Exeter Advocate, 1908-03-12, Page 4RDER A SUIT Why nut in Ake yourself it present One That Will Look Well Wear Well and Last Well A suit of Clothes or an Overcoat would be just the thing and some- thing that would afford the wearer comfort as well as the pleasure of know- ing that he is well dressed. We Have the Very Latest C lothes and Patterns. J. H. Holtzmann CREDITON 05seter Abuorate, Sanders & Creech, Props. THURSDAY,Mar. 12, 1908 VOTE AND COMMENT'S The Conservatives of North Perth 'have chosen Dr. M. Steele as their can- didate fiat the Dominion House. The correct returns for New Bruns- wick provincial election show Conser- vatives 31. Liberals 10, Independents 5 seats. The Prince of Wales accompanied by the English Atlantic fleet will visit Canada in July to attend the hig cele- bration in Quebec. Hon. Geo. P. Graham, minister of railways and canals, advises the Gov- ernment to deepen Welland canal to cheapen the carrying of grain from the west. Ontario bas a real surplus again this year $600,173.58 as compared with 429,290 last year, in spite of the large- ly increased grants to rural schools, agriculture, justice, crown lands and colonization. The estimated expenditure for 1908 in the Ontario Legislature is $7,601.876, a decrease from last year of two hun- dred dollars. The expenditure on pub- lic and separate schools is increased from $937,3(3) to $1,103,958. The awful death of the 100 little children by a tire in Cleveland, Ohio. on March 4th, should he :a warning to all that every place of public meeting should be provided with plenty of door roost so that they may be emptied in a moment: That the reduction in prices of school hooks by the Ontario Legislature means something material is shown, when a former priced 10c. reader is nought for 5c; a lir. reader for 7c: a ±Oo. reader for 9e; a 30c. reader for 13c; a 40:. reader for 15c; and so on through the whole list. A. B. Aylesworth. minister of jus- tice,ives notice of an amendment to the Election Act along lines proposed hy Mr. Alcorn in his recent speech in the Commons. According to the amendment. all con'rihutions to earn. liaign funds must he p tid directly to t he candidate's agent and published hy him. Corporation contributions are torbidden under a penalty of $1.000 for each donation and two years' im- 1lrisnaRllent. The penalty for hiring teams to take electors to polus is in- ereiteed and liverymen are linl•Ie to a penalty for hiring out teams. ‘Vhere tam elector's name is omitted from the fist be may vote on a numbered ballot os taking the oath th it he ie legally rturtlified. Mooresville Mr. and Mrs. Beatty of Sarnia is vire iting Mrs. John Gilmour. -Miss Tessia Keil is visiting in London. -Miss Ada Neil is visiting in Lucan and vicinity. —Quite e. uttnll►t•t (runt here attended i e Old Folks Concert in Clendettoye last week. --The Women's Institute held their annual meeting here last week and was well attended. Mr. Yates give en interesting address in the evening. They held aunion meet - fog in the Maecal,ee Hall and had a full house. The addresses hy Mr. Wil - eon, Miss Mattes and others were listen- ed to afeh great attention. After the meeting the young people tripped the the light fantastic fur a few hours. The next meeting of the Women's ln- Clitute will be held at the home of Mise undy. The subjects will he "prepar- ing eggs" And "spring sewing All ladies invited. --John Bloomfield spent A few dates in London list week. Ask Your Own Doctor If he tells you to take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for your severe cough or bronchial trouble, then take it. if he has anything better, then take that. We have great confidence in this medicine. do will you, when you once know it. The best kind of a testimonial "Sold for over maty years " 4qersNada by Z. C. Auer Co , Lowen, Mama Also saenorrturw. •f �eItSlIYR11 ti fat l>. Silk! ,liedt ■ tYs hag. Th :maws, W• rolls,:, the fsraolas of &A our usdle:ow. Keep the bowels open with one of _Arse's Pills at bedtime, Just one. Crettiton ANNot•NCE)tENT. -- Mist) Olivra Holtz - mann we -his to announce that she will receive a limited nuutbe•r of pupils for instructions on Piano and Organ. Miss Hoban:ten holds t wo ce'ititlates from the Toronto University of Music on Theory and Piano. Miss Ada Siebert of Dashwood spent a few days herr this week, the guest of her cousin, Miss Delia Brown. -Mrs. Dora Link bas returned home from Toronto where she has been attending the Spring Milliner • Openings for S. Brown. -Jacob Finkbetuer of Exeter was in town on Tuesday visiting old friends.- We are pleased to state that Mrs. Chas. %wicker is rapidly recover- ing her strength and her many friends trust she will boon regain her good health. -The revival meetings which were held in the Evangelical chut•ch the past two weeks, cane to a close on Friday evening. -The recent thaw has trade the roads in poor condition. in many places the Pathmasters are plowing out the roads and are there- by making a deckled improvement. - A large number of our citizens are bus.y at the wood pile. Some of the house keepers feel the spring weather and are starting to clean house and make life miserable for the poor MAN is kept on the jump front morning un- til night. -Miss Ella Link has returned from Exeter. where she visited her aunt, Iles. %Vin. Kunz, the past week. -harry Beaver is wearing a great. Big smile these days. He is the proud father of a bouncing baby boy. Con- gratulations! -The Canadian Bank of Commerce opened up their branch here on Monday. There is a new staff on hand. The Bank will now relieve our people of a great deal of inconven- ience which they had to undergo since the Sovereign Bank closed its doors. - Charles Stock and wife returned to their home in Sebringville last Friday, after visiting friends here for a few days. -Miss Davidson of Goderich has taken charge of the room in the School, lately taught by Mies Lilian Robinson. The Choral Festival, which was to have been given in the Town Hall on the 14th ult., and was postponed on account of the weather, was rendered iu the Village on Monday evening, the 9th lust. Owing to the fact that it was not very well advertised, the at- tendance was not as large as it would have been. The program was one of the best ever given in town. The Chorus of 60 voices, under the leader- ship of N. E. Hicks of Centralia, sang with great spirit and their efforts re- flected great credit upon the Conduc- tot as an Instructor. They sang six numbers, the "Bridal Chorus" from the Rose Maiden, "King all Glorious" and the "Soldiers Cborus" frotn Faust, are worthyof special mention. The Imperial uartette of London, consis- ting of Messrs. Pink, Fitzgerald, Moule and Hicks were in good voice and sang with power. Messrs. Hicks and Houle displayed their abilities as solo- ists. The Quartette was repeatedly encored, and many bad a good laugh at the facial contortions of that jolly fellow, Pink. His solo "Empress of the Seas" and the duet"Excelsior" by himself and Mr. Moule were of a high order and well merited the loud ap- plause given. The final number "Crossing the Bar" by the Quartette was beautiful. Each singer dispayigg his part to perfection. The encore "Your Mother is praying tor you" was very suitable and ruore than one was delighted with it. Miss Clara Heist of this village sang the popular solo "!:ear not ye, 0 Israel" by Buck. Her singing was of a high order. Miss Lillian Elliott's solo "The Miller and the Maid" was well sung and took well with the audience. it is regrettable that more were not in attendance, as there was a great treat in store for those who attended. Mr. Hicks de- serves the congratulations of all for the able manner the prograin was ren- dered and we feel satisfied that if at any future time, he gives another en- tertainment in our Vitlage. that it will be well patronized. Great was the shock to our citizens when the sad intelligence was 'phoned from Detroit on 'Tuesday morning, that Mrs. fere' M. Humble (nee Ent- ut.a Ston n) had died in the hospital in th it city after goiig through an oper- ation. The deceased's body arrived here un Tuesday evening and the in• lea nient will take place in the Evan- gelical cemetery on Thursday (to -day) at 2 o'clock. She was 27 years and naonttts and was only married to her bereaved husband last June. She leaves to mourn her loss, a sorrowing husband, father, mother, two sisters and a brother, who all have the heart- felt sympathy of the entire commun- ity in (his their sad beteavenient. The following is the report of the standing of the pupils of the Crediton P. 8. for Feb, Continuation. Class iii. -Algebra, A Holtzman 51. Class 11.-0 Short 79, M Rrown 78 (honors); E McMurray 52, (i Sweitzer 61. Class i. -•E. Trtn',nner 100, E Hi11(11, it Kien• zle 00, E Geiser 85, 11 Meadd 81 (hon• ors);C Finkbeiuertlt, M Oestreicher 03, R Coughlin 03, W Oestreicher 01. 8 Wuerth 5e,, B Hill 62. i' Heist 51. Lit- erature -G Short. 73, E Geiser 09, E Hill 01, R Hill O1. M Brown 02, A Holtzmann 01, K Kienzle 59, H Cough- lin 54, P liaise 50, E McMurray 4R, E Truemner •tri. --C. Bluett, teacher. Division 111.-8r. IV. -L (iiaser, P Treitz. A Finkheiner (honor,); F Fab- ner. Jr. IV. - M Wenzel, L Brown. .Sr. i1i.-F Hill. V Holtzruan, E Bean (honors); L Oestreicher, P Fahner, M (frown. -Miss Robinson, teacher, Division 11. -Jr. 111.-C Hill, W Rau, (i Gibson (honors); F Hill, E Bea- ver, S Wein, M Clark, E (iaiser, G Benedict. Sr. IL-. K Treitz (honors); (3 Guenther, it English, L Weiner, Wuerth. Jr. Pt. 11,-N S,inibrook (honors); 1. McMerraty, 11 Rau, V Sil- ber, It Wolfe. -Miss Girvin, teacher. Division 1. --Jr. i1. -U Oestreicher R King. Sr. Pt. I1. --K Sweitzer (hon- oree, L Heist, G f:Import. V Kestle. A (target, 1. (teen. .t►. 1't. 11. -R Clark, Sc. Pt. 1.- 1•' Finkheiner, 12 llaist, A Weiner, 11 Redden, Jr. Pt. 1.- M King. -Miss Kienzle, teacher. Siin:isle Mr. SVrn. Andrew and daughter. Miss Marry, after spending about three months under the parental roof and visiting other teletives, left for their home ,if H.rmiota, ,Man., oa Friday evening last. --Mr. Henry Andrew, 411.1 hits Ias•en visiting his sister, Mrs, Joshua Johns, expects to leave for the West next week. -The thaw of last w eek and the waren ern, combine d with the March winds, are hiving a, severe effect on our roids,--Several from the village and vicinity atteeded the auction sale of Mr. Andrew Gibson .on Tne.day last. Dashwood Mr. Ash, of f'ui el%ille, has been sent by the Farmers !lank to look af- ter the branch here. \Ve trust the people of this community will give to the bank here their continued patron- age. Everyone should stay with their own town and business places, as that is the only way to build up a place. - Mr. Jacob Kellerman. who bas suc- cessfully conducted a general store business here for the past twenty- three years, sold out last week to Messrs. Ezra Tiernan and Geo. Edig- hotfer, both of this plaice. They are busy taking stock this week and ex- pect to be through and ready for busi- ness early next week. The new firm will be known by the name of Tiernan ac Edigboffer. We bespeak for them a liberal share of patronage. -Mr, Ed. Siebert, who has been taking a course in a Business College, came home last week and has taken a position as clerk in his father's store. -Mr. Joseph Eidt bas purchased a grist mill in Linwood and he is now offering his property bere for sale. They have long been residents of this place and will be much 'Hissed when they leave for their new home in Linwood. -The v, P. A, added six new menbecs to its list at the business meeting held on Monday night. The Alliance is in a very prosperous condition, and much good will crowns the efforts put forth by the little company of faithful work - res. New tnerr: tiers were received into church fellowship last Sunday even- ing; five new names were enrolled. - Mr. Ira Brown and his sister were vis- itors at the home of Mr, and Mrs, WVut. Siebert on Sunday last. -Miss Tillie Miller was visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Witmer. of the Goschen Line, near Zurich, last week, return- ing home on Sunday. -Next Sunday Rev. T. H. Wagner. of Berlin, will administer The Lord's Supper to the members and friends of the Evangeli- cal Church, -Mr. Daniel Schroeder held an auction sale of farm stock and implements on Wednesday. Mr. H. Guenther will conduct a sale of farm stock and implements this Saturday afternoon. -Mr. E. M. Brokensbire made a business trip to Zurich on Monday. KLBINSTIVER--W ILLI:RT-Toe home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Willert, Dash- wood, was the scene of a pleasing ev- ent v.ent on Tuesday evening, March 3rd, at 5 o'clock, p. tn.. when Miss Effie E. was united in the holy bonds of matri- mOny to Mr. William 11. Kleinstiver. Rev. Thun of the Lutheran church officiated. While the wedding march was played by Miss Linda, sister of bride, the bride, leaningon her father's arm, entered the parlor which wasde- corated with an arch, beautifully trimmed with evergreens and white and pink carnations. The bride look- ed charming in cream chiffon taffeta trimmed with silk over lace and rib- bon, carrying a briquet of white carna- tions and ferns. Miss Bertha Willert, sister of the bride acted as bridesmaid, handsomely dressed in whiteJapanese taffeta silk, trimmed with lace, while Mr. Robert Ilayter acted as grooms- man. Miss Pearl, sister of the pride. took her place as tuaid of honor, dress - in white Version lawn trimmed with white valenciennes lace and insertion. Miss Etbilda Maclsaac, niece of the groom and Miss Myrta Hoffman, cous- in of the bride, dressed in creatn Bril- liantine and carrying a basket of flow- ers made very charming little flower girls. After congratulations the guests numbering one hundred and twenty•tive all partook of the sump- tuous supper prepared in the dining roots which ryas prettily decorated with evergreens for the occasion, after which the evening was spent in music, singing and games of various descrip- tions. The wedding presents were numerous and costly showing the es- teems in which the young couple are held. Goshen Line Stephen Miss Susie Hartman, who has been visiting her aunt on the Babylon Line, returned home Thursday.- Ire. Pas- coe Kestle is very ill at present. We hope for her speedy recovery. -Miss Tillie Wilds, who has been working in Crediton, has returned home. --One of the recent storms damaged J. Flynn's windmill to a considerable extent. - Mrs. Kavenaugh of Detroit is home visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Keys.-- Wm. Yearly, out couttcil- lor, has improved his shade trees along the roadside by having they tops trine• med.-Quite a number of farmers took advantage of the good sleighing, and hauled a good number of tile horse. People around here will soon have it as dry as those in town with local op- tion.-- A sleigh load of Exeter people drove to Satre Preszcator's on Friday evening and enjoyed a social hap, till the wee smell hours of the morning. Kestle Bros. furnished the music. Centralia Mr. 11. Handford is under medical treatment for his arm, which was very badly scalded some weeks ago and does not heal up, giving hint great pain and suffering. -Mrs. Anderson is improv- ing acd able to be nut again. -The Ladies' Aid Society held their annual meeting Thursday at Mrs. Thos. Neil's, when all the officers were re-elected and two new members were received. -The W. M. S. hold their annual an- niversary services next Sunday and Monday. The pastor, Rev. W. H. Hutt, preaches on the Sunday and a ten cent social is to be held on Monday evening. A good programme is being arranged for. -The concert tinder the leadership of Mr. Nelson E. (held on Tuesday evening. though not largely attended. was an eseeptionailly tiny one. The choruses we're grand and tete impeti tl (Ft/trifle. as used vett' popular. $hipka ,Miss Josie Brenner of Detroit is it guest at Ezra lb miner's. --Peter Mc- Kenzie wets in Gode•r i,'h as it juror last week. --Miss Martha (Leiser is learning dressm king in Dashwood. -J. D. Hannan had an auction sale of stock oh Monday. Cland('lrt•ye, The old fashioned r.'n.•ett held here in the Town Hall in connection witty St. James ('hurcti was it great success. There acre costumes worn by soul,• of the actors about half au century old. - Mrs. Tom Hudgins has retnrnett to her Salvation Army Praise "I feel it nuy duty to testify to the beuefit I have received front the use of Psyching. While travelling in New On- tario conducting special meetings I eon- Iracted a very bad cold, which gradual- ly developed into Bronchitis of the worst form. I was advised to try Psychtne, which I did, and after using but a few bottles I was completely re- store.' to health. I recommend this wonderful remedy to sufferers from Bronchitis and other troubles." Later: "I wish to add that my voice. since using Psychine, is stronger and has much more carrying power than it bad before I had bronchitis, and the vocal chords do not tire with speaking." P. TILLER, Capt. Sale'n. Array. Ann St., Toronto, Aug. 13, 1907. Throat, cured by sunt pt ion. or Dr. T. lung and stomach troubles Psychine; also incipient eon - All druggists, 50c and 0.00, A. Slofum, Limited, Toronto home in Battleford after spending the Winter with her parents here. -Mr. Jell, our former station agent. is en- joying a few holidays with his daugh- ters in Galt before leaving here. -111r. and Mrs. Sbaddock, of Ilderton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Lam- port, and also Mt'. and Mrs. Fenton, of 4th concession of McGillivray. -Mrs. Dempsey has returned to her home in Parkhill after visiting Mrs. Hennessy, of this place. -Mr. E. Pullman, of London, spent Sunday with friends here. -Mr. Austin Bice spent a couple of days in London last week. -Mr. Ward, the bus driver from Lucan to Claudeboye, had the misfortune to lose one of his horses last Saturday by having its leg broken. owing to the drifted condition of the roads. -Miss Gerred, of Lambeth, is the guest of Miss May Jell. -Mrs. W. W. Kilmer entertained a few of her friends one evening last week. A very enjoyable time was spent. -A few from here took in the concert held in Centralia Tuesday evening, -Mr. Holmes is tak- ing up a series of sermons on the "Tabernacle" in the Methodistcburcb, which are listened to with interest. - The many friends of Mrs. Ben Marc sympathize with her in her illness. Lucas The bachelor's hall last week was a very successful one. Guests were pre- sent from London, 8t. Marys, Strat- ford, Granton, Exeter, Parkhill and 8t. Thomas. -Miss Violet Carter, mill- iner, will remain in Toronto this sea- son, having been engaged at Fair - weather's. -While engaged in unhitch- ing a hearse at Lucan John Cluff of the 2nd con. of Biddulph received a ter- rible kick from the horse. His jaw bone was fractured in two places and five teeth knocked out. Donald McKinnon, who bas been in the employ of the G. T. Railway here for the past twenty-four years -twen- ty years on the section and the Last four as watchman -has been put on the retired list with a pension of $200 a year. John Atkinson, until recently employed at the Central Hotel, has taken his place as watchman at the Main street crossing. -James Carroll, who came here from Science 11111, near St. Marys, a year ago to manage the Win. Read Stock Farm, east of the village, has given up his position to W. It. Coleman. Mr. Carroll bas un- dertaken a similar position for John Bickley, near London, on the Hamil- ton Road. -F. II. Neil left on Monday for Claremont and the East to pur- chase sheep for shipment to the West- ern States. -On FFSaturday morning one of the horses on Inc stage line be- tween here and Clandeboye, belonging to John Ward, mail carrier, while passing down the Sauble Hill, stumb- led and broke one of its hind legs. - Miss Mason, of Merlin, has re -opened her millinery shop and is active in preparing for the Spring Opening. Miss Ready is her assistant. Kirkton Mr. and Mrs. A. Bretbour are recov- ing from grip. -Ed. Kennedy is not improving as his friends would wish. -Rev. Veale is suffering from a brok- en rib or two. -Mr. Elliott has rented his farm near the cemetery to Mr. Blake. The former will move into the village. -John Shute who has been suffering from La Grippe is aide to be out again. -Geo. Farthing intends go- to the west this week, and will take a load of settlers effects. -A Farmer's ('Tub has been organized here. Regu- lar meeting will be held. Farm sub- jects will be discussed. DRATH.-The death occurred here on Sunday morning of a highly res- pected resident of Blanshard near here, Mr. Ed. Kennedy. He suffered a stroke of paralysis a few weeks ago and bis death was the result of the stroke. He was the assessor for the township for twenty years and had al- ways given the best of satisfaction. A wife and a number of boys and girls survive. The tonere! took place on Tuesday to the Kirktnn cemetery under the auspices of the Orange Or- der of which he was a prominent mem- ber. 1 Vq Tt-sa STMT • , eras JAI 1 't -+W t "1 can take you to a hunrlrutl l:n::1:8, right around fn) ':•ate, 111 II 1.; .1 Ft. George's is used." " foto call ail; 1hrne, vtL••r de the baking, what they think of f .. t. Geer ge s la L� iii f slider "And every oneof the hundred will toll you the same - that St GC(.rl;c's stands every test and newer i,ses its strer.e;tlt." lira(, for /r re rales' a/otv, CAA 14o1k. National iDrug• R chemical Co. of 0110114.11, Limited. Montreal. M Porter Undoubtedly the best ',reeved on the continent. Proved to be so by Analysis of tour chemists, and IC awards of the worlds great Ex onions, especially CI►ICAGO 1893, where it received ninety-six points out of a possible hundred, much higher than any other Porter in the United Stales or Canada. CENTRAL STBATiMR°, ONT. lnvestigete int the Merits of the Itis the moat successful business training school in western Ontario. Our Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy Departments are in charge of able instructors of experience. All our courses are'thor• ough up-to-date and practical. 11'e have become one of the largest business trailing schools in the Provihce. net our tree catalogue and learn what we are doing Commercial a,•nools as well as busi- ness men employ our graduates. Students are en- tering each week. Enter now. ELLIOTT & MCLACHLAN, Principals Clubbing Rates We can equal any club- bing rate offered. Call/ and see. Wood's 'hoephodiai, The Great Fieglii& Remedy. 'l'ones and in- ,!,uratettho whole nervus 1. a makes now Blood in c•. i 1 :ora. Curie Nero- oua Debility,/, Mental area :u -.,.se, Worry, Iks- rond-ace. Sertutl Weakness, Enrit.•eion.+, Spew -aotorrh.ra, and Effects of Abuse or 1 rtes ea. t':ieoil ler box. sisfor $5. Lynewill plouw six will core. Sold by all druggists or mailed in plain pkg. ou receipt of o-i,•e. Nears pamphlet mailed free, The Mod Medicine Ca (formerly I rindsor) Toronto, Ont. 1-s THE MOLSONS BANK. (incorporated by Act of Parliament 1866) Head Office, Capital Paid Up Reserve Fund Assets Over SIXTY-TWO BRANCHES IN Montreal 83,200,000 3,000,000 33,000,000 THE DOMINION OF CANADA - EXETER BRANCH - OFFICE HOURS 10a.nLto3p.m. SATURDAYS, 10 a. m. to 1 p. es, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed Saving Bank Department t l'ntil further notice Interest on Rai inss accounts will he credited quarterly instead of half yearly as formerly Deposits of $11 and t;p)aids received. Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. DICKSON & CARLiNO, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager, DISCOURAGED MEN 18 LIFE WORTH LIVING MEN, you become- disheartened when you feel the symptoms of Nervous I)ebllity and decline stealing upon you. You haven't the nerve or ambition you used to o. You feel you are not the rna ou ought to be. You feel like givit,,r up 10 despair. You get nervous and weak, have little ambition, pain in the back over kidneys, draft's at night, hollow eyes, tired mornings, prefer to be alone, distrustful, variable appetite, looseness of hair, poor clr• culation-you have Nervous Debility. Our New Method Treatment ly your refuge. It will strengthen all weak organa. vitalize the nervous system, purify the blood and restore you to a mare ly condition. Pay When Cured. READER Aro you n victim! Have you lost hope? Are you intending to annry? Ifas your blood been diseased? have you any weakness? Our New Method Treatment will cure you. what It has demi for huudrnls of others, it will do for you. ( NSCLTATION FREE. No matter who has treated you, Write for an honest opinion Free of Charge. Charges reasonable. BOOKS FREE—"The Golden Monitor" (illustrated), on Liseases of Men. ESTABLISHED 20 YEARS -CURES GUARANTEED. No Treatment stat C. O. D. No names on boats of envelopes. Everything confidential. Questing list and cost of Hoose Treatment FREE. DRs.KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. -Ir A EXETER DIAMOND HALL, FIIEST JEWELLERT OUR NEW STOCK OP Watches, Jewellery. Silverware, Toilet Sets, Etc., Etc., has just been opened up and we may safely say that this is the finest stock that has ever been shown in Exeter. Our Goods are at Prices To Suit EVERYBODY They Will Sult You Call and Examine Early A. MARCHAND, Exeter, Ont. 1' 4