Lakeshore Advance, 2013-09-18, Page 11•
Wf !T= ove
of the congregation of St. Peter's Luthe an Church In Zurich sponsored a bkd release
for their recent& �tSchool Opening.
The children weregilled end In awe se 24 breuWhil whin pigeons were released by them or family
members on lila lawn of the dea h atter worIhI &.
The pigeons are Ick y Jack and Us Snell of Daellwoot We hope all the pigeons returned to their
home Mee celled VII. of Love.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013 • Lakeshore Advance 11
Hansell writer pens "Reading Tea
leaves with Gramma Scotty'
Lakeshore Advance
Trudy Archer has recently published
a 12 -page booklet about reading tea
leaves. Gramma Scott lived in Wingham
and possessed the ability to read tea
leaves. She was'rrudy's maternal grand-
mother. 'Ihe idea for this booklet came
from many fond memories of her
'Volume 1 contains 30 tea leaf read-
ings with instructions. Volume 11, to he
published in August 2014, will Include
31 readings for a total of 61. This respre-
sents the age when Gramma passed.
This booklet is intended for enter-
tainment purposes only. "'the idea is to
drink tea with your family and friends
and read the leaves by looking up the
various leaf patterns in the booklet. Lots
of laughs guaranteed'; says Archer.
Trudy is planning a number of tea
parties in the area to introduce her
'1'o purchase Reading 'lea Lea Leaves
with Gramma Scott, Volume 1, or to
order Volume 11, email Trudy Archer:
Reading Tea Lama
with 6ramn'Ia Scott
'liudv Archer
tiat«,.. I
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