The Wingham Times, 1914-08-06, Page 89 TIIE WINGIIAM TPES AUGUST GI 1914 PERSONALS Mrs. E. U. Walker is vieiting in Lon &u 'and Stratford. Miss Alice Mann is sponSling her vaca- tion, at Kew Beach. Mr. W. H.,Willis made a trip to Kin. Cardine last week. Miss Ella, Cook is at present visiting friends in Ashfield. Mr. Nelson Underwood is this week, visiting friends in London. Mr, G. Tervit is spending the holidays with relatives in Mitchel:. Mr. Frank Cody, of Toronto, is spend- ing his holidays in Wingharn. Mr. Elmer Cartwright is visiting friends in Stratford this week. Mrs. F. McLean and .Miss Verna Car- ruth spent Sunday in Stratford. 114r. Lindsay Mitehell is spending his Vacatien at his borne in Hamilton. Miss Florence Logan and Miss Lila Bell spent Sunday in Kincardine. Mise Mary Austin; og Isemdon, is at p_resent vith friends in town. Misses Deila and Nina HaUgh are visiting with friends in Brussels. Mrs. Geo. Young, of Toronto, was visiting for a few days In Wingham. Mr.. and Mrs. J. B. Duffy and family spent a few days in Seaforth this week. Mrs. H. Campbell is at present visit- ing at her parental home in Goderich. Mrs. W. J, Fleuty, of Oakville, is visiting at the home of Mrs..1as. Fleuty. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Binkley and chil- dren are visiting with friends in Owen Sound. Mrs. Arthur Angus and son, Wilmer, are spending the week with friends in London. Mr. Thos. Jackson, of St. Thomas, is visiting with his sister, Mrs. J. W. Pattison. Mrs. Dudley Holmes has returned home after spending a few weeks in Goderich. Miss Helen Smith, of Toronto, is vis- iting at the home of her uncle, Mr. A. E. Smith. Miss Alice WilHans is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry 'Waller, Bluevale. Miss Bowers, of Ingersoll, is in town this week visiting her brother, Mr. Thos. Bowers. Mrs, C. C. Peake and daughter, of Toronto, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Davis. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Phippen left on Tuesday for a two weeks' visit with friends in Thedford. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Waller, of Blue - vale, visited over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry 'Williams. Miss Minnie Brown of the TIMES staff, is spending a two weeks vacation in Kincardine. Mr, Horace Bennett, of Nelson, B. C., is visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bennett. Miss Catharine Carter, of Ripley, is this week visiting her friend, Mrs. E. Corbet, Victoria street. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Rogers,who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Wynn, have gone to Atwood. Mrs. Arthur Fellman and children, Carl and Margaret, of Toronto, are visiting for a few days in town. -..—....,.••,,.•••••-•••••••.,••••••••••Mo. S Ob. DRU- CO COD LIVER OIL oaxgataimatiactasartmr-7.V...rwartozzizz..7...-1 Is one of the best Lung Builders A guaranteed cure or prevention for Coughs and Colds TRYI T Put up fn two sizes, 5oc. and $1.00 tt.trimttwootatxtumwt kir • jet spcessor to A. L. HAMILTON CCANIER DRUG STORE WINGHAM Mr. Walter Scott, of Toronto, was calling on old friends in Wingham on Monde y. Mrs. Ted. Elliott, who has been spending the last month in St. Mary's and Toronto, has left to visit friends in Winnipeg. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Robins, of Rochester, N. Y., and Mr. 0. C. Whit- ey, of Goderich, were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. H. Campbell last week Miss Jean Stewart has been visiting in Wroxeter and Howicls and will re- turn to Wingham today to visit with her friend, Mrs. Dore, prior to leaving, for Toronto on Saturday morning. Mr. Huntley, of St. Thomas, repre- senting the International Harvester Co., was in town this week. Mr. Huntley intends making Wingham his home in the future and will shortly, move his family to town. Miss Delffia Sperling is this week supposed to be in Rome and her parents are anxious as to her safety. Miss Spading is one of the touring party of Toronto who are this season touring Great Britain and the continent. RELUORE. An interesting game of football was played here on Monday night between Beimore and Glenannan, resulting in a tie 1-1. This leaves Belmore the cham- pions having previously defeated the Glennanan team 2-0. A. Baird refereed to the satisfaction of all parties con- cerned. The line-up was as follows:— Goal, Elliott; Backs, Dickson, Galway; Half -Backs, 2', Abram, Haskins, Gal- way; Forwards, Nickle, Abram, Lowry, Marshall, McKee, Mrs. Richard Musgrove, of Toronto, is at present visiting at the home of Mr. W. J. Campbell's, Turnberry. Mr. and Mrs. Robertson and family, of Wingham, spent Sunday at the home of Mre. Dodds.—Blyth Standard. Mrs. J. Henry and daughter have left for their home in Edmonton after spend - in g several weeks with Wingham friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. McKinley, of Winnipeg, is at present at Mr. McKin- lay's parental home in Wingham. Miss Jean Weir, of Toronto, is at present spending her holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Weir. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Campbell and Mr. Peter Campbell are spending the week with old friends in Stratford. Mrs. W. Carter and daughter Cath lyn, were in Toronto for the week end, visiting the former's mother, Mrs. At- kinson. Messrs. O'Neil, Broadfoot, Bright, Creswell and Hayes, of Seaforth, were in town last week in the interest of the Seaforth Old Boys' Re -Union. Messers H. Hinseliffe, A. Williams, IL Hall, G. Joynt, 0. Taylor, P. and R. Manuel motored to Kincardine and epent Sunday at the beach, Miss Hazel 13randon is visiting with her brother, Mr, N. L. 13randon at St. Mary's and also attending the Old Boys' Reunion at Stratford. Mr. H. E Bond, accompaniedby his two sons, nuitored from Toronto to eyelid the week end vsith his daughter, Mrs, Ersold Drummond. Mr, Geo. IL Harris, M. P. P„ ef Asquith, Sask, with his wife and ehild- Ten. and Mr. and "Mrs. Harris and ohildren, werein town last week visiting At the home of Mrs. H. Hamilton. Mr Robt. Weir, mathematical teeth- er in the Collegiate ihstitute, Regina, Sask., is at present visiting his parents, Ar. and Robt. Weir, Vietoria street. BORN. BRYANS—In Brussels,. on July 25th, 1914, to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bryans, twin daughters (Marguerite Francis and Phillis Ray.) JACKSON—In Wroxeter, on July 25th, 1914, to Dr. and Mrs. G. P. Jackson, a son. 311.11.R.R11811) JAcQuEs—SPENCE —At Trinity church, Fordwich, on Wednesday, July 29th, 1914, Miss Maye, daughter of Mrs. Wm. Spence, fourth con,, to Rev. Earnest Jacques, B. A., of Eastwood, Ontario, EVANS—SMITH—In St. Paul's Church, Wingham, August 3rd, by the Rev. E. G. Dymond, T. Charles Evans, Patholo- gist of the Biological Laboratory, Ottawa, to Miss May Miriam, only daughter of the late S. J. and Mrs. Smith. SMALL—In Wingham, on July 29th, Richard Lewis Small, in his 71st year. CREuars-- In the General Hospital, Guelph, on July 12th, James Crerar, of Cranbrook, in his 78th year. ANNOUNCEMENTS, &c. Notices L'nder This Head ten centa a line for first insertion; live cents for subse- quent insertions. FOR RENT—Cottage at Kincardine Beach for months of August and Sep- tember. Six rooms; light and water supplied. Apply to Mrs E Campbell, Box 101 Wingham. NOTICE—As I intend to go West about August 7th I wish to have all my accounts settled before that date. All those owing me will find me at home any morning or evening. Kindly attend to this matter at your earliest possible convenience and oblige.— ALEX. YOUNG OCEAN TICKETS Via ,all steamship lines, outward or prepaid from the Old Country. Lowest quotations current for rates or tickets by any route. Apply - H. B. ELLIOTT Times Office, Wingham Get Parnell's Bread at Christie's. WANTED—Good general servant Apply at the Timts office. Wassrtn—A good general servant girl. Apply to Mrs, Peter Fisher. Now's the time to buy your wall pap- er at greatly reduced prices at Knox's. TRUNKS AND VALISES:—Big stock of select from at lowest prices. W. J. GREER. FARM FOR SALE —173 acres; one mile from Bluevale and three miles from Wingham. Apply to Bosman Bros., Bluevale, FOR Saen—A comfortable seven - roomed house, with cement cellar and coal bin. Hard and soft water, a good garden. Apply to F. G. Sperling, Min- nie street or at his office, Salt Block. FARM FOR SALE. 100 aer as in the Township of Kinloss, about one mile from Whitechurch. This farm will be sold at a bargain. For particulars appy to R. VANSTONE, Wingham, Ont. SCRANTON COAL (Not Imitation) Buffalo, N.Y., July 80, 1914 Mr. R. J. Cantelon, Wingham, Ont. Dear Sir: Replying to your enquiry of the 28th. We mine our own coal just out- side the city of Scranton. We own and operate mine colleries in the heart of the Scranton district, and our coal is the equal of any, and superior to many, both in preparation and quality. Trusting this will be satisfactory. We thank you for enquiry and will be pleased to receive your orders. Yours very truly, THORNE, NEAL & CO. per T. M. Byrne, Northern Sales Mgr R. J. Cantelon OFFICE WITH Dominion Express Co.'s Office PLEASANT VIEW FARM FOR SALE 120 acres, 100 acres cleared, 20 acres hard wood bush; well fenced; good state cultivation; wind mill; good water; bank barn 82x52; good out -buildings; two storey brick cottage, 11 rooms. ROBERT LEATHORN, Bluevale. CANADIAN PACFi NEW LIMITED TRAINS "THE CANADIAN" Between Montreal -Toronto -Detroit -Chicago via Canadian Pacific and Michigan Central Railroads vie Michigan Central Gigantic Steel Tubes between Windsor and Detroit Leaving Montreal 845 a.m.; Toronto 8.10 p.m., arriving Detroit 12 85 a.m., Chicago 7.45 a.m. daily Equal service returning Toronto-Winnipeg.Vancouver Toronto -Vancouver Express No '8 leaves Toronto 8.55 p.m. daily Vancouver Toronto Express No. 4 arreves Torontr 21.45 a.m. daily. Manitoba Expresesso. 7 leaves Tor- onto daily except Sunday 10,50 ;:p ni., atriv. Ing Winnipeg 2nd day. Ontario fOxpress No 8 leaves Winnipeg 9 25 p.m. and arrives Toronto 5.15 p.m. daily except Tuesday. Particulars as to Rail or Ocean tickets from W. A. Sanderson, Own agent phone 47; .7. H. Beemer, station agent phone 7; or write M. 0. Murphy, D.P.A, C P, Ry., Toronto. filany,Thousand Farm Laborers Wanted FOR HARVESTINC IN WESTERN CANADA "GOING TRIP WEST." $12.00 TO WINNIPEG 1 GOING DATES Aminet sits—Vrem mi rIngaton, rlharbot talte, Renfrew aral wait to Azikla, and Satilt flta. Marie, Ont., to ail pointa ri Manitoba. Mill oat ststi...-rtoin till stat lona eilat of XIngaton, ebarbot Lake and. Ittairevr, in the Provinces of Ontar10 arid Quebec, ta point"( 1 n Manitoba. Anault latlr..-Front All ritatinntl, it Manton, ttliarbotlnke. nenfrerr and west to Astids nd itsslt 010. Marto, out., to All content menttobs and to nertaln ptatitri In Banat. obittritt sea Alberta. August 21st—roosu t ststions east Of Itingateil, Illharbot r,the and Renfrew, Is the Provinoes of Ontario am Quebec, tO ail points In Manitoba and to certain points In Stitskat• Oran and Alberta. . roe fall partieutars regarding transportation west of NeInnipeg, 1.e..neti brood (1.sst. Agent, or wolto— E, Ft 1. sTURDLE Atirto D.P. At Mt CI. MUPF)Y, DtPtAt, CtPtitt, T•tonto• "RETURN TRIP EAST." $18.00 FROM WINNIPEG 3. H. BzEratc, Station Agent W. A. Somnn011. Town Agent SPECIAL, PRJcE fon St.immer Otocpc1 Ready-to-wear, Hosiery, Gloves, and Underwear. Northway Coates -15 this season's oats, newest styles and cloths in 'short or 3-4 engths colors grey, navy, mustard and sax blue, sizes 32 and 38 at 25 per cent, off regular prices IMMO " .111.111010111111MOINIMINIMINIUMM. MOM, .01.72.1111.0) _20 Ladies' and Misses' Rain -coats broken lines'and odd sizes, values 15 to S. This eek only at $3,95 10 dozen Long Silk Gloves, 09c. pair. In White, Black, Pink, Pale Blue and Cham- pagne, double tip- ped and Full Length rttottlectersetateactitellw.02* Long Lis) e Gloves. 23 cents. White, Black and Tan sizes 6 to 7S -S, tptlat my* in • at tlimit•Mtlit • .1411•61•Mtlell Summer Para- sols—In White and Fancy Silks values from $1 ts $5 at 25 per cent. off OZEISESEIRESIBIESSIESIBEESEEESEINIUSEIZE •'• w.••••••*,•..•.•,..0Y•totteli 4040014LX—A 4CC201:10L. We are the sole agents in Wingham for the D.L. & W. Coal Co's Scranton Coal. Any other dealers offering this coal for sale are merely offering an imitation. The following letter will bear us out in this connection:— Buffalo, N.Y., July 6, 1914 Mr. J. A. McLean, Wingham, Ont. Dear Sir: 7— Replying to your inquiry in regard to ship- ments of genuine D.L. & W, Scranton Coal, in Wing - ham. We absolutely control, the mining, selling and shipment of this coal, and it can only be purchas- ed from this office for shipment into your territory. In the last tenyearswe have neither sold nor made shipments to anyone in Wingham but your- self, and we will not do so in future, without first publishing in your local newspapers a notice to this effect over our name. -You are, therefore, the only retailer at Wingham who can supply the genuine D. L. &. W., Scranton Coal. Trusting that thisis satisfactory, we are, Very truly yours, The Delaware, Lackawnna & Western Coal Co. E. H. Read, Sales Agent. J. TVIcLAIE 131.NT DEALER IN LUMBER, COAL AND WOOD ersosiiMstaMPOOSWO000000PM~ SPECIAL LINES IN SWEET CAKES IN THIS LINE WE ARE SPECIALIAZING 4 LINES WHICH YOU SHOULD HAVE 4 STRAWBERRIES PINEAPPLES GREEN BEANS TOMATOES Henry T. Thomson "The House of Quality" OFree Delivery Phone 9 Past Service., tateeiltlfrese.4.41,,11. Cash Buyers SHOULD ALWAYS GET A DISCOUNT You are intitled to it! WE GIVE a Cash Discount on Everything excepting Queen Quality Shoes and on Shoe Repairing, Our Cash Discount Amounts toBetween , _ 5 and 10 per cent. It pays to pay cash in 11 cases but doubly so when you get a Cash Discount. If you are a cash buyeryou are not getting value for your money if you are not getting a Cash Discount. 11•Willis & co; For Ladies Sole Agents 1111,111,3-esielVesest 1 WOOL ...•••••••••••••,..00,a0"••••••.../../....W.••••.,..1 OOL! Large quantities of WANTE Wool Cash or Trade. We pay the hig A large range of All -Wool Sheets Yarn made by the best mills. hest cash price Blankets Bring your Wool here and get best value for your money. A large assortment of Men's Suits 20 per cent. off regular cash price in exchange for Wool. Over 100 Suits to select from J. A- 1111ii1J Suecesaor to T. A.1Mi1ls PRONt 89. WPTGRAM, ONT. Nle.1/•1=1.1411. Flowered Crepe, Cotton Voile, Mull and Rice Cloth—This season's newest dress materials in all the leading shades and patterns, reg. 25 and 35e values for 19c. "In.1:"...,,.........5. . 200 yds 20 inch Black Guaranteed Silk— 'a very rich silk with fine finish and will give excellent wear, regular $1.25 for 98c. 25 dozen Ribbed Cotton Hose—Made of good strong yarn and fast dye. All sizes from 4SIS, to 10. On sale all sizes 100 pair —.--se. 4 dozen Ladies' House Dresses—Sizes 32 to 40 made from strong cotton materials neatly trimmed. Regular $2.50 for $1,09 25 per cent Saving on Whitewear, Un- derskirts, Drawers, Corset Covers, Night Gowns, etc. 10 dozen Long Silk Gloves, 09c. pair. In White, Black, Pink, Pale Blue and Cham- pagne, double tip- ped and Full Length rttottlectersetateactitellw.02* Long Lis) e Gloves. 23 cents. White, Black and Tan sizes 6 to 7S -S, tptlat my* in • at tlimit•Mtlit • .1411•61•Mtlell Summer Para- sols—In White and Fancy Silks values from $1 ts $5 at 25 per cent. off OZEISESEIRESIBIESSIESIBEESEEESEINIUSEIZE •'• w.••••••*,•..•.•,..0Y•totteli 4040014LX—A 4CC201:10L. We are the sole agents in Wingham for the D.L. & W. Coal Co's Scranton Coal. Any other dealers offering this coal for sale are merely offering an imitation. The following letter will bear us out in this connection:— Buffalo, N.Y., July 6, 1914 Mr. J. A. McLean, Wingham, Ont. Dear Sir: 7— Replying to your inquiry in regard to ship- ments of genuine D.L. & W, Scranton Coal, in Wing - ham. We absolutely control, the mining, selling and shipment of this coal, and it can only be purchas- ed from this office for shipment into your territory. In the last tenyearswe have neither sold nor made shipments to anyone in Wingham but your- self, and we will not do so in future, without first publishing in your local newspapers a notice to this effect over our name. -You are, therefore, the only retailer at Wingham who can supply the genuine D. L. &. W., Scranton Coal. Trusting that thisis satisfactory, we are, Very truly yours, The Delaware, Lackawnna & Western Coal Co. E. H. Read, Sales Agent. J. TVIcLAIE 131.NT DEALER IN LUMBER, COAL AND WOOD ersosiiMstaMPOOSWO000000PM~ SPECIAL LINES IN SWEET CAKES IN THIS LINE WE ARE SPECIALIAZING 4 LINES WHICH YOU SHOULD HAVE 4 STRAWBERRIES PINEAPPLES GREEN BEANS TOMATOES Henry T. Thomson "The House of Quality" OFree Delivery Phone 9 Past Service., tateeiltlfrese.4.41,,11. Cash Buyers SHOULD ALWAYS GET A DISCOUNT You are intitled to it! WE GIVE a Cash Discount on Everything excepting Queen Quality Shoes and on Shoe Repairing, Our Cash Discount Amounts toBetween , _ 5 and 10 per cent. It pays to pay cash in 11 cases but doubly so when you get a Cash Discount. If you are a cash buyeryou are not getting value for your money if you are not getting a Cash Discount. 11•Willis & co; For Ladies Sole Agents 1111,111,3-esielVesest 1 WOOL ...•••••••••••••,..00,a0"••••••.../../....W.••••.,..1 OOL! Large quantities of WANTE Wool Cash or Trade. We pay the hig A large range of All -Wool Sheets Yarn made by the best mills. hest cash price Blankets Bring your Wool here and get best value for your money. A large assortment of Men's Suits 20 per cent. off regular cash price in exchange for Wool. Over 100 Suits to select from J. A- 1111ii1J Suecesaor to T. A.1Mi1ls PRONt 89. WPTGRAM, ONT.