Exeter Advocate, 1908-03-19, Page 31 NORTHLANDS OF CANADA The West Could Produce 1,300 Million Bushels of Wheat. F A despatch from Ottawa says: In the Agricultural Committee the other day, 1t 1.. Young, Supertielendent of the railway and swamp lands' branch of the Deylainnent et Interior, );ave some most Ink restng (figures and estimates in re- gard to the peseebilitiesp of grain -grow- ing i1) the Can id'an West. 1f the wheat crop of 1906 totalled cne hundred mil- lion bushel; on n settled area of 86,- 000,00n acres, tt was, he claimed, no stretch of intngntat.on W look in the future for a wheat production of 1.300.- roe ,3c)0:4 r) bushels, worth practically three (.uie; tha total ftreign trade of Canada el 1110 present time. Of the 86.000;)00 to 'r , referred to above, only 5,006,000 ecce.; aro under et heat. One farm of 37i Herds, with teii in he was acquaint- ed. noir Saskat.•• li, hail given n net return last seas.it of 814.33 an acre. 711' hellish) did not govern the climate in t::Marla. In summer it was just as warns in Fort Sitopstot, on the Mac- kenzie River. ns it was in Winnipeg or Ottawa. Vegetables such as cabbage, lettere, ant potatoes had been succoes- fully grown as far north as Fort Good •ilope. within 14 miles of the Arctic clr- cle. feast summer Mr. Conway, inspec- tor of Indian Affairs. sow as fine vege- tables at Vert Good (lope as ever were grown eio yellero in Canada. The growth in U►: far north, owing to the long days, was rapid beyond belief. .Wheat of good quality there ran 62 pounds to the bushel, grown at Fort Sunpson. in latitude 62. A good ninny elatements had been made as to the avail- able area of agricultural land in the remote northwest. One gentleman, who had traveled over a great portion of this country, declared that there was 100,000,001) miles west and north of the Athabasca. Another cempetetl witness had said there was as much available land in that region as was now settled %vest of \Vinnipeg. The southern boun- dary of the Province of Tekolsk in St- t•erie was a hundred mikes further north than Edmonton, yet in 1900 Tokolsk had a ;.r,ulatiun cif 1.500.0110, and pro- duced 64,000,000 bushels of wheat alone, and ever 10,000.000 bushels of oats. If this wits so, why should we not derive an equal profit from the portions of our Northwest 'Territories, which at pre- sent are remote from settlement. But in addition to its agricultural Possibilities, enough was known about the mineral resources of the northern country to prove that it was possessed (•f unt 413 wealth et gold, silver, cop- per, iron. and many other nunerals. cO\TR \CTOIt 4 AiRE EAGER. Nineteen .Tenders for .Work on the Transcontinental. A despatch from Ottawa says: Ten - 'dem for the construction of 365 mile., of the \nt'onel Transcontinental Rail- way, covering six saatots between Moncton ni and I.ake Nepigon, were open- ed by the commissioners on Tuesday. Nineteen tenders were received, the con- tractors showing greater eagerness this •.> ear to undertake construction work on the national railway than was the case last year, when lah.ir was more scarce and wages higher. 1t is understood that the figures quoted this spring by een!ractors are a little lower than last year. The names of the successful ten- derers will not be known for some weeks, pending Ilio report of the cont- mission:s engineers as to the figures quoted on each class -of work. The Grand Trunk Pacific, as usual, tender- ed for each contract. in nccoraance with the policy of the company to make Vie construction of the ' road as cheap as rossihle, so as to reduce to a mini- mum the amount on which rental will have to be paid. WOMAN 1111/VES \VlLDEIINFSS. first to Travel From Fort Churchill and it*hes Winnipeg. \ de;palch from \Vinnipeg says: Mi s, 'Welt, the first while wernan to Irnverse the country between Fort Churchill and Ne.rway !louse, via York Factory, and \Vol. Beech and Carl (leech, the first e hide Ween to bring dogs from Fort Churchill to Winnipeg over the same tout.. over 1.100 miles through the w•il- dernese, arrived in \Vinnipeg on Wel' nc.sday, after n most unique trip. which was frauttt with no little trouble and hardshtp. For twenty days the party remained nt the mouth of the Nelson River, and during alt that tine the dogs were without food. and lho rations of the party were reduced to a minimum. .. SQI' U)RON 1'011 PACIFIC. Three Armored 4:misers will he Sent 10 British Columbia Coast. despatch from London says That the rumored cruisers Euryalus, Rogue and r re<sv, of the Fourth Cruiser Stilted - :•,11, now at Bertnudn. will proceed at the end :It the month to the i'acific (:.•nsj. The despatch slides further that Bs. British Government and the Admit - :Ole. hive consented with the gretlest relt etence 10 this depletion of avnil- able cruisers in home waters already characterized by t)>e extreme natal ecll.ol as a dangeroue strategic weak - nese, but that the disturbing turn of stents in the Pacit)t' ,takes it absohtte- Iy nieceesari the( the (:hints squadron t .' r.'inf•)rced by a strung fleet of ob. r-e'••vati.en en the N'rib 4 - •rican Paci- 1l • ('..n.t. STABBING AT l)t IIAS. Quarrel Amonfl Italian Laborers al a Stone Quarry. '\ despatch Gem Ilamillon says: An It elan who cannot speak English was taken to the City Ilespital nt a late hour en Thursday night, in a very danger- ous condition as a result of n wound in the towels which was inflicted by a fellow -countryman in a quarrel. The men' were i mpluyed at Doolittle's stone quarry at Dundas. and it is understood that they had words. One pulled a Mlle on the man w•h•► is in the hos- pital, ani then made his escape. Chief Twise wile notified, and at once went to the s ere. Ile gave instrucliens for the reit v it of (he injured man to the city. tied he was brought on the 11.15 car, a. eontpnu'ed by a couple of Itali- ans. neither of whom can speak Eng- lish. Chief Twiss at midnight had no' succer'.1ed in arresting the ntnn who did the cutting. .11 is feared that the wounde1 man may be fatally injured. CHOPPED IIORSF TO . Brutal (:rime Committed in a Stable at Montreal. A despatch from alontreat says: The pot:ce ort Thur:sdny were informed of a brutal net committed on 'Tuesday night at a stable owned by .air. A. Gauthier nn Weelhgeurs street. Mr. Gauthier slates that 00 going to his stable in the morning he found hie horse lying deed en the door. The animal had been hack- s.; aired the trend and body in fear- ful manner with an axe. Many of the %vowels seers several inches in depth, .and in some parts the limbs had teen tlhnost cit nsureler. Mr. Gauthier is CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS ilArl'CAI\C3 11*OU ALL O1.-.: Till GLOBI:. lrlegraph Bnlets From Our Own atnd Other Countries oI Recent lisenta. l:.\\ \It.\. Chatham crowded. Saskatchewan oil April 2nd. There is an outbreak Oxbow, Sask. Seven illicit stills were seized last year in the Montreal district. A latwrutory for testing ores, metals fuel and food is to be established in Toronto. Wood is scarce in !'eterboro. Only cne firm has a supply of maple ani bcecli. Norris Stevens, a St. (.athnrinee hotel - keeper, was fined 5100 for selling liquor after hours. Caretakers of (:alt public schools must not leave their but:dings during school hours. The Ontario Minister of Education will require fire drills 10 be praetise1 in all the schools of the Province. No gold has been brought out of the 1-indlater liver district, R. C., despite the finds reported. About seventy per cent. of the cows in the \Vinnipeg dair ee are sail to be in- fected with tuberculosis. Counterfeit money is prevalent in Peterborough, and is alleged to be coin- ing from Lindsay. The Grand Trunk Railway has been granted special leave .to appeal to the Privy Council on the two -cent fare ques- tion. Unless the s'eel market soon improves, the N. S. .Steel Co. at Sydney Alines will inako n ten ter cent. cul m wages. Eighteen ilindus were fined $500 each at Vancouver for failing to lass the test under the Natal act, but the sentences will be appealed. Judge- Snider has given his award 'n the urbitration at !famine!' reducing the price of street -lighting to be paid by the city by $15.50 per lamp yearly. Foley Bros., Larsen & Stewart have been awarded the contract for the Iiiet hundred -mile section of the Grand Trunk Pacific, from Prince Rupert eastward. Financial returns lu'ought down in the Nova Scotia legislature showed that the expenditure fur the year ex- cecdc.l tate revenue by over $100,000. Thomas .1••ilereon, chief trader of the Iludson:. Bay Company in Mackenzie district. diel while on his -••ay out, having refred front the company's ser- vice. The 11. 11. Catnpkin Company of In- d'.an fiend, Sask.. was driven to nssign b) the c'.efalcatlone of Secretary -Treas- urer 1lanford, who Ls alleged 10 have stolen fifty Thousand (tellers. Port Arthur tend Fort William have arrived at an agreement whereby Fort William purchases that portion of the railway within the eerporalion limits, and the road will to operated by a joint comn>issien. General Ilaspital is aver - Legislature is to meet of glanders at GIIF. \T MUT .\IN. President Faltieres of France will pay a visit tit London in \lay. Inspection of London, England schools is said to show faults which Might Icad k. tragedies. Ila n vote nt Ia't to :13 the (Muse of entvinced that the cruel deed was the Lords rejected the Scottish small hold - work of enemies who wreaked their ings bill. tent up to them a second vengeance upon his horse. lime front the Commits. Their was inaugurated in London, England. on Jlonduy night, a campaign, supp•u•tcd by every religious denomina- tion. to make Londoners good. The steamer Mauretania covered the distance between Sandy ll•v,k and Daunt's (tock in five days and five tnin- ttes, clipping oxer Iwo and u half bouts firm her plevl,u; record. UNITED STATES. IIOYEi'Al KERS ill rEs•r. Only Two Adulterated Samples Found by Goncrnnecnl .%nalysts. A deepatch fon Ottawa sono: A bul- letin of the Intend tee cute, Department, just le,ue,l, shows that e,f Its samples cf honey from fnrinsrs earls of the Do- minion analyzed by the department, 135 were genuine. 3 were doubtful, I was Fold AS a compound. and only 2 were adulterates). 1'hc report sltows That shnined honey sell in (:colada can nearly alwaye be [elite! upon as being the genuine torlicle. OTTER NOW C111EF OF ST U'1'. Militia Order was l•'ueil To -day Mask. hot eppohthnent. A deepech frim Olh,we say.;::1 mi- litia order a .s iesued on \Wcdneedny nppoIntiltg Maier -Gown{ Lake to le It>sreclor•Genera1 ane! lirigadier-General Otter to be chief of ,staff, from April 1st. 1 °(t3. USED NEW ilIESTIIETJ Doctors Hope for Good Results From tho Experiment. -A d.apalch fr. m Toronto says: The ruler doe at the Generil Ito-pifal, an anaesthetic', n ime.1 Fnitan:e. which itiJ nevem fe•for.e aeon u?ed et Canada, etm tt,eI on a tarn who hid 10 be operator( on f er a set -ions injury to his t+,eel•. Frank Simpeen was I e'ken to the ltos- >nttal s•tms lime ag11 suffering trent n terrible Ine'eration of the bowels through be net lecke l by •1 hers,. 'Thr'.± times had the man been opereled on, the ordinary anaexthetic being us••.1. An- other oreratinn was cufstdened n'Ces- Bary, but it was faun 1 Le could not survive an application elf the same a• ee%thehe end still live. ►. Nor►nnn Andereen. nt !!:.' cai ,tail, then deco -lel to try the pre- p,aratiol' - • I by Fourneau, n Parisian '. :.t which re.nl:lins no u0't rte. yet deprive, the peer 011 -.1 any enseti et of pa;n. ,sins •u: h they are still in full J'eeoesa,n of their tense.,. lir. Anders, et mote nil injection •,( Gild into the sac c4-.vering the ):alien) s ;pine! c•''r.1 and iteecessfully 111!1(41 ..!.4, l Pe.rlions of 11:e howeis. :dill;►• ,on ate, a aid, r:ei.l the fell no pain N•oielet:r, alth•11111 he hal leen con- eeente nut the lime. This le euitratiett haul been ta.'.1 to Prof. !hiker. •1 1•n:receiry e'4.l'41;e. I�sr.<l•n. I:ng!en.l. reel eel 4-t Its , hen• ere c; .s unll e had faild. '1'11s 1,e w aten.•stheto ,lex••: ;may wily the ill ell •cls of th etc..m i,)u, pr''duciug lend. Four negroes w<•re lynched by a mob al Wancleove, Miss.. on 'Tuesday. Three lives were 10.1 in a fire in an elms house at San Francisco on Tues- day. Eight prisoners. four being I>egreee, were publicly Iloggei al Wilmington, Del. Three Itnlinn Ix,ys are dead at Nor- wood, N. J., from eating skunk cabbage rout. A len/settle. III., hen )uis recently laid her thousandth egg. This is be- lieved to be the record. The liconee. of 36 Tocol saloons in Williamsport. Ila., were held up on ac- e •.runt 4)1 gambling disclosures. The Mayor of 'Terre Ilaute, ind., re- h4,•e'1 the request of ministers who wnnb',t the town ihentrt; closed on �undat. Tt:e California Supreme Court has de - eldest That Eugene Schmitz, fornterl, 11nye:r (.l Sin Francisco, was unlaw- fully mnvict.'el 4it extnrlien. !:•tithrt Cathie, 'cert 13. of Brooklyn, who has be.-.)nle heiress 1., RIO),u(Ks. says she will keep to her Choice of work one) Lc it leneher. Dr. Ewing. the+ideal of the (hris:Mit College nl Aliahnbad. toad the mses.un- ary (:angreee nt Pittsburg that an up- rising h► India tT;ls tnctilnhh'. Jud( a No•rnlnn Dike, of 11►r' Supreme (;ours. Rookie -it. teceited n Itlnck Weil teller threatening deellik Iec:n;se et soviet-. e 5enl'nees. John E. eleselts. ler.ner!y chef en- gineer of the Preemie canal, sal s the en,i it trill never le eller then a great eel . nee 1,4 the (luted oaths. \ ).et d'►g lit While !Wean at xliti- vine. N. J.. 11!e both Ieareig the setting 111311.A eyelid aunt Herein) the ().'Iw*It, Ib:rl Ili' s (,'ht 11:4)5 tee 1411. \ n nn. �u;q'n-o 1 1-. len Ine•ali'. en - t. r4.1 the \lerebants' Nati• r>•tl (hir,ha ntt.1 flu -dun' 41 1., 11-‘5 net the Lu;('1 nr un'e%' I:e \50.• twat 1 ►c:.!r►►. 4l7 • II. (':uhlitn.l of New lea has !Col leiite'4 HCI net \l't'. r \11'1, '1'n :sial lee ( nio i s nrr ern • f sew 1 re :en a ea. asked f.r 11- r e 1 1e•, A ni e !eel f ,i s. te p r •h.tr.: ltjtt was begun at Chattan. oga, i.'nn., on 1 uevday. :\ demolish -Went in the ev- ening was attended by 7,001) persons. During the absence of Frank Moni- ca!, of Norman, Okla., his wife sold teem the barn an old incubator, i1) which Ix' hall hidden $53. By u quick ride lie get the nr.eney hack. E. D. Murton, too u clerk of North Cuuuatt, Cumt., has a burguin i1) mar- riage licenses, unstring them to women free, at half prices to single ;lien, and at u reduction in clubs of five. Gl•).V 1:11.\1.. Fifteen hundred houses were destroy ed o1) Sunday by u lire at Niigata, Ja• pun. Gustave Adult, Crown Prince ot Swe- c:en, is ce'►ilincd to his bed with the !wastes. There are runnrc afloat at Pekin that China is about to speed $50,000,000 In naval equipment. Tho champion ski -runner of Switzer - lend was swept over a precipice by an avalanche and killed. FLEW A HUNDRED YARDS. Professor Itell's New Aerodrome Makes a Record. A despatch from 1fannn•,ndspOrt, N. Y.. says: I'r lesser Alexander Graham ReIrs new aerodrome, the Redwing, on Thursday, in the presence of a commit- tee of the Aerial Experiment Associa- tion and a number of other spectators, flew a distance of 318 feet 11 inches at a height of from ten to twenty feet. The machine !s equipped with an cight- c3lin.ier motor, and together with its operator weighs :46i) pounds. It sailed through the air at a speed of from Iwenly--five to thirty miles an hour. .lfler having covered the distance men- tioned, a portion of the tail gave way, and the aerodrome was brought down for repairs. This is declared to bo the first successful public flight of a hea- tier-shun-air flying machine at America. DISGUISED FOit LIFE. (likens o1 Canary .Islands ilave Tat- tooed Fares. A cable despatch to The New York Herald from Madrid says: Reports from Las Palmas, Canary Islands, tell of an amusing case. Eighty persons have brought suits for damages against n chemist named Alonso. It appears that during the carnival a man applied for a novel kind of facial dLsguLee, and the chemist painted on the Man's face a large green fly. This carnival decora- tion proved a popular success and many other revellers called and had their fore- heads, chocks and noses adorned with green !mages of birds, flies and rab- tits. Afle; the carnival ended the wear• crs of these decorations discovered that there was nn soap strong enough to remove the paint, and complained to the aulherittes. A local expert declares the method employed is the same used by the Indians for tatt4 )ing purposes. and that (hese citizens of the Canary islands will have lo weir the green pictures for Ilse rest ot their lives. Mouse barely escaped lynching. FOUR HUNDRED SLAIN. (tattle Between Italians and Tribesmen in Somaliland. A despal•h front itonte says: News has lx'en i-oceI'ell hero from Italian Seinaliland 4) the effect that a local Iriloa helped by soldiers of the :Mullah, attacked another tribe under the protec- tion of Italy and killed thirty of their O )xincnls. They then drove off a quan- tity of saltie. Malian troop:: were Ihcn sell! in to the disturbed section to pun- ish the mi.lets. In this they were sue. emeriti, for in one engagement they Pilled hour hundred of the tribesmen and sixty of the Mullah's soldiers. The Itatinns hid one man killed and Iwo weurrled. THE PROBLEM OF SLEEP. Mr. Grayboy Disturbed by the Voila. lions in itis (lours of Rest. "in these later years,•' said Mr. Gray - toy, "I have found That 1 tequlred less sleep. When 1 wns younger 1 used to s'eep eight Ivens, and frequently when I was very firer) I could use nine; but there crime n nine a few years ago when 1 discnverel that seven hours sleep was ordinarily all that 1 required. "N,w, 1 mentioned Ms fact, casually, one day. to a friend of (nine. and he snid that this was one of the benefits that came to men as They increased in y(ars; Bed requiring less sleep they had more tine for labor and en mull nrcont- plish more. and that this wee one ren- een why Wren of mnttarer years were ce unted as of greater Value. ".1 pleasant fancy, that, 1 thought. "Another friend of aline snid mere pininty that my requiring less siva was a sign of my advancing age; that very young people. young children, re- quire:1 n great dent of sh'e); that AS people prew older they required less, until in middle life they needed. say, eight hours of sleep; but the! ns men came In be past middle age They re- quired Ices sleep. and my needing less ,empty ishnwed that 1 was getting old. "Nut quite so pleasant that, but here is n new romelicatksn: "i find within the Inst few mnnlhs that 1 am ngain requiring noire sleep. \\'herens for seine years seven (sours found sufilci.'nt 1 new s!erp eight Wire. And want dee); the! rnrnn, Dm's it mein that 1 have slopped growing ell. that 1 ant growing young again" or that 1 lint ndvanctng now to my cce- (end ehi!dhseell "ll --m. This sleep hustness i guess i hadn't better dwell en too much." - tee- Nrn'lllN6 1\ iT. "New. '1.' rimy." sni.l \!rs. Mill(. "I learn reel to Ie eeo.l wit to 1 ern out. ' 1 11 be I. need leer a nickel." replt(4) To•+inns•. ' Tenntnc." she ...i=i. "1 want Noss 1.4 rem ' tilt -r that '. 11 ereilie1 he a •ort •'1 ;nine uric.. you tire geed her t thine. SI'enfls as mnrh lime insert ng nn 1 w•'Ihelrnwinte her work es in Ili•' orlon) sew.;. g. SIZE OF THE LEGISLATDRE More Than One Hundred Seats Are Provided For. A despatch from Toronto says: In accordance with the plan suggested by lien. Mr. Whitney, the bill respecting representation to the Legiilativo Aso s.mbly, the redistribution measure, was read a second (lino on Thursday and referred to a special committee. The duty of (let body will be "te prepare schedu'es containing and descreeng the electoral districts entitled t., re- turn members to the (louse." it 's Composed of live (oneervativo inent- bers, Rem. aloe -sus. '4Vhl'ney, Matheson and ilanna, and :Messrs. Dar•gavel ;Leeds) and ateDiarmid (West Elgin), and three Opposition manhere. Me'srs. C. 141. IbAt•utau, S. Clatke (Northumber- land) and May (Ottawa). In speaking of the bill the Prime Minister quoted pre- cedents for (ho method of procedure adopted. In !>is address he did not add niateriolly to the knowk'dgo of the L !louse as W the changes to bo made in the reprislution, rs- dernt:ng that the schedules we're 10 Lo p.reear'd by the committee. lie assert - e. that the membership of the Legisla- ture would be increase l to a little over 10), and that the northern Ontario and 11w City of Toronto would be given ad- dit'onal representatives. Ha repeated that county lines would be adhered tie end that Uxquahlies of population In- troduced by fernier Governnlortts would be cor iii Led. The chief point of importance in the remarks of the leader of the Oppeslr Iron was his reference to Toronto. Ile dstinctly opposei the fixing oI the nuut- her of member.; to be elected In the ctly a'. eight. In view of the number of Cabinet Minister? residing 1)t l'ovonio its maxmlum representation should be THE WORLD'S MARKETS ItEl'Ot,TS FI1O11 1'l1E LEADING TRADE CEKTItLS, Prices of Caine, Grain, l..eese Anl Other Dairy Produce al ilome and Abroad. T.or,nlo, Afay 17. -Flour -Ontario wheat 90 per cent. patents are quoted at $3.50 to 33.55, in buyers' sacks out - sate for export. Manitoba flour un- changed, first patents, 35.80 to $6; sec- ond patents, $5.35 to $5.40, and strong Lnkers', $5.25. Wheat --Manitoba grade; were quiet. No. 1 Northern is quoted at $1.213,, lake port,, and No. 2 at $1.18X, take ports. No. 1 feed wheat, 67Xc; No. 2, 61)0. Ontario Wheat -No. 2 white and red quoted at 93.: outside, and No. 2 mixed at 92 to 930 outside. Oats -No. 2 white on track, Toronto, 53c, and outside at 50 to ale. Corn -No. 3 American new yellow s quoted at 70c, Toronto, and No. 3 mixed at 69e, Toronto. Rye -No. 2 quoted at 83 to 85c out- side. Buckwheat -66 to 67c outside. Peas -No. 2 quoted at 86 to 870 out- side. Barley -No. 2 quoted at 701 outside; No. 3 extra at tlti.: oulsibe, and No. 3 •d 67c oul.s'de. Brun --$23 to 313.50 In hulk, outside. Shorts, 324.50 to 325 in bulk outside. COUNTiRY PRODUCE. Apples -Winter. 31.75 4) $3 per bar- rel. !leans -Prime, $1.70 W $1.75, and ltand-picked, $L80 to $1.83. Iloney-The market is quiet at 12 to 13i• per round for et•aincd, and at 31.- 75 1e► 32.50 for combs. Ilay-No. 1 timothy quoted et $16 le 317 hero in car lots. Straw -310 to 310.50 a ton on track he re. Potatoes -Car lots nt Ontario, 90 to 05C, and Delawares, 95c to 31 per bag outside. Poultry --Turkeys, dressed, 13 to 14e per pound for choice; chickens, alive, 7 to 9,; per pound; dressed, l0 to 12e; ducks. dressed, 10 to 11c. 7'111: 1.11111' MAIII(E'rs. Buller -found prints, 25 to 27c, and Targe rolls, 21 to 25c; do.. inferior, 21 to 23c. Creamery rules at 31 to 32e, and solids at 20 to 30c. Eggs -23 to 24c per dozen in case lots; limed eggs. P1 to 20e per dozen. Cheese -14 to lige per pound In a lobbing way. 1106 I'I IODU(TS. flacon, long clear, Mc per pound 1n case lots; mese pork. 317.50 to $lit; short cut. 320.50 to $21. Il it... heavy! 1 t 1X,bmedium. l 2X to 13e; rolls,9% In 10c; shoulders, 9'/,c; backs, 16c; breakfast anent]. 14e. lord -Tierces, 113,c; tubs, 11 XC; pails, 12c. BUSINESS AT MO<NT111:.\L. eionlrenl, attach 17.-pia.%tern Canada No. 1 while oats. 52:; No. 3. 19 te 1919% No. 1, 48 to 483,c; rejected, 46 W 47c, :Ina Manitoba rejected, 49 to 4930 per bushel ex store. Flour -Choice Spring wheat patents, 36.10; seconds, $5.50 to `5.60; Winter wheat patents, 35.80; straight rollers, $4.75 W $5; do., in t;ago, $2.25 In 51.35; extra.•*,, $1.80 l0 $1.90. Foal-ijtwikiba bran, 323: shorts, $25, Ontario hoot shorts, 323.50 to 321; middlings, 3(11 to 327; shorts, $$21 to 834.50 for ton, includir' bags; pure groin nlouille, 331 to $35, and nailed grades, 825 to $29 ) er ton. Provlstons -Ravioli short cut press, 3.21; half -bar. rets do., $10.75; clear fat backs, 322 to 323; long cut heavy mess, $20; half - barrels do., 310.50; dry salt long clear backs, 103,c: barrels plate beef, 51:1.50 ti $15; halt -barrels do., $7.25 to $7.75; barrels heavy meets beef, 310 te 311; half -barrels do., $3.50 to 36; compound lard, 8X to 9c; pure lard, fly W 11X,c; k. idle renderel, 11X to 12c; hams, 12 te 1330; breakfast bacon, 14 to 15c; Windsor bacon, 1434 to 15yc; fresh killed abattoir dressed hogs, 88 to $8.- 25: live, $5.75 to $5.85. Rutter - Fatl grades. 32 to 33c; fresh receipts nom- inal; dairy, 27 to 29c. Cheese -123 to 1 Xo. Eggs -the tone of the market is easier, and with increased receipts low- er prices are anticipated in the near future, bill no actual change as yet lute taken place; American selected now led are selling at 3')c; ordinary at 27 to 24c, and alentreal limed at 23c per doz- en. UNITED STATES AI \ilkl.i'S. ATnneapolis, March 17 -Wheal -May, 81.04' to $1.0.5; July. 31.03X; No. 1 hard, $1.09X.; No. 1 Northern, $L06X,; No. 2 Northern, $1.043.; No. 3 Northern, Sec l0 31.03. Flour -First patents. $5. - :la to 35.50; second patents. $5.25 to $5.40; first clears, 31.15 to 84.33; ss'c- ona clears, 33.30 to $3.40. Bran -in bulk, Si) to 321.50. Milwaukee, March 17.- Wheat -No, 1 Northern, 31.63 10 $1.10; No. 2 Northern, 21.07 t.1) $1.08; May, 93';c asked. itye--- No. 1, 83 to 83Xc. Barley -No. 2, 92e; sample, G:, W 90c. Corn -No. 3 cash, 6(:}(c; May, 65c bid. CATTLE MARKET. Termite, March 17. -The t- porlers of - forget were very few, but among thein were several excep(:onally choice steers, which brought 85.25. One Mad of heavy bulls sold for expert at 53.73 to 84.12X. Common and ntediam butchers' sold very slowly at Tuesday's lowest prices. Om' fair load of butchers' cattle brought only $3.50 Io 31.30 per cwt., while last week it could have slid easily for 34 10 $4.50. (loeel butchers' cows were in fair de- mand, but wore nisei very se.nrct'. Fnir and common cows sold at l..w prices. Not many stockers were on the nate ket, but. OS there was Illtle demand, most of what there were .sold round 3c per pound. Calve% were slow and prices ranged (min 33 to 36 per cwt. The average price per calf wee abut 36.30, so they were not very heavy. '1'1>e trade in shop was fairly ileady. anal priers held up. There was a goo.( demand f..► the best grade of grain -fed lambs, which made the price go n little higher. But common lambs s )ld slowly al Fortn- er prices. The price of hog.; is unchanged. Of- ferings have been Tight. bud a fairly large run of hop 10-daer kept the prices irom going up. SLAVES BEATEN TO DEATH Tales of Horrible Cruelty in Portuguese West Africa.. A de... of From We+Iingto'> says \ vivid ,1 '1114)11 oI a1r.+e o a al'egnl to 1 e ;s 11 ,•(1;1t,d upon sieve laborers on (. c la plat'alk)ne on the !salmis of I'r 11' u` an I Sited Therms, 1' tiliiln.:Se West .\died. wa• g teen in an address .1. ' CI1:IJten's i.iv• s in .\frier," by (len. J ubell Veneer et sent,' :\filet. at 1 eies in ell the 11114 rr)etee1,11 0.110;4.. .,n 1le we'f.lre of the .111.1, uueler the ausele. s of the Nell m li \I•:l.'lers' (iai- gre-e. 'Th.• ntloC•t e s 1 hale weln.'s•..1 in forluku.' e We -I .efr el have taken n heal 't;,'en ole." ite•'Inrerl teen. Pie - neer. "teat f cut 111:.e1f lees' fr•0.1 all rn:• les ere:, nr.t 1':avinl; use feint!v Int' 'sen t% • 1 nt.l''a 0il37, 1 1. .1 l'V;t serrated my life to the treeing of Ilse ;net arra women) that are daily being <1..ne 4, death, and the Ii111a childse•n I hate irequ.'r11ly seen l eing limen renal lh' blot flowed to the grime!. ' eft. r •1,1 ng Ih,l the "eruelttrs reel - .41 rut '.t Vies • .I -grilled human 1s'111>s e „ the it; lin'an,l leer:" Is').m l devecrip- t 4111," Gest. 1' • nser mnttne.'d: "Children tiro 1,11 11 away iron, 1' a hlen5!9 . t ihe•t nle.lhrr; Lill -old i)r ,'late,, Saves In 1h•' erupt y •,1 the r twktn:rsl('re ere; Lea - len to .firth; 11"'n, weiren aid (hit - then are mutilated. Olte,t ath'r it na- tive bas 1e►1> !Iwo t., ,teath h' is q04'- 1..011. :alp the d.(1 re•m p,•)rti el, .,1 hl• I.4: r Le hu':g ort l:ee'it 1', 1.•tinr,ze the a1:wr n