Exeter Advocate, 1907-11-28, Page 4Grand Openin (1h Fall and Winter Goods. We have just opened up an i1u- mensu import order of Scotch and English goods In all the LATEST SHADES. Our success in the past has been dime) our knowledfe that Honest _Goods and Honest Prices must. pretrail•in garments which appeal to the better class of trade. CALL:E.\ItLY. J. H. Holtzmann CHEDITON Q zetex Abracate, Sanders & Creech. Props. THURSDAY, Nov. 28,1907 NOTE; AND COM 3lh,N'I A big public reception was given Mr. Borden at Ottawa last night by the Conservatives of that city. Many prominent speakers were present. t? Judge Winchester, who is conduct- ing the London Election trial at'roron- to, last week closed the evidence as re- garding bribery and admitted Vint sufficient evidence had been given to prove the bribery charges. The con- spirvtcy charge is now been investigat- ed. Hon. Adam Beck explains that he avis mistaken at Brantford when he stated that the government would make good to municipalities any sunt paid in excess of the figures for power quote.} by the commission. He states, however, that the estimates give ample room lot .111y possible tlucttiatione in pt ices of material used. Conse_(1ueutly no person not benefitted by Niagara power 'wed feel afraid of being taxed with the cost of the power. How' b ri)isP We offer One hundred Dollar.: Reward for a:,,- ease of Catarrh that cannot be cure.) by hall's Catarrh Cure, F. J. CIIENEY Ji Co., Totes),. n, We tn^ mederrigncd have known F. J. Cheney for the last t"•eror+ and I lietehien .c rfr..h fanora•le in all l:a-;m•es tr.tn,a•11on3 amt ttr.am^all•: able to tarry out -u :,btigat ions made by his tiro,, \was.naa, Hissers L yl.tava, whole..ale Druggists, Tolc.l,, 0 CredIttin 4 a pleasant evening Was spent. Thte. another of those [,leasent shooting The Bert Lane Mitten el Cu., Opera events which are always looked for-' House.Exeter, Thur -day, Dee. le, 1.Mi7, fv;ud to with :+gveat ural of plr+►sure Seats on sale „t lir uwninl;'a Ur ug has been added to histo, v. btore. Fred Brown of London 1►ss been vis- iting .It•. and lir-. %Vile 11'euzel the pact week. -Mies Melvina Beaver left kir Detroit where she has secured a situatiuu.-Devitt Riker, who has been working in the 1epeir department of Brown's Shoe store, has severer,' his connection with the firm and intends leafing for Pittsburg next week. -We are pleased to state that Mrs. Jos. tVasnidge of 11c(iillivrny, who recent- ly bad to undergo an operation for ap- pendicitiei, is rapidly 1ecovering.- Wm. Siebert and wife of Pottsville visited Mr. and Mrs. Semite' Brown for a few days last week. -Hy. Eilber, M.1'.I'., was in Toronto Saturday - Miss Carrie Kuhn returned to L',ndon on Friday to continue her studies in the Forest City Business College. - Garfield Lawson and Norman Winer, who have been working in Detroit for some time rare home for a few weeks. They report. rather hard times in Uncle Srun's country and not touch demand for laborers. -Rev. Henn of tilt.. Evangelical church exchanged pul- pits last Sunday with Rev. Eidt of Dashwood. Rev. Eidt preached two excellent sermons to large audiences. -Jno. Young is spending a ,few days Ellie week with 1Vn►. Prance at Green- way. -Our merchants at•e getting in their Xmas goods and preparing for the holiday season. --Mrs. Daniel Ti•ut'nlner of Dashwood visited her mother, Mrs. Hosina Finkbeiner, last Friday. -Dr. and Mrs. Orme of Cen- tralia were in the village Sunday eve- ning. ve- ning. -- Elimville Mrs. Mrs. W. Hero went to Godet•ich on 1Vednesday. Mrs. Henry Coultis is improving slowly after her severe illness of the past couple of week. -The Elimville beef ring finished up last week for this year. Everything was satisfactory and it was decided to continue again another year. -Our village blacksmith has secured a helper owing to having so much to do that he was not able to give his customers due justice. - Chas. Andrew, merchant of Gerrie, and an old Elimville boy, was married on Wednesday to a Miss Miller of Gor- ier. Congratulations Charlie. -Wal. Miners of Exeter spent Sunday here. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES. -Tho an- niversary services on Sunday and Mon- day, were the best ever held by the church. Rev. Smith Bilker of Ailsa Craig preached 1n'o etngtient sermons to crowded houses, while Mrs. Baker sang four beautiful solus. She has a beautiful clear voice and her singing was touch appreciated. The fold sup- per on Monday evening was the best and the crowd the largest that ever attended a supper in the history of the church. The ladies were prepared for n crowd, having been warned that pen- ple neer coining froui anile, ,round. About SI foal were on the wenn but only the bones remained after all had ailed themselves. \ splendid leo ex n was render el. consisting of manic And singing he tile Centralia eh, ir, -llrs. Ei tieer mei 1.•eitittiuus ley Miss Batt of C'utralia. Short and witty epeeelea were delivered by Ret•ds. ll Jl's i_','trrh Curr is taken internally, wain;; di • Verde of Kirkton. Butt of Centralia, recth• o.e tha blood and uauenis surfaces of the Going of Exeter and Baker and 1•esi- sstem. Testimonials rent free. I'ri' e Tee.per bot. 7 dent minister. Proceeds amounted to toe. s.,l'l by all onereots, :theta $17u. The people of Elimville T:k.• 11tH's Family fills for,otastipati m.. I feel highly elated over the success and will no doubt return the compliment to their neighbor churches when their turn comets • S11i1)ka Weigh weenier n►:al;t•, mit. town Inerell tett. ,mile. They are very busy the p to. fete day-, [builtr•y el nung in vera f ,.t. - De. :red Mre. Attlee of Ex- eter were the guests of S. Sweitzet• oill Sine) eel l t,t its teas ,ti. Jlresrs. itorr and et•„•••!l • t I'.►tkbin. --John Mc- Ph•r','wlio sprat the past few months are visiting at 11re. O'Ronek's parents. in Albt•ita, is hone again. -Suresh-Han y Iles. ire hard the misfortune Ssv it,.'r 11 hm,v oppert►ting with be. to to »r +.• • t hi. not king horses un horse clipper;. Sime,, is an ext. •e: .tlund•av .. • t':•'. core ,,i ting the jab. -M.. 131•eliner and J. 1). 11 • tl►e till to L,i. . Soule of one weer ie Heeler r ,.n Friday ! • - _ 1,.• 1• ,i ., r •,one - e , Swei;i••r;end E. Brenner epee' • i .i . .ri Apple• day in 3'ui:hill.-'1'hc Sunr�:•,tat i r. t r, 0 ..,,,1 moved to childr0it au.. :t1 work pr,►••l ' t .i ire;, ads to work a ('hi --111 Ne entertsiinlu• rat 011 , r .r a \Ve tt•iell John all Don't forget the date. -.-.1. I). 11 r h r,•i , : 1a:•k 3n Ills new home. 1 sure the enteetaitlment will be fully held .t v'ry suece.-ful pluughiee ; ,••• V. • -,\ very pretty wetlding 1 HO to 1 hi' stand erd,-There is also to last Teateilav, having 1.i tee n,- ..t ; ea- :••! ;..'• ,l on Tuesday morning he a Xmas entertainment in canner,• work - 1 .h•i Dei1r•ick ison the sirk I ,it. Mt. l'.. n:• I .hutch. when two of tion with the Evangelical church of I shim John Itatz nets in Toronto last week on busit.e+y.-lits. L). Mulligan of Deb - lin is visiting friends around here.-- Janieti O'Ronrk and wife of London Centralia %�r.'aSoN E. Wits -Voice t'ratuction and Sit IA Ing -Pupil of Loudon Conservatory of Nusi. , 11. Ruth. en Me Donald. Chute, 1l hit.. Loudon, Fan};. Ernest Eardley, London, Eng. A limited number of pupils w sti be secreted. The Bett Lane .1instrel Co.. Opera House, Exeter, Thursday, Dec. 12 1907. Seats on sale at 13rowning's Drug store. Messrs. Parsons & Davis are receiv- ing and shipping large quantities of fowl fur the British Columbia trade. - Fred Bloomfield, after an absence of several months in the West, returned home last week. Fred looks as if the prairie province agreed with him. - Mrs. Geo. I3ay}nbtuu has returned from a three months' visit to friends in the Northwest. -The choir of the Metho- dist church here assisted in the pro- gram of the Elimtville church anuiver- stuv on Monday evening. We feel rather proud of our choir as they give us the very best class of music. -A number of brick layers started on the new school house Monday morning. If weather premits they will rush the building up to completion the new year. -The many friends of the Misses Hattie and 31a1-garet Handford, who have beeu quite ill owing to the death of their mother, will be pleased to learn that they are convalescing, -As last Sunday was the tVorld's Temper- ance Snndrty Rev, W. H. Butt preach- ed a sermon in the evening on the treating custon of the day, denouncing theta as productive of the common drunkenness which the better class of citizens deplore -Hev. Butt in his an- nouncements expressed thanks to the congregation for their increased con- tributions to the Missionary Society on the previous Sunday, when Rey. T. Cockling of Toronto preached. The subscriptions were the largest in eight }ears. -Richard Hicks addressed the League on Tuesday evening on pioneer clays in this section of the country, calling up the names and incidents of the old tune missionaries who laid the foundations of Methodism here. The address was of special interest to all ppresent.-Revival services begin in the Methodist church on Sunday next and Evangelist McHatdy is expected to as- sist, beginning Dec. 10. SIIOOTreer M.►'rcii-On Friday, Dec. Oth, a grand shooting tnateh will be held in connection with Win. MolTatt'- Hotel, when four events Willi be shot, three at rocks and one at pigeons. A good clay's spot t i. promised. The shoot commences at. 10 o'clock. • Dasll\vood The Bert Leine Min .tre1 Co., Opera House, Exeter, Thursday, 3)ec.12, 1907. Seals on stile 'tit 13ron•niog'. Drug store. George Ii.ul,y hits solei hie property in the village to Mre. Catherine Birk, for which 1►e received a fair price, He left on Mundrty with Ills family and household effects for Hamburg. where helms woik in the brass works. They will be flinch missed here.- Mr. ilanm- acher. our popular baker, has again adopted the standard weight of his loaves or in other words sells the 2loz. luntrs for five cents. Ile has also re- ceived ,► whole lot. of Xmas goods and prospective buyers should drop in and have a look through his stook. He also sells the Star Brand fluor at S2.75 pet cwt. -Rev. F. 11. Bean of Cretliton occupied the pulpit in the Evangelical church here both morning and even- ing. Him diseoeises were practical omit ((1115' rep1)1'"j3ell. Het, 3,. h, Eidt took Iter. it••,n', w.tik at ('recti• tort.- \li-. viate•.l ,it the home of Jacob 1'''ll••r•tuitn on timidity Inst. -fete, Kratt has purchased John Hall's property in the tillage. -.Jonas Ilarticih has rented hie store for a terror of years to a gentleman from 1'Iattsvitle.-3It•. and Mrs. Fenn of I'.rrkhill wet in the riling(' en Sunday 1,ast. • --Our Patine school teachers are !tort very busy pract.i:Ing the little cues fur the school ente.1(i(1ment to be given in Zimmer's Hall on the ewep• tug of Dee. 20th. It is to he hoped that the ttcattier will he fine as we are A Surprise In Biscuits Every box of Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas you open -you will find a new delight in these dainty biscuits. IVhen you want to surprise yourself, give your appetite a treat with Mooney's 91 Perfection Cream Sodas Kirkton %Vm. Moore, wife and son have re- turned from Parkhead, where the for- mer enjoyed a week's shooting. -Wm, Hanna will remain on D. W. Dul- mage's farm another year. -Trustees of our school have made a change in the heating apparatus and expense will be saved. -It is rumored that Mr. Stinson bas bought the property be- longing to AIr. Tofte, who lives in the Old Country. -Melville Robinson, after a pleasant stay here with bis parents, has returned to Toronto, where he holds a good position as bookkeeper. Miss Heenie has also been home 011 a visit. -Harvey Leigh, who is visiting at his home here, intends leaving shortly for Kenora. Mr. A. A. Spencer received word on Friday last of the death of his father, Charles Spencer, of Beavertown, at the age of 80 years. The death occur- red suddenly on Thursday at f) o'clock as he was preparing to retire. The end was altogether unexpected, Al- though he had been troubled with dropsy for some time. Mr. Spencer had been n resident of that town for 40 year,. A family of pine children survive among whom 11)0 Mr. A. A. t the n ► les. aures Airth of Spencer and J SI n r Thames Road, Ushorne, both of whom attended the funeral on Sunday. Clan(10Loye. Into:rlcd for Itst neck. Etl. Simpson and sister Lura, spent Wednesday of last week in Hidgetottn unending the wedding of their broth- er, Hev. Chris. Simpson to :Miss Mc - ('own of that place. --Joss Nettie \Vat - ter of Exeter spent a few days during the past week with Miss E. J. Cure ninghani.- hiss Lizzie Potton return- ed to London Monday, after a lengthy visit at her hone, here. -S. C. Chown returned home after attending the fun- eral of his mother at Kingston. ---Win. Holt of Sarnia spent Tuesday here. - We are pleased to hear that little Vio- let Pat ton is recovering after her sev- ere illness.-Jlr•s. I)r. Jones and sun Lloyd, we are pleased to state, are both able to be around again after their recent illness. -Miss E. J. Cnn- ninglsarn spent Thursday in Exeter. - The funeral of the late Thomas Halton took place to St. James cemetery Mon- day at 2 o'clock. ile was 0., years of rig,. and highly te'p,•eted.---'Che flitter - 01 of the I rt(• 1irs.Ku•;tn Crxwh•y, stied 73, of Lovett. took pierce '1hutedny at o'clock to St. Jetties cemetery.- -Rev. Chris. Siu►peon and wife are spending n few dries in the village before leav- ing easing for their horse in Nova,. 31.5111t1.utu---The marriage of 31iss Jessie J,►ne Macnwn to Rev. Chris. list, 11i \'s iltiani. is all ,miles. ; ion most 1, ire, nuyo'it g people %vele this place. The p1ogrant commit tee 1: Simpson, was n happy event. on Nov. It's :, I, ,y. --Mr. rind Mrs. J. Wollner 1111131' 111.•:, •:. 1 it Thr con'„t ting now busy ,u•rongiag a program trl.irh 1:3. at 1110 Advent. Hev. Softly, of Moe- werc int ,.vn Monday. pit tie. n. 1 • 33.tlthrw Reagan and 'sill i„ -hirable for the or• anion. 'l'ht• peth, ofllciating. The bride wits he- -- dnighter of 1'.tt • Irate luts not ti 01 been decided upon I tit coniingly attired in white silk with A S'CRONO 1':\VO11IT!'. Gt tt . The 111111:331 knot was Fe- i will he 211.11o11l i'(d at rt batter ct;tree-- (rice bolero, and wore the customary melt ti. •i 1!ec. F,atbei Foster. ; Joh,. 1 int rot ''f Blyth caned ‘.11Imidnl reit and carried certm roses. 1Vitb 113 el ►a+, s of p..0311,.. t „`.•s- 1'fh, 1 , intily ,,hi 10(3 iii fi i •heli- in the v.:I tete 1 est .t, rk. Ides Miss Mabel .lnhn'on, 1h0 bridesmaid, t,tl ,11111-•3nit111131111i. sir:a;l.:.•f33:i,uvi-i1 d nloiheer net t• green silkand rem led ,pink , • , hili, ; : `,1.t. ,In3 allo+er l eer, here for t too d e). this week. .t h,, carnation.. 31r. ('atli.le, of Loren, we•• - .3 1 •. her -istrt• .Moes toad of Lee.: peliti. leite attended the 81)11100II'I) the groom. Miss Maeown .1. •,phis...\.. tt'; , 1 ,ked lately in ra politicel 1111.P1 lug in Zan kb un Thins• was given ewer)• hpp her uncle, 31r. Johnson. at wbo-o' home the wedding breakfast tats .( rcr (1. The happy eimple will re,i(le in Algoma district, where Rev. Simpson is neeoutptishing tench geed work as a missionary. 8100 (1 me bi.il :'••. 111••11. na farur•rs, rtu., tile• Family 11 lar rep.•; ' (' .: le I, - - well d: .. 1, t t.: , I.;e ,it.i; 1:.. 4.,svn of old l , ,i,ee•d nuns veiling, day tight lest.- 3 turtles Hinkel' was paper in t''.n ti' gives such leis taint'. I trimmed with all-:•'. ' erect and epp33-; Olken it, the hospital at Loudon last How s'i a 11 ep•'l can 1,e supplied to I quip run) vv, lip 0 Lige plain velvet pic , week tt h"re he unties went sin opera- suhseribe a at one 110113 • ncr year 14 it tine hat,- Both !nide and maid car- it ti"11 for hernia. Latest report. e,+t h0 mister;.. Few homes in C,lnsdn will vied exynirit0 shower ia,n.l1i1 of brill•' is pe, grc«ing favorably. --The Misses be founel to•d'+v without til:, hag Mon-' al roses. The green, was ably .upper(- I L'511) 1 led Athelia Korb of Exeter tre•elp,p.•r. We learn tbl'te 1111 great ed by 31r. J. Lave! of Seafortb. The !pent Sn1.1,1y herr .t itIttheir parent's et dein still than ever this s0;loon and hest wishes of their many friends are -- - Mos, that want In receive the paper; theirs and maytheir future he one long I•:(11,11 regdl:411v during 13)08 ehonl:l - 1 : , ' honeymoon. The 13011 Lane Min-tle•1 Co., Oppera their (tillers at mire. House. Exeter, Thutsdrav, Dec. i2, 19t,7, Seats on salt' at Brow'thole Drug store. tietr,g pnepara• JL•. Born flnitehcd tbte•hin in o,:, Wthh Lungs bronchitis For over sixty years doctors have endorsed Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for coughs, colds, weak lungs, bronchitis, con- sumption. You can trust a medicine the hest doctors ap- prove. Then trust this the next time you have a hard cough. The best kind of a testimonial - "Bold for over sixty years." 4 al,e n,a!, •-ref ..era of "F trtQllLA- gers rilltil I ttei0t. P: a 1 ' - .--rete' \' a rn5 '.8 tbo forma'u .fat1 oar mediate.,. A A l;(rtige'Ft Nit. ll,') •. ;. in. tilt. 1 alk.- • rs. R Suffered Terribly •.t 1)rnH01d. -�In neighborhood un Mnod.ey.-�\ hoot•,, , .1 \I; - i t tit. Mart. tris• trotfl here attended the ttnniy,•raat �sert-ices at Elimville Monday an 1 the lied t1►(' fel r, • t - t 1 • ata herr Thurs.fowl supper Jlnnday.'venin ctny.--Nr. I. , \ .: "II sister of 11 R• Aplena. ilia• returned h.sw Tuesday. after a ,int time is reported by all. -Mrs. Hooke of Exeter spent Jlondey at Se:'fortb: Mondnv %%'n,. Hartry had the misfortune to fall front the r zpress wagon. breaking his leg below the knee. Mr. Marley was helping to load some crates of fowl when he lost bis haler...•:sod fell t:. The pnt•emrnt. f w da)re visit at Mr. \% tu. %\ bite e. Thomas Brooks'. Hich.itd ('oats and way spent Sunday At Jo.. Hawkins', iainrvIIlre.--Thos. Brooke and wife Os - iced at Will Lord's on Sunday. --hiss Vine Fiehet• of Exeter went the latter pert of bast week at Ilirh. ('ostler,. - .4111. SeXSIIIi111. -Strome! NI s. N.Jarto•tterypleasant- lyentert.tined :a num beeof their friends on Monel:►y night. Sfrown et MATrII -- The annentl shnot- Ing match rook place on Thursday ..ftcrnc•on 344t and nrediess to say the 4ITan was err of unlimited pleasure for all who were fort 111)8(0 enough to be in a' tendance. Sides were chosen by 11r. Mhetry and Mr. John McEwen, there being four teen selected on rich side, and inch eaptein felt eontident of the ehnoting pr•uclitities of their ,respective choice. As usual the contest wee tor the losing side to pay for an ovs•er enpprr and each emit extent .heo at eight bitds. Room will not est mit 1•1 rt detetil score. lint the result wee ranee. Mr. 11cl;wrn'm side winning by only five. The ,latch over. All hied thetneelves to the home of 31r. ('.,,,e. of her farm nn the 2nd conceeeinn of Hely, where a liberal supply of the bivalve!. evoked to the King's taste, Was participated in, after which the yyer'a Pills keep the bowels regular. Merry crowd, comprising youth and i! '. :able and gently Ietv•fe, h^s,t►r. joinedin the nary whirl and ' Successful nnniters.uy sertiees wir0 held at the church on Sunday. Ret. [leggin of ye,efof th occupied the pul- pit while Kippen choir rendered some choice mn••ie. :A large congregation wits present at the services and (be contribution was a good one. -A very pleaeent event took place at the home of Mr. Charles Aldswnrth on Friday night last, when a number of Omer in- terested in the welfare of the hmrch gathered to do honor to Mre. Aids - worth. who has so faithfully and ac- ceptably ftllfllle.l the duties of organ- ist, by presenting het with it beautiful silver tea -et in recognition of her yal• tied services. The pie•entetinn over Read John all joined in spending is pleasant even• 50 fills -Price Inq. �ta� 22 Years From Rheumatism. Cured him. It will cure you. f)reenwood's letter. :r)c. at All i►ratg Stores, �tr>_ Rawest front se - ASK FOR le:tr,l hop choice barley nr .lt an,i > r• ,pr Mg water, Kith the utmost to ensure proper taro. Betted:Bettedal the brewei v depots (LONDON handling. That is why Labatt', A!e India Pale Ale is equal to `''e'"'- est, surpassed by none, though it costs consumers only about half as much as imported goods. WAREHOUSES THE LEADING SCHOOL CENTRAL -- EXETER, CENTRALIA AND CLANDEBOYE STRATFORD, ONT. By giving a better course of training than that gi, ; enby any other similar institution in Ontario, t,e Highest Price paid for Grainflit become one of the leading business traiuini, schools in Canada. Our graduates are in demand as orrice assistants and business college teachers. Our courses being the best our gradurtes succeed. It interested In your welfare write now for cur cata- logue; it is free. We have three departments, COM - RICH. SELDONmenial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Winter term oi.ens January 0. ` ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN, (Successor to Joseph Cobbledick) Principals THE MOLSONS BANK (incorporated by Act of Parliament 1555) Head Office, Montreal Capital Paid Up Reserve Fund Assets Over $3,200,000 3,000,000 33,000,(3 00 SIXTY TW() BRANCI-IES IN T1IE DO3IINION OF CANADA - EXETER BRANCH - OFFICE HOURS 10 a. na. to 3 p. rat. SATURDAYS, 10 a. m. to 1 p. M. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed Savin Bank Department: ` tlfurther noticequarterly Interessteads on halfSavings accounts writ tc (i dived quarterly instead tt hail cearly as former{}. NN ...posits of sl and upwards teethed. Agents at Exeter for the Dotninion Government. 111,•t;,,,Y ell CABLING, Solicitors. N. D. I1t!P,I)O\, Maeatee. Choose An Executor That Will Not Die It is serious enough for an executor to carelessly manage an estate, and not maintain an up- to-date record of his investments and expenditures. But suppose be should die. Consequences might be serious. Anyway, it would cost money to get affairs in proper order again. Unless there was a second living executor, an administrator would have to be appointed, which is r.dditional expense. This Cotr.pan) makes en honest, capable, experienced executor. Strict account i.; rendered of ever) dollar invested or expended in the interest of an estate. Our books show how wisely and economically we have discharged our trust - show the exact value of an estate to date. Furthermore, this Company cannot die, become sick, abscond or speculate. 13 is always within easy reach when ► equired. Cor- respondence invited and promptly answered. Managed in connection with the Huron & Erie Loan and Savings Co. t-, 1_`� rT3LJIfti:jC !,�tjjJ ii 1LONDON, (.::ITA?:?O. %Itl'Iell I wer had n narrow escape from being The Bert (sate Jlinstrrl Co., Opera! seriously injured Inst week at the frim, House,l:xeter, Thursday, Dec.12, Itlt,7, ' of 11. Volbau(1 by bumping his head Seals (511 ante st lit•owning'e Dl ng w aunt c `John Albrechtgainsost andt ,bed jsevered store. Rev. J. C. C. Minis, of Preston, will take Charge of the 3.utl►eran congrega- tion here. on the 1131h of Dee. --John C. Jeff' ey of Drysdale, Ibis leased Jac- ob W. 1\'cods' faint on the Letke Road for five years. -E. Zeller has disposed of his interest in the itnnumel fern, to F. Hes". Sr., and John F. !tickled.- Mr.:t,d Jlre. %Vtn. Rowson returned from Notth 1)ikot, on Seam do •.- Charles Ilartlieb purchased a builing lot from F. ('. Kalli lei-ch,and Intends ring the dwelling house on the 11. %Veil stand. to the new location on Centre street. Mr. Iltu•tlieb nerd. the mince where the bonne now merle . f,•r his business block. which be ii, - electing in the -le ir';-.-Charles \\,• MISLYS211111111111111111111PIneee broken recently by being kicked Lv :I horse. -The marring. of Valen- 01;0 Wilds, 11 prosperous far mer of St;tntey, to Mies Agee% (i :Mulliven, of JieKillop, took place in St.'oluhan church on Nov. 111th. -The firstrnship- meld of apple jam from the new fee - tory here wars made to .Japan. The little Japs will find it all right end it will go great with their boiled r ire. A mess meeting of the t'onscrvatit• es of this district wee held here on Thursday rvenirg last. and was ad- dres'e.l by the Dominion member for South Huron, Mr. 13. H. Gunn, Mr. Andral• Broder of Morrisbnr•g, and ethers. A his crowd was present and listened to the nddresees with interest. Mitchell, Ont., May 13, 11)07. The Claltin ('hemieel ('o. %\'il,d'or, Ont. Dear Friend•.-- :% great victory has been won by the use of "l3 vela", after 22 years of terrible anftering from Sciatica and Rheumatism. I Imre been a great.mtTorer from this terrible disease tot 22 years hack: at times 1 would here bickache and terrible pain.; in my tripe, hip j'linte and :a leo down my 1e)1' to the bottom of my feet. i have suffered untold agony and only those who have hall the disease knew whet the tetrihlte pains are. 1 tried everything 1 could think of, but got no relief until 1 saw "1311- .111", the gentle Kidney fill, advertised In the paper, and 1 thought 1 would give it a trial and 1 did eo. 1 bought one box of "1311-,1(1" and got great relief. then 1 got five more loxes of therm. and After using nix boxes 1 rant completely cured at the aches and piing and ren recommend theta to any person suffering as i did. Last winter i thought i would have to give up altogether nm i could htrdly get arotnd on my lege. i A111 more than thankful, more than tongue can tell for Rotting rid of my dieease by the nae of "Bn•JO and u►toy others i hive tied of it have been getting relieved of their piing. 1 shall never. 3/e without them in the house. 1 Have been days rand weeks that i could hardly craw) to the Iran to do my /shores. i hod to stop different tinges and rest my lege. 1 thought roomy a time 1 should he a cripple for life. but thank (rod f got something at last to knock it nut, when 1 got hold of "Bu Jn": and i rein reeommend it Highly to others "offering from the *erne disease. Yours very truly, Mitchell, ieigan Township, Ont. Jotter OnRKswooIi, 1111111111111