Lakeshore Advance, 2013-04-03, Page 5Lakeshore Advance • ' 13 2013 opinion www.Iakeshoreaclvance.com tikes Aulvanco PUBLISHED WEEKLY RO.BOX 1195 58 Ontario St., North Grand Bend ON NOM 1TO phone: 519-238-5383 fax: 519-238-5131 entail: Iakeshore.advance©sunmedia.ca SUN MEDIA A lhu4lx't of Media Company \. 4,741v [ I NEIL CLIFFORD Publisher/AdvoiIising Manager sell clittorduesunmedra ca LYNDA HILLMAN-RAPLEY 1 ditto Iakoshore advanceaostmmodia ca MARK STEPHEN Advertising Sales nnark.stephona»sunnledia.ca JULIE HARRISON Typesetting/Classifieds Iakeshore.adsaesunn ndia.ca www.Iakeshoreadvance,com SUBSCRIPTION RATES ADVANCE: Regular $42 (N) (40 ton I 00 w:lt Online subscriptions available same totes Pubik:ntions Mall Agtoomnnt No 4(R)64683 RETURN LINDEL IVFRABI I CANADIAN AD1RI SSI S TO LAKESHORE ADVANCE CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT PO Box 1195 58 Ontario SI North Grand Bend ON NOM 1 TO For Any non•doliverlos or dellvoty concerns phone. 519•?3H 5383 n mall: iaknhote ndvanco*sunmodia ca Changes of midross, orders for subscriptions, and undeliverable copies (return postage gumtintood) are to bo sent to lakesrkweAdvance fit the address Indicated hero. Advertising is accepted on the condition that In the evert of n typographical ono!, the portkn of the advertising space occupied by the erroneous item together with n reasonable allowance for signature, will not he charged for, but the balance of the advertise- ment will be paid at the applicable rates We acAno% ledge the 11nnnrh11 euppot t ut the Government ntl'nnala Ito ough the l:anadinn I'ettodical Fund ((PF) ter ma publkItinK activttlor. Canada Mower al Canadian Community nNewspaper AalxMed► and Ms Ontario Cemmvnl y New,pApem ANethlbn letters to the editor Local Community Garden seeks hungry green thumbs It started on a cool but sunny Satur- day in May 2012. A group of (hand Bend, Ontario residents met on a patch of grass behind the Klondyke Road soccer fields, Shovels and rakes in hand. Most of thein didn't know each other, but they had one thing in com- mon: a burning desire to grow vegetables! The Grand lien(1 community garden was started in 2011 on a small patch of land behind the Community Health Centre, but had to move due to con- struction in 2012.' Ihe soccer field site was provided by the Municipality of I.ambton Shores, and volunteers eagerly went to work. Before long, gar- den manager Walt Michielsens had cre- ated eight 4' X 12' raised beds, sur- rounded by mulch walkways, and installed a water tank. Generous fund- ing from the Grand Bend Community Foundation paid for soil, lumber and other supplies. By the end of May, gar- deners were planting out their plots. Michielsens created a welcoming gate and gardener Sonja Collinet painted a beautiful sign. It was a wonderful year for growing vegetables, with lots of sunshine and warmth. liy the time the Communities in Bloom judges arrived in 1.atllhton Shores, the community gardens were bursting. A group of gardeners gathered at the Grand Rend site to greet the judges, beaming with pride. later in the season, gardeners enjoyed a crop of delicious organic vegetables. "We had a great time," says Michielsens, "and eve- rybody was thrilled with the results. Now we're gearing up for another great year." 'this year, Michielsens plans to expand the garden and in addition to individual plots, grow vegetables for the food bank in Forest. Anyone - from beginner to expert - is welcome to join us. If you'd like to be part of the Com- munity Garden this year, come to a meeting at the Grand Bend Municipal Office on 'Thursday, April 18 at 5 p.m. If you can't snake the meeting, please contact Pat Morden at pat@morcom. on.ca for more information or to reserve a plot. Economic disaster for region 1.)t,ar Mr. Lobb; With great interest, I watched a recent TV() program dealing with the captioned platter. Other than apparently cyclical climate conditions, the main culprit was said to be the dredging of the St Clair river. The U.S. Corps of Army Engineers apparently has a plan to mitigate this effect and the authority to proceed with same. It is unconscionable that the Canadian Government Is not demanding that the installation of these sills proceed at Pat Morden once. I Would also like to point out that none of the contributing causes cited accounts for the, at least, two foot drop in the lake level I observed over a two month period last fall. 1 cannot be convinced that our water is not being stolen. The consequence of allowing these conditions to continue unabated goes way beyond a mere economic disaster for the region. John Kerr Grand Bend,ON Progressive thinking says reader 1)ear Editor: Ms Wynne has a unique opportunity to turn the wind power genera- tion program of Mc (huinty and Bentley into a win-win situation. As at this time the province 1s disassembling and moving the gas plants in both Mississauga and Burlington."he liberal energy ministry is even admitting that $40 million dollars waste of that cost. Its likely 15, times greater in the $6(XI million to perhaps a Billion dollars in cost, when all costs are properly considered and admitted, such as building a new needed extensive hydro line from distant eastern Ontario to bring the electrical power hack to the GTA area where it is needed. So I suggest, in the coming year, when these large lots are stripped of the Gas plants that were started, they could easily become the first 2 sites for these beauti- ful, tall, quiet, environmentally neutral state of the art wind power Sands of Time Lynda Hillman-Rapley Editor, Lakeshore Advance Teachers continue to do what they love -teach our kids Two events last week gave us pause to remember why our teachers became teachers. The political stuff is not their choice -they took up this profession for a reason -to lead our children's future by way of a good education. At Grand Bend school on Tuesday, inspirational speaker Saidat told parents how much the teachers and principals care. (See story on Page 2) These educa- tors are with our kids at least six hours a day. What the kids learn today will fol- low them to whatever path they decide to take. And as parents, we appreciate their caring, nurturing efforts. The edu- cators at our local schools allowed Sal- dat to present her thought provoking, fun lessons of life and encouraged our kids to participate. In Forest, at St. John Fisher, our chil- dren are learning to be kind and to do good deeds. That obviously is not falling on deaf ears as newly five- year old Col- ton Stanlake took the challenge to heart and decided he did not need presents for his birthday. Since there are some kids who want to play hockey but that cost is not in the family budget- he would do his part. (See story on page 6). Colton asked for donations instead of presents and there will be kids who will now be afforded the opportunity to play hockey. There is a whole lot of negative vibes coming from the world of education- the fact that our teachers continue to do what they love to (to- teach and form the minds of our children- it could not go unnoticed. 'generator/ turbines. A first in the Lake Ontario region. These would be a great reminder of the progressive thinking of the liberal govenunent as 100's of thousands of'li)fY)l'to area commuters would pass by these modern (lay green energy inachines every day as the commute down the (,)1:W, bound for and from the center of Ontario commerce. This of course could divert the planned energy fames from the lake Huron region. And share the wonder of this progressive energy plan with the rest of Ontario. And with the power of the premier she doesn't need the blessing of 1 lazel McCall ion or other liberal MPs in that Burlington and Mississauga area, as they have been elected via the cancellation of the hazardous gas plants. Win- Win for Ms Wynne! Rob Webb Grand Bend