
savings in the Debentures of this
Company if they realized the
simplicity and safeness of this
form of investment. It merely
means that one deposits a certain
amount -any sum over $100--
withithis Company for a period
of time, not less than one year.
preferably five years, or less if
desired. The debenture form
which the depositor receives is a
promise of the Company to pay
the sum mentioned, plus the
interest, at 4 per cent. per annum
at the time of expiration. This
promise is secured by over
$11,000,000 of assets. The in-
terest coupons attached are the
same as cash and can be deposited
as such. Huron & Erie Deben-
tures are an investment of the
highest class, and the man with
small savings can share in it
equally as well as the capitalist.
Write for full particulars.
Loan & Savings Co., London, Ont
B. E. WALKZR, President
ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager
Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000
Reserve Fund, - 5,000,000
Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England
Deposits of $1 and upwards are received and interest allowed at current
rates. rtc.:ounts may be opened in the names of twit or more
persons, withdrawals to be made by any one of the
number or by the survivor.
Branches at Exeter and Crediton
Heading off a Risk
r Gas is liable to ptiff out
'• .
t, CW AT:E'Rit h"
of the front door of any
furnace unprovided for
gas escape.
"Senshlew" Pernace has
ANomatic (,'as Damper
directi7 coawected with
amok. -pope. Gas pressure
sways damper sufficiently
for it to escape up chutney
(nee illwtratsoe), but heat
doesn't escape.
What does "Sunshine"
Gas Damper mean to
Meares protection to the
furnace Pkrts against evil
effects of gas.
What does "Senshine"
Gas Damper mean to
"Sunshine" householder?
Means furnace ran be
4Y/oersted without fear as to
"puffing - gas; furnace can
be left without doubt as to
wbereaboets of gas.
What does "Sunshine" Gas Damper mean to "Sunshine" coal account?
It means, instead of owner with "ordinary furnace" fear having to keep
check -draft indefinitely closed to "let off" gas --when there's two-thirds
parts of heat -energy to ate part of gas passing up chimney -draft can with
all safety be opened, and coal saved for another da 's dot
To onto
T. H A W KI N S& SON, Local Agent.