Exeter Advocate, 1907-03-21, Page 3WEAK AND WORN OUT. Dr. M illisms' Pink Pills Give New '.errt►gth to O%cr% orked Women. The life of u domestic is a hard one. She nils (tom curly morning till late at night; her work is never done. Often she Is too busy to get out of doors for a breath of fresh air. Unless her blood is kept rich and pure this close con- finement wears on her health. Iler strength will fail; she may lose her ap- petite, become pale and dyspeptic. In fact she Le in danger of a general brenk- elewn. Such was the condition of Miss Marie Anne Fleury, of Ste. Anne de 13 1'er'ade, Que., I:efore she used Dr. Wil- liams' Pink fills. She says: "For a nuniner of years 1 have been a servant. Up to a year ago I always enjoyed the ,itsest of health, but suddenly 1 wee seiz• eft with pains in my side, my appetite le't ate, I becarne dyspeptic and lost11 tar. nglie I consulted a doctor who told n.e 1 was suffering from general dcbil- .ily. 1 was forced to stop work and for three months 1 followed the doctor's er•entrnent, but without benefit. 1 was advised to'Iry 1)r. Williams' Pink Pills, and as 1 had often read of the cases they cured, 1 decided to do so. i only look eight boxes before 1 was curled, and to -day 1 net stronger than I ever was. My digestion is good and 1 can now go abput my work without fa- tigue. 1 owe a debt of gratitude to 1)r. Williams' Pink Pills for what they have dine for me and I strongly advise other weak sickly girls to give them a trial." Miss Fleury's case Is one of many Butt Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have rural atter doctors' help had failed. The success of these pills lies in the fart Mat they strike right nt the root e; lite ltfiuble—the blood. Other medi- cines simply act on the symptoms of a trouble—and may relieve, but they do tit cure. Dr. Williams' Pink Pilts make new, rich blood—that is why they cure dyspepsia, rheumatism, anaemia, 1:eart palpitation, headache, backache and the ills of women; nil these are eause(1 by bad blood—Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure them all because they make new blood. For sale at druggists er by mall at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 82.50, from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. d' SENTENCE SERMONS. Greed prevents real gain. There is no saving anger without love. Airing our aches will never heal them. If you want to be happy make some one less sad. A strong breath usually conies from n weak backbone. Most rnen lay their sore heads on to li.e:r lender hearts. A man's religion never dies so long n:, it is doing something. Everything is possible to those who di not fear the' impossible. This world is enriched by the good snore than by the clever. 11 the voice of conscience disturbs you silenco it by obeying it. The light of love shows the true self a.s the light of learning cannot. • The ratan with a chip on his shoul- der never gets it from hewing to line. An umbrella in a crowd offers a splendid field for the exercise of vital religion. The poorest way. in the world to •tet a light heart is to throw your loads on others. You go forward to no prize without leaving behind many things that seem de-irabl.•. It will lake more Men the change in . your pocket to work the change in the world. tar HEALTHY BABIES. Healthy babies aro good babies—it 1: only the sick child that cries all the Inns. Mothers, if you want to sco your little ones smiling and happy give them i'.aly's Own 'Tablets --there is a smile in every dose. The Tablets cure all the 1 .tle ailments of childhood arising out oI a disordered condition of the stomach or howels. They are good for all lat- hes and are told under the guarantee o' s► govcr►iment m lyst to contain no opiates or harmful drugs. Mrs. F. 1). Kirk, Dumfries, N. S., says:—"I always use Ilaate'_ Own Tablets for the ail- ments of Icy Tittle ones and find then it splendid medicine. A few doses al- ways reetores them M perfect health. 1 would nut he without the Tablets in the house." The Tablets are sold by of uggists or by :nail at 25 cents a box from 'fhe Dr. Williains' Medicine Co., Ilrockvilie, Ont. Spain rcce.ves more sunshine Ihnn Ony other European ci•untry. The year. ly overage is 3,(w hours, while in Eng - laird it is 1.100. Where ran 1 get some of lfolloway's Corn Curr? 1 was entirely cure.! of nay cerne by this remedy and 1 wish sonic more of it for my friends. do writes kir. J. W. Brown` Chicago. Of Br:lain'e population. the working elnsses form 69 per rent.. the middle einsses 28 Per ie r.t., and the upper class- es 3 per cent. Overworked Persons. either mentally of physirnlly. •h na1.1 try "Ferrorim.•' the world ern ,w ne 1 nerve an 1 bleatd tanks and they will quietly tecw•tr strength and health. Only 7 per cent. of the (nod of a }'renrh peasant omelets of meal. while 4 an l:nglieh navvy's keel is 's per cent. re.:, t . 3 1 i; 1.51'1e Ntl. 11 U7 KU.L/NG BY I'OST. Murder Ilse Been Committed Many Tines by This Means. To use the machinery of the Post Otlice as a rttcafls of committing mur- der is happily not of common occur- rence. Still, as all criminologists know, such cases do occur from time to time. The latest instance appears, at the moment of writing, to have happened the other day at Cumtoc::, Ayrshire, Scotland. A mysterious parcel, bearing the Kilmarnock postmark, was received at the house of Mr. Woodside, a retired farmer. 11 proved to contain shortbread. Five persons in all tasted the cake, alt of whom were taken violently ill, one dyiltg. Tho first case of the kind on record occurred in 1852, when a girl named Emily Standish was killed by poisoned sweets. The sender was never traced. lu 1899 a Bloomsbury (England) servant girl, named Mary Ann Arlseli, sent her sister, who was confined in a lunatic asylum, a cake impregnated with rat poison. Sho ate it and died, and Mary was hanged. Iler object was to obtain a few pounds insurance money, which she had designed to spend upon tier wedding trousseau. A few years back, again, a man named Molineux, son of an American millionaire, tried to poison another prominent society man by sending hint through the post a bottle of cyanide of Mercury. It miscarried, and another person than the one intended met an agonizing death. An even more sensational case was that in which a San Francisco woman named Botkin killed a New York girl named Lulu Deane, by sending her across the continent chocolate creams containing arsenic. Occasionally small infernal machines have been sent through the post to selected victims. One such killed a man named Richards at Broadstairs, Eng- land, in 1893; while Madame Leonie Vinol, the well-known Parisian actress, barely escaped with her life from the bite of a poisonous snake, which a jealous rival had pasted to her inclosed in a jewel -case. -----,las FOX AN EXPERT MOCSER. Itesnard Shows His Appreciation of Gentle 'Treatment. The following account of the effects of environment comes from a land own- er in Silesia and should prove interest- ing to all lovers of the animal world. One of the keepers, says the Pall Mali Gazette, came on a litter of young foxes, each about the size of a half grown cal. There were eleven of thein, and ten were quickly disposed of in the neighborhood. The eleventh, however, was delicate. ile seemed to have had a blow across the loins in babyhood and was but a sickly fellow. His condition awakened sympathy in the househohj, and he was taken in and nursed and pelted Into robust health. But care and gentle- treatment are r.ow showing their effect not only on young Iteynord's physique, but on his general behavior and the view he lakes or things. Before all others he loves his roaster and mistress. Next to them, he esteems the house clog. in fact, should a pack now conte across his way Foxy would probably show delight and' fin inclination to take each on for s game. Brushed and combed, it Is his pride 10 show himself In the, drawing room when requested, or to accompany his mistress on her walk. A few weeks ago he was missed, nn.l it was found that he had gone to pay his dcvoirs alone at a house where he had been petted, gelling no further, however, than the front door, where Ito Mood importunately scratching. Nor is it all lake on his,par( and no return. Ile has become a very expert mouser. B) day, however. he loves best to re- cline before the kitchen lire on a little old rug. ALi'HABET OF PROVERBS A grain of prudence is worth a pound of craft. Brasiers are cousins to liars. Confession of fault makes hull amends. Denying a fault doubles it. Envy shootelh at others and woundeth itself. Fonlish fear doubles danger. God mulles us good things by our own hands. Ile has hard work who hos nothing to nn. 1t cols more to revenge wrongs than to beer' them. Joy is the certain pay for every good tient. Knavery Is the worst trade. Learning snakes a roan (11 company for himself. Modesty is n guard to virtue. Not to obey conscience is the way to silence it. One hour to -day Is worth two to -morrow. Proud looks make foul work in fair faces. Quiet conscience gives quiet sleep. Inches( is he who wants (east. Shall faults indulge) fire little Thieves that lel in greater ones. The houghs that bear most hong lowest. Upright walking is sure walking. Virtue and happiness aro mother and daughter. Wise men n►rke more opportunities than they 1)0(1. Xceliertce is its own re wird. lou never lose by doing n good Turn. Zeal without knowledge is lire without light. -•l^ HORSE s11:1K4 ,11t1.: POt't1.1It. Forty Thousand Itor..•s Neem (:on'i moo In Puri. Last hear. Accortlin>; t.r •all••ial slntislira 40,000 horses Were eaten in l'nris last year. This represents aloof 2I.e00.110u pounds of horseflesh. as comport(' with when the Intal was only 10,(I(s►,D90 pounds. Ibbs branch of the leacher rrtsint•.e in Pens meats In be grvm•int; so rapid's :n favor that the horse butcher is assuming a position of rcapectoble conlpetiticn with the beef butcher. horse 1 utrhers' rat of gilded hr,reck hr•a i' are nieeve uerous doors in eertnin quark 11 rse hulcher% art' rrpt•li) pre-empleng spaces in market belle. This is Ise case in welt -to-do sections. A inet that nitisyvt pn'•rer et the s irr•e- Ikon That doctors are to league with hors, 11. A...:ituhell, dealer in general merchandise, Martin, Ga., writes: "My wife lost in weight from 130 to 68 pounds. We saw she could not )iye long. Sho was a skeleton, ao wo con- sulted an old physician. IIo told her to try Poruna. "Sho gradually commenced im- provingand getting, alittle strength. She now weighs 106 pounds. Nilo 1a gaining every day, and does her own housework and cooking." butchers is That doctors more and more recommend for certain patients in need of building up shattered systems it diet of horseflesh, and for persons with weak- ened stomachs, whose constitutions are thoroughly run down, they prescribe juice of horseflesh prepared under cer- tain simple conditions. At the markets during the early morn- ing hours each day inn null women stand in lino awaiting their turn to be served by the horse butcher. They call for a nice steak or libel, and, being well versed in the matter of quality, aro par- ticularly in their selections. Some butchers make a specially of mule meat, which contains nrot•e fatly matter than torso meal. MOTHER'S GRATITUDE TO ZAM-BUK iT CARED lam HOh OF 1'AiNF1.1. soltl;.s. Nothing is more unpleasant to the eye and more painful to the sufferer than rolls and ulcers. At this period of the year ninny adults suffer acutely from these pnihful outbreaks. When belle, ulcers, etc., occur on children it is piti- fut to see the little ones suffer. Mrs. E. Holmes, of 30 Guise SI., Ham- ilton, is grateful for what Zam-Bak did for her 111110 boy when in this pitiful plight. She says:—"1 wish to express my grit tude for the benefit my child received from your famous Zam-1)uk Balm. Ile suffered from Spring erup- tions and then boils broke out on his neck. I tried blood purifying remedies, r,aIves and ointments of all kinds, but nothing seemed to do him the desired good. The boils got worse and became so loathsome and unsightly Hutt 1 could not send him to school, as stm►o of the boils and ulcers coukl not conveniently be covered. About Rile lime a sample box of Zam-link was given to hien and we tried it. The small sample did him n little goal, so 1 bought a 50 cent box. The result was malty amazing. In- side a week's time the boils had begun to dry up, and in a very short time Indeed every one of them was healed." •7tun-luk Is a sure cum also for ecze- ma. senlp sores, ringworm, poisoned wounds, chronic deers, chapped stands, tilts. cold sores, cracks, festering sores. eruptions and pustules due to blood poison. eve. 1t stops bleeding and cures piles, netters. eve. is antiseptic; on ex- cellent "first nal." livery Mane and farmstead should have lis box tit 7.am• Buk. All drutrgisbs •and stores at d0 runts n box. nr from Znm-fink CO., Toronto. for prior. ( brtees for 82.50. Sent ic. stamp for frio! lox. A TEST (W FAiTH. "Sny, pit." eompinined the boy to hie father. "•n long ns f go to the same sehnni with Jimmy Billet 1 can't be a Chrielian Scientist," "What?" cried Ute pillar of the new church. "\\'hy can't your • Y:ni,-e itis hard In believe that one f hip !.inehes in tjte jaw Is all my irr►aginnl"n." Then are a•t 11 in existence some Brie reit Lank -note's d:il d 17let and printed ti) sal M. The Mark That Tells r(mt Trade masked thus in a f.•art•tr d eir e. Asses sad pnz.lot womes, men and ash:hem l o r u, i• i:.•a1. Dealers are authorized to retla..e iasasatly and M our cast, sur Pea•Aaa4 ear meat faulty is material et making. :1rlu • Pen -Angle trade. mark (an rod) on every Pen -Angle garment, tells you it will fitand won't shrink, ---your own dealer so guarantees it. Underwear thus trademarked is softer, warmer, mo r o flexible, better wearing, E 7' JO ...1 UN DE Et W EA R. I)HINTER WANTED -5 years* experi- ence, handy at ad.•setting. gone Chance for improving. atradv eity job APPIY. NORTH EN1)1R OFFICE, nu Mat) Building, Toronto. FOR SALE. 50 -acro farm, seven milers from London brick honer•, two frame barna, w,il, rho loam : on the gravel sisal. one half -milt from aehool. Price, $4,500.O0. For further Particulars apply to— THE WESTERN REAL ESTATE EX CHANCE, Limited. Phone. 656. 78 Dundas Stree:, . lentdon, Out. CANADIAN PAC1H IRRIGATED FARMS IN SUNNY ALBERTA Before deciding where to locate in the \Vest, let us tell you about these lands. The best wheat fields, the richest grazing land, are in this province. Write us for full information about crops, climate and special railroad rates. Local representative wanted in each county. Telfer & Osgood Eastern Selling Agents, 216 CORISTINE BUILDINU, MONTRP.AL. EASTER LILY row EASTER StINDAV Send lO Colts Winseed you 2 Easter Lily Bulb,' Tube:oie,2 Gladiola., 1 Cirnamoo •ine, l Oxalis aloe i00 dif- ferent btndaot flesh, finest grown seeds, IncinfIng Pansies, Petunias, Naos, Asters, Stocks, tweet Pea., Comas, eai.acse, lrasturthms,Memi: t•.10 - tie., Verbena., P'rtalaca. Tkia fins collection of ends an4 Balks for lee. la Silver or 2e. Stamps, f QUAKER CITY Stix CO. Philadelphia. Pa. Our ides of it strong-minded man is eene who never talks about the weather. Rose•cotored spats ret the bodies of children are sometime. mistaken 1..r mea-aIrA. The trouble may he rosoota. a I..cal disease o► the skin. Promptly cured with Wearer's Corot,. Bannockburn was one of the zees' deadly battles on record. Of all (plow- ed on both side's, 28 per tent. %vete killed or bndly wounded. Suffer no Morn.—'there are thousands who live miserable lives because dys- pepsia dulls the faculties and shadows existence with the cloud of depression. One way to dispel the vapors Hint be- set the victim of this disorder Is to order them a eourse of I'arn►elee's Ve- getable Pills. which are ninong the best vegetable pills known, being en.sy to lake and are most efficacious in their action. A trial of them will prove this. 1401'sTACiIFS COMPULSORY. It is notified in Irish Army command orders that it has been observe) that several ollicers in the Irish command are in the habit of shaving the upper lip. contrary to paragraph Wit of the King's Regulations, which must be adhered Io. The regulation referral to applies to nbl ranks, and stipulates that "the hair of the head is to be kept short. The chin and under lip are In he shovel, but not the upper lip. Whiskers, 1f worn, are to be of moderate length." . If it cough stakes your nights sleep less and weary, it will worry you n good deal, and with good cause. To dispel the worry and give yourself rest try ilickle's Anti-tonsulnptive Syrup. It .exerts a soothing influence on the air passages and allays the Irritation that leads to inflammation. It will subdue the most stubborn cough nr cold, and eventually eradicate i1 from the system, as a trial of 11 will prove to you. 11 all the world loves it Lover it bins n queer way of showing it et limes. Parents buy Mother (braves' \Vnrm Fsternnnntor heenuse they know it is a snfe medicine for their children nn,1 an effectual expeller of worms. DEARS IN E I'itol'B. They Plague the Herdsmen by Raiding Their flocks Relalial' with Traps. Although tho last bear was shot in Germany in 1885 near 'i'raunstein in Bavaria, bear hunting and trapping dill goes on in the very heart ot Eu- rope. In, Transylvania, Hungary, 13tos- uia and Croatia, all mountainous le- gions, there aro hundreds of bears and scores of them aro killed or caught every year. They are the plague of the shepherds and cattle herders who pasture their flocks among lite hills. They seem to fear neither dogs nor inen and boldly carry off sheep • and calves into the woods before the eyes of the watchers. The peasantry retaliate by using the stolen animals as bait for the robbers. The bear seldom consumes the entire carcass al oto uveal. Ile either buries the rest or hides it with leaves, to serve another time. The country people know this and they follow the bear's trail !o the place of concealment. When this Is found they determine the direction m which he departed from his prey, knowing he will return by the saute path when he is hungry. - The trap is placed in this line about a card from the hidden carcass. it i,, carefully concealed with leaves and grass and Bruin cannot help stepping on it. with either Itis tore or hind paws. When he is securely caught the herds- men, who are mortally afraid of hint, nppenr and kill him at leisure and in perfect safety. Of course the land owners and sport- ing class generally do not get their tear in this cowardly way. They hunt with dogs and shoot the game when it 1, run down. But this is not easy work. Although there are plenty of bears in it mountain region, it is not uncommon for a hunt- ing party to travel a Whole day without getting a shot at one. TALLEST BBiTISIiEBS. Tho tallest people in the .British isles are to be found in the district of Gallo- way, in South Scotland, where records ,f the stature give an average height of ett. 10%in. The shortest stature is found in Wales and Southwest England. 'rhe people of the Midland and Eastern Counties, of Saxon descent, are of ntediunl stature. Tilt: GREAT NORTH COUNTRY. Nimrod was a mighty hunter, but had he hunted in the "Ternagami" region he would have been a mightier one. Nim- rod hunted for glory, but Ternagantians hunt for game. Those Indians who made the first canoe of birch bark long ago, were our greatest benefncicrs. The chiklren of Ihtse ndians know the canoe, and they know how to use it, t and if you go to Tenagami this sunt- nier they will paddle your canoe in their! own superb way. Tiley will be the be -t guides you ever had. Students who camp in the summer along the Tomei/- fp; lakes are able to do two years' work ill one. Finest of ilsiting and hunting. Easy of access by the Grand Trunk Itailway •System. For informnlion anti beautiful descriptive publication sent free apply to J. D. McDonald, 1). P. A., Grand Trunk Ry. System, Toronto. Bllggins : "Swiggles spends an awful sunt of money for dross." Rloggs : "You surpriso ine. Ile doesn't show it." !Higgins: "No ; but his wife docs." A Recognized Itegulator.—To bring the digestive organs into symmetrical working is the airs of physicians when they find a patient suffering from sto- mach irregularities, and for this pur- pur•pose they can prescribe nothing bel - ter Ruin i'armelees Vegetable Pills, which will to found n pleasant medi- cine of surprising virtue in bringing Inc refractory organs into subjection and restoring Ihetn to normal action, in which condition only can they perform their duties properly. It roust t e awfully nice to be so rich than Beit (an afford to grumble about the enormous luxes you pay. Tearing Down Signals does not delay storms. 111,1um l''Ieit "medrriner •' d . not curs. V. het ryu brain 3.• rough take Allen's f.rus Italeatat free fn.m yinm, full of healing power. "1 lire," exclaimed the irate customer to the trunk denier. "I thought you said the Chest 1 bought of you was moth- proof?" "Well." said the Trunk denier, "%•isn't It?" "No! V he n i opened it me Things were full of Wilt." "threat Scott, man! 11 het tetter proof of 'ern do you want?' Nurses' and Mothers' Treasure —safest regulator for baby. Prevents colic and vounting--gives healthfnl rest ---cores diarrhoea without the harmful effects of medicines containing opium or other injurious rtrng*, 4P Cures 2.1•.—at drag -steres. National Drug a Chem. l Co., Limit DiarrhoeateaMontreal. CLOCK \W 1'1'11 1il,ASS WORKS. A seventy -year-old glass -Mower of There:sintnll, in Bohemia, has just com- pleted a wonderful clock, which is now being exhibited. \Wilk the exception of the springs the whole clock is mode of glass. and it bas token him six years to complete it. The clock suggests n !elk - lamp in shape. The unique work has Wheeled much attention. and the old man has been offered large sums for It, but refuses to sell. • Almost every roan tine a Job hot of ex- perience on lined Hint he would gladly depose of at 90 per cent, below cost. Mnrrying for money is often u unsat- isfactory as marrying for love. DOCTORS osixO PATENT 1114111CINq The Honest Pttysielan is Anxious t Cure and Uses tits Beet Avail- able Realcdles The dtsoiratdon of the big now beforet the Dominion Parliament for tho rrs� tulatson of the mono:velure and mad of patattt or proprietary remeltutnea >IA one of the utmost importance, and tau ret:aving z greett deal of sttentlot>, nor only by tite proprietary medicine mono! facturers, but :.Inti by the retail ant w-ltabssa.le druggists. !.very monotone tures of reliable and thigh chats rem meshes wolco;naa the 1111 as a step tin the right direction The dleeuesion hal brought out lite fact that the beep physicians in Canada and on the con. tinent approve of and preerribe Pay. chine in casoas of the most diA-tidal/ character. In a recent Instance ole very serious titrant and lung. troubt• the paitteret bad been Lasing Psyching., 'Iwo tetodl,sg United Stalcts sQeoientlaitit were consorted, In addition to twos eminent Canadian physicians. U learning what the fiatient was using, en aple of Pwyt•.htno wa.s taken anatyeed, with the result that phyeletars advt./C(1 its remitnuat►cM, proscribed proribed no other medicine b4it Feyotdae, Itith the result that the pao tient has fully recovered and la >r splceidrl weliltnj ;and talking advert. tlsetnent for the wonderful cost»» L-owur of a remedy that will "stand up" before'tho keennst professional criticism and anslyni... As a builder up of (tco eyst.•m and restoring a1Q warned cendltions, Paythlne has net equal. :Ind the best and moat earnest physiciaae recd niro this fact At the age of iii my lungs were in • terrible rotate. I had la grippe that Year before; it settled nn my 1un4110 and I kopt steadily growing wore till I got dawn so lav I was In bet for six w(.ek3. I had a consultation of doctors, and they timid they condi, do nothtng more for me. Theft I st'trtw ed to use Psychinct I took the medtchsal ((At more than a year. 1t ePrialnly 414 wonders for me. I am now as strong as I wits before, rr:• sicf.noss. "SL113. 11. I1C0PLr, 1 "Mnrrertth, Ont." • Pore/line, pronoun:•ed 91 -keen. is tlt4 groatest of tonke, building up the •yes tern, Ina -easing the appetite, party. Ing the blood. akla dlgrMUon, and arid dtrnctly upon the throat and lung* giving tone and vigor to the cntl syrtorn. At all drurgiete. line art or Dr. T. A. Sho^um, %Milted. 13 lit Btreet west, Toronto. • STAMMERERS The Ai2N )TT r1IiTHOn Is the only toil. cal method for the care of Staanrntriny. It treats tb.CAUSC, mot merol the HABIT.and Insuresnatursl speech. Pamphlet, par. Oculars and ret:r:oca, sent oa request. THE ARNOT' JNSTITUTE BERLIN, ONT, CAN, "Queen City" (:inchona, or q•.unule, Tikes ite name from the Mnrqu's of Cinchon, Viceroy e: Peru, whoe, wife was curial by this remedy of fever. 11 Reaches the Cpot.—There are few remedies before the public today ne ef- ficacious in removing pain and in allay- ing and pr.wetiling pulmonary disinters ne Dr. Thomas' EcIeetric (til. It has demonstrated its powers in tlw;us.tutds of instances and a Targe minter of tes- timonials as to ilc great value as a me- dicine could be gut were there occasion for it. 11 Is for stale everywhere. Mrs. Bentham : "There's n naso in the h,ti.'e. lit nasal : "Well, rioter mind; i ain't a bit rebels I' "The D & 1. " Menthol Plotter* are mrr.el- lon. in 11•.i. q• •. k .inti .n when appliedleast to Itm L.u•ts ar :tt't rh,,.',,'talc muscles or joint*. 1hog give imracelia,e relief. She : "veil say she Is an enlcrinining talker?" Ile : "Oh 1 sty. yes ; she can entwine' herself for hours at a time." "Say, father. whnl is n nobody?" "A wile -0y. my : • n. is a prominent woman'. husband." Dear Mother Your little encs are a toasts:* e s� Fall and Winterw'ather. Ilse cakh cold. 1)o you know ahead Sh boli s Cons::mrlion Cr , the Lung 'Imo,. and what at tau dim for a meny ? It is wig b be the orgy relrabk remedy lot a/ diseases of the air passages in children. h is eb oluedy harmless ard pleitint to It ie gut s ranteed to r tut' or root mosey is returned. 'Ile price is 25c. pet butde, and all dealers in madicisae sell p� SHILOH ranetl r should be is e•eey Mu'ekai; 6f AGS Made ot IT:gh Cerhol \tire—we11 ease it to roll, roreeo -tint rrimpat. Tits kale IC etfll st.r.xs r In rcrrica It a:e a t.tu• WEAR BEST" �ut fid I Po, rt %v IIITR over heavy a i00 —as to eys )T% trllryn ?>!;>f PAOfr WIRE 1'LNCE C014PA1'lY. LIMITED �1!� trtf Walhltal'lllLe. Tthtlr 1