Exeter Advocate, 1907-03-14, Page 8Made To Ordsr nl'tti,ing well is an art U aud the man who has his Clothing made to mea- sure has found the kcy to that art. Each garment that we make for you has th tt air of individuality so much sought after by the t'itshionable man. , You Aro Sure of COMFORT - EASE - ELEGANCE 100 New Saltless to Head At Prices Away Dow W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor, Exeter, - Ontario Business Locals -- Read Them Steuart .sells good yroceriee. C7uay all the tine. Get your office, Licenses at the Advocate office, MissJ. J. Allan comes well recom- mended and expects to visit Exeter regularly. 1)id you say dinner seta? Steuart has the test ,• urge ire hare erer seen, 108 pieets t.. flu .�. t, Beauties at $9.90 and 12.50. *sissies tor Sate. Just received a number of the cele- brated Borland Buggies. The beat in the ivarket.call and see them. -A. Pym. Redaction Sate Before stocktaking we are offering greater bargains than ever before offered in Furniture for the next 30 d tys. Every article reduced. Call and be convinced. RoWE tit ATKINBON, Exeter. .1 few leaders in lacecurtain:at $1.00 1.25, 1.50 and 2.00. Stewarts'. monthly Auction Sales. These auction sales are to be held on the 1st Friday of each month in Exeter stock, implements, household effects. Parties wishing to enlist stuff for sale may do so by calling at or sending same to the Advocate office or the auetioneer before the 15th of the pre- vious mantle -Thos. Cameron, Auct. S(„at•thi,t r (kitty in linalt•ains .rt Steuart?. 13 est 4 yards nide only $1.90, a snap. H.aviog completed our fifth year in the milk business, we take this oppor- t.tnity of thanking all our customers for their patronage in the past. We are now in a posttion to supply any new customers that wish good milk. Pure milk and regular delivery is our motto. Louis Day, milkman. .1 lurch? Int of new sh.tduw ,trip, dress goods -15'• a;far?. Stewarts'. See Mena they art it. En, 1 .r sale. Barred Hick Eggs for incubation. Apply to L. C. Fleming. Retrieve Dr. Kingman wishes to announce that he bits moved his dental office to 0(.111(1111S over Messrs. Madman art Stanhol •s law oRlces, two doors south of Si ewtrt •s store. Steuart is .loiny Ila hall paper Lttsi- Jtiss. quality, style and t•alues do the trick. House Wasted. A neat dwelling centrally located in town, to rent. Apply at this office. 1)()N'T MONKEY 'VITii THAT COI.'GII Use liOWEI"S 4l / (1iP:1{Itv CORDIA1. 1 � ss- '.. Bottles rlllll411'11474Fllll [.()CA Is I)()INGS, Lela eat atestasteersak ram As alls 41. rat timid Friday in two weeks. Mist. Lou Briutacuiiibe returned to Wapella, Sask., on Wednettday. Jitter several weeks in Exeter and Toronto. ;I Several of the Loy., or young teen, have been served withsunuuons to ap- p gar before the magistrates on Satur- day for disturbing the pewee, Mr. J. W. llrodet•iek en Matsuda purchased the John l3alkwill property on Main street, south of the residence of Mr. James (fault'. lie will improve IL • The disgraceful conduct of flowing eggs at the person or home of nn hon- orable, straigbtforwardand inoffensive citizen, or any see, ie deserving of the extreme penalty the law allows, and we hope the guilty are found and pun- ished. Manyy• horses are ht ought to Exeter everySaturday from out lying districts, and sold. It is all the result of that little, "To Buy Horses" advertisement of T. E. Ilandfotd's in the Advocate. The buyer says the putting in of that ad. is the best stroke of business be ever did. The Advocate covers all the ground. Mr. and Mrs. 1VilburBox of Ottawa are visiting relatives in Stephen, the guest of his father, Mr. Jas. Box. Mr. Box was formerly a Stephen boy but first left these parte about twenty-five years ago and it is eighteen years ago since he last visited his old home. Be- fore returning he will visit other towns north of here. The debate in the James street Lea- gue Tuesday evening on "Resolved that the Nest is preferable to the East" was won by the negative. Messrs. S. M. Sanders and W. S. Cole took the affirmative and Dr. Hollistonand Mr. E. Buswell the negative. Rev. Going, Wesley Harvey and Samuel Martin were the judges, The debate was interesting and instructive. Mies E. J. Iloggarth of London, formerly of Stephen, and who has been employed for several years as clerk at Chapman's store, was taken suddenly ill on Friday last and on Sun- day was removed to Victoria Hospital where it was found necessary to oper- ate on the young lady. The operation was performed on Monday and her many friends here will be pleased to know that she came through it success- fully and that she ie now on a fair way to recovery. The average house wife will soon begin to make life a burden to the other inmates of the household. She will tie a rag around ber head and wade into the dirt in a way that will make your bead swim. She will tear up the carpets, empty the cupboards, look sour when you show up for din- ner and slam and bang things around to a queen's taste, and if you don't like it take your meals up town. Spring time is a very unhappy event when house cleaning is on. Mr. W. R. Elliott, who shipped a carload of horses from Centralia to Winnipeg Monday received word yes- terday that the car in which the horses were shipped was wrecked near Scar- borough, five of the horses being killed and three missing. Mr. Hill, the young man who accompanie,l the shipments was in the carat the time of the acci- dent hut fortunately escaped unhurt. Mr. Elliott will not sustain any loss as the load had been sold and was at the purchaser's rink. Ti, his tinetvettther for maple syrui making. Mrs. Rich. Davis, sr., is very ill e her home. A little son of Mr. Wesley Harvey ty very 111. Miss Minnie Wynn is confined in he roots through Melees.Mrs. Wm. Drew is confined to he room throughillness. Mr. E. H. Fish of London is ienew ing acquaintances in town. Mr. G. A. K. McLeod is recovering fromsome weeks' illness of pip.Mrs. A. Hastings entertained a num ber of friends Thursday evening. The sun shines bright and the weat- her has that spring -time odor. Mr. LutherPenhale has engaged with Messrs. Harvey Bros. at the mill. We are pleased to see that Sandy Bawden is able to be down town again. It wasn't a house, but a horse that Mr. Halls of Exeter North sold last week. Jimmy Rawden entertained the hoc- key boys to an oyster supper Thursday night. Bert, Rivers bee commenced to learn the harness making with Mr. P. Frayne. Miss Florence Snell pleasantly enter- tained a number of friends Tuesday evening. We are pleased to see Mr. David Wynn and sister Lizzie, able to he out again after several weeks' illness of le grippe. Mr. Wm. Statham is having the in- terior of bis confectionery remodelled and much improved. Mr. Esti Heywood has resigned his position at Harvey Bros.' Mill. Later on he intends going West. Mr. John Perkins, who recently pur- chased Mr, Wm. Rivers' milk business, takes over the same on March 10th. Mr. A. Marchand moved to the south part of the James Pickard house, own- ed by Mr. Gregory, on Main street. Mr. Thomas Willis of Centralia bought T. E. Ilandford's team of Span- ish mules last week for a fancy figure. Percy E. Verity, formerly of Exeter, has been appointed chairman of the License Commissioners at Brantford. Miss Emma Hoggarth was called to London Monday owing to the illness of her sister, who is now in Victoria Hospital. Mrs. (Rev.) Collins and Mrs. Bobier are attending the Woman's Auxiliary meeting of the Diocese of Huron at London this week, Drs. Tennant k Barnes of London (formerly of Exeter) are taking a course on meat inspection at Chicago Veterinary College. Mr. Edward Hall of Exeter North was taken to the House of Refuge at Clinton on Saturday at the suggestion of the Exeter Council. A surprise party of Stephen and Ex- eter people enjoyed a pleasant evening at the home of Mr. Robert Dinney last Thursday evening. Mr. Win. Tapp, who has been off work for several weeks owing to poor health, resumed his duties at the. Cen- tral Hotel stables last week. Mrs. Atkinson of Biddulph has taken the position as dress goods clerk at Jones & Clark's, in the place of Miss Rook who resigned Saturday evening. ) t r r T. E. Handford shipped three cars of horses cn Monday, two to Winnipeg and one to fort Arthur. Messrs. Rich. Welsh and ('has. Harris accompanied them. The depot is undergoing repairs. Frons this fact it would almost appear that the proposed new station Is not one of the likely things for the corning summer. Druggist W. S. Cole has much int - proved the interior of his store by hay ing the interior nicely painted and decorated. The work is a credit to the workman, Mr, 1(. Pinney, Mr. Jas. Dearing, Stephen, lost a valuable mare front tumor of the stom- ach. Ile had the additional misfor- tuneof having another one injuring itself by slipping on the ice. Do not forget to consult with Miss 1. J. Allan concerning any headaches or eye troubles you stay have and learn the cause. Saturday, March xi, at the Commercial Hotel, Exeter. Mr. John Willis, who owing to ill- ness was forced to return to Marlette., recently, was here again last week and returned Thursday. taking with him a thoroughbred bull, purchased here. The death occurred at Ottawa on Tuesday of Thomas Martin, M. I'., for Wellington, twin brother of Rev. W. M. Martin of Exeter, Mr. Martin bad undergone an operation in the hospit- 1. The little difficulty between certain /spits end .► teacher of the school was quietly and amicably settled with sat - ',faction to all coneer•ned at it meeting f the School Board 011 Monday even. ng. t Che fart that the raising of chicken t pays the farmer needs no further proof f than the statement that Mr. Thos. Motley of «'haler) rec. ived $38.31 for 61 birds delivered in 1';.eter since last fall. n - - - A ++++++-1-4-++++++++++++++++ OUR CLOTHES FIT ' 1'b e thing,' that dis• t easels!) the clothes we in Ike ,ere FASHION, FIT find WORKMANSHIP. We are jn.tly proud of our re- d and will sn.tnin it with goof garment.. The Sluing things are randy :ur9 We are getting plenty of orders. One of these Jaye you will appreriate bow vitally You Need a Spring Suit n --o Our Zine is ready for your kind inspection. o-----0 Call and Get our Prices W. JOHNS Mercber'I Tailor - F toter ++++++++.t+ For Sale and wasted. 25,000 brick, 5 H. P. stenos engine and boiler, 20ft. of line shaft, platform scale, McLaughlin' Mikado and five pieces of timber, Hill inches, 31ft. long. Tenders to deliver 3 or more cords clean cement gravel to the pack- ing house before the loth of April. Tenders by Mar. 10th. Will remove coal ashes free of charge until supplied where nut less than a load at one place, by making the same known to the un- dersigned. --S. M. Sanders. Death of Mrs. arias. We regret to note the passing of an old landmark in the person of Mrs. Win. Grigg, sr., who has been a resid- ent of the village for nearly fifty-two years. She leaves to mourn her de- mise an only brother, Mr. Joseph Hooper of Rochester, New Yot•k, her husband and it family of eight. Her Character was beyond reproach and she was respected by all who knew ber. The funeral (private) was held on Monday of this week. Rev. Mar- tin assisted by Revs. Going and Near officiated at the home and Rev. Collins at the grave. Her three sons, Wm. of London, Bertie of Montreal and Jnhn of Exeter, and intimate friends of the family acted as pall -bearers. Site was born in Plymouth, England, February 0, 1823, so that she lived to the ripe age of 81 years and now sleeps to awake on the Resurrection Morn. Rest Estate. Mr. Richard Welsh purchased Mr. '1'. E., Handfc td s farm on the London Road South last week and the )atter bought the farmer's house on Main street. --R. iteturner has sold his hnuse on Elizabeth street to Mr. John Trout and Mr. Rewriter has purchased Mr. John Salter's hnuse, London ;toad, south. --Mr. Chris '!.netts of llarriston has purchased an interest in the power plant from Mr. C. R. Snell, end will re- move here about the first of the month. Snell k Ztiefte that•. pnrchasell the Md school property. toe thof the ,-#'. .nee of Mr. 1). A. Ross, from Mr. S. llasker- ville. They intend using the brick in he building to hniid a smoke stack at he power }mese. - Messrs. T. E. liantl- ord and i{iehetd it'elsh last week eased the building on Jntoes street, none] by M r. 5. M. Sander. for it term )f foto• yea's. They will use the saute s a sale stet.l!'. Stationmaster Knigt,t has received weld from headquarters that he should notify the owners of buildings along the track to remove sante as the company intended building a new pas- senger station. a The head milliners At the several t stores t his season Are: Miss White with Jones At ('lark, Mies Judd of Orange. t ville with Snell & Rowe. Mist; Sanders with J. A. Stewart, and Miss Morlork h is with her Mia. Itickteil. Rev. E. A. Feer of the Main street t rhureh was At gilds Craig Sunday. I In his absence Rev. R. 5. Baker, M. A., n of that village occupied bis pulpit. d Rev. Mr. Milliard, a former pastor, at will preach in 1he Main street chnrch a next Sunday. e1 The ('rvstal City (Man.) Courier 1a.t d says: "1Iwing to ill health Mr. John it ('udrnore has been compelled tt sell t 1118 blacksmith business in that town n And retire. -We understand it in Mr. ji ('odmore's intention to return to Ern. , if ter to te'fitle, 1' Elbe' Foreca.te tor Marab A Regular Storm Perin',t ix central in the lith, embraring the 13th to the 7th. The New Moon falls on the ilih nd crosses the celest ial equator on the 5th. These facts call for It continua - ion of the distertutnc•rs beginning et he preceding period. High tempera - tine,. low ber»meter and general un- eet of the elements of rerth and ..ky ill culminate in storms and other henornene from About Wednesday he 13th to Sunday the 17th. Volean- e and other seismic trouble will be moat natural on and touching threat ass. Rain. wind and thunder storing )nth ward, turning to snow, blizzeris c r a t much colder )der u ► n rthwnrd. should irtrise no reader of these fnreca..ts, tiring and immediately after thin per- f al. we should keep stea,il - in mind he facts that we nrr now near the rnl• tin*t)nn of I;,i 1 t.'-+ Vi•I buil istninnx ist shred. It will tat' :a surprise to n. abno-malty is not the ripe in all the henomens of the month. EIETEI N11EEET$. CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY Wheat 04) 70 Barley 45 46 Oats 36 37 Peas 74 75 Potatoes. per bag tit) W Hay, per ton 0 50 10 00 Flour, per cwt., family ,2 10 Flour, low grade per cwt 1 20 1 25 Butter 21 to ?2 Eggs to Livehogs, per ewt 6 611 Shorts per ton 22 00 Bran per ton 20 00 Chicken • 0 per Ib Hens 7 " Ducks 10 " Geese 10 " Turkeys 12 Dried Apples 0 „ „ PERSONAL. Mr. holt. Ross was in Hyde Park Saturday. Mr. \Vatter Harding spent Sunday in London. Mr. S. A Poplestone of Blyth was in town this week. W. W. Taman was at his home in Blyth over Sunday. Mr. and 111t•e. R. E. Pickard are vis- iting in Toronto. Mr. Chas. Cann and family intend going West shortly. Miss Olive %Veatcott arrived borne from Toronto last week. Mr. F. J. Wickwire spent the week with relatives in Leamington. Mrs. Horne of Stratford is visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. Morlock. Miss Verna Essery intends returning to her home in Chicago to -day. Station Master Knight Sundayed with his brother in St. Thomas. Miss Cruikshank of Orangeville is the guest of her brother, ?Orman. Mr. Thos. Johns returned to Point Edward last week to resume work. Mies Priscilla Powell of Wingbam visited with Mrs. Samuel Sweet last week. Miss Thompson returned to town af- ter several weeks visit in different places. Miss Harrison visited her father, Mr. John Harrison, of the Comtnercial House, Thursday. Mrs. Wm. Nichols of Adeliadc visit- ed during the week with Mr. and Mrs. Esti Heywood. Mr. Chris. ?.tefte of Harriston spent Friday last in town, combining busi- ness with pleasure. Mr. Harry Wilson of New York paid Mr. W. Cole a flying visit on Wednes- day of last week. Clarence Easterbrook left Monday to take a position with the Sutherland Innes Co., at Forest. Warden Curry of Winghatn was in town Thursday, the guest of Ex -War- den Hugh Spackman. Misses Gertie Sheere and Ruby Treble spent Sunday and Monday with Mrs. A. Evans in London. Mr. J. Frank Taylor left Friday eve- ning for Edmonton where he intends residing. Success, Frank. Mrs. L. Brannd of Brantford was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Essery, during the week. Frank Bawden left Monday for Lon- don, where he has taken a position to further prosecute his studies in the drug business. Mr. D. S. Tait of St. Paul spent Sun- day with Mr. E. Christie. He is the same old •'Lockie," but bigger and stouter, and looking the picture of health. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Armstrong, who have been visiting old friends at Var- na, Seaforth and other places, spent a few days ir, town, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Muir, prior to leaving for their home in flat tney, Man., on Tuesday. Mr, Eli Snell came home from For- est Saturday night. He expects to go to Rainy River District in a few days, the Sutherland Innis Company having decided to move their plant to a barge tract of hind recently purchased in that district. )Ripped John Young and bride left Tuesday evening for ttu'tr future home in Ross• burn, .Man. -Mrs. Atkinson who re- sides near the Iced Tavern, continues very ill. A trained nurse from Lon- don is with her at present. -J Menary, who frau been visiting at the borne of his uncle, James Chesney, returned to his home in the West last week. -Bal- four and Caldwell have now got settled in their fine new store. --J. Reid of Stanley has sold his farts and he and Mrs. lteid will try their luck at home- steading in the West, -A number from here attended the funeral of the late Miss Kerr, on Wednesday. The re- trains were interred in Rogerville.-, There is to he it school entertainment held in Kipper Hall, nn the evening of Mar, 214th, under the auspices of 8. S. No. 2, Tnekersmille of which T. For- sythe is tenrher. -.1. ('. Parsons of t'ttantey, left here with Itis family on Tuesday for Caron. Sask. He took n car of settlers effects with him. T. HAWKINS & SON WIRE One carload of Cleveland Wire at the Station. First come, first served. Prices right. Seeds of all kinds. Call and examine. TINS naiTx;xrrc We still are able to do all kinds of Plumbing and Tinsmith work. T. HAWHINS & SON. Our Great Reduclion - Sale Is On In order to reduce our stock before STOCK TAKING we are offering Greater Bargains in Furniture for the NEXT 30 DAYS than ever were shown in Exeter before. Every article in our large stock of furniture is reduced to almost cost during this sale. Call and be convinced before making your purchase ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors. JONES & CLARK NOW IS TIME FOR THE NEW WEARABLES Spring is about here. It is time to spruce up and be ready for it. We are all prepared for the SPRING RUSH. Our stock is com- plete. All the new Dress Goods, Silks, Whitewear, White Waists, !Adieu' ('oats and Skirts, Prints and Muslins. it will be a pleasure to show you our large selection. New Spring Coats Our new coats have arrived and are now open for inspection. They are the latest creation of fashion, made from the newest cloths. Light grey tweed, plain and check. Box Coats, 26 -inch long, trimmed with green cloth and blue velvet collars and cuffs. Also black, same style with silk braid trirntnings. The Box Coats are very catchy and will he popular. Fawn and Grey Covert cloth, 22 inches long, tightfitting, neat fitters and will Icok very natty. Every coat is t'tilor made. Our New Skirts Are better than ever and will just suit you to perfection. We have one to please every lady. The styles are most becoming and the materials used in making them are the newest dress fabrics for Spring and Sumpter. They are made of Black and Blue Panama ('loth, Venetian Cloth and Serge. Also nice greys of different pat- terns end check.t. Do not forget to see them and have ns keep one for you. Do you want a Beautiful White Waist We have the nicest lot of White Waists ever shown in Exeter, made of Lawn, Organdie, Book, Swiss and Muil Muslim'. and trim- med with etubroidery and liter insertions in the latest designs. Also a full assortment of Silk Waists in different colors. JONES & CLARK Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing r1111iw1111111 r A Few Directions for Baking Narreys' Star Flour II W 1. fie sere that the floor is writ in before mixing. if thor- oughly warmed 1went y• -four henry b. -foie nhixing it will make better bread. 2. Set the sponge very thin with gond yeast or if yeast rakes are used be .ate they ore fresh. 3. When ready to knead odd em little flour as possible only a nuthlcient quantity to prevent ..ticking to the board when thor- oughly kneaded. 4. Let it rise in a pan then knead in small loaves and let it rise Agein. Bake in a moderate- ly heated oven and do not 1..1 it sten] in oven after it is done. 5. We recommend a short sys- tem during the cold weather,ts it iq dif l••nit to proteet the sponge from changes of 1emper- ahrre and drafts. The choicest Ontario arid Men- ttoha sheet, in *steal proper '. tion, ie''.•d in the mannfeetore of Star Flom. tAdAAEX ETE It t IL dk AR WAIL ONTA it 1 O • cl? insea1 SNELL & ROWE cf ILAC ZLTEE}1 15!!R?5 r. •n tint AT REDUCED RATES 10 Doz Black Steen and Moire Underskirts 'tented flonnee., others with frills sheering. Special Skirts at $1.00 worth *1.25 $2.25 " $1.50 " $1.50 " $1.75 $2.00 " $2.50 „ NEW EMBROIDERIES Big showing of ('ambrieand Mullin Embroidery. We 010 selling lovely embroidery at. Another line, 6 inches wide, in at►. sorted patterns. Thr hest value we have ewer shown et only 5 Cents Yd, 0 CentsYdtn SNELL & ROWE