The Wingham Times, 1914-05-21, Page 7WINGRANI TIMES, MAY 21191
Copyright, 101; .by the Frank A.
te-a a the glass was covered with a
•very thin and uoiform layer .of ink,
"Place the four fingers of your right
-hand upon the glass thus," he said to
.D'Arnot; "now the tnumb. That's
right. Now place them in just the
same position upon this card here; uo,
a little to the right. We Irmaleave
room for the thumb and the fingers of
.the left hand. There, that's it. Now
the same with the left."
"Come, Taman," cried D'Arnet,-alet's
• see what your whorls look like."
Tgrzan complied readily, asking
many questions of the officer during
the operation.
"Do finger prints show racial char-
acteristics?" he .asked. "Could you de-
, ,•terraine, for example, solely from finger
prints whether the subject was negro
or Caucasian?"
"I think not," replied the officer,
"though some claim that those of the
•negro are less complex."
"Could the finger prints of an ape
be detected from those of a man?"
"Probably, because tbe ape's would
be far simpler than those of the higher
"But a cross between an ape and a
man might show the characteristics of
either progenitor?" continued Tarzan.
"I should think likely," responded
the official. "Bot the science has not
• progressed sufficiently to render it ex-
act enough in such matters. I should
hate to trust its findings further ,than
- to differentiate between individuals.
"There it is absolutely definite. No
two people born into the world prob-
ably have ever had identical lines upon
• all their digits."
"Does the comparison require much
tirne or labor?" asked D'Arnot.
"Ordinarily but n few moments, if
the impressions are distinct."
D'Arnot drew a little black book
-from his pocket and eommene,ed 'turn-
ing the pages.
Tarzan looked nt tbe book in sur-
prise. How did D'Artiot (mute to have
bis book?
Presently D'Aruot stopped Ili 1.1 Inge
• on white) were five tiny little smudges.
He banded the open book to the pa-
licenut n -
"Are these impel:its similar to wipe
or L. Taman's? Can you say thnt they
Are 'del:tient with eitheri"
The otliced drew n powerful' ghiss
, from desk and examined all thee
specimens t•arefully, making' notations
meanwhile upon it ima of paper.
Turznn realized pow what was the
meaning of their visit to the polite of -
The answer to his life's riddle lay in
these tiny marks.
With tenae nerves he sat leaning for-
ward iu his chair,
Presently the police officer spoke.
"Gentlemen," he said.
Both turned. toward him.
"There is evidently n great deal at
. -stake which must hinge to a greater
or lesser eXtent upon the absolute cor-
rectness of this Comparison. I there-
fore ask that you leave the entire mat-
ter in my hands 'until our expert- re -
"I had hoped to knew at once," said
D'Arnot "M. Tarzan sails for Ameri-
ea tomorrow."
"I will promise that you can cable
'bine a report within two weeks," re -
,plied the officer. "What it will be I
• dare net say. There are resetnblanees,
yet -well, we had better leave it for M.
Leblane to Wye."
* * * * * * *
For Over
Ton Yrs.
Weakening lite hody will never remove
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quired, without fear of any unpleasant
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Mr. Henry P. White, Surretteville,
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-with Indigestion for wore than ten years;
tried seveeal dnetors, and differant
Medicines, lett I.11 Without stuccess.
.11aving hard ;I, :relay cures effected
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to give it a trial. I have taken One
bottle, and I fuel that 1 an cured at
last. I rev tow ca, the eattee hard woek
I could i.efore I was taken tick."
Burdock Blood Bitters is manufac-
turcd only by The T. MilbUtn Co.*
atiteited, Torettto, Ont.
A Malted) drew up before an old
rat:Mooed resideneeetipon the outskirts
er Baltimore.
A man of about forty, well built and
with strong, regular features, stepped
out and paying the chauffeur dismissed
A moment later the passenger was
entering the library of the old home,
"Ala Mr. Canler!" exclaimed an old
man, rising to greet him).
"Good evening, my dear professor,"
cried the man, extending a cordial
"I have come this evening to speak
with you about jape. You know mY
aspirations, and you have been gen-
erous enough to approve my suit"
Professor Arebimedes Q. Porter
fidgeted in his armchair. The subject
always made him uncomfortable. He
could not understand why. Canler
was a splendid match.
"But Jane," continued Canter, "I
cannot understand her; She puts me
off arst on oue ground and then an-
other. I always have the feeling that
she breathes a sigh of relief every
time I bid her goodby."
"Tut tut," said Professor Porter.'
"Tut tut, Mr. Canter. Jane is a most
obedient daughter. She will do pre-
cisely as I tell her."
"Then 1 can still count on your sup-
port?" asked Canter, a tone of relief
marking his voice.
"Certainly, sir, certainly," exclaimed
Professor Porter. "How could you
doubt it?"
"There is young Clayton, you know,"
suggested Calder: "He has been
hanging about for Months. I don't
know that Jane cares for him. But
betides his title they say he has in-
terited a very considerable estate from
his father. It migat not be strange If
he finally won her unless" -
Canter paused. , •
"Tut, tut. alr..Canier. Uniessa-what?"
"Unless you see fit to request that
lane and I be parried at once," said
Canter slowly and distinctly.
al have already suggested to •Jane
:hat It would be desirable." said Pro-
n'esor Porter sadly, "for we can no
longer afford to keep up this house and
ere ns her associations demand."
"What was her reply?"
"She WO she was not ready to
altirry oily one yet." replied Professor
Porter: "that we eould go and live
mon the farm in northern Wisconsin
which her mother left her. It is a lit-
tle more than self supporting. Th a ten
:tilts have always made a living front
it and have been able to send Jane s
Mlle each year.
"Sbe is planning our going up there
the first of the week. • Pbilander and
Mr. Clayton have already' gone to get
things in readiness for us."
"Clayton has gone there!" exclaimed
Cattier, visibly chagrined. "Why was
tot 1 told? I would gladly have gone
aId seen that every comfOrt was pro-
"Jane feels that we are already -too
much in your debt, Mr. Canler," said
Professor Porter.
Cattier was about to eeply when the
sound of footsteps came from the hall
without, aud Jane Porter eutered the
"Oh, I beg your pardon!" she ex-
ert:tined, pausing ou the threshold. "I
thought you were alone, Papa,"
"It is only I, Jane," said Canter, who
had risen, "Won't you come in eta
join the group? We were inst speak-
, lug of you."
"Thank you," said Jane, entering and
taking the chnir Canter placed for her.
"I only wanted to tell papa that Tobey
lins come down from the college to
pack his beaks."
"I ninst see him at once," cried the
professor. "Excuse Inc just a moment."
And the old man hastened from the
AS soon as he was out of earshot
Cattier turned to Jane Porter,
"See here, Jane," he Said bluntly,
"Imw long is this thing to go on like
this? You haven't refused to marry
.111e, but you haven't promised either.
"I Want to get the license tomorrotv
so that we can ho married quietly be-
fore you leave for WiSeonsin. don't
care fot any fuss or feathers, and I'm
sure you don't either."
The girl turned 001d, but she held het
bead bravely.
"YOnr father Wishes it, you know,"
added Carder.
"Yes; I 'know."
She spoke scarcely above a whisper,
"Do you realize that you are buying
Me, lafr. Calder," she asked dually and
In a cold, level voice -"buying nie fot
a fete paltry dollars? Of course you
do. And the hope or just such a con-
tingency was In your mind when you
loaned papa the money for that hare.
!gained escapade,. which bu Ofl
most mysterious circumstaace would
have been successful.
"But you, Mr. Cauler, would have
been the most surprised. You had no
idea that the venter° would -succend,
You knew that without security you
Ltd a greater hold on the honor of the
Porters than with it. You knew the
one best way to force me to marry you
without seeming to force me.
"You have never mentioned the
loan, In any other man I should have
thongtt that the prompting of a nag.
naulanotts and noble character. But
you are deep.
"I know you better than you think
know you. I shall certainly roarry you
• if there is no other way, but let us tm
derstand each ether once and for all,"
"You surprise me, Jane," said Can
lea "I thought you had more self con-
trol,• more pride. Of course you are
right. I am buying you, and I knew
that you knew it. But I thought you
would prefer to pretend that it was
otherwise. But bate it your own
way," he added lightly. "I nm going
to have you. and that is all that inter.
ests inc."
Without a Word the girl turned and
left the room.
But Jane Porter W.£1$ not tnarried be-
fore she left with her father and Es-
meralda for her little Wisconsin farm,
As see coldly bade Robert Cattier good -
by while the train pulled mit he called
to her that he would join them in a
week nr two.
At their destination they were met
by Cinyton and Mr F,','Inlander in a
huge touring enr belonging to the for.
er a
mnd quicely whirled away through
ille denee northern woods- toward the
little farm which the girl had not vis-
ited before since C1111000(1.
The nirtultottae, tend' stood on a lit-
tle eievetion some hundred yards from
the tenants' house, had undergone. ft
eomplete tranafortuation dut•ing the
three weeks thtit Clayton and Mr. P11.
lender ltd been there.
The tomer imel imported a small
driny of carpenters and plasterers,
em miters and painters from a distant
efts., td what bed been but dilitpi-
tinted shell wns now a cozy little two
storyhouse tilled with -every modern
zoeantanee proeurabie in so short a
., (et:thine think of your living- in the
imie we found here." mild Clayton to
Ione when they were alone.
"011. t'ecil, 1 wish I Might repay yon
:is you deserve -as you would wish,"
r -lid .latte.
-Why can't you. Jane?"
"Ilevatis I love some one else."
"Ca tiler ?"
"No "
"But you are going to marry him.
De told me ns much before I left Snit!.
The girl winced.
41s it because of the money, Jane?"
She nodded.
"Then am I so tnuch less desirable
than Canter? I have money enough,"
he said bitterly.
"I don't love you, Cecil," she said,
"but I respect you. If I must disgrace
myself by such a bargain with any
man I prefer that it be one I already
despise. I should loathe the man to
whom I sold myself without love, who-
soever he might be.
"You will be happier," she conclud.
ed, "alone, with my respect and friend-
ship, than with tne and My eontempt."
Fie did not press the matter further,
but if ever a man had mtirder in his
heart It Was 'William Cecil Clayton,
Lord Greystoke, when, a Week later,
Robert Calder drew up before the
farmhouse In his purring six 'cylinder.
A week passed -a tense though un-
eventful week for all.
Canler was insistent that Jane
marry him at once.
At length she gave in from sheer
loathing Of the continued and hateful
' It Wee agreed that on the morrow
Cattier was to drive to town and bring
back the license and a clergyman.
Clayton had wanted to leave as soon
as the plan was announced, but the
girl's tired, hopeless look kept Mtn. He
cOttid not desert her.
Something might happen yet, he
tried to console himself by thinking.
In his heart he knew that It Would re-
quire but a tiny spark to turn his
hatred for Cattier into the blood lust
of the killer.
Early the net Mornitig Caplet Set
mit for town.
In the east sneak° coald be seen
lug low over the forest, for a lire had
been raging for a Week not far from
them, but the wind still lay in the
West and no danger threatened them.
About noon Jane Porter started oft
for it walk. She would not let Clayton
accompany her, She Walited to koalas!,
site aid, and Ise eespected her wishes'
la the house Professor Porter tual
Mr. Philander \Vero immersed in an
absorbing discuseion ot Some weighty
stientific problem. Esmeralda dozed
iu the kitchen, and Clayton. heavy
eyed after a sleepless night, threw
himself doxvn upon the coach in the
living room and soon droppea into a
RN! slumber.
To the east the black smoke clouds
rose higher into the heaven. Suddenly.
they eddied and then commenced to
drift rapidly toward the west.
On and on they came. The inmates
of the tennnt house were gone, for it
was market day, and none there was
to see the rapid approach of the fire.
Soon the flames had spanned the
road to the south and cut off Canter's
return. A little fluctuation of the wind
now carried the path of the forest fire
Slightly to the north, then blew back,
and the flames nearly stood still as
though held in leash by some master
Out of the Fire.
UDDENLY out of the uorthertst
a great black car came careen-
ing down the road.
'With a jolt it stopped before
the cottage, and a black haired giant
leaped out and ran up on to the porch.
Without a pause he rushed into the
house. On the couela lay Clayton. The
man started in surmise, but with a
bound was at the side of the sleeping
Shaking him roughly by the shoul-
der, he cried:
"Are you ail mnd here? Don't you
know you are nearly surrounded by
fire? Where is Miss Porter?"
Clayton sprang to his feet. He did
not recognize the man, but he under-
stood the words and was upon the
veranda in a bound.
He cried out in consternation, then,
AlmostAU Night
With That Dry Tick -
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the Tivaat.
A bad coagh, accompanied by that
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Dr. Wood's Norway Phie Syrup heals
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eeest the =est obstinate and distress:ng
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Mts. Duel Marshall, Basswood Ridge,
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you knnw what Dr. Wood's Norway
Pate Syrup did for inc. I took a severe
Mat )st idi night with
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The it bettle did me so much good,
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ton pleessi to say resulted in it eomplete
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Tee twice of Dr. Wood's Norway
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It is Pitt up in a yellow wrapper;
rine trees the trade math, and is
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Co,. Limited, Toronto, Ont.
dashing back into We Minnie vatted:
".11 ue agile! Where aro yoti r
11 au luatant Fsmeraltin. Professor
Porter and air. !dal:tinier bad Hued
the two men.
"Where is Miss Jene?" demanded
Clayton, seizing Estneraide by tito
shoulders and shaking Mr roughly.
"Oh, Marge Clayton, she done gene
for a walk."
-Iliten't she come back yet?"
And without waiting for a reply Clay -
toe clashed out into the yard, followed
by the ()Worst.
"Which way did she go?" cried the
bink haired giant to Esineraidm
-Down dat road." Cried the fright-
ened black, pointing toward the south,
where a mighty wall of retiring flames
shut out the view,
"Put these people in the tither ear!"
shouted the stranger to Clayton. "1
suw one as I drove up. Get them out
of here by the north road.
"Leave my ear Imre. If 1 fincl Miss
porter we shall need it. If I don't no
one will need it. Do as I say," as
Clayton hesitated.
Vhey "saw the lithe figure bound
away across the clearing toward the
northwest, where the forest still stood,
untouched by &me.
In eacb rose the unaccountable feel-
ing that a'great responsibility had been
raised from their shoulders, a kind of
implicit confidence in the power of the
stranger to save the girl if she could
be saved,
"Who was that?' asked Professor
"I don't know," replied Clayton. "He
called me by name, and he knew Jane,
for he asked for her, and he called Es-
meralde, by name."
"There was something tnost star-
tlingly familiar about him," exclaimed
Mr. Pttlia.nder. "Yet, bless me, I know
I never saw Mm before."
"Tut, tut!" cried Professor Porter.
"Most remark-els/et! Who could ft have
been, and why do I feel that Jane is
safe now that he has set out in search
of her?"
"I can't tell you, professor," said
Clayton soberly, "hut I 'wow I have
the same uncanny feeling." -
"But come," he cried; "we must get
out of here ourselves or we Shall be
shut oft." And the party hastened to-
ward Clayton:a machine.
When Jane Porter turned to retrace
her steps homeward she was alarmed
to note how near the smoke of the for-
est fire seemed, and as she hastened
onward her alarm became almost a.
panic when she perceived that the
rushing flames were rapidly forcing
their way between herself and the cot-
At length she was compelled to turn
Into the dense thicket and attempt to
force het' way to the west in an effort
to circle around the fianses and regabh
her home.
In a short time the futility of her at-
tempt becarae apparent, and then hes
one hope lay in retracing her steps to
the road and flying for her life to the
south toward the town,
The twenty minutes that It took her
to regain the road was all that had
been needed to cut off her retreat as
effectually as her advance bad been
cut off before. Jane Porter knew that
It was useless to attempt to force her
way again througit the undergrowtb.
She had tried it once and failed.
Now she realized that it would be but
a matter of minutes ere thewhole
space between the enemy on the north
and the enemy on the south would be
a Seething mass of flames,
Calmly the girl kneeled down in the
dust of the roadway and prayed for
strength to meet her fate bravely and
to deliver her father and her friends
from death. She did not think to pray
for deliverance for herself; she knew
there was no hope.
Suddenly she beard ber IMMO being
called aloud through the forest:
"Jane! Jane Porter!" it rang strong
and clear, but in a strange voice.
"Hever" she called in reply. "Here!
In the roadway!"
Tien through the branches of the
trees she saw a figure swinging.
A veering of the wind blew it dotal
of smoke about them, and she could no
longer see the man wbo was speeding
toward her, but suddenly she felt a
great arm about her. Then she was
Suddenly She Felt a Great Art%
About Her
lifted uP, and she felt the matting a
the Wind and the occasional btu& of
a trap,cli egt Out Wag borne 4044
• RP 4g
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She opened her eyes.
Far belt) w her lay the undergrowth
and the bard earth,
Abont her was the waving foliage of
the forest.
From tree to tree swung the giant
figure whieh bore her, and it seemed
to Jane Porter that site was living
over in a dream the esperience that
had been hers lu that far African
She stole a sudden gianee at the
face close to hers, and then she gave
n little frightened gasp. ft was be.
• "My man!" she murmured, "No; 11
Is 1 he delirhun NvItiett precedes death."
"Yes. your man. .lane Porter -your
savage, primeval nuin come out of the
Jungle to claim his mate -the woman
who rau away front him." he added al-
most fiercely,
"I did not mu away," sbe whispered,
wonitl only consent to leave when
they had waited -a week for you to re-
They had come to n point beyond
the tire now. and he had turned book
to the elearing.
Side by side they were walking to-
ward the cottage. The wind Ind
changed once more, and the fire was
burning back upon itself. Another houi,.
like that and it would be burned out.
"Why did you not return?" site
"E wts nursing D'Arnot He was
badly wounded."
"Ala I knew it!" she exclaimed.
"They said you had gone to join the
blacks -that they were your people."
ITe la ug heti,
"But you did not believe them?"
"No -what shall I call you?" she
asked "What is your name?"
"I was Taman of the apes when you
first.knew mo," he said.
"Taman of the ' npes!" she cried.
"And tlint wits your note 1 answered
when 1 left?"
"Yes Whose rlid you think it
"I did not know, only that it could
not be t ou N. for Tlitznet of the npes
had written in Engiish. and you could
not understand a word of any lan-
Again he it:united.
"It is a long story, but it wns 1 who
wrote what I could not speak. And
DOW D4A1110t made matters worse
by tenehing toe to speak French In-
stead of English.
"Come," he adeed; "jump into my
car. We must orertake your father.
They are only a little way ahead."
As they drove along he said:
"Then 'when you said in your note to
Tarzan of the apes that you loved ate
other you might hare meant mer
"I might Imre," she :mid simply.
"But in Bnithnore-oh, how I have
searched for you -they told me you
would poesibly be married by now;
that a man named Canter had COMO
up here to wed you. Is that true?"
"Do you love bim ?"
"Do you [two me?"
She buried her face in her hands.
"1111) proudsed to another. I cannot
tuswer you, 'forma of the apes," she
"You have answered. Now tell Me
i/3* YOH W011id Marry one you do not
"Nly rather owes him Money."
Suddenly there clinic back to Mitten
the memory of tho lettet he had read
- two rat. name of Bob. et Canter and
the blued trouble whira he had been to understand then.
'It our father had not lost the
thee -etre yon would not feel forced to
keep your promise to this man Can.
h.! r
.1 ...add ask him to release Me."
ti -f if be retnagedt"
-I have given my promise."
"Suppose I 'should ask him?" von.
tured Taman. "Jane I'orter, If you
were free would you marry me?"
She did uot reply at once, but he
waited patiently. The girl was trying
to collect her thoughts.
"Alast did she know of this strange
creature at her side? What did he
Ittiow of himself? Who was be? Who
were his parents?
Why. Ins very name echoed ins mys-
fel-kilts might and his savnge
tie had no name. Could site be
liatett witit this jungle wait'? Could
niel in emintlee with a
1111-. 4141411 whose life had been spent in
the treetops of an Attlee!) Nvili1errws,v1
l'oubl 114. ever rise to her social sj Ihere?
coold site hear to thiult or sinking to
It is? tVould either or them be happy?"
-Vim do not answer." he said. "Do
you shrink from wenn:ding liter
"l do not know what /newer to
make," said Jane Porter sadly. "I do
not knew my own mind."
"N.011 (11) not love tne, then'!" he asked
In a level tone.
"Do not ask me. You will be hap-
pier without me. You were never
meant for the restrictions and conven-
tionalities of civilization. It would
become irksome to you. In a little
while you would long for the freedom
of your old life, to which I am as to-
tally unfitted as you to mine."
"I think I understand you," he re-
plied quietly, "I shall not urge you,
for l'would rather see you happy than
to be happy myself. And 1 see now
that you could not be happy with -au
There was the faintest tinge of bit-
terness in his voice.
"Don't," she rentonstrated-"don't
say that. You don't understand."
But ere she could go on a sudden
turn in the road brought them into the
midst of a little hamlet
Before them stood Clayton's car, sur-
rounded by the party he had brought
from the cottage.
At the sight of Jane cries of relief
and delight broke from every lip, and
as Tarzan's car stopped beside the
other Professor Porter caught hie
datighter in his arms.
To be Continutd)
- •
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site aid, and Ise eespected her wishes'
la the house Professor Porter tual
Mr. Philander \Vero immersed in an
absorbing discuseion ot Some weighty
stientific problem. Esmeralda dozed
iu the kitchen, and Clayton. heavy
eyed after a sleepless night, threw
himself doxvn upon the coach in the
living room and soon droppea into a
RN! slumber.
To the east the black smoke clouds
rose higher into the heaven. Suddenly.
they eddied and then commenced to
drift rapidly toward the west.
On and on they came. The inmates
of the tennnt house were gone, for it
was market day, and none there was
to see the rapid approach of the fire.
Soon the flames had spanned the
road to the south and cut off Canter's
return. A little fluctuation of the wind
now carried the path of the forest fire
Slightly to the north, then blew back,
and the flames nearly stood still as
though held in leash by some master
Out of the Fire.
UDDENLY out of the uorthertst
a great black car came careen-
ing down the road.
'With a jolt it stopped before
the cottage, and a black haired giant
leaped out and ran up on to the porch.
Without a pause he rushed into the
house. On the couela lay Clayton. The
man started in surmise, but with a
bound was at the side of the sleeping
Shaking him roughly by the shoul-
der, he cried:
"Are you ail mnd here? Don't you
know you are nearly surrounded by
fire? Where is Miss Porter?"
Clayton sprang to his feet. He did
not recognize the man, but he under-
stood the words and was upon the
veranda in a bound.
He cried out in consternation, then,
AlmostAU Night
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dashing back into We Minnie vatted:
".11 ue agile! Where aro yoti r
11 au luatant Fsmeraltin. Professor
Porter and air. !dal:tinier bad Hued
the two men.
"Where is Miss Jene?" demanded
Clayton, seizing Estneraide by tito
shoulders and shaking Mr roughly.
"Oh, Marge Clayton, she done gene
for a walk."
-Iliten't she come back yet?"
And without waiting for a reply Clay -
toe clashed out into the yard, followed
by the ()Worst.
"Which way did she go?" cried the
bink haired giant to Esineraidm
-Down dat road." Cried the fright-
ened black, pointing toward the south,
where a mighty wall of retiring flames
shut out the view,
"Put these people in the tither ear!"
shouted the stranger to Clayton. "1
suw one as I drove up. Get them out
of here by the north road.
"Leave my ear Imre. If 1 fincl Miss
porter we shall need it. If I don't no
one will need it. Do as I say," as
Clayton hesitated.
Vhey "saw the lithe figure bound
away across the clearing toward the
northwest, where the forest still stood,
untouched by &me.
In eacb rose the unaccountable feel-
ing that a'great responsibility had been
raised from their shoulders, a kind of
implicit confidence in the power of the
stranger to save the girl if she could
be saved,
"Who was that?' asked Professor
"I don't know," replied Clayton. "He
called me by name, and he knew Jane,
for he asked for her, and he called Es-
meralde, by name."
"There was something tnost star-
tlingly familiar about him," exclaimed
Mr. Pttlia.nder. "Yet, bless me, I know
I never saw Mm before."
"Tut, tut!" cried Professor Porter.
"Most remark-els/et! Who could ft have
been, and why do I feel that Jane is
safe now that he has set out in search
of her?"
"I can't tell you, professor," said
Clayton soberly, "hut I 'wow I have
the same uncanny feeling." -
"But come," he cried; "we must get
out of here ourselves or we Shall be
shut oft." And the party hastened to-
ward Clayton:a machine.
When Jane Porter turned to retrace
her steps homeward she was alarmed
to note how near the smoke of the for-
est fire seemed, and as she hastened
onward her alarm became almost a.
panic when she perceived that the
rushing flames were rapidly forcing
their way between herself and the cot-
At length she was compelled to turn
Into the dense thicket and attempt to
force het' way to the west in an effort
to circle around the fianses and regabh
her home.
In a short time the futility of her at-
tempt becarae apparent, and then hes
one hope lay in retracing her steps to
the road and flying for her life to the
south toward the town,
The twenty minutes that It took her
to regain the road was all that had
been needed to cut off her retreat as
effectually as her advance bad been
cut off before. Jane Porter knew that
It was useless to attempt to force her
way again througit the undergrowtb.
She had tried it once and failed.
Now she realized that it would be but
a matter of minutes ere thewhole
space between the enemy on the north
and the enemy on the south would be
a Seething mass of flames,
Calmly the girl kneeled down in the
dust of the roadway and prayed for
strength to meet her fate bravely and
to deliver her father and her friends
from death. She did not think to pray
for deliverance for herself; she knew
there was no hope.
Suddenly she beard ber IMMO being
called aloud through the forest:
"Jane! Jane Porter!" it rang strong
and clear, but in a strange voice.
"Hever" she called in reply. "Here!
In the roadway!"
Tien through the branches of the
trees she saw a figure swinging.
A veering of the wind blew it dotal
of smoke about them, and she could no
longer see the man wbo was speeding
toward her, but suddenly she felt a
great arm about her. Then she was
Suddenly She Felt a Great Art%
About Her
lifted uP, and she felt the matting a
the Wind and the occasional btu& of
a trap,cli egt Out Wag borne 4044
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She opened her eyes.
Far belt) w her lay the undergrowth
and the bard earth,
Abont her was the waving foliage of
the forest.
From tree to tree swung the giant
figure whieh bore her, and it seemed
to Jane Porter that site was living
over in a dream the esperience that
had been hers lu that far African
She stole a sudden gianee at the
face close to hers, and then she gave
n little frightened gasp. ft was be.
• "My man!" she murmured, "No; 11
Is 1 he delirhun NvItiett precedes death."
"Yes. your man. .lane Porter -your
savage, primeval nuin come out of the
Jungle to claim his mate -the woman
who rau away front him." he added al-
most fiercely,
"I did not mu away," sbe whispered,
wonitl only consent to leave when
they had waited -a week for you to re-
They had come to n point beyond
the tire now. and he had turned book
to the elearing.
Side by side they were walking to-
ward the cottage. The wind Ind
changed once more, and the fire was
burning back upon itself. Another houi,.
like that and it would be burned out.
"Why did you not return?" site
"E wts nursing D'Arnot He was
badly wounded."
"Ala I knew it!" she exclaimed.
"They said you had gone to join the
blacks -that they were your people."
ITe la ug heti,
"But you did not believe them?"
"No -what shall I call you?" she
asked "What is your name?"
"I was Taman of the apes when you
first.knew mo," he said.
"Taman of the ' npes!" she cried.
"And tlint wits your note 1 answered
when 1 left?"
"Yes Whose rlid you think it
"I did not know, only that it could
not be t ou N. for Tlitznet of the npes
had written in Engiish. and you could
not understand a word of any lan-
Again he it:united.
"It is a long story, but it wns 1 who
wrote what I could not speak. And
DOW D4A1110t made matters worse
by tenehing toe to speak French In-
stead of English.
"Come," he adeed; "jump into my
car. We must orertake your father.
They are only a little way ahead."
As they drove along he said:
"Then 'when you said in your note to
Tarzan of the apes that you loved ate
other you might hare meant mer
"I might Imre," she :mid simply.
"But in Bnithnore-oh, how I have
searched for you -they told me you
would poesibly be married by now;
that a man named Canter had COMO
up here to wed you. Is that true?"
"Do you love bim ?"
"Do you [two me?"
She buried her face in her hands.
"1111) proudsed to another. I cannot
tuswer you, 'forma of the apes," she
"You have answered. Now tell Me
i/3* YOH W011id Marry one you do not
"Nly rather owes him Money."
Suddenly there clinic back to Mitten
the memory of tho lettet he had read
- two rat. name of Bob. et Canter and
the blued trouble whira he had been to understand then.
'It our father had not lost the
thee -etre yon would not feel forced to
keep your promise to this man Can.
h.! r
.1 ...add ask him to release Me."
ti -f if be retnagedt"
-I have given my promise."
"Suppose I 'should ask him?" von.
tured Taman. "Jane I'orter, If you
were free would you marry me?"
She did uot reply at once, but he
waited patiently. The girl was trying
to collect her thoughts.
"Alast did she know of this strange
creature at her side? What did he
Ittiow of himself? Who was be? Who
were his parents?
Why. Ins very name echoed ins mys-
fel-kilts might and his savnge
tie had no name. Could site be
liatett witit this jungle wait'? Could
niel in emintlee with a
1111-. 4141411 whose life had been spent in
the treetops of an Attlee!) Nvili1errws,v1
l'oubl 114. ever rise to her social sj Ihere?
coold site hear to thiult or sinking to
It is? tVould either or them be happy?"
-Vim do not answer." he said. "Do
you shrink from wenn:ding liter
"l do not know what /newer to
make," said Jane Porter sadly. "I do
not knew my own mind."
"N.011 (11) not love tne, then'!" he asked
In a level tone.
"Do not ask me. You will be hap-
pier without me. You were never
meant for the restrictions and conven-
tionalities of civilization. It would
become irksome to you. In a little
while you would long for the freedom
of your old life, to which I am as to-
tally unfitted as you to mine."
"I think I understand you," he re-
plied quietly, "I shall not urge you,
for l'would rather see you happy than
to be happy myself. And 1 see now
that you could not be happy with -au
There was the faintest tinge of bit-
terness in his voice.
"Don't," she rentonstrated-"don't
say that. You don't understand."
But ere she could go on a sudden
turn in the road brought them into the
midst of a little hamlet
Before them stood Clayton's car, sur-
rounded by the party he had brought
from the cottage.
At the sight of Jane cries of relief
and delight broke from every lip, and
as Tarzan's car stopped beside the
other Professor Porter caught hie
datighter in his arms.
To be Continutd)
- •
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