Exeter Advocate, 1907-08-01, Page 4HOUSE DECORffTOB PIIJJOB P13E 1969 I{epotts ft orn all part- of the west show t hat the crop conditions are vastly improved during the last week. EnThere have been copious rains through- t1t.rt and ('nlrt 1V.ate•t•) out all there prairie ptnvincer•, while growing conditions have been perfect. The prospects are now far better than was ever expected a month ago, and the present outlook is that there will he a fair crop in Manitoba, an average crop in Saskatchewan, and a splendid one in Alberta. The wot at are from Samthern Manitoba. See um r Canadi- an and Ameri- can samples. SION YIHITEII WINER (With R Dhows- last year) Estimates furnished on application. A Trial Solicited Arthur D. Davis EXETER RESIDENCE: Corner James and An- drew Streets. Popular Goods For now and the rest of the season. FAVORED WORSTEDS These worsteds are in blues and fancy mixtures, excel in quality, beauty and finish anything of their kind we have ever shown. 'We are offering some beautiful -SexatRR SUITS for $1O and upward, TROUSERS AND WASH VESTS FOR SUMMER If a pant hunter pantless Is panting for pants He pauteth pantless Unlit he implants himself into one of those fashionable pants ordered from J. H. Holtzmann C'REDITON A beautiful assortment to choose from. If there is a taste we cannot suit, we have yet to know it. Eyster Abuo ate, Sanders & Creech. Props. THURSDAY, AUG. 1, 1907 NOTE ANI) COM MENT It is reported that bananas will be sold by the pound shortly. Coney Island, the playground of New Votk'a millions, was visited by a disastrous fire early Sunday and seven blocks In the amusement zone were completely destroyed. This summer, like its predecessors, has furnished some complaints con- cerning the examinations conducted by the education department, and the department is considering if there is any way in which its system concern- ing the examinations can be improv - el. The law at present does not, as :+ role; permit a dean to bean exam. iner for more than three years, and it is unlerstood that the department will consider whether it will not be possible to have examiners who have shown the beat qualiticetions for the work to continue its examiners for wetly years. Warm weather and heavy rainsdnr•- ing; July have effected an entire change in the crop outk)ok of Western Ontar- io, tvbich two months ago WAS so tardy as to threaten failure. Reports frorn the various sections show that, al- theugh late, the yield will probably he completely up to the average, and where there is any falling off in quan- tity it will be more than trade up in quality. i)uring the past two weeks the growth has been most ntarke(1 and with every day of favorable weather the hopes of the farmers increase that this year will fully uphold Western Ont tries a preeminence as Canada's gar- den. MUSIC AT TORONTO Ex itoirrU)x. The Canadian National Exhibition will this year be extaa strong; in the matter of ntosic. Besides one of the finest of the British Military Banda. a large number of musical organizat- ions belonging to Canada have been engaged, ,t number of which will play in a Tattoo following the spectacle ev• cry night in front of the Grand Stand. Among the }lands favored with an en. gagrtttent outside those of Toronto are: The 27t1 Battalion Hand, Peterhoro: the 14) t and 13th Bands of Iiatnilton; the loth of St. ('ath•irinea: Preston sil- ver II "n•t and the NVaterloo Musical SeCiet y. Is It Your Own Hair? Do you pin your hat to your own hair? Can't do it? Haven't enough hair? it must he you (10 not know Ayer's Hair Vigor! Here's an intro- duction ! May the acquaint- ance result in a heavy growth of rich, thick, glossy hair! Use this splendid hair -food, stop our falling hair, and get rid of your dandruff. The best kind of a testimonial - "Bold for over slaty years." tllhis. e. Ay a CO , t.ew.tl. mate £i• R s ,tar r. et P SAlftPAMUA. Mita. MEM PeC1eitAt. qers Crediton 1310 CLEARING SALE OF GROC- ERY STOCK Having decided to give up business we will dispose of the balance of our stock at greatly reduced prices --in fact below cost. Do nut buy before you see us as you will never get better bargains. A call solicited. W. A. Finkbeiner, Crediton Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Clark of Ailsa Craig were guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. Ciark Sunday.—Bert Clark is spending a few days at the Bend.—Miss Blanch Smith of Devon visited Miss Lucy young on Tuesday. --Wes. Finkbeiner was in Hamilton and at Niagara Falls last week.—Mrs. Harry Sweitzer and family are camping at the Bend.—Mr. and Mra. Sam. Eilber and daughter Gerty returned to their home in Ubly, Mich., Monday, after a pleasant visit here with relatives. They were ac- companied by Mrs. Ed. Bertrand and daughter Thelma who will visit friends there for a few days. --Another load of Indians arrived here this week from the Muncey Reserve to pull flax. They certainly n ivde business boom for our merchants for a little while.—Frog- ging appears to be great sport for some of our boys. Ed Bertrand holds the medal for the largest catch as yet. —11y. Eilber. M. P. P., is having his artesian well sank deeper and lined with iron casing. 'Jas. Flynn is doing the job. John F. Smith, who 18 assist- ing him, had a narrow escape from being seriously hurt on Tuesday even- ing. A heavy chain became unfasten- ed at the top of the derrick and in fall- ing struck him on the head cutting a severe gash over his eye.—Last Friday the Exeter business men came here and played ours a game of ball.' Some of the players hadn't played for years. Sam Brown's work as short stop was good, when he couldn't stop the hall with bis hands he tried his feet. Wm. Wenzel did sotne great sprinting in the fleld chasing ball and B. Brown's runs to the bases were a sight to see. in fact his exertions were so strenuous that he could scarcely walk the next day.' Everybody enjoyed the fun. Score stood 21-12 in favor of the visit- ors -7 innings. Line up and score will be found on front page, The re- turn match will be played in Exeter this Friday evening when a good genie will result. Go nut to see it. Anderson Will Hodge has rented George Flet- cher's farm for a term of years. -Percy Hewitt and Will Watson spent Sun- dae at Grand Bend.—;Visa Mahle Bur - toil of Kirkton is the guest of her sis• ter Ethel, Town Lint.—Miss Carrie Harding of London is spending her vacation at her home here.—John Switzer is suffering from a severe ac- cident which happened on Saturday. While unhitching his team at the noon hour one of the horses kicked him in the face causing a very severe wound. —Mrs. James Atkinson and children of Chillivack, R. C., are summer visit- ors with relatives in this vicinity.— George Beams of River Road called on friends on the Town Line last week. -- The framers are making great head- way with T. Bruce's barn. They in- tend raising it this week. Kirkton Rev. Dr. Turnbull, L. L. D., end his daughter Kathleen of Toronto are spending their holidays at the homy of his sister Mrs. John Gilflllen.—On Tuesday evening of last a family gath- ering was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Gilfillan, "Woodside Farm." —Word has been received from Win- nipeg of the safe arrival there of Mr. Goutly and family in his automobile, having travelled the 301X) miles with- out it mishap, not even a puncture of a tire. He went via Windsor and St. Paul and is on his way to his home in Calgary.—Miss Glascow is the guest of Miss Lillie Veale.—Mrs. Charles Duffield is quite improved in health after a short time in Brantford Hos- pital —Bert 'Taylor, of Hiftalo, is tpending his holidays under the par- ented roof.—Harry apeare, wife and son Bert of Seaforth were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Shute Sanday. —Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor and two children agent Sunday at Mitchell nt the home of Wm. bennison.—Much sympathy is expressed for Mrs. Coup - land in her sorrow, her father, John Thompson having passed sway at his home, lath concession. London town- ship on July 2I0. in his Fifth year. Jfra. Ireland of St. Marys is also s daugh- ter of decease}. WEMTEllN FAIR, LONDON. The Western Fair, London, Ont., promises tilts year to eclipse all prev- ious recitals. As this is the lath irxhi- bition without a break the 1111 - ment are anxious that it should be a great siccesP. Entries are already coming in quite fast and considerable spare has Iteen allotted in the different buildings. A number of improvements have been tn•adc in the to minds and boill- Ings this year for the comfort and con• V1.1111•Itr•(' of exhibitor ,and visitors. The i'i ize i.ist hag teen rar.•filly re. wised and added to. Knabenshiie's Airship will make a -yen -inns daily. The D inkm;ir `i hill• r tloupe and the Ernesto Si -ter. still thtill those who see them with* their daring acts. Whit, fi }.')Matt and the i.es Arihns will instruct and a mos.. and with music 1.y the hest avatlahl hands and arena di -play of fllewoik. each evrn- Oat followed by that magrniflrent Py- r ••erhnical display "Tho Sie¢e of will m.ke one of the lost pro. qv amines ever presented to the public at any previous Wes rr n Fair. Re,n„rnher t h•' d (tr... s•'1)t Itch to 11. r .Iuerd rates on :all radio/Ids. Write the Seeretary, Western Fair offi •.•. Landon, for all particulars as to space. prize lirtm. programmes, etc., and make your entries early, Luca!' 1)n Saturday while Mr. T. Kelly was on his way out to Mr. Jas. Touhey's he met with a mishap near Mr. Geo. Haskett's. Ile was driving one horse and leading another when the latter became unmanageable. Mr. Kelly. the horse he wits driving and bugty were dumped into the ditch, with the result that Mr. Kelly's right leg was broken just below the knee—both hones.—On Tuesday, while Mr. Art. Elliott was in the held catching some of the horses, one of then canoe up a little too close to hint for comfort, as it turned and kicked at those he bad, hitting hits a severe blow on the hip and arm, which was very painful for a time but fortunately no bones were broken.—The Misses Enod and Mary Endicott, daughters of Rev. Endicott of Chentu, Sz-Chuan, China, are on a two weeks' visit here to their grand- mother, Mre. Diamond, after which they will attend College at Whitby.— Misses O.P. Masson and A. Quigley of Toronto, who have been the guests of Mrs. Cole for a few days,teft Saturday for St. Marys.—Mrs. Forsyth and Mrs. Wilson of Medicine Lodge, Kansas, are guests of the former's sister, Mrs. `Vbite.—Mise Retta Fox and Dulcie C. M. Martin, who have been attending the Normal school, London, have both passed with honors,and were awarded by the Minister of Education with per- manent second class certificates.—F. W. Porte has been rusticating at Mus- koka.—H, J. Craig is now occupying the house recently vacated by F. B. Holtby. Grand bend Sam Pedlar of Ailsa Craig spent Sat- urday and Sanday here with relatives. —Wm. Rush of London is here visit- ing bis father.—Mrs, Wm. Balkwill of Exeter spent Monday here.—A severe storm passed over this locality Thurs- day. The lightning which was very vivid struck is tree opposite Mr. Re- velle's hoose and brokeseyeral window panes. Besides this no other damage was .tone.—A football match was play- ed here Saturday by the Bayfield team and the home team, the latter winning by a score of 7-0.—The farmers in this vicinity have commenced cutting their fall wheat—Mrs. McDonald has re- turned to Hensall.—Regatta day bas been fixed for Aug. 8. Many good priz- es are offered and the sports will in all likelihood prove fast and interesting. —E. J. Ford of Toronto is summering here.—Sunday here was Children's Day, the children rendering good mus- ic, while Mrs. Sutcliffe gave an excel- lent address.—J. D. McColl, Ray Scott Fred St. Lawrence and Mrs. Griffith of London are among thecampers.--Mrs. Rolfe of Denver, Col., and C. H. Mc- Donald of St. Loris are visitors at Edgewood cottage.—Miss Taylor of Winnipeg is visiting friends here.— Mrs. Conrad Smith and family have returned to London. DRATH.—The Angel of death is no respecter of person and each and eery one must sooner or latter answer the call. The call came on Sunday morn- ing at 8 o'clock to Fanny Walper, the dearly beloved wife of Percy Mollatrd. For the past six months she has been a sufferer from that dread disease con- sumption but during her illness she was ever patient and as death drew nigh ebe was fully resigned and happy to obey the will of her Divine Redeem- er. Since her marriage five years ago she has resided continuously in this vicinity and has held a high place in the esteem of all who knew her. De- ceased who was in her 24th year was a faithful member of the Latter Day Saints church. The sympathy of the entire community js extended to Mr. Mollard in the deep sorrow and afflic- tion through which he is now passing, he having lost two children and now his beloved partner. A mother, two brothers and two sisters also survive. The funeral on Tuesday was largely attended. Dashwood Rev. L. K. Eidt mode a trip to Col- borne Township last week where he purchased several baskets of flne cher. ries which are grown there in abuu- dance.—lacob Kellerman has the raft- ers on his dwelling. When completed it will be one of the finest in the vill- age.—Henry Callfas has purchased a new threshing outfit with all the latest improvements. --The recent rains have improved the vegetation in this sec- tion very much.—E. M. Brokenshire is spending a few days with friends in Elms Township. He will also visit Stitt ford and Tavistock friends ere he ret 'trim—F.111 wheat harvest has r•nru- nieneed in thin section.—Miss ida Fink twiner is visiting at the home of Jacob Kellerman during the past week.—The Y. I'. A. here is in a very prosperous condition. The riieettngs are very interesting and helpful and there is abundance of talent. it is in reality a pleaanre to see and know the young people are in the work for the good they may do and not for any mel - fish motive, as wan the rear a few years ago, when a sort of a eligur tried to run the whole affair. They have • y recently got a nice neat tasty grem with the different topics end era, also the names of the offices I ('otnmittees, also a cut of their e church. it shows a most decided provernent on conditions as they re as few year/4ago. The Pastorn is elan Iiresiden• of the Society endeared himself to his eongrega- i and especially In the members of Y. P. A., who will stand by hien ()ugh thick and thin. ---The (Tinton w Era saga of Mr. Either, Smith ton's representative, that be /MS lities few leen posses'? Well you t feet he's a man who fines things. many rapt) in those pogitiona shoot high and long on the stump. 1 do nothing in the home: but \1r. ser isn't one of that kind and to the n whn im his opponent it means t certain defeat on ,t vet y ledge e' hurrah for lfr. Eill et! - 1)r. {ride, who has been herr in 1)r. .•tnghlin's ,rt.cenee, trill leave in a days for his honor in Kingston. ses Bei ha and NIA 'd Kilt have re- ed frorn attendir,s, college ,+t tfetd. 11 r•. Kidd and Masses firh• nn ..1 sir - Mold. and \ire. ('has. of It1:101fn0d ,11e visit it g relativ• ere.- Mt. 1'. Mchrnel.•r Of Fort woe college i- holidaying here. ver lea( ;1111fin im sv e wh hag tint the Ihr N.• (gin .lois •enr last Arc Kill mn rhos seal Mel w' \1r1 fe \li+ turn Sten atds Jad r es 1t Wa TI Cry that uppe 0' incloeat re'tf*r.hnq the Reid 91, 1 flail diaaster at IAindon show. the cunt parlor. . onsider that the r floors in the building were over - ed tsith goaa(s. Chiselhurst Mrs. Cooper and her daughter, Miss Cooper, of Medena, New York State, aunt and cousin of Mrs. F. O'Brien, who had been visiting here for some time, left last week for their flames. - Mr. McNevin. of Dungannon, is visit- ing his nephew here, Angus McCaig, our village blacksmith.—The farmers in this vicinity have finished haying. The crop, on the whole, is a fairly gond one, and was well housed, much of it having been saved without getting a drop of rain. Next will be the fall wheat, which is turning rapidly. Zurich Miss Minnie Hartung and Josephine and Georgina Schilbe of Detroit are borne fur a visit. --L. Moser got $480 for a fine Lean of horses sold to Mr. Reid of Lucan.—Owing to his arm be- ing punctured by a fork prong last week Ed. Zimmerman is off duty.— Daniel McCall a former resident of the township has been refused admis- sion to the House of Refuge owing to a disease.—H. 1 ungblut made a score of 0 out of 10 at the last week gun club shoot.—Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Merner attended the funeral of the letter's father, Mr. Graham, in Goderich last week.—Abe Bender of London visited his home here last week.—The hail storm did considerable damage in Stanley township last week.—It is ex- pected that flax pulling will commence this week.—Miss Nora Greta of Berlin is visiting at her home here for a few weeks.—Dr. Wee. Schellig of Detroit, is visiting his parents, Goshen Line south.—Jacob Deichert has had a neat stable erected on his property.—Mise Vercy Witwer of London returned home on Friday and will spend a few weeks in town.—Dr. and Mrs. Fee and two children, of Reno, Nevada, are visiting their brother, Wm. Fee, of the Goshen Line north.—Mr. and Mrs. D. Studer and son, of Tayistock, are visiting the latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fly. Koehler. for a few weeks.— Miss Ella Rennie of Godericb, is spend- ing a few weeks at her home here.— Mrs. H. Wurut returned from a visit with relatives at Crosswell, Mich. McGillivray In the police court at Ailsa Craig last week the case of Jacob Edwards, of McGillivray, who charged Ellen Edwards, wife of Darius Edwards, a brother of the Complainant, with as- saulting his grandchild, a little girl of 8 years by setting a dog after the child, was decided against the defend- ant. Darius Edwards was also charg- ed with using violent and threatening language. The woman was fined $4 and both were bound over to keep the peace at $2(X) each.—Miss Mary Atkin• son of London is visiting Miss Annie Harding 2nd con., McGillivray.—Mer- vin Armstrong, of Parkhill, is visiting at D. Robinson's, Wests Corners.— Jno. McGregor has just completed his f large bank barn. which is one of the I finest structures in the township. --1 While Jno. Potter was driving to Ail- sa Craig recently, hie horse took fright at a passing automobile and reared throwing itself hack onto the buggy which was somewhat damaged and the horse injured, so that it has since been under the care of the vet.—Jas. Flannigan, formerly of Clandeboye, is erecting a large hotel at Saskatoon,— Miller Bros. At Robinson, formerly of the 2nd. con., who recently purchased a hotel at Saskatoon, Sask., disposed of it a few days since to an English company. Messrs. Miller and Robin- son have gone to Lloydrninister, Sask. UHborne DRA:II OF MRs. SKINNER.—Another of ) sborne township's oldest residents answers the great roll call. We refer to the death of Mary Ann Kelland, be- loved wife of Sam'I Skinner who pas- sed away on Thursday last in the (0th of her age. Mrs. Seinner's condition of health has been rather impaired for the past two years but her condition was such that she was able to attend to her usual household duties until about four weeks previous to her de- mise, when she wassuddenly stricke[1' down with a stroke of paralysis, from which she never rallied losing all pow- er of speech and use of her limbs. Born in Devonshire. Eng., the deceas- ed carne to Canada with her now ber- eft husband in the year 1861 and set- tled in London. Remaining in that city only a few months they moved to the township of Stephen where they resided for three years. after which they removed to the township of Us. borne where they have resided contin- uously ever since. The deceased was of kindly disposition possessing all the goad twenties of true tvouianhoial and commanding the respect end esteern of all who had the pleesure of her ae- quaintance. Resides the sorrowing husband she is survived by four sons end two daughters- Thorium; of Owen Sound, IVilliarn, Samuel, Robert end Mrs. John Peart of 1'sborne, and Mrs. J. Noble of Epworth: also four brie h• PM Mr. Mathew Kellarid, Centralia, Mr. Rohr. Kellam), Exeter, and two ether brothers in the Old Conn try. Her funeral took place to tl a Exeter Cemetery on Saturday and was large. ly Attended. Suffered Terribly 22 Years From Rheumatism. BuJu The Celiac: KRdneyPill Cured him. It will cure you. I{„al .John Greenwood'', letter, :,rt null- Price :.' c. at all Drug stores. ASK FOR (LONDON) India Pale Ale Prejudiced and unscrupulous vendors may suggest others. but compare it any way you will—purity. freedom front acidity, palatableness-Labatt's Me is surpass. ed by none. equalled by few—at about half the price of best imported brands. WAREHOUSES —AT -- EXETER, CENTIIALIA AND CLANDESOYE Highest Price paid for Grain RICH. SELDOM (Successor to Joseph CobbledIck) C STB*TrORD, ONT. Fall Term Opens Sept. 3 This School which is an old and well established one stands to the forefront as the greatest ('ommer• cial and Shorthand School in the West. our teach• en are experienced instructors, courses thorough and practical. We assist ourgraduates to positions. Catalogue free. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN, Principals THE MOLSONS BANK (Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1855) Head Office, Capital Paid Up Reserve Fund Assets Over IXTY-TWO BRANCHES IN Montreal $3,200,000 3,000,000 33,000,000 THE DOMINION OF CANADA - EXETER BRANCH - OFFICE HOURS 10 a, m. to 9 p. m. SATURDAYS, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowedl Saving Bank Departments credit further erlyI Interest on Satin s accounts will be credited quarterly instead cf halt }earl) as formerly Depositor)! $t and upward') received. Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. DICKSON & CARLiNG, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager, Western Fair The Exhibition the People all LiketoAttend EXHIBITORS AND VISITORS FIND IT PROFITABLE TO 60 KNABENSRI E'S AIRSHIP daily, and a full list of Attractions, with plenty of Music. Fireworks after programme each night, concludingwith that grand display, "The Siege of Gibraltel'” REDUCED RATES on all RAILROADS Send to Secretary for Prize Lists, Programs and all information. NV. J. REID, President A. M. HUNT, Secretary London Sept.6-14 Ailsa Craig: Dr. Gunn received a message on July 21 of the death at (.'atnrose, Alta., of his niece, Mrs. P. Smith (nee :leen Gunn), daughter of H. Ginn of Toronto, and formerly of this piece. Senforth: Many of our readers will regret to learn of the death of R. L. Sharp, of Toronto, a former well known and respected resident of Mee - forth. Mr. Sharp was 74 years of age, and died on Sunday lest. Ailsa Crsig: While working at the bench in J. E. Westcott's tin shop one day recently Geo. Fulton had the mit- fortune to get a piece of enamel into his eye and had to cet.sult a Fpt(•ialiat at London to have it extracted. He is now. well. Seaforth: Mins Kate Tegney daughter of the late Michael Tagney, wits married in St. Janies' chureh on Tuesday to John Shannon, of Derehain township, Oxford county. The cere- mony was performed by Itev. Father Corcoran in the presence of the relat- ives and more intimate friends of the young couple. Parkhill: Messrs Grieve it Leslie expect to move their saw mill to their recently purchased wood lot near Grand Bend within the next week or so. They expect it will take a couple of gents to get all the titi,hei' off this recent purchase. They are building shanties in the woods in which they will reside. Mitchell, Ont., May13, itil i7 The Chaffin Chetnival Co. Windsor, (int. Dear Friends,-- A great victory has been won by the use 01 "Hi•Jn", after 2l years terrible Puttering from Sciatica and Rhritnnti'.tn. 1 have been a great mutterer from t his ter i ible elisenar for 22 yea, a hack et tithes 1 would have backache and terrible pains in toy hips. hip joints and also down Iffy legs to the bottom of na)• (rel. 1 have suffered untold agony And only those who have had the di-.va-e know sthat the tertiile pains ate. 1 tiled ever ything 1 ••Datil think of. Zeit got no tine( Cantil i saw '•Ftn- .In", the gentle Kirlr:, y fill, int vrttisad i1 tin• piper. 111(1 1 1hnig111 1 world give it a tiial and 1 did so. 1 lao•,ght one hoe 01 "1111,111'. 11111 grit great relief. then i get Live more boxes 111 1 hear, ,and after iisilt six boxes 1 8111 r•on•pk telt' eared of t ashes and pain and CA1 re••unilnrnd th.'tr. 10 any person suffering ns 1 did. of JAM winter i thought 1 WWII.' hate 111 gid1' 01' 1.110R01 her as 1 rartld hardly get groin( nn oat Irg 1 am rnnie than th.rakfnl, roar(• that: tnlgur r,U1 Iris for tteitirg ill ..f na) ,ti ,',• I.y the 1a•.• of "Ifo Jrt•', rild tnat.y others have to'd of it have heel) grtring r,•li,•wrd of their pains. I shall lever 1e• without then. 111 111.' Itnnv.•. 1 hat .• la -en day, end we. as that i could hardly sinal to Ise Inti toile my • bores. 1 111.11 11, mtop differt•ral IiIraqi and test tnv legs. 1 1t nffght many tt t•rne 1 sh•n111 he n raipple 1,4 lif•. Ent thank (ld f wit a antething el bast to knock it tent. when 1 got held • f "itff-Ju•': and 1 ran recommend it highly to others auffe•tit►g fr the *as (lir( 5f'. yo ursmse'ry truly, Mitchell, Logan Township, Ont. Jong GRiI{NwooD