The Wingham Times, 1915-07-08, Page 4Page 4 THE WINGHAM TIMES July 8th 9 i 5 Clutuagaisilausemssoss To January 1st, 1916 I • FIFTY CENTS owinni TIDE. TIMES will be sent for the remaining months of 1915 to any new sub- scriber in Canada or Great Britain for Fifty Cents. To United States address for Eighty-five Cents. IWest8rn University, London ANOTHER GREAT ADVANCE Income Doubled,—now $75,0€0. Another large addition to Facul- ty and Equipment in Arts and Medicine. Greatly increased enrolment in view. Write for particulars to E.E. BRAITHWAIT, M.A.,,PhD. President The World's finest fresh Water Trip Steamers leave Port ?JcNicoll Tues- days, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays for Sault Ste, Marie, Port Arthur and Fort William. The steamer ".Manitoba," sailing from Port McNicolt on Wednesdays, will call at Owen Sound, leaving that point' 10 30 p.m, "STEAMSHIP EXPRESS" leaves Toronto 12.45 p.in, daily, except Friday, making direct connection , with steamers at Port McNicoll on sailing days. ..... ,,�_ _..I free to all and _.... _. +,>>>>>>>>>>>><<<,<,<,<<,<„‹<<<+ Kt -3 lbi v�itlli li WIUl1AlIL ���� An.ong the reference books which have 't been purchased are the following:— 13.14144TOTT, PIIN IsHZ L AND PsOYJ$TOR The Everyman Encyclopaedia in may be borrowjed for two weeks. v TO. ADVERTISERS Notice of changes must be left at th*. office not later than saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week PACFIC COAST TOURS Low Fares including Colifornia Expositions PARTICULAR -4, FROM W. A. SAN t)ERSOY , Town Agent, 'phone 7, S. H. Bt9EN1ER.-station Agent, 'phone 47, or write M. G. Murphy, D.P.A., Toronto. G ` AN TRUNK K SYs t M THURSDAY, JULY 8. 1915 EDITORIAL NOTES Investigations will probably be held, without delay, into the Government building contracts at Brandon. Start_ ling stories are in circulation. Then there is the new law courts buildings. It will stand scrutiny. There is also the power house. A building suitable to all requirements could have` been erected for $50,000, but the late Government is said to have blown to nearly $200,000. This building will also stand a thorough probe. It is a colossal undertaking to go into all the dirty business, but the work must be done. —Winnipeg Tribune. The Tory rump in Manitoba has asked Sir Hugh John Macdonald, son of Sir John, Police Magistrate of Winnipeg, and one of the commissioners now in- vestigating the record of the Roblin Government, to become Provincial leader of the party. Sir Hugh John bears an honored name and is a man of some ability, but time alone can heal the wounds Roblin and his gang inflicted upon the fame of Manitoba. We doubt whether Sir Hugh John will undertake the task of assisting time in the matter. A. bigger man than he would balk at the job. Of one thing there can be no doubt; the whole Tory institution which so long lorded it in Manitoba was rotten to the core, and in its desperation it is trying to convey to the world the im- pression that there is no soundness, public or private, in the Province.— Victoria Times. Summer Service to Highlands of Ontario from Toronto. 2.05 a. m. daily for Muskoka Lakes, daily except Sunday for Lake of Bays, Algonquin Park, Maganetawan River and Tiuiagami Lake points. 10.15 a. m daily except Sunday for Georgian Bay. Lake of Bays andMag- anetawan River points. 12.01 p.m. daily except Sunday for Muskoka Lakse, Lake of Bays and Algonquin Park. STEAMSHIP EXPRESS Leaves Toronto - 11.15 a.m. Arrives Sarnia Wharf, 4.30 p.m. Each Monday, Wednesday, and Sat- urday, connecting with N. N. Co.'s palatial steamships for Sault Ste. Marie, Port Artier. Fort William, and Duluth, and at Fort William with G. T.P. Railway for Winnipeg and points in Western l'anada. Coaches, Parlor- Library-Oafe and Parlor -Library -Cafe cars between Toronto& Sarnia Wharf. H. B. nr,LIOTT. Town Pap'enger and Ticket Agent, Phone 4. W, I'. ButLi SAN, Station Agent, Phu,•e CO. MISS MPARLING Licentiate of Toronto Conservatory of Music and Authorized teacher of Flet- cher Music Methou, Simplex and Kin- dergarten. Pupils prepared for Conservatory examinations in Piano and Theory. Theory taught by correspondence. Classes Opened Sep. 21 'Phone 165 THE PREMIER INVESTMENT. twelve volumes contains words giving a great variety of information on near- ly every subject, Five atlases of the different contin- ents compiled with specialregard to the literary and historical aspects of the regions under consideration. These atlases contain a great variety of unique and valuable maps which are not to be found elsewhere illustrating the changes in national boundary lines throughout history, plans of famous battlefields, regions with literary asso- ciations, voyages of discoverers such as Livingstone, Captain Cook, etc. Canada Year Book, containing an im- mense amount of information nn Cana- da. The Canadian Bird Book, a beautiful volume containing colored pictures and descriptions of practically every bird in North America with many photographs of their eggs, nests and young. A Tree Guide by Julia Ellen Rogers giving pictures and descriptions of all our common trees. A Manual of Gardening by L. H. Bailey, a book of complete information on all phases of gardening, lawn mak- ing, planning of grounds, etc., by one of the foremost authorities in America. Farm Weeds, and Fodder and Pasture Plants are two volumes fully illustrat- ed with colored plates and are valuable and authoritative works on these sub- jects. Home Waterworks is an illustrated book cf service to anyone building or improving a house as it goes fully into the questions of water supply, plumb- ing, sewage disposal and kindred sub- jects. How Canada is governed by Sir J. G. Bourinot is a complete work on all phases of our Government from Muni- cipal to Imperial by a foremost Cana- dian authority. There is also a book of great British orations by famous statesmen on his- torical occasions in the past, brought right up to date by three great speeches on the present war by Asquith, Lloyd George and Redmond. Among the books of interest to wo- men are the Boston Cooking School Cook Book by Fannie Merritt Farmer, a standard cook book which is used at McDonald Institute, and two books of beautiful crochet patterns by Flora Klickman with directions for working. Palgraves Golden Treasury, a collec- tion of the best short poems in the Eng- lish language and a "Handbook of Music and Musicians" are other titles in the library. One of the well-known Investment Houses of Toronto, Messrs. A. E. Ames & Co., states that in an,experi- ence. extending over a quarter of a century, there has not been such a wide interest in Government and Municipal Investment as at the present. Dis- criminating investors of all classes, such as Insurance Companies, Banks, Loan Companies, and private investors, are all taking advantage of present opportunities. This is due to the past In addition to the books a completed splendid record of Canadian Municipal bulletin bureau has been opened and the securities for absolute safety and present bulletins are arranged in cases on the attractive prices. library shelves according to subject so as to be readily accesiblo. Among the subjects are Agriculture; Horticulture, Poultry and Bee keeping, Home Inter- ests, Games and Sports, Gardening and Lawn -Making, Farm Engineering, Na- ture Study, School Improvement, Edu- cation, Information on Canada. Fresh numbers will be added from time to time as they are issued Seed Catalogues of leading firms in Canada and the United States will always be kept on file. It is hoped to make this service as valuable as possible to the people of the community and everyone is invited to make use of it. FARM FOR SALE Lot S. }n, 15, 16, Con. 1, Morris, 10 acres; well watered; good buildings large bearing orehard; 15 acres bus suitable for stock or grain farming 311 miles from Wingham, owner retir ing. Apply to BLVETALE. R. Garniss was at Waterloo week. Miss Cora Messer is spending her va- cation at Kingston. Mrs. R. Shaw and Mrs. Robt, Black are on a two months' trip out West. The Bluevale Ora ngemen will cele- brate the glorious twelfth at Wingham next Monday. W. J. Masters, G. T. R agent, has a new Ford touring car this is the first one owned in the burg. Mr. Earl Aitchison, of Mount Forest, is spending a couple of weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Aitchison. Mrs. Sanderson, Mrs. Hutchison, Mrs. Griffiths and Miss Sanderson of Toronto are at present at their summer home here. Don't forget the Garden Party to be held on Methodist Church lawn, Tues day, July 2Qth. Tea will be served from six to eight p.m. The Wingham Citizens' band will be in attendance and refreshment booth will be on the grounds. Come and spend a good time Admission will be 23c and 15c. A Reference Library of books and bulletins has been opened in the school from the proceeds of the Old Boys' Re- union held last year and is free to every one in the community who wishes to make use of it including all members of ety. Epworth League, Westminster Guild and other organizations who will 01 find it of service in preparing papers, h , addresses, debates, etc. On account of .1, tieing works of reference the books and - ! bulletins may only be kept out two days at a time, but a Travelling Library is Iexpected shortly from the Department last the Women's Institute, Literary Soci- W. CLE:GG, Proprietor. --- . of Education containing fiction and PLEASANT VIEW FARM! general literature which will also be FOR SALE 1.211 aP:.=,,. 10 ser. et els iced. 20 aeres I hark ,i weal, fenced; good , A WORD FOR MOTHERS state cuitivation; wind im,I; }rood water; i k barn 8'1x62 nod out -building s two storey brick eottatze, 11 roams. ROBERT LEATHORN, tf Bluovate. ban ; g ; Strayed from the pretnises of the undersigned. lot 34, con 1, Cuirass on or about the 5th of June a one -year-old medium-sized gray Heifer without horns. Parties knowing' of her whereabouts will kindly communicate with JOHN KENNEDY, 004 Whitechurch, Ont. Keep Your Eye On Patterson's Jewelery Store Window FOR THE r Zth of 5oc. to pull a string and draw something worth from 50c. to $8.00. Nothing jn the Window worth less than 50c. Positively no goods exchanged that are drawn. Buy your Diamond Rings at Patterson's on the 12th of July and save 20 per cent. A large stock to choose from. W. G. Patterson THE GREAT WATCH 'DOCTOR. W ingharn BELG KAAV p: The ladies of the Red Cross Society will hold a picnic in Mr. C. B. Wilkin- epn's grove on the afternoon of Friday, July 9th to which the public is invited. The usual sports will be held and there will be a booth on the grounds. Supper served in the evening. All persons are asked to bring baskets. ,A collection will be taken and proceeis will be used in purchasing articles for the Canadian boys who are fighting our battles at the front. The officers of the Society are: President, Mrs. (Rev.) Boyle; Treas., Miss McClelland; Sec., Mrs. D. S. Scott. Rev. Mr. Parnaby, the new Method- ist nastor conducted his first services last Sabbath. We welcome him and his family to Belgrave and hope his pastorate may be marked by a large measure of success. Last week Rev. Mr. Kilpatrick and family removed to Shedden where the reverend gentleman has been appoint- ed to labour. Shedden is a stirring vil- lage in Elgin Co. and we wish Mr. Kilpatrick all the good things of a kindly Providence in his new charge. It is a grave mistake for mothers to neg- lect their aches and pains and suffer in I silence --this only leads to chronic sick- ness and often shortens life. If your work is tiring; if your nerves are ii excitable; if you feel languid, weary or I depressed, you should know that Scott's limulsion overcomes just such conditions. It possesses in concentrated form the very elements to invigorate the blood, strengthen the tissues, nourish the nerves and build strength. Scott's is strengthening thousands of ' mothers -and will help you. Try it. Stott tk HOWnc. Toronto, Ont. TOWN OF WINGHAM COURT OF REVISION A NEW ISSUE of the Telephone Directory is now being prepared, and additions and changes for it should be reported to our Local Manager at once. Have you a telephone? Those who have will tell you that it is tho most precious of modern conveniences. Why not order to -day and have your name in the new directory? The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada v `v Y v V v v V V v v V Watch Knox's Special Window for July r Zth A. M. K\ OX Opposite National Hotel. Phone 65. v V V V `V V V v V v v V V V v V C»»Y%»»>\ CCCC<C\GC!« Take notice that sittings of a Court of Revision for t e Town o ' Ingham will be held on 1'rida July 23rd, 1915, at 8 o'clock .A or hearing of appeals and othe iters in connec- tion with the sew ' = recently construct- ed on Edward, ,iohn, Minnie and Pat- rick streets; sidewalks on William, Catharine and John Streets and Carling Terrace; also pavement on Josephine street. All persons interested will govern ; themselves accordingly. JOHN F. GROVES, 62-2 Town Clerk Safe and Timely Investments At no period in our experience of over a qua of a century, have there been so many n ' , in- vestors in Government and Municipal d • ntures as during the past six or seven months This is dote to the fact hat these -curities con- stitute the safest class inves ent, and that owing to present financ al c ditions, they are now obtainable at most a • v • ageous prices. They are readily resaleable an • are being constantly purchased by such discriminating investors as Banks, Insurance, Loan and Trust Companies. Our latest list contains full particulars of such high-grade debentures as: DAIRY BUTTER The New Storage Law Which Came Into Effect Last Fall R.eads : No person shall sell, offer or have in his or her possession for sale any Dairy Butter cut or moulded into squares, blocks or prints, wrapped in parchment paper unless such paper is marked "DAIRY BUTTER." To give accommodation to those who deal with us we have put in a stock of the aboye paper which we will sell at reasonable prices. The WM. DAVIES CO., Limited J imEggE c�i •'Z>i�'fry �t: SQ.• ISubv S,..S KODAKERS • A Word to You Do yon get "Quality" Developing and Printing at "Quantity" prices? We guarantee our work, and our service is second to none. Free enlargements are made for our regular customers, RATES: Roll of film (ANY SIZE) 10c. Film Packs (ANY SIZE) 15c. Prints (ANY SIZE) 3e. Special; V.P. Kodak size 2 for 5c. Developing Printing Enlarging FREE—Save the Coupons. Send Your Films—We Pay Return Postage POSTALORAPH FILM SERVICE S�t,11 "EcSi�' eel re risiv"'"."/"/"Av".4"4"/"A"""."-1 "Standard" Cream Separators I am the agent for the famous "sTANllAlul" cream separator the machine that holds the world's record for clean skimming. GOVT. PROVINCE ONTARIO GOVT. :PROVINCE MANITOBA GOVT. PROVINCE ALBERTA CITY ST. THOMAS CITY SYDNEY TOWNSHIP RICHMOND town NEWMARKET OITY TORONTO TOWN NORTH BAY TOWN WATERLOO TOWN ST. LAURENT GREATER WINNIPEG WATER DIST. AND MANY OTHERS nacztro Iw Investments are available, in small as well a* large amounts Write for our latest list and pamphlet explaining, fully the nature of debenture security. A. E. AM ES & C01 tniankers ent Union Bank Building, Toronto $ 89�'d Bankers /8 A. A. Athos H. R. tudhepo 1. ■radshwW F. J. Coombs Q. E. Abbe MADE IDI CANADA THAT is easiest to tutu HAT has the lowest supply tank - 1. HAT has the right height crank HAT only requires oiling every three months HAT doesn't leak oil on the floor IIAT has an interchangeable capacity You can change a 350 or 450 lbs. machine into a 600, 800 or 1000 lbs without getting a new Sep - arator. These and other points make the "Standard" the safest machine for you to bny, and I will sell you one on reasonable terms Drop ine a post card and I will let you see one of these machines working right at your home. Manufactured and Guaranteed by The Rent 'ew Machinery Co., Ltd., Renfrew, Ont. Wen Gannett) Agent. Winghain, Ont. 1 tem also agent for the "Renfrew Standard" Gasoline Engine that starts without cranking, and the "Renfrew" HandyTwo' Wheel Trunk Seale. L4r461' 111,11s4Al ip10601v1111411,1.1111►1tir11.4417►'..111,1tiJ