Exeter Advocate, 1907-12-12, Page 74111k -
Make a Frame Hous
LooK Like Stone
8y fas the u'* Jumble. most shotty tw:tiale
£ai.h Ioe any house sakes it wa-c,e1 wooer!.
rooter summer, • ,•vather-, Alit -1144 mak* i1
k•* -Proof 1••6 -that's
PEDLAR 8 1TT 1)S 1 N U
blusdted. of Noterm. to .u:t ant idea v' j hare, -
Perrot% irri;*tion .l Wolk, I. t .sone Kush atone.
r•c Cwt Seta th.n you'd tusk la sotto value.
Seed is the i ok aLwt m.fiera metal finish, for
as kited. of /unctures. It FKLE. Melton
Th ELAR People
O.k•-a \foes%rr►! .,:t.-• T. reit, . 1.' n . n \ In ii•....
7th Ave. and 38:h St.
\laaimuw of Luxury at Minimum Cost
Acee311h1e, Qu'et and Elegant. Within Pine
Minute; wait of 'Theatres, Shops and Clubs.
New Dutch aril! UAoms largest In city.
Cable Cars i'aas Rotel to all Railroads.
Kurope.ui Llan. $I.50 per day without loath,
(I�tu per day with bath. Suites $3.50
upwards. Send for n"uk'.et.
NIPdakc 61 ()Atilt, Props
IMen and Women of Ontario
is for.
HE1Yfi RY Nttll- A11017 101:N RULL
Occurrences la the Land flint Beier
eiuereule In the Co ;e11&
Gln•es were first worn In lr'ilaia ut
the reign of Edward II.
The eo,l of public education ill Bri-
tain is now $111,250,UJu )early.
'The l'ilghitu's !'%'ogres' has been
lrunsh,ted into 200 languages and dia-
In 1s97 there %tyro only 16 motor-
car, ul Britain. Now there are near-
ly 6,000.
Mr. Ik.bcrt Coin, of the ..Mersey Brew -
try, Livertool, left an estate valued at
J1Uil•ly 32,060,00l.
Tl►e Bible was the first book taken
cut from Batley's new library, the
mayor being the LOI•'OWC1'.
At the last show the !loyal 1.0•
catlsire Agricultural S.ocicty, held at
ilultoit, the net profit was $16,165.
Alderman E. Fut has been elected
' mayor of I.ydd for the 25th time, Ibis
year being the 17111 consecutive occe-
William George Till, aged fourteen
et the Upper School, Hyde, has never
•• been nhser t or late for len consecu-
tive years.
Of fifteen feminine candidates for the
• !lice of councillor in the recent Eng-
I:sh municipal elections six were suc-
The service between England and
1, -eland is to be augmented by two new
,,,--••1i for the'ilolyhead and Dublin
1'4 t1e.
The Duke of Marlborough intimated
iiis willingness io accept the position
•'t mayor of Woodstock. Ile was in
-1111el{ November 22.
The shareholders of the hianches-
h r end Liverpool District Bank and
the Banking Company have resolved
1. emeigninale, the former of which
al•sti•bs the business of the halter.
The Amersl.nm (Bucks) Board of
coeinlitnts report that Inst month out
et live parishes with a considerable
twtpulntkin there were only two deaths
General linden Powell pros"nted tag
the Cherterttouse school. at Godalming,
gun which formed, a part of the
equipment cf the Mafeking renef
A proposal is on foot to erect a new
1 mg -spinning mill at Ileywood with a
capital of $%00.000. The provisional
dirt e:ors are Heywood and Rochdale
Arrested in connection with a dis-
lurbauce by n mob of unemployed In
t_uien Victoria street, London, four
You omen were fined or sent. to prison at
filo Mans:on Uouse.
To travel from A!dw•yeh or the city
r.i London to Ilert,f)rd•hire by clec-
The Great Provincial Charity,The lr• •• 1("rnsay cal:Si.; n()".ilossihhe, °W.
tib Io the opening of the line between
Hospital for Sick Childrei, lftc h(%ale and llighbury.
Calls Oa You For Aid.
,. KEF.I' 'f M-BUK !IASU\'," is a
-Wind motto, for daily mishaps make
LAM-BUK a da'!y need. It can be
used with remarkable soothing and
healing effect from the oldest number
,,f the fancily down to the newborn babe
Mr. !len. Hare l:dmotiton, Alta.,
las re ntly bad occasion to telt the
ietnarkable healing powers of ZAM-
li l' K. lie says:-
" When
When opening a can of Pineapple
Sauce the other day the Can Ot ener
lost its grip and my hand aas ripped
open by the rough edge of the half
opened can. it made a gash in my
hand about two inches long. Thr
pain was fearful and the blood simply
a:ushed awry from me. I had a box of
ZAM-BUK handy and I imme 1 atcty
applied some. To my surprise the pair,
sudd•-nly ceased and the blood stopp- d.
ZAN! BUK'S quickness in healing is
Sores, Cuts, Bruises, etc., is a great
puzzle to me."
Blood pnisop, cats, bruises, old
wounds, running sores, eczema, ulcers,
boils, eruptions, scalp sores, itch. chap
ped hands, burns, scalds. and all skin
irjuries and diseases. ZA1f-BUK is
the best cure for piles yet known. tick
box, all druggists and stores, or 7•:1\1-
11U K Co.. Toronto. :3 hoses $1.•25.
Narratise of 1:eiieis Confirmed by a
Uiscosery in Egypt.
The recent discoveries of Brug•ch Hey
Pi connection with the Egyptian biero•
giyphiea which be deciphered are the
subject of an arli?le in the Oestt•r-
rcichsche Wot'hetuehrift, in Whiett Ur,'
writer says that it is no longer difficult
1•, understand ttte origin of the "seven
Iran years" narrative in the Book of
Genesis. The inscriplie.ns as trapslated
by lirugsch show that 1700 years before
th', Christian era the Nile for seven con-
secutive years did mol overflow, and
famine, pestilence and miee►•y followed.
"We know," says the writer, "that 11,••
dale of the seven years of fruilh's•i• --
n:entioned in Genosis was 17111 11.C., noel
Ibtts what has been looked upon as a
fancy has tins -nigh these hieroglyphic,
betxtme a matter of hi:tory. The failure
the Nile to overflow, Ute withering of
111•' vegetation, ttte lands devoid of
cr(1-. famine and lite consequent
scourges are all depicted in tile picture,
which the student has been able to fie -
cipher." cipher."
Mr. liiptintt', 1:;ti1adi;ul 'four.
t Ontario and all La.sloil Catut:a
dewily disappointed that \1r. Kipp ut;
tf np,Gn the Occasion of his recent w
to Canada, should have only -len "1
West from a Car Window
East not at nil. The older p�ie:w.::.•
ore nlv:ays proud and never jeaie :-
• 1 the \\'est, into which they are :• rt !
nig their shekels and their sons. \\,;�:
all his powers as a word painter, it is
hardly to 'bo expected that Mr. Kne
,ng can do justir-e to at o: (:anada.
tic has not seen the thriving cities and
ito\w'ns of Ontarto, with its splendid
!railways, wilts. and manntucturing ht -
1 dustries. Ile I:aul only a fleeting glimpse
el 'Toronto, and saw noticing of the
'score or more outer industrial centres
or the Dominion. It is Inc bad, Cana-
dians believe, that he should havespenl
tile most of the time which he was
able to give to the study of conditions
in the Dominion to the troubled shores
i of the I'acitle. With no desire to mini-
mize the seriousness of the labor Ms -
1 1 P.P., TP,I.s1 nox .rut rye !tempt .,r ie. st•san
nand Ude crouton to Zan Pok c... Tomo,. tr 7. 1
One Hundred and 'twenty-three leve;
Lost In Season Just Ended.
(e1e hundred and twenty-three perEons
llcri,h• •t in the tithing fleet from Sl.
Pierre. Miquelon, tiff the coast d News•-
(outid!iuut, during the season now end-
ed, according to statistics just compiled.
S,•v.•ii vessels were lost. Five of the
craft were owned by the \lorue Com-
pany, and were lost with all 0r, hoard.
Ono of Iheni, the Madeline•, with twenty
Wren, has newer been heard from since
she left St. Pierre eal Isar in the seasrnt,
turbanccs out there, or to disguise the
fact that Canada Ls in sore need of
more men to carry forward Ike work
hand, Cnnndians would have been
proud of some pen pictures by Mr.
Kipling of the industrial East, where (;old l'nlhr.11as and Soldiers.
the people are prosperous and harpy'. •
This conviction is by no momma tocol The res-. U►•. !slinks, who for many
-it is widespread, universal. ("Cana- year:e ss as at the head of the mfrs.'
da," London, Eng., Nov. 16111, 1007.) uullcla: at, lianktsicn, ht gisiig all Ile -
COMB of his forty-three years' experi-
ctt es ill lhu•n1nh, mays regarding the
A \lagie Pill. --Dyspepsia is a fele settees) that he opened under the sanc-
svilh wtltit h 11 ,•11 are -• .1•t'.111y foal} Ion of the King:-
plii;• hal • ann.,l P gni it tlt. Sul„lu- "Shortly' after the school wens open•
Must of the melt 1oa lett large land- r.F i,rid all ;'1'pcar."11l 5nnyui-heti cd the King sled: -"Will you teach
lies, many of wilt 1111 live at 51. Mato, in ..1!e. 11 nukes Ile appearance in an- some of Illy son_S?' 1 said, 'Certainty.'
i,r'rient or other French ports. Nenrly , „ r dirrelion. in ninny the digestive Iie said: 'what ages de, yon like them
nli the wrecks wee.• in the heavy storms ;,l,r,;,rntu: k as dMilale as the 111c.•10111- al'' 1 said: 'Froin 12 to 1.1.' Ile said
G` Brick's Tasteless"
Is an extract of fresh cod
livers, containing all the virtues of
fresh cod liver oil without the nauseous grease, the compound
syrup of hypophosphites, nutritious extract of ault and the
fluid extract of wild cherry bark.
purifies the blood.
makes the weak strong
is a specific in sore throat and lung diseases.
is so prepared that it can be assimilated without the
digestive effort.
is sold under the positive guarantee that a decided improve-
ment will be felt after taking one bottle, or your money will
be refunded by the druggist from whom you purchas:d it.
Can we be fairer
Sizes -8 ounce bottle 50c; 20 ounce bottle $1.00
Heat, Electric Light,
to Lease for a Term of Years.
Centre! location. About toti thousand square feet in
four floors and basement. Exoellent shipp n; faoilities
Standard Fire Sprinkler System. Low Insurance rate.
MORAY F. WILSON, 81 Adelaide St. West, Toronto
Burmese Princes' Arrival In Slaw With
of September and ticlohrr.
The catch of the St. Pierre fishing s4''' ,li .h sten a hrenlh ut air will make
sets for this Fenton, which evet'ag.(1 \ 11.4.11. n. s\\'illi such persons dis-
1.780 quintals for each of the ,evenly -4.1,.. • I, r:� 0i the Sle'nlneh ensue ir<»n tlx
schcxluers, sisals n nnnrked ince ase .,sit :ill
,, „t tris int ,slue: nu{ tarso much
prevtnusyears,andhasrestorednclisfly• : in}t. '1'ro th._�' I'arntrlcy c Wrgetnbtc
in every section of the islnnd' Pills 814 rcctimmendtd DS mild turd
^� Wore. S,. Iherc were nine prince.~, nine ele-
fhtl K'n'• has sent, n pre -•'it •)(
The Demon, Dysoep,in,--hl olden
Ile -
game: 'o SI. George's. KillteS • ,,'1••_''. 1,1111'S 0 WOS a popular Is'bi f that dc. p1ha11.:, eifhlmn gold unrhr.Ilats and
Charing (:rocs. :,'-.I --1. Th !. I I- . ns moved invisibly through the nm• A I r glit girl in n large school rip- M e sollIkrs. Unlike \inry's lamb. the
Oats. aii1 Ir, i!, 11, . ' .; !• :' ; ,:1 air, seeking Li ruler info lot.11 14'441 14/ het• 1/ :who' for lea to to be ah- ciepitnuts ',%;meal outside, hut when
i hildr, n. ler the us • , f "• - ' , i trouble them. At Ill• present day tier! hall a dray• or, tbo' Alen Ihral her the p riice• (;lute into the sehcxll i')ntll
In con:ceren•0. Warr:•• I. ' ,1,111,)1). dyspepsia. is at large in n:. %tier had I./TV/W(1a tt•kgraii which o11 the other lay's threwllx'msel•rs
-into Of 110' we r' • . the learn! t, • .0111,' catty. seoking hnhilitli o/1 ,•I '-tat .1 1'101 C"1111111113.WaS on IIIc ts-ay. Mil down with 'heir fa^es to 111'
t;u-,nl nns tinct' .1 ; !...1 to rete a •i;-- ;11.,..:e salt., 1,y cart les 0r uncal,,,.. lis- "II•., guy father's holt-s.tcr an•1 hor wound t,t--it Will 101e1iidden for any One
u,,•! factory ill \'nr:•!i:,ll and 01. 11 tin ing infill. hien. Anil once he enter, :, three lot,'. •-:1141 101/ l,tg,il. 1111•.. r: -'c. 1. .'arid Or sit in the pr^s(ncrcif prin-
lmni diaft'ly to Ce.orl;1rnldalc One hull- roan it 15 difficult to dislodge hila. Ile "nti l !i -Iht•( .'• . •11 )row !I-• . '11 -. 1 i' utol This stale . f things very
tirell tempers.
i nr of 0 watch or scientific it rtrr,n„'i1 le. one t f his assistants: 'lining ail lily
sons l.lvect 12 and 14 to hie.' Nine
prince cause in. -Four come to school
the next day, inch riding! on an c11'-
qthnnl and with two gold umbrellas;
each it i, was escorted by forty soldi-
er. Afterward the whole nine came.
Remember that this hospital is not a
1oe111 institution, but Provincial.
It cart% for every
sick child in the
Province of Out -
at io
at•alio whose parents
cannot afford to
pay for treatment.
Busy dollar' aro
better thou 0110
ts'nrs. The soul•
pathy that Weeps
is good. but rho
Hospital has tnhavc
the sympathy that
'• 1 t.►sa Plett•HI ii" Works.
141st ye: r thyro were 10111 patients ad-
mitted. O. the'o37scame from 251116(4-s
outside of Toronto-• 111 were children of
poor people who could isat aiTord to pay for
treatment of their little ones.
Each clet'td was in the Hospital 47l dart
at n colt of
$1.:II each
per dna, or
1.49l.12 for
1Ise 47ldays
41 ny.
If your
dollar et old
the feet of
a little toy 144/./.•05
OE girl with club feet, you would gladly
give it. anti your dollar will .lo that
There Met.• 79 civics of club feet trent.-.I
aa►oet. A►Tan
last veer. Out of the 70, aeon' •r,/) %cr.•
from the country. a her /1:///g111/T.who 11411/IPS h1 the n racrlersr:'
1f y•Itt know of any child in your roue s
Mho is sick or has club feet, and is 1,,..-e -:.•r-• •*•'Int,'. Is ne11•ly eighty. in Mei ----
p.arenta can net afionl to , ur•-, of n tent with t)te okl lady she' Mother• (:rave-. \\'ors Exterminatorpay, send the name to the :,'Ir 1 u!.l her longevity elderly to three+ dors not require the help of any lnir-
blo,pitnl Secretary. 'hint;.: Sh-lcl 1.eI:,'nlisnl. 110 tce.li' in,'.I gratis medicine to (Onlp!e'e the cure.
The stook books are . . .•n I to, 4i(tc rs. She i. ewtl, n: •'s -... e;'se .1 a trial and be eonw•ihced.
even. W'on't �•nu let
the 1lo1ui:ltal write your I�,, !'.\'1' \NI) 'flip, CAT.
name dun a fel :1 few [, •
.hare" in Nraven's ,.tall 1',s.•, had ;1115.Ita an In"linAllclll to
work of healing little ;'- j•; "� wonder. and one day sie tock to the
hitdren! ; held.: for good. hi !line she, reverted.
A gr:at mine of Mercy a; eat% will, re' 'a Bore or leas w lid
..• mining stock that�� l .` dale: hill one day hhe returned, and
51 . ye papa dividends i, 1 Watt cepi,vl up a Tree by her crslswhik.
Fs h tight • kb the money - owner.
that h••lia. The Hospital „ The handy man of lite estate. \ire
for Sick Children to rx , 1'nlrick Mulligan, was ordered In bring
tract the Gold of Life ti �j
from the Quartz of a ladder. and In do his best to capture
at canes r the crring feline. end his master wail -
cit below to see that he did it.
t'ha't' send contributions to 3. Roel !
1115• 6 :\hnogt inuutrliab'ly Pal end dlenp•
11 t11er:'on, Chairman, or to Douglas !)avid- peered t ii lle foliage there was the
Cotte , the horoFtat for Sial !" It 1d t1 1 1 uproar of a fierce conflict, and t'ut's
Chhldren, Co1M� a Street. Toronto
y4'il- would ease ,tong credit to the
crew of n fire-enfime
"What's strung. Par- , riot his alarm•
closer. conte lip and
et; coli "stein I
That flue's himself SO px,..es, 1 ' i uhf rpt• wt l'11' »' n: 1 e au -e 11:0x. 1 • . - , }.
'ting nlr,nt 4't,OM. 1110 old ear!' know• that n valiant friend to d•; t:It- ',5ny. :1t •., diaaJfilty.' fl r
1, ' now in the Egyptian Ilial of the lie for hint wile the unseen hu' i• 1'•:i.- r• fer•r. d he: 1 e ih•• printer! I: -t : ,,•.1 -
wt •'0.1 (1ot:<e will l e preeenied to Itu•L r, vege1111th' fills. sshich nor rtcr n. sail!• b justify at, : �:l .1- .•11
'i'relear's Cripples' Monte i',•ady for the !reds if her case (suite mete! . ti • f ;1,,. n,
I e he '•!1y ter f, !Mon ee'rporatlon.
1•' a R' e' •ef 700 or 5710 !oats al Tar-
t . •;'h S•nleh I.0ntc nee In large n1n-
fu 1r,, e ud 1 1,111 11)e iiatt" • to
Ili• i• •. 'I hey Itt110,,I !hr sihi:tt'.'11
a. \• r , Here tilt y - d 1 1, ;} .•
1• '1 r. I<,ss'. ran }.'1 117. 1• :1
ls. •i I • 1: 11',•it4'd, After t: e • -
'': Mink it might crane un,1:•r tL - ',t•,t,t. had v,.1, e, ' ,1111!•-i'ty oft '1 iliumIOWII:. :Ws,: Wilts:* ,51,1,1 the girl. iv•!I,i.na a. et e10p1 ss.. '11' hide !ot•k 11:• -:
lay !.;.•.1N• 1. Ill:' w'11.1i., ...), •,''.-'•\1• e•st idle 1• -• 11 Ile, Well -:,l'•,'1 of les sons,
When tt 1111411 i, al home ant{ Ike Ice'- .1
:,. 11,cre erg If)500 fishermen and II.. ;•.tee' rind Bios sees but dig the most rl{li}ent
1 (,Lour ring: Ir• wilt',• hu,tc 1:, answer
f, w• ,k• r: front Sc llnnd now In and ufft' lionPIte pupil, 1 ever had."
it is red clue •n twice lu .us Flip-• hiss Vic hAi.l' M.n 90RR•i. painful and dlsn¢urin
Y nth, sporont the !o^nl workers Ire uWr n to finding , ill for herself If S •N
wolf trot Iowa.. lore after treatment a ith weavers
' 7 t, ,I r\• • t' I Oce IfMn?nnd• tln• peer -.,n al the vlltr cod is it elan or , test-• h.t.. Leer, helium: Alan, ctearuo tea blood "t;t'nlle'nu'n of the jti•y." 'Aid I .•
1 • 11 \\'ar nnter in Pnll Mall. i e.r1- 0 „omit. I with We,taers Syrup. t.1•, :r. ulelif 7.as•i'islt'r, "dial pi .
. •! - rot re.nired nny' longer for _-- _�"' in unnuitlgal(d seu!uulrel he 1,.:.1,
,'• •. • • •••••••ill. purposes: the f!rn11110 Is AT.i.Rv:i 11 IIA ILwtaA\f Lesp.ecla11y1ntenA• "1 •l•,.t 1 1. lit w, .;list \h,. 1{r11'y. ledfra• ill' Arid yrl, !flanks lu 111,! tsi�•
I to brisk up neglected could.. amt marry lin e. P, else "that I wu,;td 1 ,.tail of n i1:m•
lulu e,f Ilio common 1aw•, hr has been
elicit 11 fnir trial ey n jury of tits peer' •
lite p1 tomer was ncquit cd.
\ \!•,i• !.r for the Miner's Pa.
1',oype 1. imil olht-i - going til.
ruining 1 1., e' : • doctors nor few
and drui , ii• ' al. all. should pro•
wile the n • •.• _ ;0 a supply of Ile.
'I 141 1118 1 , t, e, ;• 1111. 11 will offset
ort leas crams hate been saved by its use. contains ,;stmt le;:, i.' "1 d„n 1 IOtt ae you iltrd
1 . •'. l t.• ri ! ' 1 .•f Val: will pr.,bloiy or, opium in any form. Peek. .
14 built r• '- /IT: co. 1., \I1in. r„teuilwl Il,t ry I eek. "Ilea
'rh•:n'• 1I• ! 1,, n solemn pnrnner Ire }Flee it kindre,l ,;elft.'
OCChI:I' I\hLCI•;xCliS.
et Iho C.. • •, \\ l ret Newh',ten,
I'n,• . .' I 11.• the 1'O-.,'.aor
't , t,- ; , ,, 1 I 1' ,' ,feel„• el1i<t)3 tont'
'he t- ', '1 , -'! ',1:',1;11. n•: well n: n
-• rind pa comfit.'% medal.
"Jigshy 111,!.l Le 155 fully alt love villi \t:,tty' lithe:d wet,k runt:. And as
117„.wife:' .h" r1••' usually a -salts lite weal:est
"\\ hal makes you think s0 ?•' 1. ,:nt. !hese t %'%_oats. ore continually
"lis' can cwt her 8,lU l cake with. I 1 e%poseet hi attack, .,1 troll Ind puhtlon-
,• - hili n'SIh,IL" . _I •e: speedy t tee O
hosing ten attack of - 1, ,1. \ .I• ut l un, i tx I 1• use 1
01.1:CSi' W"1111\ IN is i I.1N11, It • Anti li,nsuuuplicr Syrup will the effrets ..i ' \p .sore, reduce "rnlnc.
1 -dais Mange Pralr'e Sernbehrs an•1 1 -,,1 rt Preventative and n prnte'r- and 55 114-11 taken Fn.'. t' llv will pre-
ewer)' form of c nlltginus Itch nn bunion • , •• -•1••nflhening the organs so that
mt.. It. eifir Crilettuni. ig7. henry.' to -
.•i animals enroll in :10 minutes by \\'•:!- + - , • t -•1 liable Io drrangemenl rent and cure rn1,1s and sore Ihmnl
lord's Sanitary Lotion. 1l never tails. rt. ,,. ,'.1. - .ii' or abrupt alnn,sphcrie and ns a 1001°1nt wt' ke''p flu'
'Id by all druggists.
changes, liickle's Syrup is cheap and ltluieles in !,gust e.,ntlilion.
"e t inti Pleas' of Doctors.
• , :•n, It bpi (,' tIpies
.• ,, the c.,un•
t ,ti n. Idtr „ demi it. it
,! "Would you like' to attend n torture on 1t t) "Bad?
I47. Ili r n • 'r , sync a Potter]. •'Net," nnsnered y nits \Ira. lorkbls. (rums , e i ►ora ce tells
' elrull • Why bone is hmken in n fewer than thh
at donne free of char(!,••" teen place`.
stint t'ol' nrr-illi: KIND Y01' lTAVR TON•% ()F1R0:4 c"n•rma•t each year to mall.
Al.W.4l s 11 Ill. ,"'1he 1) a L" Slenth.d Planter. cine 1" ' Fern,rlm the twee ennit% It la .n
}'•'r theatnatlem, neur*IRi.•t, etc., nothing is better, cicve.r)- ,n :.,potato 1 ilut the weak and sickly
)trade minty by Davis et Lawrence Uo, get all p••aaible tiouri•hmeut and bonen,. iron It.
•.• ieniisl coy. !lied roeking-<Iwirs
make people deaf and near-sighted. Ili•
b:it:, evidently ne.4'rstsl two pe.tple oc•
copying the same choir.
1 good. Patient (who has and with an nerl-
. - '• ,,. 1 1 , " O1' .A 1)IFI'EIIEX'1' (.0IA)tt• n end fracture. doctor!''
sl st•, . III rag tlltn,l. Site l•a,rsan: ".`,• your %»1,141841 l;,i his Iht fine arts?" "N0;' xnssyew'I !11r 1)nclur 1r, aurglt' ib en mains - e ue ,
the rcmorhnble ... ..ey- on n rncrincl:•r? x "Me.lhcr and the irla inn nnet it's tesul{htl, sir, Itrnuti'nt. The
•.;. her prlunllu4,111e
lit ‘41 10 101, elle klht 11 on 1r, +uliuinl hr !hunger was at ti< rn. feel to gr n b hl y t„
No r•' /III ItI"•li.•ie1 nten. and Lull- 11,,,
"new hat • I;vilsn{; up!►;i n that if ' 1 y .
„tw»,k w..ul1 "-leer dear from them
tuns k veillr'Y.' l' 4's w,ntltl all live h)
, tire t,'tl age. \It•s, 1's.irn,an is the
llrj,et of Uhl, ititbr•ilt. I•...11de Pottle
;oily 111,1!, 1.1i1t••It1:Int 1114., s 1., t i..
1 her: boll silo is wore lune, esso1,'.•. par.
%'••marls• b.• I Mrl(optrapber•s.
_- 4.-
I' \' K 1(1 \IC1Ti1LIr&' itE(:Il'I:S.
\; ••r hat ii • Irled all Inc well nal
sell pub'ttt mtdicines. the public
turnip • to the 4111 1•'11'e1101d r•-
c,pe% for treatment , f incipient dtsca'rs
.•1 the kidneys,liver. , n. e r u ur:-
envy ••ogees. why h. 1 neglected e, toe
1.'11 It are 0011010 incurahlt'. fele re,ie
dy that has conte' hack to is 1.uler fe-
ver t- lite 1.110wing simple prescrip-
t1ne: your ounces syrup of rhubarb.
tine ottnre mmpuund tltnnSA, tine
t.11n,e sweet s{'Fri:• of nitre. Any drug-
}net will fill lins al n n,ctri.•rite cos!,
or you can buy ll:e ingredients tepnr-
htely And Mit at home. Take a dee.
tert.po onfut in a little water niter
Irr;.ls and at M'rllitne. \ few dose=
will drive out the Itnutie, and sate
too endicm pain and money.
St 1 1 It -'11111,N,
5Ii,s \" ,ii. "1)vn t yn,l wail) believe
\Its% O hull: "No. indeed! 11'. super.
•ItlMt!l'. end, ti 'tel '. il's it bad sign
t(1,1 11 you believe In them, fur it always
trines you end hick.'
And the Celle' A roan it lite ca'rer
it le ter him to hit' aM,ut cmc. Moen
hanp.'. he w a w le!► h' 4!.41u 1 have a
tlo l' � •'.
calcic her?'
,%t.-,wr the cowli of breaking bram'hee
rate, the' green:
hat, f. r ►i•' 41 ,elite wife's saki.
,:onto up and help me lel her go.-.
\larks: "Say-. old imine did 1 ewer tell
3(.11 al•rnl1 the awful fright 1 gest en my
tseclling,Iay Parks t•sh ! No roan
should speak 111." that about ltia wife,"
l':1\111 IN,
Teacher: "If you hntl it suit of idolises
mid le.me'Mdy should give you another,
he 110411) \could you hale?'
1'0140443 . "(Inc."
glow d.• you make that oul7"
"\tv title t:rother would hate the ;,Id
1:. L:
1".'+1'E NO. 50 07
•I.1te i,'ae't tai ! tq tn'.10-ine, llltllo•
sant. U.-tiI Cure. rent, el rill kind% 1.1
corn'•• W0Is, .)t'.: 1'54'11 ter n1e„t dif-
tirulI 1., remov' canted sw ith-land this
world, t fol reil"d".
A \II::I\' 1 n ,\N 1:N1).
1)ryrtn dusty --\\gent's kill -.I test•
ties fur": Ile's been tannin' an,un.1
among the bushes her ho,ti
Walker itn,des-- ile rieet ;, p-io ec .
the pnper where it said n do• -tor '11
tett give n elan a quart of as h -kit ti
cure a snake bite. -
Walker Itliotles--Iles try in' !cr Find
rt snake.
CIt,5.Nttl•:i) So.
\Ilse Mosso': ': ' %lis is my 21rd t,irth-
'Iny --
miss Iger•%: "Whet "
Miss Passay: "1 any this 1+ 13n1 U I C K L Y
birthday. Didn't yrs know it?"
Miss Pert: "Welt. I de•clnre, (ditto I : V
!1 has raged terribly sitace {ural ens• it." 1i
Kendall's Spavin Cure,
Here. is just one case
out of thousands-
"This is to testify to
the value of Kendall'.
Spavin cure as a
SFavtn Remedy and
Liniment for general
ace. 1 used it for
Spavins o11 a colt two
years ago, and found it a .•'+mplete cure."
tr',n Jw s -en,.
;ave your horse with Kendalt's-the
sinecure for all doily Growths. Swellings
and 'Americas. Si a tattle -4 for Is. Our
great hook -"Treatise on the ILorse"-
f ree from d ea le r< or so
Dr. 1. Bridal G, a Went1 Easskn Fells, sWentU.S.A.
Every Wor`oan
11 luttren.-d 111/1112.14,11111 know
10,.::1 101,1,11,1
'l tae rets )'atlnal hyping.,
prat-1lnt. o, • en•
lent. 11 (!aura
a your d•oigtst for It.
t be ears❑., supply the
ARt't:1. a,•rert no
other, bat amid stator for
t:lostraad boot -sealed. it eves
tall partlentara and direction_ lu•
,aloal.,^ to 101101. CO..
waruSOVicetat Pig."'Aaollmt furrt auusla.a~
(jives Perfect
\\lite 11 \\ I.( 1.11 II1:1.I 1U\li:•
"my dear.' ! • .•1 r4 . path .11, as Ire
tossed real, • 1. tl, "it's the
IkirItr I'm thinking of. \1 hot a Lill his
will be
"Neter mind, Joseph," said his wife.
"You knots !here's the insurance
"Yea." said T. n1t11y Turf. "1 n- sc.'l.x1l-
leGclei s got sense. smeller than
mum is.'
"Indeed 7" remarked aunt Jnn,'. "Si)
y•»1 Niter() in hor. eh 7'
"Itl►11.'r. \b. stn ler Thinks tliikr. S11e1
SCS school dt:a t d•. me io go. .1 at all:'
f'\\ Yf1l: til.\\II: 1I1\.1'
.\ eu•y merchant drspiny• Ili:: ci•_n :
"If poi 410r111 kit,es what yv8 want,
dr r,'1 ask for
\iy ss..sinil \t i'h ,' train 1•' {• 1' ;• •,• 1
h• .t, 1 1, ;,t' !r •!r.'. 11.1.
t:11 -
Air Aimm. a.0•1114
Quick ease for the coral cough --mock
relief to the heasie.t cold -and SAFE
10 take, even for a child a-,
That That is Shiloh'% Cure
Sold under a guarantee Ccudlis
to cure colds and coughs Ay
quicker than any ether Colds
medicine -or your money back St year•
of success commend Shdoh's Cure 1Sc .
tkc .$t