Exeter Advocate, 1908-03-19, Page 81 Spring Suitings Just re(•t•ived a number of ---- New Browns Wood Colors Elephant Grey Suitings. Corr•et''. thing 101' the Spring Season W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor, Exeter, - Ontario Business Locals -- Read Them Ladies.' 1;u+( your spring .'.'.:t .rt Stewart's. Fero for sate. 5.3ii act a i.trnr, situate west of the G. T. R. alai mirth of the salt block, Exe- ter. Te•rt0s easy. Apply A. Q. Bohier. Marriage Licenses issued at the Ad- vocate office. Tiro sioeials at `1.00 and $1.25 in Ladies' t!',.ite Waists. They're dandier at Stereart''•. House to Rent. On Will -air street, brick story and half du.•ii.og, in good state of repair. Apply t \irs. Perkins. Vogelaesanas Remedies - Have v••a tried Vogelgesatng's Kid- ner Corr? Yes, its a wonderful rem- edy. The heart cure is just as good. Try it once and you will be satisfied. Salve half price. \V+t. M. BL.tTc,li••o)tD, Agent for Canada. Stewart has than all heat int Drew Goads. lies Styles and Quality are doing it. Mi -s .1. I. Allan, eye light specialist and i eft • ing optician, will be at the Conpn+er• i.•1 hotel Saturday, Mar. 21. Mousse I. w. to 0 p. m. Ale Fouad. Monet c•an have sante by proving property cid paving expenses. Call at this .411 e. .~sell /; owe of Boom Raga at Sfric- e:it's in Wool, I'npr.try and ii'ilb•a. ^1.30 t•• 2c.90 Oot 'Em *units at the Exeter Bassin store `A tera i d new stock of Boots and ['. flu.'. This Cracking Big Bargain Sale will continue all this week. R'e mean business, and all the goods in the attire go at 1{ tttling Big Bargains. '. ••runs ('ash -that means Ni Credit. We certainly sell goods very rheap. 1's the cash that does it. No trouble ta show goods. Also for sale cheap, one new National cash register, one new steel safe, and t%opair of counter se ties. rhe store is also for sale or to ren', J. \V. Bltotpsun i:, Exeter. Dr Oven* conflux. t)r. ovens, London, Eye 0041 mar sot -game will be at the Commercial I3 'tel. Exeter, 00 F'r•iday, Apt 11 :3rd. Blass••s properly fitted +nil diseases cf }:t••. Ear tnd Nose treated. Parer amnions and Painting. M i I{ •bort Disney swishes to an - 11 ••unre that he will commence the Itats•tpess of paper•hangintr, painting. decors iirig, etc.. on April 1st. All per - eons desirous of having so -h work done should see Mr. i)inney and aur• range for sante. 'Thanking you for past Livors we solicit pair fiiture pat- ronage, Austioe sale ('011110! ,v ill hold an auction sale at the Metropolitan Hotel on Fri- day, March 27th. at 12 o'cloe k noon. Any person wishing to enlist any ar- t:, .., •ar stock for stele will please do so at this office on or le•f.ne 17th inst. Sa that it may be properly advertised. Arrangements have been made so that all stock will tn' properly rated for a' the hotel .t.thles. .; +444.4+t•f.I j Who-r + its Your Tailor + + �t;, a• • + . L. 1 gest di essed + i •••an't mean to pay ia+••.t. Jost because + t man pays a big 4 + place for his clothes 4 + .l p.'an't Wake the n4 + took gust. The in t- +. :•1151 may be the + sise•t,hut then: may + el .t be t ight. Al• ++ ways the latest anti + ''est fabrics 0f the + +•..•,nett ate het 0. fh,r tailoring is first- s)... Anil our price. trithin reach of all. IW. JOHN S mer..h tit T•:i'or - Exeter 4+4•44-4 4 -41-44-444-1 -1-4-4-4-44. YITif Vii 11, VWWII" IF V 1 A pleasant evening was spent at the ! LO(:eAI. I)OIS)()1 N f +titlr. 4 home• of Mr. James -ray tor\Iuudey . �I night by it party of friends. 1tAtittasa.e� .�A,uALAe.Ma,ems! l'nion services were held mi Sunday 1,, the cougrcgation of the Main street Tuesday wit, St. I'ateirk's Day and Methodist 0td Cavell Presbyterian the green was somewhat in evidence. churches. Mr. James Creech, sr., is again able 'rho 11.•n„+I1 Foam tl. League visited to be out after several weeks' illness. the James -t r11t League 'rue -day eve - Miss Allis Hicks of Stephen has tak• ning and furnished an excellent pro - en a position at Ur. J. A. Stetvatt's to ►a ani. The local league served a Jain - learn the art of millinery. ty lunch. Mt s. J. Cornish of Iden, wear© sorry 'rhe bachelors and benedicts gave to say, is quite ill of bronchitis. We another successful assembly in Mc - wish her a speedy recovery. Donell's Hall on 'Tuesday evening, St. 1:. T. Fssery of London has been Patrick's Day. Tony Vita furnished elected Grand Master of the Orange the music. tittles in Ontario \Vest. Dr. Houlston has rented the dwell - Bring your children having defYec ing owned by Mr. John Pima and re- live vision, headaches 01 cross eyes, to cently vacated by Mi. Rich. Returner Miss J. J. Allen, Saturday, Match 21. and will rtove therein in the course of Glasses properly fitted. a week or two. that Hon. Ada It is understoodni The meeting of the citizens in the Beck trill be made ahster of Power down hall on Ftiday Inst to consider be maand hde inat a theOrment of Ontario Cabinet. Power will 2llhawas adjourned untof ilthisFriday evening to receive reports of commit - The firemen had a run to Mr. Jonas tees appointed. Sutton's house on Saturday morning. At the meeting of the directors of It proved to be only a chimney on fire. the Agricultural Societyit wits decid- The brigade made a quirk trip how- a ei to leave the celebratn of Victoria ever and showed their ability to reach Day to the Sports Committee and to the scene in short time, rent the ground to the coututittee for Veda, the little four year old datugh• the day. A motion of sympathy was ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Bagshaw, was passed with Mr. Janes Ballantyne, taken ill of appendicitis last week and one of the members of the board, who consequently the family who intended is ill at his home in tlsborne. leaving delayed for r the il ehwesto ern Mon he is are Members of the Knight and Page which removes dirt, grease, acids, dfamilies of St. Thomas have been not- stains and oils. Easily applied and ing nicely. rfled that they are heirs to an estate, leaves the hands soft and white. Mr. Richard Gould was taken ser- amounting to $790,000,000 in Markle iously i11 on Thursday last and Drs. Arch, Middlesex, England. The pro- Ilyndman, Amos and Malloy perform- perry is in teal estate and bas been in ed an operation for an internal trouble. abeyance since p3'.). There is said to For a few days his condition was ser- be twenty heirs in Canada and in the bents but he is doing well and hopes of United States and one in Australia. early recovery are entertained. It is understood on good authority This is the time of year when sub- that Mr. Wnt. Harding, of town, who seriptions are due, and it is also the married a Miss Page, will also figure time when bills come due from those in the estate. who supply paper, ink, fuel and light, Ever)I odyy Business_ oil and other things with which to run An irate citizen says that hereafter a print shop. Many have paid up, and he wants the editor to mind his own it is hoped those in arrears will follow business. My dear Christian friend, their illustrious example and respond didou eter content- promptlyeflect, in your conte - promptly to this call. We need the Laming, momenta, when the moon is tnoney. It is a small matter with the leaning, when the whippoorwill sings subscriber, but it means a lot to IIS in in the tree, when the hired man snores the aggregate. in the loft, the yellow dog sleeps on W s CoIe, Phm B,Word was received nn Thursday the la, and the mosquito gets in his from the head office of the Bank of work, -did you ever reflect in such Commerce stating that they would re- times upon the idea that a paper con tain the services of Mr. Alger and Mr. taining only accounts of the editor's Luxton and release Mr. Powell, Mr. own private business would be apt to Mr, Lorne Scott, late of the Sorer Harding and Mr. Minnie in the local prove monotonous to the general pub- sign Bank at Exeter and Teeswater, branch. All of these gentlemen were lic? They might stand it for a while, who is now at his home in Hensall, in the employ of the Sovereign Bank but in the end it would be a thorn in spent Monday with friends in town. and had been retained here pending the side and a weariness to the flesh, Mr. T. W,law was here the decision of the head office as to and all that sort of thing. No, broth- shaking hands withwith old friends Thurs- the clerks they would employ pperman- er, the true editor's business is to make day, prior to his leaving with the fatn- ently. Mr. Powell and Mr. Harding everybody's business his busine•sa. ily for Winnipeg where they will re - have been residents of town for nearly That's business. So there's no use u1 side. three years and general regret is felt making a chronic kicker ofy ourself Miss Crockett, who has been visiting that the Commerce did not need all for any one, at the home of Mr. Samuel Martin the employes of the Sovereign, as it wait paper. has returned to her home in Dorches- necessitates the leavin • town by these ter, accompanied by Mr. \Vilbur Mar - boys, who will be much missed panic - tin. you have been advertising proper- ter, clary by the baseball and hockey cubs. ly and have used proper judgment in Mr. and Mrs. 1). S. fait and child of Mr. Harding returned to his home in Minnie matter of stock, your wall paper St. Paul, Minn., spent Tuesday here Loudon Monday, Mr. annie to his department should now begin to be the guest of Mr. and airs. Ed. Christie. home in Zurich and air. Powell will very active. Remember that every -They had been on a tour 1f some remain in town for sometime in all where th country over, the busy wee. probability, Mr. Graham of Strath- housewife, with a handkerchief round aiksrs. in 1{ichardtheeastWelsh returned from roy, Mr. Anderson of Dundas and Mn her bead, and broom or scrubbing London Monday where she had been Fleming of Galt have been transferred brush in hand, will soot, be carrying with her sister, Mrs. J. A. Hotline, to the Exeter branch. on the annual spring war on dirt of all who under went an operation for pp A meeting of the Fruit Growers of ands of peaceful Canadian homes is- kinds. From the hoick yards of thous- nendicitis at St. Joseph's Hospital. Exeter and district was held in the The patient is doing well. sue forth sounds as of musketry, which Messrs. John Farmer and T. 11. Mc- Towu hall on Saturday afternoon. sounds in reality are merely testimon- Cauum attended the Sovereign Bank Owing to the bad state of the roads ials to the muscular skill of Messrs. meeting in Toronto Monday. The and the fact that there were two other Householder in making the dust of rneeting was a .,roan one. Nothing the number be • in progresss in tendan hewassame small. twelve months fly front the carpets. deflnite as to the standing of the bunk Mr. S. J. Hogarth took a the cues- Now is the time of alt times to push has yet been arrived nt, K P I wall paper for all it is worth. Get tion of "Soil Treatment" and in a very some convincing copy written for able manner showed how it is i►upos• your newspaper space, and keep your sible to expect a crop of good fruit un- windows, tilled with your choicest lines less the fertility of the soil is train- of wall decorations. Slack not in tained. Bairn yard manure and wood- thine energy, O merchant. - From The ashes being the best fertilizers. He Bookseller and Stationer, advocated shallow and frequent cniti- vataon of the soil. Ms. Stephen Pow- ell next inttodnced the all important subject to fruit growers, viz: spraying. He advocated an immediate spraying with lime wash and 0 second spraying before the buds open with Bordeaux Miss Millie Martin was in Blyth Sat- An Iron Tonic mixture. After the blossoms have fal- Itrday, y Nervine and len spray with Bordeaux and i aril Mr. (I, H Powell spent Tuesday at Alterative Green. The usual formula for the lnwuud preparation being observed, Mr. Pow- Ed. Barrows of London visited his 111 pointed out that there was clangs parents this week. 11E 11{()N BEARING PItiNCI- when the foliage was young and ten- Mr. L. 11. Dickson was in \Vin ham T PLE is readily absorbed bythe der of having the mixture too strong Thursday attending court. K 1 system and is peculiar) ited by sulphate copper iblue stones. See Y peculiarly that there is always plenty of lime in Miss Anderson of Chicago is a visit- to nneuic clnd+tions, its slight the mixture. Those present entered "r at s1r. Alfred Taylor's. constipating etfe+ t is more than Rev.into the discussions that followed with Rev. Dr. Ramsay, of Knox church, counterbalanced by the•laxative keen interest. The following resole- Ottawa, is visiting rel+hives in town, action. The alterative And ner- tinn was ii'tt. rnrely passed, that the Miss Maud Taylor of London spent vine principles Aie the utast »aet- niunicipal emitted he reunited to en• East of the week with her parents isfartory known to medical sci- force the l tic terpecting Black Knot. hrre'• encs. -Com. Rev. Martin i+in Bat llr ('reek visit- -Come PI LLS PURIFY THF: ing Mir. Martin who is at theSenitnr' Removed i+I tut BLOOD by nourishing the red Miss Torn wishes to announce that Mr. 13nrke of Bru8s.l4 has take,i n neeessclrs, furnishing thew the she has moved her dre•ssntak1ng estab- /position with air. Ed. \Villi» in his nPcIO?10) iron for the proper lishntent to 1hr 1.,01118 in McDonell's /,sheritia •hop• oxidation et the syst010. They block, over G. Manson's store. Ap• Mr. 7'. B. Carling and Mist Nina strengthen the nerves, exalt rentices wonted. trental function and add vital- ity were in London Thursday consulting a ity to the system in general. Rica.' Forcaa•t• For marsh throat specialist. pip, R A Reactional n:Itil n 2I hal is rep• a1 r. John Heitman and family left m S. HowEYi 1 iilile L troll on the 22nd. lyd and _1th. This on Monday 1vlm+ng f. , Virden, Man.. a1W HO period is cootie of E u th's vernal, or t eking with them a ear of settler's B. necessarily requite that severe (audio 1)r. Harry Browning is home for a Chemist and Optician octi.tl sinrrns shall appear on these few days. For sono• months he has I dates. Heavy storms and tidal waves been attending smallpox patients in "- are jest as tip, to omits any time' vitriols Ipl,res, + q,�T��'�7/g���,�� within two to three weeks of the 12nr'. Mrs. F. Morley of Whalen has peen :Luny shtrp.dijuieting 911114118 141)11 vi. the. past tw•o week.. with her ntnttie•r, j� olenl gales will however he natio al for airs. J.r.('owlish, Eden, who is quite ill Confidence several days. centering on the i, of brorh11is. 2lnl +in d 21th, calling for proper cats Mise n081• Elnkr.••itier, who has keen of live stock, and many otherintereste j visiting with hot sister. \1rs. E. Hey- IIIis the one biggest assets in likely to be affected thereby. wood, for some weeks, relit: ned to 0 business. Fret it Nome N'eddina Berlin on Saturday, A (pretty house wedding was solernn• Mr. and Mrs. John flitt"LiP, who 110 nixed at the hem.. 0f Mr. and Mrs. have been visiting Mr. W. H. Dearing Star Flour Thos. Brock, Huron street. on \Ned• and other fri. nrl» 11re, returned to n'sdiy or this week, when their ebb., t ; their harm in Sarnia Tuesday. (dalghter. Miss Mary A. was united ,n Mr. Jake Finkhlim r, the faithful gained this for us. Our bleine»» muriage t•• Mr. Ilett ('Lark of Credit- notably hostler at the Commercial House, is has not horn built gnicklw. but on. The ceremony was performed by taking a few twellla►nerl holidays with is built on n gond f••unelation. the Rev. A. 11. Going in the presence hifriends in Creditor) and elsewhere, it's the aetilal results from of only a few of the immediate friends sons and + hehbri a the contracting hart- Chronic Coughs Cured Star Flour lea. The bride limited charming in a dress of navy blue Ladies' cloth. with hire. J°"Ph I;ales of i)rmm�rr, sa e a waist of allover tare over white silk, p 9: and was given away by her father."I took 4 or 5 bottles of P•9chine, that determines its value. 1/ +:gl The ceremony over a dainty wedding and a cough I had continually for nine ity lingers l.ng after re i• .•s are feast was eerve.1, after whi.•h the hap. months disappeared. It is the best forget ten. py rotiple were driven to the depot remedy for chronic coughs tat I ewer and balk the train for London where "ell" B••metnt,^r )n11 order* for they will spend a short honeyne,,,ri• Thousands of living twit nesse, pro- wit 0 „1r and feed are al,precia+ee) At The bridere,•'ived 11.411V besotifol .41,1 pounce Psychinet the greatest medieinc L the mill and pilin Lely attended 4 neefol presents, 1Im their return the in, the world. it is not a patent meth- Fe Fe t,,, young couple will D):0“. their home in tine. bat a prescription of a great phv- 4 Crediton, where they will take charge •urian. I'ut it to the test in any �+ of the hotel. owned l.y the groom's ease of threat, lung or stomateh trouble HARVRY EROS. father. The happy (Duple will have or any run down er weak rendition. At e the ripest wishes of a host..( friend• for all druggists, Sur and !1.0x1, or Dr. T. E�1? 1'1:11 c►N"I'A It 10 tli•.:r f Our' happ:n•..s an d p-osper.ty A. S.ocum, L.irniled, Toronto. �,ABeA,�d�A,a�,�� EXETER MARKETS. CHANGED EACH \VEDNESDAY Wheat 34) Barley 55 00 Oats 45 50 Peas 75 80 Potatoes. per bag . .... 05 75 Hay, per ton 12 (N) 1300 Flour, per cwt-, family 2 75 Flour, low grade per cwt 1 40 1 45 Butter 2(1 27 Eggs IS Dried apples 5 Liwehogs, per cwt 5 10 Shorts per ton 25 00 Bran per ton 24 00 (Hover 8 00 10 00 Timothy 2 00 2 75 Snap for Every- body. ANTISEPTIC HAND CLEANER Snap ! Snap ! Nothing Equals It, Does Wonders for the Housewife, Better Than Soap Test its merits once and never be without it. Large Cans 15c. Vt?� PERI L. 11111111111111 Howey's Iron Pills spring equinox, batt this fart. does not efTeete. ilniun Sid is Complete Even between seasons, such as the months of January and February are, we always keep our stock up to the mark. Stoves, Hardware, Tinware, Builders' Supplies, Oils, Paints etc., are alwaus looking up well in this store. You can not find us unready for business in any line of Hardware. T. HAWKINS & SON. GOOD BZRVICZAELE FIIRNITVRE Is what the people want and this is just the quality of furniture we handle. Some people are willing to pay lav- ish sums for exceedingly elaborate designs, but most peo- ple want style, combined with serviceability at a moderate outlay. Our lines fill the bill exactly, heing rich in design and reasonably priced. Our extensive lines include SIDE- BOAI{DS, DINING TABLES, BEDROOM SUITES, PAI{- LOR TABLES, CHINA CABINETS, etc., etc. IRON BEDS are it line which we are introducing and we are showing a specially tine selection in elegant designs. ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors. JONES & CLARK Ne WasVPGoods for Sprier You would be surprised to see the amount of Spring Wash goods we are selling, 13ut it gives you the first choice and ample time to have it made up and ready for the fine weather Plain Mull One of the newest goods this Spring. It makes a very dainty dress. Comes in fink and Bite; per yd. 25s Dress Linens Another of this season's leaders and very durable for wear. Pink, Pale Bine, Copenhagen BIM! and Brown. Also Stripes and Checks of dif- 1'15c ferent shades. Per yard Ginghams The old reliable wash goods forschool and outing dresses. Large and Small Checks, Fancy Stt•ipes and Plain. I'er yard 25e Mu:lins (kir stork this season sparkles with all the new ideas. Snipes and Floral effects in the !meat cl-4 p t ors. Per yard IU to If� L zC Our New Coats are Making Quite a Stir "No wonder" We have the correct goods made up in the very latest styles and cannot,fail to plea -e you. Some Good Bargains siBuys II smart FAWN COVET CLOTH COAT, very correct in style and finish. $9 For a Neat BLACK BIIOAD- ('LOTH ('OAT, loose or tight- fitting. $10 Thia hays our i1E87' FAWN n► BLACK ('OATS, in loose, septi -fitting or tight•fltting. It iaa real nifty garment and one you will he delighted with. Millinery Our 1lilIitxeri are now ready and pr('l.arId to take orders. (Inr forma' opening will be March 27th )I't(i 28th, JONES & CLARK Headquarters for the fele, , r I; •.tnt'Or'd t'lothinu