Lakeshore Advance, 2013-01-23, Page 9Wednesday, January 23, 2013 • Lakeshore Advance 9 Bluewater lends support to solar projects Harbour depth investigated WI Agency Bluewater councillors had to (10 a little' backtracking but even- tually approved five solar energy projects for the municipality at their January 7 council meeting. The request for approval from the host municipality is now part of the Provincial approval process that awards contracts on a point system which gives an applicant two points for successfully get- ting approval from the host municipality. C uncil had asked its Manager tective Services to look into th . ask presented to fire fighters in fighting a fire in a building that had solar panels on its roof. Dave Johnston reported they had reached a memorandum of understanding with the solar energy applicants and they would notify fire fighters if a building had solar panels on the roof and train thein in dealing with a fire in a building that had solar panels on the roof. Johnston also stated that the risk of rescuing someone from an electric car was just as great as dealing with a building with solar panels on the roof because of the current that could be running through the car. Council first heard the presen- tation from Certified Solar Inc. regarding their proposed project on the roof of a building at I1. Gcrrits Farms Inc. located at 76905 London Road in Bluewa- ter. The motion to approve their project was subsequently lost on a tie vote. Councillor George Irvin then suggested that in the interests of saving time council should vote on the remaining four applications in one block. Councillor John Gillespie's motion to that affect was o p• sed. But Chief Administrative ser, Steve McAauley, pointed U. that since all of the applicants had been invited to council to make a presentation, in the inter- ests of fairness, they should be given the opportunity to do that A representative of Solarize Energy then presented their pro- posal for mounted solar panels on the roof of a building belong- ing to Gerrit Soer located at 71460 Bluewater highway in Bluewater. KW Power Logic followed, pre- senting their proposal for a project on the roof of a building belonging to the I Iensall Co-op in Hensall. German Solar Corporation's representative then made their presentation for a project on the roof of a building belonging to Huron Tractor in Exeter and Ontario Solar Provider presented their proposal for a project on the roof of a building owned by l':iler's Fartnls Inc. located at 734111Blind line in Bluewater. Following those presentations councillor John Gillespie said he felt because the proposed appli- cations were on non-residential buildings the risk to residents was minimized and he was satis- fied the safety issues had been addressed and he would support all of the applications. Council- lor -at -large 'l'yler 1 lessel stated that he was opposed to all of the applications because solar energy was subsidized to the extent that it served to drive up the cost of energy for everyone and some people were already struggling to pay their hydro hills. 1 le was opposed to any- thing that pushed thele even higher. Councillor Gillespie then made a 111011011 to approve the four applications and that passed by a 6 to 4 margin. 'thew was fur- ther discussion abort how coun- cil could reverse the first motion that was lost to a tie vote, point- ing out that if they approved the other four they would have to approve that one as well. It was determined that they could rescind that vote if two-thirds of councillors were in favour and a motion to that affect was passed unanimously. Council then voted on and approved the first project. It was also pointed out that approval from council does not guarantee any of the projects will go ahead. It just gives them two points in the approval process. DEVELOPMENT CHARGES 'Ihe municipality of Bluewater is looking into the possibility of implementing development charges this year. Development fees would be something new for Bluewater, said CAO Steve McAuley. "I don't think, since amalga- mation, they've had it for sure," he said. There is some growth occur- ring in Bluewater and council wants to prepare for the future, so councillors have asked that a bylaw outlining development charges be prepared as part of this year's budget process. McAuley also pointed out that while development is a positive thing for the municipality it does create additional costs. "If we require, for instance, additional equipment because we've grown and we need more, then the development should pay for that additional equip- ment and not the existing tax- payers," he said. McAuley added he has no idea, at this point, how much the development charges will be. "What has to happen is we have to sit down and look at a detailed background studies report and the numbers will conte out of that because the development charges are based on real projects. It's not just what we think it should be." The municipality will have to actually identity growth needs and then put dollar figures to them.'lhen there's it calculation under the Development Charge's Act that leads to a final number. LANDSCAPING AT UNARY Bluewater councillors approved a plan for landscaping around the new Bayfield library at their Ianuat•y 7 council meet- ing. 'elle (:hair of the Friends of the Hayfield Library presented a proposal that has been worked out with her group as well as people from the I [aeon Master Gardent'rs,'lhe Hayfield Garden Club, The Hayfield historical Society and the Hayfield 'Tree Committee. Roma 1 lams also pointed out all they valued from council \VaS permission to pro- ceed with their plan and 1 tams made it clear they %very not look- ing for any financial support. 'there isn't a lot of green space left on the lot tllitt includes the library, lost Office and public lvashrooms but the groups would like to create a small reading gar den behind the library that would Allow people to sit funder some shard' ti'er's and read or use their computers and the VVill that is available there. Harris said a number of fairly large trees had to be removed for the con- struction of the new library so they would like to get some new trees planted as soon as possible. The volunteer clubs will he able to look after most of mainte- nance of the plants and trees and she added, "The point of the design is to have as 10w mainte- nance as possible and a really green site so that the plants we put in are fairly drought toler- ant:' !lards said she hopes the municipality will continue to water their plants in the summer when they water the planters that are o11 Mails Street. The project will take a year or two to complete, but they'd like to get started this spring so they can have a seating area in place for this summer. Harris says the Hayfield Cham- ber of Commerce has also volun- teered to plant some large trees 011 the boulevard in front of the library and she says that will he done as 5(()11 as Bluewater coun- cil approves a drainage project for the Main Street. Council approved their request. CONTINUED FROM > PAGE 2 Throughout the 2012 boating sea- son numerous complaints were received from users of both harbours regarding issues with the depth of the respective harbour channels. 'Ihe most common complaint was related to the depth of the channel ut the mouth of each harbour after storm events and heavy wave action (at the pier in Grand Bend, and at the river mouth in Port Franks). 'These complaints result from an expectation that the channel should be maintained immediately after these events, however this is an expectation that cannot be met. There will always be a lag time after an event to allow wave heights to sub- side to the point where it is safe for Mitol Works to operate. This causes frustra- tion for boaters as the weather may be sunny and warns, but conditions are not suitable for prop washing, Overall Mitol Works has fulfilled the obligations of their contract, and has been readily available and willing to complete extra dredging work on an as requested basis as conditions permit. In 2012 the con- tractor funded additional work to com- plete soundings of the Ausable River at no cost to the municipality. 'Ihe other main complaint that was received during the 2012 season relates to the fact thut the municipality is no longer using the. Northside to maintain the Port Franks harbour. Ir12012 the Northside was removed from service until mild -lune for its four -year main- tenance and certification. 'Ihe North- side drafts 5 feet, and when it was returned to the water the river depth was below 5 feet, which caused the vessel to he inoperable. At the end of the 2012 boating season water levels in the river were close to 3 feet, and they are forecasted to remain low for 2013 (discussed below). As a result, the Northside will not be able to navigate the channel until water levels rise. Maguire said he likes the idea of a local benefit charge, (boaters pay for launching and fuel and this will be added charge) even for the day-trip- pers as they also benefit. Council voted to support the rec- ommendation to expand on the cur- rent contract with Mitio Works by $ 60,000. Charlie Miller has purchased the IMS Dredge unit and they are wait- ing for approval from Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority and the Departtnent of Fisheries for approval of this method. 'Ihe motion of support now moves forward to the 2013 Budget sessions for final approval with a top priority for the January 31st meeting. 'there will be another report on how council will find the additional sources of funding to cover the increase costs to the Harbours Busi- ness llnit, Staff will be looking at sev- eral ways to cover the extra costs asso- ciated with this option and providing council with recommendations. Some of the ideas that will probably he put forward are a general hnprovement levy per slip in the harbours, possibil- ity of collecting dredging donations and issuing tax receipts and/or an increase on the general tax levy. Council is also looking into the possi- bility of forming a I iarbour Commit- tee to assist with long terns planning and development of a harbour main- tenance strategy. HAY MUTOAL Inisurcvuz COMPANY i(1.1('F. OF ANNUM. MEETING Notice is heiehy in% en that the Annual Meeting of the PolieyholdeIs of Hay Mutual Insurance (company will be held at 11uy Mutual Insurance company, 17868 Zurich- 1Iens;►I1 Road, /oriel), t►ntario on 1 hursday, the 71h day of Murch, ?111 1 at 2:00 p.m., tin the following purposes 1. fu recrnr and consider the annual statements for the year ending December 11, 2012; 2. to o►p8Jontt All Auditor lar 2011; 1. Fo elect three 1)jtetInrs liar a three yea! term. 1)ircelurs whose terms expire are John Dowson, Varna, Robot I'ettschy, Crediton and John Van! ro, Clinton all 01' whom ate eligible for re-election, Any pethon w !slung to seek election or re-election a►s n Director nrusl file then intention to stand for electron in writing with the President of the (.'otpolalion at (cast thirty days pito! to the Annual Meeting; 4. To ratify and confirm all resolutions, contacts, acts and proceedings of the Ilourd of 1)ireetors of the Company enacted, node, done or taken since the lust Annual Meeting of the members; 5. Io nonsidei and if thought lit, confiner with or without such variation and amendments as may he made in the meeting, amendment to hy•laws passed by the Directors on 1 ebruury 6th, 21)1 1. A copy of the proposed amendments to the by -lows cern be requested by m►y Policyholder of the ('orlonItinn from the !lend ( )Mice during regular office hours firm 8:10 a 111. to 4:10 p.m. Monday to friday Dated the 16118 day of January 201 1 Ily the order of the Board John 1kiss son, Chairman Shawn 1)un►in, president