Lakeshore Advance, 2013-09-18, Page 3Wgdj day, September 18, 201,3 „• Lakeshore Advance 3 . STF project can proceed with next steps CONTINUED FROM > PAGE 1 moving forward and "we look forward to the challenge of completing this project within its mandated deadline." The lagoons were built on Mollard Line, east of (rand Bend in the late 1970s. As a result of limited capacity in the existing lagoon system a long-term sanitary servicing scheme was sought for Grand Bend and the surrounding area. The Municipalities of Bluewater, South Huron and Lambton Shores tnered to complete a sanitary serv- ig master plan in 2006. BCF awarded $14.9 trillion -two-third costs of the original plan. Later Bluewater pulled out of the first phase leaving the other two to come up with less expen- sive options. A scope change for the project was requested 1n 2012 with fol- lowed by 14 objections in a Part 11 Bump up request to the Ministry. A funding scope change application had been necessary due to the deci- sion to phase in the ultimate capacity of the STI; and add in work to upgrade the main pumping station on Main Street East. In late August BCP approved the change and the only change to the funding agreement was to change the project description with the updated version. A budget of $18.16 million was detailed for the STF upgrade. BCF pays two-thirds for the project with the bal- ance of the capital costs to be split pro- portionally based on the flow to South Huron (35.3%) and Lambton Shores (64.7%). There has been at least $800,000 spent up to now on engineer- ing- those dollars come off the $14.9 million. The new engineering (esti- mated to cost $600,000) will also have to come out of these dollars. 'There is also $1M Green Municipal Funding Grant and $10M low interest loan for this project. Last Friday the honourable Jitn @ICanadian �J Diabetes Ass(x Khan Today, 1 in 5 people with diabetes survives heart disease. Help reverse the trend. 100,1101, • 411) egnat all Bradley, Minister of the Environment informed the partner municipalities that they may now proceed with the project. The matter will go back to the joint Board next week. Next steps include hiring a consulting firm to complete the final design; review and reward engineering contract and finalize all funding docu- mentation by March 31, 2016. As for the 14 objections to the Ministry- those people received correspondence from Bradley's office last Friday. The Lakeshore Advance obtained one of the objector's letter's that explained first in a letter to Brent Kittmer, Director of Community Services and to Don Giberson South Huron's Environmental Services Director, that the project may proceed subject to any other permits or approvals required.'Ihe let- ter says the municipalities must implement the project in the manner it was devel- oped and designed includ- ing all mitigation measures and environmental and other provisions therein. Bradley explained in a review process the issue and his response. Bradley said he would like to ensure that the municipalities understand that failure to comply with the Act; the provisions of the Class environmental Assessment and the failure to implement the project as described in planning documents are contraven- tions of the Act. In the let- ters to those who objected Bradley said he was satis- fied that the purpose of the Act "the betterment of the people of the whole or any part of Ontario by provid- ing for the protection, con- servation and wise man- agement in Ontario of the Environment" has been met for this project. Next Steps In no particular order, Kintner mapped out the next steps for this project. 'they will have to • Finalize the updated Joint agreement • Review and finalize the Grand Bend t koshore Advanco Subscribe Today 519-238-5383 Lynda Nlllman-Rapley The Lakeshore Adanco Grand Bend lagoons east of the Village were built in the late 1970s and will be replaced by a new facility. draft Request For Proposals for engi- neering services • Review and award an engineering services contract • Review and finalize the re -design of the STF and obtain necessary approvals • Review and finalize the design of Pump Station 2, including outstanding capacity matters and obtain necessary approvals • Prequalify and the tender the STP and PS2 projects • Award the contract for the STF and PS2 projects • Start and complete construction • Finalize all funding documentation by March 31, 2016 Queensway is pleased as Julie welcomes Retirement Living and Long Term Care of and t`!l{ p a113y? i:L trigaj lik___ to announce the appointment Julie Mann, RPN retirement Hone Manager. the opportunity to meet discuss your retirement needs. Please call Julie at 519-262-2830 ext. 4 for a tour and a complimentary lunch/dinner and to learn about our all-inclusive Winter Stay Package special.