Lakeshore Advance, 2013-07-10, Page 27Wednesday, July 10, 2013 • Lakeshore Advance 27 Lots of fun at Huron County libraries Lakeshore Advance There is a lot to do at the Exeter, Hensall and Kirkton Library Branches In the month of July. -"Kids Rock on with Paul Droog" at the llensall Library on July 1 1 th ata:O0ptn. "Set Sail with the Vikings" on July 16th from 1:30pm until 3:30pm at the Exeter Llbrary. Ages 5-10 are invited to explore and uncover the lore and legend of the Vikings! Experience the Vikings first hand by viewing artifacts and making crafts. This exhibit is on loan to the Huron County Museum from the Manitoba Museum. Sign up at the Circulation desk to confirm Highway 21 at Ausable ('ut Church 519-243-2144 Pastor Doug Watson Sunday, July 14th 10:30 a.m. Worship and Sunday School (nursery provided) Kidz Club: Bible stories, songs, fun games and more, SK - (;r 6, 6:45 - 5 p.m., on the second Wednesday of each month Mid -week service Wednesday 7:00 p.m. your spot in this exciting program! "Mr, Bach Visits the Library" on Wednesday July 17th at 2pm in Exe- ter, John J.S. Bach and us as he enter- tains us with music and stories. Crafts to follow. You'll be surprised how much fun a dead composer can be! Ilrom July 10- 20, the Exeter Library will be holding their annual Book Sale. Come on out during regular library hours to find a variety of book treasures. At the 11ensall library on July 25th, 10 -year-old author Julia De)ong will be making an appearance! l ler book Karrisa, Kent and the lost shoe is being sold with proceeds going to the ST. JOHN'S BY -THE- ' ' KI. ANStICAN CI$UNLI4 Sacred Heart School in Ghana, to support education for girls. "Lego My Library": We provide the Lego, you provide the imagination! On July 27th, come on out and work with others to make Lego creations. This event will run at the Kirkton Library on this date from 9:00atn- 11:OOam and at the Exeter Library from 2:OOpm- 4:00pm. On Tuesday, July 30th at 4:00 "The Travellin' Rabbit Magic Show" fea- turing Owen Anderson will be stop- ping by the Exeter Library. This event will be 45 fun -filled minutes of cotn- edy and magic for children of all ages. You don't want to miss out on this event! Community Church Service Directory Rejoice Together Zurich Mennonite Church 1781 !1 York h 1lrnsull kd , West of 'hutch 4-1 519.236.4933 www.klnkstieldcommon.ca Kingulteld I'sxtor: Ken (i.ulry '!.M(' Pastor: Ibm Roes Sunday, July 14 9:30 a.m. Worship Gathering; Pastor Ken (iazley Everyone Welcome 11wy. 21, North of (irand Bend 51() -23K -24K9 l;nulil: st.johns(uhay.net Web: www.stjihnsgrandbcnd.ca St. Anne's, Port Franks: Sunday, July 14 Kth Sunday idler Pentecost 8:30 a.nl. Morning Prayer Fr. Andrew Wilson Oliiciant St. John's By -The -lake: Sunday, July 14 Kth Sunday afler Pentecost 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist "Children's Ministry" Fr. Andrew Wilson Celebrant "A Community of Faith to Calf Home" 'Me Reverend Father (lrayhame R. Howcott St. Peter's Lutheran Church (EI.CIC) Zurich, Ont. A, Rev. Nadine Schnieder-Kruni U Organist Mrs. Christine Eagleson 11 ,Secretary Jennifer Schcllenberger Office. 519-236-4697 Sunday, July 14 8th Sunday after Pentecost with Holy Communion Service 10:00 am. Coffee Hour at 11:00 am t(i rhe people of St. Peter's are called, 111 the ,grace of (irNl, fa be a nrlror ang ,t .41'n/upprrrr, congregation, growing in Aurhtialveil the ,+' lyrl,( mg, but 1Puta,uur1rnrruuun•.G the"+r Ll (rand Bend Church of God Come worship with us Hwy 81 and (fill Road Phone 519-238-2142 Office flours: Wed. 1-4, Thurs. 9-12 Sunday July 14 Speaker: Margaret Lennox 9.30 - 111:311 a.m. Sunday School for All Ages 10:30 - 11 (KI a.m. ('offer Time II :IX? a.m. Worship Service Come Join our Youth Group for ages 11-18 at 6:45 p.m. Sunday Evenings Wednesday 1:15 p.m. Player .tC Bible Study www.grandlwndchurchufg(x1.org (:rand Bend United Church Main Street at Queen 519-238-2402 Minister: Rev. Ifarry 1)isher Organist: Elva McIntyre www•grandlx nd-grcenwaypc.com Sunday July 14 11:011 a.m. Guest Worship Leader: Rev. ('amillia 1.a1(ouche Sermon: "Passing Lanes and Rest Stilts" Special Music: "London Unity Choir" All Welcome 14* liah�a'f Faith "....41/ the .varrutt' and the grief that evixt carr)(' Jit)») the world ()justifier -- the .spiritual ►t'ur'l(1 /)('.tows only the •joyt" from the Huh6'i 1Vritings Vol information on Ilk•al Children's Classes and the Junior Youth 1•:ntp o\ennent I'rugnt n 3;11! 51') 218 5092 or visit these web sites: w W w.cis.h,+hui.org www.hahallamhlonshores.org Zion Lutheran Church I,C-C f 148 Frederick Si.. Dashwood Rev. John li. '1'remhulak 519-237-3545 Sunday, July 14 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Adult Bible ('lass 11:00 a.m. Family Worship Everyone Welcome www.hay/net/-hnu hni(n'hay. net fores BAPTIST CHURCH c.rsotivoly proc.loimtnp CIIIZIST without (.omprornises SUNDAY SERVICE at 9 a.m. Each week until August 25 At Pinery Provincial Park Outdoor theatre Services at 10:50 am & 6 pm at Prince and Wellington Streets, Forest 519-786-3480 www.torestbaotlst.ca We welcome everyone of all ages to join usll