Lakeshore Advance, 2013-01-30, Page 44 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesda , Januar 30, 2013
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Those dirty power
plants leave ugly
stain on Ontario
OMI Agency
The clays finally appear num-
bered for Ontario's dirty little
environmental secret: Its last
big coal-fired power plants are to
be shut down by the end of the year,
a year ahead of a repeatedly
delayed government schedule.
What's not as obvious, but just as
breathtaking, is the heavy toll the
dirty power plants have taken -- 011
the credibility of the province's Lib-
eral government, On the ellviroll-
nlent and 011 taxpayers.
For years, Ontarians have quietly
pooh-poohed the environmental
records of other places -- from de-
forestation in B.C, to oilsands min-
ing in Alberta — while fouling the
air of the continent's most densely
populated region with coal-fired
power plants operated by the
When Premier Dalton Mc(;uinty's
Liberals swept to power in 2003, he
vowed to close the filthy burners by
2007. 'ihen 201 1. 'Then 2014. Goal
became a metaphor for the govern-
ment's broken gn'011liSt'S.
As he leaves office this weekend,
his Grits choosing a new leader and
premier. M('Guinty will be survived
by two giant coal plants their Itis --
tory, among the worst greenhouse
gas polluters in Eastern Canada -
still spewing their filth.
The good news is the plants will
finally be shuttered, ending
Ontario's participation 111 what can
only be termed eco -terrorism.
Coal-fired power plants 1)01111) tiny
particles into the air that can
penetrate htltiiitll lungs, ('allsillg
The good news is the
plants will finally be
shuttered, ending Ontario's
participation in what can
only be termed eco -
premature death. Lead, it nerve
toxin, and other cancer-causing
nasties are released, even with the
hest anti -pollution equipment.
Mountains of ash and gYpsu01 are
left behind. And among the coal
Ontario has relied 011 is some of the
world's dirtiest, the high -sulphur
stuff from Appalachia.
Ontario could have switched
some of its coal plants to bio -mass
or natural gas, better environmen-
tal options. Instead, it went whole
hog into wind and solar power,
alienating 1'(1ral areas opposed to
wind farms and saddling all
taxpayers with huge subsidies paid
green energy producers.
Even when the (fust settles 011
coal plants, Ontario will face
anotllt'I' gr'iln reality: It borders 11.S.
midwest and north Atlantic states
that still count hundreds of coal-
oal .fired generating units between
them, whose blown -in filth dwarfs
the home-grown stuff Ontario
plants pumped crit.
Coal may be going up in a puff of
smoke in Ontario, but its grins
legacy remain
Lakeshore Advance welcomes letters to the. editor. Letters must include the writer's full
name, address, daytime phone number and signature (for verification. Anonymous letters
will not be published. We reserve the right to edit all editorial submissions including letters
for clarification, style and length. Letters must be signed and be in good taste and follow the
Taws of libel and slander.
Huron Bruce
MP asks for
examination of
IWT health study
Dear 1)r: king:
I and writing to you today to express
growing apprehension over the revelatik
arising from recent Freedom of information
requests that were released. In November
2012, elllails from the Ministry of the Envi-
ronment, released through the FDI process,
reveal that I)rovincial field officers had con-
firmed adverse health effects from wind tur-
bine noise as far hack as 2009, and well'
working; on an abatement plan to assist
affected residents. 'Ihe released documents
indicate that, in response to a redacted entail
from government staff, the MOE officers
agreed to stand (town.
I also have l'On('t'I'ns with another FOI
document 1 received, in which (1&A's were
prepared in response to your report, The
Potential Health Effects of Wind 'Turbines. In
one section of these (AA's, the track changes
indicated that you should "a(1(1 the word
direct as studies would show a Zink through
annovanl'e." As the (;hien Medical Officer of
11(9)1111, 111111 sure you are aware that the
World 1lealth (h-ganization has determined
that annoyance is i1 I1l'altll effect ()f will]
Iii another section oldie (, &A's dOCtlllleIlt,
this statement was made in relation to health
and wind turbines: "there are no known
indirect links." Except, in the track changes
comment box it said, "Not really true. The
link between perceived noise and symptoms
is probably linked to annoyance. The link
wish annoyance should be recognize].
"Iie last section 1 wool(' like to draw your
attention to is 0111' more (AA. One ans.
stated: "Although some people living I1
wind turbine's report symptoms such as (1i/ -
riness, headaches and sleep disturbance,
available scientific evidence does not dens
onstrate a causal Zink to wield turbines noise:'
The track changes of this l')I111111'111 tells a
different story, where. you were told, "this
answer isn't credible. Either fess up to the
annoyance link or delete.
Dr. King, I)r. Gloria ltachalmin acknowl-
edged tinder o11111 its the Kent Breeze. wind
farm case that your study did not look at Ihe
indirect health effects of wind turbines. "these
ill(1i1'l'('t health effects al's' telt' ones (11111 cause
the sleeplessness, depression, ]izxint'ss,
Ileallaches among other health problems.
111111 asking you today to acknowledge pub-
licly that your report (lid not study the indirect
health effects of wine! turbines. 1 also have
many questions surrounding not only your
report, but health complaints that were
received by either the Ministry of the