Exeter Advocate, 1907-08-22, Page 71
;SOME .I iiN(; s'1O1t11s OF SUNKEN
'The Wrest. of the (Mruthea Furnishes a
lace) of Remarkable
7?tMy miltinn dollars ! Such is the
ttstimated value of treasure and bullion
;said to to hidden beneath tiro waves
round the South African coast, and elat-
ing le be salved. The question naturally
arises., what, Chance is there of recovery?
IA very good one, in the opinion of the
South African Salvage Association,
's 111 has equipped the Allied Nobel -
0 ,1u• y:lt:hl of the famous invenk,r of
es plieivee - with the latest scientific
anal haply and instruments for reaching
and removing the submerged wealth,
and recently dispatched her to the Cupo
it: charge of Captain Gardiner.
The latter, who served as a rnidship-
fnan on brand the (:Caldor under Lord
Charles Beresford at the temileirdnieltt
of Alexandria. acted as despatch rider
to Lord Itoberls during the South Afri-
can Campaign. His ,repress ct.riosity,
,however. lett him to become a diver for
'wrecks, and it was by means of the can-
oplican, a very ingenious and 1:owerful
this.lrunent for .scanning the sea bottom
'from a ship's side, that he discovered
about twenty works round the South
African n coast. which he reckoned would
;yield something like
$:.11,000,000 IN SALVAGE.
It was Captain Gardiners investiga-
tion and report t which led to the tilling
cut of the Alfred Nobel. Should ho suc-
,eee,d in recovering only one half of the
easure, it w ill be a rich haul, not only
!fo" the S.:%.S.A.., but also for the (Ape
'Government. \\'hatever gold is raised
round the South African coast. must bear
in tax of e5 per cent., silver 15 per cent.,
copper end other salvage 10 per cent.
inn return, the Cape Government give an
undertaking Mitt if Captain Gardiner
once locates a sunken ship no permits
'will bo granted to rivals.
Amongst the wrecks which Captain
'Gardiner hopes to relieve of their golden
Ifrelght are the troopship Meleston, sup-
posed to contain 85,000,000 in gold; the
I'hcr'nlopylae, wrecked in 1898. with an
!unknown number of silver bars on
`board; tho Wilhelm der Secunda, with
is pirate's treasure in her hull ; the Gray-
enstein, a merchantman belonging to the
{Netherlands Government ; the Middel-•
iburg, lost in 1898; and the most inter-
esting, if not the most valuable, wreck
til all. the Dorothea, which lett Delagoa
Bay at the end of f8!l8 with gold valued
iit 83.1)00.000 on board, aid went down
orf (:ape Vidal, hi Zululand.
• Tho generally accented story is that
this treasure was dispatched by Presi-
dent Kruger -to Europe, but was stolen
en royale before it lett South Africa.
This, however, is scarcely correct, string
That the 'Transvaal Government
Indeed, They did not know That they
had been robbed of such a Targe amount
1 treasure until some time after the
-rolhea was wrecked while making for
salt' Aniericu. where the thieves hoped
1a dispose of the money. The exploit,
in fart. turn'shes a story of rmarleable
interest, and at the same Imre gives an
lnsight holo yore of Ilse curious me-
.theds o! money -raising adopted by the
late Tr'ull;vnal Government.
In 18`.7. the Read, in secret session,
resol vst "to increase the annual eon-
trihution in +specie to the war -chest from
Eso,en° to $100.000, and to have its con-
tents in solid sovereigns available for
any emergency." \lost Governments
would have l:roceerb•et lo form This war-
chest by w ilhdrttwing or purchasing
min. bast the astute l'rnnsvnnl Govern-
mentknew n Irick worth two of that.
They knew that gold -mining was the
principal industry of the Republic. They
keehv also that the mines were largely
in the hands of Uillanders. and that,
ti(lwilhslnudink all precnutkrns. 11ere
were numbers of men nn the (land who
made their living by illicit dealings "in
gold stolen from the trines. And this
gave the nuthorities n great ides. The
Government, through secret agents. de-
cided to buy up every ounce of this
eft bit gold which it coukl lay its hands
on and turn it into coin. 'l'hu•s the
necessary money would be got quickly
and cheaply -and at the
EXi'1•:\' E OF TIIE 1'I'l'LANDERS !
Amongst the agents entrusted with the
buying and selling of this geld. hew.
Goer. was n certain adventurer of the
worst type. an ex-Ilah:in count named
S---. This man had a peculiar and ex-
tensive acquaintance among habitual
gld-thieves, and from these people he
was etnpnw•etwl to buy gold At the rate
of something like $14.25 per ounce. The
market price. by the way, is hem $l0.37
;1' $20 per ounce. But s-- had a genie
of his own to play.
Instcnd of $1125, he raid only from
Rl•.7:5 to $11.45 per ounce, buying gold
f(.r himself with the exlrn money. lids
oiler:latone were under the protection of
feel 'I'ra.tsvaal Criminal Investigation
pvpartn1'nt-8( the lime a most corrupt
cisgenizulb10-and lin this way, of
comes, he was secure from 11,e Inw•s,
modelled after 11ie 10111 '.• "1,11.11." site
ea' diamond buying) laws of Kimberley,
relnlive In the buyhIg and selling of
stolen gold.
with the nld of s.Nernl confederates
S- --- thus accumulated :► privnle hoard
of geld ainnunting to 1200t0f ounces,
loirsovhict he stored hi an empty horse at
' ls'lagoa Ray. until Mc Swedish barque
Ernestine -for /tone relseon rwnamed
the Iktmlhr.•a' ovas eblainevl In order M
convey the gokl M Muth America. '[his
sesset. vftich had already 'wen con.
(le ntntJ as unseaworthy,
A platy WAS Selected in the fon'h0k1
of the vc 'i. round the base of the fore -
;Mast, on either side of 11k' keelson, and
here the Irrnsure--contained in twelve
Transvaal nmrmtnilion Mats and three
leather') bags --was placed by the gang.
(.. alert was Then pin/vet over the pre.
packages to n depth cif three or
ft lir fnsbes, until the whole was eel in
one solid masa. Over this came too
'tens of sand -ostensibly to benne' the
chip. -and the gold was considered
effeetually hi.itkn.
'rlu' V111401 telt 1leleg en Bay saint
Doesn't er WN, but when she art out
k. sea proved practically unmanageable.
She was so cranky, in fact, that ttie
greatest care had W be taken ket she
iltoukl cagsizo. The result, etas Iliat
when a heavy gale came on the ship
.truck a dangerous reed orf (:ape Vidal,
and almost immediately broke her back.
I't;rtunutcly diose on board were able to
lake to the boats, although one of the
gang, eke had been drinking 'wavily.
roused to leave the ship, and was lost
w ith her.
Tho shipwrecked amen were picked up,
and the theft becoming known to the
CGvernlrtent the gang was broken up.
No fewer then eight attempts have al-
ready been made to hover the stolen
geld, both by private individuals and
Mt. South African Government. But a
heavy surf sweeps over the reef whets
the wreck lies. slaking It impossible at
times to approach the spot, let elope
send a diver doe n. Nevertheless, Cap-
tain Gardiner has every (lope of suc-
cess, and the result of his intermit is be-
ing awaited with keen interest. -London
Til -Bits.
Guard Their Children's Health by Giv-
ing Theon Dr. Williams' Pink fills.
The health of the growing boy or girl
sl:uuld be carefully guarded. During
li•e growing lime there is a danger •rt
De blood becoming poisoned and the
health seriously impaired. The blood
should be kept pure uild the child will
grow strong, (healthy and active. Dr.
\Villiams' Pink fills are an ideal tonic
for the young. They never fail to
bring color to the pale cheeks and
strength to the growing body. To a
reporter of 1.'Avenir du Nord, Mr. Jos.
Provost, of SI. Canute, Que., tells how
these pills saved his daughter Marie
fent a life of inisery. lie says: "A
year ago my daughter, a girl of thir-
teen, was very weak. She was so i11
Mut 1 feared she was going into con-
semption. Though I Tried remedy after
remedy she remained in this slate
k.r several months and 1 began
to think she never would get better.
1 read of Imre geed Dr. Williams' Pink
1 :Its had been in a case of anaemia, :0
g'o'. seine for her. Soon site begun lo
improve; her appetite returned; she
grew strong; color came into her
et1eeks and to -day she is as healthy as
any young girl could be. 1 firmly be-
hove Dr. Williams' fink l'ills saved her
Dr. \Villiams' Pink Pills are equally
as successful in bringing those of ma-
ture age back to health as they are mn
building up the young. They make
pr.re, red blood -that is why -they ban-
ish anaemia, rheuituatis:u, St. Vitus
Wince, heart palpitation, indigestion
and the sicret ills of girlhood an•F
tvontantl►ood. But y0U must get the
genuine bearing the full name, "Dr:
Williams' -Pink Pills for Pale People,'
oil the wrapper around each box. All
other so-called Pink Pills are irritations.
111 your medicine dealer does not keep
l:t^ genuine pills They will be sent at
5•t, cents a lox or six boxes far $2.',0
from The Ile. Williams Medicine Co.,
Brockville. Ont.
They Appear to Have n Decided renew
Feeling for L's.
1 have rend somewhere a statement
that the anthropoid apes prefer our
ccmpnny to that of their fellow moue
keys of lower degree, and 1 saw it prov-
ed once in Cnlctitta, writes a correspon-
dent. The lute \V. Rutledge, for many
years Itie leading animal dealer there
and n mine of natural history intermit -
Len, had a young one in his yard. and
al my request opened its cage one day
to lel it cheese its society, when, quite
disregarding the other monkeys, it im-
rieclialcly came over to him and climbed
into lois lop.
A fair sized femsle we had at the Cal-
cutta Zoo, also was a most affectionate
creature, \\'lien I paid a visit to her
she would always put her arm affec-
tionately around my neck and while
being caressed and played with would
drop any focal offered by other visitors.
Another specimen of the saute sex
spewed the Mss amiable side of its char -
(refer by long refusing the donations (.f
ere member of the society because . n
(•tie occasion he had first given some-
thing to the other monkeys lin_ the same
Rut 1 Iltink it was on nos very first
inty duction to the erring Met the bite
11(11 humanity at the creature most ini-
ieesse(l me. This was Many years ago
when Abraham Bartlett was tit the
Linden Zoo; he gave ale a private in-
ter view with a little orang which had
jest arrived. The first thing the 11111.'
imp did eons to climb on my knee, take
off my hat and put it on Its (ten head.
after wh,.-Ii it prate/cried gravely to
pinch one of the superintendent's eyc-
17ds. In short, it examined us with •:
scientific cnriesily which in a lower
animal was de"idedly impressive. This
Mlle leant of the woods could sol have
chosen a more striking way of claiming
kinship so often denied.
Teething Babie
are sated suffering -and mothers
given rest-wheu one uses
Nurses' and Mothers' Treasure
Quickly relieves -regulates the
towels - prevents convulsions.
Used 5o years. Absolutely safe.
At drug stores, 85c. 0 bottles, d1
National prug lit Chemical Co . Limited,
Sole Proprietors, Montreal. 41
Nimrod vas a mighty hunter, but
hart he hunted in the 'el'emagunli" re-
gion he \houtd have been a mightier
clie. Nimrod hunted fur glory, but
Tenlagnn.tans hunt for game. Those
Indians %vllo made the first canoe cf
batch bark long ago, were our greatest
benefactors. The children of these In-
dians know the entice, and they know
hew to use i1, and it you go to '1'ema-
gaini this summer They will paddle
yt;ur• canoe in Ihcir own superb way.
They will be the best guides you ever
had. Students who camp in summer
along the 7'emngnmi pukes are able to
do two years' work in one. Finest of
falling and hunting. Easy of access t y
the Grand 'Trunk Railway System. For
information and beautiful descriptive
ptiblietiLon sent free apply to J. 1).
M'_Donaid, Union Station, 'Toronto, Ont.
If a man is honest he can afford to
stay out of politics.
"Pa'" '•\\'ell. "\\hat's women's
rights?" "Everything they want. Run
11 is Good for Man and Beast. -Nat
only is Dr. Thomas' Eciectric Oil of :n -
comparable' value in the household, but
the farmer and stockman will find it
vary serviceable in the farm yard and
on the cattle range, often saving the
services ices of a veterinary surgeon. In in-
juries In stock and in cases of cough
and pains it can be used with good ef-
elother Graves' Worm Externninntor
is piensnnl to lake; sure and effectual
let destroying worms. Many have tried
it with best results.
Don't permit pretended friends to ec-
agagerate your sorrows.
Any nein is unreliable when talking
nirrut his side of the case.
Most people expect one dollar's worth
of thanks for n half -dollar present.
To be. successful one must know when
to grant and when to refuse conces-
A discontented person is and enough
to live with. but a self-satiafkd perecn
it much worse.
To many people Think it isn't wrong
to lie about a man who lives a hun-
dred miles away.
After n man has earned your custom
d• n't give it to the other fellow just to
be contrary.
The average woman keeps a cook jug
I(eng enough for the cook to peer into
all the (upbnnrds and get good looks
at the family skeletons.
Even the good man who believes he
will get his reward in heaven is in no
bury to claim It.
. A man who tells a middle-aged grass
widow That she's a dear, sweet girl, is
either a fool or a liar.
Comfort by day and annnd sleep by night fol-
low the ase of W ' ('erat°. for skin trouble,,
no matter how tormenting they be. 'Phis Ont.
meat soothe.( and cleauso.i.
Must sten think they know a let
niore than they know they know.
A man with curly hair has as many
eresuscs for keeping his hat off as a
bald man has for keeping his on.
They are a Powerful Nervine.-Dys-
r spa's cruses derangement of the nefv-
u- system, and nervous debility once
( ngendered is difficult to deal with.
There are many testimonials as to the
efficacy of Parmelee's Vegetable Tilts in
treating this disorder, showing that they
'never fail to produce results. By giv-
il,g proper tone to the digestive organs.
they restore equilibrium to the nerve
if you don't believe that men are just
ne curious ns women tie up one of your
fingers and pour liniment ovcr it.
\luny a woman tells the truth when
she declares that she wouldn't marry the
best matt living; site couldn't get him.
f4 r all snakes of machines at Five Cents
per package, and everything else per -
tinning to sewing machines ut greatly
reduced prises. Look for the Red S.
S »ger S i, , Machine Co. Write Its
at 1lanninlg Chambers, Toronto, for set
o' Ilird Cards Inc.
Nobody cares what you think. sn long
as you have sense enough to keep your
thoughts to yourself.
A bank is run on a ens]) Calsis -and
occasionally a cashier rums that way
\Vhy go limping and whining; nbnut
your corns when a 25 cent brittle ( 1
Itollow•i►y. Corn Cure wile remove
then'? Give it a trial and you will not
regret it.
rIle: "Some women are nwfully hard
to plcnse." She: "And some men are
te., awfully soft to please me."
Tao/Wretched Condition •.f than+ands 11 due
to the fact that they neglect the simplest care of
h • condition " Ferrottm"
their health. when tot
will build you up and give you strength.
'the easiest way to Interest n woman
in a 81 article is to mark it down from
81.50 to $1.29.
\\'e hnve n' hesitation in shying that
DI J. D. Kellogg); s Dysentery Cordial
is without doubt the hest medicine ever
illtrrduced ter dysentery, diarrhea'.
cholera and all summer cempleinlc..tea
sickness. ele. It promptly gives relief
and never fails 10 effect a positive cure.
ale Mfrs should never be without n bot•
lee when their children are teething.
There's nothing like a gored reptile -
lien -if you have the backbone to live
up to it. r__
I'rneller doesn't always make perfect,
tut it makes some lawyers and doctors
Nothiod you cau weal' n sts you w tittle in real
cotntott. re. -1 service acs 1 real satisfaction as
Pen -Angle
Warranted to you by the dealer` by ted maker to
him. Form -tined for comfort's sate ; wool. stere-hh,
woo't shriek. Made in ..any fabrics sod apl.b
at various [rices, in norm -fitting ares fee woeea.
men and ctJdree. Trade -marked is red se above.
Fnr hunting or target practice. This Is II a,air role Is sure
death to small came. we slit give this gun to any boy
who will •ell (rents -four leweIry nnvettles for u.. Bend
for rhe 7n•welry tortev. wa rn,.t veer when 700 mil
U.' 2e pllow et 10 cents ..rh. return sur et -aa and we
MB Immediately send you tb. rifle. many,. c JV. c."Ly
Co„ P.O. boa u. Ottawa, Ont,
Cues Sparks
The world
wide stses:eea of
t b's tree is
tareare has been
won because
this remedy
carr -and does
-cure Dog and
Botie Spavin,
Curb, Splint, Ringbone, Bony Growths,
Swellings and Lameness.
Mrarman. Orr., May :a '06.
"I used Kendall's Silvia Cure
on n Dog $paviu, wfcl. (-Oft(' it
completely. A. G. I.SAaot(.
trice $1--4 for 9'. Accept no substitute.
The great book -"Trestine on the Horse"
-free from dealers or ss
Or 1. 1.1E11611 CO., Innen Falls. Tersset,l.SJ.
Gives Perfect
The Most
High Grade 011
Ever Sold in Canada.
River and Gulf of St Lawrence
Bummer Cruises in Cool Latitudes
Twin Screw Iron HS. "Campana," with electric
lights, electric bells and all modern comforts.
1 p m , 1rd and 17th Juno, 1st. 15th and .9th July,
I_lth and tab August, 9th and lard September.
and t,•rtnlghlly thereafter for I'Ict.u, N.$ , call.
lag at Quobec, U.t.pe Mal Itay, Pero/. Cape Cove,
(Irand River, Sumrnenide, P. SI., and Chariot•
tetu w
Summer Ltearsims, 033, by the new Toll
Berew 44. "Itermudian", 5,son tons. Halling 5th
and wth Juni, (rd, 17th and 3Ist July, Ilth sod
Nth twrest •th, beth and 25th September, eta
161h andllClic (l,tober, elh, Ifth and 270h NoT.w
bor. Temperature cooled by s..t breezes seldom
rises shirt. 9n degrees.
The finest trips of the season for health and
s -fort S
AR'IIIUR AHF,RN,ecretary, Quebec.
A. E. OU'[EIhItltlltGl: k CO., Agents,
tO Broadway, New York.
"Yes, ntn'nm," said Mary. "I'm going
to tense you. 1 don't like I11nt snip of
l elude that calls on Miss n e1."
Oen," exclaimed her mistress, "he
d•.esn't call to see you, sn whnl-"
knenv he don't ma'am. but I'm afraid
erre o' the neighbors might think he
Mild in Their Action.-Parnielees
Vrgetal.Ie Pine are very mild in the:.
netken. They do not cause griping in
the stomach or enure disturbances there
as see ninny pills do. 'therefore. time
nest delicate can lake Iteeni without
fens el unpleasant results. They can.
fru, be aehnini-tered to children etlh-
cte! imposing the penalties which fol•
low the use of pills not so carefully pre -
penal. _--
puck Consists of having whet some
other fellow wants.
The streak of yellow in the average
man 1- larger than his streak of genius.
1T(:11, Mange, Prairie Scratches and
every form of cinIagious Itch in hu,man
or animals cured in 30 minutes by \\'ol-
frtd's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails.
Scut by all druggists.
l;INf.1'1-.An NAMES.
( tiild Ilas a Name - for Each Letter in
the Alphabet.
L)urng souse sere,' experience in
ccnneetion with the registration of
births the writer has stet with some ex-
traordinary reasons given by parents
fur the sclestion of names for (heir off-
The Christian name "Margelet" would
►cost naturally be supposed to bo a
nits -spelling of "Margaret,' but a child
was given this name because, read back-
wards, it made the word "telegram."
Again, "Wnter," which might I,e meant
ter "Walter," was assigned to a boy
because the date of tits birth coincided
with that of the opening of the local
A child bern late in the wedded life
of its parents was registered in the
names 'Nil Desperandum" ; and another
in similar circumstances, was accorded
the punning names of "Percy Vere."
Christian names of children frequent-
ly reflect the current history of the
time; the lute war in South Africa pro-
dh.ced n crop of such names as Rob-
ei Is, Ladysmith, Buller, i'aardeberg,
Kitchener. and so forth. "Diamond Ju-
bilee" was often given in 1897, and
"Jubilee" ten years before. Many loyal
parents gave their children the names
cf "Albert Edward" in 1901.
The Bible is a fruitful source of
names. In one case a mother made n
peculiar use of a Biblical word, giving
ler little girl the name 1Talitha," which
was taken front the words "Talilha
cunni" in St. Mark v., 41.
Ile was an eccentric father who gave
-, child a nan!e for each letter of the
alphabet; this has been done, however,
..nn the names in which the child rejoic-
ed (or ethcr'.vise) were Amy, Bertha,
Cecilia, Diana, Emily, Fanny, Gertrude,
Ilypalia, Inez. Jane, Kate. Louise, Maud,
Nora, Ophelie, Quince, Rebecca, Starkey,
Teresa, Ulysses, Venus, Winifred, Neno-
p.hon, YeUy, Zeus. it will be observed
that there is 110 Christian name for the
Idler P, but that was merely because
tate surname began with that letter.
Of course, there are methods by which
d distasteful name can be changed. One
is by the rather expensive method cf
u Deed Poll. and another, which is a
nacre simple and less costly one, is to
discard the disagreeable nnme in favor
of a prettier one. which then becomes
a person's r•fkhtful name by simple
Churcliley-1 hear the Reverend Mr.
Bigley was a failure al that church.
Ncw'i11-Yes, he Tried to bring the con-
giegation into harmony with his ideas
irrelead of trying to get himself into
harmony with their ideas.
Askitt-"Why do you consider that
goat an impressive -linking animal?"
Newitl-"Because he has such a striking
fort head r
There is one roof that saves money
because it will laat 100 year..
Guaranteed in writing for 25 years.
This roof saves you work because its
so easy to put on (d.r it yourself with a
hammer and snips), and sale you worry
bora use they fireproof, wind roof and
weather-proof the building then cover,
Write us shout it and hear of about
soy ROOFING Rill HT. Address
The PEDLAR People 1::,
esas.e Yxtnsl Ottawa Taranto Lsa4oa W Inutp.g
One packet
has actually
killed a bushel
of Alma
- SOLD By --
i0e. per packet, or 3 packets for 23o.
will last a whole season.
Auction Salo of High -Class Berkshires
The Tops of the Berkshire World. Champions Of
Canada for the Past Five Years.
Annual sale of high -attics ik'rk.hires to le held by \V. 11. Durham, at his
Mine 'sling:me Ont,., rix utiles west rpt '1'orante, on
T$1CFR113a41.Y, ! MEI3E0 l'.. 6632., 19007
Sale to cmmnienc•e nt 1 pen. sharp. The offering will consist of Imported
and Canadian bred sows in farrow, gills. and coung !.oars, the blood of
English and Canadian Champions. 1f you ane in need of a goal show nnimnl
this fall, don't foil to AIt.ii(1 this sale. Come and spend the day with us, and
Fee one of the greatest Berkshire herds e n the American continent.
\Vrile ter ettlaktguo and further parlictJais to-
Aucttesesr-J. McIWEN, Weston, Oat. W. M. DURHAM. Boa toss. Toro.te. Caa,
i ane interesting statistics have Leen
e Seers] recently by a resident At t•u-
ctiau concerning Ike greet decline in i
China's ten trade. From Ira. when ten
Ives first introduce8
Introduced into Englnnd, un-
lit 187:1. China held exclusively the tea
Rade of the world. Then India began
to enter the len-market. The Chinese'
t1 tide reached high tido in 18'+0, with a
islet export of 3t10.000,09) pxennds. n
1!181 Chlna furnished about ♦.2 per cent,
et the w'orld's total, lnd•ut and Ceylon I
18 per cent.. and Japan and Forniosn
10 per cent. The decline in China !s
ascribed to careless methods of culli-
%rling and preparation of the tea.
31--17. pafatben of the tea.
TR(t\S operate oontinuously every,
few lninets% from hotel through bust•
ntss district and to all dej:ols and
wharves for principal trains and
Motes 91.110 per dap sea up.
ItHSRI DUCNICNLB1I, a Proprietee
in rtlto to Ault purchasers. front 10 acres upwards, Situated on or
neer rnilweys In the Shirring wheat, root and vegetable growing
and stock raising districts of
Prices, with water right. perpetual and unfailing. lower than
1heee ever placed upon ►rrignled lands in the adjoining Stated.
The quality of the land the finest.
An erre of irrigntcd Innd in Southern Alberta rnls(w twice
1!,e rrnp of the best unitrigaled land elsewhere --.%s1) TIIE
1:I1(ll'M NF:%1;II FAIL.
This magnificent irrigation tract of 3,000.0nn acres 15 without
doubt the finest land propes►lN,n on the market to -day.
Immigration is pouring in; values will soon be on the rise.
Write us for interesting end full printed Information.
The Land Department,
Union Trust Co., Limited,
174 Bay St., Toronto
raclnsit•o Agent in Ontario. Mnni!nba aryi I'10 .Inrit!me F'ro-
COMPANY'S Irrigated lands.
Do you want a
Paintint Book ?
It's .
Ask yourFREEmother to
send us her name and
address and we'll bead
you one of these splendid
Painting hooks witit the
colors all ready to use.
We'll also send a quarter -
pound package of Cellu-
loid Starch 1..1- your
mother to try Ilett ironing
II' 'tart
d SeuchR'u Limited TF.11us Brantford da
1( F .w,1.,•d. Canada .,t
There is one roof that saves money
because it will laat 100 year..
Guaranteed in writing for 25 years.
This roof saves you work because its
so easy to put on (d.r it yourself with a
hammer and snips), and sale you worry
bora use they fireproof, wind roof and
weather-proof the building then cover,
Write us shout it and hear of about
soy ROOFING Rill HT. Address
The PEDLAR People 1::,
esas.e Yxtnsl Ottawa Taranto Lsa4oa W Inutp.g
One packet
has actually
killed a bushel
of Alma
- SOLD By --
i0e. per packet, or 3 packets for 23o.
will last a whole season.
Auction Salo of High -Class Berkshires
The Tops of the Berkshire World. Champions Of
Canada for the Past Five Years.
Annual sale of high -attics ik'rk.hires to le held by \V. 11. Durham, at his
Mine 'sling:me Ont,., rix utiles west rpt '1'orante, on
T$1CFR113a41.Y, ! MEI3E0 l'.. 6632., 19007
Sale to cmmnienc•e nt 1 pen. sharp. The offering will consist of Imported
and Canadian bred sows in farrow, gills. and coung !.oars, the blood of
English and Canadian Champions. 1f you ane in need of a goal show nnimnl
this fall, don't foil to AIt.ii(1 this sale. Come and spend the day with us, and
Fee one of the greatest Berkshire herds e n the American continent.
\Vrile ter ettlaktguo and further parlictJais to-
Aucttesesr-J. McIWEN, Weston, Oat. W. M. DURHAM. Boa toss. Toro.te. Caa,
i ane interesting statistics have Leen
e Seers] recently by a resident At t•u-
ctiau concerning Ike greet decline in i
China's ten trade. From Ira. when ten
Ives first introduce8
Introduced into Englnnd, un-
lit 187:1. China held exclusively the tea
Rade of the world. Then India began
to enter the len-market. The Chinese'
t1 tide reached high tido in 18'+0, with a
islet export of 3t10.000,09) pxennds. n
1!181 Chlna furnished about ♦.2 per cent,
et the w'orld's total, lnd•ut and Ceylon I
18 per cent.. and Japan and Forniosn
10 per cent. The decline in China !s
ascribed to careless methods of culli-
%rling and preparation of the tea.
31--17. pafatben of the tea.
TR(t\S operate oontinuously every,
few lninets% from hotel through bust•
ntss district and to all dej:ols and
wharves for principal trains and
Motes 91.110 per dap sea up.
ItHSRI DUCNICNLB1I, a Proprietee
in rtlto to Ault purchasers. front 10 acres upwards, Situated on or
neer rnilweys In the Shirring wheat, root and vegetable growing
and stock raising districts of
Prices, with water right. perpetual and unfailing. lower than
1heee ever placed upon ►rrignled lands in the adjoining Stated.
The quality of the land the finest.
An erre of irrigntcd Innd in Southern Alberta rnls(w twice
1!,e rrnp of the best unitrigaled land elsewhere --.%s1) TIIE
1:I1(ll'M NF:%1;II FAIL.
This magnificent irrigation tract of 3,000.0nn acres 15 without
doubt the finest land propes►lN,n on the market to -day.
Immigration is pouring in; values will soon be on the rise.
Write us for interesting end full printed Information.
The Land Department,
Union Trust Co., Limited,
174 Bay St., Toronto
raclnsit•o Agent in Ontario. Mnni!nba aryi I'10 .Inrit!me F'ro-
COMPANY'S Irrigated lands.