Exeter Advocate, 1908-02-06, Page 51
ezeter Ativotate
$I 00 it laid in ad,an:e,
1 • bo a) ear if not so paid.
To t'aIte4 States Septic rice ra 111.80
a Year Strictly it advaace.
SANDERS k CREEC1f, Publishers.
Buys a good
Doherty Organ
A must beautiful line of Station-
ery, Bibles, Iiymn Books, etc., at
Awag Down Prices.
`Call and see them.
C0ok'8 Cotton Root Compound.
The great Uterine Tonle, and
only sato etrec•tual Monthly
Regulator on which women can
depend. Sold in three degrees
of strength -No. I, 1 ; No. 2
10 degrees stronger 33. No. S,
for special cases, per box.
Sold by all d tit, or sent
prepaid on ecce ppt of price.
Pyre pamphlet. Address : TN(e
CODKMEDIDIN!CO..ToIONT0.0NT. (loreerly Windsor)
BY MAIL Time at ifome
P: ,rant cur course to be in every hr me in
Or. ,.. witcre there are ladies. so have dsc:did
to 1..,e, direct to the public our improved $1.3
-crou-se in dressmaking, including our 1.:.d:es
fail .r System for wh,Aesaie price. 85.00
M there are a Luta number of poi .!. c -
ially d;e.anakers :Al you cannot leaoi t.. n .u1
we ,v:.i :wad ,.,star and fist Iccr,n (..hick
teach••' hov +o make a perfect fitting waist,
registered 1., any addres, in Ontario. After you
are ;:atis5.s1 :ou can learn. send 1•:00 and we
f,.r.vard'lull course of lessons. P:ca•e d:)
tut •.end unless you wish to learn dressmaking;
we are ss sure a-ty.me can learn that we guar-
r:nte. to gi•.•e S.00 to anyone we cannot teach.
:of a les ,aa teach how to cut. fit andut
togrthcr• any garment rem the plainest shirt
waist •-uit to the most elaborate dre's. This is
the c n:y course in Canada that the whole family
can Ram by one member taking it up. We
la-:• been in business for ten years, have taught
over :.0:10. Beware cf imitations. as some
have been known to copy our advs. and even
claimed where they were not known to be the
inventor of this course. No adv. is genuine
with.,'it our "10000 guarantee.
C' -ire for particulars.
Erie Street. Stratf .rd. O:etart.,, Canada.
2 reliebriiten as agent.. :et Exeter
and surrounding country to sell our
specialties, MAYNARD PLUM, FITZ-
eral line of fruit and ornamental trees.
You a an nt:tke money out of our stock
where you would fail with (emotion
stock. We pay cash weekly, supply
o•.tttit free. and give exclusive territory
Growers of high grade nursery stock,
Toronto, Ont.
N.13. -Special terms to suit agents
working part time.
r'IF 'Er IlarIgilir
Enter Any Day
Our management trains more
13,mkkeepers, Stenographers and
ip Telegraphers than any other in
Western Ontario. No extra
charge tor two your•ses.
Most eminently qualified ill-
ystt•uctors. Graduates assisted to Mrs, (i.u,141 will addressi missionary
good positions. Ocher colleges meeting in Boston Methodist church,
Greenway, on Friday evening next.--
engage our graduate tistet)Ctl"rs
Individual instruction.
--Chalks Jineks wears a broad smile
NAII. COURSI?S in \fulricu• these days. No wonder for he is the
1 tion. Civil Stealer. Penman• happy father of :t young sun. Ruth
ship, `shorthand. Bookkeeping. mother and babe are doing nicely. --
etc. Mies 11r(hegeer i4 daily improving.--
S••nd a postal for information 4 11:nsd.,10 is tecoyering froth
10 :,hoist Canada's Greatest Chain
the effect., of his recent occident. he
of High tirade Business Col- was working around a hors,' when the
Icgen. .animal kicked him on th.• arm and
side of the head, which rendered hire
Clinton Business College Unconscious for several hours. -- While
out driving recently Mr. Me leth head
George Spotton, Principal. the misfortune to have one of his hest
Daniel E. Eby, Vice -Principal, horsee fall on the ice• and break its leg.
---Messrs. Alex. McHeeth and Thomas
LAIR alkalk,dbast!•atlkagkAntnsALMcKay. who have been nn the sick
list, are convalescing. --A number of
NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY our eirizen•t :tre laid up with the grip.
Canadian Hair Restorer
Winter Sporting Costumes
" IAA December I used DIAMON!)
I r.• i .:; to color a skating costume Aso.:
nip slighter. The skirt was a cra.nr,
c. • ..1 heavy weight serge ; the : .
tu•l a and sash Nere -white, all toe:
pieces very h soiled. I colored each
piece a rich, dark cardinal with tl::
DIAMOND DYES, and they are prettier
than ever before."
Mrs. Fred 'f. !Hopkins, \Cienipe: , elan.
For Sporting Costumes.
Every winter the women of Canac!a
-..ine fashionalae shade of the DIA -
`,I t eel) DYES to tecolor spotted and faded
t ug, Saowshoeing an.I 'fobegganing
c. st• nits. For such work the DIAMOND
I '{- give rids and perfect colors that
u• , e:- fade in out or washing.
DO NOT GI: MIISI,ED by the state-
ments of a,n• merchant or dealer that
Wool and Silk ►animal materials); Cottee
.11141 Linen (vegetable utateri,rl); and
Mixed Goals (in which vegetable neater.
1..1 gener fly predominates) can be dyed
e•ivally Nell t.ith the same dye.
1:1'.rict are differently affected by contact
with dye solutions. They require diff-
erent dyes. For any one dye to have the
-,t•ne effect on these different materials
is a chemical impossibility.
and riwe us
will mail ttootaddress
you free of co,4
the fatuous Diamond Dye Annual, New
Teddy -Bear Booklet, and Diamond Dye
Cook Book.
We are pleased to state that John
Cornish and John Foster, who have
been quite ill, are convalescing. -At
the annual meeting of Aberdeen Hall
the old board of trustees was re-ap•
pointed and J. C. O'Brien was appoint-
ed caretaker for the ensuing year. -
On Sunday next anniversary services
will be held in St. Paul's church to
commemorate the opening of their
church. Services will be held lit 11 a.
rn. and 7 p.m. when Rev. ('rrrni,h, the
newly appointed rector, will otilcirate.
The annual meeting of the St. Marys,
Kirkton and Exeter Telephone Co.
was held Monday. The statement of
E. N. Shier, secretary of the company,
showed revenue for rentals and toll of
$1832.1(i; expenses siid8.43, a net gain
$1213.97 for the year.
1tKMKMHKILEn.-The home of Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Balfour was beseiged
the other evening by about two hun-
dred neighbors and friends who, on
learning of their intended departure,
had assembled to bid them good bye.
Addresses, readings and recitations
were the order of the evening but the
most interesting feature was the verb-
al address of S. 11. Tufts to Mr. and
Mt•s.Balfout•, afterwards followed by a
presentation of a handsome Mortis
chair. Although takers e.nnplettly lir
surprise Mr. Balfour with utiult emo-
tion thanked the donors for their very
kind rememltr•ance and although sap
al'ated most kindly thoughts wotild
ever remain with hire and his wife for
the friends left behind. At the con -
elusion of the program a most appetit-
izing lunch was served to all present.
At a reasonable hour the guests took
their depart after thanking Mr. and
Mrs. Balfour for their kind hospitality
and wishing them many years of h;►p•
piness in their new home at St. Marys.
Kipp('n -
1p6 X611 Te!cvRoRe
Gopaflij it Oanaa
i`• about to publish a new issue
.,f the oniri.El Trleph.,ne Di•
,.-. for y for the Itietrirt of Wes-
turn tint Arlo. including the
'Few it of Exeter. Che ogee of
fit to nxmt•r, elienges of street
addresses, oe orders for dupli-
cate entu.' should be hnndtrl
in nt once to
Clubbing Rates
Betor e-
„ -Aft c r -
will restore spay hair to its natural color.
Stops falling hair. eause:p to grow on bald
beads soiree dentin) fr. Itching. s' -alp dLseaeees
IIy its use thin hair grows luxuriantly.
Contains no oily or greasy ingredient%
In entirely unlike any other hair prepara-
tion ever offered for sale.
A good, reliable ('.tmid iin preparation.
l'asellellyd TestInaonlals.
}'lith A. Burke, Miesinnary iI. M. church,
Akhimirn. Egypt, and friends, greatly please
with results after two years, using.
I. A. lfopert NN'ilner, Montana. My halt
and t. hOltcrs restored to nation! color. nark
brown, by u.ing Canadian stair Restorer.
M. (prim, nemesetille, Ont. ('a nee Ian Rate
Restorer ie the bt4 I have ever u•rd,
John O. hall. New .' berdeen, ('ape Breton.
Canadian il.air Restorer Inas workers wonders.
My heart ie nearly all covered with thick
growth black hair, original color.
Soid by all whole,aalc and retail druggists.
Mailed to any neteire-t In the civllired world
We can equal any club- on receipt of price, yr- Manufacturer by
TUE !!Emil\ CO.. NN'irldsor, Ont., Canada.
bing rate offered. Call M• ld ,ti I':x• t, t t,y J. W. lieowseireg,
and see. w. M• Il saa t y . i,d tN S. Cole Drnq•
ZurichHumor of the Hour.
Barry Weber truetvcd Ay0alnlatlC-' "Wouldn'tyou enjoy your dinner
ed iu tow t; last wet•k,-Geo. Dear :Ent! )
more if you had earned it?"
sister Lizzie have returned to lllytl► "No;' anstvercd Meandering Mike,
aftera pleasant visit at the home of ••1 vrouldr.': :'ink of intrndin' an mer -
their uncle. --Elmer Magel of Detroit ccaary con.o.leratioits into dis any
is home on a visit, -John A. True -
tier, who underwent an operation+for cf hospitality an' good cheer "-NN'a-lr
rupture at Clinton a few days ago, has irgton Star,
returned home. his many friends —"~—
will be pleased to learn that he is get- Briggs- Po you have the courage to
ting along nicely. 1'h Rev. J. P. take a cold oath un these winter mont-
liauch and wife of Tokio, Japan. are flags?
on a few weeks' visit to Mrs. Theo. Griggs --Indeed I dc•. But I missed
Hauch. -John Foster has disposed of it this morning.
his dwelling in town to Ernest Gies Briggs -What was the trouble?
fur $2000. -Evangelistic services are Griggs -There was no hot water. -
being held in the Evangelical church. Town Topics.
--Ezra .1. Smith of Detroit was mar- —+--
tied on Jan. 22 to Miss Henrietta Little Henry's Slate.
Mills of Strasburg, Mich. --Mrs. E. \\"111:N A GURL IS
'Geller who recently underwent an WORK1N SO\1ETIIING
operation at St. Joseph's Hospital' FOR CRISMUS SHE IS
London, for the removal of .t growth
in her neck, is getting along splendidly S01IE13UD ULFOR SOMETHING.
and will soon tie able to return bonne.
We trust her trouble may never re- -Chicago Tribune.
turn.--Thefollowing officers were ..-4,—
elected at the recent meeting of the She ---I have two very dear friends-
Hav Agricultural Society: Pres., W. Agnes and Florence.
T. t'aldwell; 19t Vice, J. Pfaff; '_'nd, F. lie -\Vlach is the more popular?
Willett; Directors, J. Decker, B. S. "Oh, Agnes is much more popular
Phillips, John Geiger, 0.I?ilber, J. than Florence-autcng the girls."
Trey, Jr„ Jas. Sararus, C. Oswald, E. "Introduce me to Florence. I ant
Zeller, D. Schnell; Auditors, J. Haber- partial to good-looking girls."-Kan-
er, Peter Deichert, See'y-Treas, D. S. sas City Jcurnal.
Faust. -Miss Annie Baechler, who has --o—
been visiting her parents on the Baby- Sportsman -Any geed hunting in this
Ion line, last week returned to Michi- part of the country?
gan. Josiah Martin and Moses Wilde- Native -Lot's of it.
man have also returned to Michigan Sportsman -What kind of game.'
after a pleasant visit with friends on Native -No game at a!1. Just hunt -
the Babylon Line. itg.-Illustrated Bits.
\\'EDDING,-\ 'edding bells rang out
merrily on Wednesday at the home of In the play, of course, the villain is
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dodman, L,it. always proper•: chastised by the hero;
W., when their daughter Miss Mary but in real life, unfortunately, it fre-
E., was chosen as the happy bride of qucntly happens that the villain is six
Harry Couch a highly esteemed tesi- feet tall and a good !;oxer. -Puck.
dent of Chiselhurst. The bride was --+--
given away by her father and as she
Mrs. Kalling--You haven't got that
was led to the parlor she presented a splendid butler now?
very pretty appearance. When the Mrs. Parvenu --No, he was a fraud.
ceremony was over the happy couple Mrs. Kalling-Indeed?
were warmly congratulated, after Mrs. Parvenu -Yes, he forgot hi
which all enjoyed a sumptuous wed- cli once and neglected to drop his
ding feast. The bride received many "h's," so we discovered he wasn't Eng -
costly and ornamental gifts which is lisp at all.-Philatlel*thia Ledger.
only a slight token of the high esteem A Volcano. -"W fat is a volcano?"
in which she is held in this community. asked the teacher.
Your correspondent joins with the
host of friends in wishing Mr. and "A mountain witha Lire inside," said
Mrs. Couch a long season of health, one.
peace and prosperity. A smile of comprehension spread
over the puzzled face of the smallest
St. Marys: The wedding of two well scholar as she a,kr•d, surpriscdly, "Is
known residents of town was celehrat- that a mountain range. ' llarper's
ed at Wellington street parsonage on Magazine.
Thursday when Miss Lorena Stewart Reeder -Scott said a clever thing to -
became the wife of Robert Carroll. day; said that luck is a good bit like
Rev. Livingstone officiated. They will lightning, !or it seldom strikes twice
reside in town. rn the same place.
Heeder-Yet, and as a rule neither
of them needs to. -Pennsylvania Punch
Stara or Ouio, OTT ov Tousro,
Frank J. Cheney make% oath that he is senior
partner o1 the firm of F. J. Cheney a Co., doing husi-
nete in the City of Toledo, County and State afore-
said, and tkat said firm will pay the cum of ONE
HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every ease of
Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's
Catarrh Cure. roues( J. CIIENEI'
Sworn to before me and subeerihed in my Pres•
,nre, this 9th day of December, A.D. 18.56.
(Sam.) A. W.GLEASON,
NormAT Praise
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts
directly on the blood and mucous turfacea of the
system. Send for testimonials free.
F. J. CJIF.NEY h CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold by all Drugggists, 7.5c.
Take Beller F3noly Pills for constipation.
)(iliClt 11
Mt•s. Robert MsIeau was called to
Detroit Wednesday evening owing to
the serious illness of her brother -in•
law, James McCosh, who at one time
was a prominent business man of this
place, -The Rev. D. P. McMenamin of
Patrick's s churr
h, Bisilp
h, is en-
joying a few weeks' visit at his house
in Montreal. -Mrs. N. E. Stanley has
returned from fort Huron where she
attending the funeral of her cousin,
the late John (',elder who died sudden-
ly at. Jeffersonville, Ind. Ile formerly
lived in Poi t Huro).--J. It. McComb
has disposed of his interest in the Lu -
can Milling ('u., to S. C. Chown. who
until recently was postmaster at ('lan-
dehoye and where he also conducted a
general store. --Mrs. Jas. Flarin of
Mtrathcona, Alta.; is renewing ac-
quaintances in this neighborhood. --
Miss Margaret Keefe of Jackson, Ne-
braska, who has been enjoying a visit
in Iiiddnlph and vicinity has gone to
London. -At a meeting of the Presby-
terians held Wednesday evening, at
which ltev. Mr. Abrey, the moderator,
presided, it was decided to extend it
unanimous call to Iter. Mr. Mclean of
Goderich, to the pastorate of Omiston
church in this village. The pulpit has
leen vacant since Rev. Mr. Paton left
in October last.- Reber McFxlls, who
lately severed his connection with the
Mooney Biscuit A Candy Co., ofStrat-
ford, hits accepted a position as Wes-
tern Ontario traveller for Line, Mc-
Donald & Co., of London, taking the
place of his uncle, Wes. Iiawkshaw,
who h,ts been transferred to Winnipeg
to manage the western business for
the same firm, -John Jackson, sr., an
old resident of this place, but who hits
been residing in titre themes, renewed
acquaintances here last week. He has
been visiting in Meaforth. - Miss San-
ders of Loddon visited friends here
during the tvet'k. -The County Coun-
cil ret London last week appointed Dr.
W. T. ilantieg trustee on the High
Schein Board,
W. li, stewing, of this village, dis-
posed of his 15t).acre farm :war Grant-
on bast week, ('has. Foster, of (irnnt-
en, purchased P8) „eyes and ,!antes
lir yen, Reece of Niddalph, the remain-
ing .10. 'The trice r.ellized veer; in the
neighborhood of $9.(Mw! ---The curling
club is talking seriously- of building a
hew skating rink the corning sntnrner.
The eslim,,fed rust of the lady build
,ri t is $2,:itWI, 1,Gt feet long and 7') feet
,yids', and neelern in ev,'t•y t••sprrt.-
"1'h.• opening of the new thklfellotv-s'
Hall on Williiun street is expected to
take place et the letter ernd 111 thef
month. - Miss Nora Walsh, of Cherry
Grove. Ont . has been engaged xs
Ieacher al the Cednt• SwaIII p Separate
Scholl, 13/d ' nlph. Th.• erhool has
been closed sone,. the ('hiistrrt:aa boli•
(flys, owing to the hoard bring meanie
1(5 ' ecure.4 t.yone to fill the position.•-
R••v. Arthur. (` Miele went In Lock -
mew on Setnrdsy to take the r►nni•
veresry services in the E;'i,copal
Church on Monday. Rev. C. W. M•and-
erY. a,f that place, occupied the pulpit
of Holy Trinity Church here, morning
ing and evening.
"Do you think you could ever tnarry
for money?"
"No. But I'm sure I could soon
learn to love a girl who had a million
or two." -Chicago Record•Ilerald.
"I told you she would dismiss you
if I came in between."
"Yes, she has, all right, but you're
a dead one, too."
"She told me everything between us
was at an el,3."-Cincinnati Commer-
cial Tribune.
Willie -Mamma, I told Aunt Ilelen
she grew homelier every day.
Mrs. Slimson-You didn't tell her I
said so, did you?
"I had to, or she would have whip-
ped me" -Brooklyn Life.
"What are they going to do when
they get through tearing up the
streets ?"
"Lay 'em down again, of course !
How else would anybody be able to
tear 'ern up later on, silly ?"--Balti-
more News.
"They say that, after seven rehear-
sals, Charlie Swimntington actually
stumbled through the wedding cere-
"Overtrained, I suppose." --Cleveland
Plain Dealer.
Playgoer -I suppose the leading laity
is very happy after getting all those
Usher ---Oh, no. She only got five.
Playgoer - Gracious! Isn't that
Usher -No; sift paid for six, I be
licve.-Philadelphia Press.
Dude-- They say cigarettes will turn
the skin yellow.
Mrs. Frim --That's so. Every time 1
catch my boy smoking he gets tanned.
-Mail and Express.
"You look like a regular beer gnu•
tier. Don't your thoughts ever rise
abo%c beer?"
'Yes, muni; 1 often tink of de fif-
teen cent drinks. But what's de use
when a gent ain't got de price?" -Kan-
sas City Journal.
"We used to think she was a lacy
"Yes: that Iva: v. hen she was poor."
"How about 1l flow?"
"Why, now that she is rich, we stere'
ly note the evidence of lassitude and
cnnri "-Chicago Post.
\\ • ism Nelson Cromwell, represent-
ativ• •.f the French Panama canal coin
mi• -I -n, recently called on Pre:ident
Rrtoscveit in Washington. Mr. Crom-
well is something of a sportsman, and
during the interview he told the Presi-
dent it sporting anecdote.
"Some years ago." he said. "i spent
a week in Germany shooting small
game. To a German acquaintance 1
happened to rcmirk that 1 preferred
to shoot in Africa. hecanse there was
a spice of danger in the sport there."
"'Ach; said my friend, 'you like a
spice of danger spit your sport. eh
Den you go owl shooting mit -ie.
1)e last time i go f s.40ot mine butler -
in -law in the leg.' "--flncton Post.
A certain hotel proprietor chance's
to glance out of a rear window and
saw his new waiter chasing a chicken
about the yard.
'What have you ie that bo.v1 ?' de-
manded the hotel man.
"Mushrooms," responded the new
waiter. "Der's a gentleman dat wants
chicken smothered wid muchrowns,
en Ah'm tryin' to smother him. sah."-
Chicago News
Parkhill: Her many friends in town
will be plrxs s to !earls that Mrs. Hal!. The Famous Pedestri•
also, who has been at St. Joseph's ; j' r
Hospital, London, for souse weeks, re- •• Gentlemen:--
turned to Berlin on Tuesday, Much f • • I was a martyr to catarrh of the
improved in health• Her another. I head. throat and stomach. 1 was so bad
Mrs. V. Matz left on Monday for Iter. • the doctors feared consumption. 1
lin, where she will remain fur some I tried tnauy physicians and medicines.
time. A friend suggested Psychine. 1 trityl
Clinton: The death of Itobt. Downs, I it and it was the only tial1 • ever did
Sr., took place on Monday, Jan. 27th,g
at the residence of his son Richard, in d.
� It saytt uJgreatestt remedyr the�now`tvrrlll
Blyth. Ile suffered a paralytic stroke 1 has ever known. Ido not need it for
some time ago, and though he recce- i my health now but I use it as a
ered suticiently to get around, it was strengthener for my walking matches. I
the real cause of his death. Ile was owe much of m} physical endurance to
in his 75th year. His wife predeceased' Psychiue,'•
hie) four years.
Parkhill: Mrs. Moses Mawson, er..
received the sad intelligence on S:attu- fort ]rope, Uat.
clay of the denlh oC het sun, 'Tames catarrhPsycof is the greatest cure for
Toole, at Proctor, Minn., after a short the head, throat orwonderful
illness of heal 1 disease :►ud droPs)•' i and strengthener of ruin the world. It is a n down usyst nm,
Deceased who was in his 27th Year•,
of `Acting directly on all the vital organa,
previously resided en the townlini•
Stephen tp.:td wrut west about 1R giving youthful vigor and strength to
years ago where he has since resided the system. alt all tui, Lists eoe. aria $1,
with his brother. or Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, 'Toronto,
Have that delicious home-made
flavor, with that snappy crisp-
ness, so hard to obtain in cheap goods.
About 44 to the pound. -
The Exeter Advocate
TiIF WI -STERN HOME MONTHLY has I. -ng horn rerogn;•ed
At the 0r,rr.t,l1,drstrd home magazine publ.ahed et Canada. and it read by
n.rr 35.(100 fanul,rs riery Torah
h roman's a wealth of leading fid,.wr. editorials for men and women, al le
envies on leading > l errs, while 11>one ,Iorrn•,t morn departments, ur-trr
specs -1 rtanaarJ head.ngs, are interesting and ie-lp fol to the menthe's in esrty
!..,1:.e circle.
I landsonte twocolor toner every meati, ; beautiful halftone illustrations
.1 farm. ranch, city, town and country lain. made horn Photos taken by our
,.e r rd. ,al pltotogtaplsers in the pro.. nos d Manitoba,Saskatchewan. Alberti
and Ennsh Columbia.
Our Subscribers ars ueal is talN Wastage of skis SPECIAL OFFER MOM.
60 Pages and up. 60.
Seeds of this beautiful "Santa Rosa" Poppy
are gives abeolutel, free
Seeds Free
A large grower of poppies say.. " your
Santa Rosa' is an exceptionally fine mix-
ture of Shirley l'oppies, by far the Lest u e
hare seen." We vi ill give nb.n:utrly free a
package of these sends to every person who
will send for our nrw hands.,mely Illustrated
1908 Catalogue. If you prefer, you may
hare a package.,f our Canadian Gem Turnip
orCanadav Pride Tomato seed in place of
the poppies.
Write today and name your choice.
Darch & Hunter Seed Co., Ltd.
London, Ont.
Reve l and
Execut6-.,.y of Responsibility
Many trustees and executors
have their time fully occupie 1 with
their own business affairs. They
find it difficult to spare the time
necessary to attend to the manifold
details in connection St: 11 the
proper adtninistrati•• t of the
estates entrusted to then.
This Company hes a message
for busy trustees and executors.
Vie will relieve teem of the
responsibility and detail work, and
they can exercise a supervision
over the management of the
estates committed to our charge.
Our intimate association with
the Huron ec Erie Loan and
Savings Co. gives us the privilege
of procuring for our Estate Funds
the hest class of sound, profitable
Correspondence invited and
promptly answered.
a e