Lakeshore Advance, 2013-09-18, Page 19Maeltlittopteeeiour2bilc 8 eamithrovidedefi $J Carbon monoxide safety tips Ontario's public safety regula- tor, the Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA), is remind- ing the public of carbon monoxide (CO) safety tips following two recent CO -related fatalities. An 11 -year-old boy was found dead from CO poisoning in the family vehicle at the Lodge Louise Campground in Parry Sound on Igtaturday, August 31. l le'd opted to Jeep in the family van rather than the tent. A propane -fueled cooler was operating in the back of the van with all but one of the vehi- cle's windows closed because of mosquitoes. On Sunday, September 1, an 84 -year-old man was found dead and his wife in critical condition as a result of CO poisoning while at their cottage in Armour, north- east of I3urk's Falls. A propane - fueled refrigerator is suspected to be the source of the CO. "These are sad and tragic incidents that could have been prevented," said John Marshall, Director of TSSA's Fuels Safety Pro- gram. "Awareness of CO safety risks is your best protection," added Mr. Marshall. S'1'1:P 1: Eliminate CO at the source. Follow manufacturer's installation and operating instruc- tions. Get your fuel -burning appli- ances and equipment inspected by a certified technician who works for a TSSA-registered heat- ing contractor. For a list of regis- tered heating contractors, ask your fuel supplier or call TSSA toll-free at 1-877-682-TSSA (8772). STEP 2: Ensure your home and cottage have certified CO alarms. They will warn you of ris- ing (X) levels, giving you time to take potentially life-saving action. For proper installation locations, follow manufacturer instructions or ask your local fire department. STEP 3: Know the symptoms of CO poisoning. They are similar to the flu - nausea, headache, burn- ing eyes, confusion and drowsi- ness - except there is no fever. If they appear, immediately get eve- ryone, including pets, outside to fresh air and call 911 and/or your local fire department. TSSA encourages the public to get the right facts about CO safety risks, the leading cause of accidental poisoning deaths in North America, by visit- ing cosafety.ca. The more you know, the better you can prac- tice CO safety and ensure you and your family don't become victims of CO poisoning. Highway 21 at Ausable Cut Church 519-243-2144 Pastor Doug Watson Sunday, Sept. 22 10:30 a.m. Worship and Sunday School (nursery provided) Kidz Club: Bible stories, songs, fun games and more, SK - Cr 6, 6:45 - 8 p.m., on the second Wednesday of each month Mid -week service Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Community Church Service Directory Rejoice Together Zurich Mennonite Church 37818 Zurich I lcnsall ltd„ West of Zurich 519-236-4933 www.kingafleldcommon.ca Kingdield Pastor: Ken (Jarley SMC Pastor: Tom Ries Sunday, Sept. 22 9:30 am Worship Gathering at ZMC Pastor Ken Gatley 11 tun ('otl'ce Time & Sunday School Everyone Welcome ST. JOHN'S BY -THE -LAKE Hwy. 21, North of Grand Bend 519-238-2489 I:nlail: st.johns(u'hay.net NOUCAHCHURCH Web: www.stjohnsgrandbend.ca St. Anne's, Port Franks: Sunday, Sept. 22 18th Sunday after Pentecost 8:30 a.m. Morning Prayer Fr. Grayhame Bowcott Officiant ek• St. John's By -The -lake: Sunday, Sept. 22 18th Sunday after Pentecost 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist Fr. Grayhame Bowcott Celebrant "A Community of Faith to Call Home" The Reverend Father Grayhame R. Howcott St. Peter's Lutheran Church (ELCIC) Zurich, Ont. Rev. Nadine Schroeder -Krung Organist Mrs. Christine Eagleson SecretarlJcnnifcr Schellenbergcr, Office 519-236-4697 Sunday, Sept. 22 18th Sunday after Pentecost with Holy Communion Service 10:00 am. Sunday School at 10:15 am Coffee Hour at 11:00 am We the people of tit. Peter's are called. by the grace of God, to he a welcoming A worshipping congregation. growing in fitithArtughthegt*1&nodsrgivalIurlYrraawvdethewrest Grand Bend Church of God Conu' worship with us liwy 81 and Gill Road Phone 519-238-2142 Office Hours: Wed. 1-4, Thurs. 9-12 Sunday Sept. 22 Speaker: Frank Struth 9:311 - 10:30 a.m. Sunday School for All Ages 10:30 - 11:00 a.m. ('offer Time 11:00 a.m. Worship Service Wednesday 1:15 p.m. Prayer & Bible Study admintn'ghcog.org www.grandbendchurchofgod.org Grand Bend United Church Main Sestet at Quccn 519.238-2402 Organist: Elva McIntyre www.grandbend-greenwaypc.com art Sunday Sept. 22 11:00 a.m. Worship Leader: Peter ('hallen Message: "Bold & Bcautitid" Youth Message: "Tratlsfomiers" All Welcome Baha'i Faith "God grant that the light O/'unite' may envelop the whole earth, and that they seal, "the Kingdom is God :s ", mat' he stamped upon the brow ()/fall its peoples," from the Bahtit'i Writings For information on local C'hildmn's Classes and the Junior Youth Empowerment Program call 519-238-8092 or visit these web sites: www.ca.bahai.org www.bahailambtonshores.org Zion Lutheran Church LC -C f 148 Frederick St., Dashwood Rev. John E. Trembulak 519-237-3548 Sunday Sept. 22 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:00 a,m. Adult Bible Class 11:00 a.m. Family Worship Everyone Welcome www.hay/net/-him hnzcn'hay.nct fore s BAPTIST CHURCH creatively proclaiming CHRIST without cornpromiso Sunday September 22. 2013 9:40 am - Sunday School with classes for all ages 10:50 am - Morning Worship Pastor Morris speaking on 1 Cor. 11:2-16 6:00 pm - Evening Service Mission Video --Joseph Klshore Corner of Prince and Wellington Streets, Forest 519-786-3480 www.forestbantlat.c We welcome everyone of all ages to join usll