The Wingham Times, 1915-07-15, Page 2Page 2 THE WINGHAM TIMES July 15th, 1915 _•_�,,. Grand Trunk Railway System Towo Ticket Office We can issue through tie'kets via popular routes, to any point in America '-t, West, South, Northwest, Mani- toba, Pacific Coast. etc. Baggage checked through to destina- tion and full information given whereby travelling will be make pleasant and free from annoyance, Tourist and return tickets to above points also on sale at lowest figures, and with all prevailing advantages. Single and return tickets to any point in Ontario. Your business will be ap- preciated, be your trip a short or a long one. We can ticket you through to any point in Europe on all leading steamship lines. Prepaid orders also issued. If it's about travel, we have the information and will give it to you cheerfully. H. B. ELLIOTT Town Agent G.T.R. Times Office, Wingham, Ont. aSTA13LIBiIED i,17b THE WINfillAM TIMES. H.B. ELLIOTT, PDBLISIIER AND PROPIETOri TO ADVERTISERS AS TO THE CZAR (London Paper.) The Czar who was 47 a few days age, and set off for the front the following Monday, is generally known as King George's double, though the likeness is nothing very extraordinary when it is to be remembered that their mothers were sisters. Likewise the fact that Notice of changes must be left at thti office not later than saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week THURSDAY, JULY 15. 1915 ADVANTAGES OF HOGS • both wear beards helps to a good deal of course. Beyond that hardly any- body knows anything about the Czar over here, for whenever he was like- ly to visit our Royal Family some of the unco-guid or the Socialists raised fearful bowls. When he does come after the war everybody will want to see him. And before many years we may see e closer relationship yet be- tween the two families. A war poem rn a Russian magazine signed "Olcaf" recalls the fact that under that title the Czar has for years written scngs and poems, and composed the music for his own songs. Unlike another monarch, he makes no fuss or display about it, though he is keenly in- terested at first hand in all creative art. A favorite story about him in Petro- grad relates to a young poet who ven- tured to send him a volume with an in- spection. He received in return a mor- occo -bound volume with a gold -lettered title, "New poems of Nicolas II." It contained nothing but a wad of bank notes. "Aud how did you like my poems?" asked the Czar after sending specially for the young writer. This is a true saying and wise one: "The hog is the only animal that can convert 10 bushels of grain or its equivalent into less space than a bush- el basket, and then carry it to the market on his back and double its value," says the American Cultivator. The most profitable department. of any well regulated farm is the breeding and feeding of good hogs, and more farms have been paid for by hogs than any combination of sales of grain, dairy products, etc., have ever freed from debt. There are two ways of making money through hogs; one, the most common, being growing hogs for the general market; the other, breeding pure-bred hogs to improve the quality of breeds in general. As to the market breeding: In Am- erica any farmer that does not "hate a pig" can make a start on a very small investment of capital. First, he must settle on the breed, whether black, red, spotted, or any other, and then buy a few young sows, being sure that they are representative of the breed he has chosen. Then he should select a first- class boar of the same breed, being sure that he, too, is a good individual bred in the best lines, so that his pro- duce will be even better than the sows. Lastly, he must prepare a place for the future handling of the swine. THE RUSSIAN CAPITAL. A RAILWAY WIZMO Tuft Created a Sensation With His Vertical Road. FIRST PASSENGER ELEVATOR. It Was Erected In the Old Fifth Av- enue Hotel, In New York, In 1859 and Was Regarded as the Marvel. of the Day -Its Introduction to England. Americans may lose the use of their legs. A number of authorities on this subject have made the prophecy that unless the American mends his ways nud changes the direction in which certain of his habits and tendencies lie his legs will become as atrophied as has become his little toe from close confinement in shoes and long disuse. These authorities have pointed out the street car, the automobile and the average man's eagerness to "get there" in the quickest way and with the least possible effort is the causes for the present deterioration in legs, and as mechanical locomotion becomes more and more accessible and the rid- ing habit grows man will have less and less use for his feet and legs. In addition to electric ears and auto- mobiles, another modern device con- tributes to the average man's increas- ing feebleness of limb. That modern device is the elevator. To the present generation. accustomed to ride from floor to floor and to push the elevator bell button and wait for the car rather than climb a flight of stairs, it proba- bly seems queer to see or bear the ele- vator mentioned as a modern device. Men in their youth and even in their middle age have become so habituated to the elevator that they feel that such a thing always was, or at least that it is coeval with brick and stone build- ings. Yet the elevator is a modern device. and the word "elevator" in the application given it in America is new- er still than the contrivance it de- scribes. Before the demolition of the old Fifth Avenue hotel in New York there was in one of the elevators a tablet, on which was inscribed this: "In this space was erected and operated in 1859 Tuft's vertical screw railway, the first passenger elevator ever built." That elevator was one of the chief wouders of the hotel, which, because of its luxury and magnificence, was considered one of the wonders of the new world. The "vertical railway," which saved persons the trouble of walking up and dowu stairs, was widely written about, and people came from far and near to look at the strange invention and to be able to tell their admiring friends in Boston. Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington and other cities out in the provinces that they had been able to go up and down stairs without walk- Ing. When travelers came from New York and told about this vertical screw rail- way to our grandfathers, those worthy gentlemen raised their eyes and hands in astonishment and probably exclaim- ed. "Will wonders never cease?" An English trade paper the London Builder. in September. 1859, had an editorial on the subject of the vertical screw railway in the United States, saying: "It is a carriage that will move from the top to the bottom of the building and from the bottom to the top. It will be forced upward by the application of steam power, and the • descent will be regulated by the resistance of hydraulic power." It was not until the early seventies that the vertical railway was intro- dueed in England. the first "lift" being installed in Albert hall, and to ride in this passengers were required to pay a fee of one penny. Conservative peo- ple in America and England looked on this invention with grave suspicion and "felt it in their bones" that it was only a question of time when it would fail down and hill everybody in it. Today the "lift" Is nothing like so common in Europe as the elevator. which is the same thing, is in the i'nited States. One reason for this is that the United States is the birthplace "Outside of Petrograd, with a popu- lation of two millions. large towns are not nemerous, the largest fourteen centres having populations ranging from 12,000 to 70,000 inhabitants," says C. F. Just, a special Canadian Trade Commissioner. "This feature of the urban centres is characteristic of the whole of Russia where the rural and agricultural population form 85 per cent. of the total population. "It would be difficult to exagger- ate the primacy of Petrograd as an ad- ministrative, economic and social centre. The extreme centralization of government in Russia has influenced every possible kind of national activity. Scarcely anything of importance is in- itiated or settled without reference to the Government and commercial or- ganizations which are grouped or which centre in the capital. Banks, boards of the great undertakings, in- dustrial and mining, of shipping, and representatives of all the foreign inter- ests have invariably their headquarters in Petrograd. Here their plans and policies are orig inated, discussed and given effect, their purchases controlled and carried out. In short. there is no other place where the pulse of the whole Empire can be more surely felt that in the Russian capital. "Petrograd sets the fashion and dic- tates the taste of the country in a de- gree than even Paris does not achieve. It purchases the best goods and pays the best prices. Money commands and obtains everything that is desirable within the four quarters of the globe. Moscow may be more national - it is called the "Mouziks capital" -but Mos- cow, like the smallest city, looks to Petrograd for inspiration and guidance.' Expensive buildings are not necess- ary, but good pasture is, and it should be well fenced, so that he may always know where his pigs are. They must have a dry, warm sleeping place, where they may also rest when not on pasture. A prime essential is good pure water and plenty of it. If there is a spring through the pasture, that is excellent: if not, it rimy be furnished by means of self-wateri,g; fountains. The hog is the only animal that does not perspire, 5o it cannot stand ex- tremely het senshi'ne, and must there- fore, have cool shade, natural or artifi- cial. Given these things, success is strictly up to the mon. If he will give hi? s.viae the cart: h• wv.;uid give hisdairy cows and caiv.•s •,e• hr•r•,r- h•' v;i'• find them lar mor. .••n„t••_.•:,. thao either. After testi ,4 steel 11:1 i"frarnes on its cars for sevetati years tin Lngli h railroad has returned to iron as less liable to corrosion. iiiS T Ah[C LETTER How would you answer It? Between the lines of this short letter yon can road grim tragedy. If its appeal were made to you, personally, how would yot answer it? Suppose you held the power tc receive this poor woman or to turn hei away, which would you do? " Will you kindly give mo informatiot eoneerning admission of a very needy -marital tiger h13. Her husband is dead, .end !LO. i. in ,+vtcu,nl-tion. She has twc , mull . 11 1,, a, et r.1 ;sent iu ail orphans' home, a!-: I To mother IS not able to eare fot ';fern, and their only income is what an aged mother earns. They live in one email room.,' It is easy to s.tia, "Why, of course, 1 would offer relief, if it were in niy power 1" Hut, think 1 Are you sincere when you than Are yen in earnest? 1)o you ,6rly wast to help poor, suffering Con. .e isptfves f Then here is your chance to large your sineerity. Contributions to the Muskoka Free Hoe - pt a1 for Consumptives will be gratefully oclatowledged by W. J. Gage, Chairman E* cutive Committer, 84 Spadina Avenue, of R. Dunbar. Secretary - Treasurer, 349 King $tract Wost, Toronto. BUSY WOMEN MUST HAVE TIME SAVERS. WI1GHAM 20 Years Ago From the Tams of July 12, 1895 Rev. D, and Mrs. Perrie arrived at New York this week and are expected to reach Wingham on Monday next. Mr. Perrie's health has been greatly improved by his trip. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. M. Duffield arrived homd from their wedding trip on Satur- day evening last. They have taken up housekeeping in their home on Minnie street, in the fine residence lately occupied by Mr. J. A. Cline. A new plank sidewalk has been laid on the north side of Patrick street, from Centre to Fiances street -two blocks. Mr. J. H. Stephenson finished moving the skating rink on Friday last. The building was a foot or so too long for the lot, and a piece had to be cut off one section. The building will be put in thorough repair, and the lovers of skating will have a splendid place in which to enjoy themselves at their Health -giving exercise, when winter comes. Time saving is one of the chief prob- lems of the busy woman, and it con- cerns especially the housewife who does her own cooking, or has only one maid. Here, for example, is how one woman saves time: When she makes pie crust she makes double the quantity needed and the bome of the skyscraper, while at the moment. as pie crust rolled in a Wel' buildings. as building heights are amp napkin and p.rt in the refrigeratei•-1' -eit'd in Alme lo•:t. are inf rt'r,•tent I. dii keep perfectly for several days. . sips.- V tri 'tStir un 1 hen she plana in the menus for the A Catton of Gasoline. next few days to use that crust.- A ; single ;:.ellen of gasoline will da desert or a fruit tart for the first night, te•nuJers almost anywhere, but true turnovers for luncheon the fol owing where has it been applied to better day. and if any crust remains it can be f:rrpose then on the farm. Il ere are used in deserts, meat patties or cheese some of its stunts. it will tnilk 300 straws. By using the pastry in such a i cows. bale four tons of hay. mit thir•ty- variety of ways she avoids the impres-1 tive yards of cement, move a ton truck sion of sameness, yet manages to fourteen miles. plow three-fifths of an lighten materially her work of prep-1acre of land and make enough elee- oration. trieity to keep eight lights going in the I farmhouse for thirty days. Filling the ice box with scraps of left- I Goodby to boyhood memories of turn- over food is a waste of room -and us- Ing the grindstone. --Wall Street Sour - very neatly the problem of ' leftovers." She never allows an accumulation; nevertheless, every scrap is used. For; example, if there are a few string beans or boiled potatoes left from dinner they, are immediately sliced into small dice - shaped pieces and put away in a bowl to be used for a vegetable salad at to- morrow's luncheon. Scraps of meat too small to be used in other ways are put through the meat chopper, end go' to snake sandwiches for tea. Every dish that comes cff the table ie promptly attended to. If it be avail- a',le for fature use it is put away in a c •nverient form; if not available it is t:,rott n away immediately. By this means the ice box is kept neat and clean, there is no waste byspaling, and trach time is saved. The opposition to the by-law to aid the Union Furniture Company has been about all withdrawn, and the prospect is that the by-law will be carried by a very large majority All arrangements are pretty well com- pleted for the races to be held on the 25th and 26th instants. The purses are large and the best horses in the country are expected. The second day, the 26th, will be the town's civic holiday. Miss Lillie Buchanan has gone on an extended visit to friends in Clinton and Goderich. Mrs. R. Kinsman has gone to Lan- sing, Michigan, to visit her son, Mr. W. R. Kinsman. ss W °esterve chool Y. M. C. A. Building London, Ontario zv College in Session Sept. 1st to July Catalogue Free. Enter any time. J. W. Westervelt, Principal H. DAVIS WINGHAM, ONTARI Agent for Allan Line Cunard Line Donaldson Lines. Canadian Northern Lines Ocean Steamships. FMERS and anyone having live aeries or err., r artloles they wish to dispose of, should adv. -r• Use the same for sale In the Titins. Onr large circular ion tells and it will be strange Indeed if you do not get a onetomer. We can't guarantee that yrn article or atook than yon may a rth. Send your advertisement to the Theis and try this Plan of disposing of your stook and other article . 'BORN. Sullivan -In Wingham, on the 9th, inst., the wife of Mr. John Sullivan; a daughter. Town -In Wingham, on the 9th, inst. the wife of Mr. Geo. Town; a daughter. Elliott -In Wingham. on the 9th inst, the wife of Mr. Thos. Elliott; a daugh- ter. Netterfield -In Wingham, on the 10th, inst, the wife of Mr. Jas. Netterfield, jr., a daughter. Faulkner -In Culross, on the 10th inst, the wife of Mr. Geo, Faulkner; a son. DIED Macdonald -In Zetland, on the 8th, inst, Nellie, daughter of David S. Mac- donald, aged 27 years, 4 months and 27 days. Johnston -In Turnberry, on the 7th, inst, Catherine Johnston, relict of the late John Johnston, aged 89 years and 15 days. His Punishment, "I had a horrible dream last night," said Uuddleston when he came down to breakfast the other morning. "What was it?" asked his wife, "I dreamed that I was In purgatory and was made to do all the things I had told my friends I would do it 1 were in their places." -Brooklyn Life. Has Her Troubles. i Noth'.ne can oxeeed the weight of reg THE HANDICAP ON THE FIRST.- B4ORN. If you wish your children to be healthy and efficient, they should be neither too few nor too many -possibly not less than five nor more than eight. The earlier and the later births are handl- cap-ped; it is the ,intermediates that are more apt to be sane, healthy, and alto- gether useful to the world. This does not agree with the custom in monarch- ical countries of giving everything to the first-born, and nothing to the rest. Neither does it justify the huge families -ten to twenty children -of some of our pioneer ancestors. It is, however, the conclusion, based on a dispassionate examination of evidence, of Dr. Karl Pearson, head of the Galton Eugenic Laboratories, in England. So far as his conclusions ions re ardin the inferiority of first-born children go, they merely bear out those of many other scientific u.larrvers. It has been a generaliza- tion accepted for a long time that, on the average, the second -burns are a trifle better equipped by Nature than the third-borns; that these, in turn, surpass slightly the fourth -horns and that the first-borns are about at that lower level where the seventh-borns are situated. The hypo- ] thetical explanation of this alleged i order of precedence was not difficulti 1 Admittedly, the birth of a first-born I child is more prolonged, more likely to 1 be attended with difficulty, and more likely to result in still -birth than are the births of subsequent children. Thus the chances of birth -injury, not fatal but sufficient to handicap the child physically or mentally, and definitely greater for the first-born. Add to this that the feeding and upbringing gene erally of a first-born is more in the nature of an experiment than that of subsequent children, owing mainly to the inexperience of the parents,, especially the mother. eeeeell,l::ty experienced by a woman he ;0, r: Nlt:c to antortnin right guestsIquique, Chile, is to s, i:'• 't, equipment of six knives and supply at government ' ". toil `'ix nel;ktnr.-ftansas City IT tvt;,'i '1:,-, 'rt'1 t; num workshop. We maiToothed wheels revolve and 'Wreak tot , twit, i', we are Hound to sanctity the clinkers in an ash sifter patented Mauna by its New York inventor. TOWN DIRECTORY. BAPTIST CHURCH --Sag ath services at 1,1 a. m. and 7 pp m. nday School at 2:A p. m, Gdrieral yer meeting and B. Y. P. U. every Wednesday at p. Al. A,. C. Milo , 13 A., s Geo. 'Pocock, S. S. 'buperintendenPat. tor. METHODIST CHURCH -Sabbath ser- vices at 11 a. rn. and 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2:30 p. m; Epworth League every Monday -evening. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. J. W. Hibbert, pastor. F. Buchanan, S. S. Superintendent. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH -Sabbath ser- vices at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. D. Perrie, pastor. Frank Lewis, S. S. Superintendent. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, EFISCOF .L -Sab- bath services et 11 a. m. and 1. p. m. Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. Rev. E. G. Dymond Rector. Alex. Al- deron, S. S. Superintendent. SALVATION ARMY CITADEL. -Service at 11 a.m., 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. on Sunday. At 8 o'clock on Thursday evening. There will be special music provided in the Sunday evening service from 7 to 7.15 POST OFFICE -Office hours from 8a.m. to 6:30 p. m. Open to box holders from 7 a. m. to i) p. m. C. N. Griffin, post- master. PUBLIC LIBRARY -Library and free reading room in the Town Hall, will be open every afternoon f'• .m 2 to 5:30 o'clock, and every evening from 7 to 9rra:30 riano'c.lock. Miss M. McTavish, lib - The Naked Despatch Rider. The indomitable courage and re- sourcefulness of Trooper Snyman, of the South African Imperial Light Horse, is described in a thrilling story published in the Johannesburg Sunday Post. Snyman had to carry three despatches. It was necessary to cross the Vaal, and when he reached the rver it was in flood. Re- moving all his clothing, he made it into a bundle and fastened to the back of his spare horse. Then he remounted his own horse and started to cross the river. The spare horse was swept away and drowned, but Snyman, on the other animal, reach- ed the farther bank. He rode naked through a hot day and well into a cold night, when he found himself in touch with the rebels. The whole of the next day, after hiding in the bush, he rode through country infested with the enemy, and, still naked, delivered the first of his despatches at nightfall. Then, merely stopping to get a pair of trousers and a blanket, he continued his journey, and next day delivered the other two despatches, after which he returned to the base. The Wingham Times 0 IS rUBLISHSD EVERY THURSDAY MORNING -•AT- The Times OMee Stone Block. WINGITAM, ONTARIO, TERMS or BUnsoatri t05- 41.00 per annum 7n advance, $1,60 if not paid, No paper diaoon- tinned till all arrears are paid, -except at the option of the publisher. Calais' Curious Street. In Calais not far from the landing pier is what is known as the fisher quarter. The inhabitants of this part of the town, numbering some- thing like 2,000, form a community of their own and live quite apart from the rest of Calais. The young ying out oft heir quarter. Just nevere think of the heart of this district is a very narrow street, its width being about five feet at most. The curious thing about it is that the bottom room of every house is quite isolated from the up - 'per ps, toand s have I h toto come out into the street and enter another doorway, behind which is a flight of steps leading upstairs. be given water expense. It Won't Roll Off. The egg of the guillemot is one of the most peculiar and furnishes an admirable example of the way in which nature provides for the condi- tions of life. This bird is found on the coast, and the eggs are usually laid on the bare edges of high rocks, from which position any ordinary specimen of the egg would probably roll off. But the guillemot's egg won't do this. It has been fashioned by nature to stop on. The egg is nearly. conical in shape, broad at the base and sharp at the point, so that it will only roll in a circle. • Entire Family Stricken ith ss i Youngest Child Mod. ADVERTISING RATES IDISPLAY ADVERTIBM®NTH Year 94.16 180 eaoh inserion) 1.69 .. (16o " ., Bis Montbe Three Months Ona Month One]Week 2.60 l 00 " " 61 Legal and other similar advertisements, 1.0e per line for first insertion and 4o per line for eaoh subsequent insertion. :,Measured by a nonporiel Boole, twelve lines to an inch. Business Dards of sl. :lines and under, $8.09 - per year. 'Advertisements of Situations Vacant, Situs tions Wanted, Houses for Bale or .to rent Articles for Bale, eta., not esoeeding eight lines, 25o eaoh insertioa; $1 for drat month. 50o for each subsequent month. Larger ad- vertisements in proportion. Businesinot1ces (news type) 50 per counted line; as local or news matter. 10o per line eaoh lnsertioh. TOWN COUNCIL -Dr. A. J. Irwin, Mayor; S. Mitchell, Reeve; L. F. Binkley, A. M. Crawford, W. A. Currie, V. R. Vannorman, W G. Patterson and D. Bell. Councillors; John F Gloves, Clerk; and J. G. Stewart, Treasurer. Board meet • first Monday evening in each month at 8 o'clock. PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD -H. E. Isard, Wm. Robertson W. A. Campbell, Dud- ley Holmes, A. Tipling, A. E. Lloyd, Robt. Allen, L. A. Bisbee, John F. Groves Secretary Treasurer. Board meets in Council Chamber on the second Tues- day of each month. HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS -Harry E. Ricker, M. A., Principal and Specialist in Science; G. it. Smith, B. A., Special- ist in Mathematics; Mr. C. M. Ewing, M. A.. Classics; Miss M. 1. Whyte, B. A., Specialist in Moderns and His tory; Miss E. C. Garrett, Art and Mathametics; Miss B. Kettlewell, Commercial Work and History. PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. -A. L. Posliff, Principal, Miss Brock, Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Ans- ley, Miss Barber and Miss Bentley. BOARD OF HEALTH. -Dr. A. J. Irwin, (chairman), Wm.Fessant, Alex Porter, John F. Groves,Secretary; Dr. R. C. Redmond, Medical Health officer. The chief symptoms of cholera are vomiting, and purging occurs either simultaneously or alternately, and ate usually sudden and very violent, ar the matter ejected by the stomach has a bilious appearance acid a nasty bitter taste. O'n the first symptom appearing Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawterry should be taken, and the trouble cured. Mrs. E. Slade, 376 Logan Ave., Toronto, Ont., writes: "When I first arrived in Canada, nearly four years ago, my entire family was stricken with cholera, front which the youngest child died. Soon after a friend recommended Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, and acting on this advice I administered it to all who were suffering, with the most gratifying results. Since that first at- tack my children have been subject to stomach. troubles, but on the first symptoms I resort to "Dr. Fowler's," and it always brings relief. I have immense faith in this medicine, and always keep a bottle on hand. Also I never fail to recommend it to anyone who is similarly troubled," When you ask for "Dr. p`owler's" see that you get it. It has been on the market for the past 70 years. There is nothing "just as good." Manufactured by The T. Milburn coy Limited, Toronto, Ont. Price, 35 cents. Wingham General Hospital 1111•111 111 _� Medical DRS. KENNEDY & CALDER OrriCES-Corner Potriok and Centre Ste. PaoNEs: Offices 43 Residence, Dr. Kennedy 143 Residence, Dr. Calder 161 Dr. Kennedy specializes in Surgery. Dr. Calder devotes special attention to Diet eases of the Ipye. Bar, Noae and Throat. Byes thoroughly tested. Glasses properly fitted. DB. ROBT.O.IISDMOND, 51. U.C.8. (Rug) L. R. 0. P. London. (Under Government Inspection) Pleasantly situated. Beautifully fur- nished. Open to all 'regularly licensed physicians. RATES FOR PATIENTS -Which include board and nursing), $4.90 to $15. per week according to location of room. For further information, ad- dress Miss L. Matthews. Superintendent Box 223, Wingham Ont. Railway Timetable GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM, TRAINS LRAVS ron London-..._. - 0.85 a.m... 8.80p,m, TorontodtEast - 8.45 a.m- 8.20p.m. elroardine_11.69a.m ._ 9.15 p.m, ARRIVI PROM Kincardine - X6.80 a.m 3.20 p.m. London.-.- .. , .- -. _ .. 11.54 a.m..- 7.85 p.m. Toronto &Bast......... 2.80 p.m.-- 9.15 pail. W. F. BURGMAN,Station Agent. Wingham H l4 ELLIOTT, Town Agent, Wingkam. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. TRAINS LIMPS VOR Toronto and Bast-- - 6.40 min - 2.10 pan. Teeswater_ .. ...00 p.m- -10.22 p.m.rARR.PA rIinM Teeswater_.._ .__ _.6.90 a.m._ . 8.05 p.m. Toronto and last_ __12 47 p.m -._10.27 p.m. T. H.BBBMBB. Agent.wlnrham WANTED. Good Local Agertt at once to represent the Old and Reliahla Fouthill Nursuries PHYSICIAN end SURGBON. Office, with Dr. Chisholm W. R. Hambly, B.So., M.D., O.M. Wingham, Ontario. 'Special attention paid to diseases of women and children, having taken post graduate • work in Surgery, Bartoriology and Scientific Medicine. Office in the Kerr residence, between the Queen's hotel and the Baptist Oharoh. All business given careful attention. Phone 54. P. O. Box 118. A splen lid :i.: o irl.it .01t1 orn-tm :rlt-.1 •; :ick for Fah Delivery 1(1 1913 a d `oring D.•I,v 'ry 1,1 1r) 1 4.. Start at once rind secure ex- clusive tt rritor) . We supply hatl,ii•-nine free nut fit and pi,y highest com- missions. Write for full particulars. Stone& Wellington, Toronto - - Ontario OVER 66 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRACE MARKS DESIGNS Copvnuwirs &c. Anyone sending a okotoh and dosorlpiton may quickly ascertain our opinion roe whether An kiventlon to probably stentab Com nntoa. uoneetrlctlyronadehtual. ii e(I0K on Parente sant free. Obleet t cnoy for seenun . catente. Patents taken through MannCO. reeelie *,ectalneftee, without charge, lathe Scientific Rmertcans Al1andsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest Cir. cnlatten of any eetentlee journal. 'Terms for Canada, $,RL a year, pounce prepaid. Sold by all newels tare. M NN Co 3038roadwaY, New yeti ca da Prima od1 ca IP St„ Washington. b.� Dr.' J. R. Macdonald--- - Wingham, Ont. Office -Stone Block, over the TIMES office. DRS. PARKER tC PARKER Ostegpathic Physicians Oculists, Neurologists Wingham--Listowel Diseases Treated by Drugless Methods " •"#. Osteopathy cures or benefits when other systems fail. Wingham office over Tristie's Store Tuesday, 9.00 a.m, to 9.00 p.m. Wed- nesday, 9 to 11 a.m. Thursday, 4 to 9.00 p.m. Friday, 9.05 to 9.00 a. in. or by appointment. Chiropractic • J. A. FOX, D. C. . GRADUATE CHIROPRACTOR When the spine is right the body is right. A Chiropractor will keep your spine right that you may have continued good health. If your health is already poor a course of Chiropractic Spinal Ad- justments will put your spine right. Wingham, Ont. Dental ARTHUR J. IRW1N. D. D. ti„ L. 0 b. Dental Collr of ege land Liesniiatthe et the tRvto al Collage of Dental Surgeor of t;ntrio. Mee Inacdonald Bleak, WinRbara. t-Yflice closed every W, dnesday afternoon front May 1st to Oct. 14 Q 11 ROBB, D. D. S., L. D. S. 'donor graduate of the Royal reline of Urntni ..uru,wus of Ontario and Honor gratin: Or of 'II,. Ci'iv'•re,ty of Toren to, Farnity +br •', nti.,ry. 'tele,,. nv. °a. 11. Nara ,t L'o's., store, Wte,t- haa,. r1,4 t,'i; i•,'. skied every Wednesday afternoon from: May 1.1 to Oct. lat. Legal • �b i • 4 A.NNTONH, BAf RISTBR. SOLICITOR, STc Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate of Interest. ttorteaees, town and farm property bought end sold. (Macs. Beaver Bleats. ghare _g A. MORTON, v e BABRISTBR, &e. Wingham, One, DUDLEY HOLPIES Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Office: Meyer Block,Wingham. OUTSIDE ADVERTISING Orders for the insertion of advertisements such as teachers wanted, business chances, meobanlos wanted, artioles for sale, or is foot any kind 0f an advt. in any of the Toronto or other City paper*, may be left at the Zama office. This work will receive prompt attention and wilt save people the trouble of remitting, for and forwarding advertisements. Lowest rates will bo ()noted on application. Leave or send your next work of this kind to the 'UME$ °imam whithaan