Exeter Advocate, 1907-08-29, Page 3• erg BILLED AND BDRIED HUSBAND Manitoba Squaw Makes a Confession of the Crime, A despatch from Shoal Luke, Mani- toba, says: Tho arresting of a squaw, charged with murder, and the Lading of Irv' body of Jett„ Assinw'assis, of Rolling �AtIver, a'u;rnor►ly known as Fred John - on, has cleared up the peculiar and sudden disappearance of that Behan abut a month ago. The squaw was on trial here on Thursday for the murder of the husband. Between throe and four weeks ago Assinwrtssis disappeared and no trace had been seen of him for serine time. Indian Agent Wheatley notified the po- lice and asked for un investigation. Con - Stables Jos. Guertin and Garreek, of Portage I.a Prairie were put on the case. These two, after a careful search, found 9 little mound about two rules north- east of the town. Scraping the earth away,. they came win the body of the Imbrue whic!n had been buried in u bad- ger hole. The accusal squaw made a confession, slating that her husband had been drink- ing and brought home to the tepee two huge bottles of whisky, which she had hidden from hire. Johnston threatened le kill her if she did not give up the hid- den whiskey. Ile chaste) her, and she leid down her chid, threw him down and choked hire, not intending to kill him, hut lie died shortly afterwards. Ear'y in the morning She drleggc-d the corpse to a big knoll nearby and wrapped onion in his blanket, and buried hien, d:uli.ing his drinking cup under his arm. 1,85:1 DEATHS IN JUIN. Reports of the i'rot (ncial Board of Health for That Month. A despatch. from 'Toronto says: Re- pc.rts from 561 divisions of the province lo the Beard of health show the num- ter of deaths from all causese in July to have been 1.853. From contagious diseases the number of deaths was 207, out of a total of 690 cases. The statistics regarding contagious end infectious diseases for the month wcro as follows. - Cases. Smnllp(x .. .. .. .. 49 Scarlet le d'r 141 Diphtheria .. .. . .. 124 M. isles ... .. iiO whooping Cough .. . 1oi • Ti Wee! . .... .. . 57 Tuberculosis .... , . .. 1 `2 6119 In the same month, of 1906, tires were as follows: - Ca ses. Sttiallpnx .... ..... .. 16 Scarlet Fever .. „ ... ;(i D.phtheria .. .. .. .. 1ee6 M'nstes .. .. 68 \1i ho oping Cough .. . 55 '1'ypho:d .. .. .. .. .. s(i Tuberculosis .. ... ... 146 515 CORPSE IN OI'F:N BOX. I)eattis. 0 10 14 5 15 117 207 the fig - Deaths. 2 2 22 7 6 136 195 A Mysterious Tragedy of the Algoma Wilderness. A despatch from Toronto says: Cased in an open wooden box n partially de- conipos''el human body has been lett ly- it g in the waters of the Blind Itiver, near the town of that name, in thc.l)i•trict of Algoma. Such is the story told by leases which have reached the Provincial Board of health. The epistles which have brought the affair to the notice of the authorities are dated about Aug. 16. Their writers as - b rt that about iwo weeks before tho corpse of a murdered man was found lying iii the hush at some distance from the town. A week eonl'scd and no action was taken. Finally the remains, then seinewhat decomposed, were taken to Blind River. There an inquest was held. The writer of one letter asserts shut the body was Then laid in a plain wooden tox and placed in the river. about three' feet from shore "in n"conlance with the orders of the coroner." The correspon- dent complains to the Board of Health Ihnl the body has been placed In close proximity to the town. and in the :stream fnun which some residents drew water supplies and it is consequently a menace to the ilea l t h of the people. F'1111: IN PENITENTIARY. Stalled hl Binder Twine ine Deparinlenl, Itut N as Noticed in Tinie. A despatch from h iigston say: Sat- urday night, ;stout ten o'clock, an alert watchman was surprised to see a mel - e4 n flash of light in the engine-ro nii o! the binder twine department nt the rcnitentinry. Ile summoned aid. and tie fire was ssutslued with little dam- age beyond scorching the woodwork and blackening the walls. Spontnneens combustion among the oil and waste about the engine Is thought to have been the rause, ns no fire hail been in the building for four or five days. MISSING MANAGER SUICIDES. A. Glansietti, of Toronto, Italian Bank, Cuts His Throat A despatch from Toronto says: A. Giannetti, the missing manager of the "Banco Giannetti," which closed its doors a few days ago, committed suicide by cutting his throat with a razor in a room cf tho Hotel Cecil, Queen Street and 1'.caoonsfleld Avenue, shortly after 12 o'clock on 'Thursday night. In his pos- 6otsion were found lettere addressed to "A Giannetti," a gtrnntity of Italian rnc.ney, and $1,475 in American money. There was also an envelope addressed to th "Chief of Police. Toronto." The body was identified as that of A. Giannetti, the missing Italian, by means of a news- paper i•icture. The mean registered at the hotel during the afternoon, giving his name as G. I.fSpirauce. During the (seeing his actions amused suspicion, and shortly after the house was locked up for the Tright the attention of sonic of the roomers was attracted by groans coming from ine room. The door was found to bo locked, and when it had teen broken in the dead body was found on the bed. STEEi. PLANT 1'011 (::1 N A 11:%. i.arge Works are to be Established) in British Columbia. A despatch from Vancouver, B. C.. says: J. '1'. Stiedforth, ironrnaaster, of N wcastle-on-Fyne, Englanjd. one of the ci ganizers of the North Pacific Iron and Steel Corporation, is here arranging for the nmalgiunation of lite- cent and iron interests preparatory to the erec- tion of a modern steel works. 11 will make steel of all grades. Including steel rails and strip -phots, \'. iffe. it. big ship - tat -Mini l(l., ��ll! etR•g l,l.�nt. -1'no initial cApi. .i tw: raised in British Colurnbie. a grcn!c'r amount in Manchester and London. 'I -ho company will be registered for fifteen trillion. of which two million will ee the initial expenditure on n plant with a site near Vancouver. All the raw niaterinl is now found in British Culurnbia. d• - 1'(►t-N1► 1111111(_111.1) BURNED. Paltry Itker i'nrents Iled Left Ilion Asleep in Red. A despatch from Rainy River, Ont., says : The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Ferrier was burned to death Saturday night in the absence of his parents at the latter town. whither they had gone to meet the linin. They left the child asleep in bed, and returned an hour or two later 10 find their former tome a masa c►1 smouldering ruins in which, on beard). They found the charred body of their son. i.IVE SToek 1 ALI'1'S SINK. Mouth in ltrock. ill' District Inas De- nierllieing Effect. A despatch from Brockville says: Tho shortage of the hay crop and fodder generally throughout this if -teflon. Cc- eo'donel by the drouth, is having n ne- moralizing effect on the prices of horses tied cattle. Msny farmers are compelled 'o reduce their herds, and values are Thereby reduced more than fifty per cent. The same also npphes to heroes. CONSPIRACY IS THE CHARGE Information Sworn Out Against Alberta Lumbermen. A despatch from Edmonton, Altn., treys : Inte,rmatkm_s s rc sworn out on '1'huralay Iefore lnspey'tor \Vorrtley. of Pie NI -milled l'•.lice ilarracks (ltenting the folktw in' nlemt4're of 111e Executive Committee of the Alt erla Lumber ik'nl- er•' .\,•-- eatteei with conspiracy in re. Inlie•n 1.. track' and trade cc►aib►nationa• I'. A. Prince. Calgary ; W. H. (:lark. F.timonton : W. 1). Baker. Calgary ; A. \I. Gre.l;nn, Calgary ; F. W. Irwin, \ c 1!r'ville ; 3. M.•t •na'dl. F'imonlon ; A. 6. Geese, \Vetaski' .1e : h. c. 60,„.. lay, L804111,0; William 1) n. 0141;; Stuart. ('nlgary : W. Itarclay, Clare:deem, and J. \V. \1 Nichol, Leth- brie lite. Each defendant is cllnrged with tIir' cr.ni►iraeies. Ihnt is to say with his co - directors mei other members of the Al- berta Retail Denten:* As ociatien, with conspiracy with rnvnlw(1e of the .1oun- teln \tillers' A-.e-.ciatie•n of British (LIuullln, and with conspiracy with the British (rlumbin Limier and Shingle ,1,e,cintien. known ns the Cans' Asso- c.nhon. Th: re are in rill. Iherefure, one hundr.ti and fares- different charges in C:.ntes:nen with this preseculion. a neo 0114 of the twelve directors of the Alberta I.t:inter [)sakes ' Asse.eintien tieing charged with tee'lv►' different offences. 'the btattltC 1110(T which the charge i* hei(1 provides : ''Tint everyone is guilty el an indictable (,ffenoe, and liable to tl penalty not eteeseling tour thole:And dealers, and not 'ees than two hundred d. liars. or two year: imprisonlle,it. or, if a corporation. is liable tei a penalty nut exceeding ten th' uvind &lines. and rot kes than one R1e•usnnd (Inners. whir e nspire's. combines. agrees and ar- ranges with any other Neter). or with any ratlwny, steamshir, sleennibnat or transportation compeny. to unduly limit facilities for trnns'or1slie n. t•. r•estra:n or Injure trade. to prevent. limit or lateen manlfnrhrri', or to present or kin competition." • LEADING MAHKETS 13READ5'TUFFS. Toronto, Aug. 27. -Ontario \Vheat-- No. 2 white, nominal; new wheat, 81c to 82c outside, quick delivery, and 7'9' to 80c f.o.b. kir export. Manitoba Wheat --No. 1 northern, 96%Yc to 97c; No. 2, 94c. Corn -No. 2 yellow, 65e, Toronto; No. 3 yellow, Gk; No. 3 mixed, 62.'. Ilurley-No. 2 nominal ut 52c to 53e; No :1 extra, 51e lo 52c. Oats -No. 2 white, 44%c to 45c out- side; new oats, 38c to 39c, chuthanl freights. Manitoba -No. 2 white, 45c t:, 45%c on track at elevator; No. 2 mixed or No. 3 white, 43%c to 44c. Peas--Ndli sinal at 75c for No. 2. Rye -65c. Flour -Ontario -90 per cent. patents, about nominal, $3.20 to $3.25; new wheat flour, $3.10; Manitoba first pat - sots, $5. to $5.20; seconds, $1.4(' to 4.50; strong bakers', $420 to $1.30. Bran -$16.50 to $17, bulk outside; shorts, $20 to $20.50 outside. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Butter -Market is very firm and small r.dvnnces are noted in one or two cases. Creamery prints .... .... .... 23c to 24c (10 solids .... .... 21c to 22c Dairy prints .... .... 20e to 2lc do solids .... .... .... 19e to 20e Cheese-Large are quoted at 12%c *and twins at 12%e in job lots here. Eggs--I'•irni nt 18%e to 19e.... Be'nns-$1.65 to $1.70 for and -picked and $1.50 to $1.55 for primes. Potatoes -First at 33.50 per barrel for rc•w stock, car lots nominal. Baled Iluy-New Merely at $12.50 to 513, in car lots on track here. Baled Straw -$7.50 per ton in car lots on track here. PROVISIONS. Dres-ed heg'-$9.75 for lightweights and $9.50 for heavies. Pork -Short cut, 822.75 to $23 for bur - re's; mess, $20 to $21. Smoked and Dry Salted Menlo --tong clear bacon, llc to 11Xc for tons and Cases; hams, nieliunt and light, 15%c to 16..'; heavy. 14%c to the; backs, 16%c to IIs: shoulders, 10Xc to 11c; rolls, 11%c; out of pickle, is less than 'smoked. Lard -Tierces, 12c; tubs, 12'Xc; pails, 12%c. MON'FREAI. MARKETS. Montreal, Aug. 27. -Oats were firm and sales of round lots of Manitoba No. 2 white were made at 48c to 4$%c per basher ex -store, and round lots .were quoted at 47%c to .47%C. 'There was no (+tinge in the (four market. Prices:- Choice rices:(:itoice spring wheat patents, $5.10 to $5.20; seconds, $4.50 to $4.60e winter wheat patents. $1.65 to $1.75; straight yellers, $4.25 to $-i.35; do., in bags, $1.- 95 to $2.10; extras, $1.65 to $1.75; rolled ants were quiet at $2.10 per hag. Corn- meal is steady ut $1.45 to $1.50 per hag. Millfced-'.Manitoba lean, in hugs. $20 to $21; shorts, $23 to $26; Ontario bran, in bags. 819 to $19.50: shorts, $22.50 to 82:1; milled niouille, $24 to $28 per ton; straight grant, $330 to $32. 13aied flay -No. 1, $17 to $17.50; No. ?. $15 to $16: clover, $13.50 to 814, artd clever mixed, 812.50 to $13 per k n, car lots. Provisions-lflarrels, short cut, mess, $22 to $22.50; half -barrels, $11.25 to $11.- 75; clear fat backs, $23.50 to *24.50; long cut heavy mess. $20.50 to esies ; half- tarrels do.. $10.75 to $11.50; dry salt lc.ng clear bacon, 10c to 11%c; barrels plate beef. 811 to $16; halt barrels do., ;.50 k, $s.25; barrels heavy mess beef, $10; half -barrels do., $5.50; culnoound lard, 10Xe to 10%c; pure lard, 11'/.c to 1Ve c; kettle rendered, 13c,Io 13'3 c; hams 12%c 10 15%e. according to size; break - fest bacon. lis to 15%c; \Vindsor bacon. t:c to 15%e; fresh kilted abattoir dressed !legs, *9.75; alive. $7 to $7.25. - Buttcr-Townships is quoted at 21X0 to 22e, and (melee 21 j4c t(► 2I%e, and dairy, 1834c to 19c; receipts to -day wen 2,480 packages. Cheese --Ontario, 11%c to 11%e; !men - ships. at 11Xc to 11;e; Quebec, 1I4r to 11Xc, and undergrades. 11c. Eggs --No. 1 at ilk: to 'fi ve secods, 1:(e to 14', and straight gathered, 17c 'o 17 Xc per ck lzen. BUFFALO ML\IlKET. iluffako. N. Y., Aug. 17.- Fleur -Quiet. What --Nothing ck,nc; Winter strong; No. 2 red, 91c No. 33 red, 87%e. Corn - Strong and higher; No. 2 yellow, 6410' No. 2 white. 64e. ()ate---Firtner; No. 2 ;nixed, 48%c; No. 2 white. old, See. ilnrley-68c to 7k. Bye -No. 1, 83c; No. 2 81c. Nl•:\V 1.OiIK \WHEA'i' MAiRKE"T. N.W York, Aug. 27. -Spot strong; No. 2 red. 97%c ekevater; No. 2 red. 97%e (e..t, albeit; No. 1 northern. Duluth, $1.10'% f.o.b. afloat; No. 2 hard winter, 149%c f.o.b. afloat. 1,1VE STOCK MA1tKEL.,.. Toranlo, Aug. 27. --Offers were simile f,f 914.90 to ea.t0 per cwt for choice ex- perter•s' cattle, find $4.50 lo $1.145 for medium export lulls. and cows .old at $3.75 to $4.25 per cwt. Medium le peel lutc•hers' cattle. $4.25 1.► $4.60: common, $2.75 to $3.50; (hews, e. wc. $.1.50 M $1.01: fair (ows, $3.25 to *3.75: comnlcm to medium ((,ws, $2 to $2.7:5 per cwt. Fie choice Mockers. $:1 to 43.50 wee quoted. anal for common, $2 to $2.75 rer :'wt. ?Milch cows ("•rigid from *30 to $50 each. (:elves continued to sell at 3 to 6 ccn'a Fir lb. l;xiorl ewes. $1.50 In $1.73 ; bucks and culls. $3 to nee; Jamie, $3.150 to $6.40 feel !Ir►gs we'l'e gi.oted at $6.!f0 for selects and $6.25 fur lig;1I2 and facie Itltl l %I\ \\ %t1 -ml' Irl Ii.i11 lt. tee t I'er .•11.1.11 \1• ti ..t ‘‘lir rein, fare 1911 I.onernnte•nt. \ despatch from London snye : A for- eign Government. supposed to be fluesia, says Tho Chronicle, hes ae artiest to a Tartish Rim of stlipl.uilders a contract re' sew' el battleships. cruisers any gen- ts nes. :\ recond insurance of newly *:)5.4U(.00 has been effected on the Healing end Inim. haw risks, the poli- cies to%er,ng two years. CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS IAN INCREASE OF 054; (HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER THE GLOBE. Telegraph Briefs From Our 4) n and Other Countries of Recent I.sents. (::\\.\I1.\, There are vacua It's for twenty-fivo men nn the Toronto police ire. A report of a rich gold discovery south ,t AbitiLi Lakes has reetched Toronto. Ald. lh adll. of 5t. Catharines was tined tote dollar:s for z;lnppinb It womtln's tttcE - \Nook on otic two million dollar s riiel- ter at North Cobalt .will commence at out September 1st. Daniel Devlin, who canoe to Fort Garry, via York fectury, in 1857, is dead at Winnipeg. No further contracts on the (.. T. 1'. .t ill 1►e let until some of the work under way is finished. Ex-slt.deetlts of the ('.oderich collegiate institute presented lir. Strang with a purse of $1.01q. The Carnelian steamship lines doing business at Montreal havo reduced the steerage rakes from Europe. Tho 711i Fusiliers of London will visit Buffalo for Canadian day, Sept. 7t1, in the Old (tome week. A new (:.1'.1t. steamer will be built for ILe Pacific coast service, to take tho place of ttie Princess Victoria. The increase In real estate values in Montreal to be shown by the new as- yets:merit, is estimated at $12,000,000. Five inert ere committed for Trial at Niagara Falls, on charges of robbing cars in the G.T.11. yards. The sixteen -year• -old seen of Rev. 1)r. Strongman of Windham was drowned at Port Dover while bathing on Saturday. Tho contract for the new armories at Brandon, to cost $50,000, has been awarded to Dumais & Lachance, of Ottawa. The Railway Commission has ap- proved of all the plans of the G.T.P. from \Vinnipeg to Fort George in tete Rocky Mountains. Tho province of New Brunswick has negotiated a loan of $1,500,000 for ono year with the Bank of Montreal at a shade lass ttian 5 per cent. Col. A. 1). Davidson, a western real estate capitalist, has wired OLtnwa that 1r believes the western wheat cep will total 95.00(1,(100 bushels. A clerk in an Ottawa dry goods store, apparently rt young Englishman, was suspected of purloining articles, and on being searched was found to be a wo- man. Lord S'ralhcona's report on British trade slates it continues to improve, and good times are making the con- sumers fastid iems. a fact that Canadian exporters should notice. M. Stindpust, of Davidson, Sask., while looking for hay on the prairie, found a human skeleton, surposed to he that of an English homesteader named (terry. missing for two years. \Valler Streeter was sentenced at Guelph to four years in Kingston pent, tentiary for stealing from railway cars,- enel:i:; ifs► -was .-'nt to the !Veneer 1 Re- sr•n►eiten•y for'• Iwo years fur horse -steal- ing. - GREAT BiIiTAIN. The second reading of the pure feud bill has paseect the (louse of lords. The e'eeond reading of the deceased wife sister bill has passed the House of Lords. The British Admiralty will sacrifice eine of its older submarine boats to test the action of torpedoes and mine's. Raring the drastic itmennlnlents cf the Dorris, the British Government has decided to abandon the Scottish land bill. The British blouse of Commons has declined le accept the amendments made ty the Lords to the evicted Irish ten- ants bill. tINrn:D STATES. The Daily (irirl►tltc ce►rllpares 1'reeidelll R(osevelt leo Oliver Cmn1wcll. The State of Texas has enterdsl slut ogoinst the Hers -ester Trust for $1,100,- Oth). sixteen vessels of the United States Allanlic fleet will start on a cruse to the Peeler in December. Owing to the se'nrcity of labor In the \\ estern Stales the Union Pacific has teen compelled to Import coal from Australia. .A Staten island, 1J. Y., man who al- lowed his chile to die of whooping - cough without securing medical assist- ance is charged with manslaughter. lion. \\'nite•r Guinness, an nut -and -out I.re►tectk►nee (arrest the oonstiluency of Ilury St. Edmund's in the Unionist in- terest by a majority of 890 nn Satunlay. President Roosevelt, 111 a speech et Provineetown, Mass., announced that there would be no retreat (rain the stand taken by the (ievernn:ent against 1he trusts. Public service corporations in New leek cannot hereafter increase their capital stock without having their twoks inspecl'd by the Public Service Comm iseion. While Edward Hoaxer, a farmer nen!' Merchnntvillc. N. .1., was endeavoring In extinguish an ineendlnry fire In his tern. someone murdered his wife with an axe and fatally injured her Italian sem ant. GENERAL.. Fryer -al Europeans are said to have. s►ue- ctimb'd 10 cholera at Shanghai. Gcermnny and Itussi:1 knvc ,rndertnken to guarantee the neutrality of Norway's territory. less than 2 per cent. of the jsipuln- tKat of the Philippines voted) at the rec- ent elections. A Stockholm paper says That ituclynrd Kipling is to receive the Nobel liternry prize for 1907. Two Germans and one hundred and 1• •1 Chines.- were killed in a dynamite ex('kosien in n Chinese Heine. The Nsw leatand i,egisinlite Council rats thrown out the bill permitting fire Fre.+''twn of women niembere to the up - p r 11 else. Ilsring 'illy the courts-martial in the ileitis provinces of flutsin cegdernne(1 twi my -six rerw,1s to death and sent Itierlyeete lulu exile. Canada's Foreign Trade for Four Months Totals $214,156.O15. A despatch from OUawa says : Can- ada's foreign trade totalled $211.156,015 in the first four 18081115 of the cty'rent fiscal period from the first of April to July 31, an increase over the similar per- iod the year before of $22,090,054. During the four months the innports totalled 8131,803,070, an increase of $590,208; animals and their produce, tc.tallevl $77,766,121, an increase of $15,- 4;(,746. tree imports totalled $51,730,- 5225, an increase of $9,703,760. Duty col- lected amounted to $20,398,734, an in- crease of $4,214,436. There was a decrease in the volume ofj exports, which were of the value oto N2."52,915, the de-''reise being $1,948,- 654. During the four months exhorts of i.roducts of the mine showed an inereas of $743,838; agriculturltl Products cts show- ed an increase of *3,847,871. The de- creases in exports fur the period wer ash, $546,160; lumber, $590.20; animals and their produce, $5,022,373; manufac- turers, $342,148. During July the volume of exports tc'ok a jump of $11,174.051, totalling for the month, $27,723,599. 1t()ltit1:1t1' OF FRENCH GENERAL. Letter of Credit Taken From His Pocket in Montreal. A despatch from Montreal says: A during r►bl►c•ry was committed 011 Wed- nesday, when General 1)o Negrier, of Paris, a guest at the Windsor hole!, \v.is relieved of his wallet, containing a letter of credit for a large amount, while ho was ritternpting to board a street car. General De Negrier, who i, well-known in French army ejrclee, having had torn - mend of tate French troops in Algeria, is on a visit 10 Canada. According to Itis story, he was followed to the Bank of Montreal, where he drew a considerable Slim On his letter of credit, by those who ewritually stole his wallet. Atter leav- int. the bank and while trying to board a car, in order to return to the hotel, he felt himself pushed, but paid no p ar- licular attention to it. At the time his outlet was in his right hip pocket, and in 1lte same pocket were the bank notes and gold which he had just drawn from the bank. Strange to say the thieves missed) tho money and got away with the wallet, which conteinisl the letter of credit, which is of no negotiable value except to the general himself. EX -JUDGE: DF:(:RIFM OLD A(:1:. Lord Brampton at 99 fears Regrets His Leisure.. ' A despatch from i.ondon, England, st ys: One of the present "silly season" newspaper topics, how to live to be a hundred years old, has shown that the pc -pular idea is still strong that it is n good thing to live .to a great age. This view is controverted by Lord Brampton, formerly the famous crim- inal judge, Sir henry Hawkins. Ile is ninety, and having retired (earn the bench on a pension has the leisure. to enjoy the evening cif his life, but he does not (hal it particularly enjoyable. "Old age has s cry few cennpensations. I.eisure is not pleasant. 11 fill., Inc with regret that 1 am no longer able to take ate active part 'n the life of the world." CROPS ON 1'f:.t(:1: ItllF:R. ma y Promise. Well and Harvest is progressing'. A despatch from Eclrnoni.ell. says: J. K. Cornwall, a well-ke.4.wn 'rad -Jr, see, carne to the city on Friday from Tense River, says the people in that section are now in the midst of harvest. The frost of Honda), night was not felt in the north. The crop promises to be n good one in that section, and fully equal to that of last year. Mr. Cornwall mei a large colonization party being taken T.c•rth by Mr. l.atnpan at Slave t.ake. 11' says the then were well pleased with t'te• trip and enthusiastic at the pros - peels. VIET11 WAIIMIIIP TO REAR NAME. _Imam. Te•niernire Is Successfully Launched at tenement. A dietetic!' front Davenport, Eng.. says : '1'1►e battleship Triiwraire. third of the hr sieheisrl;ht class, Ns a c st.e•essf ally trtun^114Ni at the ck)Cky111.e1 here on Sat- uniiiy evening. The Ceremony was per. (Milled by Countess Fortescue, ate' was eetnesscd by thea' -ands of persons, in- cluding ninny notnnt•'es, 'i► TEN KII.I.F:i) IN I'111NCE. -- Falai (:()Ili'ion I1rleen an Espies,. and Freight. A despatch from Cnulree. France, says : Ten persona were killed and twenty -live injured in a head-on collie skin on Sunday between an express (rain bound foam Bordeaux for Ports, and a freight train. Tho accident was caused by ft misplaced switch. In July 858 Japenese arrived at \'ic- torin, TIIIIEE CHILDREN 1)It(►\\ \l:D. Skill (',ipdii'd in Lake in ltastin9et County. A despatch from Madoc says : A drowning accident occurred at Gilmour, about thirty miles north of here, on Wednesday afternoon, when three chil- dren of \tr. Not•rnan A. Green, agent for Ilt� Anglo-American Iron Company for North llestings, and a resident of this place, were drde\ reed in \Vadsworite's Lake, e'here Mr. Green has bet'1) sFcnd- iiig the Sumner with his family. On \\ ednesday afternoon Mrs. Green and one of the older boys. Percy, had gone out picking berries. Another boy, leis - co©, was in the house putting the baby to sleep. On the shore of (Ito lake. clo.so to the house, was a new skiff, which Mr. Green purchased this sunttner. It is thought that the children got the boat into the water,. climbed in, and pushed out from shore. When about 45 or 50 feet out, they capsized the skiff, which was very light, and as the shore is rocky and slopes away rapidly, they were thrown at once into deep water. Bosco: was tete first to discover the accident. (laving succeeded in putting the baby to sleep, tie bail gone out to join the others in their play, when he, was horrified to see the skiff floating bottom upwards, and the children nowhere to be seen. The news of tho drowning soon spread, and neighbors front miles around canoe to as -i sist in dragging for the blies. That of the little girt. Helen, was the first to bo discovered. Ile r body was found about se‘erl o'clock, three hours after the acci- dent. 'lite body of Burnett was recovered at 7.30 the following morning, and tha of \\'illie an hour later. PHILIP G1I.BEIRT SIiOT .%N1) KILLED.{ Shocking AlidniUhl Tragedy in a Sul►urb{i of Wartime A despatch from Weirton says : Phili Gilbert, an old and well-known citizen, was shot and instantly killed by Mrs. 'd't:ornas, one of a pair of dissolute wo- men who were housed in a Ie1)1 in a suburb known as \'ogrunville. 'I'hd) sea tion in question has lung been troubled with houses of a gnecticeieble character, and Mrs. 'Ttrotnus was warned away Ir- r.t them more than once. She nlways returned, however, and whet she canto back lest week it is said Gilbert organ- ised a gang of men and boys to raid tote teat where she resided,_ The tent ‘‘as pulled diaub1: r► ii d estimated et from twenty-1tV" t•. Elft 1115li gad boy's. finale with blackened lutes. The yi'u feeDi were pelted with stones and rotten eggs, and it is said Gilbert struck Nee. Thomas. I' w -ever, the woman fir•.d several shots i►1 Ine air to frighten the raiders away, t•ut the last ober struck Gilbert and death followed almost in- stenlaneously. 4-- IIF:1D M1:VEIU:1► 1-110\i It0i)1'. 11'ir!ebw• Cleaner Decapitated in Eire:al for Shalt. A despatch tram Toronto says g n re Thomas Davidson, employed as in- dow cleaner at the '1 rades's hank bnikl-i Mg. had his head completely severed' (Min his t.ndy by corning in contact \cith� 11 descending elevator shaft on Saturday rlfternrx.n, His decapitated body fell from the ninth floor to the bottom of the t.uilding, leaving the head testing on a cross -beam. Davidson was working at the windows from the top of an ele'vetor, which he lowered as br worked. Tho weight attached to another elevator, which ons running. descends rapidly ns the car amend'. and, as he termed neer at his work. 111e weight ['aught him of tho back of the neck. No one was aware of the accidcent until a plan in ('Large of it news eland on the ground floor heard the body strike Iho be►ttun' of 1h.' shaft. The heed het to toe carried (leen in towels to be placed with the le•+ly in the patrol widen. David. -on was 23 years of age, and had only been a 1114 rt time in the country. INSANE PRISONERS REVOLT One Killed, Several Wounded, in the Clinton, N. Y,, Prison. A despatch *from Clinton. N. Y., says: One, of the worst outbreaks mons the inane prisoners in the history of Clin- ton prison nt pannemora occurred on \\ednesdlny night. As a result. Isnnc Dube's. one of the inmates, is dead, slot through the hcnrl by n guard. The insane prisoners were tieing r,,nrshelled he bed when et a given eig- r.at they rushed into the big linter dor- mitories s and Maumee! the doers in the faces of the guards. (laving leekel the goers they proceeded c1xolly to set afrut &asking their escape by smashing the doors one sawing the bars. Some of the less ' iolcntly insane, however, help- ed 11t0 jailers. Se•eirlg that the struggling cenvicle could net be reached through the hig ekx.re, the guards turned on thein i4,rn the windows streams of water' (rem the tlrc' hose. This ker.t them nit tate hut did Heil subdue ihern. The; weird, were finally obliged le use ill fee and pistols, end it was niter mid -1 ofr night before the uprising was uelled. fres:des Dulr, who was killed, mese', (rat ether prisoners were mon or leas, betuws'y wounded.