Exeter Advocate, 1908-04-09, Page 6A DESPERATE OPERATION Minister Amputated Man's Leg With Pocket Knife. • A despatch from St. Louts, Mo., says: While p!ntmed under the wreckage foe bowing a e let: ion between a freight and a llurlington passenger trait eit Span- ish lake, near (,ere, on Thursday. J. a eteKittrle4c suffered the amputation of his leg with a pocket knife in order to avoid death t►vnu sealding steam. Thee Hey. H. C. Allen of (;rove laity per- fumed the operation at the urgent re- quest of the prisoner, who was later brought t4, a hdrspllat here, witero it La said ho will recover. Four others were injured in the wreck. .%I.Kittrick's left leg was caught un- der the deneeished cars, and scalding &teen► from the passenger i000metive certteloi ed hem in cloud. The prisoner (hulled out his pocket knife, and, hand - trig it to the Rev. Mr. Allen, who, with others, was trying to drag him free, cornmanLCI tete minister to cut off the couched leg and save him from being seatdrtt to death. The Rev. Mr. Allen began cutting at the tendons, but file knife was blunt, and elcKlttrtck suffer - o.1 intense agony. "Throw it away and get an axe, he finally cried. Howev- er, Mr. Allen desperately confined, and In a few minutes had severed the tendons, and McKittrlck was carried into a car. Mrs. Emma Renner. a trained nurse, who was a pa.ssenger, made a tournl- quet of tier veil end staunched tete flow of blood, and then gate McKittrick ttor- phtne and strychntno to ease the pain and stimulate heart action until he reached the hospital In St. Louis. CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS U APPE\INGiS rnOM ALL O\a..t TUB GLOBS. Telegraph nileis From Our Own and Other Countries of Recent Events. CANADA. Principal \lacl_aren of Knox College Is to resign. A strike of hard coal has been made at Duck Lake, Sask. Milk in London is to be reduced to 6 cents per quart. School salaries in Belleville for 1008 arc estimated at 519,800. was A Galician boy named Goggle killed by wolves near Fulton Mills, Sask. Ontario municipalities of 30,000 popu- lation or otter may have Board of Ccnlrue The new wing to St. Joseph's (lose Pita'. Pelerburo, is about ready for oo- cupaticn. The Government will remote the err pargo on the export of tanbark to the United States. urchas- The Alberta Government has p e l the Bell Telephone system in that Province for $675,000. The C. P. R. has let rho contract for construction of the new line front Loth bridge to Macleod. The Indian viltago of Seehelt, B. C., was almost destroyed by fire, and an cid couple perished in the Barnes. A general fight took place at a dance at Union, Alberta. and a cowboy named Stevenson shot Otto Taylor through the leg. The Union flank has presented two of its clerks with gent watnhes for frus- trating an attempt to rob the' Logan avenue branch at Winnipeg. Tho Canadian Northern Tlaihvay has received information thst five thoutnnd Americans are expected to take up lend In Alberta and Saskatchewan. GBEAT B1hT.\1N, The first of the three new warship.+ toe Ilrnzil, 1nttlding In Rritatn, will be launched en the Tyne !his month. A resolute -in endorsing home rules for Ireland was adopted in the British. i!ou- of Commons by a vole of 313 to 157. Mr. Augu ttnc Terrell, Chief Secretary for Ireland, dented in the (louse of Conimena that Lord Hall,) was in any way conn* te.l welt the elistliq'earanc•_ of the Dublin jewels. Unreel) STATES. iloward dears diet in Chicago from lockjaw caused Ly a gunshot wound res eived March 10. Reeolutktne i,trodhleed at Washing- ton by Speaker Cannon call for an tn- se tigotlnn of the paper true!. Alice Mlnri•m. n dance hall girl of Reket•snekl, Cnl,, has Inherited 875.000 from an uncle in (:hienge. Tho stltek'nts of New lark rnlverefty went on strike en Thur> day became one of their mmmher hod leen suspen..d. Michigan territ4try has seen heir Page wave In b ken of sovereignty over It --French, English, Spanish and Ant- crican. John ileily, fllnetxtl •'n a ger en whose stepped. Mrs. R4'ulnh Ilneidus has slept for t.. days in the county hoep1tols, Los of Newark. N. 1.. was street car by a prison• tent he had ac'Slentlally Angeles, and still continues in tho cate- leptic trance. A dog which/ had an eye !mocked out by an automobile in Glen ledge, N. J.. leas been successfully fitted wit+( u glass oplic. Automobiles may bo pressed: into ser- vice as strike breukers in tho event of o walk -out of the milk waggon driv- ers In Chicago. Tho New Haven R. R. has laid off 105 shop workers., reducing the force to 25 as against 800 when the shops are running full -handed. Volunteer firemen toed numerous kegs of beer to tight a saloon fire 'n Cary, hid., without even. Loss was 810,000 --portly in beer. James O'Neal. a travelling man of Philadelphia, became derangeii tet Bid- well, Otto, and jumped in trent of a train. 110 was Instantly kilied. At Oswego, N. Y., Jamas Heitz was crhntvlcted of murder In the second de- gree for killing .his neighbor, !Murphy (Tooke, in a quarrel over Reitz'es chick- ens. A new line, built by the Pure 011 Company, will extend 1ts pipe lines front Southeast Ohio to the Indiana and Illinois flekis at a cest of over $i,000,000. Miss Addie M. blunt. a trained nurse, whose legs were cut off by a train at (;real Neck, i.. L, in June, 1905. has just been awarded a verdict of, $25,030. Freer distribution of antitoxin to tete poor of Pennsylvania, according to the ieoords of the State Department of ilealth, ha.s saved We lives of 1,500 children In a year. In a futile attempt to blow open the safe of the Farmers' Bank at Spring. town. Ark.. tho head of nae of the rob- bers was blown from his shoulders by a premsturo explosion of dynamite. The jury In a Sunday saloon closing case at Chleagn disagreed so thoroughly that several of the men were toand In - Jural and part of the furniture in the mom damaged when the report was finally made. GENERAL. Pirated trade marks are an which is flourishing( In Japan. Complete anearchy prevaile in Itaytl, and the Anterrean waraltlps are prepar- ing to lend troops. Many 1lnynen omeor3 have teen er- ected, charged with complicity in a plot against tine Government. A ling -extinct volcano to Guateme% has broken into eruption, and the peo- ple on the mountainside are fleeing for their lives. The Czar has ordered Ibe dktolution of the Finnish Diet leo' use of the re• selullon expressing syrnpat.hy with the ll -eslnn terrorists. 4'---- 1'1-11('11 %• r.. 01' 'PIi0NE S\'STEM. Meuse Vheri:a \\'iII n.'rrow Money to Pat for GOO tiles Acquired. A despatch tont \lonln•ai says: The sale of the (tell Telephone Cornpany'.r plant in the i'rot-ince of Alberta to tho province Ls officially emelt-med. Mr. Cushing. Mllnu!cr of Public Warks f•er Alberta, who is In M ontrent in oun- nection with the deal. says that the province will borrow the money to Pay ter the 600 utiles They have just secured, which, with the 40u niil•-a already built by the Alberta authorities, will be op- erate.] by the movince. and probably new extensbonns built. Mr. C. F. Stse, president of the Bell Telephone Corn- peny. a)nflrn;ed the report treat it baste if agreement has been arrived at. but n; contract has yet been signed, and riegotiations are still pending wiUt re- ran! to sine details. USED HIS PISTOL IN OOIIRT Convicted Man Killed Officer and Wound- ed Three Others. 'A deep:itch fre.m Terre Haute, Inde. tine. says. Found guilty on a charge e•1 murder. Henry D. MIrponald in the (:ire-utt Court room on Thurs•iav si1.,1 eine RiI1 d (:hie of Dckctieee Win. E. Dwyer. sertou ly- w•)undcd thrrt► other tinkers aryl a bysten.kr, and wee htin- se.',t scrioua'e. wotnuJN. McI) Hatt had been Inn' for dynamiting stores and • c!iurch in Sandford lest jeer. As se'nn es the fury reported its vet'- d.el MteD..nal.J fncnhg•e•i up, drtev are• ;elver, and fired al Prosecuting .\ttot- Jem•e, (:roper, jr., but missed Cooper tippet his chair over i•nckwnrl.. \le[knnld lennlinneei tiring 1 a! tete ellicere seated around Ute a)un• see! tab!*. t)electhe Dwyer fell dead at the third shot, policemen and de- puty &heriit.; in the murlrorm drew re- vnlvcrs an 1 opener! fire on McDonald, who returned tete fire. The cenvicted man finally fell with halt a dozen ben leis in his body. Judge Crane, who pre- aklo.1 at the trial. ran 1•0 the railing of tee fury box. and the spectators rushed out in cuffdu4un. ney beeatele EARLY RIPENING WHEAT l'1LESTON, STf.\I.E:1', 111 RUN AND PERI if % \RII:TIF:S. Mr. Chas. E. Saunders, of the Experi- mental Vann. Ottawa, Ulscusses Their Qnaslies. in response to io,gueats for pr.'c ee in- formation in reegaret to the charactene. ties and quietude of I'resttn and eoruo either early wheats, the foliowaig brut summary of the principal faces has been prepared. t'ieston is the best known of all the early wheals grown its (;anada. It sc'etua advisable, however, in diecus:s- eight sampler of these live wheals, hav- ing the subjee:t, b ooneeder et the sante Mg made 170 test loaves. This emeuul time the related vaniettes, Stanley, Hu- Of wort: enables one to drew certain run and Percy. These four sorts have cencluroine. but by no means answers an! boon originated from erosee-s made an the question-; t1Nit naturally arise. at thte Central Experimental Farm In The chef general concluelona n:ey be the year 11188 and are of essentially tote here stated. A3 a rube Rel Fife gives same percentage (Red Fito or White (lour enst.inetly higher in baking lefo messed with Ladoga). As usually strength than these other wheats, pro - grown they are very much elate ie vide" the satnple.s o)tltparei have been !nest respenseand are not distinguish- green under similar eonefitken.s and able hom each other after threshing. Properly ripened, Even when tlx: oott- The kernels resemble Red Fite, but any diners have not neer alike the Red competent judge can easily detect the Fife teen -ally gives tho stronger flour. In difference between that variety anti these F.otra lases. however, one or other of others, provides all the samples eon -tie early wheats has tho advantage. B)' slst of properly matured grain in pure "strength" is meant the ability of the tcnditlon. %fixtures of these w?,oats four to aloft•) water anti to produce a with Red Fife cannot be accurately sop- large, light Loa! of Sine texture and crated by examination of the kernels. n"'111shape. On a acne of paints for The statement s)mcttmea made that these early wheats rtisetnble or aro re- lated to wheats of the durum or "mac- aroni" or "Goose" class is absurd. They belong to the Fife class and have no relationship or stntllarity to Goose whca t. Tho distributenn of these varieties from the Experimental Farnt.s was be- gun many years ago, before (he chore acterist:cs of each sort tad been fully fixed by selection: and hence it is now usually possible in an ordinary Reid of any of thaws wheats to find heads er kernels of more than one type- In make the beat bored. For rnix eig pur- poses, ikowet•er, the strangest wLouts flour.; n.suatby (not always) command the hIglt•sl prtee; and while In Eng- lanl all kinds of clean wheat are resd- b'.'aeh R. di File; lir i su:l► lv'aUront 1 ttuuil te.' nc.. eSery win Pr�4)n 11 tt ONDON FA.CTORY IIESTROYEll were dets.red to bring .t to a very pale shade of color. The color of tl.e (lour i,r,duceal from the best selectee strains et moo w heal, shames a great improve - e eat in eel nn: case) 0:";.!:* that made hem the et•divary simplex. ('hour (non the beet scr ee:n n e( Stanley ',Stanley A: is of the smile coh)r a.. from It.'•I Fite. 'I Lo best I when, Heron ar.J Percy hove ase been Improved, but uel quite to the sane extent. (laking 'trixtglh.-it tins semetltues (,eon suggo o'. -d that a contperative bao- ing teat tihouki to nna.e to settle once fee ati hitt retail%° merits of these wheats. It is very easy to draw pr.'ciee onichsons from a neon') test, but un- fortunately such conclueitone aro nee ally wrong. D•.:ring the past fete years the writer he -a baked Cour (root lJw-t/- str ngth where 75 indicates weak. 85 meiilmt and 95 or mere very strong. red Fife, has varied front 81 to 102 and the other wheals from 8J to 93, the Red Fife being usually about 10 or 12 points ahead. This indicates it considerable differnee in favor of Red Fife in this Important matter, the "strength" of the wheat !tote tho Mainetba Inspection Divmsiott being ono of the chief factors ut maintaining lis hIg1t Plea In Eng- land. They most dealt bee strength for any (:our is a matter of taele, 11 the flour Ls to be use:: In pure oondition. The strongest (leers do not necessarily orck.r In overc-rte this objection, to irthprove the varieties as much as pos- sible, and especially to get rel of the kernels with a yellow skean ;which under the present Grain Utspectlen Act are o-.nstdenrd Inferior) a careful re -selec- tion of theme wheats was undertaken a few years ago, with the r suet that Im- proved strain; .were pr duowl. Serino of these are now being distributed, and those of the very bast quality (of which only a small amount of seed Ls - yet available) aro being propagated as rap- idly as possible. A full descript.kn of Inch variety need not be given bare; tut it may be mentioned that rele:ted Preston is a bearded. wheat with yel- lowish ("white) chef!; Huron. bearded ieith reddish chuff; Stanley. beardless with reddish chaff, anti Percy, beard- less with yellowish chaff. When questions are asked in regard to lbw wheats the answers aro usual- ly desired In the form of a mrnperison Keith Rod Fife. 1'hLs melhxr,-ihereforc, eeents the bast to adopt In considering the various. points here di/sett-seed. Earliness. --These varieties usually rip- en frorn about four to twelve days lo. fere Red Fite. if sown on the same day and grown under exactly the sante oon- diteens. in the Northwest Provinces, Preston on suninter-fallow will tentery ripen at about the same time as Iled Me on stubble. Het weather towards harvest reduces the diflcrenee in time of ripening. Cool weather lengthens it. Stiffness and IengU► of straw. De- sistance to flw,t, Smut and enter Deo eases. -In regard to these points the early var•totiee show no striking die. frrencO.s from Red Fife. tI.ld.-Experiments In regard to yiekl often give oontradlclory results under wnme conditions. Speaking generally, however, one may expect a largo y'iekl from any of these wheats. eat'e'n larg- er than that tram Rex: Fife. On the while perhaps the bxirded varieties (Preston and Huron) are rather more productive than the others. It. ',met be remembered that these comparisons aro generally mode under conditions (avor- able to fleet Fife. in cases where frost hes to be considered the early varle- Ives usually give distinctly heavier yields tlsen Heed Fife. Appe:ereoce of Brain, Selling Price. - These early wheals are es hare) as Iled Fife and when the kerneLe. with yelk►w Akins nre eliminated, aro of n rich red- disll coker which la it any difference be seen) tether darker Than fled Fife. so tong, l•betefer.', Tis Ihi Grain Inipe'c- tam Act requires the higher grade., to cornett) certain proportions of hard. ted wheat of the Filen class. those t•nrie- lx+w,sriouj•l.(reek Kilda es high ns pure fled Fife. The grade_. of course. largely controls stn•'sale) prie.•o in Cenada. The opinion .of an Fnglish expert in regard to sample eef Remi Fife, pros. ten. Stanley and Per- y. grr)wn at In- dian Ilea,(, Sesk.. In 1N12. was that the Stanley and Percy tomtit sell in tendon at the samo price as the Rah Fife, but the Preston would ctornmand about Ihnee-querters ef a cent. a bushel leas. 01 the Rance vnriottes grown at Oltews he ).'Clewed the Percy and Red Fife we eta l ring rgrint prices and the 1're,- oil and clanley about threcequartcrs e l q cent Q tootle' jeers. Milling al.te,-In their c•endurt in lee 1e ur mill the`, freer wttente el•'sely re- s••mbee fled F•fe. 'the bran seprrr•aleee readily. the pr•.pertion of rnid.11inge 1 -reduces is large and flue middlings me not unusually difficult to reduce. This meting a high yIeLl of "pa'ent" 11••ur. The lolel yield e•f !Iran' Ls very geed and net much "break" fleeir is predueed. Thee e 18(13 tiro Metol nm the outcome e.f twenty milling tests of samples of pure Red Fife end twenty- time wentytime tests of samples of Ihre nem ear - Ler wheels, all the tests holing been carried out during the past tow years to the writer. personally, (Weer r.f Flour.-Prastnn and these other wheats have, like Ile•I Fife. the disadvantage of proliteingg flour not pale en•.uggh for the popular taste. In• ddeed, ass now generally grown they yield flcntr c•1 a Bleeper yell•)tvl.sh color than made from Rcd Fite. Some mtl- i kr• and It ad vis able IN tirllttoial ly Ey saleable, the demand f•tr strong wheat is generally very great. with all duo respect to Ule views of nnyone who fudges by appearance only; I ant of rho opinion that if theft' relative qualitree were clearly iniderstood the difference to pricer between, pure Red Fife and these other u-heah on the London market would usually be con- sieerehly torero than throe-quer•tery of a *sent. rebustntl. It newt be remember- ed. however, that the ordinary westt'rn goaded wheat is by no tueans pure Red Fife. th,ugh consisting Chiefly of that variety. Conclusion. --In spite of their many admtrable qualities. i cannot recom- mend these four early wheats for the purpose of replacing Tied Fsfa• as a va- riety for export purposes, in these dis- tricts where early autumn frosts are not feared. Wherever. in the tt"..Iemn prairie .provinces. (tat Fife can he de- pended o-pe nded upon It should be the mein wheel down, those earlier sor's. if used rt all. being sown in relatively entre quanitlie4 merely to make posslh!.n a somewhat earner commencement of the harvest. in thee' distrtele where Red Filo loos not %Tuntly es.'ape frust Iheno earn, wheals (particulni-!y Stanley, Preekee ones lino n) xhould eve -tried. In many eases they will no dotth prove of lin- manse vitae. They nro the poly suit- able varieties ava'lnhle at present for much deeirtels, except Pring!Ns ('ham - plain, a beerded wheat of stintlar par- entage and el:nracter, which can alio he reeninmen d0.1. Fanners in lee/tittles where it fair de. gree et eitece;a is obtained with ib'I Fit' but where it Li occasionally loueteel with free( must u.-' their own Jueig- ment to decd:Ie. Iron the foregeing elm►e- nt••nls nt fact. to whit extent they should use these earlier whevota. CHAS. E. S.ANI)IsRS()\'. Cotcalisk Central Fxpd'rimental Farm. Ottawa. March, 1908. TiIOI'S\NDS OF LIVES stet -V. itemsrkahle lteanits from Vaccination In the Philippines. despatch frim Mlnnila, Philippine tetanal, says: The Board •,f Health Jur- my the test two years has carried on systematic aonr►pu)s)ry t•:ncc1nnllon throughout the islands. with the remit that :emelt;t)x. once s) prevalent. le el- nn:,st wholly eradicatel. S'nub's show Heft in the six province; surrounding Manila, where prevk)ttsly deaths ran as high as six thensen.t normally, there was not n single deaths last year. 1l Ls estimated Chet the number of deaths fm►n the cause in the archtpeingo, in- cl:tJin•tt the More prevInces, have been rotee•1 by ten Ih toend annually cont- -nrel elth fernier years. Shiro the r.:rnree ory late there have been slightly eve.• Jing five million s-ncc:nat'on., with the remarkable rc utt lhrtt no deaths, no mesiming and no compialnte ere- due to virus inIc t' en. The heat pre -Inoue word was in Germany. thirty- five donllis in less than three milikin yawl:tattons. TEeT 't'. t. CON( I:Le:1\ 1:. Bets .%ppkrd elate) to Pewee,. to e+ee 11 )1 Was Good. A deepnb•h from Shoe -flee. Oklahoma, says: R.,ya playing; near a half carload of Want prnw.ler and dynamite caps. nt the Aliaee,uri aol Kansas Stock Yarde, er. Tuesday, bearer)* involved in a die - pita as to whether the powder was prod er bad. They 'determined to feet it. end applied a nista. An exptnslon (•,1i ex -eel that was heeol for mtlns. The car tt e.e blown into fragments, and purple peteing were t•.ren from their feet &creel the road. Sic peop'e were serin►uly injured. rine. Itebert Grsy, a r,egro child, having ..nee diad. Hobbs' Glass Works Were Burned Causing Loss of $300,000. A &rematch front feenden, Ont., says: At 6.30 a clerk e,» Thurs•lay night fire broke out at Ik)bbs' Gass Works at the corner of Beloit and the Crane Trunk trtuik i. and cemp!etely destroyed the factory, resulting in a lois estuuatRed at $300.000. Eighty per cent. of the lees lei covered by uisurance, carried by a number of companies. The less con - slits prtttcipial!y of stalk. The Canada Futethituro Co., wl►ich is part of the a3'1 - cont and adjoins the glass works, was dumeged to the extent of about $1:!5,000. Tho blaze originated in tbe elevule.r• shaft and had gained suede bead ay that the firernen confine -1 their efforts to preventing a spread t•) adjoining build - iags. The high wind that was blowing at the time fanned the flames, and It was feared that for a tante the depart- reettt would Lc inaJevluate lu Lev the Me to the grass works. \\'hen the wally fell two firemen were Inured in the crash. Fireman Leat' Ferguson was struck on the stead by it tatting brick, and sustained a slumber of scalp wound.:. F'iren:an Hobert Hay - lock was mere seriously Injured, telir leg bring badly Injured anti back sprained, and fears aro entertained that he may be Injured internally. About seventy-five mon wilt bae thrown cut of oulpleemast, but the company wilt rebuild at once. THE WORLD'S MARKETS intlle,lkgrndt5, 5 5i to :2391 9 (v'rte t.and IRGPODUTS FROM THE LEADING :fADii CENTRES. Prices of Cattle, Grain, (.lees* at ) Other Dairy Produce at (tome and Abroad. Toronto, A•prll 7.-F1•)ur-Ontario r. iteeet 90 per cent. patents are quoted at $3.45 In buyers' sacks outside ter export. Manitoba flour unchanged; first patents, $5.80 to $6; scoon3 pat- ents, #5.35 to 55.10, and strong bak- ers', 53.25. Whoot-Manitoba grades acro quiet, with price.: steady. No. 1 Northern is quoted at $1.20X, lake ports, and No. 2 at $1.163,. lake ports. No. 1 feed wheat, 67e; No. 2, Glc. Ontaree Wheat -No. 2 white and red quoted at 90%c outside, anti No. 2 mix - el at 893; to 'JOc outside. maty --,\'o. 2 white on track, Toronto, 48X, to t9c, and outside at 4634c, • Cont --.No. 3 American new yellow is quoted at 72•.•, Toronto; kiln dried, at 74e. and No. 3 mixed at 71c Toronto. flye-No. 2 qt:oted at 85c ou sldo. Pees --No. 2 quoted at 87 to 88C. Bar:ey-Pr.ees purely nominal. Blatt --823.1.o *24 to bulk outside. Shorts, 824.50 to 825 In bulk, outside. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Anpl s-ee inter, $1.75 to 83 per bar- ProvLsons•--Barrels Mort, cut mesa. 821; half Lble., 810.75; clear fat backs, 822 to $23; long cut heavy mess, $20; halt bb's. do..1110.50; dry cult long cigar ba. es, 103ec; bbl;, plate beef, $13.50 lb 815; halt bbls. do., $7.25 to $7.75; bbls. heavy mess beef, $10 to $11; half bbis. do., $5.50 t, $6; compound turd, 83i to Oe,; puro lard, 11X to 113;0; kettle ren- dered, 11',y to 12e; (rants, 12 to 13tece breakfast bacon, 11 to 15c; Windsor ba- con, 143, Io 153„c; fresh killed abattoir dro:..sed hogs, 511.75 to $9; elite, 86.50 to 60.65. Butter -Fall grades, 28 to 30c; fresh receipts, 31 to 3?c; dairy, 24 to 261. Cheese -12*/. to 13eic. Egg: - Sutes of gourd lots were made et 17c, azul single cases at 173;c per dos. UNII'F.D S1ATI.S MARKETS. St. Louis, Aprit 7. -Wheat -Cosh, 06e; May, 9iyc; July, 85X%; September. 813;c. Minrneapolis, April 7. -\\'heat -No. 1 hard, $1.053, to 81.06; No. 1 Northern, $1.03) to 81.01; No. 2 Northern. 81.013( to 81.02; N. 3 Norther), 91)Oc to 984c; May: $1.02% to $1.ee.',e; July, 81.013„. 1 -iumr-1-ti t patentee $3.35 to Sed0i second patents, 85.15 to $5.30; first clears, $4.15 to 8t.2:e; second clears, $3.20 to $3.30. Bian-In bulk, $21.2 le • $21.50. Duluth, April 7. -Wheal -No. 1 hard. mix; No- 1 Northein, $1.022%; May, $I.00X; July, $1.02. elilwaukee, April 7. -Wheal --No. 1 Northern, 81.05X to 81.07; Nil. 2 North- ern., $1.02 to 51.01X; May. 9`23 c. Rye - No. 1, 77 to 78e. Barley -N-1. 2, 87c; rely-tots-Prirne $1.70 to $1.75. and; samples, 63 to 85c. Corn -No. 2 cash, )shit-g,lckai, 81.80 to $.85. 6: to 630; May, 66,'„c asked. Honey -12 W 13c per pound fur strained, and at $1.75 to $2.50 for' combs. Hay -No. I Wnothy quoted at $16 in car Iols. Straw -$10 to $10.50 a ton on track hero. i'o'atoes--Cel Tote of Ontario, 85c, and Debawerce, 90c per, bag outside. Pou:try Turkeys, dressed, 14 to 17c per pound for choice; chlekens, 7 to 9c per pound; dressed, 10 to 12c; ducks, dressed. 10 to 11c. TIIE DAIRY MARKETS. Rutter -Pound prints, 2.5 to 26C, and Berge rolls, 21 to 25:; do., Inferior, 20 to 22c. Creatnery rules at 3l to 3t3e, and tsolld% at 29 to 30e. • Eggs -rase lots of new laid sold !fel per dozen. Choceo-Prices hero ruling at 133; lie per pound In a jobbing way. at t4 110G PRODUCTS. Itnew,n-feting clear, 93; to 100 per ground in case kits; mess pork, $17.5) to $18; short .cut, $20.50 to $21. Hants -Light to medium, 1234 to 13'; do., heavy, 11X, ea 12c; colts, 9'.,W 10c; shoulders, 934e; bads, IGc; broak- fast bacon, tic. - Lard•-Tlcrees, 113;0; tubs, 11 ,e; palls, 113c. BUSINESS AT MIONTItE,\L. Mennen'. April 7. --Grain - Erten ern Cantle Ne.. 2 white oats at 50k: No. 3 at 17 to 47 e; No. 4 at 46 to 4GXe, end rejected nt 11 1) 41)4C per bushel, ex stere, and \Ianilo),i reject - el at 46 to 484c per bush. ex Irack North Hay. Flour- ':hoioe Spank wheat patents, 86.14; s•xonds, $3.50 10 13.00; Winter %%tient patents. 15.30; straight rollers, 81.75 10 $5; et•., in bags, $2.23 -to 112.3:; cxlre. E1.ilrl to 51.90. Feed-Mnnitnbc ; bran, Set to 8.24.50; 'shorts. 815; Ontario Bran, 321.- e-0 to ile5; middlings, $26 to 827; sheens, 11tt5.50 t) $eti 1'•.r tee. meted:ng haus; C.\TTLE" MIAtiI E . Toronto, April s.-.k.kcarcity of good cattle continues. ant medium and com- m en cattle had e-• tak their piniees.f Only a few odd to 4 ox;Kori calll� were on sale. Their prices ranged from 81.73 to $5.35 per cwt. • 'Good butcher.+' Mee wanted. lecke] bntcheri cattle. 85 1) 15.10; choice loads, 54.50 to Ante; medium, 11 be $4.50; ermine -me 53.25 W 84; choice crows, 5.3.60 to 84.2'; medium ce•ws. 83 le. $3.50; COltltnoit cows, 5,'.50 le $3; bulls, $2.50 to 51.50 per cwt. Calves were steady in price at 3 to G3%c per pound. Ewes. $5 to $5.25; bucks. and cone, $1.10 to $1.50; lambs. grain -fed, 8715 1' $7.75; lambs. A5 to $6 per cwt. Spring iambs were worth $1 to $7 eieh• � fleece hogs were quoted at 34; g•ef� cwt. and lights aid fats at $5.75 per cwt. COINS I'IIOH NEW MINI'. First Shipment Made 10 Various :'arts of the Country. A Jespalclt from Ottawa says: The first she nhe:nt of sever vein las made frotn tho'(:anedian ltoyul Mint on Wed- nesday tinet,hoin, a total o1 *11.000 be- :ng sent to various ports of I2 nn country. The coins were of all denominations, and an Neal quantity. se ter ae value was concerned, of each cines was sent out. Then: were 11•(0() neeent peens, 21,01,0 25 -cent p'eel.e. 6o4.00) liec. nt pier'-„ ane 130.4o0 5-eent pi.•ees, making $6,- (t0f, worth of cad' d'temen'iti•.n. The, ntoney w as shipped to the It, Nevem,/ General in Toronto. MMntr'ol, Vneceu- ver and other eltks. who will dot! the coins out as they are applie) for. sh.p- trtents nt silver will le made reg::' •'1 aeronl:ng ns the supply seen( out e v is exhausted. There will leo n., - 1 Fent out f• • some tirre, as the refiners• s hoc •) 11•4 .. t "1t'rit', •t. THREE IIIINBREB LA1 OFF C.P.R. Reduces Car Shop Staff as the' Rush is Over. .\ dwpakh firm Montreal says: About 30) han•ls have j'ist been laid off in the car constrectbon dep(l�rtmcnt of the Canadian Pacdie itailw y at the AMOS shops. Mr. Meetettnt!, tie) vtoc- presid.'nt of the C. P. 11., metal that the eempany had been running tide deport• m•'nt nt eon+selerehlo pressors through - cut the Winter, broth In 1110 building let nw.w care and in the rc ll r of old ones. The rah was now over. an.l s: the nten now load gond pnrltw►nty of ggetteng wort & ettly! a certain number had bean laid From enq ..roe at Ute Gran( Trnnk workshops et Pettit 5t. Chalk's it wee learned on \Wedneedny lint the raihsey, establishments at the point aro working reilioe►d time. not more than three er Feer days s week In some departments. The output in the construction shops Le governs.( by It:a earnlnno each 01. tab►es}.me-nt getting its albo'ed percent. ago n1 whet is esr»sl. \ellen 11.e earn. trigs are low. as the tragic returns above them to be new. the shop., are put on snort time. end the hands Ihal con be spared ere lets ceU.