Lakeshore Advance, 2013-04-03, Page 22Wednesday, April 3, 2013 • Lakeshore Advance 21
Conservationist of the Year Award honours Peter
Darbishire's quarter century of volunteerism
Ausable hayfield Conservation
announced at the watershed's annual
conservation awards on 'Thursday,
March 21 that this year's Conservation-
ist of the Year is Peter Darbishire. The
Exeter -area man was described as a
tireless %vorkt'r for conservation, as a
volunteer and landowner, for more than
it quarter of a century.
Darbishire, of RR 3 Exeter, received a
framed, limited -edition conservation
print of the 1 atornell 'Tree, by Bonna
Rouse, one of :310 made for a special
edition by Conservation Ontario. Ausa-
ble Bayfield Conservation Authority will
also shake a donation towards a tree
and plaque ata Commemorative
Woods site. Ausable Bayfield Conserva-
tion Board of Directors Chairman Dave
Frayne, and Vice Chairman Mike Tam,
presented the Conservationist of the
Foundation (where he has served for a
quarter of It century - since 1988).
The new Woodland Reflection Shel-
ter pavilion building might never have
happened if it wasn't for Darbishire, a
crowd of more than 00 people heard.
Darbishire recruited a great team of vol-
untcer builders, contacted local build-
ing suppliers that generously donated
materials, launched a community fun-
draising campaign, and gave of his time
and talent to coordinate the building's
construction. I le also got physically
involved as one of the volunteers con-
structing the pavilion.
"Without Peter Darbishire, the Wood-
land Reflection Shelter would still be
just an idea and not a completed
project," according to the programme
distributed at the awards evening. "'This
building is now a unique place to
recognize the names of people
remembered through the plant-
ing of memorial trees; a place
where friends and family can
visit, reflect and remember; a
place for hikers and walkers
along the South I luron Trail to
sit, rest, and enjoy the living
things in our local landscape."
Mike Tam, Vice Chairman of the Ausable
Bayfield Conservation Authority Board
of Directors (at far left of photo), and
ABCA Chairman Dave Frayne (at far right
of photo) present Peter Darbishire (in
.) centre of photo), of RR 3 Exeter, with the
Conservationist of the Year Award, at the
annual Conservation Awards held this
year on March 21, 2013.
Year Award. "Peter Darbishire has
donated his time, land, and talent to his
watershed community for more than 25
years," Frayne said, in presenting the
Peter has planted trees on his land,
and donated access to his land for a
section of the South 1luron'I'rail. Before
there was a trail, and winters saw more
sustained periods of snow, he donated
access to his land for the use'of cross-
country skiers.
Peter has supported the South 1 luron
Trail wearing many hats. He has con-
tributed to environmental education
through his successful and tireless lead-
ership of the Woodland Reflection Shel-
ter construction and fundraising cam-
paign, his service on the Conservation
Dinner committee, and as a director of
the Ausable Hayfield Conservation
Lakeshore Advance
This weekend the Exeter Beauties
reached their $50,000.00 goal
. "We couldn't have done it
without the support of the amazing
community we live in! A huge,
super big, awesome high five to
all who supported us," said a very
enthusiastic group. All funds go to
support the Bustamove fundraiser for
St. Joseph's Breast Health Centre in
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