Exeter Advocate, 1907-11-28, Page 6►
Tommie, Nov. 26.--Onhu•t•) Wheat
N. 2 while or rod, %.3 e to 97e; No. 2
mixtrl, 96c.
Several Boats, Many Nets and a Large
Quantity of F,sh Seized.
A despatch frotn Sault She Marie, number of pound nets and two gnso-
Ont., says: The most important see line launches, belonging to Gauthier,
0: French itiver.
Janet:: Noble, Dominion Fish (e)nl-
miesiOner, it is alleged, was found to
novo freshly caught whitolislt and
trout In his fusee . on. Noble claim-
ed the fish were caught in the open
season and had been kept over, but
the sinkers ch. .n they were fresh.
Even had they been caught in the
manner described, the offeitee Le none
nut mss flagrant in the eyee-of the
law, which distinctly states that one
o' the fish mentkoned shall be to the
possession of any patty after the cies-
Mg of tate season out Nov. 1. Jame..
Donk.. a fisherman of Killarney, was
caught with whitellsh and trout ut
his po..egsfon.
'rhe fish were all confiscated by the
officers, and the bolts which were
seized were liberated after the ofllcei:,
had obtained a receipt from tato own-
ers for then, which praclleetly means
that they are still in the hands of the
Capt. Duncan did not feel inclined
k. cleat offhand with the case, consid-
ering the extent of the seizures and
their importance in the eyes of the
Government. ile aeoord.ngly referred
the smatter to the Government, which
will take action in the near future.
zurc•s of fishing Water, net and fish
etfcc'ed by the Dominion Government
officials in years, have been made in
the neighborhood of Killarney, by Capt.
A. C. Duncan, lAoniinion Inspector of
Fisheries. I1 is expected that wholesale
prosecution. will be instituted by the
Govern's:eut. Many ItwuStuids of dol-
lars are involved Liu the seizuree.
Capt. Duncan passed through the
Cnnadian "Soo• on Thursday on his
v. -ay west, after impose tin g flsherisee
tinder his jute:Wit:t•ion• in the eastern
dtvi.ton. During his Operations in the
neighborhood of Killarney, just below
the '\' s)," Duncan was reeentoprinied
Ly a number of tinkers from the 'Yew,'
and the flotilla under his charge con-
sisted of a tug, a sailboat and a gaso-
t'ne launch
In nearly every instance Capt. Dun-
can food That the ILshery laws were
being violated, the result being a large
number of seizures, :orae of them oun-
sitered of the most important nature.
The largest number of infractkn►s of
the law consisted in catching whitefish
and trout out of season and having
them in their p&sse.,sion.
One of the tugs, belonging to Purvis
Brose was seized, as well as a large
The Romantic ';tory of a Winnipeg
A despatch from Winnipeg says: Old-
liteem remember the late George Foulds,
builder of the Foulds bk,ck and owner
of several other very vnh,abte properties.
During his lite he acquired considerable
property, which he left to Mrs. Bowler.
cutting out his funnily. A subsequent
will Inas been discovered, by which the
estate is left to 1'oulds' children. and a
statement of claim tots been filed on be-
half of ono of the children by \furs,
\tnedonald, Ilaggart, Sullivan & Carr,
seeking to set aide the will • iving the
estate to Mrs. Bowler and asking that
probate bo directed of Clue last fcund
will. The estate i; estimnied at abseil
$250.000. It is understood the will wag
found in Vancouver, in an old trunk
amongst deceased's papers, and narrow-
ly escttptel being burned with what was
oonsideree woetteee_s documents.
Fours of Infection by Itals From Vessels
IteaeIiir,o; Vancouver.
A dcspub:h fans Ottawa says: The
Government is Joking every rossible
precaution to prevent the bubonic plague
from getting n fooling in the coast cities
of British Col(,mbia. Matters are in bad
shape in San Francisco anti Seattle. In
the former city since the lith of .August
there have been eighty-four cases of
ploguc and fitly -four deaths, whin one
death occurred in Seattle two weeks ago.
Dr. ittrantizainbert, dhrettor general of
pPuhltc health, Ls now in Brit:stt Colum-
bia, advising the local quarantine and
tnedicnl health officers as to the precnu-
tkns which may be necessary to prevent
the spread of the malady into Canada.
11 is possible that, in addition to the
precautions which are being token wilJt
respect et re.•rsels. That inspectors luny
he placed at the vt r:..Its loinls where
then railways cress the international
boundary line Into the Dominion.
$60,1100 1.007' tiF:c1'1tF:D.
Two Offbe ►t% ot Itokhara Trcasuty .%1 -
Inched and Stormily 'Wounded.
A da.pet'•h from IA►kl►ara, Central
Asia, say,: Two officials of die flse:hara
Tren•u•y .tare attaekod inn that city,
on( rlally wounded and robbed of $6000
on Weil nesday'. *rho 1'01 -tiers were cap-
tured blit the money wins not recovered.
1: \It'rllOt" \KF: IN J \I' \N.
Entire l•l:ind 1".el. the Effect of the
A despatch front '1'0!:x.. says : A se-
vere e•arlhquake sM'ek, elite!' lasted six
minaret, tree felt thr)ugglu)ut the empire
from IFikk'iid' to the Bonin Islands, it
2.17 t.'ct.rck on Friday morning. No
Menage was (lone in Tokio. 1lukkaido
14 1110 rl.n•t!n'rnnM'.l island of the Japan
archipeh,.• and the Bonin Islands lie
g. real , n • . Kiuskiu, the most s)ttlh-
rrly pmt„ of Japan.
Jury Pierce: the Blame on Driver of
Light Engine.
A despatch from Pembroke says:
Thursday nigh, at the Town Hall,
Crown Attorney Metcalf and Coroner
Josephs opened an inquest into the
death of John Nadeau, fireman. one of
the victims of the Moor Lake tragedy
on lite C. I'. 11., by which seven lives
were lost.
Only four witnes e.s were' called.
The jurors wero only out fltleen min-
utes, and rendered the following ver-
dict. which piaceis the responsibility
co Ilendrie. tate engineer who was in
charge of the light engine:
"That John Nadevlu:s death wa.s due
to the reeklessness of Engineer Here
Thee running past Bras !Ake siding
and Trying to make Moor bake sid-
iug, thereby running on the time et
No. 8 passenger train. and meeting No.
8 In collision I% miles east of Moor
Lake station."
Surgeon's Remarkable Operation in
Hospital at Montreal.
A despatch from Montreal says: A
reninrkabte operation was .performed
at the General Hospital on Friday af-
ternoon by Dr. Armstrong on a woman
who had for Nome time 'been given Imp
as a hole -leas hole-leascripple with a broken
back. The woman, Mrs. Rudolph°
Hayne of \'encouver, il. C., the wife of n
C. 1'. 11. telegraph operator. fell down-
stairs end was believed to have hr►ken
her back. She we; brought to the hos-
pital with tier lower limbs completely
paralyzed. For nearly three hours she
wits under chloroform. It was found
that the spinal oord was not injured.
but that the vertebrae had been disl)-
catc'd and broken. the result t'eing
that a porti•rn of the splintered hark -
'lone head pressed upon the spine. thus
causing the pnralysie. Title Dr. Arm-
strong gradually succeeded in over -
mining, and finally closed the wnund.
Chflt•in el that the woman would cone
pletely recover. The operatton is re -
gaoled as one of Ilse most rentarknbte
and sures-cstul ever performed at the
big hospital.
UF:S1'ItO1Ei) r/, \R :S PI(:TURi•:.
Three Alen Were Shot for This (:rime
al Odessn.
A despatett from OdeRsa says : The
Irinl by a special military court of
twenty-seven men of the 1111, Nicholas 1.
Iteg'nieni, on charges of mutiny and in-
subordinaltnn. came to an end on Weit-
nrsday. Two s,'rgestnts and ono private.
who had destroyed a picture of F:rnp'mr
N.cl:oats. were sentenced to death and at
or:ce shot ; nine otter men were sent
out to the mine; for fife, twelve wero
sent 10 the mines for tett years, and Iho
oti:ars .t. 're acquil1." I.
Disaster on Construction work of Trans-
continental Railway.
A .i -peic►t feet; (, • ;1.. s.yc:
\Veexter3 sits.;. t i !ores camp
5:x .1 the I•:nstcrn (••'n+trtctein (:om-
rany + eremite contract on the 'Trans-
c•.nUnenlal. 26 . s miles n0north-efst of
Dryden. was 11:0 y
aft.rtr'on of the w.,rst accident in the
hi'l Ty of the road. Seven foreigners
were re k1lb0,1 earight ions' see Brat siighl-
)y itjere'l.
The foreman and pow -dent -MI were
leading n hole with black powder. us -
Mg a %%viten tamping stick. The
for man anent far more powder, ani)
alnust Immediately after the ceneo-
Manitoba wheal --No. 1 hard, non_
{dal; No. 1 mellow -it $1.13 -to 81.11.
st•ane; Na, 2, $l.lu.
Barley --No. 2, 690 to 70e oulsidc;;
No. 3 extra. 67c to 63e.
Oaks --No. 2 white. 5Oryc to 51e, out.
side; mixed, 49: 10 50c, outside.
stye -&e outsh1e.
Peas -87c outside.
(earn ---No. 2 yellow American, Gee,
Tomtit.) freigh s; No. 3 yellow, (i8 ,c
Buckwheat -60c to &c, outside.
.11 -ran --$21 to $22 In bulk out. dc;
steels, 323 to $24.
letofu•-Ontario winter whew, S3.90
aske:f, $3.85 bit; Manitoba pate:mts,
special I rent. 85.80; seconds, $5.:'O:
strong beker.e, $5.10.
Rutter --The market continues easy in
teens), due to heavier ree eipLe.
Cretuuery. prints .... .... .. 2 c to 30
do sends .... .... .... -26e, to 27e
Dairy prints .. , . .... `6c to •27c
do solidi .... .... ... .. 23c to 24c
Cheose--sready at. 13Xo for :tares
and 13%c for twins.
Eggs ---Produce houses have reduced
Ulcer quotations a o'nl., and firk0 abr
are now 2:31 to 24c per dozen in case
lolti. Nowlald al abort :30c.
Poultry -Choice chickens. 9: to 10c:
inferior, Gc l0 7c. Chola° ducks and
geese steady at 8c to 9c; fat, clean,
dry-pickol turkeys, 13c to Ito.
Potatoes -Market Ls firm at 75e to
80c in car lots on (rack here.
Beans --Easier at 51.75 t.) $1.4.5 for
primes and $1.85 to $1.95 for hand-
Honey -Strained steady at Ile to 12c
per tb... and combs at $1.75 to 32.50
per cozen.
\'ettI on--Hirdgtmat (era, 10c . t0 1lc:
frontsluarlors. 5 rouses, 74,) to 8c.
1k'ceipls are fairly large. •
Baled Day -Timothy. $tM to $19 per
ton in ear tots on track.
Baled Straw -Firm at $1(1 to $10.50
per ton on truck.
Smoked and Dry Sul'ed Meets -Long
clear b'ee'n, 11.: to 113 e for tons and
CILSOS; hams medium and light. 15c to
15)4c; heavy. 13%c to 110; back:, 1F\;c
to 17e; ahou!d;'rs. 1O•: to 1'1y.,e rolls,
103 e to 11c; breakfast bnr-on, 15c . to
153 c: green moat., out of pickle. lc
less than smoked.
Dressed flee -311.50 for lightweights
and 3.5 for heavies.
Pork --Short cit. e29.75 to 823 for
l,arreLs: tress, $10 14) $21.
1.ar1-Firm. tierces, 12 ;e; tubs,
l2'/,c; pails. 13e.
Monlreel, Nov. 26. -Choice spring
v. stoat pit n!s, $6.Ii); seconds, 55.5,•
\tinter w 041 patent., $5.75; s'raigie
roller'.;, 85.541; do.. in togs, $2.60 1..
e2.65; extra, $8.05 to e2.1n•
Manitoba bran, $22; Awls. $25; On
etario bran. $23.50 to $2;; middlings.
11:'7 to Ste per ton, including babes:
milled truuith', 328 10 8.32, ani tans.
grain nouille, $35 Io 337 per ton.
Rolled oats at $3.173,' per bag. ane.
Corn steal al $1,75 to $1.85 per hog.
Vol Little activity 4S noticeable in
the !eeal cheese market. Early tat'
western slake, la ,c, mut late makes
at 12yc; townships, I23 c; Quebees a
(nutter continue. He:lvo. Grass goo's
rete firm at 24c to 28%e. and stall -fee:
from► 203' c to 27%e.
The toed demand for eggs continuee
steady. Newly -laid sleek, 303'c to 3?c'
selc•tod, 26•:• to 27c; N'). 1. 23e to 21c•
seconds. 17c to 18c.
The 'local .tat market retrains steads•
Maria tt a. No. 3 white, 0(k; Ontario
and Quebec. No. 2, 59c to 59;c; No.
3. 58c to 5814c; N',. 1. SOXe to 57e:
and Quebec rejected, 5&e per bushel
ex :store.
P-uvsons--Barrels, short cut mess.
822.50 to $?:1; halt -barrels. $11i;, to
142.25; clear fat luw:k, $23.50 to *24.50•
eotg cul heavy mess, $21 to $23; half -
heroes do., 810.50 to 311.25; dry sal'
king clear bacon. 10'/,c to 11 eec: barrels
plats) beef. *1:1.50 to 315; h.mlf-barrels
.-1o., $7.25 to 37.75; bareels heavy mess
Loot. $10 to $11; half -barrels do.. 4.5.501
1•• $6: compound lard. toe to tic; pure
Turd, t- 3 c to 134'; kettle ten tete!. 133 e
to He; hams, 1:1%.. lo 16c. ace:erding
to size; breakfast l a"on, 1le to IGS
Windsor becen, 15c to IGe; fresh killed
al attoir dressed i oees. $9; alive, 35.75
to $6.
Buffalo, Nov. 26. -Wheal -- Spring
easier; No. 1 northern. carloads, $f.(xa%:
No. 2 red, $1: winter scarce. (orn-
Easier; No. 2 white. f.3ke: No. 2 yellow.
('.fw. Oats -Steady; Ne. 2 mixed, 46 <c:
No. 2 white. 51%C. Rnr.ey---95e to
81.10. ltye-NO. 1. 87c c. 4. 1.
Tomato. Nov. 26. -Exporter..•' cattle
were reported steady, with few sales.
and prices tonging from 34.50 to $1.75
foe the best, and $1 to 84.40 for light and
Butchers' nnitnals of gold quality sold
well at $4.25 LO $1.541 per ewt. (Medium
butchers' cattle lrougilt $3.25 to 33.75:
cellulite,. 82.25 to 83: gout cows, 4:3.25
to $3.50; canners, 50e to $1.54) per cwt.
Light sloekete were steady at $2.50 to
42.75 per cwt- (atoie•et stockers and me-
dium weight feeders were selling (r•)tutrl
$3 to $3.41) per cwt.
lit lx,rl ewe's. $3.75 le 81; bucks, 83 10
x:'..50; Iambs, 31 to 35.25 per cwt.
'flogs are weak. is) I,'ets at $5.50 to
S5.60 at outside points, rind $5.75
Termite. Harris quotes select.; at $5.75
:n S5.R0. medium at $5.50, and thin hogs
at $5 per cwt.
Trouble on the Second Longest Line in
the Country.
A despatch (min Caiculta says: Tref-
fie on the End Indian Railway. 2.16.5
)wiles long and the second largest lino
or India. is rapidly L•ec•:ming paralyzed
Joy a etrike. The trout')' originated
with the ougir.eers, who are Mutest en-
tirely Eurohx'a11, and on Tuc.sdny and
Wednesday great numbers of natives
belonging to the trailir :staff joined in
the nloventeot. The ntcs.l• important
section of the rood, from Celeulta lo
Allohebad, is urnclirally tied up, and
already six tho ssan l passengers are
stranded by Aseneol, Bengal, the junc-
ottertion of the East Indian atul Bengal-
Nagpur itailroads, where the striker.;
are threatening vihlenoe. Itep4 its are
' skin took Oiler.. killing the powder -
!man, and nix (!here in the cut IMloa'
were crus'tat Ly lalling rock. All were
,\ustrinns. The foreman, who escaped,
is ars) an Austrian, and experienced
in the work.
Only a few minutest )efere the work
uers inspect/el by fee- s. -'n Engineer
fl 'l an. Con!recter Ws -ester. anal En.
pincer \fae(;ilivray. 'they were right
e herr the men were tette 1. and had
a fortunate a eepe. The tie:es heel
!'cern sorting the day l efore. and were
•aid to he perfeelte roil. and 110 hnwl
can even c enj.ctslr' a cause. 'fhe
names of the dead are not avnil'Ibie.
constantly corning in of engineers
leaving their tr•a:►t, at remote stations.
end In souse casco driving off \will*
their IoconroUvei and leaving cars.
'l'h,e jute trills are seriously alerted
1'y the strike. They hove been obliged
14 slop work in oonsequcnce of the
slteerlage of coal, and it Ls feared Iltltl
the lie -up will delay loading outward -
bound ships.
The strike's. complain of overwork
and poor pay. The strike at the pre•
sent time is specially serious. in view
et the (amine cot ndit!ons, which are
l eooming daily more widespread, ne-
cessitating the .speedy transportation of
relief supplies.
114Il'I.\1.\Gti 1"lit)\i 41.1. O\. : 711E
1rleutiph trills from Our Ono
OIIi r (*omitrirs 01 !term!
1:a riots.
I"\\ \1)A.
1,ondon's poputaton by the directory
1. 57,000.
Coast legging camps in British Colum-
bia have leen closed.
Trade returns for the lest seen
months .show a lotnl 0t 8331,4,23.311.
dlist•ict judges for Alberta and Saskat-
. auu 1111%(' hers aptre)In11x1.
o,rlo banks are charging higher
•:r 0n United Slates cheques.
V t a elitism 10 :. Joeeph s Hospital,
L. i ton, th c et 1.00, X ), is planned.
,\ new S't(u),(11i,) theatre 15 PtroPosed in
Ottawa. on Rideau Street, by A. J.
Charges of graft against menmbers 0f
I$i. ledger): Council are to be investi-
G. T. R. yardmen and switchmtr
Tetonto, have been granted a 12 per
cent. increase .,f pay.
Letters received tsmtn a missionary in
Central India elate that a famine is
in•minent there.
The excise on spirits for October
mmounttel to 111421,651, and en lohncco
and cigars $621.261.
John Lloyd (cannel) was sentenced to
h' hanged 0n Janunry 3 for the !milder
..t F:. F. \\'nndle.
On January Ist the Ontar:o (:nvenl-
thenl will dis.vmlinuc the distribution of
i,nmigrents in Ontario.
The Ontario Government will leave
the placing of immigrants entirely to Iho
Dm,mineen Government.
A Port Dalhousie Vessel Was Struck By
a Barge,
A despatch from SI. Catharines says:
.1 "lerrjbk) norident occurred on 1.ake
i)ntar;o, "ten aril:; Lu' -oat' 1'ort Itathoti-
3:e, about 8 o clock on saturdry ni„elan,
..-hereby three lives wore tet en 1 lure i
"Chir: had tery narrow• es.x►pes, when
:be lug Escort was 'unk by being
slrue'k by the barge llarrison, in tow ;
the .vtoamer \Vegtn)0terrt. Fatly in
hs evening the Wtetut- tu.t and large!
.te:'cs . ee'n <m\\•ay c:em-n the Ial.e, ap-
erouching l'or•t DoUiousee Tw•o Largs, !
that, lisrot't ottd Golden (31y, Martel out
front islet ..it a race to serum 1110 Lvu•6a•.
►hero laving Leon great rivalry be-
bsvoen the fins l.► (secure Owe. The
f:r,.e.r•1 wa- 111 chee,' Of Capt. 1larrt•
Dunlop and the G -•Iden City in clterge
•'f (:apt. %let:eloper. They raced atx)ul
t -an utiles 4O\vn the lake) 1efore meet-
-ng the \\'cstt'ount and barge, {he Gol-
den Cay slightly in tte keid. As they
approached the barge the Golden City
made a circle to come alongeid y of her,
but the Fecort to save Utile endeavored
!o err: a••tnss the Ie..ow of the barg', )c-
"we:'n the Westmo nit and Ilartsson,
which wero going «bout ten motes an
hour. The captain of the Escort evt-
Six Nation+ Indians eelrbrated the
hundredth nnnivereary of the death of
Bract at Brantford on Saturday.
11 is repor.cd that the MnnIloba Gov-
ernment tiny Include u Slate scheme of
1• :egrnphs in (heir new telephotos, 1Ine-.
Sanely) Dut10n, a Hamilton football
player, was fined $50 for kicking an-
other player's teeth out during n match.
The Salvnlion Army have chartered
Ira sailings of slimmer.; for next year to
bring inunigrrtnls Io Canada.
fillet of Pollee Gibeen of Verdun was
Morel $20 by Judge (3inquet al Montreal
Cot not interfering In a light in hie
The Grand Trunk lone renewed fhe lease
of the norlhwnst teener of King and
streets, l'oronlu, for about $12,1E0
is year.
'The Provincial Immigration Depart -
trent will attempt to decal with the in-
flux of unemployed front the l'nileel
A bylaw 14 o M snhnlilled 10 'Tomnlo
ratepayers 10 provide for raising $2,500.-
2,.500:IAN for a lower and light distrbullon
Joseph Bethune, a last rat Cobalt. held
ph eklly to a runn\vay teem. Ile -melt booth
bones of hie tight leg were broken.
The Growl '1'run,k bee nntteimetel a
sewtnd•cla-ss rate of ten deflates between
Chieagn and New York, effective Nevem•
tor :30.
The inland revenue for the month of
October was $1,591.231, an Inereas.' of
$3:,0:7 as compared with O.lolx'r of
last year.
densly m(scalcula'ed the speed or diete
lance, and 1110 huge Steel low lona
caught lite phot house of the }:.'ort,
tearing it uwa$. Almost immediately
atter the Harrier struck the tug amid-
ships, capsizing her. She sank, carr
lug down Capt. Nasky Dunlop, ht: e
unlof . ► and a canal 1i't or
ice Albert U
named Chari e.,t Christmas, none of
wIteni were seen ngaln. 'flee;• c th9ra
'in board, Whin Burne";, the fireman;
Demean Cook, deckhend, and \lett.
Atlee Barrett. coot: on the lug, Mere
teSCuod with 1peal dilli:ully by 110)s¢
o►. It:o tug Golden (any.
'1'110 \\'agamont had slackenel ts..reel
;immediately whin ttte accident eccur-
red 'anti every effort was snide to
rescue those on loom liar ill-int:d tui
or rroovor the bodies of those ,ilxrwn•
.'d, but they have not, yet leen remw.
erred and it is probable They erei im-
prisoned in lite wreckage o: the tug.
which sante in a hundred and twenty
feet of water. After cruising around
Cot: soino 'tune titte Weslmoune come
on Vo }tort Da)h01.t16, and tl a tug
Corder City, with the rescued ou 1,0a44
taught tat the Harrison.
Oklahoma saloons aro in m.l.rning
since the State has passed under prohi-
Special cocking classes for nen were
announced at time Y. W. C. A., Dubuque,
A prohibition law, to go into force
fritillary 1st, 191)9. has leen paq.ed by
the Alabama Sink Senate.
Henry C. Wilder. aged !K). and Esther
Crawford. aged 95. hove just been mar -
riot ut Lowell, Mites.
Tit' jury trying Steve Adams at. Rath -
drum, Idaho, disagreed and was dis-
charged. on Saturday.
Black hears are so numerous in the
Allegheny nuntaithlhe
i. g down tlinto the celtlnseatmenisy. are com-
A cider twill at 'Traverse City, Mich.,
us'ts apples fcr fuel after the juice has
been n pressen out of thein.
1 he Arneri nn Federation of Labor
pat' e(I a ie'.olution declaring the
aright --lour day pnranaounl to all other
Samt.et A. Welch of Kingston. Ont.,
hats confessed to eight robberies at Bre-
ton, Mass., and to several sore in 'war-
t w towns.
sixty dogs. mostly prize -winners, were
burned to death at nye, N. Y.. 0n 'rhu)s-
dny. when the 13rosekside kennels were
deeiroyed by fire.
:\ Michigan farmer says that musk -
rate are building nests high, indicating
much snow and unusually numerous
The General Musical Director of the
New York Schools has given instra:tion
That no more Christmas enrols to stung
in the schools under his charge.
Ihllien proteesional and ht,sina g men
•.t (:hicngc. have Corned a "While (land
Society," to bring to justice the Meek -
n ,iters operating under the 1)11111.' of the
"l: c et !land."
\hrahanl R. Meyers of Hanover. Pa..
Ili ugh he bus no hands. shot tR rabbits
the other day. pulling the trigger 0f his
gee with a strap held by his teeth,
louse I'itzreuter, Brooklyn. apparently
in good health and spirit•, hold hie
friends ho lied n premonition of death.
and just a week later lie was found dead
in bed.
The testimony of the clieials of the
phoenix Bridge Company. lake,' by the
("anadian Ikeynl Commisskm. places the
rt.11 responsibility for the Quebec bridle
disaster on Theodore Cooper, consulting
(leo. F. Connor of Port Duren. Mich.,
is the inventor of the first beet -pulling
machine now being used in the Califor-
nia beet fields. where it is doing the
work of from ten to fifteen men and at
much less expense.
Tho dtrctors of the Rockefeller Insti-
tution for Medical Research of New
1eirk have announced an n(klilk►ual
gift (from John D. Rockefeller .of S1.G 3).-
(KYt as an endowment. The strceess of
the Institute in diw.n•ering n remedy
fah• ccreer)-spinal meningitis wag Inrg.'-
ly ro-j oncihke for Mr. flockefeller's
Nfarlial law is pracllenlly ht for -e In
01bEr\T BRrrA1N.
suffragette.: on Friday nigh! broke
up a tx) tice1 meeting which \Ir. ller-
torl Gladstone was addressing at Leeds.
The new lrtsh university bill being
prepared by Sn•r.•lary fl rrell will pr..
i►ese floe .„slnblLshrrenl of two new line
ersil fens.
Sir Henry (:amp1'e1l-11annerninn has
been advised by his physicians to lake
a real of s.'me w'.004 abroad before the
Opening of Parliament.
Pennsylvania Oil Producer's Children
Perish In Flames.
A despatch from Titusville, Ira., says:
Awakened by the barking of his dog
early on 'Thursday. Thomas W. Zuvcr,
an oil producer, living east of here,
found his house in (lames, and with
difl!cutty he saved his wife and their
baby. Two Soni e:eaped front lite see-
ond storey. but were badly injured.
Five children, Emery, need 12; Roland,
aged 11; Martha. aged 9; Lettie, aged
7, and Nellie, aged 5. were burned to
d.elh. Nelson, aged 14, will peobubly
die. The fire is supposed to have ore
ginaled in the (k,or beneath an over.
heated gas range. When Zino. was
awakened by the dog he sprang from
his bed, to see the flames filling the en.
ling -room. Ile forced the w•ind:%w sash
out. calling t., his wife to bring floe
baby. Climbing to the porch toot. he
ntet one of the oder toy. •»raring
through a window'. The boy fell sense-.
less on the roof and droitped re the
ground. Flames prevented Zu\er from
r:-en'ering by the window• and he also
dropped uncon.eious from the rxtf.
\Vrote Leifer to Sweetheart Retire Com-
mitting Act-- May Recover.
A despatch from North Rai ,.,
Parnell O'Connor, aged 21, shill 10 !
Saturday night with suicidal -
ea bullet from n 32-cnllihre revolver p:,
ing through his right lung. 01- .nn.,r
w(t.s a guest nl the North flay ll n1,.•, and
%weer() 'tusking the attempt. en Iii. 110
..'role a (otter to his ssteelhearl al (;o-
I;,I! e.nyillg they would Ii• t' r rte. ( rtgnin
:,0t earth. end bidding tor a ei-t fare-
well. O'Connor is still alit'•. true lois
recovery is douhtfal. His pare•it . !ere in
Dakhla. and he has been errs . eel in
Ne Oh Bay and (:obnit ter liv.. • .1
- 4' -
BELL :1'l1.LE S1:11001. frrliin.
(raiment nnibhinq CoutpleIeIS t►r4roy.'d
at Loss of r(2:0.1100.
A despatch iron, RMIcta1e - hire
broke out atxml 5.30 on Sandie t eeltl in
1110 (krttv.'nt `Spent huildin: 1 : . • •rn-
el,•lei)• dcaroyim)t il. '1'! • i t':ills
f,.rnishings is eslhtlnt'd rat '. rise . i;h
in•uranee. of $7.500. The oris!:', ,if 111a
111 c 4+ n mystery. the cnretnt.'r hnt'ing
left. the setteol ulx►ut tour .,". 6n 1., afler
Ike Sunday scheme ses'i.en. The furnaces
were of lite 115)si modern ciorst111,rhn.
The lire is a serious gleet;' In ('attrohc
evll,calion. following as it d.• - tate re-
cent deslru•'tkot of 51. \bi•-tun•!"-. rt •• re -
1 uttding of which ha. ee,•n a - Tien. tate
on 11:e iceout'ces of the Calesol ,• 1.'111.
- ---•a
\no her Boxer uprisi I)' 1s said le, b1
IL(:'nlening 4n reeve
The Vienna Academy of • r,.•.• will
man Sir \\'thirst Ramsay ;, trot!. " of a
gram of tadiu► 10 ex;•. u mien! aide.
otal Imports and Exports Show Uig
,\ despatch from Ottawa say:: The
unmet report of the Trade and Com -
nom: Department for 1947 has just l'e'n
Issued. While, owing to the change nn
ltte terminnlatn of the fiscal year, fent,
fine :tout to March 31,41, the report In
.1 tail (overs only the nine, months ended
\larch ills}, 1907. the trade figures have
been recompiled fir the purpose of cent -
poison, and the result is summarized
thus in the rep -.rt of the Deputy Minister:
"The total imports rind exports during
the nine nontits covered by this report
tone $465.1163.201. as compared with
$550,872.615 during the previous ye(tt• of
twei%e months. or 399.797,020 during
the corresponding nine months 0f the
previous year: or. again. the total trade
during the 10eite menthe to June :kith,
19107 tunrevi-rel (tgure:). wee 36(7.9(44.952.
as compared with $550+372.615 ns Move."
A summary sof the trail•• of 1 ;made f
the twelve ittellIhs ended Sept. 30111
strews total import+ of $.162.14e,9071 us
ngain.l $296..01 el during the 3111•
Lending p01 11 . I }wins ern noel n1
Sf 1i. 1(10 (ii.
Exports of ('anndian rr..'lt.cr :e• ,t•
co lu 3241.1301922. to against 8•'1;
3vi, n decrees.. of 3615.439.
The duly colle'.led on imports' for 'hi
twelve Crushes ended Sept. ;10th wee
858.661.696, an increase of $I0•619,913.
Exports to Great Britain ui hinted t0
$1211.°W$15.a decrease of r7.4u1.372.
Exports to 111.' United Slates teethed
djstp,931,140. an mcreaso of $4,7ttet.11n,
11 is to be tooled. however. that an in.
cr, ace in exmts for October still mutt
herr make 4t) the a.mperative delirioncy
in the ftgurrs for the period taken.
i rap. re% from Great Britten -for the
Iwehe months ended Sept. 30th totalled
:4;•u•i7x.7:02, an Ire:ream • f *23.221•42,
wio a imports from the Undo(' Settee
4erntmtel t) $"7,f10.')I6. an incr'nso of