Exeter Advocate, 1908-03-19, Page 5V xetet• gottocate
$I 00 it pail u. ad,an• e,
11.1!0 a )wr d not so paid.
, Tao
o!'riledStaleySubcrleerl$I 10 a Year Strictly la Advaaca
GANDERS k CREECH, Publisher..
Buys a good
Doherty Organ
A most beautiful line of Station-
ery, Bibles, Ilytnn Books, etc., at
Awad Down Prices.
Call and see them.
Cook's Cotton Root Compound.
Tho great Uterine Tonir, and
only Niro effectual Monthly
}tegulntur on which women can
depend. Vold in three degrees
of Ftrength—No. 1, $1 ; No. 2,
10 degrees stronger 13; No. 3,
for special cases, tb p( r box.
Bold by all druetlti ta, or sent
repaid on recr t of price.
FrVe T
Cook f8[eto1N1 Co..TottONTo. ��am QNi. Ua'mcrlY 11.let. Address in6lorl
BY MAIL In Your Spare
Time at Home
We want our course to be in eve: y 1;. tear in
Oa:ar•u where there arc ladies. so hive decided
to give, direct to the public our unpr(.•v.(1 $15
course in dressmaking. including our Ladi(•i
Tailor System for wholesale price. $•i 00
As there are a 1arg. nunax•r • f people. cst.(c-
i,d:y drts;:nak, r. say you cannot lean' by mail
we will send system and first lesson (which
teaches how to make a perfect fitting waist,
registered to any address in Ontario. After you
are satisfied you can learn, semi $5 (Nl and v.1
will Bewail full course of less, ns. Please da
not send u:tle7ss you with to learn drys--rnakir.,:;
we are ..o sure anyone can learn that we guar-
antee to give 1,00 to any•ne we carrot tach.
These lessons teach how to cat. fit acd put
together, any garment (rem the J lainest shirt
waist suit to the most (iabor.,t.' , re,.s Tr::, u
the only course in Canada that the whole family
can iearn h: one member taking it up. We
have been in t,uoness fur ten years. have taught
over 7.000. Beware of imitations, as some
have been known to copy our advs. and even
claimed where they were not known to be the
inventor of this course No adv. ii g.•tnine
without our $.411100 guarantee.
Write for p.:rti. ulcers.
31 Erie Street. S:ratf..r ). U,.tario, ('a :.ada.
rilggggg g 11,111F AVIV' g
111 Highest paid officials were
once operators. Demand exceeds
supply. Six thousand needed
during next few years, Operat-
ors have secured increased sal-
aries and eight-hour day.
We prepare yon in shortest
time and place you iinmetliatel,y
upon graduation.
Competent josh tictor', unsui'- '1r
passed equipment, wide expel i- he
once. Ev
Commercial siihjects free 1 of
ThLe woman says Lydia E.
Pinkhani's Vegetable Compound
cured her. Head her letter.
dl r,. J. A.Ialil)erte,of 34 Artillerie
St., (lueItet', writes to Mrs. l'inkhatn :
" For six years 1 have been dnetorine
for female weakness, heart and nerves,
liver and kidney trouble, but in Lydia
E. I'inkhatn's Vegetable Compound I
s::fely say I have found a cure.'
•• 1 was continually bothered with the
most distressing backaches, headaches,
:Aid I:caring-down pains, and I kept
,•r•.wing more and more nervous.
" Lydia E. 19 nit ham's Vegetable Com-
] ••t:ni relieve'd me of all these distress-
ieg symptoms and made Nle a well
woman. 1 would advise all suffering
t• . T1Ien, young or old, to use Lydia E.
1'i:0:ham's Vegetable Compound."
For thirty Fears Lydia E. Pink -
loon's Vegetable Contpamd, made
from roots and herbs, has been the
standard remedy for female ills
and has positively' curets thousands of
scorner) who ha Ye 1•t•o11 t'l1lt)•1"(1 With
dLiplacements, inflammation, ulcera-
tion, fibroid Dilutes, irregularities,
periodic pains, backache, that li ar-
ing,e-down feeling, flat tilency, indig;es-
1 inn,dizzine•s or nervous prostration.
Why don't you t ry it ?
Mrs. I'inkhant invites all :;ick
ay.iinett to write her for advice.
SIts. has guided thousands to
health. Address, Lynn, Mass.
Clinton: Mrs. A. H. Manning, wife
of the late A. 11. Manning, died on
March 17th, et her home on Albert
street. She was the daughter of Wm.
Coats, one of the first merchants to do
business in Clinton, and her husband
occupied a prominent place in the
town as a lawyer and promoter, Two
children survive her, Miss Edna and
William, both of whom are public
school teachers.
Jas. A. and Fred Reeder Left last
Wednesday for Carlyle, Sask., with a
carload of settlers effects.—Moses
Reeder left on Saturday for Carlyle,
Sask. John Thompson has rented his
100 acre farm.—S. Baldwin is moving
to the West.—Mrs. John Campbell,
sister of the late Alex. Campbell,
Townline McGillivray and West Wil-
liams, and her brother-in-law, Mr.
Thayer, of Woonsocket, Rhode Island,
are visiting relatives in McGillivray.
FIRE—A serious fire occurred Fri-
day at an early hour, when the barns
of Charles Nickles, of the 7th con. of
McGillivray, were completely destroy-
ed. Mr. Nickles was attending to a
sick horse, and had a lighted lantern
standing behind the stall, when the
animal suddenly backed. upsetting the
lantern, which exploded. The whole
building was ablaze in a moment and
beyond any possibility of saving. it
is said that there WAR no insurance
whatever un barn or Ct)ntl'tlts, so the
loss will to very navy for Mr. Nickles.
Another happy event took place on
'•dnesday, 4th inst.. at the home of
. and Mrs. ,Tapheth 'Turner, Step.
11 'Township, when their daughter,
a Lillian, w.as united in the bonds
matrimony' with Wm. Herbert
erritt, of Corbett. The ceremony
s performed by Rev. J. F. Sutcliffe,
Enter non•. No vacation. wa
Clinton Business College w;l
George Spott•!n, Principal.
ib Daniel E. Eby, Vice -Principal. wa
�tA,6A���,eiAlk w
in the piece c•' of about severity
est s. rhe bride vett: presented by
r father to the groom, who stood
ding beneath an arrh of evergreens
from .t wreath of natural flowers and
carried a bouquet of white carnations
and hyacinths. Her sister, Miss 'I'her-
Printed by Request,
j esa Turner, acted as bridesmaid. The Mie the follotvin 1 1 k'
ggroOtil %Veli supported by his bto
J. W. Sherritt, of Walpole, Sask.
g )y s la nig well
thee' in a bottle, and take in teaspoonful
Deli d Let bled)
Miss Steadman of Wyoming is the
guest of Miss Lizzie Darling.—Miss
.Mable 1'at•ker of Pot t Elgin is the
guest of Mrs. Dan Lervis.--Miss
Maude Ranting, who has spent the
winter with her brother at Wyoming,
we are pleased to repot t house again.
--Mr. and Mrs. ,Jabez Shot t and fam-
ily left for their house at White Oak,
Tuesday. --John Hardy and wife were
pleasingly surprised by their friends
last Friday and presented with two
ornamental chairs. We are sorry to
lose Mr, and Mrs. Hardy and wish
them every success in their new house
at Birr.
On Monday evening a number of
friends gathered at the home of the
Misses Cora and Pearl Short to spend
one more pleasant evening with them
before they leave for their new house
at White Oak. The evening was
spent in games, Music and social chat
for a time, after which the girls were
called forward and presented with a
beautiful tea set and fruit dish with
the following address:
Dear Girls:—
Again do we assemble together
at your "Old Houle" to spend another
pleasant evening ere you leave us for
your "New Home" at White Oak.
We cannot see you leave us ere we try
to show you, in a slight way, that we
appreciate full and hearty your ever
ready services, to help in the many
ways in which you have. In Sabbath
School and choir where as Sabbaths
passed your voices led in the service of
song, and in our social gatherings
where you both lent your aid to make
them a success, we are sorry to lose
you, but our loss will be another's
gain. Will you kindly accept this
"Tea Set" Cora and Pearl this Fruit
Dish as a little remembrance from
your many Ebenezer friends, Our
best and kindest wishes follow you to
your New Home and we hope and
pray that you both may always he a
bright and shining light for the king-
dom. Signed on behalf of your Eben-
ezer friends by Elsie M. Ellwood, Cora
Fenton, Jennete Maguire and Lizzie
H. Darling.
Cora and Pearl replied with words
of thanks but were almost overwhelm-
ed with surprise and with sorrow at
the thought of leaving those with
whom they bad spent so many enjoy-
njoyable evenings.
It is reported that Fred Hess, Sr.,
will erect a bank on his lot, just South
of the Town Hall.—Mies Jackson of
Blyth has taken a position in one of
the junior rooms of one school.—Jacob
Ort left on Wednesday for Clara City.
Mich., in responding to a message, in-
forming him of the serious illness of
his brother.—Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hud-
son left last week for their new home
at Edmonton, --F. C. Kalbfleisch bass
hig stock of logs in his mill yard. He
expects shortly to erect. his saw mill.
—C. L. Moser has disposed of hie farm,
to Henry Eckstein, and Mr. Eckstein
bis sold to his neighbor Casper L.
Walper. Possession will be given in
hotb cases on April 1st. Mr. Moser
will likely move to Zuricb.—Godfrey
Nicholson of Godericb, has sold bis
farm at the Bronson Line. John G.
Erb, gets the 100 acres for WOO, and
Daniel Gingerich the Pa) acres for $1100.
The former has now 200 acres and the
latter the whole of lot 25, or 100 acres
in all.—John Graybiel, head clerk in
J. Preeter's store for a number of
years, has taken it like position in Tie-
rnan & Edighotfer'sstore at Dashwood,
--('. llartleib is getting material on
the ground for his block, which he in-
tends building this spring. The build-
ing will be over 60 feet wide and about
52 feet deep and two storeys high.
Usborue Council,
Council met Maretl 7th. All the
members were present. The minutes
of the last ine'eling were read and Ap-
proved. The Auditor's Report ars read
by 11. Strang was adopted, and 100
copies ordered to be printed for distri-
bution. The following persons were
a moulted Pathtnaaters for this year.
1 bowleg four, the centre of which Nil
5n• )ented n white wedding bell.
e bride was arrayed 111 a !town of
ite silk trimmed with Lace. She
re as veil of embroidered net, draped
Tile Dell Tele$loHe
Gooaoij 01 Caoaga
is about to publish a new hemp
of the Offlcisl Telephone Di-
rectory for the District of Wes•
tern l)nterin. including the
Town of Exeter. Changes of
firm name., changes of street
addresser, or orders for e dupli-
cate entries should bhanded
in at onr'e to
Ito 'l
,At 1 c sip*
and 1, Jas, Handford, John Salter,
Geo. Buswell, A. McCurdy, Wm. nig-
gins, It. Quinton, 11. It. IFrtnter, Win.
Ford, Jas. Brook, J. Johns, J. Miners,
Bolt. Woods, John Johns, Sr.. It.
Ilodgins. Ward 2, Jas. Jeckell, Peter
(Lase, J. Bowcliffe, J, Hodgson, 1.. Oke,
It. Down, W. H. Wood, F. Illatehfor(1,
.los. fellow, (i, Etheriugton, P. Moir,
4. l'aysnlore, Jrlo. (7snn, J. H. Cole,
San1•I Horton, itich. Terry. Ward 3,
W..1. Brock, Tom Brock, G. Delbridge,
will re+,tore gray hair to its natural color. S. Brock, Jas. Squire, H Roth!, J A
stops filling hair, cawss to grow on bald Carntn, J A !tautly, Jas L 1to11tly, N
beads.Cures dandrnff,it( hing,walpdice.•u,ea Fletcher, D Dawson, J N Hazelwood,
By its use thin hair grows luxuriantly. F Hurrah, I) (dge ra. Ward 4, Wm
Contains no oily or Rrea,y ingredient', Coward, A Hodgen, i) Cottle, Wm.
Is entirely unlike any other hair prepara. Bray, n. Geo Kerslake,
,ewarAt (d rrDivnde,). W A Turnbull,
Con ever offered for Fate.
A Rood, reliable Canadian preparation.
1'taeelkl(eal Teetlaaeolale.
F.di'h A. Rorke, ti•.i•hnary- 11. M. Church
.kkhimim. Egypt. and friends. greatly pleased
with re -,alts after two years' using,
f. A. Hopes, %yilner, Montana. My hair
and whiskers restored to natural color, nark
brown, by using Canadian Hair Restorer.
John O. Hall, Ncw• Aberdeen, (ape !Ireton. Mrs. Win. Turnbull after a visit at
t'..nadian flair Restorer has worked wonders. Brant ford, returned home Fr ida_y.--
My head i. nearly nil rocer,sl wife' thick , Percy 510411 has recovered front !lis
growth black hair. original color. ; resent illness.—Bert Gardiner left this
Mailedbto any ,un l le. k. n t(he retail
Il d.-1RCorld
week for his home in the Rest. —Ntisa
on refeipt0? pric(•. }t-. M.11a1f.ltturr,l by Hatnilt )n of Motherwell is visiting in
TEE MitWST BO., Wind -or, Oat., l.'anada` the neighbor hood.
Sold in Exeter r r,t. tv, it, owning'; DeaTH--On Thnred+av, March 12th.
%V. S. Howey and %V. S. ('ole, Ding- the death occurred of J,1111(”4Hent y
gists. 1 Francis, sari of Mr. Henry Fr:ancir of
the 12th ronces.,ion. The late Mr.
fg1ISFranis e of th.' •tnfortnn're
4.44.4.,4„,,(1.,n, l ld, h a V 1'ig I.e„o 1' ,a n
1r t' ..',. with an affection of it,. bt•.ainand'''n•
rianireii- 1 in•ting th•l. until his de it h, 11,' li.,rl
nbiaty,Ferry'sSoods resided with his f.►thei „nd f."several
3 'nacf.sV•:"m• y ear'. with hi. In other, A., hut. 'i't ,
se•t:(i. harmers )
t:v.econldence or her brot hots. Byron of ib iti•h (' d-
int tern because uoibut and John of Poe • its- i..t l'i air os
t-xv know they ':i. well as (sot •Ist.ers, ,f r-. We.
can le retied up.fey.
on. Isin'texpeti• i w'):x1 0( 'Vin•'hel+ra, MI,.Eli ii•.% •
meat Pratt' cheap ,coed of ��'ineh•'1sea, .1tr., ‘I ill. of
ue'.younrfure• Ktrkton and'1rs. Wood'.-
tyLr•sinbuying y if FAllan
sero' sent oath). •,r), survive. 1118 eon,!;ti.,n l.•ir•g
;ftp •t eon.drntion. ; .,Ieh th it ice ,very was inon,s<+ble los
Y ins t•u-tw•orthy .loat though death Is .1ivIV. 4.4,1,
i Fe•+y : Seed Annual rnust have conte as as rel'ef to hot' and
( 'r 1••.. 410.1' .t•i,uele to those who carerd for hien, The fun.
t'' 1;c.tTIC4.,11"a.tlw. j era! was held to the Exeter cemetery
ion Saturday .41 one o'clock.
. Orum. llnrgge:a Ilio. (int. ('anadi".n }lair
toner 14 the best 1 have ever uvd.
W H Kay. Jno Duncan (2 Div.), R
Shier, A A Spencer, W R Stewart.
A few accounts were passed and orders
issued in payment. ('ouneil adjourn
ed to rneet. Saturday April 4th at 1
o'clock.—F. Morley, Clerk.
and Weekly
Mail and Empire
Weekly Globe
for One Yr... $1.35
and all other papers
,at lowest rates.
doses after meals and at bedtime:
Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half
ounce; Compound Kat•gou, one ounce;
Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three
ounces. A local druggist is the au-
thority that these aiutple, harmless in-
gredients can be obtained at nominal
cost from our home druggists.
The mixture is said to cleanse and
sti-engtben the cloggtal and inactive
Kidneys, overcooling Backache, Blad-
der weakness and Urinary trouble of
all kinds, if taken before the stage of
Bright's disease,
Those who have tried this say it pos-
itively overcomes pain in the back,
clears the urine of sediment and regu-
lates urination, especially at night,
curing eveu the worst forms of blad-
der weakness.
Every man or woman here who feels
that the kidneys are not strong or act-
ing in a healthy manner should mix
this prescription at home and give it
a trial, as it is said to du wonders for
many persons,
The Scranton (Pa.) Times were first
to print this remarkable prescription,
in October, of 1906, since when all the
leading newspapers of New York, Bos-
ton, Philadelphia, Pittsburg and other
cities have made many announcements
of it to their readers.
St. Joseph Hospital,
London, Mar. 10, 1908.
Dear Editor,—If it won't be impos-
ing on your generosity too much I will
ask permission for some space in your
valuable columns to speak to my kind
friends once more, as it would almost
be an impossibility to answer all my
enquiring friends personally.
Dear friends, allow Inc to say I am
much improved in health. Not only
has my health improved but my spirits
have taken a turn for the better. 1
telt rather gloomy for three weeks
hut I have outlived it I believe. As
for my broken limb it is mending won-
derfully the Last fortnight. I believe I
will be able to lift it off the bed in
about two weeks time. I had it dress-
ed two weeks ago last Saturday, when
it was out of the plaster. The doctor
and I agreed that it wasn't strong
enough to leave exposed to incidental
accidents. I am hopeful of seeing my
esteemed friends before very long.
To the people of Crediton and vicin-
ity allow me to say that Mrs. Charles
Zwicker who underwent is critical op-
eration for appendicitis, is improving
nicely. To her friends and acquain-
tences allow me to join hands with
you and wish her a speedy recovery.
Among the many friend. that call
on me permit me to make mention of
two at any rate, V. Ratz, M. P., and
Henry Either, M. P. P. Of the fair
sex I dare not make personal mention,
for fear of creating trouble in the
camp. Suffice it to say a goodly num-
ber of them drop in to Pee me, and as
they leave me asa rule in a better con-
dition of mind.
Wishing you all success.
Yours truly,
Wm. Anderson.
Harry Busch left on Friday evening
for Moose Jaw, Sesk., where he in-
tends seising on the first available
opening.—The friends of William Col -
will of Itegina, Sask., will sincerely
regret to learn that he has been ser-
tousely ill but a change for the Netter
has taken place. —J. 11. McDonell at-
tended the funeral of the late Mrs. Sel-
lery at Kincardine Wednesday.—A.
Gegie, wife and children of Moose Jaw,
Sask., who have been visiting here for
some time, left on Thursday for the
above place. Mr. (iegie has spent 24
years out West.--Ilube Cudmore left
on Thursday via Chicago for Strath.
cons, Alta., where he intends to work
at his trade. --Quite a number of our
representative citizens are in favor of
the corporation purchasing the elec-
tric light plant and putting in a sys-
tem of waterworks.
The boiler in ('ook Bros.' (lour trills
exploded 'Tuesday about 1 o'clock. The
top of the dome was lifted right off
and carried through the roof, tearing
an opening about eight feet across.
The brick wall enclosing the boiler
was above(' out of place about six
inches, but did not fall. Several
scantlings and 4)1000s of board were
carried a considerable distance from
the building. Fortunately no one was
hurt, AR the employees had not return-
ed from dinner. The engineer stated
that there was but till pounds of eternal
when the explosion occurred, and that
there were three gauges of water in
the boiler. Ile is at loss to account
for the explosion. but thinks the dome
had not been braced properly. The
owners intend installing a new ta)iler
in the near future.
(Dela)ed last week )
Henry Bush h+ss gone to the West
to remain for Nonie'titne.--John Dahuh
and family, and ('hes. (biter, and wife
have moved to London.—J. C. Stone-
man is visiting at Lambeth and Torun.
to.—Miss R. Tate of isindon is visiting
her cousin Teddy Neelande. —The new
lights are a great improvement to Car -
mei rhorrh.
DEATH —A sad gloom was cast over
the resident,, of Hensel' Iar,t week ow-
ing to the death of Mrs. Yellery of Kin-
cardine, who died at the home of her
son, Dr. Flell.'ry, here. Only a few
menthe ago h••r only daughter, Miss
Olive, died, The .hock to the mother
was severe and She came here to reside
shortly afterward. Three weeks aha
she slate: el a stroke of paralysis from
which .he n.•cer r.•covcled. She was
an ideal wife, :in of setionate mother
end's >ineeii'-and stn,• ft tend. A thor
ough Christi in, iter enlace in the
Atte hodi-r • lurch will he hare) lo }ill.
The funeral (a•,as h,•LI rh• followtul;
Retlnes,i .v „r Ki •eard.n•• Sh.' w„a
53 ve.r- el co•• To.- •t int"sly of :all
ler''xt.'nd -.l t'• rh.• h••reat'•,I hn'.h,., d
and ••nit -„r
Mies (;ocili a N K en, .1 ,nghter of
J 'tin F. K . •. f +hr. u1 we- rnar-
• lend 'et I1 1 • t, M s .•h a, to IV••-li•v
13. Mond, ••, •at M:ir) .1 I , , i' n 1•, iltc•'.
Toe we (ding Por in• •', ( • k glare a1
hath n"o•I in hl•• It 11 '1•' I'.1 •e.• and
v .v p.•rf ' oa 1 1.v 11 -'a p William A.
Jane..- (4 •. •'• t t! -'v, t Exeter, who
rani• here a y.•ti ..g.•, ,rd conduct.•.1
< livery ',u -)n••.. ont•I h.' .old out. t.. s
M•'F.all & 11cif'an !set fall, has been
appointed agent for the Massey Harris I
' Co.
' Egggggg�ggggg
I1 LA&iotaana ads ata44.!lkaf'k
St. Mary's: Andrew Stewart died
M+u•cb 13, from meningitis after a
abort illness. The deceased was 19
years of age and leaves it widow and
two children.
Clinton: After several Mouths ill-
ness Fred Whitely passed away on
Tuesday. Ile was born in Goderich
township thirty years ago and his life
was spent chiefly in Clinton or vicin-
Mitchell: The death took place iu
Toronto on Friday of Mre. unning-
ham, aged 72 years, relict of the late
James Cunningham, formerly of Mit-
chell. Tho remains were brought to
Mitchell for interment.
St. Marys: The death occurred at
Minneapolis, Minn., March 13, of Lent-
ise Marie, wife of William E. Roberts,
a member of the firm of Roberts Bros.,
the well known railroad contracts,
who are natives of this vicinity.
Seafortb: On Saturday one of the
oldest and most respected residents of
Seaforth passed to the great beyond in
the person of Robert Lumsden. The
late Mr. Lurtlsden had attained the
good old age of 82 years.
Seaforth: Many in town will regret
to hear of the demise of Mrs. J. K.
Richardson, a former well known re-
sident of Seaforth. The late Mrs.
Richardson passed away on Monday
at her home in St. Mary's after an ill-
ness of some length from tuberculosis.
West McGillivray: A quiet wedding
was solemnized at the bride's parents
Mr. and Mrs. Wadsworth, Hamilton
Road, London, on the '3rd of March,
when their eldest daughter, Theresa,
was united in the holy bonds of matri-
mony to Percy Roy Saunders, a for-
mer citizen of this place.
Tuckersmith: The death occurred
Saturday of George Black, of the 3rd
con. Mr. Black was about 40 years of
age and leaves a wife and one child.
The circumstances In connection with
his death are very sad. For some
weeks he had been helping to attend
his aged mother, who is still quite i11
with pneumonia. One week ago heti
was in town in his usual good health, ,
but in some way contracted a cold and
an attack of pleurisy was the result.
Soon more alarming symptoms deve- 1
loped and pneumonia set in, and in 1
spite of most careful medical attend- i
ance, he succumbed to the disease.
Grand Bend •
\Vm. Patterson is on the sick list.—
Mr. Gardiner of London was here one;
day last week.—A number of our peo-
ple attended Miss Willert's wedding
recently.—Adelbert Mollard has sold
bis farm to S. Pollock.—Mrs. Canning
of Clandehoye is visiting at Mrs.Fritz's.
Not a Miracle
But Medical Science
1)r. '1. A. Slocum, Limited,
Toronto, Ont.
•• Some time ago I began to lose ilesh
and failed every day until I had to
quit work. My physicians and all ay
friends said 1 had contracted cuusinnp-
tion. I failed from 165 pounds ,luwu
to 110. I was advised to go to tho
Rockies or to the coast. I went to both
places told CI' heavy expense. 1 con -
Untied to fail, and was advised by tho
doctors to come home as nothing more
could be done for me. Mope scented
to have left me.
"I tried Psychine and since starting
its use I have gained from 119 to 111
pounds. I have used $10.00 worth of
the tn' d1eiue. I am a well plan and 1
!annot say too much in praise of Psy-
chine. The strongest reeo:unu•ndatioa
would be weak in view of the fact that
[ believe it has saved my life. It is
without doubt the best remedy fur
run-down conditions and weak lungs.
"1 sincerely hope and trust that you
will continue your good work of saving
run down people and consumptive from
the grave. Wishing you an 1 Psychine
continue,! success, I remain, one of
Psychine's best f ri "nds. "
Fault Ste. Marie, Ont.
Almost every mail bring.: us letters
!ike the above. Psychine will repeat
this record in every case. It is rho
greatest medicine known. At all drug.
gists, 50c and 11.00, or Dr. T. A. Slu-
, ;:cat, Limited, Toronto.
—Mr. Armstrong has moved to Ship•
ka. —Quilting bees are numerous at
present.—Frank Tetreau who has leen
living 011 the 13. Line for n long time
has moved to 'Tedford. The neigh -
hors are sorry to lose such good people.
—Little Wellington Ravell is on the
sick list.—It. S. Hamilton who has
been in different parts of Bt itish Col-
umbia for some time, retul tied home
Wednesday night last. Ile speaks
highly of 13. C. and particularly the
How's This?
wa offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any rase
o'Catarrh that cannot be cured by !fall's Catarrh
F. J. CIIENEY.k Co., Toledo, 0.
We the undersigned have known 1'. J. Cheney- for
the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorabl
in all business transactions and financially able to
carry out any obligations made by his arm.
Wholesale Druggists, Tokdo, t)
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting di-
rectly on the blood and mucous surfaces of aha
systela. Testimonials sent free. Price Mc. per bot•
tie. Sold by all Druggists,
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Have that delicious home-made
flavor, with that snappy crisp-
ness, so hard to obtain in cheap goods.
About 44 to the pound.
To introduce our Ncw Swede Turnip, the " Canadian
Germ” we will give to every inquirer for our New 1908
Catalogue a package of these seeds absolutely free. The
great turnip growing diitri.:t near Guelph shipped an° cars
of the.- turnips to the Un:it(il States last sea<em, '• ('ana•
dian Gt10 ” nnter grows long or narrow, is free from side
shoots, and is of unsurpassed quality.
If y'.t1 prefer, we will send a package of our " Santa
Rosa t' poppy or " Canada's Nide " tomato instead of the
turnip e'l. Write to -day and name your choice.
Sa.deofthisNew $wed. Darch & Hunter Seed Co., Ltd., London, Ont.
Turnip Fr..
Whatever amount of money one
puts by in an investment- whether
it is $10,000 or $100 the first
consideration is the se urity of
the intestmcnt.
If added to the security there is
a profitable dividend, the invest-
ment becomes an ideal one
exactly the kind that til(- saving
people of Ontario most desire.
it -;1
The Debentures of this Company
are such an invebtment, safe
beyond question. Assets totalling
over 510,000,000 are pledged to
their redemption. Thus their
security is absolutely safeguarded.
They pay 4 per cent. per annum.
Put your savings into this safe
and profitable form of investment.
Write asking for full particulars.
Loan & Savings Co., London, Ont.