Exeter Advocate, 1908-03-19, Page 1Etc., is ripe. Splendid crop, too.
75c to JAN. '09
subscribe for the ADVO-
CATE end get u bargain
as above stated; or else
take advantag.• of our
Low Club Rates
Sale Bills
F.tlru1':RS who Whitt a
big ctowti at their sides
should trig their bills at
the -\ 1)\'(i(':\'1'1: and rid -
it. i1 . .\It\'oc.\Tit
It Means Morley to You
The Old Reliable
They are Ripe
Come and Pick Yours
Our New
Spring Crop of
Clothing, Boots, Shoes
Our Dress Good, Embroideries, are all the newest fabrics
from Fashiondom.
New Gingham, New Prints, New Laces, New Em-
broideries, New Ties, New Hats, New shirts.
Our Store is brimful of New (foods of Every
A Display Worth Looking Over.
Maybe it is a little early for Spring Goods
But we are ready for the spring rush
We expect a rush this spring
Our goods and our prices are bound to make it
Whenev:ibyou are in town come in and look our goods
over. The new things will interest you, and if you buy you
will get the newest and best at money saving prices. Come
in and look around anyway.
rNtMMl.Mal Cards.
Member of the R. C. D. 8. of Ontario and honor
Graduate of Toronto Unhersiry.
OTTICE: Over Di ,kaon i Carling's Law Otflre, In
Dv. Anderson's former Dental parlors.
sihD. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8., D. D. 8.•
Honor graduate of Toronto Cnheristy.
Tsetl extracted without any pain, or any bad effects
OSce over Otadnun .t Stanbury'e nlfl••e, Main street
Has resumed practice after spending a year (Col.
lege) at British and continental Ilosgiial,. Genal
practice with apecial attention to Eye, (with refrsc•
tion) Ear, Nose and Throat.
Office: Dashwood, Ont.
ors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners.
)blesser. for Molsons Bank, etc.
M• •y ti Loam at lowest rates of Interest.
Offices, Main street, F:xcter,
1. ti. Oakum', B.A., I. 11. DlcasoN
Ws bare a large amount of primate fund. to loan
• farm ands illage properties at low rates of Inter
Barristers, solicitors,Maln it., Exeter On
Brick and Tile for Sale
n enifn as a large quantity of first-class
e •
the grist mill at Crediton Fant. Satisfaction guar-
anteed. 1t will oe toyour interest to call and make
an'.n•pv.tion before Inningelsewhere.
JOSEPH IIAIST, Credlton East.
rit G. Y. BO JL STON, L. D. 8., D. D. 8. ',rick
, 'irick k u d and file fed or q
I on his yarda situated opposite
The undtrsignel Auctioneer has been Instructed to
sell by public auction on
Pt. LOT 4, LAKE Rd., HAY TP.
The following property
1 horsc,Farnt driver; 2 coca one milking and one
to calve in April, 2 hogs nearly ready for market, a
quantity of fowl, top buggy and cutter nearly new
Single horse wagon, straw cutter, se: siogie harness
nearly new, one set been used. cutter rote, horse
blanket., churn nearly new, kitchen rant(,', cream
separator nearly new Magnet 3(011.. capacity, 2 bed
steads bureau, dining room table, drop leaf table,%
doyen kitchen chain, lounge number carpets, molt
pails, barrels, forks, shovels, hoes, and other articles
too numerous to mention. No reserve as the pro•
prietor is giving up his farm.
R.w1 North, Townshipe real ratite of Hay, s of containing 1•of Lot No. ) ares
of land, on which there is erected a flntclass brick
house, with 4 roomsdownstaire and 3 In the upstairs,
with kitchen and woodshed and hard and soft water,
also a barn, .table, drive house. hen house,pighouse
and a rood orchard with all kinds of fruit. This Is •
beautiful home, well situated, espy terms of payment
and most be told.
oto thss creditandF.RMS SS under
ci,en on furnishing approved that Joint
otos, (( per cent. per annum off for cash on . relit
Terms of Real P-=tate nude known on day of sale
or by applying to
Thos. Cameron, Jahn Northcott
Auer. Prop.
William Brown
Prof. Ioirl.�rra of ',LIS .:.cnr•pnratet Society of
Muskier., and. organist of Truitt Memorial
Cbur•h.Exeter l',ir�n organ, Ifannnny and Theory
of Music, Tern,. on application. Exeter, Ont,
Agent ('onfedert ion Life Assurance
`ompany, also Fire' Insurance' iti leafi-
ng Canadian and British Cnntpauies.
Main -St., Exeter.
Coat and Pant Makers Wanted.
At once. Good wages paid. Apply to
DAMIllt.t k 1V.0 sir,
:199 Richmond Mt..,
London, Ont.
Notice to Contractors,
ere for the construction of the "Black Creek
h North Drain." will he received by the coon•
he ?o.snahip of flay. up to oars o'clock p. m.
neday the 1st day of April. IMO.
-tor is required n�ti.e .a•isfa•tor, fronds
nell for the ccmpletlon of the work.
at ion regarding l e work may be obtained
.1 or any tender not necessarily accepted.
Township Clerk
h1•p, flint(
Horse Sale
A number of Wotk Hormel, Colts,
and Drivers will be .old by auction at
the Metropolitan Hotel, Exeter, at the
close of Mr. Mitchell', sale on Thurs.
day, March 19th.
C. E. Ilacioniv.
The Assignees of the );.tate of AND-
REW Hi('KS, flay Merchant, Oen
trellis, inenlvrnt, will ,Rer for sale by
Public Auction en Thursday the 20th
of March. I918, at 1 o'clock p.►n. sherp,
on the Hands farm a(llniningCentralia
ell the property of the insolvent, con-
sisting of:-- Horses, cows, terming ins-
plemente, hay. press. and other chat-
tel. too numet ons to mention, also
house and lot in Centralia. For par-
ticelers see tasters sit Apply to
C. E. Hackney. E.9 . W. R. EIIi••tt.
Krqq , Inspectors: T. E. Hendren!. Esq.,
Nelson flieks, E -q., Assignees; or to
DICKSON & ('AI(l,INO, Solicitors for
Assignees. Jas. Stanley, Auctioneer.
of 20 Years Ago.
Exeter, \larch 15, 1888.
The date for the vote of the repeal
of the Scott Act in this county has
been fixed for April 9th.
There died at Rodgerville on the Oth,
Geo. albite, aged 31 years.
Some of our sportsmen secured four-
teen fine rabbits on Wednesday.
N. 1). Hurdon has been confined to
his bed through an injury sustained
while tobogganing.
Jack Vail defeated J. Black of God-
erich in a three mile race on roller
skates in the rink here on Tuesday,
winning the championship of Huron
County. Time 12 minutes, 12 seconds.
In a go -as -you -{please one mile J. Vail
was first, W. Hancock second and Ed.
Treble third.
Exeter and Stephen played two
gaatles of football this week. One was
a tie, the other one goal in favor of
The contract for the building of the
Methodist church at Kirkton was let
on Thursday. Hama & Evans of
Exeter got the brick work, Mr. Din -
nen of Lumley the carpenter work and
G. L. Money of Kirkton the painting.
The sports committee decided Mon-
day evening to celebrate May 24th,
Thames Road
The ladies of the Thames Road
church gave an ouster sapper on Mon-
day evening, and a thoroughly enjoy-
able affair it was. The roads were in
anything but a good condition for
travelling but a large number of peo-
ple were present. many coming from
a considerable distance. Besides the
oysters being served a good program
was rendered.
Auction Sale
Real Estate,
Farm Stock and Implements
Theundersigned auctioneer has been instructed to
sell be public auction at
C. E. Hackney's Sale Stables, at rear
of Lumber Yard, Exeter, on
FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 1908
The following property:
2 general Purpose marcs rising 7 year., 2 agricultur-
al mares nsiog 3 broken to harness, 2 agric.geldings
rising3, one agric. gelding rising 2 years; 2 agrin.
fillies rising two years; farmer's driver years; farm•
er'sdriver 8 years: aged horse; lady's driver 8 years;
fast driver rising 3 years, strong driver rising 3; 8
cows, either with calf at foot or due In March or
April. New rubber tired open buggy, one rub.
her tired top buggy nearly new, one second-hand
top buggy, one road cart, one cutter nearly new, one
cutter robe, set single harness. new; 3 sets single
harness, been used; number iron hog troughs.
Peal P:tate, consisting of frame dwelling house,
8 rooms, i, acre of land, directly east of sale sta-
bles, also sale barn formerly used by T. E. Itand•
ford, and two village lots on which barn is erected.
These properties are now owned by C. E. lla•kney
and must be sold. Easy teens of payment.
TERMS- rl:, and under, cash; over that amount 8
months' credit given on furnishing approved joint
notes. 6 per cent. off for cash on credit amounts.
On Real Estate —Made known on day of sale.
House For Sale.
In the Village of Exeter, situated on 8lmeoe street,
a frame dwelling,2 stories, kitchen and woodshed,
stable, good well, one fifth acre of land. All In good
condition. Will be sold reasonable. Apply at this
Township of Stephen
Nomination and Election,
Pursuant to is warrant issued by the
Reeve, Public Notice is hereby given
that a meeting of the Electors of the
Township of Stephen will be held in
the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday.
Match slid, 1908, at one o'clock in the
afternoon, for the purpose of staking
and receiving Nnmitiati,ns for ONE
Councilmen to serve for the remainder
of the year 1908.
And further notice is hereby givers
that in the event of more Candidates
being proposer) for this ()ffice than re•
quirrd to be elected, the proceedings
will be adjourned until Monday, Mar,
30th, 1908, when polls will be (putted
at 9 a.m. at the following pliers. as
fixed by Township Hy•lnw-, viz: - Poll
1,Mil1's Shoe Shop, lot 5, con. l:2. Pen•
hate's Kitchen, lot 20, Coll. 2; 3. flat'hrr
Shop, lot 11, con. 0; 4, Town Hall, lot
10, con. 0: 5, (tinningham's Kitchen,
Int 11, con. 13; 0, %immer's Ifell,lot 23,
N. It.; 7. Herman's Hell, Int 11. cnn.17:
8, Wilson's Hell, Int 40, 8.13.; 9, .\far.
caber's Hall, lot 1, Sauble, And all
electors ars. hereby r, quested to take'
notice and vovern then, -elves ecco►•d•
ingly, Henry Either.
Hrtnrning Officer
Sale Registers.
THURSDAY, MAltr'II lath - Howe, lot, stable,
horses, rigs. etc., the pro perry of Wm. Mit. hell,
Exeter. Sale at one o, lo. k. No reserve a the
proprietor is going west. E•1. fin,senberry, Auct.
Ontario Liquor License Act
License District of South Huron. Notice I. here•
h given that Mrs. John Chesnut, of the Village
of Crediton, has made application for permission
to transfer her Village ta. ern license at Crediton
to Herbert ('lark of ('rediton, and that the saki
application will be considered at the meeting of the
Board of License ('ommis.dnnera, to be held at the
('ental lintel, in Village of Exeter, nn the 27th day
of March, 1168, at the hour of 10 am.
All persons interested will govern themselves se
John Torrance, Lleense Insper-tot.
Dated at Clinton, this 16th day of Mar h, ma
S50 Reward
A rew,srd of ift.io will be given for in-
formative that will tem] to theconvic•
tion of the perane who poit•oned my
dog on or about Mf:areh 7th.
\V. 3. CAniaso.
People who have not looked into the
Canning Factory industry in Ontario
have very little idea of its extent and
vital importance to both urban and
rural municipalities. There are about
70 factories in operation in this pro-
vince, employing about 7,000 hands in
1900 yielding the fanners for crops
cultivated for factory purposes over
$800,000. The bele employed in the
factories was subdivided as follows:—
Females, 4,216. male 2,543, these figur
not including official stats of factories
A young Scotch collie, bitch, 9
monthe old; light red, long hair, dark
along back, bushy tail. Finder kindly
return or make known to
Tilos, Paton, Exeter.
Accused of Heresy.
A special from Boston, Mass., to the
Iwndon Free Press, thus refers to a
former rector of the Trivitt Memorial
Choreb:—"Accused of being a traitor
to Unitarianism and being secretly a
follower of Mary Baker Eddy in
Christian Science, Rev. Ernest W.
Hunt, pastor of the Wollaston (Mass.)
Unitarian Church and known as a
pillar of the Unitarian belief in the
East, was dismissed by a stormy in-
dignation meeting of his parishioners
yesterday. Educated with brilliant
honors at Huron College, at London,
Ontarlo,•and ordained there into the
ministry of the Church of England by
Bishop Baldwin in 1892, later asking
to be deposed that he might enter the
Unitarian ministry, serving faithfully
in bis chosen faith, until his recent
utterances concerning "religion and
health," Dr. Hunt to -day finds himself
cast adrift front his wealthy parish.
He maintains stoutly his right to
preach the truth as he see., and his
few faithful friends who have stood by
him in bis present trouble declare him
to be a martyr in the cause of truth.
His followers have engaged a hall in
which Dr. Hunt will continue his
Mrs. Scbluecter, of Michigan, is at
present visiting among her relatives
in this community.—Miss Mlle, of the
lith Ccncession, spent a few days
with friends in the village during the
week.—Mr. Milton Edighoffer, of Sar-
nia, spent a few days here during the
past week.—One night last week great
excitement was caused by the appear-
ance of a colored gentleman on our
streets at a late hour, wbo appeared
to be mtiaistbe worse of liquor. The
question arose as to what should be
done and it was thought he ought to
be looked after and consequently little
skirmishes took place between the cit-
izens and the would be stranger, in
which the darky showed signs of great
strength and agility. It was soon
noised about among the spectators
and all kept a safe distance and when
the colored gent approached any of
the onlookers they quickly withdrew,
leaving him monarch of all be could
survey. Imagine their surprise when
suddenly the colored man faded,
"bleached out" as it were, end to
their surprise they found out they had
been subjected to a huge joke, that
the darky was no other tban one of
their number who a few minutes be-
fore had sat and chatted with the rest
of the boys around the different shops
and stores. He is one of the beet na-
tured citizens we have and thoroughly
enjoys a gond joke, even if the laugh
is on himself. This time, however, be
turned the tablets on the other fellows.
—Rev. L. H. Wagner conducted the
quarterly meeting service here on
Sunday last.
Mise Jennie Cunningham bas re-
turned home after spending a time
with her brother in Khiva,—Mr. John
Scales has moved to the village, hav-
ing rented his term to Rey Cohleigh.
—Mantford Hanson of Port Huron
spent a couple days last. week under
the parentel roof.—Dr. H• dgins end
wife spent Monday with the fnrtnees
parents here.—The Shamrock Mcdi•
cine Co. are advertising their medicine.
by giving shows in the Town Hell dur-
ing the week.—We are pleased to see
Mr. Ben Mentes and wife in aur midst
ngein.—Miss Lizzie Patten of London
spent Iasi w. ek with her parents here.
—Thr Mewing Ct,el.• of the W. M. S.
met at the home of the Pieisid,'nt, Mrs.
Herbert, to h.'lp prep -ire the faux fur
the D.•acnnes, H.,ui.', Tnt'ntlto.—Mrs.
A. Cunningham of Credit onspent part
of last week with Mts. Cunnrnith..111
of this place. —Ira Bele has mrde it
beet preparatory f •r t he fishing season.
'iF ii 4'ti/ 4 g Nom' 1
We Want Your
Blit not at the .•xp.'ns.• of
your esteem --- hence wP
Save poi 111••riey
Bose Shampoo and Pau de
quinine Nair Tonk,
Skin and Tooth Preparations.
Flavoring gxrracts, Perfumes
and Cold t 'urea,
Medi. final and F'an y Soaps
are made from the loire.t
and best material• known
Talk for Themselves,
W.. Went Yon t., (Iwll
„nil Hee Oar Orw,ds
\\•:et• h \\.""'"w, r" """g 41 HEAMAN'S HARDWARE STOVE
.��.,�illsa>�& STORE
Goshen Line Stephen
DEATH—The death took place on
Mar, 10th, of Mai'y Ann Liddicott, r
Het of the late Pascoe Kestle, at th
ago of 85 years, 10 months, Decease
bad been ailing for a 3 ear, and h t
been seriously ill for the last six week ,
owing mainly to a general breaking
up of the system due to old age. She
had been blind for several year's, which
had rendered her to a certain extent
helpless. Born in Cornwall, England,
she was there married to her husband
who died over twenty years ago. They
came to Canada over fifty years ago
and settled on the homestead on which
they continued to reside until death.
Mrs. Kestle was highly esteemed by
all who knew her. She was a fond
mother and a kindly neighbor. The
children who sot vive are George,
Thomas and Jonah on the homestead,
Josiah and William in Lashburn,
Sask., Mrs, John Brown of Centralia
and Miss Jennie at hotne. The funer-
al takes place today (Thursday) to the
Exeter cemetery.
"Life in Every Dose"
e• "I cannot speak too highly of PBS'-
? chine, for it is the greatest medicine I
d ever used. I was just about 'all in'
d when I began the treatment, and in 3
s months I was as well as ever. It is a
great tonic for weak and run down peo-
ple. There is new life in every dose."
Ridgetown, Ont., Dec. 19, 1906.
It is a sin not to tell your sick friends
about this wonderful prescription.
Throat, lung and stomach troubles, and
all run down conditions quickly cured
by its use. At all druggists, 50c and
*1.00, or Dr. T. A. Slocum, Ltd., Toronto
Miss Martie Crawford is spending
this week with friends in St. Marys.—
Mark Kenny moved into the house
lately vacated by Frank Stanlake be-
longing to Nelson Hayter of Green-
wsy. --John and Lan Sullivan of Cen-
tralia spent part of last week with
their brother-in-law James Cronyn,
who is laid up with something like
nervous prostration supposed to be
the result ofover work,—Joseph Guin-
an, the Township assessor, has made
his round through our burg but has
not completed his woik yet in the
west end.—Soh Pollock has sold his
100 farts to John Love for $5500 giving
possession at once. Mr. Pollock has
bought the farm of his brother -in -late,
Del. Mollard, known as the Fallis pro-
perty for $7000, containing 113 acres
and intends to tuov'e onto it again the
let of April. Mr. Mollard i8 going to
the Canadian West.—James Kenny is
hired with Tom Love for the summer.
—Geo. Turnbull of Sarnia, after a
pleasant visit with friends here and at
Brewster, returned to his home a few
days ago.—Mike Cronyn of Centralia
visited his brother Jim on Friday last.
intended for last week.
The members of St. Patrick's church,
held a Plate Social at the borne of Mr.
and Mrs. Thos. Dickens on Tuesday
evening, March 3, in aid of the mission
fund. The attendance was good.
Rev. G. W. Racey occupied the chair.
The readings by Mr. Geo. Stanley and
Mise Robinson of Kirkton were notch
Infante too young to alts medicine may be
cured of croup, whooping cough and colds by
using Vapo•Cresolene—they breathe it.
appreciated as was also the singing of
Miss Rowe of Lncau. The selections
by Mr. Garnet Isaac and Miss Mabel
Isaac on the organ and viola's were
well received, Proceeds $20.—Wood
bees and dances are the order of the
day.—Rich. Drought lost a valuable
horse through death this week.— \Ve
are sorry to learn that. F. A. i)ohltn is
obliged to go to the London Hospital,
when he will undergo an operation.—
Frank Davis is attending the meeting
of the Grand Orange Ledge. --F, T.
Davis had a wood bee this week also
H. W. Hodgins bad a wood bee and
dance in the evening.
ISAAC—In Stephen, on March 2nd, to
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Isaac, a son.
MARTENS—Ill Stephen, On March 11,
to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Martene, a
BEDARD—At the Sauble Line, Hay,
on the 10th inst., to Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Bedard, a son,
March 4th, Miss Musser, daughter of
Aaron Musser, and Benj. Sheppard,
March 4th, Miss Eva Lillian, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jepheth Turner
and W. Herbert Sberritt, both of
CLARK—BRocx—At the home of the
bride's patents, Huron street, Exe-
ter, on March 18, by the Rev. A. 11,
Going, Mr. Herbett Clark, of Credi-
ton, to Mies Mary A., daughter of
Mr. Thos. Brock.
FRANCIS—In Ushorne nn March 12
James Henry Francis, aged 57 years
and 4 months.
MAWHINNEY—In Stephen, on Mar. 14,
Geo. Mawhinney, sr., aged 79 years,
11 tnonthe.
KESTLs—In Stephen, on Mar. 16th,
Mary Ann I.iddicott, relict of the
late Pascoe Kestle, aged 85 years, 10
Remember the Store one door north Post Office
Our Milliucry Opellings
Friday and Saturday
March 20 and 21
Ladies are
Furniture, Wood-
work n nd Fl oors
Also Hollywood, Elephant and Martin
at 15, 25, 45 and 50c.
Alalhlstine in all shades 25 and 50c. packages
Brushes from 5c. up