Exeter Advocate, 1907-11-07, Page 7- - - LANDSLIDE IN PLEADING MARKETS
Totemic), Nov. 5.-\\ inter Wheat --
Nis 2 white er red $1.O -I to 51.04;2; No.
2, $1.03 to $1.033‘.
Manitoba Wheal -No. 1 northern,
S1.13 to $1.14: No. 2, $1.11 to 81.12),-
1.123'.Barley-Mc le 90e, accerdutg to qua-
lity and loeutlon.
Oats --No. 2 white, 53c to 54e outside;
nu'ed. 51e to 53: outside.
Ryc -iii+ to 88Xc utside.
Pease -86c to 87c.
turn -No. 2 yellow, American, 71c to
:n the morning of October 21 and last- 7IXe, Toronto freights; No. 3 yellow,
ing kr several hours, had been report- 704c to 71c.
ed on the seismogruph. The dislancei Bran --$22.00 in bulk, outside; shorts,
of the disturbances was at those points fee,
estimated as being over 3,(x00 utiles from Buckwheat --70c (*Aside.
the observatory which recorded then►.) Flour -Ontario, 1)0 per cent. patent,
St. Petersburg reported severe earth about $3.95 bid and $4.05 asked; Mani-
ehocks in Central Asia, at Latakurgan. lobe patent, special brunch $0 to $6.20;
lihokand, and other places on the same scoo►ut patent, $5.40 to $5.00; strong
(!ay, In addition to Samarkand, which bakers', $5.30 to 35.10.
caused more or less injury.
FifteenThousand People Killed in the
Town of K ratagh,
A despatch from Tnshkend, Russian
Tun le -tan, says: 'fhe whale of the town
of Kurulog'i, tn tlokhara, Eris been de-
-Aloe, a rayed and the enlh a population, num-
bering about 15,000 per ons, were buri-
ed by a mountain slide, following the
recent earthquake there.
Karatag!t is 100 miles south-east ret
Samarkand, in Russian 'Turkestan,
where severe earthquake shocks omits
led. on October 21, causing a great deal
of damage. Al Samarkand only two
women were killed by falling houses,
though the pupulul:on in alarm fled
from their dwellings aid camped out
iu the streets and other open spaces.
On October 21 the weather bureau a'
Washington announced that its lnslru-
werls recorded an earthquake begin-
ning al 11 o'clock the previous night
and hosting until early in the morning
of October 21. Its origin was believ-
ed` to have been at o point west of Au -
Writhe, in the southern Indian Ocean.
The same day London and Toronto,
Ont., announced That prolonged earth-
quake shocks beginning at five o'cic'k
A despatch from St. Petersburg says: Butler -Supplies continue light and
The Hussinn (:overnnient is taking no prices are all firmer.
steps to send a relief expedition to(•reamery, prints 2& to 30c
Kuratugh. To do so would be contrarydo rolids .... .... .... 24 to 25c
to the Russlan policy of non-interfeDairy prints .... ....
ence in the internal affairs of Bokliara, d:: sc,lids .... .... .... 22c to 24c24eto?6c
and it would involve a journey of over Cheese -Large are quoted at 14c, with
five hundred miles through the [toun- twins ,d l4Xe.
t: ins from the nearest Russian point. .Eggs ---storage eggs are quoted al 24c
1! is not hnott•u Here what steps the o 25e In case lots here. Prices give
iirkharan Cewernment is taking to send etery indication of advancing, especi•
n lief, but It would appear to be act-, ally new laid' stock.
i re
icg with the usual ani characicris!!c' Poultry -Dressed chickens, ?Xc to IOc;
Newspaper correspondents at Samara- ,
Astat!c falelism and procrastination. geese, 9e to IOe•' tui keys, 12c , l0 14c.
car lots on track. Easlerns are quiet
1' tton.
1 hens 7c to 8 /,c; ducks, 9Xc to10c;
;.and, Taslikeud. Bokhara and Khokand l Potatoes -Outcries steady at 70c in
have not yet been able to supply further
details of the distsler.
It.11PI:NI (; F11Ott ALL O\i.t 1 11E
Gl. anti.
1c:=ur'aeti hrlefs From Our Own and
Odor Countries of Recent
The denllt rate in Ontario during Sep-
teniber was 12.9 per 1,(00.
'furon:o retail milk dealers have ad -
winced the price a cent a quart.
A Pole has been arested at Cobalt fir
sealing large slabs of silver.
The grand Trunk appeal ,n the two -
cent fare case is before the Supreme
Three of the twenty-two alleged Van-
couver rioters have been sent to jni1.
Three factories al St. Cettharines have
reduced the number of their employee's.
Mr. Jaynes Corunee, M.P.. stated that
-valuable bog iron deposits had been dis-
a.verei near Port Arthur.
A head nurse and two attendants at
the tlgrpilton Asylut t have been dis-
'Missed Tar rridiscrefiens.
The Government have purchase.] n site
far a new pc stollice on the corner of
Brock and Dundas streets, Whitby.
Five new wireless stations will be
opened nn the Pacific roast in January.
Victoria station is ready to work now.
That electric signs are a menace to
life is claimed by the Secretary of the
Crmadiun Fire Underwriters' Associa-
Horace I.eadley was killed and Bur-
ton Dyes seriously hurt by the fall of a
brick stack on the Ntewville, N.S., Lum-
ber Company's mills.
111r. Mackenzie Icing will inquire into
the methods of the immigration cone
panie-: at Vancouver who handle Ori -
cute! immigration.
The 1:anadian Mining Institute will
memorialize the i'rovincial Governn►enl
for changes in the mining act regarding
the payment of royalties.
Two new battleships now bultding in
t:r.glond for Brazil will have I3.5 inch
The Bishop of London, in The Dioce-
san \lagazine, describes Toronto as one
of the fairest cities in the world.
The Eniperor of Gerinnny end the
Kings of Spain and Norway 'will meet
K'ng Edward at Windsor this week.
The Socialises austahned an over -
wt helming defeat in the English and
municipal elections on SaluNay.
Twenly•one ships hate been chartered
at (liaagow• lo earn• coal tar the United
Shah's Ilett during its cruise in the Paci-
Three Indians were killed in South
blah in a light with United States
In ops.
Jose;,h Kesijuc died in the hospital at
Petersen, N. J., on Sahiriny, after hav-
int; been asleep for sew en weeks,
Prof. It reh of Boston lins suc.'eeded
in sendin,_ „null rubber balloons up In
Ike nir t height of nearly nine titles.
Three 1 ,!eel 'states rnilronds hcce
temporarily discontinued making con-
tracts for the shipment of grain from
Barak) to the seaboard.
A thousand wren have been discharged
(rem the locomotive and car -building
depnrlment of the St. Paul Railroad at
The civil authorities at the Michigan
Sault hqve decided not to prosecute
i'Ovale Gillette, who shot and killed
Miss Cedenhead recently.
President Roosevelt is being urged to
call an extra session of Congress to
enaet laws which will restore confidence
ie. the financial institutions of the coun-
try. _
A Cewoner's jury at Pottstown, Pa.,
has censured the Chief Burgess and
Councilmen of the iorough for allow-
ing (rains to run at fast rates over un-
protected grade crossings.
A by-law will prolubly be submitted
Ie the electors of Condon. Ont., in Jnrer,-
ary to provide for $235,000 for a pot r
distributing plant in connection with
the Government's power scheme.
Members of the Theatrical Cnrpen-
Iers' Union and representatives of New
fork actors have asked Governor
Hughes to enforce the law against thea.
local performances on Sunday.
Justice C. J. 'Townshend has been pro-
totcd to the r{tie Justihip of the Su -
Trento f:oiurL of N4cs
and Mr:
Frederick A. Laurence, K.C., M.P., has
been made a Justice of the Supreme
Bunk robbers at Pskoff. Russia, on
Thursday kilted a cashier and seven men
who were acting as his escort.
Mnxiniliun Ilnrden, editor of The Zu-
kanft, has been acquitted of tate charge
it libel hirught against him by Genera)
Von Moltke.
Pea,ants in the cholern-stricken parts
e1 Russia are attacking the hospitals.
believing lhnt the doctors have been
poisoning their wells.
General Maxintoff.ky, Director of Rus-
sian Prisons, was shot and killed at St.
Petersburg by a young woman, an
cniissery of the Social Revolutionists.
Brifi ti newspapers In China are try-
ing to force the British Government to
interfere in the Chinese custetns de-
partment, this uranngenent of which wits
recently relinquished by Sir Robert Hart.
INDIAN l'1‘111.1* KILLED.
Fresher. Sheller and Son round Dead
N-ar Raymond, Alberta.
A despatch from i.ethbridge, Alin.,
says: An Indian. his wife and boy were
fulled on S0rday by some children in
the neighborhood of Fifteen -mile Lake.
The children thought that the ludinns
were drunk. and did not go near. They
toki +' boy mooed Tayicr, who informed
his lather rifler going to the spot and
finding the dead Indians. After seeing
for himself Mr. 'luster went to Raymond
and telephoned to the Mounted Police
at Lethbridge. Coroner Rivers of Hay -
mend was sent to the scene, and Bound
hie bodies (*.feverel with a cleft,. 'there
wn: every indication of murder. The
man's heed ons blown oft es with n
shetgtn. .\!I of the recites bore marks
of 'violence. Superintendent Wilson of
11. • Mounted Police says it is certainly
o caee of nhhlyder, but further than that
will not say anything. An Indian who
twas comping near the murdered family
el' steel -ditty is su,perted of the erinoe.
roduced More Than Manitoba and
A tic i.ilch from Ottawa sa),: The
annual report of the Department cf
Trade and (:ominerce Contains returns
of the grain production of all the pro-
vinces of the ilominhm. with the excep-
Lion of Quel.ec, for the eeseon of 19k..
The total prrduetlon of an kinds of
(grain Is plae'eti at 413.038,654 bushels, of
which 125.515.491 bushels represents
Wheat, and !Ml.461.tt64 leolieLs oats.
Ontario in still the tanner province In
gain produetlon, with a y(eia of s94,.
(U;,000 bu-hels of grain of all k iris.
118,311,045 bushels of the Ontorkt in:1111
crop of 1906 was oats. The total gran+
crc.ps of the province,, are given &s fol
(Ontario. 194.000.000 bushels.
Manitoba, 13(1,001).000 bushels.
Saskatchewan. 63.000,010 bushels.
Alberta. 19,300,000 bushels.
New Rrunswi^k, 7.3$1.001 bushels.
BrlUsh Golumbin. 2.6a2.(cIi bushels,
Nova Sbotda, 8,464,(00 bhrchela.
at 70e to 75c.
Honey -Strained is quoted at 11c to
lac per ib.. and rouibs at 81.75 to $2.50
per doz., according to quality.
Beans -Steady at $1.80 to $1.90 for
primes and $1.90 to $2 for handl)icked.
Baled flay -Prices continue firm.
Timothy i; quoted at $17.50 to $18 per
ton iu car lots on track here.
Baled Straw -Is fire at $9.50 to 310.50
per ton un track.
Smoked and Dry Salted Meats-teaeg
clear bacon, tic to 11Xc for tons and
eases; hams, medium and light. 15c to
15Xc; heavy, 1430 to 15c; Lacks, 1G%c
to 17c; sho•illcrs, 10%c to 11c; rolls,
11 %c; break a,t bacon, 15'/,e to 1Gc.
Green meals out of pickle, lc less than
Dressed Flogs --38.75 for li;,'httveights
and $8.25 for heavies.
Perak -Shirt cut. 322.75 to $23 for bar-
rel,; mese, $20 to $21.
Lard -Fein; tierces, 12Xce tubs, 12 ac;
pails, 13c.
Buffalo, Nov. 5. -Wheat --Spring,
nenunal; No. 1 Northern, $1.12X; Win-
ter. notniiia!; No. 2 red, 31.03. Coil
-Nominal; No. 2 yellow, 63erc; No. 2
white. 63Xc. Oats -Nominal; No. 2
mused, 49e.
New fork. Nov. 5. -Spot steady; No.
2 red, $1.07% etevater; No. 2 red, 1l.0 %
f.o.b. atkoil; No. 1 northern, Duluth,
nominal. f.o.b. afloat; No. 2 hard win•
tet, ttorulnel, f.o.b afloat.
Toronto, Nov. 5. -The very best ex-
porters' cattle were suleahle around
$;.75 per cwt. Light to medium expor-
ters' were quoted at $4 to 84.40 per cwt.
Choicer butchers' cattle, $4.60 to $5;
rod teachers', 81 to 31.60; good cows,
$,1.25 to $3.50; c4,rnnton caws and mixed
Iofs. 31.50 per cwt. up; canners, 75e to
$1.50 per cwt.
:steers, 1!1110 to 1,100 lbs, sold at $3.20
1•, $3.44); bulls were worth $2 to $2.50
pe•• cwt. Light stockers- sold at $2.50 to
$+.50 per cwt, according to quality.
Geod grain -fed iu►nbs were quoted at
$1.50 to $5.10 per cwt. Expert emits
gold at $4.25 to 34.40, while culls and
bucks were worth $2.50 to $3.50 per cwt.
Inferior lambs were selling at $1 to 81.40
per Cwt.
Conere.0 and inferior hogs were dull
a: $5 per cwt and upwards.
Union Pacific Railroad Is Cutting Down
A despatch front Omaha, Nebraska,
says : The Union Pacific Railroad on
Tuesday discharged between four thou. -
send and eight thousand workmen. The
discharged men are from the construc-
tion department, and every piece of
censtruclron work on the entire system
is abandoned. General Superintendent
t'at•k said : "We expect a curtailment of
business, and as fast us this occurs we
wilt lay off train crewvs. For the pre-
sent this will not be done; our orders
are to dispense with every avaityph!e
roan, and to. stop every piece of oc.nstruc-
lion work on the system. \Vo aro order-
ed to cut expenses in every possible
way." These orders came from New
A despnt'h from New York saps: At
the offiee of the Union Pacific Railroad
Company in this city there was a prompt
denial of the accuracy of the telegram
from Omaha announcing that all con-
strt.ction on the ehtire system had been
abandoned. It was said that a discharge
of employees alw•uys took place on
November first. after the construction
work of the summer was ended, because
ce instruction work in winter was mush
mere expensive, end ihat this year the
number of men discharged was greater
only because the amount of construc-
tion work done during the summer had
been greater. No curluilment of busi-
ness is looked for, but rather an in-
Heavy Damage in Montreal cu Thanks-
giving Day.
A despatch from Montreal, Que., say-:
Thank=siring Day was marked by a big
Ore in this city. Late on 'Thursday af-
ternoon fire broke (sit in the examining
warehouse of the Customs and before
11 was got under control heavy damage
was done. The building. which is situ -
tiled on McGill and Coni n:on Streets,
occupies nearly a whole block. Over
5100,000 worth of goods wore stocked
to the warehouse. The flee, which is
supposed to have resulted from spon-
((meous combustion, originated In Ilio'
oil deparinhent, on the lop floor, and
after n hard tight the firemen succeeded
!n mastering the flames, confining the
fire to the top flat.
Being rt public holiday. Ilse ware:
house was vacant, the only einploye water is esUmuled at $50,060.
en duly being tote watchman. While
ne was making his rounds shortly after
four o'clock in the afternoon tie noticed
stroke coming front the quarter where
the oil is kept. A general alarm was
rung In, and the whole brigade re-
sponded. The firemen had a hard tight
in getting the fire under control and
shvirig tine building (min total destruc-
t:en. When Itiey arrived smoke was
pouring teem the windows of the top
Oal, and the work of saving the build-
ing was attended with considerable risk.
Several members of the brigade were
overcome by smoke, but nobody was
seriously injured. It WAS after six
e clock before the fire was under con-
trol. The damage from the fire and
Bishop of London Would People Ciinada
From !Motherland.
A despatch Iron, London say; : The
Bishop of Lindon, :peaking at Fulham
on \Valnetdny on the subject of "Tilt.
Church and the Umpire," avid that what
itepreased Lim most on his recent tour
WAS the wonderful loyally of Canada -
remade. the granary of the world-ond
t!,,• wast possibilities of this great new
nation which is liound to t.s by ties of
blood and religion. which nothing ought
i),. \form. of Providence, kills 11 in
\en itrun•wwirk.
A despatch from Fredericton, N. B.,
says: The record for New Brunswick
moose has been broken, Dr. W. L.
Munro. of Prcviderw'.', arrived here on
Tt.':r.'day 'light after n three weeks'
hunting trip near the headwaters of the
Nepisiquit (liver, and had with him the
head of a moose he shot ten days ago.
It: millers had a spread of 68% inchr ,
which is the largest of which (here is
to t.e able to break. 'There is room,he any record. 17re best previous record
said. "for a hundred millions In Canada. was 67X, Mr. E. C. Russell, 011 English
If we don't lake 11►e Imuhla we will k7Se
oe'r chance. nod Canada will he filled by
se nteboely else. We ought to he sending
out from Ihls overcrowded land more
and more loyal Englishmen. Emlgra-
tion is Inrgely the cure of aur ills, and
if it is a ('cod -given cure Iw,th clergy and
!-'ity ►night give their brains to see it
1.►eperly carried out."
Till: ('17.1.I\ \\ 1►1 tiloND.
\\ ill be I're.r pled 1n Kiril Fdtt:end nn
Sahli ilay.
A de+patch h, h louden says: The
anniversnry on Saturday of the birth e.1
King Edo and will be mnrkerl, among
ether things by the presentntion to him
..n behalf of the people of the Transvaal
et the great (:utlinan dian''nd. the value
e f which approximates $4100.(110.
1'11.1%I ' It:It It.\It I0l.1.1:.;.
11.e hoof "f Statile Ertl .•n Him at ('oor•
dowa, \lantodie.
\ de,paleh fn,nr (:e.,il.hwa, \tan.. snhys:
I'. mos. p 'nr•.•'er herr'. war
o . .,,.,..i,g {oy the root of
a stable thil.:.b on hug.
sl a Osman, killed this season one with a
weird of 61 inches.
WILL til: f.li\tu:F: OF MI'RPI:It.
(i. R. Barrett Shot His Sicpsen at
Prince Albert.
A despnfrh inert Prince Albert says :
(, R. Burrett. vette ehet his rclep.5.n, 11.
Johnston. when the latter 'Mesterei! to
save tris mother from n !denting l'y Rnr-
rett, will now lo charged with rru.rder,
,.s the iinfrrlunale Ind teed in the lespi•
tit here on Monday night.
11 DEAD ON INDIeN it%II.RO\1►,
('o•lti ion Retvtern Passenger and Freight
Trains Near Lahore.
A despatch from Lahore, Indin, snys :
in a cell skin hero on Wednesday he-
Iwven n onsoenger and n f1c•4111 train
thirteen persons were killed and eleven
lr jv rcd.
4► -- -
f)netora In the western destriet of
Tor'inte ore ngitnling for an melees(' in
f e'en.
The Dnrmnl, n ( tern•nent tt 11 cn-
denver In ne e'llate (rade tout; a with
Germans- and Italy.
111" frIwo .n G•nern'ncnt ,,a riming ng
k Ireland the boundaries of ddnnitotsi,
Two Men Killed and Onc Fatally Injured
in a C. P. R. Wreck.
A despatch from Montreal says: Two
men were killed and another probably
fatally Mimed in an accident on tite
Canadian Pacific itailw•ay near Eastman,
in the eastern townships, on Friday
afternoon. A Canadian Pacific freignt
train vas on its wny to Montreal. and
while crossing a high trestle over the
tracks of the Orford Mountain itailway
the bridge broke. throwing the engine
and several ears to the gr.und. linyi-i
neer Draper and Fireman McKenny were
crushed under the w•reekag,'. unrl iu
sti.ntty killed, white the I, akenian ttaai
so brolly injured thnt his life is demn'edt!
of. The trestle had been tilled in except•
that part which crossed the other rail j
road trucks, and it was hero the di,use
he•• occurred.
First Convirt!on Under the Lemieux Act
it Alberta.
A despatch from Frank, Alta., says:
\\'lint is believed to be the first convic-
tion under the Lemieux act was secured
here this week, when the Hillcrest Goal
& (:oke Company n as lined $200 and
costs by the inspc:ac.r for locking out
en.ployees on tho eivietith and twelfth
instant while the arbitrators were dis-
cussing the difficulty between ttie em-
ployees. The company gave the teen
the option of returning to work upon
its terms or being locked out. They
prosecuted, and, as a result, the con-
viction was obtained.
Prizes to he Given for Essays Written
by Canadian Children.
A despatch from 'Toronto says: Two
"Nelson placques," wade from the cop-
per- cf Nelson's flagships "Victoria" and
•'Foudroyant," will be given as prier,
for the best essays written I4y Cannel:an
school children. boy and girl. under 10
years cf age. in this phut the Minister
of Education is co-operating with the
British and Foreign's Sailors' Society of
London. Lord Stratheona has given
£i.000 to the society to aid in a plan for
git ing Nelson shields to every school in
Experts Say it :Will Not Harm the 'Town
of Coal (;reek.
A despatch from Frank. Alberta says:
Reports of danger of another mountain
slide similar to that which caused such
terrible devastation here four years alio
are alarming the residents of Coal Creek.
A crack tins appeared in the rounlaui
above that town, and alarmists claim-
ed it was widening at the rale of sev-
eral feel per day. However. experts
claim the town of Coal Creek is in no
danger, even should the slide actually
Eljin Bechlel's Family Objected to Ills
A despatch from ihigden, Ont., says:
(in Friday evening Elgin Bechtel, 19
years of age, n son of Mr. Jesse Bechtel,
of this place, lock his life by shooting
himself through the heart with n shot-
gun. The act is supposed to be the out-
come of so.n1n trouble the young than
had during ttie day with relatives re-
garding his marriage to u young Indy
el about his own age. a few days ago.
Deceased has lectin u resident cf this
place since childhood.
Sacred Edifice at Fort William is a (leap
of Ruins.
A dcspnleh from Fort William says:
The new Catholic church which was
nearing completion at the coal docks
tine; Ideally destroyed by fire• on Satur-
day night. 'fhe building teas in flames
before an alarm was terie,1 in, and the
brigade e..uld not remits say rid when
they arrived. The building \was bring
erected for the uee of the foreign etc-
of the city. Thc kiss will be over
Marjorie %1,,sson of Yanronter Sets Eire
to Iter Clothing.
A deepntch from Vancouver, 13. C.,
says: A little girl named Marjorie Mus-
ser, aged fourteen years, was burned
1., death' n Saturday. SIM was ntleampl-
ing to light n re twh nail, whn he
stove cxpohdr411I andither,clotlohesveauplrett
fire. She was terribly teamed 01,11t Ilne
Ix.dy toetere neighbor- arrived. and died
., few hours ntertvnrtl. ur th:• hospital.
Estimating the Amount of Timber on
the Iteserves.
Forestry work on Dominion lands Is)
o! present being prosecuted along three;
lines, viz. (1) Il,, estimation of tiuiberi
on the Dominion forest reserves (Loth
us to the actual quantity at present ani
hand and as to the probable growthi
in future). (2) the protection of ext. -Linke
forests against fire, (3) the free distribu-
tion of seedling loess! trees to the !errn•l
e►••• of lie prairie regions for planting.'
Of these ttie last-mentioned has 1 cert►!
HIUCh more in the pubic eye than either
of the others, and the benefits it 1103
conferred on dwellers on prairie farms
arc freely acknowledged everywhere'
.11 M: nitoba and the new provinces. For
seve:ai yenis past an average of nearly
two trillion seedlings have been sent
out to farmers throughout Munituba,
Alberta and Saskatchewan.
'I'!te work of estimating the atnounl
of timber at present on the reserves
was begun in the summer a; 1905. Dur -i
ing that summer such estimate-. Ore
"limber surveys," were inade on the;
Turtle Mountain and Moose Mlounlatn
reserves. In the summer of 1906 S'
party was at work en the Ridnig Mloun.i
thin Reserve, and it is hoped to come
piete the survey of this reserve during;
this summer. As the reserve cc:vers ere
nrea of over 1500 square mites, it is caa-
tey to he seen that the survey of it is
no small matter.
The importance of protecting the for-
ests from fire has for quite a number
of years past been rcognized by the
governments of the provinces of On.
laria and Quebec, who have employed
e considerable force of men and ex-.
pended annually many thousand dol-•
lars in this we rk. To this work the
Forestry Branch 1:as even attention ut-
most ever since its inception. In addl.
Lien to the permanent forest rangers'
additional fire rangers have been em'1
',hcyed from time to tine.
Gruesome Story of n Young Man's
A despatch from Naple flub•, suyet
A pnrlicalnrly gruesome story is beim
told here of an incident which has jus
come to light in this city. Elisa Seated,
a beautiful young woman, was engaged
In be married U. a young man named
Alessandro, but she died a few days b..'
fore the date eel for the ceremony. and,
was buried in a local cemetery. Ales.'
sande was heart -broken over his he-'
reavcment, tine one night he dug up thee
body and carried it to his lodging. Het
embalmed the corpse of the Young wo-
nion, dressed it in its bridal clothes. and
kept it in his 'cons for a fortnight.
Neighbors !Melly grew cm•ieus from the'
fact that the young man newer went
abroad, and peeping one day through
hie shuttered window they sew AMee-
> nndro sealed alongside 11►e dead Cody
of the woman why, was to have been his
wife, affectionately holding her hand.
The police were informal and Alessan-
dro was nr estwl. The body -has been
buried a second time.
RF;% tilt) OF 111,1100 OFFERED.
Amount 10 be Paid for I onwiclin;r of
A despatch from Toronto says : To
Pie person who supplies iufornrntJe.n
leading to the conviction of the ineen-,
diaries wile have Leen ('perming in the,
Town of Blind River. 111 the Dietrut oti
Algomn, a reword of 31.0(11► will be pald.,
The municipality has offered $500 for.
evidence ne to the •n trtuges, and the
l'rowincinl (kevernncnl hes decided to
provide a like '.um.
Soldiers and Civilians Were Killed at
A d"spnleh from SI. Petersburg lays:
According to the ollichnl report of the
resent ntuhnou• inift reak of snik.rs at
V!ndiwo•le•ck. the cn•w. of three torpedo.
tent destroyers. the Skory, Senlily and
1 revetsliny, nlllirieal, hensled the reel
Ong and shelli'ei the ieerl, doing con-
siderable (Infringe to varkus buildings
nn.l killing tames s•)ldk'rs and civilities.
1'he Skory, on boar) of which were three
rewololionnry agitators, including one
woman. leek the lead in the mutiny, the
ciew rising al the instance of the ogita-
lers, killinpt the oornmander df the l..at
ural tv.nniduhg the other officers, who
acre overpowered and confined helewv
deck-. The the of the rebellious ter•piefo-
14 n1 do stn w. rs toes answered by the
1 set)• ries n' h•:n•, nail IV,1/1 the gunboat
Mtind ;ir nisi the Inrpedn•teunt destroyers
Gresowoy, Stnely, and others. They sur-
n.unrt''el tire Skory. and poured a raking
fire into her, which battered her to
pies. exploded her two boilers and
cruisedfire le, break (oil on ionrd.
Nearly all the mutineers of the Skory
were killed to the vessel. The three or
torr stirs nor, threw tlremseles into the
'the weeny on loan! the '1revetshny
was g(.ell.d by her own crew, after six
of the mutineers hail been killed and six
General count ltnterlhcrger, comrr:and-
ing ire ..military District of Amur. tins
arrived nt Vladivnstoek, and assumul
charge et the situnlion.
The united S:ules Emhnssy here on
Fraley received n destwoteh trim' tho
(ensu' al VIndivostoek, sayingthat Ito
Attu -men who tuns wounded uring Bre
tomhnr,ime•nt of \'Indivestock by the
mittirxeua torpede'.Iont destroyers ie
Hurry \iclert, :in employe e.f 1h' I'nrifio
Common -int (i)nonny, '.whole building
%a.4 struck by a shell.