Exeter Advocate, 1907-08-29, Page 8NEW vow - Fall Suitings and fashion Plate JUST ARRIVED Call and make a selec- tion before the rush. W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor, Exeter, - Ontario Business Locals -- Read Them Marriage Licenses issued at the Ad- vocate office. Lots o/ style in Kitty stiff hots, new shapes, just in. Stewart's. Get your Marriage Licenses at the Advocate attire. (Hare you tried 31ia•.ru•irtta Tea. 30e. a pound, it's ,treat,, Stewart's. The Rev. E and Mrs. Grigg will lec- ture on their mission work in India, illustrated by lime -light views, on Friday evening, August 30, commen- cing c.t 8 o'clock, in the Main Street Methodist cLnrcb. Admission l0c. and 15c. See the near (till dress goods at Stew- art's. "Rey are lovely". Noe shipment Willett and Jones hereafter will ship !togs ever y Tuesday, when up-to- date prices will he paid. Farrow cow for sale; apply to Thos. Snell, Huron street. Dr. Ovens Coming. n,. Ovens. London, Eye and Ear R.:rgeen, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Exeter, on September 7, from 1 to :, p.rn. (classes properly fitted and diseases of Eye, Ear and Nose treated. .1 siren range of Majolica china .1,rr- din, res 25.. to $1,25. Str,rgrt's, 81.25 jar a dandy Mack underskirt. Stewart's. Moyle• Miss Amy Johns will resume her cl os in voice. piano and harmony on sestembre M. All pupils wishing to prepare for conservatory examinations and recilc►I' in February will please take notice. l.nhor ba) •t fleeter, '1'.v0 games of baseball will be play. ed at Exeter on Monday next, Labor 1)ttt•. In the [locoing Workman & 'SS -gill's team "f London will play Exe- ter at tri *'clock. At two o'clock Work ilia •1 & Ward will ;play l'reuiton. Admission to ee cli game 15s. for gents. end 1I'.. for ladies and children. Nicsi' forecasts for august. A reactionary swim period is cent- ral nu the 214h, :pith and :ilst. It is a well-known fact that great tropical storms conning up from eq*atorial reg - tons. outlive as a rule, the limitations of the or ;henry storm periods. 'Phis is true e.1'••••ially in cases where the Venin- •.cunnus and ether astronomic can -es unite with Earth's equinox. liar in :.II •m.•h cases it i+ safe to say th .t Ih• s.• storms take on renewed eu'•rgy :Ind violence as they run into tiro ,tor 111 periods next following those in thictt they originate. Hence, if tropira1 storms appearing et the per- iod. they will grow in strength and t1 Ii. Iir.I•le,as they reach our c*;tsts and nn,reh into our interior during the closing .1 tys "f the month. A regular storm period covers the first week in September. being centtal un the 4th. A t,•Iv th•v.;toning barometer, with high ten.'.er..rmre will appear in weft - tele exrr.-rns, by the :11•13 and 41 h, and morels m.n,•h energy will sweeppro- gres•iv.ly ••‘ es the (armory from the 4t1' to the 7111. The culmination will rows nn a•,•1 t;melting tl,e 7th. Seismic r h Ike, .till b i.rul);at,le in tunny parts of the globttithill f••tty•eight hours of noon on the 7th. ++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ IT WILL NOT BE LONG till won tarn your thoughts t.. ;. N.•w Fall Ontflt. This -.•a•,ui rte will 1.e more than .mer in advance with new simply and fahrirs Mew New New Mew Mutts for Fall Topcoats for Fall Suiting% for Pall Ralatoets for Fall The ne•ty fall lines are corn• ing in daily now: We are conft,lent of owing stile to plc,tse you in the least pets titular. o ----0 Call and Get our Prices o W. JOHNS * Merchant Tailor • Exeter rr0"W YSS' if V' Ai, lir IF IP' s it LOCM, I)OINU Ae 4� fr► a.��,�,� a�a►�,&Aa►,�i Mr. Willis PoWeb1 has fully' recover- ed from his recent illness. ('ale's Baking Powder is the hest. Try it and be convinced. Miss Lizzie Taylor's litany friends will be sorry to learn of her continued illness. Miss Jessie Dow wishes to announce that she is now ready to lesunre her class in music. Mr. John Mallett is again on duty as clerk at the Central Hotel after a two week's vacation. Rev. E. Grigg occupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian church on Sunday last, preaching two eloquent and well directed sermons. GIANT TRIPLETS "Currency" "Bobs" and "Stag" Chewing Tobac- coes, in big pings. Quality always the same. \fisc Olive M. Hera assisted with the program at the Harvest Hoare Dinner in the Methodist church at Sylvan Monday evening. Dr. H. I. Strang, the Veteran teach- er of Goderich was last Friday night presented with a flattering address and purse of $1(100 at a reunion of bis ex -students. Clinton Business College has a new advertisement on page 1. It will pay young people to write for the hand- some catalogue of this progressive school before making a choice. Mrs. Isaac Bowden, a former resid- ent of Exeter, but late of Saskatoon, Sask., is now a resident of Barrie, Ont., having moved to that town a few weeks ago owing to ill health. Geo. Sippi, a popular London travel- ler,well known to many Exeter people died Monday last at Winnipeg, follow- ing an operation for appendicites. His friends here will be grieved to learn of his demise. We were handed a large ripe toma- to of the canning variety by Mr. Jno. Hunter on Friday. It was immense in size and excellently matured. With fine weather for a few weeks the toma- to output is expected to be a big one. Mrs. Itobt. Stephenson of Hillsgreen, underwent a surgical operation for in- ward trouble on Saturday at the home of Mrs. Ortwein. The operation was successful and the patient is doing very nicely. Mr. Stephenson spent Sunday with her. Crystal City (Man.) Courier: --Mr. Aaron Cudmore sustained the loss of his valuable Clydesdale stallion, "Rob - stone Mac," on Tuesday morning. - The photograph business conducted by A. Morrish has been purchased by W. J. Stanlake. Possession was tak- en on Tuesday. Mr. Tom Carling received word from Inspector Torn last week that he had been successful in passing his recent examination, entitling him to admis- sion to the Mining School. He was classed as one of the JuniorMatricula- tioncandidates but only wrote on part of the number of subjects. This mak- es the Exeter s(;hool'e ebowin$ all the ie► ."."'' the eongratulaf.4'r"m on his success. The Summer School held at Grand Bend was both successful instructive and interesting. The following officers were elected for next year: Pres., Rev, Tole, Hensel(; Vice Pres., Rev. Fear, Exeter; Miss Magladery, Parkhill; Miss Magladery. Parkhill; Miss Marshall, Kirkton; Treas., 'tee. Baker, Ailsa (;rain: Secy, Miss Mae Wilson, Green- way. A quiet hut pretty wedding took place in 1.entlon, on Weinesnay, Asp. 'list, when Miss Mahle Piper. youngest daughter of Mrs. Piper of town. be- came the happy bride of Geo. Parker, of London. The nuptial knot was se- curely tied by Hev. Hamilton, of the Dufferin Ave. Methodist church. Lon- don. The happy couple spent their honeymoon in St. Thomas. They will reside in i,ondon. The bride's many friends here join in wishing herself anti husband A lung season of happi- ness and prosperity. Mr. David Wynn met with an un- fortunate accident on \Vednesdsy af- ternoon of last week. He had just completed the putting tip of lightning rods on Mr. Geo. Dur.n's farm at Hu- rondale and with a kit of tools had just commenced to descend the ladder when it tilted and he was thrown to the ground, it distance of 30 feet, su- staining a broken ankle in his left leg and receiving other body nrid face wounds. He was immediately driven to Exeter and his wounds were attend- ed to at his home. it is supposed that the ladder was nerved by some one de- siring to enter the barn, unknown to Mr. \Vym, consequently the accident occurred. A Seccesstel School. The Central Business ('allege of St rat ford, which has an advertisement appearing elsewhere in these columns is without a doubt one of the roust suc- cessful business training schools in the Province. It 1s well and favorably known for the thoroughness of its work and the success of its students. The school is now sending out its 21st annual catalogue and we would advise anyone interested itt a commercial, Short hand or Telegraphic education to write the College for their free cata- logue. The fall terns we believe, cotn- tnen(•es, Tuesday, Sept. :ird. Limit Social. The iAwn Social And entertainment given on the Rectory lawn tinder the Ladies Guild of the Trivitt 'fernorial church on Friday evening liter was a MOM creditable and pleasing Affair. The weather was delightful for such an occasion and the crowd in attend- ant. was large. Surrounding the lawn was it IArge stretch of canvas which nut only served to obscure the vision of intruders but sheltered those in attendance from any wind that might be blowing. The ground! were iwautifully lit up with electric lights and being otherwise twantifleel by dec- orations the effect was pleasing. Re- freshments were served and an ex(eIl- ent program was rendered, Mr. Jas. Fax, of Toronto, being the principal attract ion. Hie selections were indeed of a high under• being varied, well chosen and given in a way that could not help plows the most fiaidmorts. The cornet solo by Win. Berry were excellent renditions and 11,.' ale Ly the 1,11.1 :,. 1• :'luny4 the rsv• highly .ppteria'et. Th,• 1,1,.'ee11•. a,u,rllted 14116.11t, *SS, \!r. and Mrs. John Snell announce 1 the marriage of their daa.ghter,Mae In Mr. C. 11. Smith of In,;er,ull,Tuesday, Oct. 1st 1007. At the Executors' sale of the late Is•utc Carling Saturday hast only a small uulib,•r "f the has offered were disposed of. For (Zmality and Qua etity ask your dealer for the new big plugs of "Bobs" "Stag" and "Curtency" Chewing 'To- baccoes. PERSONAL. Mr, it. E. Pickard left Monday for the Nest. %Villie 13irney has returned from Belgruve. Mr, Peter McDonald of Forest spent Sunday in town. ,Ir•. Jos. Snell was in 'Toronto Thurs- day and Friday. Mr. Alfred Bowie returned from London Friday. Mrs, Radford of Avonton is the guest of Mes. J. II. Scott. Miss Flossie Ball of Tilbury is visit- ing relatives in town. Mr. Robt. Fanson has returned from a visit to Seaforth. Miss Janet Brown is is Toronto this week attending the exhibition. Mr. W. S. Llndenfcld of Vancouver, 13. C., is visiting his brother:here. Master Morris Wolfe of London is spending a few days at the Commer- cial house. Mrs. A. L. Vanstone of Brantford, is visiting her sister, Mrs. (I)r.) Amos. Mr. Smith of Ingersoll visited friends in town the latter part of last week. Ur. A.R. Kinsman attended the den- tal convention in Goderich last week. After a pleasant stay in town Mies May Pearson has returned to London. Mr. Jae. Jones is in Toronto this week combining business with pleas. tire. Dr. and Mrs. Iioulston spent the lat- ter part of last week visiting in Milver- ton. Miss Eninta Seldon of IngRersoll is visiting her brother, Mr. Richard Sel- don. Eva and Fred Shaddock, London,are visiting among their young friends in town. Mr. John McKay of Detroit spent Sunday and Monday with his father here. 11 r. Hampson of Ottawa returned Tuesday after a few days' yisit at the home of Mr. Gregory. Miss Loretta Gregory, Lady Super- intendent of the Toledo City Hospital, Is horse on a prolonged visit. Mrs. Ogden and two daughters of Chicago, 111., are spending a few days with Miss Bents Dodds. After a very pleasant visit at the horse of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bagshaw, the Misses Ida and Mamie Bagshaw have returned to Parkhill. Mrs. Stephen hicks and Miss Eva Hicks have returned from their visit to London. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Copp of SVaforth are visiting friends and relatives in town. Miss Verda Cousins of London is on a few WV!k!t' visit to her aunt, Mrs. John Par•song. Mr. and Mre. Frank Mellott and three children of St. 'l'hoinus are visit- ing relatives in town. Miss Gladys Bissett returned Satur- day evening after a pleasant visit with friends in London. Mrs. Bunt and daughter Elie, and Mre. Windsor of London are guests of Mrs. Geo. Snell. Mrs. P. Fisher and drieglits Miss Lovina left Tuesday to spend a couple %seeks with friends in Hamilton. Miss Dina Elstone and Miss Ethel Northcott left Monday to attend the millinery openings at 'Toronto. Mr. Frank \\eekes, after a few pleasant holidays at his home here, returned to Listowel Tuesday. Mr. 1{. N. Creech left Saturday morning to visit for a few clays with his brother Norman in Brantford. Mrs. Humes and daughter Bernice of Winnipeg, Man., are yisitors at the home of Sirs. \\'m. Howard. Misses Edna and ituby finch, lifter a pleasant. visit at the Mansion Mouse, have returned to their home in Lan- don. Mr. L. Simeon of Elmira, formerly of Dashwood is spending a few weeks here with his daughter, Mrs. Jos. Snell. Mr. Wirt. Bagshaw left Monday for Prince Albert, Alta., where he will visit his sons, George and Homer, for a few weeks. Mrs. P. Gowans of N'ingh• i.i spent Sat utday with friends in town. She intends leaving for the West about the 10th of Sept. Mr. D. dill and Miss M. A. Torn are this week al tending the High Court of I. 0. F'. at Berlin as Relegates from the lural curt. Misses Freda and Ger 1y Snackntnrt of Blenheim roe visiting their grand- mother, Airs. John Spackman, for a few days prior to visiting Toronto fair. Mrs. Perkins. who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Albert Johnston, at St. Augustine, returned home Hat- orelay night, accompanied by Mr. Johnston, who visited over Sunday. Mr. J. .1. Merner of %erich spent Sunday in town. Mrs. Mernet and four children, who have been visitors at the home of Mr. ('has. Lindenfleld's for two weeks, returned with him. Mrs.11annah Sanders and daughters, Miss Nora and Mre. Frank Triehner, left Meeting for Toronto where they will retrain during the exhibition, the guests of Mrs. Rich. Penhale. Mr. and Mrs. Ford Dnnsford, and little daughter, Bernice, after a week's visit with the former's patents in Stephen, returned to their home in Cleveland, Ohio, Tuesday. Miss Hattie rollick, who has been spending the*rsuntmer at (trend Bend returned home last week. She left Friday on an extended visit to Grand Fnrke, B. ('., where she will visit her brother, Egerton. Mrs. H. Iiuckingha►n and family, who have been visiting friends and relatives herr for some time. left Mon. day for Pincher Station, AICA., where they will join Mr. Buckinghatn and make their future horse. Mr. W. lint rows wascalled to lilythes- wood Friday owing to the serious ill- ness of his sister-in-Iaw,Mrs..1. C. Bar- rows, who is Afflicted with cancer and with no hope of rec"verv. Mr. Rsr- r.,w-. returned Monday. and Mr. ism. Neil who had ch lige .,f the hotel dot. ng Ms• it bows sbsetrre. 1soon, (1 10 De r it h•• ;romp day. When "sweets" line their sweetness -- and " Slil)StaIltials," their charm --there are always 1IOONEY'S PERFECTION CREAM SODAS to coax back the appetite. Do YOU know how good they are ? 105 EXETER MARKETS. CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY Wheat Barley 40 Oats 40 Peas 00 Potatoes, per bag 75 Hay, per ton Flour, per cwt., family Flour, low grade per cwt 1 40 Butter Eggs Ltvehogs, per cwt Shorts pee ton Bran per ton Wool, unwashed 12-13, washed 80 45 45 05 75 1100 2 50 1 45 18 10 620 24 00 20 00 20-2:3 Highest price paid for any quantity honey -wholesale; also FOR SALE -one goal driving horse and general purpose mare in foal. W. F. ABBOTT, Centralia COLE'S coati CURE Makes no difference how stubborn the corn is, it can't resist Cole's Corn Cure This is the preparation that will remove any hard or soft corn eas- ily. quickly and permanently. if you have never tried COLE'S CORN CURE you have no idea how s,ccessft,lly it works. Every Bottle Guaranteed W.S. CoIe, Phm.B. CHEM 1ST AN 1) DT(I'GG IST Mrs. It. It. Rogers, who has been here visiting her parents, Mr. anti Mrs. Ed. Christie, for several weeks, left Saturday for tier home in l'hicvgo. Mrs. E. 11. Spaektiran and (laughter, Margery and son Fred. are visiting at Mr. John Spctekni:tn's on their wav hone. to Blenheim from Grand Ben(( Mr. Juts. Tom and son, Mr. F. W. Torn, who is visiting with his parents here, spent the (atter part of Inst week in Goderich with inspector Toni. F. W. is an ardent admirer of Sir Isaac \Valton's pastime and during his stay on the hanks of the Maitbtnd succeed - fel in landing many fine hlick bass. The Hev. D. W. Collins. Messrs. I. H. Dickson. Thos. Fisher, L. Scott, Jos. Davis, and C. H. Sanders drove to lldetton on Sunday afternoon last, where they attended divine service in the English church with their Masonie brethren of that place, the Rev. ('n1• lins conducting the service. As a consequence of the R,'eto►•'s absence there was no service in the Tri vitt Memorial chore" here. ;Mt ♦'irlirIli"gIrl.r,,. Ill ARE YOU CONTENT? with the flour you are using? If not, get a hag of STAR BRAND FLOUR 1 1 and be convinced that it is all we claim for it. it is the perfect blended flour. We have it good stock on hand made Trona old wheat. HARVEY BROS. EXETER ONTARIO LiAsia Asis*>•,•itill� T. HA'RTKINS & SON Jobbers and Dealers in Builders' Hardware Nails Glass Cement Plaster Paris Galvanized Shingles Corrugated Iron Roofing T. HAWKINS & SON. SAMUEL ROWE J. 1). ATKINSON LEADERS Of Low Prices and Easy Terms We are in a position to offer you good bargains in Futniture. \Ve are showing a nice line of Parlor and Diniug-Room Furniture, Tables, China Cabinets, Couches, Rookery and Odd Chairs if you are in need of an extra bed remember we carry a complete stock of II{ON BEDS, WOOD BEDS, SPRINGS and MAT- TRESSES, Come and see them. You will Find our Prices Right And we Guarantee Satisfaction ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors. JONES & CLARK PHONE NO. 32 it CL flllhI.P Sd6E TO P611 & I)TE9 We have a few odd lines of Summer goads left and trust clear them out to make morn for our Fall and Winter stock. Noth- ing will be left if low prices will sell them. WHITE WAISTS Only nine left to be clean ed out. for half price. WHITE WEAR A few skirts, drawers, nightgowns. and corset covers to be sold at a big reduction. MUSLIMS AND BINBHAMB On,% a few choice ones left, to he cle.u•cd for half price. 1 BELTS AND PARASOLS To clear out a few r'e- maining ones we will sell for nearly half price. New Fall Dress Goods Our immense stock of new Dress Goals has arrived. We are now ready for the early shopper, with the best selection ever led on nor vomiter. We are showing all the newest fabrics in Plain Cloths and Fancy I'Isids. Fall Rain Coats -116111 Our new Ruin ('oats which have just arrived are better than ever. They ;ire three-quarter rind full length: colors, Fawn. Datk and Mix Greys, and are very stylish in their make -tip. You will do well to see thein and get an early choice. Poultry NEXT WEEK tate following prices will be paid: ('hicks tile. live, 111,'. dressed: Ducks 8,'. live, 10e. dressed JONES & CLARK Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing SNELL & BOWE Moncy SaTing Rargains f - BARGAINS iN LACE CUI{TAINS $2.i,r) quality for $'l.tIO 2.111) 6 L 50 1.50 1.111 BOYS STRONG WEAVING SHIRTS guarantee( NO colors --- ii )e quality for 311c IN BOYS T,EATiHEIt BELTS Zips quality for lips iN LADIES i.1•:.\THF:f{ !WAITS :38c :lushly for 2.-.e. BARGAINS iN JAPANESE MATTING 20c quality for 12 1-2 c iN MEN'S FANCY \'FISTS for summer, light or dark colors -- $1.25 quality for MJc. IN UMBRELLAS $1.21 goality for floc IN LADIES' CASHMERE HOSE Black or tan shades -'tire for 25e. SNELL -84 ROWE •