Exeter Advocate, 1907-04-11, Page 7l
A SPRING: D a'wit.
Alan) P•.e,,:e 'Weaken Their sty stets by
Dusinp stills Purgative Medicines.
A spring medicine is a necessity.
Nature demands it as an aid to enrich-
ing the Word and carrying off the im-
purities that have accumulated during
the indoor life of Ilse winter months.
Thousands of people recognizing the ne-
cessity for a spring medicine, dose
themselves Willi IHu•sh griping purga-
tives. 'Phis is a mistake. Ask tory doc-
tor and he will tel' you that lite use
of purgative medicines weakens the sys•
urld cannot possibly curt disease.
In the spring the system needs build-
ing up ----purgatives weaken. The blood
should be Grade rich, red turd pure —
purgatives carutot do This. What is
iineeded is a tonic, and Ilte best Tonic
, Inedit:ul scitvice has yet devised is Dr.
Willion's' Pink ('ills. livery dose el
This medicine actually stakes new, rich
bk,_,d, and this new Flood strengthens
every organ and ev my part of the body.
That is why these pills banish pimples
end unsightly skin eruptions. Tient is
why they cure headaches, backaches.
rheumatism. neuralgia and d host of
other troubles that conte ftbrn poor
watery blood. That is why the men and
worsen who use Dr. Williams' Pink
('ills eat well and sleep well and feel
Relive and strong. Miss Mabel Synnofl,
Lisle, One, says:—"I was pale and
weak and suffered greatly from head-
aches, and 1 found nothing to help me
until I began laking Dr. Williams' Pink
('ills. These have cornpietely restored
my health and I bless the day I began
taking Metre"
But tw sure you get the genuine Pills
with the full name. "Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills for Pate People" on the wrapper
nmund each ixox—all olber se -called
pink pills are fraudulent imitations.
Sold by nil licine dealers or by snail al
50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
�♦ y
The Burgomaster of Vienna Docs Not
(fie Accordinlf to the
A strange story of gypsy prophecy,
weird but not without interest, comes
from bade, near Vienna. The story had
its beginning back in December, and
time has seemed to justify the gypsy
prophecy so far, just enough lo give
added interest to the future which the
more important portions of the prophecy
dealt with.
Tho maker of the prophecy had no
"crossing of the hand," no hope of gain
whatever from the strange prognostica-
tions, Indeed, he did not put his visions
in the light of prophecy, but rather spoke
s one foresighted and foreknowing, as
to merely telling a few facts, not as one
A recasting probabilities.
m s.
The gypsy wos not in his wagon
nnong his own. but in a hospital. As he
felt his last hours approaching he called
to his nurse and those about hint and
spoke, as it LS recorded, In this way :
"1 will not surprise you in announc-
ing that 1 ata about to die, but what yon
inhabilarit. I1 seems they have the same!
formula, or pretty near if. in that coun-
try as in America. Wolves showed
themselves in Hungary. Cruet's, Galicia,
and other provinces.. Rears in Transyl-
vcniu had eaten a gendurnie. The flier-
rnorneter et Vienna registered 20 degree.
below zero, at L'rag ue 25, and at 1 -em -
berg 36. i The Honest Physician Is Anxious
The gypsy had spoken not only of the Cure and Uses the Best Avail -
cold but of the danger to women and
girls. Eterybody knows that cold does
noLprevcnt them from going outdoors it
they wish to do so. \\ bat then? Tr
correspondent may be a Frenchman. A
wind whish tempestuously blows 1111
women's skirts into disorder, he says
produces for them precisely the dongei
foreseen by the prophet, and as the worst
c•I the storm and cold broke on \'iennt
on February 25 nothing further need be
as is known, was only recently in the
bothers of eternity. 110 had received the
last sacraments and the benediction in
extremis of the Pope. Ile expressed his
regret that he had not written his me --
moire The Emperor htid sent l'tnn the
grand cross of Francis Joseph as a beau-
tiful decoration for the catafulque, as the
cynical correspondent observes. [low -
ever, the burgomaster got better, and has
gone for a sojourn a1 a place on the
Adriatic, which is described as a little
paradise. It may, says the dry writer
who forwards the story, console him for
not yet reaching the greater. So M.
Lueger has confounded the prophet of
Bade, the doctors and the candidates for
his succession alike, and, perhaps, adds
the correspondent, saved the lite of the
Emperor by doing so.
Over live efillion German Soldiers
Ready for Invasion.
A threat to England and the British
Empire, which does not sound promising
in view of the Premiers peace propos-
als at the forthcoming Ilegue Conference,
i, contained in the Neul• Polilische Cor-
respondez, a Berlin new agency, which
le often the medium for the (Abdul utter-
ance of the Gerniem Government.
"England is a Colossus with frt ! . f
clay. She w at do well not to pro\ kt•
too heatedly the world-Itis't,r.e decision
W1 10 WI1o111 Iho supreurticy of Europe
belongs," it says. , "If she continues 01
this course, even the entente cordiale
need have no terrors for us.
"Germany has at present 5.500,000 sol-
diers, who are available, not on paper,
but actually. The French army has be-
et -one perceptibly disorganized.
"Wo wish sincerely to live in peace
with France and England, but that can
only be if England henceforth refrains
from a diplomatic policy whish sooner or
leiter must lend to war --a war which, us
we are firmly convinced. %vitt be the be-
ginning of the end for the British Em-
4. -
(:RYI'i; 1 1EtIES.
Babies (10 not cry for the fun of it,
nor is it always because they are hun-
gry its so ninny young; mothers think.
Nile tinges out of ten baby's cry indi-
cules that hi- little stomach is out cf
order. 111olhrt•. will find instant relief
for their suffering little o/1Cs in Baby's
Own Tnblels. A few doses will cure
the most obstinate cases of constipa-
tion. indigestion or voniiling and a Tab-
le ! given now and then to the well
child will keep it well. Mrs. Alert. Pel-
l -wk. Gan n.. Ont., says: "Roby': Own
d•, not know is that (here remain for ane Tablets have been a great benefit to my
exactly Three hours of life--- baby. They have mace him happy,
NOT ONE MINIS 1'I: MORE. peaceful and contented, when before he
used to cry all the time. 1 have more
c4.mfort with him since giving him the
Tablets than 1 ever had before. ile now
sits and platys and laughs while 1 do
my work. What greater praise can
give Baby's Own Tablets." For sale al
druggists or by moil al 25 cents a box
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
As 1 have never held much of a place
on the earth my disappearance will not
be of much moment. female will speak
of roe, however, net for what I am my-
self. but fur what I am (about to tell you.
"The year npproaching will be one of
important events, not all of which are
known to rte, but mark This Iliat I say
to you : The winter [viii be n severe one;
its worst day will be the 2511i of Felru•
lay,,when the wumee turd the young
girls will not dare wenfn into the
sheets, except at their peril.
"The Burgomaster of \ cues will die,
and disorders will follow• h • death.
"The Emperor r will net outlive Itis
seventy -so -eel), year ; he w all roll be he.
Ing on August 18, he will die in the
instill' of July, and n great revolution
will trouble the. realm.
"This is all that I perceive in the fu -
lure. You will remember me when these
things happen of which you will be wit-
nesses ; not nil of you. however. for one
of you will (lie three days after me. who,
1 repent to you. will net be %v nm you
rifler ttu,'ce hours from new.
fill "POISE THE DYING 611'sY.
11e thiel. ns lie had said. three hours
lister. Ilii nurse (listed on the third flay
tflencanl. On the next point of the
prophecy there aro Iho'e w 110 hold the
g:y limy to hale been in default, til a
c(n•re.pnndenl of •I.n Lilr'rte• who re-
counts the tale. declare his belief that
never n:e- a prophecy better justified
then in this !went, that of the weather.
News his I b. slowly over that tray and
111 111'‘‘` of Ilse gy pay :s prophc\ y 1111(1
only pe.1 reached the public toward the
cull .,f I . hrilnry. when the people were
just I vete Bring from the coldest !spell idW411111101- w.lhhl the memory of the oldest
S t arch.
►awes tune, because rt
makes ironing easier.
Saves linen, because it
gives a better gloss with
half the iron•rubbtng.
Saves bother, because it
needs no cooking just
cold water. And It
CAN'T stick. Buy it
aVe s bye name.
FINAL S\V1:1:1'.
Merchant : "les, we are in need of a
jnnitor. \\'mere were you employed
Applicant : "Ina bank. sh'."
Merchant : "Did you clean it out T'
Applicant : "No, sir. Tho casttier slid
A Desirable Insurance Aganoy.
An .Aga nl y of the Camelia)) Fire In•
surance Company Ls to be established
here. All npplicalions from live then
with or wilttoul experience. nddressed
to 18 Toronto Street, Toronto. within the
next len days will be entertained. This
Company's aceumulnled Cash Assets
have grown to over tl577,000• placing it
able Remedies.
horses' & Mothers' Treasure
—Melt reliable medicine for baby.
Used over 50 rms. First compo is led
by Dr. P. E. Picaub in 185 5.
Makes Baby Strong
W , Restores the little organa to perfect
health. Cares sound sleep, without
resort to opium or other inj'unous drugs.
as At yysies', 25c. 6 boltj.e 3 t.2S.
National Dag & C7 are e.1 Co. l .td , Moaned
The dlscusslon of the bbl! now before
Dominion the n
inion Puritan -lent for the re-
gulation of the manufacture and vale
of t'atent or proprietary medicines Is
ono of the utmost importance, and is
receiving a great deal of attention. not
only by th. prop:fetary inedlcino manu
tacturers, but also by the retell and
wholesale drugslsts. Every manutac
turer of tellable and high class re.
tnediee welcomely the bill as a Mop is
the right direction. The discussion has
bsougit out the fact that the best
physfotans in Canada and on the con-
tlnent approve of and prescribe Psy
chine in cases of the moat difiloui
character. In a recent instance of
very merlons throat and lung trouble
the patient had been using Psychlne.
Two leading United States specialists
were consulted, In addition to two
eminent Canadian phy+tcla-'1s. Upon,
learning what the patient ares using, a
sample of Psychino was taken and
analyzed, with the result that the
physicians advised its continuance.
They preserihed no other medicine but
Psyctilne, with the result that the pa-
tient has fully recovered and le a
splendid ,vatking and tacking adver-
tisement for the wonderful curative
power of a remedy that will "stand
Up" before the keenest professional
erittolsm and analysis. As a builder
tip of the system and restoring all
wasted condition, Peychine has no
equal, and the best and most earnest
phystelane recognize this fact. " At
the ase of 23 my lunge were to a
terrible state. I had la grippe the
year before; It settled on my lungs
and I kept steadily growing worst
till I g•ot dawn so low I was to bed
for six weeks. I had a consultation
of doctors, and they said they could
do nothing more for me. Then 1sttrt-
ed to use Pttychlne. I tocol the medicine
for mores than a year. It certainly did
wonders for me. I am now as etretsg
Om I was before my sickness.
"Milli. II. HOPE,
•'Mor1•eth, Ont."
Perohlne, pronounced Fl -keen, is thi
grcatast of tonics, building up the sys-
tem, increasing the appetite, purify-
ing the Dino!, and- digs:rtion. and acts
directly Upon the throat and lungs,
giving tone and vigor to the entire
system, -At all druggisu. 60c and $1,
or Dr. T. A. Sln„nm. r.irntted, 179 Rinepreet wast, Toronto.
ACCIDENTS e'tl"iil► 11Y SNOW'.
Manu Terrible Disasters lees arc Directly
Due to 11.
Sntiw, soft• feathery and evan-eent
though it is. has been responsible Lor
some of the most shocking railway ac-
cidents on record.
The terrible disaster In Scotland early
ir. the past winter was, of course. di-
rectly due to 11; and in January, 1903,
so what similar catastrophe, nu
P ,
Cy a relief train colliding with n snow-
plough, killed and injured some fifty
persons In Washington Territory.
Near Ashtabula, again, on December
251h, 1876. the driver of the magnificent
"Flying Pacific Express" from New fork
k. San Francisco. deceived by a raging
snowstorm, ran his heavy Irisin at full
speed on to flimsy trestle bridge over
righty feet high. It gave wry, of course,
and more than one hundred people per-
Another his'oric railway wreck due
le the same cause was that at Abbot's
fhplon. England. on the Great North-
ern Line. on January 21st of the same
year. This was a terrible enllision. The
Scotch express ran Into a coal Irvin,
and then the Leeds express from Lon-
don dashed fug speed into the combined
wret-kage, killing fourteen people out-
right and shockingly mangling many
Near Loadrille. Colorado, soon after
the narrow' gauge railway there was
first opened, a train was snoweel in at
10.000 feet above sen -level. It was
nearly n week before it could 1-e dug
cut. and Then every one of its oceas
pants was found dead and frozen stiff
--so many human Icicles.
in what was known as the Tehal-
(hape Pass disaster, In tulifornin, the
train was caught by a blizzard al the
summit of high range
nt tt
moment when the engine hnd been de•
Inched. and driven backwards down one
of the and
and most tortuous grades
en the Nettle slope. It jumped the track
when It lied attained an es:Minted speed
of eighty miles an hour. end plunged
over n precipice inlet n" snow -drift 10')
feet deep. Not n soul aboard eseaped
in an enviable position and making Illi; f
exclusive agency it valuable one.
'1111: ROYAL i'Il1V:\TE :\P:\I1'I'\1I:\'I'S,
Ten noun% ieeople Ilse most nth resting
peel. of \Vindsor Castle ore the private
aparlrne'nls occupied by the late Queen,
and also now by King Edward and
(►ue.•n :Uesandi n. The suite is np.
preitehed from a small circular ha!!.
Lute round with the mole Queen'- .
i'e family pictures. C.:peciaity r. i.. • .. 1t-
1ation. of all her children :s weddings,
whicet site always hail painted as me-
mentoes e.1 Me deel ly•uiler•i'sling event.
to Ibis gallery she kept all her most
prize',( posse'gsN)ns, One 01 w bleb was n
eryslal case containing Gen. 4N.rdolt's
Bible. open at his favitrile chnldcr. The
line (green had always cherished the
greatest admiration for Gorden, and
was known os le deeply grieved over
his fate. This Bit le had been presented
tee tier by Gordons Miter in private
auah'nce. Another pnssessinn tnn;t dear
1 Is. r, which ons always kept in a sort
of oak shrine. and only opened and
shown In her most intimate friends. ins
the beautiful statue in pure Carrara
marble of herself.
O1d Honks : "Didn't you starry 1110 for
my menus 1 Answer me Thal, madam f'
\tl -. (hunks : "Certainly I did. And we'd
ge t along just lovely if you were not An
I$ --Ii. stingy with 11."
S(►1'T11 .tFltl(:.tN TEMPLES.
feral %rca% Enclosed by Solidly Itullt
Slone Walls.
The temple rtnn• at lthodesia are puz-
zlers. The erudite folks used to soy
Ilea. were alelent. but inr. liandall
?daeivers. their latest I spoor• slows they
TME ,•
A pure, hard
flour for bakers and others demand-
ing strength:color and uniformity.
0 N T
were built in the Middle Ages. ile says
!he great "elliptical temple" was the for-
tified residence of the great chief er
Monomortapa, whose sway extended
over an enormous area and an exten-
sive population.
To understand how architectural feats
tike the finer Rhodesian buildings can
been achieved by the precursors (1
th• modern South African natives it is
ue.essa•y to assume that in those days
'Isere was organization of a far higher
character than has obtained in recent
years, organization under great chiefs
whose power and intelligence were of
n relatively high order. From the Por-
tuguese and their records this would ap-
pear to have been the case in the days
the Monomorlapan empire of the
Middle Ages down to the close of 'the
sixteenth century.
The organization of labor implied by
the elaborate and decorated stone ar-
chitecture is remarkable. Even more re-
markable than the fortified castles are
the terrace walls. These stone built
walls forth irregular concentric rings
around the hills upon which the villages
were situated, and although structural-
simple, cover an lnormous area, ex-
tending in close formation over a space
of upward of fifty square miles.
1f our renders could speed see morn-
ing looking Through the fellers receiv-
ed from all over Canada by the /unt-
iuk Co., it would bring loms to fhea
with irresistible force the healing vir-
tues of this great household balm. 01 1
worsen, young smitten, wives, mother -
rind even young girls have something:
14) say atloid how Zatiefltrk did this lir
that good oilier. in their horse. Many
of these writer:, give permission 111
make extract; from their grateful tes-
timony. Frain (hese the following
were taken at random:
"I was troubled for some weeks with
salt rheum in hands and arms and was
using a salve which did me little good.
On receiving a supply of Zan -Bak 1 ap-
plied it, and it really seemed to act like
magic! The itching and burning ceas-
ed, and in a few days the skin was
cleared and healthy." So writes MRss
E. A. Butchnrd, mf Norlh Keppel.
"'I'hrc.' boxes of Zannfluk cured me
of Eczema, from which I had suffered
a long time." So soy's Mrs. Gladden.
of \Iansonville, Que.
"Zam-Bak cured a case of blood poi-
son in my family, and I wish to thank
you for the great blessing it has
proved," is the effect of it letter from
Mrs. Webb, of Dovercourt.
Arid so one could go on quetting ex-
tract after extract, showing how Zan-
Buk cures chronic soles, ulcers, ate
Presses, bad leg, Itch, and blood poi-
son; lakes the soreness out of cuts and
burns. and grows ws new,healthy skin
ever injured or disease
places. All
Flores and druggists sell at fifty cents
n box, or the Zaitelluk u,., 'Toronto.
will mail for price.
An African bird, the "pine pine,"
builds a spur nit the outside of its nest,
where it sits and keeps guard.
in winter the Indians of the North -
\\'est feed their ponies on the bark of
the coltomwood-tree.
Some f.crsons are more suseeplibl•'
b• colds than others, contracting de-
rnngetnente of the pulmonary nrgans
Olen the slightest causes. These should
niways have al hand a bottle of I(ic•klee
Anti-Consurnplive Syrup. the present
clay sovereign remedy for (-tenths, ca-
tarrh awl inflannnnlinn of the hags. It
will effect a euro no rnnller (tow severe
The cold may Le. Vol cannot afford to
1.- elihoil n remedy like 'tickle's. for
it i- Ills Lest.
1 slough a 2(i -fool. speaking trumpet a
te'in.s %mire has 'sten heard nt a distance
of three Godes.
Are your event hnr.ler In rcni.ve
lean those that others hove had:! Have
they Hest had the =tune kind.' (latae
the) .rl•.: Leen cured by using 114,1Ioruy's
oro Cure? Try a iwllle.
In ile. snit: isl13 n Frage meteor was
seen over N.erntandv, and next day nn
fewer than 210 pieces of rnelax►ric
carne ‘‘,•n• (\irked ugh.
Waite of /flab e'vlr,o \c!r^.-see'( prove 1r to yml. r (TT.FTI ••, • er'mp"d.
Make* It at1.1 •ttenger in !.:t c. 1t eta:. a t.wt. 1'.+:-.t(•i 3, IiiTE o.rr
The Altus family of spiders, abounding
.'1 1,.\ a. have, in addition to nufucrrl11-
u .01.n• eyes, it pair of Targe ones, which
erase; hove called "gig -lump" eyes. A
specimen of the spider, cuptur(d recent -
I; near Builenzorg, exhibited a remark-
able power of charging the txitor of it,
"gig -loofas." \\'hen it was captured I „
eyes were dark brown, like the body.
But , uddenty they changed to bright
grass -green. Soon afterward they turned
bnek again from green to brown, and
this change of color was repeated sev-
eral tines in succession. apparently at
the will of the creature. Whether it was
an effort of the spider to inspire terror
is uncertain. Another similar fact is that
the color of either ono or Loth eyes could
thus be changed.
Pater: : "\Nell, my Loy, so you have
imler•ries"cd your girl's father, eh I Did
you make the old codger toe the mark 7"
Son : "Yes, dad, 1 was the nark."
The Flagging Energies Revived. --
Constant application to business is a tax
upon the energies, and if there be not
relaxation, lassitude and depression
are sure to intervene. These corns
from stomachic troubles. The want .It
exercise brings 011 nervous irregul ti
lies, and the stomach ceases to assimi-
late hood properly. In this condition
Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will be found
a recuperative or rare goner, restoring
the organs to healthful action, dispelling
depression, and reviving the flagging
"There goes Mr. Doorman," said !Hiss
Caddie. "My 1 he kooks as solemn as an
undertaker these days."
"No wonder," replied Mr. Bachek,r,
"hoes going to undertake a wife next
Put oat the Ore in a hot, Itching• unhealthy
skin with Weaver's ('erste. Use it for eczema,
nettle rash, tetter and salt rheum.
"It seems to me, Sam, that you're al-
ways looking foe work?"
"Yes, soh; so 1 is, sah 1 Why, my ole
woman Ls de greatest worker yer ever
see, still 1''
The healthy glow disappearing from
the cheek and moaning and restfulness
at night are sore symptoms of worths
in children. 1)o not fail to get a bot-
tle of Mother Graves' Worm Exlermin-
n'oe; it is an effectual medicine.
"Your name," he stammered, "is—is
written on my heart,"
"Yes," site whispered.
"Rut—but wouldn't it be much nicer if
your nano were engraved on my sta-
tionery 7"
Steeplessness.—When the nerves are
unstrung and the whole body given up
lo wretchedness, when the mind is filled
with gloom and dismal forebodings, the
result of derangement of the digestive
organs, sleeplessness comes to add to
the distress. if only the subject could
.sleep, there would ba oblivion for a
while and temporary relief. l'a•tnelee's
\egetahle rills will not only induce
;.rpt but will net so benellciully that
the subject will wrke refreshed and re.
stored to happiness.
The greatest number of different
stamps belonging to any country are
issued by the Celled Stales.
Regale Veer Strength by taking "Ferrovim."
It's the beet tonteeeercompounded. Itnourtshes
and strengthens the whole system..
1f a lion had powers of jumping pro-
portionate to a Ilea it - could easily
spring one-third of it mile.
A Geed Name is to be Prized.-- There
have been imitations of Dr. 'Thomas'
f:electric Oil which may have been in-
jurious to its gond name, but if so. the
injury hos only been temporary.
Goodness must ntwnys crone to the
front and Throw into 111P shadow that
«hick is wortttk•ss. So It has been with
Ecleetric Oil; no Imitation can maintain
itself against the genuine atcle.
Very recently while nt 13uckinghni n
1 a ace it ante to Ill Queen's kn ow
c c
ledge that one of the upper housemaids,
nits had been in the roynl service for
years, was very unhappy over a love
affair. The Queen sent for the girl and
after rrdvlsing and consoling her sent
ter to Sandringham for n change. Then
the Queen summoned the lover and af-
ter n genet natured h nnily with humor-
ous Net sent hint to Sandringham too.
The couple have stns'.' returned. and
there will be a wedding al Buckingham
Palace scon.
5,600044100 living organidins have
been found in a piece of cheese weighing
11?; ounces.
Before you get
Pen -Angle
garments all
the shrink
is taken
o u t.
Pen -
keeps you com-
fy as well as
war m, because the
short fibres that
make some under-
wear itch are taken
out of Pen -
An , le wool.
A uNSHR.NI Vol x
lie fie yon%
In a variety of fabrics, styles a n d
In ell sizes for women, men and
Children, and guaranteed by your owe dada.
N-etaskiwin district : hate propositions
'e.t.a .,n appiicaticn. Li. Li. Farris it Co., R" itite
Wetaakiwl a, Alberta.
sew tau r.nt.tamp .un Urfa date aaa 1 .fu
a•od one a Me armor• of tear Mt. from Iko readso
to tag ,res.• 111 matt.,• of tools... I,•e, to•r
Hee. •n1 1,a11., pale y t>!J E7 IL• 1 ..tr.,
as.ma.s•r teslas ratreaa ..,,.l.n•d .r.d •soca•._
PI$1.LIIAMZLDee. 13, Itit$t►IIT,Cftt. .
0,11.1'�rY 45.11..
n politer.
V nos. Cnis,
PW, ateuatw,
I1XOI. Venetal.,
slant, Sweet
PettyocflK• _rant,
tl nt eaPns, rortuta 0,
staffs, Bws.t Peas.
'The $ merHracInth.
o' to f til. Runsmms
ted olafl aloe Glaat
Larose shy�reath
Galls, all asst Leath
collection of seeds
and belts only l0.i l■
Wirer or6ac. Ovens to
Pa time:et fur packing and pu,taaa. Order OlegAna be sure of (Le grand offer -only le e."te.
Before deciding where to locate
in the \Vest, Iet us tell you
about these lands. The best
wheat fields, the richest grazing
land, are in this province.
Write us for full information
about crops, climate and special
railroad rates.
Local representative wanted in
each county.
& Osgood
Eastern Selling Agents,
Some men never make any noise in
the world until they have been asleep
for awhile.
After being injured Ly a bull of pecu-
liarly savage temper. it farmer was un-
der n doctor's cure for a considerable
time, and thereby incurred a heavy hill
kr medical allendnne. When he was
almost well one of hie old friends who
had culled upon hint said Ise c ongratu.
lalevl loin on looking so well after such
a long illness. "I.t.,king well!" mimed
the farmer. "1 should be looking well.
There's been nearly fifty (tellers spent
in repairs on me Intel)-. and I'm not fin-
ished yet:"
Dear Mother
Your little ones are a constant call is
Fall and Winter weather. iheyy will
adch coli. Do you know about :ihdoh'.
Consumption Cure, the Lung 'Tome. and
what it has done for so many? it is said
be the only reliable remedy for all
diseases of the air passages in children.
It is absolutely funnies and pleasant to
fake. It is guaranteed to cure or your money
is returned. Tile price is 25c. per bottle.
and all dealers in medicine sell 3.4
,,This remedy should be in eve: y household.
!-inn-etas ,turf. fivf'erlenee.l rl'l,:err., ft) r'vet is. (wad. ail Ire s
109 —3. to ruerit. (Set II:CRtratal boss, let and Eel; 141,re lx•h,ro
{, Wallsor.111o, Toronto, Montreal, ib jot n, Wlnnipei