Exeter Advocate, 1907-11-07, Page 2•
SUFFERING \\ U\II ' . so% 1'itFI4 4 GO A.S ISITIEG.
Blade Well and Stroup by lir. \\illcIIn. I:ntperur William and King George Arc
Pink fills. lei London this Month.
Every dose el 1►r. \\ ,'etanu; l'1hk The Kaiser is not the only monarch
rills makes new blond. I.1cry drop 1.110 is visiting London this Month.
pus blood Mitt' s the iii disheartened Kung George of Greece is also the guest
woman nearer to health and lapis. of King Edward at Sandringliaul.
Hess. or. \\Attains- tank 1'i!ts have The King of Greece i, an inveterate
traveller and never astute a year to
brought the gkovwho ct health to thou.-awlsony tole ,se lvillirnit it>i:ing some poet of
lo that eff who lrleV tear testimony airy 1:ui .pe, It is this roving tendency that
that rff. ct. One u( these i4 Mrs. almost led his Majesty to Ihe vicinity of
Elizabeth Uunhoui• of Welland, Ont., the Ittissinn glues 111 Ihe lime of the
who says: "For more than it yeti• 1 11 as Nerd' Sea outrage, and has placed him
greatly tun dwelt. 1 hod sickening ill runny ditli^-uIt SIItoft Ik)nS. Ile iK the
Leaduchc: and Inv hellr•1 would 1'1ti0- brother of Queen Alexandra and like
late so vkdently that at tines 1 (eared her. is very popular tall his people,
dculh was near. I was under the care Ihot.gh at first he had to live down a
el n d. et.r, but ineteud of improving 1 glee; deal of prejudice against him, as
Keil strength and ray weight degreased Ihe (!reeks were not al till anxious to
from eine bundled and forty to ninety hu1'ci this Danish I'I•ince as their 104.n-
p(.muh. 1 was discouraged. but lin- arch. !lis pluck carried him through the
ally (k' :deet to give up ttte 4164:tors' earlier years of his reign u, it t..►s
£I(4111nen1 and try I)r. \\'I linrus' fink 11 riugh many other thing.;. Notiviih-
('ill,. 1 nm glad I did so, for after us- standing Ihe dangers and treachery with
Mg the ('.11. a few weeks 1 could see which tie wits sur(%o1n(ie , heuns always
a marked improv.,uh, 111 in ►11) rend!- insisted uJW►n going
!'Itis almost cost him his life once at
Ur.u. '1'!:e headaches frit rtes 1 rcr afncd !east'
slretslgth; the d'slres,ing heart pulped -Ile was walking in the vicinity of the
Icon ceased and at the end of Iwo) palace, when the sharp challenge 01 a
n14•nlhs 1 was fully reetor(vl lo health _;entry rang out, "Who goes there''"
and felt better than I lied !or the past The King Made no reply. Again the
teeuty years. Ih•. \\'illi.! ; !'ink fills ,t iilry's demand, " M'he. goes there'!
are truly a Innrtet!Ol ' ,• 1..':nc and Answer, or l'II Ore." still Ihe King was
1 cane 1 peri-, them alcove .' ,i:ent. The next instant the silence was
!belie pall station, anre)u .i. heasl- I•rnken by the sharp creek of a rine and
aches. kiss of nppetile, general weak- ling Gcorl:e felt a huller plough through
bees. backaches, wcnrine's and it host the sleeve of his coal. 'then to the terror
of other troubles Bre nil the outcome of of the sentry 11e etude himself known.
had benne. Dr. \\ illhuns' !'ink Tilts Neel day he sent for the 1nun, and COW -
wake new. rich red blood --the pure plinleuling him on the way he had done
1 [sea d. es the rest That is wily rho,,, hi* duly. decorated the astonished set -
hills cure all hvoiibles due to wa1,•4.)' diel «'iia) the coder of Itedemption, given
blood or weak, shaky nerves. There only for Me greatest servi_cs.
is not 0 rook or corner in Canasta
where you will not find some gritteful
person who has been cured by the use
of 1)r. \Vildenls' fink ('ills. Ou Ihe
word ••f your neighleir we ask you to
(I y dee medicine if \.,u are tweak, ail-
ing or run down. 'file pills are sold at
5st cents a box or six Loxes for S2.re►
al all medicine dealers or from The
Di. \\'IItIil us' ?ttedlciue ('o., Brookville,
Neter Intrude !'our Views Until They
are .1skrd For.
'fact is n groat thing. It should bo
cullilviled by every girl et.) content -
pinks entering Ihe l,usil►cis
If n! first cite finds a plisilk)n not to
her liking, she should not heave it in a
huff. She may solu('liines be glad :o use
tnc name of Ih141 firth as reference.
Endeavor when [,4e sable to merit the
good will rather than the ill writ of an
The girl entering the business flee,
should stripe to 'nuke herself valuable in
whale. .•)• \I(44t( she is engaged, even if
the pine., is only temporary.
The keynote. of st _•cogs, in business Is
10 final out low your employer desires
111:rk cku,t, Hien to do it as hear ren
pea-sibte that way. c: old not put them near mauler. 1
Learn first of rill Hol lo obtrude sone
seemed quite unable to get relief from
anything I put on lttenl until 1 fried
7,:.m -flak. It closed the big cracks, gave.
no ease. and in a ver' short time heal-
ed my hands completely."
One cannot but wonder w•ilnt would
I:nve happened to the sentry if that but -
lei had ploughed the King's art► it1Sle8 1
el his coat sleeve. however, the alxiec
incident is quite enough to sht v !eine •
George as the 1410,1 uucOni(utIallal
monarchs. Officers who were nt one
lin:c in touch 1Vilh 1)1111 tiny that he used
to ceimp4le at Greek nnialeur athletic ,
Starts tinder the name of George Pnpa-I
~callus, and was a111•11ys s4. successful!
that spectators and participants begun
!4. suspect n masquerading professionn1..
and at one contest, who're the King had
carried off prize after prize for running.
wrestling anti the like, the feeling be-
came se strong against 14!144, Ilial an at- ,
Vinyl was made to mob the Willett • •
(:lonaneh. [tendered helpless by over-
powering numbers. the King rev ea led
41; ldcnlily to the pc c i
smuggle hint nlvny.
King Edward is very fond of his slren-
i.mrher in-law. Resides the stair
cldertninhig there will be the seint-
clikinl cerenllnlee, such as iheatrienis
end concerts to which the King and
Queen invite their neighbors. \1'llen bill"
101'111 is lisp( used Wilk 111111 1110 lar more
ceinfortable frock coal is worn.
li a nn(1 ilnd t
BANDS I l;I1Iti111.Y (It \(KED.
Mrs. Yellen. of Portland. says: '•\fy
hands were so sore and cracked that I
views or ideas unless they are asked for.
If you tin' a stenographer and find
CIr,rs in grammar in the dictation lvhielt
hn., Leen given you. correct and re-
arrange the sentences. but d'en't 1e sots
fool%,h nS 14. end your employer's atten-
tion In his nlistukes.
No nuns likes to 1e told by n mere slip
of a girl that she has changed of cor-
rected a mistake lie mode herd and there
In his dictation.
This its a case 11 •here silence is Indeed
Positions of trust rnrely tome in those
who are content to rest on their oars
and wilt for something to happen. bol
rather le those who by eon5111n1 erred
ate- preparing thenlselve; for something
flnh3's own Trusts Le the best nl"-
d cine in the world for the minor ni!-
t►ients of little ones, and Ihe *ales!. We
IN, 4:441 risk pun 1'1 take our word for
I' - we give y.ii the guarantee of a
r,. , e:•,lment analyst that this medicine
e •,';i,nc no opiate or harmful drug. I1
4. 4,11 •'t ween for the new torn
1_ ' e well crown child. It is n
c• : are for all the minor aflmetrta
f Mrs.Andre 'Tremblay.
!tide. J`l5e:,h Uenudoin, 59 flue Sl.
Dime, Quet cc. I . Q., Can., writes:
"1'erurul is wonderful for indigestion.
1 eat whatever I want and no longer If n girl loves a plan :e4.1 has his 1',4 st.
Teething Babie
are saved angering -and mothers
given rest hen oue uses
N urses' a n d Mothers' Treasure
Quickly relieves --regulates the
bowels - prevents cc3alvt:lsions.
Used 5o years. Absolutely safe.
At dru -store+. 2Sc. G bottles, !i !s.
NationalDragR Cl,emlr-1 Co . Limited,
mole I•toprleters, Montttad 11
TIIE (:AI'sE Uhl 111e Clt:\\•lett.
Hewitt: '"They ani said nod 1 was a
very brave man a; the lime of the ship-
%Vl4rk-then 1 slww•e'd 110 fear."
newels: "1'erhups you were so two, ick
that you didn't know (hese was u
II Nevis Na Testimonial -it Ls a guar-
antee in it'(11. 11 testi:OIlitds were '•s-
quired they could Ix' furnishe l in thou-
sands from al! sorts and coedit% •!:S at
men in widely different p'aces. Many
medicines ale put [(:loth every 'year
which hove but an ephemeral existence
:•red then ate heard of no mere. Dr.
!homes' E leet4 it: (til has grown in re-
r'.Ihttion every day since it first made
iia appearance.
Men may he as deceitful (,s woolen
in some thing,. but no elan eter pre-
tends to be fes\ ing a govd tune «'hen he
D0 NOT ALLOW yourself t•' hecnme eh:MO j
because you have lost y.oura osis? ao i ..:o ta.:in
flesh, but commence taking ni,orr:•run'• the beet
tonic. It will build you up quickly
feel any oppression.
"ilaving had dyspepsia for a long
lime and having tried various other
r(rt:edies, I decided In try ['crone and
\assts lite remelt bottle of it I was
rerfeelly cured.
"For this Hereon 1 recommend it to
all those who are suffering with that
terrible malady, dyspepsia.
"1 hope that all wto, aro afflicted in
Ibis way 11•;11 take 1'erunn as I did."
The experience of Mde., Beaudoin
(.I'ght 10 he sufficient proof to any one
•'f the value of Perone In cas-•s of ea-
talrhal dy.)sp-<la. If you suffer form
er,:rnach cntarrh in any (•f its various
forms. give Perunn a fair trial, avoid -
Me in the meantime all such indiscre.
tens In diet as would tend to retard n
cure. and you will Boon be rewrite -led by
a normal appetite and healthy diges-
'1••mm)•: "ata. may i play mala'•
b'Iieve 1'111 en!i'rininiu' another little
boy ?" et, I!ller : ''(certainly, dear t' Tont-
my: ".all right! Gimme some cake for
bins, then!'
A SKIN TIIAT nl'RNS with eczema and ti
esserea with eruptions that discharge a thin t[uid,
may 1* made sne.oth and nightly with I%et,o!'i
berate. nut this ecternal remedy sbould be used
lei cu iunctiou with Wearer's syrup.
Magistrate (to burglar): "Iix,k here,
my man. if you d' n't mend your w•a7s
you are sure t 1 conte to grief. ee hat
made you lake lei such a miserable line
of business?" ['teenier: "The business
l.; good enough only between your lion -
Zion -Elul; bents all skin injuries and or and the police, !t lies been ruined:'
diseases. Of all stores and druggists at
SU cents, or from Zatn-lick (', . Toron- Mfnther Graves' \Norm Extermie .'
tc, for price. 3 boxes for Stn.
.� + - -
Itt) \DS CHOKED ill' 1(11.1:5.
London, England, Ilan \\'ilnes�w{ some
14lrnllge Sinlls.
has nJ ('rlual for destroying worm•• ei
children end adults. See that you get
1110 [;eau:::e when purchasing.
\I! l !,,ndIoek: "lint'. dare you 1e11
! .,pole my hair fs bleached ? You know
s. is fraise!'' Mia. Rnvenswing: 'les,
The practical joker who, by the sL•11- ,tear. 1 know it is. 1 10141 them it was
ple expedliteit of sending out sone. blenched before you got it."
44(4.4•••4 of bogus orders to tradesmen. __-
me, :ceded RIO other day ill ch0i(ill;; 1•i:r: J.1 P9 did it. They rtpplle•1 the ',tenth4
Al t e)' Street, Bermondsey, London. t ,,;.,d iu the "1► R 1." Melth .1 Plessor, which re•
Eu1,Iand, \vith carts and drays from tie`"' in•tantty haekaeha, headache, neuralgia,
4IA: ('1141 to the other, copied pretty
rbeut:tathm and srlatica.
closely the methods lnauglrr':,lol nearly
u century ago by Theodore 1Ie ;k.
But 1h•e "Great Berners Street Max.'
(teal got tobecalled, tunsonafar more
interest(; at lienrt. 1.h•. ,tee.; she spen0 if
an by marrying hint?
Do iot Irl it cold settle on your lungs.
Resort to [tickle's Anti -Consumptive
Syrup at the first intimation of irrita-
tion in the throat and prevent disease
Il was his first circuit. and. moreover.
h: had 10 defend his lust client, who
eats a better-known than respected bur-
glar. In an interval he approached a
veteran member of the Bur and sought
ft r advise,
"And holy long do you think 1 ought
le snake 111y speech le the jury, sir?"' Ile
lei bleed up.
"I bhould say about an hour," stud the
c.l'1 hand.
"An hour! \ally. I thought ten minutes
4'. iild be ample! Why so long?"
"\\'col!;" said his adviser, "you see. they
enn'1 eiettence hien till you're Itnished.
and the longer you talk the longer heal
t e out of gaol!"
LEhl' ON 1115 IIAND'.
Cabbie: "'Plats a queer 544t. of rine
111 you le 1•e wearing. It i,u t suitable
11.1 a man le all."
"Ieovebt: '"hink not? \\lett, 1 trial 11
on a girl ntel site didn't teem to think
11 suited her, either.`
Signals of Danger.- Ilave you lost
pair appetite? )lave you a cc0le•1
tongue? Have you un implement taste
the ineuth? Does }-our head ache
bend have you dizziness? If so, your
e1: Hutch is (:out of order and you n:('d
medicine. But you do not like' medi-
cine. ler that prefers sickness :o medi-
cine 11141st suffer, but under Ihe cireuul-
.tante, the wise 1111111 would ptr,c1;re it
tox of f'nrmelee's Vegetable Pills and
epeedilo get himself in health, an(1
strive to heel, 80.
Praeliee doesn't always make perteot,
1.411 li mattes some lawyers and doct(.r•s
MONT� A1rrRR MONTH a cold sticks, at4
seems t • tear holes is y+ur thr..at. Aro you aware
that a+!u a stn:.har'e and bmg•neglocted cull is
cured with Allu.t's Luug t►alauu l Dough and
Isom s.4 longer.
;\ young man stopped another in the
sireel and asked of hill: "1 say, Johnson,
have you got that umbrelln I lent you?"
from lodging in the pulmonary or •110'. "`No: was the reply, "Are .•141 4lantang
Neglected colds fire the cause of untold o1 ?' ""N..1 exactly.' answered the first
sufferingthroughout the country, 1411 Fpcakcr, "1111 Ihe 141111),1 Ix„ r('a' d 11 off
says the owner wants t-"
of 1411%(11 could have 104'11 prevented by
• the application of this simple bol pow- '1.305, S•►lin, of l:fa'u►r(ton, any : "I
Ca [til mcxiicine. The price, 25 cents, [thee removed ten coins from 1117' feel
brings it within the reach of all.
AI.I. 1t!•; COULD SEE.
\Ira. Benham: "fluty does my new hat
look ?"
extended scale. Six weeks were ocell- Benham: "11 look.; Ihe price to ire."
F•ied by the confederates --tin itg.t •1'h(' anon Popular fill. -'Phe pill is
whom was n Celebrated actress -in per- I:u' tuna polo/kir of all forms of moll.
feeling (heir plans, and 4,1x10 letters „ins, and r•f pills Ihe most popular are
were sent out. 1' trree'(.•. Vegetable Pilla, bee:thee
1, nc re , m 'fee result was dull on the day men -
en II•• . do \elan it is rssrrleKl they run
t nr.. '.nys: "1 lace prove" t • nod for the delivery of the goods. 41(•. and ate 001 put forward on tiny
10.1 .c , ! Ilat41•'. (11Vn Tablets na a 11-1 R, suers !+erect alone, but practical-
cere !.: • ; ! of Ihr Uviuh!(s 11101 of !v nil Oxford :_street 11 •ns blocked. \'art• Jheli1 un; eiahne k, exceteuee. '!'hey
',Iran. including skhl •tis. gare compact an• leueatee, the)* air
Piet •• • t• •' ). cue dislln wished persons, ton. were ('.,ally token. they do rr,l n'n1s('nl(' Her
(';,.r. I:} ; ! •nand teething Irout 1e .' „weighed in the spot by Ingeniously wee,. rind Ihr • rive relief in Ihe marl
1.41.1 1.. nl11 n•• deniers or 1'y moil wonted eplslles, amongst them being g ) 6
a: 25 ee741s a 1.)t f len the Dr. 3311-
bnus' Medicine Co., Brockville. Ont.
(rn:S OF ON7.010.
The cities of Ontario, with nicknnmes
and apprlxintnlc populations are :
'Poronk.. Queen t:ity. 2S(I,tkWl; Ihunlllon,
Ambition.% (city. 70.11111; Inilnv8, (iipilnl
:ilc x7.57!; Kipple!' 1•inle.l44ne (:fly.
111.• Royn{ Intl& of Gloucester, the (:av-
err:or.d the 13:nk of Englund, the cllnlr-
man of 111•' East India Company. and
the [.ort \I8)'or of I.Ondon, who drove
up in Ills stale carriage.
xlublw)nI cases.
Johnson wnile41 p0tie•nlly unlit Tfl('nlp•
eon had finished his flab story; then he
A curious -rind less well-known -- said:
(xnnlph, 0t P118 gime. land of Lona was "I want M Icit you something that
that pinycd upon George I'nyne. the. luippenee1 I0 Ire right up in that will
millionnire landowner 01141 sportsman. df•lriet where lou ray you landed a
ons nftenl•nrI reoffered frirtt(lus string of I.(100 in half 0 dry. Yau know
zoo; Itrantforfl. 'telephone Ic11)., i9.11htl; 11• h e posilre of Cord de flog. Some -
St. Thuuln<, Nnilr01u1 447,1. 11.4:5' L.en• 1.41v 11rv'l( lo a nnniber of t.rokcr<.
tL,n, the t'au'ten city. 4;,,t1(It►; Strnl[ord. ,odrring inrge qunntiltee of tallow in
(;lassie sal)', 11.5(10; St. (:nlhnrinte. tine- lierrr5 111 hr d• litcreI nl his ehnrnhers
den coy. 11. i. \VindS ,l . to I the to i'.nntl Sleet on n certnln dry.
Guelph, 11.44 CO , 1 i..'; 1 eh slur Ihe
Electric (city. 15.000; Belleville. City of A, the wits at the lime 0f the Crime -
E• lectra.
tehnlhnm!90;8:. aleph' telly. 5: r.n war. when speculation in Ihik, and
\\titian!, e-eid; I1,trt Arthur. 13.000; 51.1+•k'n w• s (leaved: rind mt Ihe m•1n1-
1�4n1 nen 1:1 Is. the !'ower 4.11y. Motei'.e •1f i11 • ante meallfne 1 in the forged
•1,1.(N10. e • of the larger Onlnr•. - if r4. while I'atne Ives III 1 real fast.
tt.t•.1i; ••.,. 1• •ae. 7.1111; Berlin. In41,; . 1'It'nsy (1(►cumeat was put info ma
•• 1 i:nn1w'
(, s• ali. R.004:I • I' ... 1 4 14 by his l•ousekeel4er, coupled with
; • '•' - •1 '. 9 11'': .1410111.x. 1.:'T•, •. ,:.,nn,It1ee111enI Dint "the than had
land- • ` : ' g' f' ' ,. G.(4s►; Orilli.. , . .I:h the t4IMw',"
5.37:11 (h.1 n x'114 1. 1"•7('"t; 1"11lbI'nk•', 1 t' •. - 14, 11:c c(4Yor, tic fundi o Carl
S.IIOf: Port 11 p• , :'' • ". �arnin, 0.014; 1:11s.
\lw casks standing before 11.
Stull sic. Min $ r•'' . I �,t,l• fur as the r3e runt(1 Teneh.
dr4 0sbe' • 1 a siring of similar vehie!ee
Mi•n.'s o• lal (.,t1Mine Fort( Ilse similar Mores, wan rife, 110 "to
I'i.K'k Inn'lr,
11:,111; '• u115nv0rp mm
This \11114•Il of {11 n:•. 1 einem i
en1 p1t741cia11,1 sof to -dry pays:
Iltut cut. manner of soul a its • 1
titre. . n•' puree of esittilsofnJ l leo•:,.
and !OM rallIceS ayetip 4.1 111111411'1
1' ixe'.1 1•`)renllcr a11•1 Ini-on
4((r';ef,r4 •'0•t•v noel' 441::115 and a1 lett-
10111 iu welter wilt elf, el a i'rr nnncnt
cure for the 11'a,.l It''4.rC en<. S e,1 kel-
1.43, ::1st'. 1 n nd urinary Iron.
Ile tee," . Ile! a fee, ea ora will
Is'Silitcly (WV I . •, . .4 t'a,•k.
tet.ee mid rho u', : . - •)_ 'r. 411 'six•
cut;er•ti1 k 1,,,,3.: 4.111 \),p'4•,. l i.a:,1.
These tit 110 are • •f p11: toe 4 • a, 181,1,•
nalure tn.! Inrvtlrn-i•e. :,r , • all ts'
1:1,t4 it al any drily 'lore 814,1 wile;$
1.' 1;' atter al home.
1• i ' 11 ;i t e • !:e exclaimed Inter
, whom he time)
• 'reef (vie "if Pend Street wnsn't
! n'tlh t', .1v-entls richt 111► to
Oxford Street and •noun lo 1'irndilly."
The 4..84111 ler xlould t1!rc 4.11 ,1,:+k<
The pi lieemorl on 111(1<.
Till 114.1 r nn !•nn1---4111.1 dusk egg,.
The ori ••'s•ran on •'i► 1,.
Tee 04'.1.1` 4111 mugs..
'rii j- !yr ''4 ell t.x
'1.1,• r' ''41':111 4.11 sit:rlets.
'rte' w'1'.' en
T?1• bo.»b' nd (;t: rk ek, ' t r !' .
1`r• tree s: n"Irl •lilt. ,
11 8 ..L Ihey 8.•0 deer 1•o e . • t' • . .
It, irrl•y and 1 a.•nt tip there 1110 hun1-
niers no in 110 nufo1110h11e "
"Nee. I remember.•"
"Well. sir. eve hest our many, rind for
1i.,• dios ;and nights we Needn't sight
a inrntiolrr or human hying. "
"Dave any rood with you?" nskcd
"\\ hal (1111 %('n 111.' •.n
"sling-- s..np urtrning. noon and
"\3117. said 14411(1'`"n. 1lflio tt even the
Ruapiei.o of a :utile. "the first (1413' 'r
gg .I 1i)st the :nto :lends a stone and
turned torte.
�►t}� %' ,
'net _1'on'Pee S;'.1 gree
I'•:I F: NO.
Just where you stand in the conflict,
'!-here is your place;
Just where you think you tole useless,
slide not your face.
God p{a^ed you there for n purpose,
\\"hale'er it be,
Think you Ile has chosen you for 11,
\\'ork loyally.
Gird on your (minor. be faithful
Al toil or rest,
\\-hidtc'er it le. never doubting,
(i•xl's way is beet.
(futon the fight or on picket,
Stnnd firm and true,
Thi- ia the work which your Master
(-lives you to do,
IT(:11. \lunge Prairie Sernlches rind
every form of c•)n'aglnus Itch c human
..r enhnld4 cured in 30 minutes by
ford:s Sanitary Loden. it never fails.
:Veld by all druggists.
�n til' )"}911 rurts.o
..mo. R,
1, alae M oa, r aw .w•-••• S-. , - •••••
d`en 1 8B(101(MINI
tc 'e, 1lolloe• •. - (corn Cure." Render,
Ilia❑ (Incl
nOPLE who drink good Neer
a with their ale.11e can't b.
Because beer, s:. drank,
actually ~applies the food ele-
ments that make the blood rich.
Also b,er assists the stomach in
getting all the rood possible out
of all the food that enters it.
Put aside prejudice and !earn
just holt good for 11 .18 ,3 e4 cry
adult good beer really is.
*En' lea lens -Alen .•e•e•e t•[ -r. alw porter ani 0e41111
aaJ, la %a• ata,t4..{ 04.a.,1 Newer♦ taw. e, tere,2444
e:.,d- uvea tent Jtrs ,r *•algia. 4rnm t'n W!e Oester
(itw Ewa 1e tae -or /malt. bt.. an./ lure -.t.r. tM
business -in the riling. • 7f Jervis e
a first-class business; the ani "• r \\rbcs
to retire. 1.. Utilise, Jarr•is.
304 lights. Orsi -class order. Will be sold
cheap and must be gotten out of lite way
owing to &W)•hght machine taking its
place. S. Frnnk \Nelson, 73 Adela►is
Street West, Toronto.
Beltato make, number tour, 9 -inch ver.
tical discharge, 24 inches hlph; perfect
condition. Superintendent, Truth Build)
Dig, 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto.
Every Wo saki
( lutereau-d lad �trc1.1 411. w
about the wbinierr l
MARVEL Whirling Spray
The new rattlnel &Wage.
oat ennea-
I4ot. It (1.81.4(8
tss ,our *agent ter 1t.
t be ean:not sup'r the
MAUVE IL, ac,ept 110
other, but send &ta.rtp for
Illustrated book -scaled. it [;free
tall reears and directions ID-
R !: t 'I LT Co.. Windsor, dont.
General Arrests ter cataria.
SHILOH'Sthe quikest
cough & cold CURE
Get a bottle to -day from your druggist. If
it doesn't cure you QUICi.ER than anything
you ever tried he'll give you yqur money back
s�cs�z�.tz :save®
Shiloh's is the best, safest, (surest and quickest medicine for your children's coughs
and colds. It has been curing coughs and colds for 34 years. Al druggists --
25c., Sot., and $l.00 a bottle.
Power, Heat, Electric Light,
to Lease for a Term of Years.
Central location. About ton thoucald stluaro Net In
four floors artl gaga rant. Exoaltont shlpp n faollltio�
Standard Fire Sl;rinkier 8ystom. low insurance rate.
MURRAY F. WILSON, 81 Ado'.aida St. Wast, Toronto
" 33 ith
SHAW °h1YraElied
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Put then[ on with no tools but a
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sides, are self -draining and water -
shedding on any roof with three or
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buildings fire -proof, weatherproof
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gauge toughened sheet steel- • 1:r'ly
one quality used and that the hest -
e t -
bent cold and double -galvanized.
Last longer with no painting than '
any other metal shingles hea\ ily-
Th e
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letarsi \\'4:rch'11;ae :
painted. Guaranteed in every way
until 1932. Ought to list a century.
Cheap as wood shingles in first
cost ; far cheaper in the long run.
" Oshawa " Galvanized Steel Shin-
gle cost only $4.50 a s q u a r e,
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