Lakeshore Advance, 2013-03-27, Page 5wednesda , March 27.2013 • Lakeshore Advance 5
letters to the editor
Spaghetti dinner to
Tilting at windmills support Dragonboatteam
lo the Editor,
'There are approximately 80
weeks until the next Municipal
Note: Wikipedia defines "tilt-
ing at windmills" as an English
idiom, which means attacking
imaginary enemies. 'Ihe phrase
derives from an episode in the
novel Don Quixote by Cervan-
tes. Don Quixote says to his
squire "Do you see over yon-
der, friend Sancho, thirty or
forty hulking
giants?(windmills) I intend to
do battle with theta and slay
I have watched with display
the proceedings of the Lamb -
ton Shores Council meetings.
The business of Lanlhton
Shores seems to have
descended into tilting at wind-
mills. Not much seems to he
getting accomplished. Instead
the administration staff is
asked to write reports on just
about every issue. 1 understand
that previously Sewer plaster
plans were developed for
Grand Bend and West Bosan-
quet, a Draft Official Plan, A
road Needs Study, A Recrea-
tion and Leisure Study, a
Beach Study and a Community
Improvement Plan (all with
specific recommendations for
Council's attention) had been
prepared. 'These plans should
have been prioritized, commu-
nity feedback obtained, spe-
cific actions noted in an
•;updated strategic document
and a long-range capital plan
developed. 'lite administration
staff could have gone to work
preparing detailed packages
for the mayor and councillors
so that other levels of govern-
ment could be approached for
funding. Established partner-
ships could then have been
activated so that I.aillbton
Shores could rest assured that
economic growth would hap-
pen for the betterment of the
entire community. Instead this
council seems to react to every
interest group, it seems to
immobilize obilize itself in endless
procedural debates, and it
seems to tear apart much of
what went before. 'This is what
1,ambton Shores council
should be doing instead of tilt-
ing at windmills. Is this all rate-
payers can expect from the
"new direction" that was
lauded as the reason for firing
the (:AO?
Hiring Nigel Bellchanlber as
a consultant to find a new (:AO
is one time the council seems
to have agreed to listen to the
services of an expert. 'the ad in
the papers for applicants for
the position describes a list of
qualities that are desired in a
CAO. Remarkably it describes
the very qualities the last one
had. It's too bad so much
money had to be spent to get
back to the starting line. This
seems like a clear example of
attacking an imaginary enemy.
The last couple of meetings
have involved the never-end-
ing topic of meeting times. A
second lengthy discussion on
whether or not meetings
should be held during the day
or evening (accompanied by
the usual grandstanding of
some councillors) was held.
One would think that in the
third year of this council term
these procedures should have
been stayed long ago. A defi-
nite time waster
Meeting procedures- a
never-ending topic- managed
to waste considerable time as
the council talked about letters
sent to the mayor and council.
'1'o publish or not to publish
the letters? Who gets to decide
this pressing issue? Like wind-
mill blades round and round
the discussion spun.
'there was a concern voiced
by one councillor regarding the
staff's well being and their
attendance at night meetings.
Was this councillor (after at
least more than two years in
the job) not aware that staff is
not paid overtime because '
attendance at night meetings is
part of their job descriptions
(at least for senior staff). Now 1
read that two councillors are
investigating the Employment
Standards Act re:staff attend-
ing night meetings. isn't that
the role of the Mayor and (:AO
and the municipality's lawyer?
More time wasted trying to slay
another windmill.
One councillor has become
very concerned about the pub-
lic bullying of staff. The coun-
cillor felt the council had a
duty to protect staff in the
council chambers. Yes, there
scenes to he a lot of bullying in
the chamber but shouldn't the
tilting be directed at the real
perpetrators of the bullying?
Tilting, but this time maybe
directed against the wrong
'the council still seems to
want to use council time to
support the anti -cell phone
tower residents of Port Franks.
The tower is up. It's the Federal
government's responsibility.
The anti -tower protesters
should be directed to talk to
Bev Shipley the Federal Mem-
ber of Parliament. We get it.
Sotne people are sensitive to
electro -magnetic energy. It's
the Feds fault so let the feds
solve it. 1 don't think even Don
Quixote would take on that
Water line arguments con-
tinue. The Deputy Mayor
seems to keep fighting water-
line hook up policy. At the
March 18 meeting she fought a
cause that was not even upset-
ting the person who was being
asked to hook up to the water-
line. That seems to lw tilting at
an old windmill and a real time
A harbour committee is
being formed seemingly to
deal with the problems associ-
ated with the record low level
of Lake Huron that is affecting
pleasure craft using the har-
bours. A lengthy debate was
held on the clerk's report 011 Rs
formation. Looks like the result
will be the same model as the
Ad I loc sewer. and the Eco-
nomic Development Commit-
tees. No technical expertise
was discussed and 110 staff was
considered other than for cleri-
cal duties. It is proper to have
community feedback and it
seems there will he plenty of
that. Could not a small steering
committee led by the mayor or
a councillor working in concert
with the (:AO and senior staff
and other technical expertise
along with periodic consulta-
tions With the public save time
and lead to an appropriate
solution to the current prob-
lems with the harbours?
Is this how the Deputy
Mayor sees the council's role
when she declared that 1111'
Council blamed to move in it
"nets direction" (at the time of
the firing oldie CAO)? Time is
running out for this Council to
get its act together and focus
on the important issue's facing
Lalnhton Short's.
Respectfully Yours
Eric Shafer
Tb the Editor,
Canadian Jr. National Dragonboat
Team is hosting a Spaghetti Supper
Fundraiser with Live Entertainment
on Friday April 5,2013. It will be from
5-8:30pm at the Kimball Hall, 6276
Townsend Line, Forest. Call for tickets
either number 519-849-6343 or 519-
331-4329. Adult tickets $10.00 & 12
and under $5.00.
Usa Soudant
Grand Bend WI learned
church's history
Lakeshore Advance
Grand Bt'nd Women's institute
members were guests of the Church of
God Grand Bend anti learned how this
church began. Mrs. Evelyn Krueger
and Charly Chilver graciously gave us
an interesting oral review. Many famil-
iar former minister names, such as
Wutham, Beech , Campbell and 1)esjar-
dint' were recalled along With their
accomplishments. 'this church begun
in the late 1 800's on the Shipka line,
moved to Dashwood and then to the 11 -
Line. The B- line location can still be
seen but is now a pile of rotting wood.
1n the 1940,s the present building was
erected. Several additions an(1 up-
dates have been made. The interior of
the church Was explained. The Church
of God ladies served it delicious lunch
at the conclusion of the informative
President Donna Lovei conducted a
short business meeting. Plans for the
Spring Awakening April 25, 2013 to be
held at the Grand Bend Legion are now
completed. Our next book club meet-
ing is March 28 at 2 o,clock at the Grand
Bend Library. Books will be reviewed
that men wouldn,t read. (deny ()Icon
reported that a new Easter collection is
now 011 display at the Grand Bend
Library. The May display will be
unique 1)111 cushions. Our next
‘Vonlen,s Institute meeting is April 18
at 1'2 o,clock. The potluck luncheon
will be held at the (rand Bend Adult
Center. At this meeting our "winter
work projects" will be on display and
articles for the Children,s I lospital Will
be collected.
Contact President Donna Lovie 238
8395 for more information concerning
the work and social times of the Grand
Bend WI branch.
Bluewater Biz
Question: When is the best time to
plant a tree? Answer:
Twenty year's ago. Blue -
water is a huge advocaat'
for youth entrepreneur.
ism. We truly value
keeping our young peo-
ple in our community.
So how can we help our
young people to pursue
their dreams and in turd
grow our local econ-
omy? This fall we will
talks' 0111' small stern i11
that direction. The first
annual Huron Business
Trade Show & lob Fair
will feature it "learning
laboratory" for students.
Local entrepreneurs will
tell their stories about how they
achieved success and encourage stu-
dents to consider starting their own
businesses. Entrepreneurs know that
they think differently. That ca111 cause
them to Withdraw to exper-
iment 1Vit11 their business
ideas on their own. 'l'he
learning laboratory Will
Provide a Place for Poring
entr'eprene'urs to gather
and interact with adult
entrepreneurs. "'hey can
feed off each others energy
and maybe even make
plans to launch their own
business. I law do you grow
entrepreneurs'? You start by
planting it see(,. •Ibis Octo-
ber the will plant it lot of
seeds its Itlut'water. Fot
more info, illation about
the I !aeon Business 'Trade
Show & log) Fair please
contact Mark Cassidy, (:oordinator of
Economic 1)evelopnlent 519 23(i-4351
ext. 239 or nl.cassitlyo totvll.hlut'water.
Bluewater Biz
Mark Cassidy