Exeter Advocate, 1907-11-28, Page 2%IMO: \1.\W Isl.(nu[r.
that It ►Vhal Ur. Veilliuns' Pink Pills
Pu --Thea is NH) 111,•) lure
So Nan) Diseases.
%%leen p crnaris hone rot enough
t,itod. ttr ,then their bkpd is euk
and water), the doctors name the
trouble uuucnua. ltioudeeeseess is the
tltrsci eau_e of many cutinnon diet -us-
es, such as indigestion, palpitation of
the heart, debility, decline, neuralgia,
here •usness, t•heinnatis:u and consump-
tion. The surest signs ed joie -
o i rIre 14:mess, blots, lips, eukl !,ands
ani bet. general weakness. low bpirih
and H: utiaches and backaches. if
anaemia is not checked in lime it will
prt.1. ily the • :op into c.onsuInplton.
[here is one , main cure for Gllnelllia
-Ito. \\ :u::, !'ink !'ills. These pills
actuaiic n+:.:.• new, rich. red blood.
which flip the veto: and brings new
life, new et'tri ;eel good health to
[dopiness people. In proof of this Miss
Mabel Clendrnn'•ng, Niagara Falls..
tea., slays: "For two years 1 suffered
irons anaemia. I was week, Itti!1. had
nu appetite. 1 contetunes had distress-
ing hradaetiee and fell 1.w• spirited.
My heart would palpitate violently; 1
toted, d..l no work around the house:
I became very pale and my nerves got
unstrung. The efforts of two good
(kcte.rs failed to help nip. 1 was In
such a pelf!! Mak. One day a friend
urged Inc to fry Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills and I did NO. S. on 1 saw the
pills were Helping ale and by the lime
I had ,alien nine boxes 1 was com-
pletely plied. 1 had a g, .3d opp>etitc:
gainerl in weight, I hadn't en ache or
pain. c•'uld Bleep well and 1 nm in far
teller health now Than 1 ever was. 1
cermet speak leo highly of what Dr.
\\ Illiarn.s' Pink fills have done for me:'
What Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have
done for Mics (aendenning they have
done for thousands -they will (S.) kr
you. nut you must gel the genuine
with the full name. "Dr., \\a tiattee
Pink Pills for Pale People," on the
wrar.per nr•oalul every box. 11 your
dealer has not got the genuine pills
you can get than at nO ce:tts a box
or Mx loxes for 82.50 from The Dr.
\Wi (lams' Medicine ('n., Breekville, OnL
Trick Which Upset the I.atters Dig -
reit and \Which Ile Neter t.irpnl.
Dan Let o, the kindest -he. •reed comic
Etnger who ever lived, ewe made a
anger that he Would apse, the dignity
c; a ccr;ain bead-m•aiter at the prime-
val hotel in Ilrightd n, England, who
I:ad Ibe name of icing the mast digni-
fied Iran in the town. His experiment
and ii. blteeibs are noted eekew. Dan
%sent to the betel with three trends --
an engineer who had logit an eye, a
cavalry o!]icer who had k.st an arm,
find an chi see captain who bad }os!
e.. kg. The quartet en eonecd theme
sohes in the f•,ur corners of the room
and hawlcvl l. r the waiter. who cane,
its wets a !Dole than ordinary assump-
1 on of dignity as a tacit protest
egainet their uneereue ni.•us treatment
t•l hT.
"\\3tler7' cried the eine-eyed engin-
eer. "eerie*, :led take off Illy eye -glass,"
adding. As ttv' waiter swelled with In-
rtignalicn, and while you're about d,
jot take 4,I*t my eye,'
'leer ,eye, sir?" "'hoed the startled
"Yes. me7 eye; den') you undo -stand
Imoist! Lord( sharps'
F -glass and eters eye came a ee
kee thee. and the welter reconnoiter, 1
than deLhtfulli r1_s t:ley lay in the
palm ef his handl. l.ke a dna:1 eyeing
L watch Ih'it had suddenly slopped.
J'3st tt14 n the a ne-arm& I dregoon ahuut-
n1 in his turn:-
''', ,.ler. take elf my glove: and. neer'
that 1 nen', ef d. take orf my can."
Gore and arm gate way al the firs!
effort. and the wailer. npralted to see
his reeteme s alt tumbling to piecee
kke a t peek punk, wilt turning hast-
ily nw:,y when the ems-lege/el leaner
"\\-ietet. pelt nn my sterto,rd lone
sine )ter may t.A well pull .1! my kg
The peer waiter %builder ng'y nen-
plied. mentslly reeenttngt et-rtr t',-arer
be mold think u!. Instantly the preen
e•uety-loosened stntps ef tie cork }iv 1
eat -e way, end down • •••••• n 1.' man of
&gully on hist augteet t• • '.. with the
arhflsea1 hmb gutter:ng •J. ett:teh.
es. 1t w..s en. upth. Fort' :. ^ e . r -v. C
1h ng P1 hie ngv.nired Mee t. • • -,tee 1
tenni the chanler of he1rir•i-s, at • ''1•
slarrr,t waiter. east'reg• a tern:int I g.• n -e
at the fragtmen'a eth:ch strewed the
carpel. sprang lo-t•arcs tie (tor. flirt
before he co.1W reach it Dan f.rno
tion:. if --the length and reset dl.ty f,{
w•h. se neck 131333131 have art treed the
envy of an_ o tr'ich--polka, cut:-
"\VniMr. ;« me and take elf tie- hal.
Anil w-h•'e ter: t. at it Ie.., . 1f
11,11113n nature e. •''-1 near tee !next..
Dr merle red wan r pule(' elle yell anJ rn
ne;.<te tett a a`r•rle Lound morn tee kr ;
e' ,3147 .'airs t ; tie lotto's. ul:v'ttieg +
Net wale tee dignity. nut h :nerlf se, n
It• ra.•,'L:elthat to the clay . t his devl!h
►+ ass int, r Tete hires -elf egain.- ion-
:'u.i Ttelti!e.
111u►1tri .L. I:111.ON:a; I.%1:\ZION
WILL COST 81,000.
A Three -Storey nom -rile 111%elling,
Which Can be Put 1 p .0
11.411 :1 Dile-.
A home wb''h ran Le erected In half
a day at a cosi of 41,C0 -this is what
Thomas A. Edison, the gust iitentor,
says can t'e bufil. lie has been work-
ing on the klea for some time, and lie
says that it is practicable.
"Before next summer," say; he, "I
v. -ill build a Ihrce-storey, iu(k'tructible
ceencrete house that a Mewing man
earning 81.50 a day can buy and run.
I1 will be as artistic and eunifortabie
as any Fifth avenue mansion, and will
be built in half a day."
The words are somewhat .tartling•
nut corning from such a suuree the;
Lear the stamp of veraeil '.
In his laboratory at Orange, N. 3.
Mr. Edison has a model of the heetet
which promises to lie such a loon '•
the man trith a small salary.
represents a thr+e-storey Queen :\nue
house, with a high peaked tiled roe
and a bay front, containing 11 morn
high studded and well lighted. Ti.:
w•1,l!s within and without are frescoed
"You hardly think we can put that
up in half a day'.'" the inventor told
an interviewer. "Well, wwe can• and
for less than $1,000, too. This is how
we'll do it.
IHO\\' 11' IS DONE.
"Over in that factory you just koket
el we ere moulding cast iron forms.
The i►:side facings of these furies cue
nickel -plated, and are fashioned exa: t-
ly like the outside of the mettle]. Whet,
these are done, we are ready to buile
any number of 11.0uses.
"At six in the morning we take 'h••
moveable steel easings to a vi..,
lot. These are clamped together mai,
bolts, and you have Ix'fore you a
lu.u<c of iron, with bell•nv walls.
Meanwhile we are mixing our concrvt.•
--one part cement. three parts sand.
end three parts quarter -inch crtlslled
stones.. The machinery to raise this
soft concrete to the top of this iron
frafnew•ork, you understand, is already
on the spat_
"By six o'clock at night there is your
house imide your ironware. Every-
thing, except the doors and windows.
is in place. in six days the iron frame
:s unbelted and removed. In anottee
eight days the rencrele is compbece.
hardened. and the house ready to
in. Fifteen days from start kl finish.
'The only wood used is the strips
around the edges of the (!oars on whist:
to Isk down a carpet and those around
Ibe wall for the picture moulding.
All this is pat in place I:1 the ironwork
before the concrete has been poured
in. The tiling around the fireplaces
and in the chimneys. the gas and water
pipes. are also stuck in the salve way
in the cencrele watts. The fain ces.
the healing pipes. the bath tubs. eater
closets. are all east vetlh the wall'.
"There will be no plurreing bills;
(here is no plumbing to l.c done. There
will be no insurance; there's nothing
to burn. Borne wasn't t.uilt in a day.
they say. but New York an he.
"1 se done this kr the workingman.
who is doing h.. test to bring up c
farn.ly-. i wend make a cent on it.
,,tree day 1 beta through the east side.
You know it. Nothing but a mess of
trick boxes. i g,'ot the xlttt of this
house at the time.
"In a few years all :hie ain be
changed. You will go oulsi.le el Man-
hattan and see rows of healtal./L beau-
tiful concrete houses. r.ne for each
fernlly. The cepen.-.' of ['laking them
to le -s than that of tl.c (lirtieet
tenement r•n B;t•ing:on etre.'!,
"P!•:ese (Mases we.n't he al! rlike. 1
am leaving the palenl open lo eery 1
one. Competing fr.-!!!games will spring
up. each making a different rte le %.11
the architecture eel not Le mo-
r,. knoll:. In fact, iii. en'hi'eela never
tied iher chance lilt txiw. fkfore.
!,('v've heti to melt nut F.m'•h'nt:
cheap. never nnyIhing berme!, . .
hey won't hese to worry ...see. •
penee. The tno,-.t .::rtiete h•iuse is
he;:p res the (retest. Ally! it's ',:rig
o mean a revi%at in l:rchi'ceture."
I MONS (..ANT ftI1JF.e r.
-Will tee unions e,hject hienlve the,
can't Worth. carpenter. ley tricks and
the like?" Ed.sson was asked.
e winning smite crept mer the in-
ventors fear.
"Well. they ought net tope' he fad!.
"They are gc.ng re, lire to these tensee,
"1 ve teen working en I!'ie for two
e•'rs. That's Pee v , r 11 is with ever --
h:ng I e4•: T!se idea trorrmes easy
enoagh-doesn't Ike t per tent. of
y tine. Rut the details mean plug
•u¢. plug. And the worst part of 1!
t. %Lin you've done anything, it's
cter perked. and ' rr %til be."
- --
M11111I.1 1 1;41%1 t I1I11 -
Women M Terere [relit i:ee•.ming
Compared with fifteen year. a,:.. eters
the outward appearan^e of the w.t(rm
of Turl,cyr bas changed appreiriab3y.
Th-' l':ehmak. if Neil. Is being more dee
e'en:ell. an') when still well Mt}C4'ab
much tees ef the fare and figure 14t48) he-
ft re. ,beet money has now a (aline,
neatern leek at.Iut it. and m're (41e11
,tan and a eedern belt it worn arc.Lre!
tee aail,. Prrl.eire the next da're's'
net -r' of the altered (?otelitiene .1 1,•--
• compete.'ite fretokm with wench
• .tern Turiese w-omcn rne•ve atr)ut M
!-.1N-e. Feernerty kepi under str-rt
ct and toy the runw•hs. they now •
letenlsv''ves freely to the (pomp', • '
mete relatives and friend,. Phy-a, -
at; no loopier det+arreel from idn..niefe
14,2 Modica! *SI to Turtiish women at :
fee it own hnrree-en unheard ed !sour-
' ;est than (went). tears ape.
It.%11V S\111.1:.';.
me 411. :her happily eSplesos! Mr
it pin .a'II cf Itel}'s (lwn n
ahe .s d. 'Tl -eve's a l;tri'e in reery
Cosa I:' hr• -:tics %hem the Tablets
Ace (3.('! three arta w, ;•r•xs. fre'idl.
lecke% -h: then. The Tat'':-: it make
• hlktel`n eel! eid • n the. ,Arlt.
l ht y e'a'r- ,. • • .' el -
ton. dear*. - • • .1
Sig It. • .c 1.
:;Sot "3'.: (!.31.1.
fhe t! (1 . Q [t e .
.• r, inn,. I t .,1 } .., 7ahlrt: •'-
•t (t:r+';'lin r•n' i,,•e ..► c.t> ale
fe :•cn•^'te see -thine st•'tft. Illi streh a 1
5"earsn(et' rh != t +dent: 6t. you, 1
r- Ate The Ttlr'tt't art r•• t4 is Ell
n.'doine dr.Mre • r way to MS !r. 1'1
T1w• Pr. %\'theme' %Iodicine Co.. Pro' k•
title. On'. a r Ctt:ls a tee.
8pe^fal Notice.
s185.00 t tsh w .1 buy new upright piano,,
folly warrant.-. Writ. Mag Outer Department,
, Uk 1-1 ACI! ,•I A NO CO. Ltd., Montreal, for
Illustrated as slag.,..
C.pitsl $,o,uo•,00• St arta Ito.
Para te, ....,dead. 10u,011) shares left t, be - id
Oa :
so% upon subscription.
2ss Fab. s. .9oR,
25% :lay I. t9ui4.
J. 3. VAN NOTE, Treas.,
161 SUrnrller St., Boston.
Every Wer,11 n
Nutters' -4 4.01 .Cppue 1 L..
a t:..Ct Cie 'ecce x r c,
MARVEL WhIrlingbpray
lee eve 3. I..l rrt.,ra
1. it
Itetrt,r coa-
k 1, t it,... -.rens
Asa 7an1.d-, r;:p for't.
,( Mctti,` su5r.v Va.
X A ii t a p ac, est TM
but snob s:.ap f.,r
i:tastrated bc-uk-a.a.m,. It rtes
pardca'ers nevi u:rc:1!.,.'.• 1 :•
WINDSOR al•PPI.Y ('O., w Inr1•"r, Ont.
slerul Agent, !ter t a..a.la.
;Tar' There i1 one r.•'f tlu,t saves money
Ix-cal/RC it will last 1110 years.
Guaranteed in w retiag Jr.fYs yeah.
This roof ossa y , nark be••+a.e its
•o easy to putoa ldo it yourself with a
hanuncr and art), and sa.0 you warm
b•:.-au•e they fireproof, windproof and
weather-proof the building !ivy cover.
:i+e us about it and hear all a;wut
soy ROOFING RIGHT. Addre.a
The PEDLAR People ;V.
(Maws Meatraal Ottawa Taoists barrio. Wleair.Y
Gives Perfect
The Most Economical
Htzh Grade 011
Ever Sold In Canada.
-"I tett Seiger, eat night. ti
• , to have t tad case• of the elms,'
• e -"Flo did. ell?' •Iisees-"Yes
...•, Y•iicaren were supporting dins.'
A Carefully Prepared Pill. -Meeh
Gine and attention were expended in
the experimenting MIA the ingredi-
ents ;hut enter into the eompnsition
i.' Par,,w!'e's Vegetable ,'ills before
they were brought to the state in
w hi^h they were first uffer'd to the
public. Whatever other pills may be.
J'armel, e'. Vege'eble Pills are the re-
sult .1 much c cpert study. and ail pet --
eons s . 'er:tlg from dyspepsia or dis-
ordered liter and kie''scye. inky tong-
conity eeeept thein as t'eiug %hat they
are represented to Le.
"it'...,l will tell," quote.) the' \Vice
\Ian. "i'c'rhsps." met the Simple Per -
soli; "tett it grerietaliy f.,rget< In epeak
when It passes a peer related'.
f1AKR A Nell F. OF IT, "Tal. D t L" %tentbol
Pleat's,14 gjearer,te.t t , curs the wort •a -e of
backache. bea•lacb• stitches. Ar.434 aatwtitutes.
(let the ,,l. +uta• naps by Dart. & Interstice C...
"1 presume your chi':llrn a.'k you a
pat many eml>arraee ng quieefeb •se"
"les: it 1•c wonde/ful how like their
mother theeee youngt.ters are!'
An ploidy man tions the country. 'n -
tent on purelesstntr 'rim" furniture, pttn.
••,e'.1. 1 1•• the , i'y to put tie skill !or
• • i, to !!'e lect. (ln emere a
• !.land himself 1'e•nfrent.rl Iry a
J• Atter turtling •ter the Jews
s •. • rt,.' e•1:1 men purchased a chair,
► few *lave tale? the perrheter re.urned
to the Aftnp again with Ih^ cha:r in
:trout hal!-a-doaPn pi(ct-c. The Jcw
looked at Them tyre pe'.ely and exam-
ined them all over. then s'ildenly ex-
e:arrnfd:-'Ah. illy (rent. tier see v31 is
de matter; souie`ody has leen eating
ren it!'
During, a g.K•g.'raehy ;!trek Idle IRAN -
IP' of a N(prdlial Setter,! re !,e•d one . !
hie pupils lake a large coerce freTr, [I:
{w;'lcel and ricin k. Jt. -,ash i'. lie
was vey angry at the young,
net:es-kr. and cried ort to hu-•. 'I :so
Itlere. put flat orang[. out .1 ogee,"
The h y nete.keal up from Ule bock. and
sayetg, "(.en )e no ser tin dieing that
a le, seee'e 'n 3t- T,.,pe,,�t re,
iIO\I:1T MAN IlEC•ONK' Tlltl.l'.
!Then Able 10 Weiner Ilia Ott n l'r+rpt•r-
ty, Whir[ Had !leen ''lute!,
1n real life the len&; are, of colnci.
deuce often slretches Millie' than any
e•!i-t would lire lu make it go in
!t. 01 taut. tunazing proof has
lust ben furnished al Czenstoe hott•n,
the mecca of Pui.sh pilgr'rus. Aiming
Mem wt's Ivan Dirnuwi' ::;', who had
come a long; distance o ei5 pious er-
rand. While he wee P. the church
1 crferening his devotees some thief
us Ilse Centel stole -hs puree, colitieni:lg
ell leis tr>••ney. Ile went to one of the
priests and told hint of his :roubles,
unit ['stied !tial for money enough to
lake 131311 bacli to his beetle.
"Alas;" ?opted Ilse pri•sk "I have
no money to give you. You i.ad bet -
tet Iry L:, lind the thief."
"i'o find among thousands a tuna
don't know %Youl:t require a miracle and
1 um no miracle -worker," answered
Ivan. "Perhaes, holy father, you could
work the miracle for me?"
The priest protested that he had no
such p0Wcr.
"!'hen," said Ivan. "1 shell go Leek
into the church and stead the mime).
1 , • et from somebody, the first C IUIICe
i 1-•..
"li you do that,' said the pries', "you
will be a very wicked man and ought
to be sent to p1•is3n for it. end the
church should impose a heavy penance
on you, leo."
But Dein thought he height have as
fetich hick ns the ihed wile had rebeea
I- l3) ie. ! escape deluences. Back he
diol--?.. Seeing a tnnn with
Li 1 !. 1: k ha slipped Lis
hie, I 1,.3., I , eller! out a purse.
1l was hi- • . : -•• and it cetntainee
the exact :aim •t l.. H he had left in it.
In his deli:•' Ivan gave no thought
to turning the 333:3)1 racer to jtiet.re. Ile
heir':e=1 jubilant!.: 1,.1, lo the 7.tie'I
teat he bad r -t • ov,':•pal his
nV. "eur(•ty'•" tie tial. "it
must !: • ! en Proti:en: ; that guided
. •..r•I priest impel el no pen-
ance p,r1 !cell and bee: wrist his way
rejeeieing. efeanwhl e, the Thief had
i;..1 moral is to t:' drawn from the
1 • is se (onundtwn. Cele•t`nle-, it
n t "ilor'.,sty is the best policy."
\ - eresslul M.'dic!ne. -- Every, •
• • •• le slice reeful in any un .4 r-
.. rill he may r:1:3a'ge. it is
thee 3.;re.. extremely gralifyieg k,
puo,,r,etor., of I'arrnclee's Vege'le! •
Pills to know that their efforts to e
pound a medicine which w•nu!-! pr.,.•
.. !,tossing to mankind have 1..•n sac
ressful beyond expectations. 'I't'.e en•
dorsat on of these !'ills by :he public is;
it guarantee That a pill has leen pro- ;
ducal which will fulfil eve: ythirg
claimed for it.
:e -"You here again?" Tramp -
'les, kind lady." `hr -"Weil. 1 me
help you again. 1 d rel tol.eve ete: .
done anything all Ih scar." 'train;,
"Indeed I have, mu::,. 1 just done a
FKRRO:•IM, WiiAT 1`S IF! It H the natal. nd
U.y Fed ta..u. it t,.,IAw u • the 47 tem, giro.
new lila. railer pp•wop:e we:i ..nd strung. ill. sure
7•.a get the gelatine) "Pl.rrur.,a"
Oilre nsfim poe:r ave:non is laugh's!
al for her lack of beaking knowl('.i.'
There is no denyirg 11. M.we'er; ata
funny %%lien she gets langledl up its the
,paraphernalia ef finance. This is the
latest tale. A banker, nut king ago.
l(•'ei%e(t the futk,wing letter from a
lady well kr1.. wts in serial poples: --
"Dear S'r --!''ease "lop payor:erit •:n the
cheque I wrote out tu•das, as 1 nee derat-
aity beetled it up`Youre. Mr• . [Yank.'
Creapest of All kkencine,.-Cemeiifer-
ing the curatite gnal'fr- of 1/e.
Thomas' Electric en! P. le the cheap.
est medicine ree ..[fired to the p:,t•-
lie. Th' dose reel!. reel in any aihncrit
is small and a b tlk (entries ma -1y
dlo'cs. If 11 were tattled at the benefit
it confers It eoukl net ' purchase,d
fur many time!% the p;,.4.• astkdl %Cr Ila! tiro \%►tat a jtese.' "De '.1.0
id B
Renovates the tonic system.
Is palatable and can tie easily assimilated.
Cod liver oi! is nauseous -
Kieueks out the stuivach,
So that very few pet -suns can tike it.
Take a do -e of " Brick's 'Tasteless"
And note how peasant it is -
Starts you eating at once - retie%ee
That tired feeling whi•1i
Every one si:eaks of born time to time, and t:.e
Languid feel.nA disappears immediately.
Every bott`e taken is guaranteed to show iruprov,m:nt
So why should you ht.saatc to take it?
'Sec your druggist today about "Brick's Tasteless.'
Two Sizes --8 ounce bottle 50c; 20 ounce boii'e $1.00
04W :'..:.:-.E.:WslidraStri-eitaireraiD23.
it ewes as much to keen a lame ht,ree.
as it dote a hoes. in h rnees -- and the
cripple brings nothing in. You can't effete
to support idle stock. That's why you cat. t
word to be without
Kind .ill's Spavin Cure
It takes at .:-: the pain and At ill lit from Sprains and Rnus'.a--draws
the soreness out of Strained Muscles ant Tendons-C•.'ItES Spavies,
Soft Lunches at.d Swellings. Us• -1 for two generation., by two nations.
KATP:Sr ST•Ttolt, ONT.. nee 1.'01.
"I have use I:endall's Spavin Care fur a lame (basin
lgtin c[ / years
standing, which ur
has entirely ced the l�rnenct4 aurtatly resisted
I:se an -Pins:. Another bottle of the Spavin Curt, I as yore. a.ill
eomplett the cute." HOWARD, DY.00K.
Fl no* borate or a for 75. Sold by dealers everywhere. Write for free cosy cr our
[atnous bock-•" Tieat-se Ot The II•,r,e " You will Gad a need for it every stay.
Power, float, Electric Light,
to !_else for a Teriri of Yetirs•
[cn'rrl location About ten thzu'a'T_' aura foot in A
four ,;cors antl baoomant. Exoallent t;hl,v n; faoNttle3
`'tantiard File Sprinkler System. Low Insurance rate.
MURRAY F. WILSON, 31 Ado'alde St. Wast, Toros o
.i,e s'5, .•i • • PA. -,.,g me!
w4:i1. '.Ito redo. ' -.1 that elle I.a(1 1•ecn
e•r, eo•rlh for leo-oily-nine yente. 11'
w(• 'ranl•hatr(41. end old •rrnigh t.
kit(nv teeter. "Will 37s' 1 marry rile?"
h, quer.(•(!. "Y nl :.le ile ing a g.r.•'
elle gurgled. in reply. "r..
m.•I1." ile rep}:e I. "I always was p•ar-
eal f.. :. rge nelson."
%%h"n all other cern prrr.1rat+rn'
fail. try !k,li.,w:lea Cern Cure. No
pilin %Rak•ter, and 1.0 t:ron'tniencc
►u tieing it.
'!lave y• is heard that young Viten!
tins a1.•e ,cd(d Mtlh ifle.10.30 of _• em-
eeeer: tueney?' "Front (lint tee Jew'
It taut Irtrreasov1 consuenptio.t has yu4!! urn in tla with piot
l." The nnt•:,i►
itnplifl(sl end ctlenpened its manufac- sc auntie••,!'
"1 do spring e1':•r.ing at alt etasene
of the s•e:ir.' "11•,'. 3 the( " "len a
teak role (er,"
iTCiI. Menge. 1' arse Scratches and
every fr,r•n .,f conlegk,us It'h in human
c r animals cer.d in eel m'nutes by Wol-
irrd'e Sanitary totem. It never fails.
Sell Ly all druggists._
`f a. whet is a pr•'itr'aI lender!' 'A
nem wee it aIle 1., ler %Licit why the
crowd ie pent!. end knows with },lid
e Creeps it: That dirket en.'"
Infer .so (lesetat•le qua.:ne':tliens.
p eaeant k• the !stir and ht 1► (' same
NAP .•fle',:sat, are In to found In
kb,tt:or !:raves' %Yorm F,xtennineter.
C'aldr'on like it.
Patent --"I u,tin.ate Ilial wheelie -
:re e.•s'= at, fifth' d•,':Ars a rear more
then I can afford.- JA%•- V. -hat are
%•-u lacking about? Y' u den': advertise.'
"Ne,; tai the stores .k.. and rr,y a iia is
A tv'nftrrnrd (arca n -hunter."
WKteereur. to •teenHtlis after •te•rs Is DM
rose( wt•ea ar• c'•rt:nste p31331.. •,.ash ba• hoes
&rives away by diet • 1,51[' nal•aa !fo 07:1s
a it Ile pound e1•ct tants_
A FREAK OF \1E%1(,ftl.
"We) in the w(r:d art yon carry.
leg ter • umt•re:lae'' somebody asked
the forgetful man. end Le 'reeked arnay-
eo at the questee n.
`I smut•' Ihir,k y,.., •J guess that
casity. knowing me re soil." gee said.
"Ins cer•rving two so that if I forget
end 'wave one anywhere 1 snail still
have the antero'
-What a gtr'e-r Ivry. Irk that WAS
utilise •tout tie. t r pec." sai.i the fiat
we'dir. g Meat.
•W3,at was lir asked the other.
"He said. 1!ow r•aneral she j,. a c;
drat yee 1h.nk ar`''
IiS1T N') It -17„ "}.y- .e of befit. Hes an 'uviertakef,'
AN l'OLY FA7+iii.Y "f silo Ammon Is Ibe bob
resparaily ds.cribed 1,10.• noni itlnt•ata. in au
it. tins 1t ,s4.4. • rinary tr•ttaleni, bat It
e.•wyyeel reel by Weave-'. corm. nese he coo.
teen en with w'eaver's Syron.
.► W.I f4:It TiII\(;.
"Sete tv has our very oI'I resulrc-
r►ter e.-
"WLat ;s tidal'-"
"Cir _e I1' %e to torte- tett iek,rt 113-,
(an pet In.
1 t.e r:flio ':ey of Pi kt.'s ►nl,-ronsurnre-
,t.:e Syrup 1n rtlreng e.,t;ughs and cr•'•i-
3 art.wtir g innalnmatk:n t.{ '!
: ;_ (an be eslab:tall,l by hundnr<L
d ' '• -'.Iraneats Item] all sort., and nem
dtlums of non. 1t is a "tendert' rt'Tn-
cdy to th+Se ailrafn's and all offer -
liens cd the three! and lungs. 11 is,
t .guly re:'•,T,rrierete•l tY medicine YM•
d. rs. t.ora•rse they knew and appreciate
its vague as a curatitc. Try it.
fuck--l.':u have a! r.,rt- t,f r•kcs
Made about thee 11rn•1.. ek,n-t yo
Turk•)-l'►e, Te", ft ! 61:.1 (•r•.
Tflacber-'Yes. Fr••Lbe• the tad
tot• er••• r: i- 3 to 'hoes rude.. ir.1:.1
t• f..r. ; :n' a en can on the e,.J •.'
":y NEW YORK ';;t.
_ tq
7th Ar• ., d 3n•h at
A•cessle•te Quiet arid P,'egaat •h
yi',•.tl.(It •.114TL.ttr..,at.-p.a•rl• .
♦e• DIVA Oral Souses l.a' est I. r
1 OA* care Pant 11.4.4 1• atl`Itsilr•n
►ar-.raa r,,aa h y par dor with." t
3 e 3*? day wit► tato tette. t
spa ants. Kent f.. [i.•.k et.
5TPAkAe & 1141 R. 3' ..t•
Affil NINA i 11 L.a•
a• ,-*fora Y••tarot w• - • 1
NN• ►sal fay. war re "•' .e
1••. •arr••l *, 4 3 J&r ar .•a:•
•ia u • ts4 ONa Fi•i •1t.
••aw 1• r Ps
••re •' • eit a7
y ;F ..1
Tres Is/ •s. 011
sa:y 11 I•.,•r
rest. .• tee astir its Mor
tar •• • •••••••••• for l•w.:• f a
p-*, • • • 4 • • • pt M air us p•. - •
t -e! •M ws t/Ml t M
1111:1•7•L• 1A, Dept ort Reef . M:.•.
Late nl>sy make • • • • -
tin ntatr.foony &lees 1i R lic,i-' ' • .1
Repeat It.
Learn It. Know It.
Shiloh's Cure
Will Cure MY Co;!