Lakeshore Advance, 2013-09-18, Page 4option Ir www.takeshoreadvance.com tlkoshoro Advance PUBLISHED WEEKLY P.O.BOX 1195 58 Ontario St., North Grand Bend ON NOM 1TO phone: 519-238-5383 fax: 519-238-5131 email: lakeshore.advanceDsunmedla.ca SHUN �HEDiA A Qu.blcor Compx►y NEIL. CLIFFORD Publisher/ Advertising Manager nelIdlffordaDsunmedia.ca LYNDA HILLMAN-RAPLEY Editor lakoshoro.advance.osunmodla.ca MARK STEPHEN Advertising Sales mark stephon)vsunn (Ila ca KATHY YOUNG Typesetting/Classifieds iakeshore. adsOsunmedia. ca www.lakeshoreadvance.com Publications Mad Agreement No. 40064683 RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN AODRFSSI S TO LAKESHORE ADVANCE CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT PO.Box 1195 58 Ontario St North Grand Bond ON NOM 1 TO For any non•dohvorles or delivery concerns' phone: 519-238.6393 o•malf Iakeshorn advanco(Vsunmedin ca Changes of address, orders for subscriptions. and undeliverable o00le3 (return postage guaranteed) aro to be sent to 1 aknshoreAdvance at the address Indicated here Advertising Is accepted on the condition that In tho event of n typographical error, the portion of the advertising space occupied by the enormous Item together with a reasonable allowance for signature, will not be charged for, but the balance of the advertise- ment will be paid at the applicable rates We ar knnwledgo the RnatNIOI support of the (,ovenunent of (:amnia through the Canadian Periodical Fund (CP1) for our publishing activities. Canada Aocna M i hei rd the lauwct)en Community Newspaper Assrx.wiwn and the ()Witty) (,int,NewspapersMsxlathy) editorial And now.the process begins That was quite the seven years. Although the Grand Bend Area Sewage Treat- ment Facility won't be built in the present councils' term- let's hope it is smooth sailing so others who want to develop in South Huron and Lambton Shores can. One issue that is not in Brent Kittmer's next steps (See page 3) is who pays for this phase. if we remember correctly- at all the recent public meetings, the big question from the public was "who pays?" The answer was that Council iuts not discussed that yet. "That issue will have to come to today's council and actually be discussed. 1f the current users, those in Arkona, 'Medford, Forest and Grand Rend pay- there could be bedlam as the users are already paying and did not need a new facility. Again, if we remember correctly, the premise of the original plant was to have the "new" users pay most of the cost as their entry fee into the system. The users will surely be watching to see if the interpretation of this could be spelled out as "a replacement/upgrade of the Grand Bend lagoons. If the people in Zones 3 and 4 (Southcott Pines to the Cut) are asked to pay there could be a fall out since there is no room in the plant for their future uses. 'That also rings true for some of South Huron's communities. And then there is the future development that many doubted—will help. pay for the facility through development fees. 50, for the time being - there should be rejoicing that the plant can go for- ward- area developers can go forward but..,before they go too far, it would only make sense that council get a full report on the cost, funding and financing to clarify what this will cost 0Set's, - Lynda 11Wotan -Haply►, MAKJ:QWIsH ((:insider Because some wishes ((11!'I I '(1il /Ot• .tiOlit('(I(sv. v . 111, t 1. (', l sv i . l 1 .tea 1-8Sh-8 ,-') 1 7 1 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Lakeshore Advance welcomes letters to the editor. Letters must include the writer's full name, address, daytime phone number and signature (for verification. Anonymous letters will not be published. We reserve the right to edit all editorial submissions including letters for clarification, style and length. Letters must be signed and be In good taste and follow the laws of libel and slander. letters to the editor Attention Bluewater, South Huron and Lambton Shores residents 7b the Editor, All our municipalities have a say in where business, signs etc. are located. As property owners if we want to do anything that does not meet code, we need to go to the planning committee to get a variance. Quite often our neighbours and the Ausable Bayfield Con- servation Authority have a say in the matter. Along comes Northland operating as Grand Bend Wind Inc. They can put up 48 Indus- trial Wind Turbines at a height clover 500ft and the Munici- pality has to issue a building permit raider the Green Energy Act. 'ihe municipalities have no say in where these turbines will be placed even though they will change the landscape of the area forever. In the Municipal- ity of Bluewater, property val- ues along the Lakeshore have already begun to decline. 'there will be approximately 2500 resi- dents within 1.5 KM of these turbines. As has happened in other areas, a number of our citizens will suffer health effects. We have until October 12/13 to submit comment to the Min- istry of Environment. This Is the last time your _ voice may be heard on this project that affects you and your property, after the com- ments are In,(If they get approval) only a successful appeal to the Environmental Review Tribunal (ERT) will stop construction. Only one ERT has been successful, and it is under appeal. if we are successful in a massive comment campaign we could see change. If we leave it to someone else our fate is more certainly to have tur- bines in our lives for the next 20 or more years. Go to the WWW.BSRA.ca website and there Is a link to the Environmental Registry for the Northland Project, where you can submit an on line comment. Keith Locking President Bluewater Shoreline Residents Association WIND: We don't need continued disruption lb the Editor, Once again the issue of wind- mills has appeared in the Lake- shore Advance and it has resulted in more thinking about what can be done. '!here is no argument about the need for as much clean energy as we can produce. Coal generation is being phased out in Ontario and the probability of more nuclear energy being produced is ques- tionable. Clean energy is essen- tial, obviously. So, what to do about the windmill debate. It won't go away but there are alternatives based on science and better technology. First, let the companies In the windmill bushnesceliminate the wind- mill by studying a development coming out of the Netherlands where work is progressing on an Electrostatic Wind Energy Converter. This is n frame bridged by horizontal steel tubes, which are lined with electrodes that generate a neg- atively charged field. Water Is sprayed as positively charged droplets. When wind blows the positive particles are pushed against the force of the negative field and the created energy Is converted into electri- cal energy. 'There are no moving parts, no windmill, and it is silent. 1 do not know much about this but the point is that there are ways to change when there is a necessity to do so and with such vehement opposition to the existing wind energy gener- ators there is a need to change. The ocher option is to use solar voltaic generation. There is a well-developed technology but the Issue has been cost. Now all reports indicate that in the near future costs will reduce by 5096. Maybe we need a moratorium on the use of tlu presently available wind gener- ating technology while convey sion to more acceptable tech- nology can be achieved. Solar generation is here now and would not elicit the objections now being heard to windmills. Better wind -generated technol- ogy Is in the works. We don't need the continued disruption now evident in rural Ontario. Joe Wooden, Grand Bend.