Exeter Advocate, 1907-05-09, Page 1•
W1iluiig InviIaIiois
We print invitations on
the newest of paper, with
the newest of type, at n
reasonable )rice. Von
want something nice.
r -
Real Estate Chas
\l„d,• I• : ole ie,t oe.
I,• teen \Vt. here un-
equ:dled ,•,pities to rout.
sell or buy either farm or
village eq.. ray. 'try it.
4 --
The Sovereign Bank of Canada
iitiOTICE is hereby given that a dividend of one and
one-half (14) per cent, for the current quarter, be-
ing at the rate of six (6) per cent. per annum on the
capital stock of this bank, has been declared, and that
the same will be payable at the head office and at the
branches on and after the 16th clay of May next.
The transfer books will be closed from the 1st to the
15th May, both days inclusive.
By order of the Board.
General Manager.
Toronto, 30th March. 1907.
JOS. SNELL, Manager at Exeter, Crediton, Zurich and Dashwood,
The Old Reliable
a very choice range in Spring Suitings; also some very pretty
patterns in Pantings. InpReady-made Clothing we carry a
very fine assortment in Men's, Youths' and Boys'.
Our new Spring Hats. very stylish indeed. A full line of up-
to-date neckwear. We invite your attention to
in Gents' for Spring. They have no equal for quality and price.
Just to hand another lot of those choice Waists you hear so
much talk about. A few more pairs of those long gloves left,
black and white in Silk and Lisle Thread.
1Ve would remind our many customers that
We have grst-class milliner in the person of
Miss Addie Murlock, who does all our millinery.
We will accept produee sante as cash in pay-
ment for same.
Professional Cards.
DR. G. P. ROC iSTON, L. D. 8., D. D. 8.
Member of the R. C. D. 8. of Ontario and honor
Graduate of Toronto University.
OFFICE: Ot yr Dickson k Catling'e l.aw 0111,e, in
Dr. Anderson's former Dental Fedora
laDR. A. R. KINSMAN, L D. 8., D. D. 8..
Honor graduate of Toronto Ualverlstr.
Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects
Ofece over Madman l- Stanhurq's office, Main street
AF. MAI.LOY', M. R. (Tor. Univ.) MEMBER
a College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario.
Former Bene Surgeon Toronto Western hospital.
Successor to Dr. J. A. Rollins. Reskrence: Eaat on
lint street north of office, Exeter. Ontario.
tors, Notaries, Cony eyan. ers, Commissioners.
Jellcitors for Motions (tank, et...
Mesar to Loa* at !owes*, rates of interest.
Otlkes, Main street, Eteter.
1, IL. Caetnre, R.A., L. h. Dtcttsoa
We have a targe amount of private funds to loan
a farm and village properties at low rates of Inter
Rarrbten, Soticitors,Maln st., Exeter On
S• Hardy, Auctioneer
For the Counts of Huron. All orders promptly at
tended to if left at the Advocate or his stere.
Village Property for Sale
A first-class brick house, vontainini :, rooms down
stain and 3 up-etairs, with kitchen attache,l and
cellar under all; 3.5 acres of land, ood well, a num•
ber fruit trees and frame stable. 'Terms to suit the
purchaser. Immediate possession. Apply at The
Farm Labourers and Domestics
1 have been appointed by the Dominion Govern•
meat to place immigrants from the United Kingdom
in positions as farm labooren or domestic ser, ants
in this vicinity. Any person requiring such help
should notify me by letter stating fully the kind of
help repereI. when wanted and wages offered. The
nnmt•er. *reit ing mac not be tuft: lent to supply all
but every effort will to made to pros ide
t.1,. ant with help reynired
Canadian Government Employment .agent, Eteter
You want a good job on your horse
hills at a reasonable price. with good
canlhtoard and a gond cut. The Ad-
vocate Rives you all these and also a
notice of your horse end route for two
weeks free of charge. Von want it in
the Advocate because It covers all the
ground more thoroughly than nny
other advertising medium. It i tet
your advantage to get your work done
Farmers' Horses
I wish ii ansae a buying and selling soma. I am now !crated
and will
n Exeter
for the Iallt'im f g f
eat all times *good supply n farmers' hums
cone for sale My states are Watts! at the
of Eteter on the London Road. Write as
00 have anything for s,te and -all when you
• ► will be at berme on 'stunts).* to
ing purchaser.
EX I•:TE13
William Brown
Prof. Diploma of Royal incorporated Society of
Musicians, England; Organist of Trivitt Memorial
Church,Exeter. Piano, Organ, ilannon,• and Theory
of Music, Terms on application. Exeter, Ont,
A ane pasture Tann in the Township of Ilay, near
Sarepta; one hundred serer, "S acres seeded, frame
house and good stable, good water, etc..
ApDy,pbb to
The Evtter Council has extended the time for
the receiving of Tenders for the excavation of water
tanks and the cement work for the same up to Mon-
day, )lar 131h, at 7 p.m No tenders eat be accept-
ed after this hour. Plans and specisoetione at the
clerk's office.
Keeper, \Intron and Assistant Matron
Wanted for the House of Refuge
in the County of Huron.
Britten appli.•at'ons will be received by the un-
dersigned up to Monday, the :int day, of June, for
the positions of Keeper, Matron ami .tssista'•t Mat-
ron for the House of Mime. For Keener and Mat•
ron, man and wife perfected. Aypticanta are espe• t•
ed to state age. previous oerupat,on and salary ex•
peetett. Testimonials to he enclosed with apppli, at ion.
The committee would like to meet applicants at the
Coursed Room inOcxlerich,on the afternoon of Wed•
nesday, June 5th.
Dated May ell. ltttY.
W. LANE, clerk.
Clinton Business College
Affiliated with Windham R, C.
Individual Instruction.
Write for handsome catalogue,
GEO. SPOTTON, Principal
Spring is Here!
With its beauty and gaie-
ty; also with its ailments.
What are its ailments?
Impure blood, weak, de-
bilitated constitution and
irregular bowies. If you
feel stnpid,lezy and mean
have boils. pimples and
erruptinns on the skin
You should at once begin to nae
It contains iodideof potas-
sium and iron and 15 the
hest general tonic and
purifier known. Potties.
recruits and stininlates all
the secretions of the entire
sold and Guaranteed by II
W, S. Noway, Phm.B
CHE>tlsT and OPTICIAN Exeter
The Exeter Council.
At a special meeting of the Ex. • r
(7one:ell at the clerk', office on Mote.
evening all the members were preset.
The contractors tot. the building of ti..
cemetery house were paid the hallow. -
due them as follows: H. (iogld $15::
G. K. Heitman $50; Kos Taylor Co.
The new by-law which the council
has drafted re hogs was read a first
time. It proved to be about as The
Advocate stated hist week, with the
addition that persons living on a farm
hproperty only keep more than' two
ogs, Also that pigs truest be kept 23
feet from a slaughter house or else a
cooling room must be provided where
carcases must the taketi immediately
after slaughter, saute to he 23 feet from
the slaughter hoose. Offal must not
be used for feed. Tho penalty is to be
from $1 to $50 with costs.
Regal ding the running of milch
cows at large the bylaw provides that
any one family may allow only one
unilch cow to run from May loth to
October 15th, from 7 a. m. to 7. p. m.
each and every day.
Most of the farmers in this vicinity
finished seeding before the wet weath-
er set in, but the past week has been
too wet to do anything on the land.
The fall wheat is improving nicely,
but cutch of the clover is being plow-
ed tip and consequently- the hav crop
will be short this year. -Wm. Pollen
is busy fencing with John Bell.- Wm.
Hodgert is able to get around again
after being orf work for a few weeks
with rheumatism. Master Joon Bray
has been helping him in the meantime.
-David is all smiles these days --its
a boy. -Master Eddie Mand, in the
employ of 'Tilos. Cameron, has had
rattler all unpleat•itnt time Lately with
erysipelas in his face, but is iutroving
nicely.- Wm. Diunt•y is busy in this
neighborhood with his post -driver. -
The then are busy putting in the cem-
t nt foundation for A. hackney's horse.
-Thos. Briggs is, at time of writing,
employed with Chas. Borland, and
Harry Harris with Alex. Ilackney.-
There is some talk of the mail route
bein • changed and run from Exeter to
Mitchell instead of at present to Duh.
lin. 1\'e think it wunld be a great im-
provement as we would get our Exeter
mail much sooner than e do now. At
present we do not get our Exeter
paper until Friday, while the get the
Toronto papers on Thursday. We
think there is great room for impr•uve-
Mr. and Mrs. John Duncan are :at-
tending the funeral of the letter's sis-
ter, Mrs. Win. Bernick, at I3lyth,
which took place yesterday. She was
a Miss Graham and Many years ago
lived in 1.'sborne near here. Deceased
wits a sister-in-law of sifts. James Toni
of Exeter•. She was 71 years of age.
Comirunion services were held in
the Presbyterian church on Sunday. -
Lorne C'udnlore, after a year's SOV1111
in Crystal City, Man., returned ome
Friday. -On Frilay the remains of the
infant son of Mr. and Mrs. John Mc-
Gregor was laid to rest in the Egmond-
vilie cemetery. The parents have our
deep sympathy.- •Mrs. Mclvorof Clin-
ton and Miss Sharp of London are vis-
iting at the home of Dougal Kettletoll.
-The young fellows of this commun-
ity cue now amusing themselves fish-
ing during their spare hours. -Miss
Nellie Gould of Hay was the guest of
Minty McGregor during the past week.
Miss Grant, a former Kippen young
lady, who is attending College in Lon-
don, spent Sunday with friends here.
--Geos McKay was in Chatham last
week attending the meeting of Synod.
Ile also spent a few days in London. -
W. M. Finkle of New York State, is
enjoying a visit with his sister Mrs.
Phillips. -Ki pen is now a dry town.
The local option law cause into effect
on Wednesday. Onr veteran hotel
keeper, H. Schaffer, says he intends
keeping right un serving the public
with the best meals and accommoda-
tion as of yore.
A inrge meeting of the citizens of
this neighborhood took place in the
church on Monday evening, April 29th
for the purpose Of discussing church
matters. Since Bethel and Freewill
churehes had united and had moved
their church to the Whalen Corners, a
proposition had been noade to close our
church and unite with the Whalen
church. The meeting wits for the pur-
pose of discussing the proposal. itev.
A. H. Going of Exeter, chairman Of
this district, was present and occupied
the chair. After considerable discus -
Bien it was found that the congrega-
tion was unanimously in favor of re-
maining as they were and such was
the decision. Much interest was tak-
en in the natter. -Fishing is good in
the creeks at present and the boys
are having all kinds of fun. --George
Brock has a yaltnxble cow i11 of paraly•
els. ile lost one from the same cause
a shot t time ago -Miss Emma Peart
of Eieter spent Sunday at her home.
Court of Revision
Township of Stephen.
NO'rl('E is hereby given that
('mart of Revision for the Assessment
Roll of the Township of Stephen, will
hold its first meeting for the present
year in the TOWN HALi., (.IIRD1•
TON. on Monday. May 27th, at 10
R. m.
Township Clerk.
Crediton, May 7th, 1007.
M I s. J. Beatty of V:o-n:► spent Satur-
day and Sundiay with relatives here. --
11iighie McDougall wears a broad
• mile these d'uys,a little daughter hav-
ing just arrived to brighten his horde.
-Mrs. W. 13. Morton of Seaforth was
the guest of Mis. Jas. Horton on Wed-
nesday. --The Chiselhurst beef ring
killed the (frit beef on Wednesday and
the patrons here are pleased to receive
the fresh meat again. -Miss Vera Glenn
accompanied by Miss May McLinchy
of Sealot th spent Sunday at her home
here, -Chas. Cann had the misfortune
to lose a tine colt lately. -Misses A. B.
Sadler and :Ida Drake of Stella were
the guests of Miss Tillie Simmons over
Sunday. -Geo. A. Glenn spent. Friday
and Saturday with friends in Seaforth.
--Owing to the very wet weather the
past week the teen turned in and gave
the ladles a hand at housecleaning.
The ladies repeat the old proverb, "Its
a bad wind that does not blow some one
good. -W. Brock, Whalen, was rt caller
here on Monday. -John Fulton and
wife,old residents here, moved to %Va1-
tonTuesday. We hope they will en-
joy their well earned rest.
Mr. ira Bice and family of Hensel!
mored into the village Monday, -Mrs.
Kestle of Bryanston spent hast week
here visiting her nephew, Frank Kes-
tle.-Mr. McLean of Ingersoll, spent
Sunday here. -Mr. Chown paid a visit
to several of the Sunday schools on
Sunday. --Mee. Wilson and Miss Neil
of Fairfield called on friends here
Thursday. -Mr. Pitman was in Lon-
don a few days on business. -Charles
Harlton, who left here a short time
ago for the Nest, has secured a posi
tion as clerk in a dry -goods store in
Griswold. We wish Charlie success. -
The remains of the late Me. Carroll.
who died at lateen on Tuesday, were
interred act St. James' cemetery Thurs.
day. -Perry Bice, after spending sev-
eral weeks at his home here, returned
to Detroit last week. -Geo. Simpson
of Sat nix called on friends here Motm-
day,-'rhe funeral of the late James
1Vestell, who died at his son'a home in
Kincardine. took place from the depot
here to Lewis' cemetery. Mr. Westell
wit 87 years of age and leaves a grown -
u f -ly of sons and daughters. -
Mrs. Hlrlgins and son Borley. after
spending several months in Cleveland,
terurued home Saturday. -We are
pleased to see :hiss Laura Sitnpson
male ter he around again after her re-
cent illness.
8t(@pIieu Council
'l'he Council convened at the 'Town
Hall, Crediton, on .Monday, May 0th,
at 1 p.m. All members present. Min-
utes of previous meeting read and
Sanders -Webb -that the report of
F.%V,Farncon►be, P.L.S., as submitted
to the Council of the township of Mc-
Gillivray and served on the Township
of Stephen, on April 23, 1007, for out
let liability on the township on what
is known as an extension of the Mud
Creek Drain, in the Township of Mc-
Gillivray, be received and read by the
clerk. Pursuant to notices forwarded
by the clerk of the Township of Step-
hen to all parties affected in this town-
ship (which notice is hereby approved
of) the clerk is instructed to draft a
By -Law and serve the saute on all the
parties interested in this municipality,
as provided by the Municipal Drainage
Act, Sec. 22. That this Council Meet
at the Towo Mall, Credition, on May
27, at :3 p.m„ for the purpose of hold-
ing a Court of Revision to consider
any appeals that may be trade against
the assessment of the proposed By -
Law -Carried.
Kellerman- W uerth, that the Collec-
tor's Roll as filed with the Clerk on
April10, be accepted and that. the
Court. of Revision for appeals agaitnst
the said roll be held at the Town Hall,
Crediton, May 27, at 10 a,tn. -Carried.
Kellerman-Wuerth -that the pray-
er of the petiti ,n of Andrew Hicks and
-10othets. asking that Public School
Section No.l be divided into two sec-
tions, be granted and that a By -Lacy
be drafted and submitted to the Coun-
cil for its approval, dividing the said
section into two sections as requested
in the said petition. -Carried.
Webb -Sanders -that By -Latus 5, 0.
7. 8, 0 and 10, each having been react
the third time, be passed and signed
by the. itceve and Clerk and the seal of
the corporation attached thereto. -
Kellerman -1Vuerth-that By -Law
No. 11, (wing n By•Law to niter the
botlndries and divide S.S. No. 1 into
two sections, having been rend the
third time 1* passed and signed by the
Reece and Clerk and the seal of the
corporation attached thereto. -Carried.
Following orders were paid: Muni•
dim! World. blanks, $3.18; J Dotlst,
letter hook, $2.25; T. E. Slack. rock
elm plank. $75: A Morlock. grader re•
airs, $2.65; M Finkbeiner, lumber.
W h: Sanders, do., $i0.02; J Ra-
velle, tile. N.11., $6; It Hamilton, rep.
culvert. $1; N McLellan, do., $1; W.
Oilmen, do., $1 50; 0 Walker, do., 55;
J, Lawson. do, 51.25; J () Wein, rep.
bridge, $1.50; F Triehner, d0.. 51.50; A
Morrison, do-, 82.2.3: R. O'Rourke, tile
and gravel, $2.25 D Morison, tp.
drain on award No. Si, $12; J. Gnninan
salary as Assot'sor. $.'40; C Fainter.
drawing lumber, 51st; Dr. McCue, ac-
count, re small (tux. $72.50; W. Low's,
disinfecting and forineldhyde Account,
55(1.41): N ilroksnshire,placarding, etc.,
re small [pox $2.2.03.
Council adjourned to meet May 27.
let 1 ti Ft CI
O *.nt, - - .iiper, Clerk.
ile, council net to Town Hall,
Zurich, on Wednesday' at tet noon. Ail
members present but Mr. Kelhtleisch.
Minutes of previous meeting read and
adopted. John Schuettler was award-
ed the contreet of building a cement
culvert on the Seuhle Line, at t:. Dod
man's, in place of the old one which
wee washed away by the spring fliods.
A number of accounts were {massed
and other routine business attended to,
flOA 1:411 TO ErEll
ON FAY, MAY 2ti;h, 13n1
The celebration last year was an unqualified success.
This year it will be better than ever:
A Big parade of Three Bands, Soldiers, School Child-
ren, Etc., in the morning.
All kinds of athletic sports in the afternoon, races of
every kind, and a skirmish drill by the Volunteers
HORSE RACES -2:25 half mile, 3 in 5, $40, $25, $10
2:50 3 in 5, $25, $15, $10
A unique organization of the News Boys of London
will be here all days. 'l'lley are a wonderful band
and you should hear them.
Mr. and Mrs. Robett English left
Saturday for Port Huron, where little
Paul McIntosh was lying very ill, The
little fellow died the sante evening.
Ile was a bright little lad and while
here last summer spending his holidays
he won many friends who will learn
with deep regret of his death. The
sot rowing parents have our deep sym-
Ppathy. The remains were brought to
arkhill Tuesday for interment. -Rev.
J. F. Sutcliffe has been shut in for the
past two a eeks on account of small
pox. Ile says be is not ill and that he
rs doing some work around his home
but the health inspector thought
necessary to keep him in. -Jas, Luther
says the reap was running better fast
week than itdid any time this season.
-The work on thecircuit was attend-
ed to Sunday by the local preacher.
W. J. Wilson, who preached in the
Boston Methodist church and at Grand
Bend. The quarterly meeting and Sac•
ramentel services will be held in Bos
ton Methodist church by Rev. Allen of
Parkhill at 10.3011.nl. Quarterly Offic-
ial Board to meet in saulechu►•ch Mon-
day at 2 p.m. -We are pleased to note
that Gordon Glens arrived house safe-
ly hast week. He is much unproved
and expects be be all right in • a few
months. His many young friends and
school mates gave him a right royal
welcotne at the home of his father. -
W. A. Wilson who left his home in
London a few weeks ago, writes from
Vancouver that be is travelling for a
wholesale jewellry company and is de-
lighted with the West. He expects to
he home the latter pant of this Month.
\1rs.1V.J. Wilson received a telephone
message from Bayfleld Monday morn-
ing which contained the sad news of
the death of her a'tnt Mrs. Thos. Stin-
son who died very suddenly on Sunday
from the effects of a stroke. Mrs. Wil-
son is now there attending the funeral.
-A great many have complimented
our postmaster on the improvement he
has made to his store.
DEATH -Death on Tuesday evening
visited the home of one of the oldest
settlers in this neighborhood and took
assay the aged father of the family in
the person of Henry Batram, of Step•
hen, aged 70 years. The deceased was
one of the pioneer settlers of the went
part of Stephen. For many yeats Ice
as been a great sufferer front rheum-
atism, which he bore with spartan for-
titude, never once complaining, and
when ever his health and opportunity
permitted would take a drive. He al-
ways had a cherry word to greet his
neighbors and friends. Intel meat
took place at Parkhill cemetery OH
Friday, The comutnnity sympathize
with the other members of the family
in their afllictinn.
Haptismal Font.
Messrs. Weekes Bros. have placed a
ML•trble Font in the Episcopal church
j in lfensall.
MARSIIAND-In Exeter, 00 May 3, to
Mr. and Mrs. A. Marchand a dageit'.
LANs -At Mt. Carmel, oil April 27th.
to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lane, t►son.
STEEPER -in Stephens on April 28, to
Mr. and Mrs. Gen. Steeper, a son.
HEDDEN -- Iu Crediton East, on April
2 to
Mr. at 1
and .1t 1
Mrs. C eo. I •e < e
is i f a
IItI.DERLy-- In Brooksdale, on April
27, to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hilderly (nee
Gertie Gould) a daughter.
Dvlat-in Caseville, Mich., on April
2!) to Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Dyer, a
SUTIIEH1i1-CIIESNEy-At the manse.
Egtnondville, on May 1st, by Rev,
Shaw, Nelson Herbert Sul herby, of
Clinton, to Wilhelmina Margaret
Chesney, of Ttickersutith.
ELLIGSON-KEItN-In Logan, on May
1, by Rev. Weinback, Harty Bing -
son of Stratford, to Miss Clara Kern
of Fullerton.
11ARRIS-IIARDURN-in Stratford,' on
May 1, by Rev. Kirkland, Alvin Har-
ris. son of Oliver Harris,ex-Reeve of
Fullerton, to Miss Edith, daughter
of John Harburn, Stratford.
1VY-LiE-COLtetu..-In 1Vinnipeg, on
April 25th. by Rev. Gordon, John
Wylie to Miss Mary, daughter of
Mr, and Mrs. John Colw ill of Exeter,
formerly of Centralia.
Qt'ANct•:--In Exeter. on May 80), Jen-
nie, daughter of Mrs. S. I. quince,
aged 22 years, 1 month and 21 days.
STEEPER -in Stephen, on April 28th,
Margaret, beloved wife of George
Steeper, aged :t5 years.
Davis --in London, on May 6, Annie
E., beloved wife of A. E. Davis. aged
38 years.
BATTttAN--in Stephen, 22nd con., on
April 30th, Henry Battram, aged Til
Gu'ILFOYLE-In Liman, on May 1,
Robert Guilfoyle, in his Obth year.
McNit.r.-In Fullerton, on May 3,
Margaret, relict of the late Malcolm
McNeal, aged 82 years.
Are You Thinking
of Grass Cutting Time
If so, this is the store to get the best
selection, as we carry the
Biggest Stock of Lawn Mowers
in town—from $3 to $6.50. Extra good
value at $4 00 and $4.:)0.
Wire Wire Wire Wire
Cleveland Coiled Spring, Barb and Plain Galv.
wire staples, hooks, fence machines, pliers, etc.
Ideal Fencing, all Hard No. 9 Wire
From 32 to 38c. a rod.
Lots on hand.