Exeter Advocate, 1907-03-14, Page 6TIIEYERYKEYNOTE OF LIFE
Word3 OL Christ Inteipret Every Circum-
stance in Life
"Heaven and earth shall pass away.
1 u' ilia wordi .hall not Mass uwny.
Luka ase.. 33.
'the creative word of the infinite
fashions the mnrveLs of the universe,
establishes its order and ordains the end
r which it was +;poker into being. It
echoes in every nook and cranny of
creation; it enters into every relation of
mutter and into every adjustment of cir-
cunistanc ; and, in the end, it must
rate the while development of life and
a'1 life's spiritual accompaniments.
'Thus. when (:hr:st says : "Heaven and
earth shall puss away. but any words
shall not pees away," Ile means that
the principles of God's justice. truth and
right, and His, the Son's, interpretation
n' Them, are the fundamental facts which
roust endure ; that, though all we seal
and touch and handle pass away. these
things remain and persist forever.
Anil, furthermore, He yieans that the
words end deeds antagonistic to these
have no permanence and abiding qual-
ity ; that they run counter to the great
active purpose of creation, the upward
trend (owned the great ideal and ensue
in suffering, unhappiness, retribution
and the Ihwl sweeping away of the men,
the race's and institutions that have given
"'leaven anile earth shall pass away,
but my %eels shall not pass away."
\\'hat a wealth of mcening es in the fer-
vent utterance of those syllables if we
give ear to and ponder and heed Them.
\Vhat we need in this age of ours is not
so much a knowledge that there is a law
of sequence in life as that there is some
character whose words and deeds illus-
trate that law in its highest manifesta-
tion; whose personality and whose
speeeh embody all there Is of moral per-
manenre and benefit to mankind. Good-
ness is a mere slued of syllables unless
them be sortie character in which it can
be embodied. But when some splendid
personality stands forth clothed in it,
then it lives and thrills us with fns com-
pelling tower. "Heaven and earth shall
Pass away," but the Idea which goodness
voices and expresses shall never pass
The life of Christ is just as real to -day
as it ev.•r was. "the words Ile uttered are
just as potent and wise and true and en-
during as they were the day they were
spoken. They strike the very keynote of
the whole problem of life. And yet, in
the, marvel of our material revelation.
we seem to be losing that close personal
touch with it which is the great moral
prop to sustain us through our many al-
lurements and temptations.
Some of us pretend to understand what
goodness is, but we say the average
individual of the age does not live it, and
we will frame our lives as others do.
We see bonne men dwelling aurid a
worldly environment who are brave
enough to refuse such standards, and we
say in pessimistic comment :
"\\'N -T IS THEIR REWAIlle?"
They are not madding progress with the
world ; they aro missing the opportuni-
ties which they ntight•seize."
\Vo forget that the word which is true.
the character which is noble, the soul
which Is imbued with faith and ideals,
though crushed to earth, shall rise
again. \\'e forget the splerdil example
of the Master, land that, though rejected
of roan, His character and Personality
have survived the scathing hand of time
and risen above all others that mark the
page of history. The life the ltedee'mer
lived is a reality. The words of Christ
are living, not dead words. :They inter-
cept every circumstance of life and were
true at creations dawn, and their verity
shall stand the test of eternity. And
Christ's words were the character of
Christ -the interpretation of His divine
personality, not soundless, meaningless
-As we study the words sof Jesus and
comprehend the word of.God let us strive
to learn how priceless and enduring they
are -how their value to live by is above
all commodities, all worldly success and
honor. And so let us strive to make out-
urlives and characters speak, and bear
fruition, in these blessed words, the
sweetness and the benuty and the health
of which small bring peace and content-
ment and abiding .strength unto our
ANDi1E\V F. t'NDI:1'lllbL.
Baked Apples and Nuts.-Itemove
cores and stuff the apples with chopped
w•a:nuts or pecans. Cover them with
sugar, add a little water, and bake nt
the usual way.
Cream Cake -To one cup' whipped
cretin add two eggs and whip more.
Ad I one and one-half cups flour. two
ted-poons biking powder. one teaspoon
ve,n Ila. Peke in three layers. For
the tilling ttse one cup cream whipped
and one-half cup sugar. Put between
layers and on top.
Escel'ent fork Cake -Over one pound
pork, chopped line, pour one pint boil-
ing water; add one pound seeded rais-
ins, chopped fire, two cups molasses,
Iwo cups sugar, one teaspoon each
nutteee and cinnamon, Iwo ten- tiles, and then dry in a clean cloth.
Melt half the butter in a pan and fry
the pieces of tall with the vegetables
cul small. Add the \eater and seasoning.
s•inmer it slowly for four hours, skim-
ming it ihore.ught'. Take another pan,
put In the rest of the butter. stir in the
flour, etc.. and, when all is well brown-
ed. add the Mock previously strained.
Season to taste rind serve with pieces of
tail in the tureen.
is only done by consistent sympathy and
consider anon.
Unfinished work that aught to be ftn-
:eit(d Ls a complete failure. The plan
who drives ten miles to catch a train
and makes each of nine miles in the
necessary time, while he tails only a
kw seconds shed on the tenth mile,
misses his train just as completely as
if he had never stur!ed. If a piece ' 1
work ought to be finished nt n given
time, the fact that it is four-fifths don.'
at that lime counts for nothing against
the failure that is recorded. Very few
recognize this, or aro willing to hold
themselves rigidly to such a Irish stand-
ard. Mitred the very fact that a thing
Is four-flfths done prompts most of us
to settle comfortably down in the belief
that it is as good as done,. -Intrad cf
manfully faring the fact that, lacking
that lust t)ith, it Is as bad as not done.
'For whosoever shall keep the whole
law, and yet stumble in one paint, he
:s become guilty of all." Any other
standard than the s'andard of complele-
re.,s, Ls no standurd at all.
In laundering lxdciothe; ani towels
there is n recent develepment which
shows tint it Is possible to vivo much
labor, while enhancing health. The wise
cnes say that sun dried clothes are
more healthful than Ironed clothes, since
they contain pure air and more air than
the others.
Unhappy the bed which does not ::e
cpen its lull length. in the sun at`leasl
an hour a clay. Have the sheets big.
and c ,ver the mattress thoroughly with
into lower sheet, or with a cheesecloth
kept for the purpose, and place 'T11ie
led in full sunlfght its entire length.
In a west room open the bed in the
afternoon. Meantime, foki the (sheets
with the inside inside and not outside,
so that the part which comes next you
al night will not be exposed to dust.
Thera is mw custom in connection
with bedrooms that is fast passing
away, and that Is the fnshkin of using
t.etbooms during receptions, and allow-
ing all kinds of wraps that have been
journeying in street cars. and have tar-
ried in badly ventilated i%hops. to be
placed on our beds. If it has to be done
have large spreads to put over pillows
and all, and tuck Them in thoroughly,
and atter the party is over put thein
intmeJlalely into the wash.
The Henle of bedroom hygiene Le
reached when the bed never is made
until ready for its nightly use. In this
ease it is left lying open to !he light
and air, while the clothes are arranged
neatly on a rack mode for the purpose.
Over the clothes is thrown cheesecloth
to prevent accumulations of dust.
boil some carrots. then drain Them and
cut into fancy shapes. Melt one ounce
of butler in a saucepan, stir Into it TH
smoothly a dessertspoonful of flour and
pepper, sail, and grated nutmeg '.o
taste. Add Iwo or three spoonfuls of
milk or creast. When quite cooked and
very smooth, put the carrots in and
simmer gently a few minutes before
serving. Place In it fancy dish, arta
scatter finely -chopped parsley over.
Cheese Salad - Make an ordinary
French dressing In elhe proportions of
ono tablespoon of vinegar to three 4.1
oil. a dash of mustard, salt and red
pepper to taste. Into this dressing rub
itoqu.'iort cheese -the potted cheese is
ready to use as it comes, the other must
be grated or crushed -until the whole
is .tnooth and about the censistoncy f
thick cream. Serve with crisp Iettueo
and tiara crackers.
A Cheap Ox -Tall Soup -One ox -tail,
three ounces of putter, two tablespoon-
ful,: of flour, onp good-sized carrot, one
one ,n, some pieces of celery, one smn11
turnip. one quart of water, salt and pep-
per, three er four cloves. Cut the tail
into neat joints, pour boiling water on
the pieces, lel therm soak for n few min -
repo ns snleralus, eight cups flour. Tits
makes three large loaves or five small
These delft-10ms baked apples are most
vvhol*snme for breakfast or supper. Peel
end core the fruit and Illi the hollows
with spice and sugar, aid bake long
enough fur the apple to form a thin
crust. S emettmes a piece of butter
Owed un each apple before baking 't
an acceptable chnnge.
fireweed Crumb; to Serve with Gane.
-Put same crusts Into the oven, aril
• when colored to a nice light brown
cru -i► Them with a rolling -pin. Grease
n Iak:ng tin slightly with butler and
t,eako It hot. Shake the crumbs upon
this aid set in the oven till the crumbs
ere het. when they will be ready to
a eerve.
Spanish Rice-- Mil half a pound of
rice as for curry. dry it thoroughly. then
fry with one ounce of butter till slight-
ly browned. Stir into the rice two
Ierge s'alaeul mud pealed tomatoes and
n purge tnhleepo,mful of grated chose.
Sewn wi'h pepper and salt. Serve
piled high on n dish with chopped par-
ecley i•cnllered over.
Luncheon I:p:gs--Lay n neatly peach -
ell egg on a a ware of buttered Ions!
and cover with a Ihlek brown sauce.
Make Iiis sauce by ridding to each half
lint of s'nek, a des ertsponn of walnut
cal -up, another of Worcestershire sauce,
the same of lemon juice, half ns much
mate mustard, n teaspoonful of essence
e l anchovies. one-half Ienspnnnfu) of
fo elcd
enort, a dozen minced capers
a 1111.1 each of ca) enne and grated le-
mon peel.
Fillet of Fish -Arrange three p)ands
of any while (Leh in fitiets. Dip the pier-
ce in (lour to which has 1 e,•n added
Rall and white pepper. Pease the b ne.a
cf fi•h int the bottom of baking pan. if
wished, in place of a rack. Then sone'
thin illi •es of salt pork. a slice of onion
and a stalk al celery. Arrange the fil-
lets nn these. 5:111 therm and put a hit
of teeter and a thin slice of anii n e11
ench. (.ever In nnoelernte ewer. Ser•we,
tieing only the fillets, with white mice.
Gnrnish with parsley and lobster corgi
roil. d over the tot.
Spinach and Eggs-Left•over spinnrh
can be mate Into a ilelcieus hincheen
dish. Ctnk until hard ns many eggs
a• you hove person,. Cut the ego in
Inn and remove the yolks. 1111 the halves
with well seasoned cold spinach. piare
111 n eh/0!m linking dish, rover taint
r ch ,•ream settee, rind, flnntly. grate the
yolks ever the whole. Brow n us the
Car?)'$ i1 While gouoo - Trim and
ON t'NEXP1'' TEit i:UF.`TS.
The woman who does her own work
le sometimes In danger of gliding into
an altitude of shrinking from guests.
Very mistakenly she feels that when
she cannot offer the perfection of em -
f toyer service to .her friends she does
rot cn: a to oak them to her Inble. Titus
the man of the house
Inhis eoften tins e
renounce the privilege
e! bring'ng home a chnno a guest. When
young and inexperienced he cherishes
the that he cnn do this at any
time with nut warning, and it takes a
series of bitter lesein% to convince hits
that ho is not tree in this regard, awl
even 11 he *MILS word to his wife thnt
cne of his old friends has come in aid
that he is bringing him nut to dinner
ho may b' making n terrible blunder.
It le always a phy when this stage
is teacheil. The man who cam's to the
pe Int where he is afraid to Invite a
trend home with herr when he Menses
pas host s'emelhing leesl4e the privilege.
A certain d •gree of confidence in lits
wife's ability to meet emergencies. in
her eigerne ss to give hint pleasure, err
i O TS FOi1 ell Tltl:sSEs.
Don't make the nit'Iahe of fineling fault
with your servants uutess you are per -
(telly sure that they are In the wrong.
1) aft angel that they. very often, like
year -Off, feel nem cots tired. and oil
sorts. :\ li'll•• 1onsid• relent ns such
1 tiles 1k►es mien Iewar 1' promoting
mutual happiness and sympathy.
Don't nag. If n servant has n ul the
eaparity 1 e work. let her get another
pia e.
Volt will find cons'anl fault-finding
even worse for yourself than for the
Don't be nie,v., explaining ser\ants'
deice w. ry• thoroughly to them. and
shoving ttloin the way you like having
venom: things (lom'.
hunt Fero e1 is very mach In) ,ur
tilt reit to mak.' your sorvnnls pers ,n -
ally at ached 10 yon• amt remember tins
IN 11:1t\ 111O\.el. I l' .'.*)N,
\i %R. 17.
Lesson N1. Jacob and Fem. Golden
'Text: fray. 12.
desert." impatient at the restraints of
.willed or int trued life. Tho stor • of hie
life is closely Interwoven with shut ni
hia brother, Jacob, and Ls given in Gene-
sis. chapters 25, 26. and 33-36.
16. 111e skits of Tho kids of the gouts
upon his heeds -With tee fw' side out
npjuurnlly, to male° his I:ands appeal
hairy us were Moose of his brother Esau.
True smooth of his neck -The hairless
17. Savory foal --Tonne • had aushel
espe'ctally for a dish of verisoi prepared
in his favorite manner. It was in imita-
tion of this favorite dish that itebekali
prepared the substitute.
18. \Vho art thou, my son ?-ThLs
question is explained in verso 1 of this
chapter : "Isaac was old, and Itis eyes
were dim, so that he could nut see."
19. 1 urn Lout -A deliberate and inde-
fcn,ible falsehocxl, our oondenutntion of
which twist, Is owever, be mitigated by u
corsiderieioa of the universal leniency
with which tete sin of deception was re-
gar.tod, and is still iebuided, union;;
1 knee done aceording as thou boded
me -Isaac's request to Esau had been.
"take Thy weapons, Thy quiver and tin
bow, and go out to the field, and take
me vetiLsou" (Gen. 27. 3.)
20. Because Jehovah, Thy (:u,l, scut
nuc good spear -The lio111, .•s 'o1 this
falsehood shows how \\eel Jacob had
learned the lesson of deception from his
23. So Ito blessed hint -Gave to hien
the formal and parting palr•iarchel bless-
ing which it was customary to bestow
upon rho firstborn. This blessing were
regarded in patriarchal times as directly
determining the future destiny of the
scan, though, as the language employed
by 'Isaac in this ca.4o (vs. 28, 29) Mill-
e:e ve Use actual source of the boon con•
(erred is regarded u, being God. The
blessing given to younger sons was a
promise of inferior greatness, if not of
actual servitude.
Bused on the text of the hevused Ver-
sion. •
Concerning the 1bebtrw Birthright. -
lie story of Esau mrd Jacob brings into
prominence the right of possession. into
which nnong Hebrews. as wiping all
Semitic peoples, the Eldest son of the
fanil• was torn. According to the old
h raelitish view the lirslluorn seen was
the nblest and best among hie br•e'l)iren
"my flret-born. my might. and the be-
gimning of my strength." Gen. 49. 3) ;
and consequently ns In cage of the first -
fruits of herbs and of the soil This first-
born son was considered sacral unto
Jehovah. In Minium). with This view
the nnclent law claims all the tirstbor'n
eons for Jehovah �'at*,1 every Melting
which thou hest . . Pie nutlet; ..hall
be Jehovah's;'-I:xod. 13. 12 : "The limn
born of Thy sons shalt thou gine unto
me."--Ereat. 22. 29.) Thl; meant that the
firstborn son neva to nue set arile as an
offering for the dell', but it 1ue *iinc cus-
tomary from earliest tines to offer in-
stead of the child, some runnel! (comp.
Gen. 22) ; and the later law obliges the
fattier to redc4•rn the ehilut for five she-
kels eEsod. 1:1. 13; 31. 24 * : Num. 3. 17;
14. I:,.) Figuratively. 1,,.• 1 is !ipokerl of
ns the firstborn Milo elt *among all
the nations (livid. 4. 2.' . Jnr. 31. UJ I.)
According to Taimielie itedition the ilrat-
I .mn of each flintily acted as the ulUcia-
ting priest in the wilderness until the
erection of the Iabcrnncle, when the
office was transferred to the tribe of
Levi. The (Welborn son thus occupied a
prominent place in the Hebrew family.
and look rank before his bmther:a and
sisters. In the early day; the will of
the father fixed the part of the inheri-
tance of the tirilhrorn, and it was sus
tomary for Ilse father In h,epucnit► lo
the greater part of the inheritntrce, ex-
cept when. as in the ca•e oif Itcbekah,
Ike wife t•uercnlal in obluinlrg it for
mother of her mini. The later law fixes
the portion of the firsll►rern's inhenlnnce
at twice lite anntmt given to rich of the
other s),gis and forbids favor being
shown to n younger son (heut. 21. 15-17.)
This birthright, however. entailed also
the re-p>on+ibility of providing for the
widow and unmarried skiers in the
tinily. since thine ordinarily dal not
hate heritage signal. The chief di.-.ltnc-
tion of the lirclb,rn son wile that tie be-
came the rceognized head of the family.
.hated his constant presence, some on,
•1.1110 to tell tun 'hal the Princes.:, w•h,
was having her siesta. had started ou
if her sleep screaming, botnq a prey 14
terrible pares. As .,tete was no other
,b clot within call Ito was asked to cont,
and attend her.
"i'he lavori'e was in the Zirzamin, Thu
til cMuintsi- e,ith a lots
vaulted ceiling• paved vita 'elide mar
tile, and with richt)• tiliel wall;. \which t•
;Ito favorite refuel of l'erstun women 1r.
summer. Sunk in the centre was a four
htiu with a jet of w•ateiewhich distribute)
a refreshing coolness. A crowd of we -
men surrounded the Princess. Silo war
lying on a thin mattress spread on 11ne
marble in one of the arched recesses, be•
tween the two doorways, facing enc!
other to create a continual draugh'.
These are the characteristics of the Zio
On tate arrival of Dr. Soly'man, tilt
women drew their veils over their faces.
and the eunuch rasped to the gate and
stopped hint while a curtain was erected
front of the resrss to allow the docten
t •
approach the Princess without seeing
her. When the doctor was at her side
h • could at first only elicit !Mans in re -
;a, to his questions; but the patient at
lu.I ave hire to understand, in sentence,
broken by lamentations, That after he:
lunch she had fallen asleep as usual, and
that she had seen herself, in her sleep.
s,,ti it need by bad djinns, wino had
pierced her chest with invisible darn
Upon that, to the astonishment of the
people present, Dr. Solman turned to
the eunuch and asked, without paying
any attention to the djinns, what the
Princess had eaten for lunch. When 1»
learned that her menu consisted of iced
"ine,t-Khyar" (cucumber and curds), he
1:11.1. retood tl*at nothing was the mallet
eecelut. indigestion. 1lowever, being a
*,national man. he wanted to draw an
41. The intervenit'g verses not lit- e•saet diagnosis of the case. She con-
cluded in our lesson text should be care- 'gated to let Niru feel her ',Mee, and ail
fully studied. They contain the account
and wording of the blessing received by.
Jacob awl relate the incident of l:snti's
lardy arrival and great disnplx,inlnienl,
n; well as giving ulso lite substance of
1114• .,eCundary blessing pihno nccd upon
encu at his en1•noet supplication.
The days of manning for my father
are at hand -Apparently the time of his
do a ti was not fur distant.
I hen -After Ilse death of tete father,
42. The words of Esau were told to
Itcbekah-Iknublicss Esau had uttered his
threats in the presence of other mem-
bers of the family, nano of whom re-
peated what he bald 1,4 Rebekah.
1:1. To Haven - \V ; i,ee .\brunt had
sal fur:h on lti.. journey In the Promised
I:fund "mot knowing etether he went."
and where since that early time, now
tw• , generations ago. the other descen-
dants of Terali, father of Abraham, had
41. Until Illy bre flier's fury turn
away -.The norther well knew lite
changeable and impulsive nature of her
eldest son, a; also his lack of an tide -
quail appreciation for the real value of
the birthright of which he had been de-
prived. •
45. And he forget -The subsequent
narrative seems to indicate, however,
that Esau did not forget very quickly the
wrung that had been perpetrated against
Why should I be bereaved of you both
in one day 1 --late reference is to hus-
band and favorite son. and thmws into
a strong light the partiality 81111 favori-
tism of the mother. Sone C. Niue cntakirs
knee Thought that the word; "you tootle"
refer to the Isco sons Jrieuh and Ewa!,
since, haul I: -hill murdered lien brother
Jacob, the current paw of vengeance
would have required that someone else
avenge Jacob by stnying Esau. This.
however, scents to the, writer far-fetched
and contrary to the sitnule meaning 01
the text.
Verse 15. Rebekah- Wife of 'mine.
sicte•r of Labatt. and daughter of Bellow!
1110 nephew of Abraham. A ireful read-
ing of the entire hermits 0 ret enle the
very prominent pnrt which Ile•luckah
,lncevt in the deeepetien practiced upon
Isnar. and incidentally Throws much
light on the kind of training wh!rh aha
es idrnll)• gave to her fav,, ire son, for
much of whose urscrupuloueness she
scents In hove been directly responsible.
Godly garments -The best sni► re-
served npparently tier special occasions.
Esau, beer elder eon --The firstborn of
hying. The name allernafes with Mom
en Infer 0141 Tu' lnment references. This
letter or summa 15 ecpinined as mean.
mg red (romp. Gen. 25. 25.:U).) AA h•
grew up Evan !weans "a ceinning hun-
ler. n man of the field."' Ile Maine 10
hove been a thorough "son of 160
1111: -4 (I.r 111:11 L111: OF \ 1'lepe11N
arm emerged from the curtain. lie fell
the pulse, but when he desired to see the
longue he had to enter on a Ienglliy par-
ley before the curtain opened far enough
to let the Princess. closely veiled, show
hint the lip of her tongue.
Dr. Seeman wrote his prescription.
and the mother of the Princess, a very
supc•rslilien.s peteent, performed the
"lestekhnreh," seized her beads at rt
chance place. and then began to tell
therm off to the end as we count cherry
.tones on a plate. Ilut at the sane mo-
ment the regular doctor of the Princess.
who had been sent for. arrived. Every-
body turned from 1)r. Solymnn and his
t,rescription as if lie had never been
\\'hen the regular doctor had pre-
scribed in his turn, the "l:stekhnreh" was
performed ngain, and this time the result
was unfavorable. (leaven had declared
itself ; ur. Sul•man triumphed. His pre-
scription produced such a good and
prompt effect that the delighted Princess
would have no other doctor from That
day forward.
1 et us now enter the Port des \'ol uples
with Dr. Solyman. 11 is In the orangery.
Is flu, by the irony of fortune or by the
symbolic will of the sovereign, who
wishes lo surround the gale of Ills harem
by the emblem of virginity ? The mas-
sive gate, adorned wen golden locks 1111(1
bolts, was formerly guarded by two
gigantic dent and dumb negroes,'anion
ready to fell with their clubs of ...411%
with gold spikes any rash man who
sought to enter. '1'o -lay fear of the
detail penally which would tnstnnlly be
inflicted upon the trespasser Inas taken
the place of the negroes, and their clubs
have been coined into money.
Once through the gale you are in n
courtyard surrounded by the quarters of
the eunuchs. 'There are about forty in
the imperial harem, and here only are
they numerous, for you seldom find
eunuchs in the harems of Persia except
Ilene of grandees.
Vow nn t•norlho(h)x Medical Practi-
tioner Won the Good Will
ell a Favorite. •
With the exception nl the. Shah and t1te
eunuchs, no nien bol a few doctors are
permitted to enter that sanctuary, the
harem of the Shah, "harem" being an
Arab word which meals sacred. The
special doctor of the favorite. who 511811
hr called Solymnn to preserve his incog-
nito, hn3 lifted the corner of the jealous
veil which envelops this feminine city.
The seeluded life and the Inuk o( evluctt-
hun nfttke the women of the Andero►m
very difficult ponents. Dr. Solynlan
contphiins bitterly of Their childish nal -
vete r.nd superstition. which obliged him
le depend more on diplomatic latent than
me,Itu;il science.
\\•lien he came hack from London,
whore he had spent Burne )ears at St.
Ilartholotnew's hospital. he was appoint -
rd. says Ute London Daily Graphic, one
•'f the doctors of the horns of ills Mnjia-
Iv. Ilio debut was difficult. for the other
i4ersian doctors, jealous of his science,
and fearing to see hint grow nt their ex-
pense. leaerned against him. They criti-
cised his prescriptions, and advised the
patients not to lake nu*edicines prepared
by a man who had remained se long in
contact with unclean Christians Hint lie
was impregnated with their impurity ;
nnd. further, his prescriptions were de-
rinrel to be contrary to ill the principles
laid down by the "kings of medicine."
Lokman. Galen and .\vieenna. find he
not ordered a patient suffering from
fever In give up itis iced drinks for a riot
pollen'. which is the suras) way to in-
crease fever, since \Inhume( himself has
said that
and that it must be comhnted with cold
water? The Pmphel. when he was al -
lacked by a violent fever. used 10 call
his wives to throw Cold water over his
Dr. Solymnn, In aplte of ills appoint-
ment as ofllefnl doctor et the harem. was
not consulted by any of the royal wives.
Only servants and slaters had ►,~'nurse
t i hi: services.
However. on a trot spring sfternonn,
when he was reeta;nal t.) atterei a slava
of the favorite, a•ttue grave state neees-
ial, woutd buy some of the sans° maler.t
al and hat 0 0 costume made of It fur!
:no of her aluves and then invite the
'dear friend" to tea served by That slave.
rho rival's gratification eau be itingined.
In the middle ul the And4'neur' gurden
stands u ravishing white Nieto... square
el shape, two stories high, rultnurttmg
.11 a terrace with an openwork balustrade
,opporiing vases at intervals.. This,
which i- sugges.livo of the 1lidiz Kiosk at
4)uustanlinople, Ls the Khab-gull, or Pal-
ace of Sleep.
There is a very low ground floor, sur•
rounded by a circular colonpade which
carries the balcony that goes around the
riust floor, to which a broad white marble
staircase of fifteen steps gives access.
Numerous French wimtowe, vary high
and wide, open on all four sides of the
house, which has a richly sculptured cor-
nice. It is a very bright and white build-
e:g. loaded w•ilh•delicnlo seulIe1ura1 orna-
mentations. Here his Majesty slept
.:miler a guar) of eunuchs and women,
wko have this special appointment. for
in the Anderoutt the functionaries of the
Inc un are duplicated.
nscrupulous doctors and dervishes
freely exploit the ct,d ility accentuated
in these grownup children Ly the passion
fol maternity. The most extravagant
medicine and charms aro often tried,
purchased at their weight to gold. 11
wolfs gnll does not succeed llse wile will
try the swallowing of a little of the sa-
eted earth from Kerbeln. One wife, with
whom all these attempts had been un-
successful, was advised as a last resort
es grate ever) da) a piece of brick which
was supposed to bo brought iron* the
tomb of a Choly Intern and to take it in-
ternally after early morning prayer.
she look this prescription so scrupulous-
ly That
Ah1'ER A \\'llll.E 5111: DIET: OF 11'.
Among the most highly esteemed talis-
mans aro the fried ::kips of a hyena,
monkey's liver, lynx's hair, and the
backbone of an owl -not to mention the
molt amazing decoctions and broths,.
and, of course, Iraneeribed prayers
which are inclosed in leather for hang-
ing around the neck and waist, or invo-
nlions and sacred or cabalistic names
written on parchment., which is washed
in a cup of hot wader for the ink to dis-
solve. The water is then regaidel as
impregnated with the virtue of the
words, and runt: as a potion w4len mak-
ing n wish. If one adds a pinch of the
powdered muzzle of n monkey ---which le
inade by charring it -the effect is ouch
The occupations and nmusements of
the Shah's wives are restricted end little
varied. I.ike all the rich Persian women,
they never use their fingers. Even elm
brotdery and lace -making are left to in-
feriors. Most of the Limo Is spent in
idling and chattering and visiting, al-
ways relieiel by kalyans, cups of lea
and se. elmeets.
Like their less fortunate sisters. gen-
erally they have no education. 11 ap-
pears, however, that scene of the wives
el the Irate sovereign have been educated.
One of them has the reputation of being
literary -a poetess. She bus swig the
praise of her master in every mood, and
all the marvels of creation are cited in
her poems for comparison wiI i the Lite;
of kings. o
Intrigue is also one of their favnri;o
occupations -intrigue to take away from
n rival the favor of the King. or political
intrigue. An instinctive diplctnacy is
brought into nelson in these cases with
tee abili'y. This is why some ambitious
glen hay; recourse In the help of their
wives, who, by presents and flattery,
win influcil'al support in the Shah's
hr, rent. More Than one inquorluttt affair
lies been thus brought to a successil
conclusion, more than one favor so ob-
The.wnwn of the harem are childish
and easily unitised. elarveilous stories,
more er leas based on the "Arabian
Nights: in svl,Ieh the details relating to
leve are recounted with inconeelvnblo'
crudity, the buffooneries' of old women,
(heir burlesque imilattnns, their clmvn-
inga, ravish them. One of these line won
in Teheran the reputation and vogue of
n Yvette Guillecrt with us. She tells
stories and illuelrales Them herself, im-
personating the charirlers of the re -
mance. She imitates with as much fidel-
ity the .hy altitude of a bin:hing bride
n: the simpering of 11 middle-aged 'so-
man. And when a dragon. a died. or a
dean comes into the pb)I. she su.ceels in
pulling the skin of Ler face. turning up
hie nose with a shine. turning her eye-
lid; out, and set on. assuring the must
terrible n1141 n eitlstrous aspects imagin-
able. A story told by her is n. much ate
predated in 'Teheran. and as highly paid,
as a monologue by Chevalier in London.
--- el.--
lei is very expensive to buy. The most
esteemed are the tall bronzed Abyssinian
and the black of the Sudan. A thousand
pounds or more is paid for one.
From the eunuchs courtyard of the
Shahs harem a corridor lends to n second
gale, which opens on n large. square
garden full of geometrical parterres of
shrubs and flowers, t\ illi very high plane
frees stripped of all their houghs except
a loft at the Inp. This garden is sur -
roundel with innumerable quarters for
the Shrh's Indic; -- bit ldirigs of Iwo
stories, w high have n I+rlltinnl effect as
Jhey encircle the gremli , with the ela-
borate Tracery of Ihcir at4lied window, --
an effect enhanced b) the glitter of ger-
gcous tiles.
In this huge square conte and go bevies
of women in the national indoor cos•
fume with an !mucase yell of light. con
ton or silk laid over the top d the head.
in which they envelop ticnn;elwes more
or less, or Irate *1 open and (railing on
the ground.
The late Shat did not fallow the exam-
ple of his predecessors. Dr. Satyr ran
says that he lend only ht•elveevives. The
Anderoun was not much less crowded
fur that mason. for the relations, the
slaves, and the seri-nide of these wives
-nnusieiuus, dancers. fortune teller•.e
jesters, merchants. all pf Them niece
surily females -gave a constant
lion In the "Patois des Voluptes,"
All these wotnen seemed to live in n
perpetual anticipation of the judgMent. cf
Paris. It was who should be the most
beautiful : who should possess the most
faseinaling wardrobe. Jewels aid pre -
dens stones excited the greatest cove-
tousness. 'The Shah distributed them
prodigally. and on his birthday and at
the New Near he gene away turquoises.
sapphire:, pearle, rubies enierahle, even
(aamondm. jn ilsndfuls.
This did net )under them from buying
jewels nn their own aeeount from the
merchant wormer who come into the
harem. They desired to eclipse their
rivals toy the richness of the fabric%
which they wore. Silks of Resta. velvets
of oshnn, stun'.'. is of Kirmmn could not be
too expensive. and fabrics from Europe
were not less popular. Worth, the great
Parisian dressmaker. sells off In Teheran
hies special sllks when they are lett • n
his hands long enough to lee out , t
fashion. Ile hoe n very clever lady there
Ic represent him, who ua adored by CI
the fair of Teheran. Often a woman who
wants to be the only possessor of a apes
cially bys the weeee mil
AT NiO eleI telt WHAT PliIC6.
They have mu• h mere 'ondency to do
this now, for several ,bare a woman,
jealous of the admiration whio1i a rival
had won with a coalmine 01 e now oats%
She: "1'm sorry you lest your temper
over the tried steak this ittnrning.'
Ile: "But it wasn't fit lo eat."
She : "I know. dear. but you natal
consider the Consequences. You made
conk very angry. and she may decide to
put us on bread and wnler."
"No man," said Uncle Allen spnrks,
"con be absolutely square in this world.
and stay squnre. without watching his
eerier:: all the lune."
"Say. old man. haw da ; ou like me in
raynew (hews suit ?"
fine. Now. if you only hnd n little
dignity you'd kook like a lieu,' wailer."
Shopwalker : "Whnt are we to do
w1111 lleavyhena? Ile is miry$ fallen{(
nsIe'p." f'roprtetc.r : "()Ii. meld 11ir11 to
lee nightshirt depntlrrient. and 1e11 IBA
customers that Itte very kink of them
sends the nssistont 10 sleep."
Cualomrr indignantly) : "Look herr,
Ihts dog 1 bought n( you )•eatendny 15 a
fereeeious brute. Ile's bitten n lurlp oft
my toys leg i' Healer : "\Ve 11, guv'rsu',
didn't I tell )•er he was were kende of
Dolly : "1 don't see how young Wig-,
gins could possibly be a greater hors.
then he is. Ile + rr)lhing 1..t: t ig(f►d+
n'* the time." Peaty "Well, if tie 1.1;. t
rip he might +alk. AM perhsee .t
w recd be worse."
Censda's trade aeent at efinnies'•r
reprrta to 'tett del artrnont that to t:•,.
porta of wheat fmin Canada Into o s
United enieel :o ea 1110 wan revel
double that of the provio*n tsar,