Lakeshore Advance, 2013-01-16, Page 10•
Wednesday, January 16, 2013 • Lakeshore Advance 9
Great exchange comes with $40,000 price tag
Lynda HIIIman-Rapley
Lakeshore Advance
While Lambton Shores deputy mayor
would like residents to have a chance to
exchange their Targe item junk the Direc-
tor of Community Services Brent Kittnter
says then, is a huge price tag attached and
councilor 1)ave Maguire brings economic
development into play.
M the September 4, 2012 Lambton
Shores council meeting, Deputy Mayor
Davis-1)agg presented the following
Notice of Motion in regards to the dis-
posal of large waste items that cannot be
handled by curbside collection serv-
ices: 1 ger idea was that one day each year;
only 1 annbton Shores residents may bring
large garbage items to a central municipal
location, namely the Northville service
yard,'1he pIY)gram was mapped out so At
1 pmt, charitable will be permitted to take
whatever items they would like in an
orderly fashion; At 2 pm, lural residents
will he permitted to take whatever items
they would like in an orderly fashion; At 3
pm, residents from outside the munici-
pality will he permitted to take any items
they would like in an orderly fashion; All
retraining items will he taken to the
dump by the municipality, As clear cut as
it looked on paper; mayor Bill Welx'r said
this was not what the people of Lanthton
Shores wen, asking for; instead wanting a
big item pick up where the municipality
picks up your large items at the curb --not
where you have to find a truck and take
your stuff to another community.
In his thorough report Kintner this
project was not included in the 2013 draft
operating.1 le said from experience plan-
ning similar events in the past staff have
identified three main risks for this new
ptr)gr atm: cost overrun, Compliance with
Interim CAO wants concise direction
from Lambton Shores council
Lynda Hillman-Rapley
Lakeshore Advance
At the Litnibton Shores budget meeting
held January 10, the issue of the
Interim CA( ) was discussed. Janet Fergu-
son (who is the Acting (:AO) said there
appeared to be some confusion on how
filling the interim position would be han-
dled and she wants some concise direr
tion before going forward.'Ihis comes on
the coattail of the November 13th dis-
missal of former (:AO John Byrne.
"Based on the resolution passed at the
December 171h, 2012 meeting, I pro
ceeded to contact the Municipal Admin-
istrators Professional Association to
obtain names from their database of per
sons that may be interested in an interim
(:AO position. I issued an entail to those
persons requesting that they submit a
proposal if they are interested in coming
to Lanthton Shores. From the email
request I did receive a couple referrals
and also provided them with the stone
information request. 1 did have one per-
son contact me directly and similarly sug-
gested they submit a proposal. Since the
meeting on Inutility 10th, I have received
one more direct submission," Ferguson
explains to council in the January 14th
agenda. Council's plan was to interview
for a six-month replacement before going
forward to interview for a full time
At the January 10th meeting Council
discussed their Intent to broaden the
search by having the interim position
posted on various websites and advertis-
ing outside of the local arca. Finally a res-
olution was passed directing staff to post
the interim position on the Association of
Municipalities of Ontario AMO and
Lambton Shores website and for staff to
work out a schedule for implementation.
"I am submitting this report to Council
environmental legislation
and Safe work practices.
Presently n,sidents are required
to manage Targe waste item dis-
posal on their own through
arrangements with private con-
tractors or disposal at a land-
fill. Lambton Shores has not pro-
vided large item disposal to its
residents since amalgamation.
Prior to amalgamation, the "linen
of Grand Bend offered curb-
side pickup of large items and the
Town of Bosanquet and the Vil-
lage of 'Medford provided resi-
dents with an "open landfill" day
where their residents could take
wastes including large items to the
to seek further clarification on the intent
and process. 1)(stalled direction would
eliminate the misinterpretation of (:our -
cil's decision.
After some careful consideration on
the next steps for I,:unhton Shores Fergu-
son offered options. "'Phis has been a
rushed p1Yx'ess and I think council needs
to take sante time to fully deliberate and
communicate their intentions for moving
this issue forward to it positive resolution,"
she explained.
She suggested a full discussion would
assist council in determining the most
suitable method for Lambton Shores to
move lot ward. "Again, clear direction to
staff would also ensure that we are not
complicating or delaying the process any
lkerguson said when this process began,
she communicated verbally that she
would commit to the Interim (:AO posi-
tion for a short period of time; however,
long enough to have someone else fill the
position. " 1 trade it clear that I was not
interested in the position and will reaf-
firm my decision on that"
Ferguson's appointment expires on
January 15th, 2013. She said subject to
wish, she is willing to extend her term
to accommodate either the interim posi-
tion or the permanent solution.
"'ghat being said, council must under-
stand that 1 ant not a I Inman Resource
expert and ant limited to my Department
I lead and Finance management skills.
My commitment, in conjunction with the
other Department Head's support
will keep the day to day activities moving
along until the position has been filled on
an interim or permanent basis:'
This discussion Was scheduled to he
part Of Monday's council meeting and
will be further reported on In an upcom-
ing 1,ttkeshorpAti ince,
Watford landfill and these munic-
ipalities would cover the tipping
This option was investigated
after amalgamation, However the
landfill refused the proposal from
the newly formed municipality
due to site restrictions at the land-
fill. curbside collection of large
items was considered a costly pro-
gram an(1 given the geographi-
cally large size of 1 amhton Shores
it was not considered it cost effec-
tive program after amalgamation,
or in the Management Plan. Since
the event will he held on munici-
pal property the municipality is
obligated to ensure that all
persons working at the event are
aware of our health and safety
policies, and work in a safe man-
ner. Due to the nature of the work,
and the need for experience oper-
ating municipal equipment it is
recommended that municipal
operators staff the event. It is esti-
mated that approximately 15 staff
members would be required
in order to operate loaders, unload
vehicles, and safely direct traffic.
The estimated cost for the event
was pegged at $40,(XX). "I his would
represent a 10% increase to the
proposed 2013 Solid Waste
Management Budget.
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