Exeter Advocate, 1908-07-02, Page 11
40C to JAN. '09
NOW 1, 'rlli•: '1'1311: ti
-'ibscribefor the ADVO•
CATE and get a bargain
as above stated; or els.•
take advantage of our
Low Club Rates
TwE iy-l"'lYEAR.
I I. t i t pen
On 1 -t l',i peps
The l inert \York
Anil Itis ht Price.:
The Advocate Office, Exeter
The Old Reliable
Tile Real Hol Hei'e
Are you prepared for it? Here are a few "How to Keep Cool"
suggestions: -
Cool white goods
Linen Lawns
Parisian Lawn
Paris Linen
These are the most popular fabrics
this season and are indeed very cool
and cowfot • •I,'.• for hot days.
White Waists
White Undershirts
Summer Corsets
Corset Covers
Summer Millinery
There is no lu e'.-•'
cool ready-tc
found anywb
vent of
to be
..c. C.
MEN ., ., ND BOYS' Cool Clothing, Hats and Fu; -rings in all the
latest styles at very reasonable prices.
A JOB LiNE of Children's and Women's Shoes, suitable for summer
wear, ranging from $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00. The price is now cut in two
-50c., 02c. 75c. and $1.00. SPEAK QUICK.
Highest price paid for produce.
Long Gloves at Reduced Prices
LADIES' SILK GLOVES (18 in.) in Tans, Browns, Cream, White and Black.
Superior Quality. Regular $1.00 Glove for 89c.
LADIES' LACE GLOVES (18•in. long) in Cream or White, Fine Quality,
will wash and wear well. Regular price 00c -for 40c.
LADIES' LISLE GLOVES (14 inch.) in Cream or White; Excellent wearing
Quality. Regular price 60c -for 48c.
Ladies' Silk and Leather Belts
SILK BELTSPI Grey, Brown. Blue and Black. Pretty Styles. Good Qual-
ity. Regular price 50c -for 38c.
LEATHER WELTS in Brown, Blue, Grey and Black --with Fancy Buckles.
Itegulire price 38c -on sale at 25c.
12 •1F2 ct. Bleached Cotton for 10c
FINE EVt THREAD BLEACH COTTON, 30 inches wide. Good Value at
12ic. i, .elling for 1Oc.
mbroideries, reduced 1-3.
E31733II1OiDERiES-a11 widths. One special line we are clearing at 4c
per yard. Every piece reduced 3 in priee.
it • 1.25 Umbrellas on Sale at 98c.
To hon and Val. Laces clearing out at
Wholesale Price.
Muslins, in colored and white, clea ring out at
0 Cost Price.
Profesartonal Cards.
.!s DR. O. F. ROULSTON, L. D. 8., D. D. 8.
Member of the R. C. D. 8. of Ontario and ilonor
graduate of Toronto University.
OFFICE: Over Dickson L Carling'. Law 081, e, In
Dr. Anderson's former Dental Parlors.
aDR. A. R KINSMAN, 1,. D 9 , 0 0. 8 .
I1onor graduate of 'reroute C'nt.erlst,.
:nett estrected without any pain, or any bad effects
Odor otter Oladrnan t Stanbury's once, Malo street
Has resumed practl•-e after s endingg a rear ((-o1.
lege) at British and Continental Hospitals. General
practIre with special attention to Eye, (with refrac-
tion) Ear, Noee and Throat.
Office: Dashwood, Ont.
ten, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners.
folk -Hors for Motown' Bank. etc.
Moloy to Loss at lowest rates of interest.
Offices, Ifa!n street, Exeter,
I. IL oaaboo. B.A., 1. R. Drcasol
We have a large amount of pris ate funds to loan
a farm and y111age proper:1re et low rates of inter
Barristers, Set: itcrs,Main at , Exeter On
L4eased Auctioneer.
Sales attended .a:1 parts. Satisfaction guano.
teed or no pay. Terms reasonable. All orders left
at Advocate Office will be promptly attended to.
William Brown
Prof. Diploma of Royal incorporated society of
Moalriana, England, Organist of Viritt Memorial
Char, h,F.cetec Piano, Organ, Harmony and Theory
of Music, Terris on application. F.seter, Oct,
Agent Confederation Life Assurance
Company. also Fire Insurance in lead-
ing Canadian and British Companies.
Main•Mt.. Exeter.
House For Sale.
In the C.ila-r of Ears• r, ..totted or.':m,oe •trees,
a frame dwelling, t atortm kitchen and woodshed
stable, goal well, oe• fifth are of land. All in good
Will le fold reasonable. Apply at this
Cottage to Rent.
A frame cottARe. in good repair, and
at reasonable rental. Apply at this
Successor to Da. RAlrxar,
Special Attention to Dentistry.
Night calls left at the horse of Mr. Peter Bawden
)fain street, (ern. Trtrltt Memorial Church), will be
promptly attended t•_.
ttflce-Dr. Ramsay s old stand, corner of Main and
north streets, (opp. I'yn. s itlacksmith Shop).
lour patronage solicited.
Brick and Tile for Sale
The undersined has a large quantity of first-• lass
brick and tile for sale on hie yards, situated opposite
the grist mill at Crediton East. Satisfaction guar•
ante -ed. it will be to your interest to call and make
an Inspection before buying elsewhere.
JOSEPH iIAIST, Crediton Eget
House to Rent in Elimville
The . ort, r1 nod ar offering to rent his frame
dwelling in /Jim%ille, with 1.5 acre of land. Hard
soil soft water and a number of fruit trees on the
premises. For particulars apply to JOSHUA JOHNS,
Of the undersfined.
Representative Wanted
For Exeter and . i Init� a.oal hie hustler can
make good moneyduring season selling our line.
Apps to THE FRD M(►TOR Co. of Canada, Limit.
ed; Watkerrille, Ontario.
House and Land for Sale.
The undersigned ie offering for sale hie house and
land on Iluron Street East. The house 1s of frame
and le In good repair. The land conelste of 11i acres
In good condition. Good water -hard and soft.
Good stable. Some good fruit trete, etc. Posses
slon given now or in the fall. Apply at the home
of Abraham Dearing, Jr., Slmcoe Street.
For Sale.
Good frame dwelling house and stable, Lot* Nowt
120, 121 and Its, on the South Side of the Lake Road,
Exeter, Ontario, the proharty of the late William
Iloskin, For parti:ulars apply to
RICHARD 11'SK1N Kirkton,
MRS. .1(.H\ )1, LAtto111,1N, Eyrie r.
M(.9Es AMi, Stephen Tpt.,
Execute es.
or to
Barristers, Exeter
t ---
Two new mal, h owe Good
to F. CONLIN, Centralia
grade ..owe. Apply
Farm for Sale.
That choice tans, being composed of Lot 1;, in
Con 4, l'sborne, in the Count of Huron. containing
• ►ares, 9ti neared and S Count/
bush. Good
brick dwelling, large, , ornmodioas hank ham: drive
hoose, pig house, good orchard, neer.failing
wells of water Thi, is a chtd.v,dtan farm In \high
Kate el culti'aticn Convenient to rhumb and
s hool, and within 2,, miles of Exeter. It will
be sold by path • auction on the premises on the
41h DAY OF JULY. 1908. at 3 o'clock p. m.
Easy terms of payment. Must tie sold owing to
hearth of pr -ere :>r. JOHN N. PERKINS. roe
;erne and roe: ....ie. apply to
Tills,. CAMERON,
.t•.ctioneer, Far,
Exeter School Report. Baseball.
Promotion Examinations.
Porn: 11. Jr. to Sr. -E Copeland 61,
K Stewart 62, L Heywood 60, A Mc-
Pherson 611, Form I 1 to Form 111.-
K Collins 52, I Marchand Sl, A Mc-
Jlahon 80, .1 Oestreicher 76 (honors); L
Autos 72, L Snell 71. L Hodgert 67, W
13irney 67, A Dow 67, E Jones 66, C
Pickard 65, I Handford 63, L Sanders
S L Gregory, Teacher.
Commercial Diplowa.-B Mack 73,
L Birney 62, II Duplan 60. Jr. to Sr.
-O Wood 72, F Beaver 67, J Bullard
67, E Wood 66, E Kestle 55.
Form I to Form II. -A Surerus 83,
W Monteith 82 (honors); G Kestle 74,
T Penhale 73. E Case 72, H Jones 69,
V Sweet 08,G Ford 67, H Triebner 01,
H Horton 64, A Coleman a3, E Luxton
62, H Carling 62, L Hern 61, N Amy
61, W McLean 61, R May 60.
A. M. Johnston, Teacher.
Jr. IV to Sr. IV. -C Heywood 84, R
Bissett 80, AI Hilts 77 (honors); AI Bar-
rows 65, M Jewell, G Taylor 04, D Hall
62, W Snell 01, Y Creech.
C. Vosper, Teacher.
Sr, III to Jr. I V. -M Carling 79, S
Southcott 79, R \Vood 78, L Treble 77,
L Snell 77 (honors); M Acheson 72, F
McPherson 72, J Seldon 72, R Fleming
72, R Balkwill 68, I Hardy 68, I Rivers
N Jones 07, V Easterbrook 66, 0 Hur-
don 66, W Heideman 65, V Rowe 62,
J Walker 60, F Dinney 01, A Beverley
60, F Brock 60. Jr. IIi to Sr. IIi.-L
Harvey 89, 13 Quance 83, M Jones 80,
S Hector 79, E Balkwill 78, I Sweet 75
honors); B Walker 74, 0 Anderson 73,
E Harvey 71, L Taylor 71, R Rowe 07,
M Blatchford 60, T Fear 61, M Quance
61. No. on roll 46, average 40.
Elsie A McCallum, Teacher.
Sr. II to Jr. 111. -WV Manson 83, F
Rowe 80, A Knight 79, H Rowcliffe 79,
M Case 78. J Follick 77, H Rivers 77, E
Homey 70, M Heywood 76, 13 Hodgert
70, W Kydd 75 (honors); E Day 74, V
Knott 73, 31 Senior 72. I. B Handfordy
72, A Day 71, A Bell 71, E Bowey 71,
W Mack 07, J Brickwood (15, 0 Rich-
ardson 65, (1 Macdonald 63, 51 Snlalla-
combe 62, M Knott 62, E Anderson 6('.
Jr. II to Sr. 11-A Mack, F Bowey,
J Craig, L Hastings, H Parsons, E
Cookson, N !hickey, M Hicks, T Clark.
No. on roli 37. average 34.
H. 31. Kinsman, Teacher
Jr. I L. --J Hurdon 96, E Johns 82, R
Marshall 80, M Day 74. Sr. Pt. II. -R
Cornish 81, M Hardy 77, H Hector 70,
D Knight 57. No. on roll 47, average
4f. -F, W. Howard. Teacher.
Mid. ii to Sr. 11-51 Seldon 90, P
Jackson S9, F Wood &8, I Delve 80, M
Ilueston 79, D Moulden 63. Jr. II to
Mid. ti, --M Vincent 93, L Zuefle 62, G
Fitton 89, B Ilorney 88, U Harness 84,
D White 81, A Johns 81, 0 Ford 79,
A Carter 75, A Davis 75, G Wells 73, E
Dinney 72. Sr. Pt. IL -V Welsh 80,
W Davis 80, M NValker 78, 1 1Valker
77, W Jacobi 75, F Fatnson 70, i Easter -
brook 68, W harness 65, M Moi -lock
60. Sr. Pt. i to Jr, Pt. 11-51 Bedford
00, C Ifarness 90, C Morley 88, A Corn-
ish 81, V Sweet 80, 1 Dearing 70, C
Mallot 75. l' Baskerville 72, W Brown
70. Jr. Pt. I to Sr. Pt. 1.-W Knight
75, W Gillespie 71, i Davis 72, 1' Corn-
ish 68, M A Taylor 04. No. on roll 53,
average attendance 46.
Mildred Martin, teacher.
Exeter Council
Friday, June 20th, 1998.
The Council niet as per adjournment
in the office of the Clerk, the object
being to consider tenders for gravel
and the sewer along Andrew street.
Members present -the Reeve and
Councillors Ifeaman and Johns.
Tenders were opened and read.
Johns -Neaman -That the tender of
Messrs. Creech & Handford, for gra-
yel, being the lowest, namely, $3.75
be accepted. -Cat
The tender of Thos. Hartnoll, for
sewer, at $2.30 per rod, was accepted
on motion of Heaman-Johns.-Car•
Adjournment to Friday, July 3rd.
Sale Registers.
Friday, July Jrd t"alnatde IL•. a• re farm in
8tan1... the property of Mem.. Traquarr !ale at 3
o'clock. T. Cameron, Acct.
Auction Sale
''I -
Valuable Farm In Stanley Township,
The undersigned Auctioneer has been 'totem ted to
sell by public auction at
Schaffer's hotel, Kippen,
on FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1008
at 3 o'clock sharp,
The following %aluahle property:
A choke farm in the Township of Stanley, being
Int 4, South Boundary, contsining 96 acne, an of
whi- h are .geared and in ent-Pias coeditlon, There
Is aood, frame reetden-e, bank barn, and other
good out buiMinKO. It le within a mile of Rippen
TERMS Made known on day of ole Positively
no reser, a a. the estate has to he wound up.
T. CAMERON, Auctioneer,
Farm For Sale or Rent.
The undersigned is offering for rale or rent that
desirable farm In the township of McGillivray, be.
Int Lot 4. Con. 14, rontalntng 1(Ki acres of first class
land There Iron the premises a goal Krick house
a bank tarn and other out buildings 1 ace:, good all well drained and fenced. T' his it one of the
beet farm. in Mnliliteray township and will be sold
Or rented on reasonable teens. For particulars ap
ph to D STEWART. Mount Carmel.
WANTED to purchase etas, tiro in gond repel?,
Apply t01. DtY, Easter.
One c'f the best gauges of ball that
have been played on the Exeter dia-
mond for years, was played un Thurs-
day night between Centralia and Exe-
ter teams, resulting in a victory for
the visitor's 8-5. The game cowwenc-
ed at 6:45 and a good crowd of enthus-
iastic fans was present and thoroughly
enjoyed the game. It wits a pitcher's
battle from start to finish and had
they received gilt -edge support the
score would have been considerably
lower. Hart for Exeter and Boyle for
Centralia were the opposing twirlers
and they mixed them up in such style
that many a man went begging for a
hit. A full nine innings were played
and the pitchers showed better form
as the game went on. hart who is a
new man at the game pitched remark-
able ball during the last half, while
Boyle did bis best work early in the
game. In the fourth the visitors se-
cured four runs and in the sixth Exe-
ter made a like score. A nice three -
bagger by Creech was a feature. Of
course the Centralia team did not con-
sist of all Centralia men but the home-
sters did not mind that. They want-
ed a good game and they got it. The
boys were out in their new suits for
the first time and the game went along
with more vine than before while the
spectators were pleased with the ap-
pearance of the men. George Ander-
son glade a satisfactory referee. The
teams consisted of:
Centralia --M. Mitchell 2, H. Bice 1,
13. Hodgins I, F. Boyle 0, C. Duplan 0,
F. Kerr 1, B. Bloomfield 1, H. Ander-
son 1, I). Coughlin 1.
Exeter -G. Manns 0, T. Creech 2, P.
Fleming 1, A. Stewart 0, B. Martin 0,
R. Hart 1, H. galrner 1, M. Hoskins 0,
F. Hawkshaw 0.
Dr. Harry Browninglhas returned
home from the East.
Miss Dinah Elston, milliner, of Clin-
ton, is home for the holidays.
Miss Ethel Sweet, milliner, of St.
Marys, bas returned home for the va-
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sweet visited their
daughter, Mrs. Stuart McCallum, of
London, do Dominion Day.
Miss Frances Davis, of Wingharn,
visited het' parents. Mr. and Mrs. Dan.
Davis, of town, during the holiday.
Hensall bowlers were here on July
1st and played four games with the
Exeter bowlers. The vis::ors won out
by IS points on the day's play. Many
of the homesters were green players
and mixed in the rinks.
Rev, and Mrs. E. A. Fear are spend-
ing two weeks camping at Grand
Bend. In Mr. Fear's absence the Main
street pulpit will be taken by Rev.
McDonagh next Sunday, and Rev.
Gall the following Sunday.
Messrs, J. Triebner, S. Fitton, W.
Johns, W. E. Sanders ani F. Kerr, of
the Exeter Gun Club, attended the
tournament in London on July let
and succeeded in doing some good
work. J. Triebner getting high aver-
age (92 out of 100) and winning the se-
cond event (making a straight 15). F.
Kerr won in the third, 10 out of 20,
and came ninth in the high average,
getting 86. S. Fitton broke 82, W.
Johns 71, and W. E. Sanders 78 out of
Some forty-five candidates wrote on
the Entrance examination here last
week, nineteen of whom were from
Miss Vosper's room. The papers
seemed to be satisfactory with the ex-
ceptions of Geography and Arithme-
tic. Not only the candidates but also
the presiding examiners in the various
centres and the teachers of the work
claim that the test in these two sub-
jects was altogether too difficult, and
It is thought that unless leniency is
shown in the marking of the papers at
least 50 per cent. of the candidates will
be plucked, On looking over the pap-
ers we agree with the opinionsexpress-
ex e -
r ss
ed. The questions are certainly too
advanced for entrance scholars. Ev-
ery year one or two papers are unrea-
sonable, hut these are worse than
The D D. 0 111 's Official visit.
The brethren of Lebanon Forest
Lodge. No. 133, A. F. & A. M., togeth-
er with a number of visitors enjoyed a
pleasant time in the lodge room on
Monday evening, the occasion being
the official visit of Acting D. D. G. 31..
Itt. %Vor. Bro. Holly, of New Ham-
burg. who visited the lodtre iu the
stead of Rt. Wor. Bro. White, of St.
Marys, i). D. G. M., who has been ill.
After the exemplification of the work
of the First Degree by the officers, for
which they received the hearty con-
gratulations of the acting district dep•
iity and the visitors, all sat down to
Mr. Herb Mit •hi•il of London spen
the holidays herr.
11'. J. Bissett was at Goderich Mon
day and 'Tuesday in connection with
the Hodgins case.
Mr. and Urs. P. McDonald of Fair-
ground intend returning to -Exeter
this week with the object. of "esidiog
Sidney Sanders last week nchased
from the estate of the late Jo In
n Gould,
the house near the railway track on
Huron Street.
A great many people went to Grand
Bend on the 1st, many more to Cen-
tralia, and several visited friends in
more distant points. At home the
day was quiet, with the exception of
the visit of the Hensall bowlers.
The Strawberry Festival and pro-
gram given by the Ladies Guild of
Trivitt Memorial Church on the Rec-
tory ground Friday evening was a
pleasing success in every way. A
large number of people were present,
the grounds were nicely decorated,
the strawberries, ice cream, etc., were
supplied in abundance, while the pro-
gram of recitations, vocal and instru-
mental solos and duets, etc., was much
appreciated. When the members of
the Guild attempt anything it is al-
ways done well. The receipts amoun-
ted to over 50.
Two rinks of Exeter Bowlers went
to Blyth and Clinton Tuesday to play
ganies with the clubs of those towns.
The rinks were Campbell, Taylor,
Martin and Taman; Hurdon, Broder-
ick, Blatchford and Collins. One tie
game and a two -shot defeat in Blyth,
and a heavier defeat in Clinton was
the result. They forgot to bring
home the scores. Four of the players
went on to Seafortb, Wednesday, Mar-
tin, Broderick, Blatchford and Collins
and played in the tournament. They
are probably determined to bring
home somebody's scalp with them.
women's Institute Meeting.
The regular meeting of the Woman's
Institute will be held in Senior's Hall,
on Friday, July 3rd, at 3 o'clock.
A full attendance of the rnembers is
Pres. Sec'y.
A quiet but pretty June wedding
was solemnized at the home of Mr•.
and Mrs. J. Colwill, North Street,
Exeter, on Tuesday, June 30th, at 1
o'clock p. tn., when Harriet T., their
youngest daughter, was married to
Mr. B. UcKenzie Gunn, barrister, of
Winnipeg, the Rev. A. H. Going, pas-
tor of the James Street, Methodist
Church. being the officiating clergy-
man. The bride, becomingly gowned
in pale blue silk chiffon over taffeta,
preceded by her neice, Miss Hazel
Young, as ring bearer, entered the
drawing room on the arta of her fath-
er during the rendering of the wedding
march by her friend, Miss Edith
Brown. After congratulations and a
dainty wedding breakfast, the bride
and groom took the evening train for
a abort wedding tour, after which
they intend returning to Exeter for a
few days, prior to their leaving for
Winnipeg, Man.. where they will re-
side. We extend the heartiest con-
gratulations and best wishes to Mr.
and Mrs. Gunn.
51m i tor:l•:it--At Zurich, on the 1Sth,
to .1r. and Mrs. Michael Ueidinger,
a son,
Ovi RhIoLT-Al St. Joseph, on June 12,
to Aft. and Mrs, James Overholt. :a
SaNDEttb--In Stephen, 3rd con„ on
June 2-3, to -lir, and Mrs, Robert.
Sanders, a daughter.
EA(ILErins: ---}iron -io McGillivray, on
June 24th, Miss Priscilla Reid,daugh-
ter of Itobt. Heid, to Joseph Eagle-
Gt*NN-COLtvtLL--In Excler, on June
30, 13. McKenzie Gunn to Miss Har-
riet T., daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John Colwill, of Exeter.
by Rev. Dr. Stewart, Pearl, third
daughter of John Sterling to Wm.
Marshall, all of Clinton.
BEIIUKE-WKNTZEi,-At Detroit, on
June 18, Cora E., daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. W. H. Wentzel of Credi-
ton, to Frank Bebuke.
church, Seafot tb, on June 24th, Miss
Margaret, only daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Thos. McQuaid to Dr. Thomas
Mulligan, of Grand Forks, N. D.
Wednesday. June 24, 1908, at the
residence of the bride's father, Mr.
John Corbett, by Rev. Doherty, of
Hensall, Miss Sarah Corbett, to Mr.
Wm. Callahan, of London.
Ht(•Ks-At Greenway, (Stephen tp.)
on Juno 29th, James Hicks, aged
about 40.
MARTEN -In Clinton, on June 24tb,
Mary Foster, relict, of the late Wm.
Marten, aged 80 years and 8 months
SHAW -In Clinton. on June 24th.
Grace Eleanor, infant daughter of
Dr. and Mrs. Shaw, aged 1 year and
8 months.
+Ilkik•f &aftallkaft �a
Get the Habit
of dropping into the store for
your Toilet Requisites, Perfumes,
Flavoring Extracts, Writing
Pads, Envelopes and Post Cards
New cards each week.
all kinds -all prices.
TRY US ! 0
"2 Phonograph I
We have tit.' i all Iii . .•,
Record:, Needs. . 1: -
in stock.
4 Call and see for yourself atto to
ii V,...• 't Wind, Catn.Exp.Bldg,
1I v.NT NF vtiF vtirrui rr Nir mii
The New Store
Groceries and
Boots & Shoes
Having leased the premises two doors nol'tll of the
Post Office, Exeter, and put in a complete stock of up-to-date
Boots and Shoes and a choice line of Groceries, I desire to in-
form the Public of the same and to solicit a share of the
business of the people of Exeter and vicinity.
I aim to keep nothing but the best of goods and you
may feel assured that you will be pleased with the way you
will be treated when in this store.
Call and give us a trial, and be convinced that what
we say we do.
T. J. Wilson - Exeter
Two doors north of Post Olticc
an ample spread of the delicacies+ of Gasoline Stoves and Coal Oil Stoves
the season, served in excellent manner
by Mr. W. J. Statham. At the con-
clusion of the supper a lengthy toast
list was proposed by the 'Worshipful
Master, Bro. W. W. Taman, and re-
sponded to by various brethren. "The
King" was responded to by the breth-
ren singing the national anthem.
"The Grand Lodge" by Bro. Holly,
who gave a highly entertaining and
instructive address on matters pertain-
ing to lodge work and the growth of
the Order in Canada; "Canada" by
Bro. N. D. Hurdon, in speech and
song: "Free Masonry" by Bros. Going
and Mpackman; "The Learned Profes-
sions" by the Senior Warden. Bro.
Collins: Bro. Jos. Senior sang pleas-
ing Bolo: "Lebanon Forest Lodge" by
the Worshipful Master, I3ro. Taman:
"The Visiting Brethren" by itros. Pud-
dicon'bre, (Campbell and JlcOillicud-
dy: "The Ccuntry Members" by Bros.
Sanders, Moir and Elliot; "The iwtdies"
byy !Ito. Jos. Davis: and the "Junior
Warden's Toast- by the Junior Ward-
en, Bro. Creech. Nt'ith the singing
of A al.t Lang Syne and GM Save the
King, a pleasant and profitable even•
ing ir, Masonry was brought to a close.
from 75c to $20
Ready Mixed and Floor Paints
Senour's are the purest and hest
Floor Paint 45c per (1t. Ready Mixed 50c per qt
Screen Doors Screen Windows
all sizes from $ 1 to $1.4r)
20e to 40(,
Harvest Tools of Every Description
Use Samson Portland Cement for walk,. floors. etc.